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The FeNO by NIOX® podcast

The FeNO by NIOX® podcast


Welcome to FeNO by NIOX®, the only podcast that will tell you what you need to know about FeNO testing.

FeNO stands for fractional exhaled nitric oxide (NO). Testing FeNO can help with more accurate asthma diagnosis and better management, leading to improved patient outcomes right at the point-of-care.

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How FeNO and spirometry work in asthma care

The FeNO by NIOX® podcastJan 31, 2024

FeNO mission sees thousands of new asthmatics diagnosed

FeNO mission sees thousands of new asthmatics diagnosed

In 2023, a special report was published detailing the results of the Wessex AHSN FeNO Programme in England. The headline statistics were impressive. Thanks to the programme, 58,000 new asthmatics were diagnosed, more than 1,200 additional FeNO testing devices became available to primary care patients, 53% of primary care networks in England had access to FeNO testing as a result and almost 5,000 hours of training were completed over the two-year effort. This episode, we’re looking at the programme and asking: could this success go global? 

May 28, 202407:03
The power of portability: How FeNO came out of the lab

The power of portability: How FeNO came out of the lab

Did you know the world’s first FeNO testing machine was developed by the team behind NIOX®? It was 1.5m tall and 70cm wide! Our cutting-edge technology has come a long way since then. So this time, here’s a little about the story of the FeNO evolution. 

Mar 19, 202403:52
How FeNO and spirometry work in asthma care

How FeNO and spirometry work in asthma care

Fractional exhaled nitric oxide, known as FeNO, testing and spirometry can make a valuable pairing in asthma care. In this episode, we’re looking at how these two pieces of the respiratory puzzle can help to complete the picture.

Jan 31, 202406:20
Just a minute! Why can’t I see an instant FeNO result?

Just a minute! Why can’t I see an instant FeNO result?

Testing a patient’s level of fractional exhaled nitric oxide, known as FeNO, is a valuable tool in asthma diagnosis and management so it’s important to know you can rely on the results.1 In this episode, we’re explaining how FeNO testing with NIOX® makes it possible.

Dec 19, 202303:37
How does nitrate in food affect FeNO?

How does nitrate in food affect FeNO?

We spoke to FeNO expert Professor Kjell Alving about the science behind foods that affect a patient’s level of fractional exhaled nitric oxide, or FeNO. There’s more to it than meets the eye so let’s get started.

Nov 29, 202304:09
The value of FeNO testing in sport

The value of FeNO testing in sport

As athletes strive to achieve their goals, one area of increasing focus is the role of respiratory health in sports performance. Studies show that FeNO testing is one of the tools that can help. FeNO isn’t just for elite performers either. The role of FeNO in the management of daily exercise-induced problems among school children has also been examined. Today, we’re talking about some of the highlights.

Oct 25, 202306:12
How does vaping affect FeNO?

How does vaping affect FeNO?

Research has shown that cigarette smoking can reduce fractional exhaled nitric oxide – or FeNO – by around 60%1but what about vaping? Electronic or ‘e-cigarettes’ have gained significant popularity in recent years as an alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. However, concerns have been raised regarding the potential impact on public health. One aspect of particular interest to the respiratory community is whether vaping affects FeNO levels. In this episode, we explore the evidence.

Sep 29, 202304:33
Why FeNO works better with audio

Why FeNO works better with audio

Devices that measure FeNO have markedly influenced the clinical decision-making of healthcare professionals and helped alter treatment plans for patients with asthma. However, true accuracy and reproducibility of the results depend on various factors, including the proper use of the FeNO testing device. In this episode, we discuss the value of audio guides as part of this process.

Jul 26, 202304:43
Celebrating 25 years of NIOX® with the FeNO story

Celebrating 25 years of NIOX® with the FeNO story

This month marks 25 years of FeNO testing by NIOX®, a company founded by the same scientists who originally discovered its benefits in asthma care.

Jun 12, 202306:11
FeNO for all: our Lead Nurse, Karen Frankland, talks to broadcaster Will Luscombe on World Asthma Day 2023

FeNO for all: our Lead Nurse, Karen Frankland, talks to broadcaster Will Luscombe on World Asthma Day 2023

To mark World Asthma Day, in this episode our lead nurse for education and support, Karen Frankland, talks to broadcaster Will Luscombe to discuss how asthma treatment can be enhanced with the help of FeNO testing.

May 30, 202309:49
Why is FeNO higher in asthma patients?

Why is FeNO higher in asthma patients?

A FeNO level greater than 40 parts per billion – or ppb – means asthma is seven times more likely, making FeNO a useful biomarker in suspected cases. But why is FeNO higher in asthma patients? This episode looks at the science.

Apr 27, 202304:30
How FeNO helps stop the overuse of SABA in asthma

How FeNO helps stop the overuse of SABA in asthma

Over-reliance on short-acting β2-agonists, known as SABA, may indicate poor asthma control. Some people are collecting more than 50 canisters a year when the recommendation is one or two! In this episode, we look at the facts and...

Mar 31, 202306:16
Measuring FeNO – The technology behind NIOX VERO®

Measuring FeNO – The technology behind NIOX VERO®

In this episode, we’re looking at what is important when measuring FeNO levels and how the technology behind NIOX VERO® addresses these needs.

Feb 24, 202305:53
A sensitive issue: Why FeNO is measured in parts per billion

A sensitive issue: Why FeNO is measured in parts per billion

One part per billion. It’s difficult to picture it but this microscopic measure is an intrinsic element of the technology behind FeNO testing and its practical application in asthma care.

Jan 09, 202305:11
Interpreting changes in FeNO results for better outcomes

Interpreting changes in FeNO results for better outcomes

As many people know, FeNO stands for fractional exhaled nitric oxide. Changes in individual FeNO levels provide vital clues to how asthma treatment is working. Interpreting the variations is quite straightforward. This episode looks in detail at using FeNO testing to achieve everyone’s personal best.

Dec 14, 202206:00
What is a “normal” FeNO value?

What is a “normal” FeNO value?

Measuring FeNO is straightforward and gives results at the point-of-care. The American Thoracic Society – known as the ATS – sets out clear cut-off points defining low, normal and high FeNO. But where do you begin?

Nov 08, 202207:06
International FeNO testing guidelines overview

International FeNO testing guidelines overview

FeNO testing has really gained traction over the last five years and thousands of physicians use it every day to improve patient outcomes. Most national and international societies recognise the value of FeNO testing to help achieve more accurate diagnosis and better asthma management, and now include FeNO in their recommendations.

Oct 03, 202207:51
Controlling asthma in pregnancy

Controlling asthma in pregnancy

Symptoms worsen for around a third of pregnant woman with asthma yet many are reluctant to take medication...

Sep 02, 202207:50
Why FeNO and alcohol don’t mix

Why FeNO and alcohol don’t mix

What has the chemical formula KMnO4, is purplish-black when solid and intense pink-purple in solution? It’s potassium permanganate – and it’s a vital part of FeNO testing! But it’s no mixer. This episode looks inside the NIOX VERO® and examines why alcohol is off-limits for FeNO.

Aug 03, 202205:38
The FeNO countdown

The FeNO countdown

All exhalations are not the same when it comes to testing fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). Exhaling for 10 seconds for all adult patients is one of the most important steps. This article looks in detail at why this timing is so central to success.

Jul 05, 202207:14
Managing asthma with FeNO testing to improve patient outcomes

Managing asthma with FeNO testing to improve patient outcomes

In this episode, we talk about fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) and how monitoring their FeNO levels can reduce the impact asthma has on patients’ quality of life.

May 31, 202206:01
How can FeNO help optimise asthma treatment and improve ICS adherence?

How can FeNO help optimise asthma treatment and improve ICS adherence?

We’re talking about treatment for asthma in this episode, specifically inhaled corticosteroids and patient adherence, with a look at how FeNO testing can help.

Apr 27, 202205:48
Can food affect your patients’ FeNO scores?

Can food affect your patients’ FeNO scores?

In this episode, we discuss how certain types of food affect FeNO and what information clinicians can give patients to ensure reliable results.

Apr 04, 202204:42
Interpreting FeNO test results to enhance asthma management

Interpreting FeNO test results to enhance asthma management

Knowing your patient’s FeNO level can help diagnose asthma and improve outcomes. This episode explains how to interpret FeNO test results into meaningful data for patient care, as well as savings for healthcare budgets.

Feb 28, 202206:55
New study shows FeNO testing with NIOX VERO® is not an aerosol-generating procedure (AGP)

New study shows FeNO testing with NIOX VERO® is not an aerosol-generating procedure (AGP)

In this episode of the podcast, we’re looking at a summary of the latest research into pulmonary assessment during the pandemic and how FeNO testing is not an aerosol-generating procedure so it’s safe to continue using.

Nov 30, 202104:53
How regular FeNO testing can help improve patients' quality of life

How regular FeNO testing can help improve patients' quality of life

Asthma exacerbations cause distress and can easily lead to a medical emergency. This episode of the podcast examines the effect that flare-ups can have on patients’ quality of life and how regular FeNO testing can help to reduce the risk.

Nov 22, 202105:33
Can FeNO testing replace induced sputum and blood eosinophils to support asthma diagnosis?

Can FeNO testing replace induced sputum and blood eosinophils to support asthma diagnosis?

In this episode of the podcast, we look at whether FeNO testing can be used as an alternative to sputum and blood eosinophils to support asthma diagnosis.

Nov 22, 202105:44
ERS 2021 - FeNO for the diagnosis of asthma in adults: Friend or foe?

ERS 2021 - FeNO for the diagnosis of asthma in adults: Friend or foe?

One of the key moments at ERS 2021 came in the form of a friendly and informative debate: FeNO* for the diagnosis of asthma in adults: Friend or foe?1 Dr Iñigo Ojanguren Arranz, from the Respiratory Department of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, outlined the reasons he considers FeNO a friend. Head of Pneumology and Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Liège, Renaud Louis, gave a rebuttal, asserting his thoughts on why FeNO might be a foe.

Oct 28, 202105:11