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NLCC After Sunday

NLCC After Sunday

By North Langley Community Church

Casual conversations about relevant topics from our Sunday Sermons and more featuring the staff team at North Langley Community Church!
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Deconstructing Faith

NLCC After SundayApr 16, 2021

Who Is Israel?

Who Is Israel?

In light of recent attacks between Israel and Hamas Cory and Matthew explore how the word Israel is used in the Bible.  They chat about how Jesus recapitulates the story of Israel, and they chat about the words Kingdom, Vine, and Temple to explore who Israel is today.  Also in this episode - Cory accuses Matthew of grumpiness, we drop the "h" from "huge" like Mr. Trump does, and the 1993 film "The Sandlot" makes a very short appearance."

Nov 18, 202301:01:53
Deliver Us: The Divine Council

Deliver Us: The Divine Council

In this episode, we dive into the Biblical idea of the Divine Council.  We chat about God's heavenly staff team, angels, demons, Mexico's Day of the Dead, and Cory critiques Matthew's deep dislike of Halloween.

Nov 02, 202355:28
Deliver Us: Life in the Victory of Jesus

Deliver Us: Life in the Victory of Jesus

In this episode Cory and Matthew discuss the new series on spiritual warfare and the victory of Jesus over the darkness. They also chat about a snakes head getting chopped off, what they did over the summer, the new music Cory is writing and recording, reading Flannery O'Connor, and they argue about how to pronounce the last name "Southam".

Oct 08, 202352:37
What About Headship & Submission?

What About Headship & Submission?

A Discussion on Ephesians 5

In this episode we dive into questions like: Are women excluded from eldership in 1 Timothy 3? How do ancient household codes and the status of women affect how we read Ephesians 5?  How does marriage reveal the relationship between Jesus & the church?  Also--we chat about Cory’s recent trip to Michigan, an update on Sparky the cat, and our common love for McDonald’s cheeseburgers.

Feb 15, 202301:17:16
Leading Together: Should Women Have Authority In The Church?

Leading Together: Should Women Have Authority In The Church?

A discussion on 1 Timothy 2:11-15

In this episode, we dive into questions like: Isn’t Paul talking about positive authority in this passage? When Paul appeals to creation isn’t that a big deal? Who is to blame for the Fall?  Also- we chat about Phil Collins, Sufjan Stevens, Cory needing the love and affirmation of his dogs, and Matthew’s kids getting a kittten!

Feb 08, 202301:12:50
Leading Together: Should Women Be Silent in the Church?

Leading Together: Should Women Be Silent in the Church?

In this episode, we discuss 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and dive into questions like: what is Paul referring to when he talks about the law? What about the history of the church? Doesn’t prophecy require evaluation from others precisely because it is not authoritative teaching? What counsel do you have for people who are faced with changing deeply held beliefs? Also- we chat about Martin Luther, John Calvin, and St. Augustine’s misogyny, Syrian swimmers in Berlin, and the latest season of the Crown!

Feb 01, 202301:05:56
Leading Together: Women Leaders in the Bible

Leading Together: Women Leaders in the Bible

In this episode we dive into questions like: why did Jesus choose 12 men to be his disciples? Why were OT priests only men? Wasn’t Priscilla’s authority different than that of a pastor? We also chat about Junia, deacons, and the process we walked through as a church to arrive at our position. Also in this episode- unicorns in the Bible.

Jan 24, 202354:44
Leading Together: Genesis 1-3

Leading Together: Genesis 1-3

In this episode, we discuss the topic of women, men, and authority in the book of Genesis. We look at the primogeniture argument from Genesis 1, the trouble with making assumptions about the text, and church unity.  Also in this episode- we wonder what would happen if we were stuck in the woods, we hear about Cory’s vacation to sunny Mexico, about Matthew’s moose encounter in Alberta, and we ask: are nudist colonies part of God’s will?

Jan 17, 202347:55
Slavery, Freedom & the Jesus Revolution

Slavery, Freedom & the Jesus Revolution

In this episode, we discuss the topic of slavery.  We look at passages in the Bible that seem to promote slavery and those that seem to move toward the abolition of slavery.  We work through 3 possible ways to unpack the complexity of the topic of slavery in the Scriptures.  Also- we mourn the loss of Eclipse- the bus-riding dog, Matthew wants Bono’s new book for Christmas, Cory likes shooting raccoons, and the secret word is “fern”!

Nov 09, 202201:02:45
Consent & the Jesus Revolution

Consent & the Jesus Revolution

In this episode, we chat about the freedom to give and withhold consent in a relationship and we talk about love willing the good of the other (St. Thomas Aquinas). We chat about John Legends' new lyrics to “Baby It’s Cold Outside”, 1 Corinthians 7 being used as a weapon, CS Lewis’ discussion of crooked and straight lines, and consent as the building code to a beautiful home. Also- we chat about Tom Cruise and Top Gun Maverick, and we share some good news about a kitten set free and a camel who loves fries!!

Oct 13, 202201:01:03
Compassion & the Jesus Revolution

Compassion & the Jesus Revolution

In this episode, we discuss the topic of compassion and how it is a gift to us from the Jesus Revolution in history. We chat about residential schools, Buddhism's concept of karuna (compassion), and how societies are judged by how they treat their most vulnerable citizens. Also- we debate the phrase “it all goes to pot”, Matthew wants to ring a warning bell when Cory quotes heretics, and finally we share some good news about VHS tapes and skunks set free!!

Oct 05, 202251:52
Equality & the Jesus Revolution

Equality & the Jesus Revolution

In this episode, we discuss the new Jesus Revolution series and dive specifically into the topic of equality.  We chat about human rights, the influence of Christianity in the western world, and the importance of the Incarnation. Also: our sons Micah and Max like to try out new words, we chat about our holidays, and we discuss our love for Andrew Garfield- who is simply awesome.

Sep 28, 202254:04
Jesus & Old Testament Violence

Jesus & Old Testament Violence

Cory and Matthew have another conversation about what feels like a contradiction between Jesus’ love for enemies and the violence we see in the Old Testament. We walk through several helpful and unhelpful ways to understand the violence in the Bible. Also: you should hear Cory’s serious distaste for one of Matthew’s points, we chat about truth in the TV show Shetland, and we hear about little Max’s concern for Goliath’s mom.

Apr 06, 202201:09:04
Beastly Empires & Beastly Religion

Beastly Empires & Beastly Religion

Cory and Matthew have a conversation about current events in Russia & the reality of Putin’s holy war.  We then unpack Revelation 13 and have a conversation about the two beasts we find there- a political beast and a religious beast. Also- we chat about Stanley Tucci’s new book on food which Cory is devouring, how Philip Yancey always keeps us honest, Micah’s new haircut, and the amazing Emily Doyle and her text message at just the wrong time.

Mar 09, 202250:48
Escaping the Noise

Escaping the Noise

Cory and Matthew have a conversation centered around our new church series "Digitology- following Jesus in the digital age." We chat about silence and boredom giving us the opportunity to think, we discuss CS Lewis’ notion of chronological snobbery and James KA Smith’s premise that “you are what you love”.  Also- we chat about Cory’s fascination with Vietnamese food, how to pronounce places like “Guadalajara”, “Montreal” and “Amarillo”, and how we have the attention span of a goldfish.

Feb 09, 202253:00
Living in the Digital Age

Living in the Digital Age

Cory and Matthew chat about our new church series "Digitology- following Jesus in the digital age".  We chat about living as a digital immigrant, law vs. wisdom, how to put technology in its proper place, the rich young ruler, and the need to unplug.  Also- we chat about a new Hillsong worship video everyone should watch, getting Omicron, the life of John Wesley, and David Bentley Hart talking to his dog.

Jan 26, 202253:14
Corporate Confession Conversation w/Tim McCarthy

Corporate Confession Conversation w/Tim McCarthy

Tim McCarthy joins us on this one!  Buckle up -- it's a long one.  Matthew pushes back with 5 different points relating to the idea of corporate confession.  We talk about whether North Langley is just virtue signaling and chat about forgiveness, Marxism, identity politics, and the need to pursue clarity when trying to apologize.

Also featured in this episode -- Dodo birds and bologna sandwiches.

May 28, 202101:32:01
A Conversation about Vaccinations w/Laura Kroeker

A Conversation about Vaccinations w/Laura Kroeker

In light of growing Covid numbers, multiple variants, and vaccine rollouts across the country we thought it would be important to have a conversation about vaccines!  Matthew and Cory are joined by Laura Kroeker- a nurse who shares her story and helps us navigate the science around vaccines.  Together we walk through 5 common objections to getting vaccinated. Also- we chat some more about Cory's ongoing rat problems, Taylor Swift, and trying to learn like chimpanzees.

May 07, 202101:28:13
Deconstructing Faith

Deconstructing Faith

In this episode of the podcast Cory and Matthew explore the process of deconstructing faith.  Matthew suggests that the term "renovation" might be a better way to explain the process, they talk about doubt, and the need to doubt our doubts and question our reasons for deconstruction.  Also in this podcast-  they reminisce about the movie Inception, try to find a better metaphor for "throwing the baby out with the bathwater", chat about Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis, and Cory deals with rats in his BBQ.

Apr 16, 202101:27:29
Sexual Sin in Christian Leaders w/Rob + Sue Rhea

Sexual Sin in Christian Leaders w/Rob + Sue Rhea

In light of the Ravi Zacharias scandal that has rocked the Christian world Cory and Matthew sit down with Robby and Sue Rhea to have a discussion about sexual sin among Christian leaders.  Sue shares her own story of experiencing the pain and damaging impact of a Christian leader in her life that had an affair.  We talk about the importance of accountability, the need for confession, the Billy Graham rule, how to give women opportunities to lead, and the "hero culture" present in the modern church.

Mar 05, 202101:10:45
SHALOM Conversations -The Gentleness of Jesus

SHALOM Conversations -The Gentleness of Jesus

This is our fifth podcast within our Shalom series. In this episode, we chat about the New Testament and its teaching on gentleness.  We acknowledge that the church has a gentleness problem, that there has been a dangerous lack of teaching on gentleness, and we discuss how gentleness is actually the power of Christ- a power that can bring healing to our relationships. Also in this episode- we chat about Frankenstein, the Social Dilemma, Ravi Zacharias, our love for Waco Texas, preachers that yell, and the fact that Chris Tomlin's parents are really really nice people.

Feb 17, 202101:00:00
SHALOM Conversations - Faithful Presence

SHALOM Conversations - Faithful Presence

This is our fourth podcast within our Shalom series. In this episode, we are joined by our special guest: Tim McCarthy!  Following up on his Sunday sermon we chat with him about brain science, living as the faithful presence of Jesus amidst a polarized age, and the Biblical images of salt, mustard seeds, and yeast.

Also in this episode- we chat about the Super Bowl, Tim being Cory's "super fan", Matthew and Cory both forgetting Tim's job title, and Cory 'kind of' apologizes for sharing a debunked coronavirus theory.

Feb 10, 202151:07
SHALOM Conversations - Disputable Issues

SHALOM Conversations - Disputable Issues

This is our third podcast within our Shalom series. In this episode, we chat about what the Apostle Paul meant in Romans 14 when he uses the phrase “disputable issues”.  are there issues that Christians can agree to disagree on? If so, how does that work?  We look at same-sex marriage as a case study. Also, we chat about some riveting details regarding Cory’s lunch, the truth about the Wuhan Street market, and licking chimpanzees.

Feb 03, 202153:20
SHALOM Conversations - Seeking the Peace of the City

SHALOM Conversations - Seeking the Peace of the City

This is our second podcast within our Shalom series. We chat about Christianity’s ancient confession “Jesus is Lord”, we analyze Critical Race Theory, and we wonder whether God might take our polarized age and birth renewal in the church. Also- we chat about our love for Matchbox 20, about a few Sunday mishaps, a little on Saint Augustine, and whether we would ever buy Hitler’s paintings.

Jan 27, 202152:58
SHALOM Conversations - Argument Culture

SHALOM Conversations - Argument Culture

In this episode, we talk about our recent Shalom series where we are learning to follow Jesus in an angry, anxious, and polarized world.  We look specifically at "argument culture" and discuss more humble ways to engage in dialogue with each other.  Also in this episode- we chat about Avalon's incredible Christian hit "Testify to Love", whether a backbone is the same thing as a spine, Cory's powerful quote in the Globe and Mail: 'there were sniffles and stuff...", and their ongoing disagreement about Santa Claus.

Jan 20, 202101:12:36
Scripture - How To Navigate Our Feelings

Scripture - How To Navigate Our Feelings

In this episode, Cory pushes back on Matthew's sermon this past Sunday, and they enter into a dialogue about the place of feelings and emotions in the life of a follower of Jesus. Also- we chat a bit about Mark Twain on the Bible, Eustace as a dragon in Narnia, and Cory binge-watching all of the Crown season 4.

Nov 24, 202045:38
Scripture - Unpacking Genesis Chapter One

Scripture - Unpacking Genesis Chapter One

In this episode, Cory and Matthew chat about how to interpret Genesis 1. We ask whether Genesis 1 operates more like a science book or a punk rock song. Also- we chat about Dinosaurs, science class, bible translations like Star Wars characters, why we make a cake, and Geoff Moore and the Distance.

Oct 27, 202058:14
Scripture - Truth In a Post-Truth Age

Scripture - Truth In a Post-Truth Age

In this episode Cory and Mathew discuss our new church series focused on Scripture. We discuss what it means to believe in truth while living in a post-truth world. Also included: Enya, the book of Eli, and our struggles with learning how to end a podcast well.

Oct 06, 202038:39
Thoughts on Medical Assistance in Dying

Thoughts on Medical Assistance in Dying

In this episode, Matthew and Cory chat about a recent story out of Winnipeg where a pastor died by "medical assistance in dying". We work through scripture, philosophy, ethics, and statistics and ask the question:  why is medical assistance in dying wrong? Also included: Matthew apologizes for his Taylor Swift comments in the previous episode, and both Matthew and Cory highly suggest you quickly head to Popeyes to eat their new chicken sandwich which just arrived in BC!

Sep 14, 202051:16
Thoughts on Re-opening Church Buildings

Thoughts on Re-opening Church Buildings

In this episode, Matthew and Cory chat about how to frame the conversation around "reopening church".  Some prominent churches in California are reopening and have framed this as a "right to worship".  Are they right? Matthew and Cory don't think so.  Also included: some thoughts from Martin Luther, sound advice from Tim Keller on how to argue well, and Cory and Matthew have a bitter disagreement about Taylor Swift and her music.

Aug 25, 202037:38
The Desert - Snakes & the Discipline of God

The Desert - Snakes & the Discipline of God

In this episode, Matthew and Cory chat about a story in Numbers 21 where God sends snakes among the people of Israel.  Cory challenges Matthew with several questions regarding God’s discipline.  Also included: some thoughts on modern worship songs, the importance of nuance, we debate the legitimacy of modern “scholars”, and we ask whether Cory’s dog Henry (RIP) will live in the New Heavens and New Earth.

Aug 19, 202058:19
The Desert - Sabbath & How to Read the Law

The Desert - Sabbath & How to Read the Law

In this episode, Matthew and Cory chat about the command to practice the Sabbath in the 10 commandments, and it leads into a deeper conversation about how we are supposed to read the Law/Torah through the lens of Christ. Also included: Its Cory’s 46th birthday, we chat about whistling, and Cory learns to say the word “both” without a hidden “L”.

Jun 22, 202044:52
Racism & the Bible (pt. 2) - Black Lives Matter and Processing the Times We Are Living In

Racism & the Bible (pt. 2) - Black Lives Matter and Processing the Times We Are Living In

In Part 2 of our conversation we discuss politics as the new religion, the importance of language, what it means to defund the police, intersectionality, cancel culture, virtue signalling, and the story of the first black person to encounter Jesus!

Jun 17, 202001:07:32
Racism & the Bible (pt. 1) - A Walk Through the Scriptures and Tolu's Story

Racism & the Bible (pt. 1) - A Walk Through the Scriptures and Tolu's Story

In Part 1 of our 2-part podcast on racism we walk through the Scriptures to see God’s heart and love for all nations and people groups.  We also get a chance to hear from our friend Tolu Ajele as he shares his story about growing up in Western Canada as a Nigerian-Canadian.

Jun 17, 202045:01
The Desert - Violence in the Old Testament

The Desert - Violence in the Old Testament

In this episode, Matthew and Cory dive into potential ways of helping us grapple with the difference between the violence God commands in the Old Testament and the message of peacemaking we find in Jesus. Also included: a discussion about Chuck Norris, Jack Bauer, Jack Ryan & Cory hopes toddlers are fans and faithful listeners of this podcast.

May 25, 202057:28
The Desert - Exodus 16
May 11, 202037:53
The Desert - Exodus 14
Apr 27, 202040:25
The Desert - Exodus 13
Apr 20, 202049:49
Apprenticeship to Jesus During a Pandemic

Apprenticeship to Jesus During a Pandemic

Matthew and Cory have a discussion about being apprenticed to Jesus in the midst of a global crisis. Some good food for thought and suggestions for drawing near to God in the current climate.

Mar 20, 202035:28
LOVED - Gender Dysphoria and Transgenderism
Feb 23, 202049:34