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Now I See Podcast

Now I See Podcast

By Kit McCarty

Now I See is a gathering place for people to engage, educate and elevate by sharing eye-opening experiences through interviews, podcasts, blogs, artwork, teaching videos, music and more.
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Angela Giessner, LifeLine for Families, Inc

Now I See PodcastSep 16, 2021

Sarah Beth, Adoptive Mother

Sarah Beth, Adoptive Mother


On this special Mother’s Day episode, Sarah Beth triumphs over leukemia, infertility and the heart-break of wondering if she would ever be chosen to be an adoptive mother.


After being on the journey that I’ve been through, I see myself stronger and more independent than I was before. I learned along the way how to rely on God more through the hardest times. It grew my marriage. We have seen God truly work miracles.

My doctors were shocked. They had never seen anything like this. I looked at them and told them, “I serve a big God. Only he can do that.”

We took pictures of all of us together so I could show her, “These are all the people who have loved you from Day 1, and will continue to love you.”

I always knew I would be a mom. And I always had a heart for adoption. Did it turn out the way I thought? No, it turned out better.

It will be the hardest thing you could do, but God will give you strength and help you do what you need to do.

God is always with you, even in the hardest, darkest days, when you think “There's no way we're getting out of this!” and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

God has shown us that He is truly much bigger than anything we could want or need.


Early Childhood Intervention:

Aggieland Adoptions:



Production Notes and Info

Now I See

Headset Radio

May 05, 202234:36
Rebecca Salazar, Counselor and Coach
Apr 28, 202240:54
David Mast, Facing Fear

David Mast, Facing Fear


David Mast faces his fears head-on. Don’t miss his powerful pointers for facing your fears too, this week on Now I See.


I worked to overcome my fear of heights by climbing to the top of the silo literally every single night, just to prove to myself I could do it.

Fears can keep you safe, or they can cripple you and get in the way of accomplishing something important.

Fear might still be in the back of your head, but it doesn’t have to cripple you. When you understand yourself and why you’re fearful of things, it can really help think through things so that they don’t hold you back.

It’s OK if you make mistakes. I want you to make mistakes because that’s the way you learn.

You're scared. It’s 100% OK. Your fear has value. There's a reason you’re scared of this. It’s a natural response; it's a good thing. And there are ways to conquer this.

The reason you’re not having fun, and the reason you feel like you’re failing is because you’re doing it for the wrong reason. You’re doing it for yourself. Just change the reason you’re doing it.

When I say I’m conquering fears, I haven't actually conquered them (as in, ‘they're not my fears anymore and I made them go away’); I've just learned to not allow them to cripple me. I conquer them to the effect they’re not the thing that runs my life.

It’s not going to do much good to face a fear until you know why. This purpose is more important than the fears you have. Once you have a sense of purpose, you have a reason to conquer your fears.

Identify your fear and start chipping away at it. It doesn’t have to be dramatic. Take small steps and build on that, and focus on your end goal.





Production Notes and Info

Now I See

Headset Radio

Apr 21, 202231:25
Now I See Year One Celebration

Now I See Year One Celebration


Don’t miss the birthday celebration of the Now I See podcast with candid talk from host Kit McCarty, and highlights from the past 50 shows.


We sat in our make-shift studio—aka the kitchen table—microphones and glasses of ice tea between us, and started talking.

What began as a simple 5-minute mic check, turned out to be a delightful 30 minutes of conversation that would not only become one of our first episodes, but would set the tone for all the episodes that followed.

Each guest was bringing something deeply personal to the microphones. The stories they wanted to tell were so much better than the stories I asked them to tell, or the stories I thought I wanted to hear.

Mistakes are necessary ingredients for the kind of success we wanted to have, the kind of organization we were only beginning to dream about.

Over and over again, we’ve heard from guests, everyday people who faced surprising and seemingly insurmountable challenges, and triumphed over them, because they dared to take a risk.

You can do hard things. There are people all around you doing hard things, and they are making a difference right where they are. You can do it too. Whatever you are facing, you can do this.


Let’s link all the previous shows:

Linda Whitman (#1, #26)

Izzy (#2)

Glenn Cato (#3)

Dave Arden (#4, #35)

Becky Pullum (#6)

Stephanie Sloane (#9)

Brenda Milum (#13)

Graci Hansen (#15)

Trent Parker (#19)

Angela Giessner (#22)

Jenny Garrison (#33)

Tina Davis (#42)

Rebecca Reiff (#48)

We also referenced:

Pat Flynn

Headset Radio

Chosen to Speak

Hub for Humanity (which apparently has had a name-change):

LifeLine Shelters

Production Notes and Info

Now I See

Headset Radio

Apr 14, 202225:47
Jan Tijmes, Spiritual Awakening

Jan Tijmes, Spiritual Awakening


Jan Tijmes’ recovery from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abuses is miraculous in every way. Be amazed at his candor. Some portions of this show may be unsuitable for younger audiences.


It takes a lot of courage to see oneself and to be willing to see things and walk through the healing fire to know that you are valuable and worthy.

I always held on to the hope that I could be loved.

When something traumatic happens in our childhood, we first move into a place of denial or blaming, which leads to victimhood and resentment.

With codependence, it’s difficult to see function and dysfunction, because you don’t really see the use of a substance. It’s really how the familiar patterns of sin begin to form.

I never had attention as a child; no one looking into my eyes, looking into my soul, showing me I had worth and value by giving me their time.

No longer would I have that desire to drink again. What I didn’t realize was that God had only removed the 8% of the iceberg that floats above the surface, and the 92% below the surface was the pain in my heart that I still had to deal with.

For anyone struggling with addictions, what's really happening is God is saying, “I'm calling you home. You are no longer a spiritual orphan. I want to be #1 in your life. Seek Me first.”

Codependence is the absence of love, like being in hell. It’s hell on earth.

Today I can tell you that I am a child of God. I am very much loved, I am valuable in the kingdom of God. I’m worthwhile, I'm a success. He cares for me. I know these things and they are starting to come into my heart for the first time in my life.


Alcoholics Anonymous

Restoring Wholeness



Production Notes and Info

Now I See

Headset Radio

Apr 07, 202242:54
Joel Salazar, Musician
Mar 31, 202238:38
David Witt, Spirit of Martyrdom

David Witt, Spirit of Martyrdom


David Witt, CEO of Spirit of Martyrdom, tells eye-opening accounts from his own international adventures and from people around the world who are persecuted for their Christian faith.


What we do in our mission work is internationally serve leaders who risk much for Jesus.

Anything good that you see in me truly is my testimony of what God has done in maturing me, and what I have experienced of His grace, love and wisdom through His Word.

It’s not so surprising that my father, who was saved in an Islamic, unreached, persecuted nation, would have a son who serves persecuted believers.

My wife plans my funeral every time I go on a trip. I laugh and tell her not to; I can only possibly die once.

When I was in Iraq, every day, all day long, we would hear gunfire in the distance. Every night instead of counting sheep I was counting bullets, yet I had peace, and I slept well.

If we are just pursuing adventure, that’s dangerous; but if we are pursuing God’s risks, then we’re in the safest place in the world.

Bitterness and hatefulness was a choice, but somehow they chose to release it, and speak a blessing, and God gives peace and heals their hearts.

It’s time to  consider diversifying the kingdom portfolio to go where the greatest need and the greatest return on investment is, where people are responding to the gospel today.”


Promise Keepers

Voice of the Martyrs


God’s Global Grace Movement (in paperback, digital and audio)

Fearless Love in the Midst of Terror

SOM: (in paperback, digital and audio)

Fearless Love in the Midst of Terror

SOM: (in paperback, digital and audio)

Amazon :

Witness Development Evangelism Workbook:


AtRisk Radio podcast:

Victorious, by Deann Alford : 


Spirit of Martyrdom International Phone Number: 928-634-1419 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 101, Clarkdale, AZ 86324

Production Notes and Info

Now I See

Headset Radio

Mar 24, 202236:22
Becky Reiff, Healing for the Brokenhearted
Mar 17, 202231:33
Jason Curry, Fostering and Adopting

Jason Curry, Fostering and Adopting


Jason Curry, president of the Texas Baptist Home for Children, tells about his family’s journey with fostering and adoption and invites you to help children in crisis.


I love being a dad, and I love being God’s son.

To have a mom and dad that remain faithful to each other to this day is a big blessing for me. It was a love for God that did that, not the love they had for each other or the human commitment level they were able to maintain. It was a supernatural commitment.

Foster care is like being a firefighter: you get in, do the job you're supposed to do, and get out. Your job isn’t necessarily to be in the hospital or helping with recovery. Foster parenting is emergency parenting. You have one job as a foster parent: love on them and introduce them to Jesus.

Our house was full. We had three bedrooms with three kids in each room. The oldest was 8 years old; there were two school-aged kids, and the rest were in preschool.

Every child deserves a daddy, and every child deserves a heavenly father. When I say ‘every child deserves a daddy’, I mean God gave a need in every child's life for a mom and father. There are some very special exceptions, and exceptional people that meet that need too.

When we have little girls come into care, and there has been a daddy that did them wrong or a bad man in the house, sometimes the most valuable thing is a single mother.

Two families walked into court, and one walked out. You can’t ask for better.

Our hearts have to be big enough to love people. When we love people, their presence is not required. There are people I love that are no longer on this earth, but in heaven. There are people that are geographically out of reach, and I love them. Our hearts have to be big enough for that.

Brokenness is scary for us. Accepting your weaknesses doesn’t make you a strong person, but it does make you a courageous person. We need people of courage.


Texas Baptist Home for Children

Facebook, Instagram @TBHCFosterAdopt

Bringing Kids Home Podcast

Hope Local

Amazon Wish List

First Steps Meeting Online Event: Tuesday, March 15, 2022; 6:00-7:30. Call or click to register.


Production Links

Now I See:

Headset Radio:

Mar 10, 202242:16
Rik Danielsen, Author
Mar 03, 202237:40
Bruce Lovesmith, History Teacher

Bruce Lovesmith, History Teacher


Bruce Lovesmith shares his love of people, history, cultures, and Jesus on this week’s episode of Now I See.


It’s always what life is, it’s always what history is, it’s always what any job is; the greatness of everything is bound in the greatness of people.

We get into processes, paradigms, programs, and how we can do things better and better. But the core is people, how we motivate people, how we listen to people, and how we encourage them. I want to do my best to encourage people.

I just started watching nice people, godly people, good people and imitating them. I'm just going to do it until it becomes a part of me.

My mother was a teacher. I told myself, ‘When I grow up, one thing I'm never ever going to be is a teacher,’ and that's exactly what I am today. Be careful what you say you're not going to do.

I was there in the last year of the Soviet Union, when Ukrainian independence was building. I’ve been thinking about it very powerfully, about what's happening right now as Russian troops are on the border of Ukraine.

Autocrats don't want people to think. They are bullies, and they don’t want people to know. That’s the power of knowledge, the power of history. We need to think. We need to know when there’s an autocrat on the stage or a bully about to take the show.

We control the wheel. If we are asleep at the wheel, we get what we get.


Baylor University:

Texas A&M University of Central Texas:

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary:




Production Links

Now I See:

Headset Radio:

Feb 24, 202235:24
Jorja Clemson, City Leader

Jorja Clemson, City Leader


City leader Jorja Clemson talks about why she loves her city, and what she’s doing to help others love it too.


It's such a wonderful blessing to be active, alive and able to contribute.

Not only do we get an opportunity to love on our neighbors, but we get to keep our community beautiful. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Just give it a try. Start somewhere. Go for it.

It's such a wonderful feeling after you've been involved and been able to make a difference for someone else. You’ll want to do it again.

There are a lot of people who have great ideas, great hearts and don't know where to go or what to do. Go to the city leaders, find people with the same mindset, people who are already involved and have a heart for service. Those are the people you go to.

I believe in the power of prayer.  First and foremost, I want the Lord’s blessing on whatever it is, that He’ll open the doors that I need and that I would be wise enough to be listening and take His lead on that.

I have learned through the years that if the good Lord calls you to do something, He is going to enable you to do that, and put the right people in your path, and surround you with people who will encourage you.

People who don’t know what pickleball is, I’m sad for them. Pickleball is my passion.

I love meeting new people and making new friends. Now I have my real family, I have my city family, I have my church family and I have my pickleball family.

The heart says so much; it shows love, expressions of kindness, and unity. It just brings a smile to your face, thinking of hearts.


City of Grand Prairie:

The Summit:

The Epic:

Chicken N Pickle:

The Big Event in Grand Prairie: ​​

The Big Event at TAMU:

Kids, Inc.

Heart Art Project:


City Hall: 972-237-8022,


Production Links

Now I See:

Headset Radio:

Feb 17, 202230:16
R.V. Baugus, Finding Love Again

R.V. Baugus, Finding Love Again


R.V. Baugus talks about finding love in life, in God, people, writing and sports.


“If you're going to be a journalist, you have to interview people. It's important to have people skills, empathy and compassion for people you're talking to.

We’d all be better to shed a few more tears, there have been many of those that have poured out of my eyes over the years. We are given tears for all seasons and all reasons.

My parents would have been fine if I’d dropped out of school. I went down a different track. I wanted more.

We know God would do nothing to hurt us. But it hurt.

I came to the realization that I am not being picked on or singled out. Each and every one of us has gone through grief in some form.

There's often a point of genesis where something begins that steels you–hardens you–for future grief, for losses that you're going to encounter.

When God is at work, there’s nothing accidental. The things that are truly tragic in our lives, in the end, are still made to bring glory and honor to God.

Don’t give up. Once you give up, you're defeated. It’s a desolate place to be. It’s an unhealthy place to be. It’s a lonely place to be. How many people that predate us did not give up? We have those examples. I want to be an example for others.


International Association of Venue Managers

Venue Professional Magazine

Saint, Servant, Soulmate: The Loving Legacy of Tanya Baugus

Coaches Outreach

Jim Valvano “Never Give Up”

Storm Dorm



Production Links

Now I See:

Headset Radio:

Feb 10, 202243:38
Tina Davis, Unconditional Love
Feb 03, 202231:56
Caryn Clark, Trauma Bakes

Caryn Clark, Trauma Bakes


Caryn Clark tells how humor and her love of baking helped her cope with trauma and led to her online baking business, Trauma Bakes


I learned early on how good it feels to laugh really hard. It’s a great release.

I just feel the need to make light of things I can't process or change. I need to have humor in order to survive.

Any time you mess up or fail, you should definitely joke about it. I’m always looking for ways to make fun of what's going on.

I've always managed to have, even in hopeless moments, some hope that this will not last, it will get better, and I will laugh again.

I love to entertain. I love to have people over, feed them, and laugh with them.  That’s where I get some of my greatest joys in life.

I opened my doors for other people to come in, especially young people. I hope that what they got was feeling loved on and valued.

I wasn't perfect. [Life] was messy, and I owned it. I would love to see everybody doing that.

Whether it’s sourdough or baker’s yeast bread, I talk to my bread. It's alive. You have to talk to it. It needs love to grow.

For me, baking is something that brings me joy. It’s a creative process for me. There is a reward at the end of what I’ve accomplished.

It's important that we are really kind to each other because we are all going through this [pandemic induced trauma] at the same time.





Now I See:

Headset Radio:

Jan 27, 202233:46
Kathy Andrews, Survivor
Jan 20, 202232:57
Amy Aupperlee, Women’s Pastor

Amy Aupperlee, Women’s Pastor

Show notes

Women’s pastor Amy Aupperlee tells about her passion to see women find truth, freedom and community.

Show quotes

I want to see people unleashed from something that is false. I want them to be released in truth–not how they see themselves, or how they are expected to be, but how God sees them.

I made the mistake of believing what people told me because it was told to me, not because I explored it on my own.

Relying on tradition, or relying on another person to help, or being who we are supposed to be is not going to be enough.

That just seemed to fit in with somebody’s expectations of me, and I love to operate outside of people’s expectations, on purpose.

The more we learn about other cultures, peoples and ethnicities, the more we learn about God.

You don’t realize your capacity for love and sacrifice until you have a child.

Two things I've learned most about being a mom are release/surrender and humility. How interesting that those are the two things the Lord clearly teaches us over and over!

Ann Voskamp said, “The most powerful gift you can give to God is not your gift, but your yes.”

We do not do this in a vacuum. We rub up against each other and learn from each other because all the perspectives give us a better, more accurate picture of God.

The best communities are integrated with [people] of all different ages and all different backgrounds.


Irving Bible Church

Dallas Theological Seminary

E3 Partners Ministry/I Am Second


Bible Study Fellowship


Production Now I See:

Headset Radio:

Jan 13, 202242:47
Deann Alford, Journalist

Deann Alford, Journalist


Kit McCarty invites Deann Alford to tell the miraculous story of a former hostage who helped broker peace and bring freedom in the war-torn country of Colombia.


I'm called to write. My mandate is moving people to pray, give, go, take action, listen to God, and do what He says.

Obeying God is a risk. I don’t want to miss my destiny by holding back. I do not want to miss out on what He created me to do.

We’re not here to play it safe. If God tells you to do something, do it. I’m going to do whatever it is.

What is Jesus calling you to do? It is something you won't be able to do without Him. It’s scary.

God is always asking HIs people to take a risk. Do it terrified. Trust him. Trust God with your very life.

If peace can come to the world's darkest places, it can happen anywhere. Period. There is no place where Jesus can not go.”


Victorious: The Impossible Path to Peace

Amazon: ​​

Barnes & Noble:

Open Door International:

Ray Rising:

Wycliffe Bible Translators


Prison Fellowship ​​






Now I See:

Headset Radio:

Jan 06, 202231:33
Jodie Niznik, Podcaster, Author

Jodie Niznik, Podcaster, Author

Kit McCarty invites fellow podcaster Jodie Niznik to talk about her show, So Much More: Creating Space for God.


The #1 thing we can do is carve out space for God. You need to have space, practices in your life, to slow down and meditate in God’s Word, savor God’s Word, let it roll around in your mind in a slower way, so that we’re not just reading for information, but formation.

God’s Word has been transformative in my life, and it is important to me to share it with others; I see myself as a guide into God’s Word. The study of God’s Word is incredibly important.

I’m spending a lot of time these days, doing these podcasts, having conversations around how God is showing up in our lives in a real way right now, and what He’s teaching us.

When I finally started to get into Christian community in college, I started to study God’s Word, and I discovered God for who He really is, and not who I thought He is.

Truth brings freedom, and lies bring bondage.

When we are given gifts and opportunities, we are called to steward those things, not hide our gifts under a rock, but to actually cultivate them.

It’s being open to what the Spirit wants to teach us instead of imposing our own ideas on life, on God’s Word, or what we think He wants.

It is always a beautiful experience for me when the Spirit shows up.


Podcast: So Much More: Creating Space for God (Lectio Divina and Scripture Meditation) 


Jodie Niznik Author Page on Amazon :

Jodie Niznik Author Page on ChristianBook:


Now I See:

Headset Radio:

Dec 30, 202137:45
Linda Jenkins, All Things Christmas

Linda Jenkins, All Things Christmas


Linda Jenkins tells about her love of all things Christmas, and why they are so important to her.


I want to help. I love to care for people. I love to cook for people. I hate to disappoint anybody.

Growing up I couldn't stand not to know what I was getting for Christmas, so I would find my present hidden in the basement, and unwrap it to see what it was, and wrap it back up.

On Christmas morning, we had birthday cake as we sang happy birthday to baby Jesus. That was an important part of our Christmas.

You don't have to spend a lot of money. People just want to be remembered. Even if it is only a tin of cookies, you've taken the time to get something, sign a card, and take it to them.

Christmas is all about family, friends, the birth of Jesus, and letting people know how much you care about them.

We have nine trees total. I'm hoping somebody will buy me another tree, because I promised my husband that I wouldn't buy another one.

I have 238 Santa Clauses. They are all ‘my favorite’. We’re having a [White Elephant] gift exchange this year, and I will fight to take another one.

Look at [Santa]! He smiles and grins all the time. Every child that walks in here, no matter what age they are, is thrilled to see all these Santas. He makes everyone happy.

You're the only person who knows if it's not perfectly the way you planned it. All they know is that you are the hostess and you have welcomed them in.

Don't stress over Christmas! Just have fun! Enjoy! Always remember that we’re only celebrating Christmas because Jesus Christ was born.


Grand Prairie Homeless Outreach Organization


Now I See 

Headset Radio 

Dec 23, 202139:11
Dave Arden, Author/Speaker (Encore)

Dave Arden, Author/Speaker (Encore)

Dave Arden, author and speaker, returns to update us on the growth of Chosen to Speak, his recent trip to Russia, and about groups forming around the world.


You never know what God is going to do next.

Moscow is so dynamic. It's a booming city, an historic city. I don’t think you can overstate the distinctive culture and city. We really want to go back to Moscow and continue what we started there.

We want to help people, and come alongside them to help them find confidence in their leadership voice.

We're not just here to teach and train, but we're learning, ourselves. We’re learning from others in their context.

I'm hoping to get to Africa next year and see what God’s doing out there firsthand.

We want women on our team, women on our board. We are excited about giving women an opportunity to be heard. We want to champion women.

This is a recovery ministry. We weave the gospel through the story of Moses’ redemptive mission to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. God redeems, delivers and restores those who are broken and hurting from the bondage of sin.

You need to learn to speak; you need to learn to grow. It’s tough. Here’s your chance to step forward.

We’re providing a safe place to grow together, to learn together, expand our capacity, confront our fears, look at our opportunities, get our reps, and become better speakers.

There’s something sacred about the fact that God has given us a voice–a unique voice. To find that voice and to find confidence is life-changing.


If you are interested in finding out more about Chosen to Speak, either as a client or coach, visit: or

For copies of the book, Chosen to Speak, visit: or

Now I See 

Headset Radio 

Dec 16, 202135:21
Debbie Sims, GriefShare

Debbie Sims, GriefShare

Kit McCarty and GriefShare group leader Debbie Sims, offer help to people in recovery as they navigate the holidays.


[Having recently lost her mother, father and brother]: I am on the same journey as the participants.

Grief work is hard work.

If people are really sincere about getting help and finding a program, GriefShare is a great place to go.

There will always be triggers and emotions that come with grief. But God is by our side, and He walks with us on the path to help get us through it.

You are on a journey. You can't go around it, or over it, or under it; you have to go through it to get to the other side. It's not easy.

Make a plan. Give yourself grace. Don't get stuck; move forward.

No grief journey is the same.

Sometimes we have to step back before we can move forward.

Grief is the price we pay when we lose someone we love.

Pain from the grief lessens, but it’s always there; it's always a part of you. It's like a tree that's been wounded: the bark heals around the wound. The wound is there, but it's different. The pain is there, but it’s different. As you travel the journey further down, then it's not so intense as when it first happened.

Turn to God, He understands. Even if you are angry and hurt, God’s there and He’s not going to leave you.

Thank God for that person. Thank God for the opportunities to have that person with you and the memories you share together.

We’re all on a journey. I’m thankful the Lord is with us on the journey. He brings us comfort and hope, and He’s ready to help us along the way.



Project Linus 

Wreaths Across America 


Debbie’s GriefShare group

Now I See 

Headset Radio 

Dec 09, 202136:59
Jenny Garrison, Pastor’s Wife, Mother of a Special Needs Child

Jenny Garrison, Pastor’s Wife, Mother of a Special Needs Child

Kit McCarty invites Jenny Garrison to tell of her adventures as a pastor’s wife and the mother of a special needs child.


My childhood made me tough. You have to be tough and not care what other people think.

[Life is about] learning how to give up the things that are comfortable to you, and to embrace what God has in front of you in the moment.

When people are in your home, it doesn't matter how well you do anything, how nice your home is, how nice your dishes are, or how well you cook. The number one focus is on the person. Listen. Be aware of what they need in the moment.

Allow yourself time to grieve and to be frustrated. Then very quickly, ask God to help you embrace the time you are there, because you don’t know how long you’ll be there. Lean in to fully take advantage of things in front of you.

God is going to put you in some uncomfortable situations, and it’s ok, because He is going to redeem everything for later, even the uncomfortable situations. You better learn to deal with the uncomfortable, because that is going to be in your life a lot!

You're never going to feel completely comfortable or competent in anything you do.

I was standing [in a room full of fashionable women] in my pajamas. I’m thinking, “I’m just not the one to be doing this. I don’t know what I’m doing. I can’t even dress myself right.” Learn to laugh. Realize everyone else has had their “pajama moments” too.

We’re all in this together,  so just get over yourself.

People say, “I don't care whether it is a boy or a girl, just as long as it’s healthy.” Well, for a lot of people, what if it’s not? Then what? My life is going to be terrible? The baby’s life is going to be terrible? What?! I just want to hug people that have special needs children and say to them, “You’re on a different journey. It is an extraordinary one, and it can be extraordinarily amazing. It makes you, your children, everybody in your family, and those around you different because you have been in it. And that’s extraordinary too.

You can read all the parenting books you want, but every child is different; every challenge is different.

If you know somebody that has a special needs child, say a prayer for them. They don't need your advice. Give them a smile, give them a pat on the shoulder, whatever you can do to encourage them, because this is a tough journey.

People with special needs are not to be ignored, but acknowledged, respected and valued.

Jenny Garrison @

Now I See 

Headset Radio 

Dec 02, 202139:11
Kathleen Irish, Author
Nov 25, 202116:37
Margot Quinn, Holiday Cooking

Margot Quinn, Holiday Cooking

Kit McCarty welcomes Margot Quinn, Pampered Chef consultant, to share recipes, tips and tools to make your holiday gatherings easier and more joy-filled.


Who doesn’t love a good tool? I love a good tool that makes me feel like I can cook.

A favorite tool works just great, it’s reliable, and if you carry it around, it could be used as a weapon.

You really feel accomplished if you make your own pizza dough.

Time is my main ingredient. How soon can I be consuming this food?

I have a resource and it’s me.

You have to get the kids into the kitchen and turn the responsibility to be fed over as soon as possible. Everybody needs to cook, everybody needs to eat.

If people want to help, let them help.

Food is so sensory. It’s all of our senses. It feels good, it tastes good, it looks good, it smells good.

Do the work when you have the time and energy. Anything that can be prepared ahead, do it now.

Try to enjoy the day, because it goes so fast. Just don't let the holiday get you down.

It's all in the way you come at something. Your attitude can be ‘It’s an upcoming burden’, or ‘It's going to be a fabulous time, no matter what.’

It’s not the food, it's the gathering, it’s coming to the table, memories made at the table--hopefully all good ones.


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Nov 18, 202144:29
Susan Payne, Blue Star Mother

Susan Payne, Blue Star Mother

In this special Veteran’s Day episode, Susan Payne, a Blue Star Mother, talks about the joys and sorrows unique to military families.


All of us are called to service; some serve in uniform, the rest of us should be serving here supporting them.

We have a saying: My son has many brothers, so I have many sons. That is true. You become a big family.

Once you are a Blue Star Mother, you are always a Blue Star Mother. Unless you become a Gold Star Mother.

Either you're going through something right now, or are about to go through it. Just having somebody to encourage you goes a long way.

I teach my kids if they see somebody in uniform to say ‘thank you’, because freedom is never free. I want them to be appreciative of the sacrifices that have been made for them and for me.

I talked to him for a few minutes, and then I hung up and I sobbed because he was ok; but there was another mother, and her son was not ok.

You hear of casualties, of wounded, of accidents. Most people are oblivious to it; it's just another bit of news. But to a military family, we stop, we listen, we grieve, because we all know if it’s not ours, it could be, and it is somebody else’s. It's not just a news story, it's a person.

People say, “I don't know how to help.” Everybody can help. Everybody can pray. Anyone can send a care package. Everyone can thank them. We owe them all.

They are serving for YOU. They are sacrificing for YOU.

When somebody comes back, whether they look like they’ve been wounded--they’re all wounded. All their scars aren't visible. They see and have to do things and have been places that we couldn’t even dream of.


Blue Star Mothers 

American Gold Star Mothers 





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Nov 11, 202135:21
Cindy Fritz, Artist
Nov 04, 202137:09
Kristi Arrington, Gift Drive Coordinator

Kristi Arrington, Gift Drive Coordinator

Kit McCarty welcomes Krisit Arrington, a Christmas Gift Drive coordinator for foster children at a central Texas Home for Children


I’m the person you can count on. If I say I'm going to do it, I’m going to do it. Whatever it takes, I’m going to get it done.

How do you say, “We’re only going to help these kids, but not those other kids?” We couldn’t. We took them all.

God just puts you in the right place sometimes.

I believe, if they asked for it, we need to get it. These kids are not in a good situation, and these kids need to get everything on their Christmas list.

Think about what goes into toy drive bins. Nothing goes into the bins for 13, 14, 15, 16 year olds. In general, those kids just get overlooked at Christmas.

The first thank you notes I got were sent to me at work. I’m bawling like a baby. I asked the other women in the office to read these so they can cry with me, because I'm not crying alone. That's not happening.

People need to realize how many of these kids there really are, and they’re right in our backyard. When you pick up your kids from school, and you see them all coming out, I promise you there’s a handful of kids in the foster system. You just don't know who they are.

I hope that someday they don’t need us. I love to help, but I want them to call and say, “We don’t need your help because we don’t have any kids that need your help.” That's what I want to happen.


Texas Baptist Home for Children


Email Kristi Arrington

Text Kristi Arrington : Use Code TBH to get info about how you can help

Get in touch on Facebook.: Use Code TBH.


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Oct 28, 202128:57
Dick Woodward, Restaurateur

Dick Woodward, Restaurateur

Kit McCarty welcomes octogenarian Dick Woodward to talk about his life and the lessons he’s learned along the way. Hear about his experiences as a business owner, his family and friends, his interests, and his dreams for the future on this episode of Now I See.


I don’t understand why people don’t hug more. Some of the best friends I have, I want to give them a hug every time I see them.

My mother once told me, ‘Dick, I hope you never get in the food business.’ She knew how difficult it was.

The most rewarding thing about the restaurant business is to see people walk through your door, and leave with a smile on their face.

Working with my wife has been--for the most part--very, very good. She ran the office; I ran the operations. There were times we crossed over. We’d get mad and butt heads, but we didn’t take it home with us. We worked well together. Without her support, we never would have made it.

If you're going to get ahead in life, you have to take some chances.

Just because your wife is a good cook doesn't mean you will have a successful restaurant.

My wife and I want to help the people who work for us. They are the people who made us successful. We've always treated our people good. We've gotten loyalty in return.

Do what you have to do.

I see people today who have nothing in their life to do in their retirement. Take up a hobby. Learn something new. Work a jigsaw puzzle. Read. Listen to music. There is always something you can find to do.

Children mean more to me than anything in my life. I hope I live another 10-20 years so I can see them grow up. I just love children! They are the  greatest. I like old people too. I am one myself, but I don’t feel old. I still think young.

I love keeping in touch with friends. That's just something I want to do. My friends mean so much to me.


Dicks Uptown Cafe


Dick Woodward


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Oct 21, 202136:14
Linda Whitman (Encore), Educational Advocate
Oct 14, 202133:16
Jim Wilson, Headset Radio

Jim Wilson, Headset Radio

Kit McCarty and Now I See’s technical director Jim Wilson of Headset Radio, talk about start-ups and starting over, success and failure, and the rewards of giving and getting help.


I accept the fact that I'm a nerd. I have a different point of view in the world than most other people.

I have a long list of things that I’ve broken. From tinkering with toys, to computer parts, to operating systems and the technical side of everything, to servers; there's a long list of things that I have tinkered with, broken and fixed.

You’re fixing things that are broken. You realize it's broken and no one is going to fix it. You are the only one who has the interest to fix it.

I love doing this kind of stuff. It's fun because I get to do stuff and teach people things. It's fulfilling to teach someone something and to see them learning. Every client I've worked with, I’ve taught them something new.

If you fail, it’s OK. If you break something, it's OK. If something goes wrong, it’s OK. It’s not the end of the world, and you can bounce back from it. You're OK, and everything is going to work out. Failure is an option.

I know a handful of people who lost their jobs during covid, and they took the opportunity to work on themselves. They took the time to figure out what and who they are, and how they want to be in life. For them, it was a blessing in disguise.

Make a space for you that makes you happy and lets you be you. Do what you like, what works for you, something that brings you joy.

The hardest part is getting yourself out there and getting started.

It’s OK to not be OK. If you're having issues, reach out. There are so many resources for people who need help. If you have an inkling that a friend is having issues, reach out to them.


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Oct 07, 202133:04
Ted Vanlandeghem, The Unexpected Journey

Ted Vanlandeghem, The Unexpected Journey

Kit McCarty welcomes Ted Vanlandeghem, the US Spokesperson for Maoz Israel, to talk about being a Messianic Jew in international outreach, and what it means to journey in the land of the unexpected.


God has been at the forefront of my journey from the very beginning, guiding me in a supernatural way, to bring His Good News to people around the world, including the people in Israel.

When you look back you can see how God was moving.

I am a Jewish believer in Jesus, and I have a responsibility to share His message with my people.

“You are no longer to toil in things of no eternal consequence. Your hands have been set apart for a holy occupation.”

Muslims need to hear the message of Jesus, but they need compassion too. It blows their mind that Jewish Christians not only want to tell them about Jesus, but want to know them, and show them love, and protect them and help them.

God does little things, which are to me the big things. God has taken me on this journey of the unexpected.

The Lord spoke in my heart, “Ted I brought you this way to show you I'm the God of the 50¢. Everything you need I have provided or will provide for you. You just need to trust me, and let go, and release it all to me. Even when it doesn't make sense, completely and utterly put all of your trust in me.”

We didn’t ask anybody for help, but God knew the need. Before we spoke or prayed, He put it on somebody’s heart in a crazy way. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it is true.

Let go of control, and let the Lord steer your ship. Don't try to orchestrate it yourself.

Uncertainty is an opportunity to reach out and minister to others who don’t have hope and are hurting and afraid, to give them help and to show them the hope that we have.”


Jews for Jesus 

The Christian and Missionary Alliance 

Maoz Israel

I Stand With Israel (humanitarian site


To find out more about the organization, to give, to sign up for the free monthly newsletter to receive insight form the middle east and receive prayer points and updates, or to request a speaker, visit the websites or call:


Email Ted V.


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Sep 30, 202153:39
Stuart Matthews, Musician

Stuart Matthews, Musician

Kit McCarty welcomes Stuart Matthews to tell the story of his musical career and why story-telling through music has the power to move us all.


My kids give me a hard time for being known as the funeral singer. I just tell them, “People are dying to hear me.”

Music is always a wonderful outlet.

The destiny that we have as Christians is we can go through temporary afflictions knowing that on the other side there's joy unspeakable and glory. That's a wonderful thought to move us forward.

The beautiful thing about music, whether it's instrumental or vocal, is that it can touch the ears, touch the heart, and touch the mind. It can either help return us to a happier time, a happier memory, or it can give us hope for the future.

That's the beautiful part about sharing the gospel. You look at all the gifts God has given, the Word to be preached, the prayers to be prayed, and worship in song. Music is the only one we can do together. If everyone preached at the same time, it would be chaos; if everyone prayed out loud, even the Lord’s Prayer, you hope the ‘Amen’ ends with us all together. Singing is the only thing we can do together at the same time.

People may have lost the ability to remember family member’s names or past history, but a hymn that is a memory in their heart will bring them back to life, and they will sing right along with it, every word, with a smile on their face, and it recaptures the joy that may have escaped them.

If somebody looked at my playlist, they would think I have a mental illness! I love the Blues, country, good old rock and roll, symphony, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, AC/DC and DC Talk.

A good song is just story-telling with rhythm and notes. The songs that have lasted throughout our lifetimes are basically telling a story, putting our hearts into it, knowing that the song is going to touch the heart and mind, and creating a sensory experience. I just want to be a good story-teller.



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Sep 23, 202144:57
Angela Giessner, LifeLine for Families, Inc
Sep 16, 202137:36
Kelley Walker, Entrepreneur

Kelley Walker, Entrepreneur

Kelley Walker, health coach and founder of Restoring Eden, tells how she and her family are facing the ongoing pandemic and healthcare crisis with physical and mental well-being, not fear. 


I try to stay in the lane of my strengths.

If we can’t be authentic and true, we can't be close friends.

Fifty is a magical number because you embrace who you are, and you're not going to negotiate any more who that person is.

Freedom correlates to boundaries. Boundaries make other people uncomfortable because they don't understand the beauty of that.

It’s not so bad discovering your strengths late. It’s what you do with the knowledge, and how you use it to help others.

The people I wanted to help were right in front of me.

It was very eye-opening to me that God gave us all these things in creation so that our bodies could function in the way he intended them to function.

There are a lot of plants that can support our bodies for optimal wellness. Medicine can do a lot of good, but if we will just go back to what God gave us, we would all see a change in our health.

Trust in the Lord. Do your part. Don’t live in fear.

You can have hope. There is a better way. You don’t need to fear.


For information about essential oil products, sourcing, usage, reference materials, advocacy, events, and more visit:

Source to You

Advanced Oil Magic (book)

Healing Hands Foundation


Kelley Walker, Health Coach and Wellness Advocate


Sep 09, 202142:07
Daniel Kennedy, Author

Daniel Kennedy, Author

Kit McCarty welcomes Daniel Kennedy, author of the Basic Bible Guide, to talk about his radical transformation through reading the Bible, and his passion and mission to help others learn to read and understand it too.


I had heard of the Bible, so I went and bought one. I just read the Bible, front to back, and I read the Bible every day for five years.

Within a short time of hanging around church people, I began to recognize that they didn’t read or know their Bible very much.

I knew what to do. I just needed to do it.

Everything I have ever gone through or learned in my life has brought me to this point: to help people understand God's love and plan for them, as revealed in the Bible.

I am so thankful God did not give up on me through all these years of sin and disobedience. But I didn't give up on pursuing God either, seeking to comprehend His love for me, loving Him back, loving others, and just doing the best I can.


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Sep 02, 202131:48
Trent Parker, Small Business Owner

Trent Parker, Small Business Owner

Kit McCarty Welcomes guest Trent Parker, small business owner, to talk about what it means to work in a generational family business, to grow with his community, to have big dreams and still be happy right where he is.


We’ve been successful thus far, so why would we change?

We’ve got it down to a science for sure. Our new location is very similar to our old one. We have our specific system--we have our way of doing things--and it's been working, so we want to do it the same way.

I've been here my whole life. I love it here. It’s where I want to be. It is part of who I am.

Running the business has opened my eyes to a lot and has made me grateful for my upbringing and all the hard work it takes. I’m really grateful for everything I’ve got.

We love to establish a work ethic with our employees. A lot of people haven't been in that kind of setting before, or some of them, even if they have, haven't had anyone hold them to that high a standard.

Anybody can come in and do anything halfway, or do anything good once or twice, but what's hard is doing something at an excellent level, consistently, over and over for a long time.

Some people have come to thank me for teaching them how to work, and how much that has helped them through the rest of their career. I love that. I love being able to be someone who helps people. It can be just a job, but it can be more than that.

We’re just a restaurant, but we’re not just a restaurant. We’re something that people can identify with, something that can help shape people, people can come together on, and enjoy together.

Working with anybody can be a little frustrating, especially working with family, but there’s nothing like working with family. You can rely on each other much more than you can rely on anyone else. You've always got someone there to fall back on, someone there to help you out. I’m really lucky to work with family.

Anything worth doing is going to be difficult. Work ethic, the details, the small things are what matters.

We're living the American Dream now, which is to start a business and pass it on to your kids. I am so fortunate to have that passed on to me. I hope to keep it going to pass it on to my kids too.

I love being part of something that is bigger than me.

There's something about being a young kid and competing that is very important.

We just want to give back to everybody who supported us. We want to make sure everyone knows how grateful we are.

Don Jauns Romantic Mexican Food 


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Aug 26, 202130:52
Linda Albrecht, Foxhorn Kennel

Linda Albrecht, Foxhorn Kennel

This week’s episode of Now I See goes to the dogs when Kit McCarty interviews Linda Albrecht of Foxhorn Kennel about dog shows, breeding, grooming, training, handling and rescue.


Wire fox terriers are December dogs: they bring joy to the world. They like everybody! Your life is just not boring when you live with a wire fox terrier.

We’ve put over 200,000 miles on three minivans. You see so much more when you drive, and you make so many memories along the way.

Dogs are very intuitive. They are happy all the time. They are very forgiving, and they have taught me to be forgiving.

Dogs do the things we need to do most: they listen and don’t say anything.

Dogs have taught me discipline. When I don't want to get up in the morning and go for a walk, I’d have two paws on my chest, and a face in my face saying it's time to walk. On those mornings when I don't feel like getting up, my dogs tell me it’s worth getting up.

When things don’t go the way you wish they had in the ring, that’s not where you get mad. You take it back to the set up, and you let it go.

There is nothing more rewarding than to take a dog that someone has put out or mistreated, and find that dog a forever home.

I've often said, “In retirement, I'm going to take in old dogs, and just sit and rock them in my rocking chair.”

Recommended Resources 

American Fox Terrier Club

Wire Fox Terrier Club of Central States (WFTCCS): 

Lonestar State Classic Dog Shows (Dallas shows typically held in July and December)

American Kennel Club

AKC Meet the Breeds:  Dallas, August 21-22, 2021.


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Aug 19, 202132:46
Jim Kennedy, Tax Lawyer
Aug 12, 202142:20
Beth Campbell, Women’s Missionary Union
Aug 05, 202134:11
Graci Hansen, Pilot
Jul 29, 202128:09
Barbara MacDonald, The Multi-Layered Life
Jul 22, 202146:39
Brenda Milum, Life In Transition

Brenda Milum, Life In Transition

Kit McCarty welcomes Brenda Milum, a woman in transition, to tell how a recent divorce and remarriage, retirement, downsizing from a 3-story home to an RV, and the arrival of grandbabies brought life-changing opportunities and surprising self-discovery.

Show Quotes

When things change, it doesn't bother me. I look at it as, ‘I’m having a new adventure! I'm going to get to learn something new, and do something different!’

[What I feel is] not really regret, but a new mindset of how I’m going to look at change and what I’m going to do with it.

[Navigating the pandemic was] like trying to build a plane as you’re flying it.

I believe God puts us in a community on purpose. He did not mean for us to be on our own because we are not nice to ourselves. If you said the things to your friend that you just said to yourself, you wouldn’t be friends.

Jump in! What's the worst that can happen? You might find out you don’t like it, or you might find out, ‘I didn’t know that I could love this so much! I didn't know that I could do this.’ What joy you've brought to yourself and to life!

Surround yourself with good people with strengths you admire, things that will help build up what you have. You have strengths others need as well.

Transition is just a normal part of life. Everybody has to go through it at some point. So embrace it.


Brenda Milum @ Facebook 

Brenda and Quincy: 

Recommended Resources

Truck painting:

Eagle painting:


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Jul 15, 202133:26
Holiday Special: Becky Pullum, Laughing all the way.
Jul 08, 202133:16
Anna Schuessler, Learner and Teacher (Tri-Linguist)

Anna Schuessler, Learner and Teacher (Tri-Linguist)

Kit McCarty welcomes Anna Schuessler, a teacher and life-long learner who likes to take deep dives into the study of languages, cultures and retro fashion, aka history bounding. Hear her stories of travel, language and fashion, and her recommended reading list.

Show Quotes

I have always been a reader. Once I started reading I didn't stop. I love reading. I love finding good stories in any format, be it books, movies, TV shows, video games; and I particularly enjoy stories that are coming from different cultures.

I can keep my joy of life and childlike wonder in adulthood. That doesn’t make me less of an adult or less of a person.

Regardless of what situation you are in, you need to treat people decently. If you do, so many things are going to get smoothed over.

A sign of being a strong woman in China is being able to change your own lightbulb. Yeah, that's a thing.

There are amazing people who are doing an incredibly difficult job and deserve so much more recognition than they get. Treat them like people, and life will be so much easier. Talk to people, treat people with dignity and you are more likely to get help.

You’ve got to be nice to the people that people tend to not look at. It makes life easier and so much more interesting.

I knew what it felt like to be alone. So if I see someone that is alone, I want to reach out and be there for them.

I love figuring out how languages work. When you understand a language, you are much more able to understand the culture and where a person comes from.

I know you can do this because I have done this. I understand where you are coming from.

Look at people. Listen to them. Learn their stories. Everyone has something that makes them tick. Everyone has different experiences, different cultures--even if you're in the same city, the same state, or same country. People have different experiences that will lead them to think in a different way. So many of the issues we are seeing right now is because we don’t listen to what other people are saying.


Recommended Resources

Anything by Jane Austin, especially Persuasion

North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell

Anthropecene Reviewed, John Green 

The Fever King, Victoria Lee

Little Women, Louisa May Alcott

Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery

Patterns of Fashion, Janet Arnold


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Jul 01, 202141:58
Rhianna Nix, Author

Rhianna Nix, Author

Kit McCarty welcomes Rhianna Nix, author of Faithfully Fervent. Rhianna tells how she fought the urge to run from her shattered life and resolved to stand firm in freedom, faithfulness and truth.

Show Quotes

Just because somebody quits on you, doesn't mean that you can quit on the commitments that you made.

Instead of pointing fingers, I was looking within myself.

I asked God to allow me to feel the pain that I needed to feel, to open my eyes to see things I needed to see, to feel the things from past trauma, and see the sinful nature of myself, so that I could heal.

It didn’t make sense, but I had a peace wash over me that said, “You’ve got to fight; you've got to keep going.” That's when I knew, “God’s in this.”

When you chase a life of perfection, 100% of the time you are going to be let down because perfection doesn’t exist.

When I had everything stripped from me, all I had was the truth that I am loved by God.

It doesn't matter what you walked through or what you’ve lived, what matters is what you're going to do with it and how you’re going to move forward with it.

Man’s love is fleeting, but God’s love never fails. God is going to be with you in the trenches, in the depths. You are loved. You are chosen.

I could feel myself holding back. Then I felt the Lord say, “You have got to lay down your fear. You can never experience the love story I have for you if you don’t lay down your fear.”

You can not give up. Trust and believe that your redemption story is on the other side.


Faithfully Fervent @ Facebook 

Recommended Resources


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Jun 24, 202129:15
Stephanie Sloane, Highland Games
Jun 17, 202135:55
David Glazener, Slaying the Giant
Jun 10, 202126:12
Chris Galanos: Character by Choice
Jun 03, 202132:29
Becky Pullum, Laughing All the Way
May 27, 202133:04