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Outside The Litter Box

Outside The Litter Box

By Nicole Garbanzos

Daily guide on how to live your best life through some girl talk on relationships, modern-day dating, social issues, and everyday life as we know it.
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When Kindness Is No Joke

Outside The Litter BoxMay 01, 2023

Why It's All About Irrepressible Optimism

Why It's All About Irrepressible Optimism

This episode talks about irrepressible, realistic optimism. It discusses real life scenarios where it can be applied and how it can lead you back to mental and emotional stability.
May 27, 202440:04
Why You Can't Just Drink Coffee To Get More Energy

Why You Can't Just Drink Coffee To Get More Energy

This episode talks about energy givers and takers. It discusses how we can be more mindful of how we think and our daily water intakes- and more to avoid feeling drained and have ample amounts of energy.
May 17, 202452:19
What Your Social Life Has To Do With Your Dream Relationship

What Your Social Life Has To Do With Your Dream Relationship

This episode talks about attachment styles and co regulation. It discusses how securely attached people operate and trust their closest circle full heartedly, and how insecure attachments can follow their lead.
May 13, 202445:05
Why Girl World Is The Best Place To Be 🎀

Why Girl World Is The Best Place To Be 🎀

This episode talks about girl world and the wonderful things it brings. It discusses cherished friendships and an abundance of taking care of oneself.
May 09, 202429:02
When Working Hard Means Playing Harder

When Working Hard Means Playing Harder

This episode talks about how to play hard as much as working hard. It discusses all the ways travel, concerts and retail therapy are all things you can do to maintain work ethic and experience less burnout.
Apr 19, 202444:26
What Really Happens When You Leave A Toxic Relationship

What Really Happens When You Leave A Toxic Relationship

This episode talks about everything that happens when you leave a toxic relationship. It discusses how your days become easier and how you become more excited in life.
Apr 07, 202438:12
The Connection Between Fashion, Beauty + Relationships

The Connection Between Fashion, Beauty + Relationships

This episode talks about how fashion and beauty and its connection to our relationships. It discusses self-esteem, self-confidence and how the people we surround with have the ability to impact our self-worth.
Apr 05, 202425:57
When Rejection Is Redirection + Protection

When Rejection Is Redirection + Protection

This episode talks about the things that don't work out in our lives. It discusses how it's the universe's way of protecting you from what could have been a worse outcome.
Mar 18, 202427:36
How Forest Bathing Teaches You To Slow Down Time

How Forest Bathing Teaches You To Slow Down Time

This episode talks about being more present with our time. It discusses all the way to become more present and intentional with what we notice in our surroundings.
Mar 16, 202430:08
Another Thing About Confidence 🌟

Another Thing About Confidence 🌟

This episode is about confidence. It discusses all the ways of how we can gain more confidence through embracing our inevitable ways of being human.
Mar 14, 202441:02
How To Be Emotionally Invincible (The 4 Attachment Styles)

How To Be Emotionally Invincible (The 4 Attachment Styles)

This episode is about the four attachment styles in how we conduct our relationships. It discusses how each one can make us more aware of how to get one step closer to our healthiest connections.
Mar 05, 202442:57
How Forest Bathing Made Me See Setbacks Differently

How Forest Bathing Made Me See Setbacks Differently

This episode talks about forest bathing. It discusses how the ancient Japanese practice teaches how to be more present and learn all the things nature offers us in mind, body and spirit.
Feb 23, 202444:21
Why The One For You Won't Be Anything Like The Rest

Why The One For You Won't Be Anything Like The Rest

This episode talks about a core truth in dating. It discusses how every person we meet is going to be similar except the one who's for us.
Feb 18, 202416:30
The Connection Between Music + Relationships

The Connection Between Music + Relationships

This episode talks about how music can help us decifer whether our relationships and friendships are worthwhile. It discusses all the ways in paying attention to the lyrics you have and currently resonate with.
Feb 04, 202428:25
The Thing About Codependent + Isolating Relationships

The Thing About Codependent + Isolating Relationships

This episode talks about codependency and isolation. It discusses and explores when relationships take a toxic turn and become dependent on each other rather than sharing that dependency and consideration.
Jan 13, 202426:50
When Grief Teaches You To Be Emotionally Well

When Grief Teaches You To Be Emotionally Well

This episode talks about grief and what it's taught me about emotional wellness. It discusses all the ways it has shown me all the coping techniques and lessons I've learned in being vulnerable.
Jan 06, 202438:06
What Oprah Taught Me About Planes And Positivity

What Oprah Taught Me About Planes And Positivity

This episode talks about the law of the universe. It discusses how above every single dark cloud is a bright sunny day.
Jan 04, 202415:39
How To Be BFFs With CEOs

How To Be BFFs With CEOs

This episode talks about the power of networking for career advancement. It discusses all the reasons and ways to network with the right people and why it's important to do for any career path.
Dec 06, 202330:50
When It Was A Carousel Relationship

When It Was A Carousel Relationship

This episode talks about carousel relationships. It discusses all the ways to notice when you've found yourself in one and when to leave it.
Nov 26, 202322:56
How To Love And Honour Another Person In The Best Way

How To Love And Honour Another Person In The Best Way

This episode talks about interracial relationships. It discusses how to honour your potential or current partner's cultural differences in the best way possible.
Nov 11, 202316:10
How Hookups Could Negatively Affect Your Mental Health

How Hookups Could Negatively Affect Your Mental Health

This episode talks about casual relationships and friends with benefits. It discusses how having an insecure attachment style could affect you being in one trying not to get emotionally involved.
Nov 08, 202324:51
It's All About That Victor Mentality

It's All About That Victor Mentality

This episode talks about victim vs. victor mentality. It discusses all the ways of how each mindset makes or breaks you in situations.
Nov 06, 202319:48
It's About Walking Away From Tables That Are No Longer In Service

It's About Walking Away From Tables That Are No Longer In Service

This episode talks about the meaning behind disappointments. It discusses the ways to have enough guts to accept what isn't for us.
Oct 26, 202321:12
When Your Negative Thoughts Ain't Too Shabby

When Your Negative Thoughts Ain't Too Shabby

This episode talks abou the purpose of our negative thoughts and experiences. It discusses and goes the reason behind a negative thought and the wonder in an unpleasant situation.
Oct 14, 202333:57
When Compatibility Makes Chemistry Last Longer

When Compatibility Makes Chemistry Last Longer

This episode talks about the importance of compatibility in a relationship. It discusses the ways of how it can enhance a couple's connection, and how a lack could also break it.
Oct 04, 202332:25
Why You Shouldn't Ditch Your Friends For Your GF/BF

Why You Shouldn't Ditch Your Friends For Your GF/BF

This episode talks about the importance of keeping your social circle while in a relationship. It discusses the secure attachment style and how vital they believe your friendships are what set up romantic relationships for success.
Sep 25, 202321:20
Whoever Makes Your Life Easier Loves You A LOT

Whoever Makes Your Life Easier Loves You A LOT

This episode talks about the true purpose of being in a relationship. It discusses why constant conflict in a partnership may not be the right one.
Sep 21, 202318:04
How To Get Your Own 24/7 Bestie

How To Get Your Own 24/7 Bestie

This episode talks about our relationship with ourselves. It discusses its importance and how great it feels when our bodies get the hang of it.
Sep 11, 202323:03
Are Relationships Supposed To Make You THAT Miserable?

Are Relationships Supposed To Make You THAT Miserable?

This episode talks about whether relationship norms are morally correct. It discusses whether the standard acceptance and dynamics truly contribute to a happy and health relationship.
Sep 11, 202328:17
We Love Someone Who's Good For Our Nervous System

We Love Someone Who's Good For Our Nervous System

This episode discusses what we also need to be mindful of in our romantic relationships. It talks about how being with someone good for our nervous system can also be a step towards long-lasting love.
Sep 04, 202323:20
When Your Therapist Is Your Hype Lady

When Your Therapist Is Your Hype Lady

This episode talks about the importance of overall wellness, mind, body, soul. It discusses all the ways why it's important, and what it could lead to if not taken mindfully.
Sep 02, 202345:06
When Your Mom's Hugs Are Better Than A Lamborghini

When Your Mom's Hugs Are Better Than A Lamborghini

This episode talks about the real meaning of success. It discusses the false narratives of the material and superficial ideals, and highlights how true genuine connection can give us everything we've longed for.
Jul 09, 202336:54
To Any Bereaved Kid Who's Down And Out

To Any Bereaved Kid Who's Down And Out

This episode talks about grief and the future of those who experience it. It offers solace and hope for those who need it.
Jun 28, 202326:17
Why You Can't Just Nap When You're Tired

Why You Can't Just Nap When You're Tired

This episode talks about being well-rested and how to achieve it. It discusses the 7 types of rest, and how a nap isn't enough if you want to feel fully rejuvenated.
Jun 02, 202347:02
When Kindness Is No Joke

When Kindness Is No Joke

This episode discusses the importance of kindness. It talks about how crucial it is to express gratitude to the ones closest to us, and how more than necessary it is.
May 01, 202332:47
When You're The Friend Who Deserves The Frickin Galaxy

When You're The Friend Who Deserves The Frickin Galaxy

This episode discusses friendships. It explores one-sided friendships and how we can better set boundaries for ourselves when dealing with them.

Shukura's Podcast: Growing Through It
Mar 29, 202327:56
Why Older You Is Hotter, Wiser, And Richer

Why Older You Is Hotter, Wiser, And Richer

This episode talks about aging in a more positive context. It discusses the benefits of becoming older for our livelihoods, and why it'll be better for our mental health as well.
Mar 16, 202334:36
Why Failed Plans Rule

Why Failed Plans Rule

This episode talks about the art of surrender. It discusses all the ways into which it makes our lives better in the end.
Feb 27, 202333:28
How to Love People Who've Changed

How to Love People Who've Changed

This episode talks about the positives of change. It discusses how it can truly be for the better in relationships.
Feb 18, 202320:07
Don't Forget To Look Forward To Something Today

Don't Forget To Look Forward To Something Today

This episode is about how to give more hope and enthusiasm to ourselves in times of trouble. It discusses the reasons why it sparks our optimism more than we expect.
Jan 31, 202318:16
How To Have Thicker Skin Without Suppressing or Faking Anything

How To Have Thicker Skin Without Suppressing or Faking Anything

This episode talks about what's behind a tough exterior. It's an even wiser, more curious exterior that holds a different perspective on how they see conflict.
Jan 22, 202350:15
Why Actual Confidence Isn't Thinking You're The Sh*t

Why Actual Confidence Isn't Thinking You're The Sh*t

This episode talks about raw confidence. It discusses what's behind it, where it comes from, and how it's formed.
Nov 25, 202229:09
Why Your Mornings Matter A Lot

Why Your Mornings Matter A Lot

This episode talks about how important our mornings truly are. It discusses ways to better the foundations to our days with a good book or our favourite song.
Nov 24, 202226:00
Why Lovey-Dovey Relationships Don't Last

Why Lovey-Dovey Relationships Don't Last

This episode talks about the fantasy and realities of relationships. It discusses how to decipher between the two, and understand the realities of a relationship aren't all that bad.
Oct 21, 202238:09
How To Keep Your Independence In Love

How To Keep Your Independence In Love

This episode discusses how to avoid codependency in relationships. It also talks about the ways of inserting more indepence into a dynamic union.
Oct 02, 202247:13
Actually, Setbacks Are Low-Key Opportunities

Actually, Setbacks Are Low-Key Opportunities

An episode about the true meaning of opportunity. It discusses the fact that it's everywhere, even in places you may not think to look.
Sep 18, 202216:42
You Kinda Need to Make Mistakes

You Kinda Need to Make Mistakes

This episode is about breaking the negative context that surrounds making mistakes. It not only discusses the beauty in blemish, but also the value it adds to everyday life.
Sep 10, 202221:59
Why Positive People Tend to Make More Money

Why Positive People Tend to Make More Money

This episode is about the principle of optimism, specifically towards the pursuance of financial prosperity and stability. It discusses why it's important to stay positive to stay the course towards the lump sum of our dreams.
Sep 03, 202219:48
Birthdays Are Sacred Period

Birthdays Are Sacred Period

This episode talks about the privilege of getting older. It also discusses how to handle the not-so-great things that happen during your birthday, and evidently come out on top.
Aug 14, 202221:53
When Conversation Starters Guarantee A New Bestie

When Conversation Starters Guarantee A New Bestie

This episode talks about a brand new set of convo starters. It discusses three techniques to try out when meeting new people.
Aug 08, 202223:44