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Nitzotzos: Thoughts to keep your spark alive

Nitzotzos: Thoughts to keep your spark alive

By Nitzotzos

Shiurim and Divrei Chizzuk from our Mashpia Rav Burg and other inspirational speakers to light up our soul.
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Emor - Taking Responsibility For Every Jew

Nitzotzos: Thoughts to keep your spark aliveMay 15, 2024



Jun 02, 202446:09


May 29, 202456:02


May 28, 202457:26
Shavuos - The Vulnerability of Change

Shavuos - The Vulnerability of Change

In this shiur, delivered to the Chizzuk Mission on zoom, Rav Burg explores the true nature of Torah and why the nations of the world were afraid to accept the Torah. With a fixed mindset and the fear of change they were unable to let go of who they were in order to become something more. When we engage Torah it allows us to transform into our truest self and allows our unique individual self to be expressed in this world.

May 27, 202459:20
Behar - Accepting the Torah With Humility and Pride

Behar - Accepting the Torah With Humility and Pride

May 23, 202428:27
Conversations - Episode 2 - Healthy Attachment, Educating Rebellious Children and More...

Conversations - Episode 2 - Healthy Attachment, Educating Rebellious Children and More...

On the second episode of “Conversations” in Yeshivat Mevaseret, Akiva Schanzer and Eli Schuckman sat down with Rav Burg to discuss healthy attachment within a home and the community at large. They discussed how to create an environment in the home where a child feels safe, believing that no matter the circumstance every kid deserves a shot, and many more topics. Go listen if you want to hear more about the influence parents have on their children and dealing with a kid “rebelling” within the yeshiva system!
May 23, 202439:32
Behar - Heter Iska: Building a Relationship With Hashem

Behar - Heter Iska: Building a Relationship With Hashem

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains (based on a Sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe) the inner nature of a Heter Iska. As mere mortals we cannot create a relationship with Hashem. Hashem must initiate a relationship with us and then we can participate in said relationship. And yet, the relationship must be meaningful not only to us but also to Hashem in order for it to be a meaningful relationship.
May 22, 202434:43
Behar - Shemita and Yovel: A Rectification of Kayin and Hevel

Behar - Shemita and Yovel: A Rectification of Kayin and Hevel

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah (last shiur of the year), Rav Burg explains how Shemita and Yovel rectify the sin of Kayin and Hevel. As one journeys through the story of Kayin and Hevel to Lemech and his wives and four children and finally to Shes and his ultimate descendant Noach it becomes clear that the narrative is about the loss of Tzelem Elokim and the dangers of living in an animal society. Ultimately a society that loses its awareness of its own Godliness will destroy itself. Shemita and Yovel bring us back to true freedom and restore our Godly dignity.

Link to sources:

May 22, 202458:10
Shavuos - Kavod HaTorah

Shavuos - Kavod HaTorah

In this shiur, delivered in Darchei Binah, Rav Burg explains how the nature of Torah is that it changes us. Only through Torah can we move from animal to Godly and therefore Torah must play a central role in our lives. The challenge of Torah is visualizing ourselves at Kabbalas HaTorah. It is difficult to believe that we are truly capable of change.

Link for sources:

May 19, 202450:57
Emor - Complete Submission to Hashem

Emor - Complete Submission to Hashem

In this shiur, the final shiur of the year in Sharfmans, Rav Burg explores (based on a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe) why the Eved Canaani is able to eat from the Terumah of the Kohen as opposed to the Eved Ivri and how this Halacha relates to our lives. When we are in complete submission to Hashem we are allowed to eat from the fruits of this world and it informs the way we relate to the world around us.

Source sheet:

May 16, 202431:39
Conversations - Episode 1 - Hope, Reality and more...

Conversations - Episode 1 - Hope, Reality and more...

On the first episode of “Conversations” in Yeshivat Mevaseret, Zev Bosin, Akiva Schanzer, Eli Schuckman sat down with Rav Burg to discuss a variety of topics. Some of the topics discussed on the podcast that stand out are the subjects of Hopefulness vs. Hopelessness, our reality is not THE truth but it’s OUR truth, along with some other fascinating conversations.

May 16, 202443:43
Emor - Taking Responsibility For Every Jew

Emor - Taking Responsibility For Every Jew

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains (based on a shiur from Rav Moshe Weinberger shlit"a) the inner nature of a Kohen and how we, as a nation of Kohanim, are responsible for ensuring that every Jew is brought to the Chuppah where we can be in a relationship with Hashem.

Source sheet:

May 15, 202432:39
Emor / Pesach / Sefiras HaOmer / Shavuos - Transforming From Animal Into Godly

Emor / Pesach / Sefiras HaOmer / Shavuos - Transforming From Animal Into Godly

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains (based on a Sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l) the three step process of moving from Pesach into Sefiras HaOmer and ultimately Shavuos. Each step in the process is another level of engagement with our animal soul. Initially we suppress or animal soul, then we sublimate it and on the highest level it becomes a vehicle for Godliness in this world.

Source sheet:

May 15, 202452:21
Kedoshim - The Patience to be Creative
May 09, 202427:42
Kedoshim - Making Space for Another

Kedoshim - Making Space for Another

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains the inner nature of what it means to live a life of Kedusha and why ultimately, while we can reach great heights, we can never reach the level of Hashem Himself. Kedusha means transparency which can only be reached through humility and creating space for another. When we life lives of selfless giving to another then we make our world a place where Hashem's presence is transparent.
May 08, 202433:27
Kedoshim / Pesach / Sefiras HaOmer - Breaking the Cycle of Exile
May 08, 202450:14
Unlocking Growth and Embracing Vulnerability - Israel Gap Year B'Iyun Podcast

Unlocking Growth and Embracing Vulnerability - Israel Gap Year B'Iyun Podcast

In this podcast interview with Rabbi Avi Proctor, Rav Burg explores the importance of vulnerability. Discover the value of creating a space where people feel at peace with themselves and others and are comfortable being who they are is crucial for their personal development ane fulfilling their purpose in the world.
Apr 21, 202401:00:30
Pesach - Collecting the Sparks

Pesach - Collecting the Sparks

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam (over Bein HaZmanim), Rav Burg explains the inner nature of the rechush gadol (great wealth) that Avraham Avinu was promised during the Bris Bein Habesarim. Why do we care about wealth? Why is it stressed over and over again in the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim? We are sent down into this world to collect the 288 sparks that fell down into this world from the Olam HaTohu. When we use this world to serve Hashem we collect the remaining sparks and finish leaving Mitzrayim.

Apr 17, 202448:31
Pesach - An IFS Approach to the Four Sons

Pesach - An IFS Approach to the Four Sons

In this shiur, delivered in the Lubat home in Neve Shamir, Rav Burg explains why the Baal Haggadah counted each son with the number one (as Moshe Rabbeinu did). IFS sees a person as a self and parts. Only when we unblend self from parts can parts leave their exiles and become integrated (self led) with the self.
Apr 15, 202448:30
Shemini - Humbly Creating Space For Hashem

Shemini - Humbly Creating Space For Hashem

In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg explains (based on a piece from Rav Ahron Lopiansky shlit"a) why Ahron HaKohen was afraid to draw close to the Mizbeach and why Moshe told him to "stop" being afraid. It was specifically Ahron, who did not try and "control" Hashem but rather stepped back with humility, that made him the perfect person to invite Hashem to dwell in the Mishkan.
Apr 04, 202431:32
Shemini - Living in the Present

Shemini - Living in the Present

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains the connection between Nadav and Avihu being intoxicated and bringing an Eish Zara, a strange fire. Only when we accept the present moment as it is, without seeking to diminish or enhance it to avoid our own discomfort, can we truly be connected to reality. For this reason Ahron chose stillness as a response to thd death of his sons and as a reward he was able to engage directly with Hashem.
Apr 03, 202432:00
Shemini - Jealousy, Resentment, Story Telling and Fear

Shemini - Jealousy, Resentment, Story Telling and Fear

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains the inner connection between the inauguration of the Mishkan, the Cheit HaEigel and the selling of Yosef down to Mitzrayim. The fear of losing their relationship with their father caused the Shevatim to tell themselves to tell a story about Yosef that led to their own resentment. This resentment led to the jealousy that ultimately resulted in Yosef's sale. This story was passed down for generations and ultimately led to the Cheit HaEigel. In order to inaugurate the Mishkan, Klal Yisrael needed to get to the root of their disunity and rectify the sale of Yosef.
Apr 03, 202441:37
Defining Dignity

Defining Dignity

In this shiur (plus questions and answers), Rav and Rebbetzin Burg explain the nature of dignity and how we can lead more dignified lives.
Apr 01, 202457:55
Tzav - Anchored in the Past, Living in the Present

Tzav - Anchored in the Past, Living in the Present

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains the inner meaning of the Terumas Hadeshen and the Hotza’as Hadeshen. The Terumas Hadeshen reminds us that our parents and grandparents etc... built the community that we now inhabit. This obligates us to build our community for the next generation just as those who came befoe us did. The Hotza’as Hadeshen teaches us that each days Avodah in the Beis HaMikdash begins anew. We must confront the challenges that we face today and live in the present rathet than getting stuck in the past.
Mar 27, 202433:18
Tzav - Keeping Your Fire Aflame

Tzav - Keeping Your Fire Aflame

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains why although the Aish on the Mizbeach comes from Hashem, the Kohen had to light the fire in the morning. And athough the fire comes from Hashem, we are instructed to protect it when we travel. The nature of life is engaging with suffering but a Jew is thankful for the suffering they endure because that's how we discover Hashem. It will always rain on our fire but we are assured that our fire can never be extinguished. Our job is to chop the wood and protect the fire.
Mar 27, 202442:47
Purim - Letting Go Of The Known

Purim - Letting Go Of The Known

In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg explains why:

1. We are not Yotzei when we read the Megillah backwards.

2. We are obligated to drink until we don't know the difference between Arur Hama and Baruch Mordechai.

Who would read the Megillah backwards? Why would we want to get so drunk that we can't distinguish between a Tzaddik and a Rasha?

Only when we let go of using knowledge as power and control do we come to accept reality as it is. And once we accept reality as it is it is quite possible that the exact thing we thought was hurting us was our greatest asset.

Mar 21, 202433:28
Vayikra - Korbanos: Giving the Gift of Ourselves to Hashem

Vayikra - Korbanos: Giving the Gift of Ourselves to Hashem

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains (based on a shiur from Rav Ahron Lopiansky shlit"a) the inner nature of a Korban. A Korban is not a sacrifice, it is a gift that we give to Hashem and the gift that Hashem wants from us is not merely our service but our passion.

Mar 20, 202433:41
Purim - The Anxiety and Faith of Tomorrow

Purim - The Anxiety and Faith of Tomorrow

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explores our battle with Amalek. Purim is the Yom Tov that remains even after Yemos HaMashiach. Amalek is the battle that we fight in every generation. Esther HaMalka asks Achashverosh to have another Seuda tomorrow. It seem that everything in our battle with Amalek is future oriented. For Amalek there is no tomorrow and for a Jew tomorrow is an expression of our faith in an assured future.

Mar 20, 202438:38
Purim - Sleeping Through Our Relationship With Hashem

Purim - Sleeping Through Our Relationship With Hashem

In this shiur, delivered to the Chizzuk Mission in Aish HaTorah, Rav Burg explains the inner connection between sleeping through our performance of the Mitzvos and our connection with each and every Jew. Only when we are deeply connected to the soul of Torah and Mitzvos can we be deeply connected to each other. Only when we are connected to the soul do we merit protection from Hashem.

Mar 14, 202446:10
Pikudei - The Power of Desire

Pikudei - The Power of Desire

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains how through our desire we discover hidden talents within ourselves. When we have desire Hashem gives us the vessels that we need to be successful.

Mar 13, 202440:02
Pikudei - Accounting for the Unaccounted Jews

Pikudei - Accounting for the Unaccounted Jews

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav explains the missing 1775 shekalim from the Mishkan. The Mishkan is meant to be a bridge between the spiritual and material world but without an accounting of every single Jew the bridge is incomplete. Why can't we see these missing Jews? Their light is absolutely blinding.

Mar 13, 202451:14
Adar: Increasing Joy - Finding Simcha In Pain

Adar: Increasing Joy - Finding Simcha In Pain

In this shiur, delivered in Aish HaTorah to the Chizzuk Mission, Rav Burg explores how we can increase joy even in times of great tragedy. Rav Akiva woke up his Talmidim by explaining that Esther HaMalka ruled over 127 countries because Sarah Imeinu lived for 127 years. Al though the years of Sarah's life were far from simple, she found the good in every moment and that is how we survive and thrive even in the darkest moments of our exile.
Mar 10, 202443:15
Vayakhel - Inspiring Those Who Feel Unworthy

Vayakhel - Inspiring Those Who Feel Unworthy

In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg explains why Betzalel and Ohaliav were equal with regards to building the Mishkan. Klal Yisrael required divine inspiration to build the Mishkan. A nation of slaves lacked the artisanal skills that would be necessary for building. Betzalel inspired those who felt worthy but Ohaliav, with his simple background, inspired the lowest of Jews.

Mar 07, 202433:05
Vayakhel - Uniting Klal Yisrael Through Shnayim Mikra V'echad Targum

Vayakhel - Uniting Klal Yisrael Through Shnayim Mikra V'echad Targum

In honor of the Mevaseret Talmidim who took upon themselves to learn Shnayim Mikra V'echad Targum this year, Rav Glanz and Rav Burg Fabrenged in Mevaseret. (Shiur begins at the 4:30 mark). Rav Burg explains how the sefer of Shemos, which is the Sefer of our redemption, is connected to the notion of Shnayim Mikra V'echad Targum. Only when we see the unity in all of the voices of Torah will we be worthy of rebuilding the Beis HaMikdash.

Mar 07, 202419:59
Vayakhel - Rupture and Repair

Vayakhel - Rupture and Repair

In this week's Parsha the Torah repeats the building of the Mishkan after the Cheit Haeigel. In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains the various aspects of rupture and repair in our relationships.

1. Build something holy.

2. Rupture and repair is a process that happens over and over again.

3. We may return to places we already thought we repaired and that is normal and expected.

4. Our responsibility is to make peace with this process.

Mar 06, 202434:27
Vayakhel - Living a Real and Ideal Life

Vayakhel - Living a Real and Ideal Life

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains why the Torah spends 400 Pesukim detailing both how the Mishkan was meant to be made and how it was ultimately made. There is an ideal life and a real life. We should not sacrifice our ideals because the reality is different and we can embrace the beauty of of our reality even when is not ideal.

Mar 06, 202444:34
Ki Tisa - Inside and Outside Torah

Ki Tisa - Inside and Outside Torah

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains why the Luchos could be read from the inside and the outside. There are two ways of relating to Hashem. Outside Torah is scientific and mathematical. This was the Torah of Avraham Avinu. Inside Torah is discovered from within the relationship itself. We can and should discover Hashem not only from the outside but from within the words of Torah, at our Shabbos tables and in our community.
Feb 28, 202435:55
Ki Tisa - A Nation on Fire

Ki Tisa - A Nation on Fire

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explores why although the world is a fragmented place but we crave wholeness. Only when we balance the tension of being an individual within a community do we live in harmony with creation. The Half Shekel on fire teaches us how to strike that balance.
Feb 28, 202450:51
Tetzaveh - Ringing the Bells of Greatness

Tetzaveh - Ringing the Bells of Greatness

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains (based on a piece from Rav Shaul Alter shlit"a) the inner connection between the three times it says the word V'nishma in the Torah. We must know that:

1. We have inside of ourselves the capacity to be totally devoted to Hashem.

2. No matter how far we stray from the path, Hashem always us a relationship with us.

3. Every Jew is a Kohen Gadol, worthy of wearing the robes of nobility.

Feb 21, 202426:07
Tetzaveh - Illuminating the World With Oneness

Tetzaveh - Illuminating the World With Oneness

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains why Moshe Rabbeinu's name is not mentioned specifically in this weeks Parsha. Moshe Rabbeinu argued with Hashem that if Hashem were to destroy the Jewish People then he may as well erase Moshe's name from the Torah. Moshe had become one with the Torah to the degree that it was no longer necessary to mention his name. He was the Torah and the Torah was him. Klal Yisrael, Hashem and the Torah are one. Moshe was one with all of Bnei Yisrael. To destroy Bnei Yisrael would be to destroy the Torah itself. Only though connecting on this essential level can we illuminate the world.

Feb 21, 202441:03
Terumah - Entering the Inner Sanctum

Terumah - Entering the Inner Sanctum

In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg explores (based on a piece from Rav Moshe Weinberger) how Yiras Shomayim is the outer sanctum and Torah is the inner sanctum. One must enter the outer sanctum first, where we feel the pain of exile, before we enter the inner sanctum, the joy of Torah. Although the Beis HaMikdash has been destroyed we still have our Mikdash Mi'at, our Shuls and Yeshivas where we can access the joy of he inner sanctum.

Feb 15, 202434:51
Terumah - Building a Relationship with Hashem

Terumah - Building a Relationship with Hashem

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains how the building of the Mishkan represents three stages in the development of our relationship with Hashem.

1. We live for the Other.

2. Intimacy means exclusivity

3. We give our hearts to the One we love

Feb 14, 202439:05
Mishpatim - The Prohibition of Milk and Meat: Creating Healthy Boundaries

Mishpatim - The Prohibition of Milk and Meat: Creating Healthy Boundaries

In this shiur, delivered in Sharfman's, Rav Burg explains (based on a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe) why Shaatnez is sometimes permitted, why Kilyaim is never permitted and why we might have thought that milk and meat would be permissible for the eating of Kodshim. Ultimately, in the times of Mashiach, one will be allowed to eat milk and meat together and this represents the perfect balance in our relationships.

Feb 08, 202431:11
Mishpatim - Jews that Sparkle

Mishpatim - Jews that Sparkle

In this shiur, delivered in Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains why Parshas Mishpatim, with all of its intricate legal details, follows the giving of the Torah at Har Sinai and not Parshas Terumah, which involves the building of the Mishkan. Halacha is not merely the details of our relationship with Hashem, like the dew on the grass, following Halacha ought to make us sparkle.

Feb 07, 202434:16
Mishpatim - Nezikin: A Journey in History, a Journey towards Hashem

Mishpatim - Nezikin: A Journey in History, a Journey towards Hashem

In this shiur, delivered in Tomer Devorah, Rav Burg explains a very sophisticated concept from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The three gates of Nezikin (Babba Kamma, Baba Metzia, Baba Basra) are three steps in mans journey throughout history. We move from barbaric to civilized conflict to Godly harmony. Similarly in our journey towards Hashem we begin by conquering our negative forces, then we conquer our more civilized nature and ultimately we partner with Hashem in building the world into a Godly place.

Feb 07, 202441:32
Yisro - On Eagles Wings

Yisro - On Eagles Wings

In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg shares a Torah from Rav Moshe Weinberger shlit"a on what it means that Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim on eagles wings. Because we have been in Golus for so long we have forgotten that we have the ability to soar like an eagle. When Hashem takes us out of Golus he reveals to us the true nature of who we are and then we can soar.

Feb 01, 202434:07
Yisro - Restoring the Radiance of Klal Yisrael

Yisro - Restoring the Radiance of Klal Yisrael

In this shiur, delivered at Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains how before Klal Yisrael could receive the Torah they needed to be restored to their glory. Only after Klal Yisrael was healed could they receive the Torah.
Jan 31, 202437:19
Yisro - Insiders and Outsiders

Yisro - Insiders and Outsiders

The Medrash tells us that Yisro added on a chapter to the Torah that otherwise would not have been taught. How could this be so? In this shiur, based on a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l, Rav Burg explains the difference between the approach of Yisro, the ultimate outsider, and Moshe Rabbeinu, the ultimate insider. Should we be our best self or our most authentic self. This is the core of the Machlokes between Moshe Rabbeinu and Yisro.
Jan 31, 202439:20
Beshalach - When Pharaoh Converts To Judaism

Beshalach - When Pharaoh Converts To Judaism

In this shiur, delivered in Sharfmans, Rav Burg explores three dimensions to the story of Pharaoh at the Yam Suf.

1. The simple explanation that Pharaoh was killed.

2. The deeper explanation that Pharaoh was spared and suffered as he watched the devastation of the Egyptian army.

3. Pharaoh did Teshuva, became the King of Ninveh and ultimately converted to Judaism.

We all have a Pharaoh part inside of ourselves. Do we destroy our Pharaoh, force our Pharaoh to watch the destruction it causes or convert our Pharaoh to Judaism?

Jan 26, 202434:12
Beshalach - The Sea Splits For Those Who Expect The Miraculous

Beshalach - The Sea Splits For Those Who Expect The Miraculous

In this shiur, delivered at Ba'er Miriam, Rav Burg explains how the miraculous only occurs for those who see themselves as worthy of a miracle. Klal Yisrael at the banks of the Yam Suf saw themselves as idolaters and therefore were unfit for a miracle to occur. Only when they saw the bones of Yosef did they define themselves by their essential selves and not by their worst moments. And then the sea split.
Jan 24, 202436:29