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No Small Talk- Conversation Starters for Introverts

No Small Talk- Conversation Starters for Introverts

By Ebony Anuforo & Shereefat Balogun

Are you an introvert who avoids social events because you're drained by small talk? Are you inspired by meaningful conversations, but struggle with initiating them? The No Small Talk podcast is a lively space for introverts looking to build connections and level up in their personal and professional lives. Through our conversation starters, interviews and discussions, we help introverts connect with others naturally and confidently without the small talk.

Fans rave about the inspirational, vulnerable and unfiltered conversations. We talk about family, relationships, careers and more.
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32. No Small Talk Conversation | Conversation Starters for any Situation

No Small Talk- Conversation Starters for Introverts Jul 15, 2020

70. Sit Down with Sherry: What I've Been Up To, What I'm Learning and My Advice to You Dear Introvert

70. Sit Down with Sherry: What I've Been Up To, What I'm Learning and My Advice to You Dear Introvert

Hello, hello, hello! In today's episode Sherry shares what she's been up to lately, including her recent leadership in law award recognition and how the power of choice and relationships helped get her the prestigious honor. She also shares the recent challenge she's accepted to be more "social" and an  interesting interaction she had at a wedding she attended solo. Lastly, Sherry offers some words of encouragement and advice on how to get where you want to be by simply choosing to walk into the rooms and opportunities God has established for you with audacity, boldness, courage and confidence. 

Jul 08, 202117:30
69. How To Master The Skill of Self Confidence | TEDTalk by Dr. Ivan Joseph

69. How To Master The Skill of Self Confidence | TEDTalk by Dr. Ivan Joseph

Do you know that the power to build confidence is within you? And that it only takes some simple actionable steps? Its true!

“You are the captain of your own ship, and master of your own faith” -Dr. Ivan Joseph

Today we share with you a TEDTalk from Dr. Ivan Joseph, Professor, Soccer Coach and author of the best-selling book, You Got This: Mastering the Skill of Self-Confidence.

Dr. Ivan’s TEDTalk attracted over 22 Million views on youtube, and in it he shares some really good tips, and steps that you can take today to build self confidence.

Dr. Ivan talks about:

· Repetition; how doing things over and over makes you better and in turn builds self confidence

· Replacing negative talk, with positive self talk

· Getting away from people that tear you down

· Interpreting feedback and criticism the way you want

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

The Skill of Self Confidence | TEDTalk by Dr. Ivan Joseph

Social Media:

No Small Talk Podcast- @nosmalltalkpodcast


Subscribe & Review in Apple

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Jun 23, 202118:48
68. You Asked, We Answered: Your Biggest Questions About Introversion + More
Jun 09, 202114:57
67. Walking into your Extroverted Purpose as an Introvert

67. Walking into your Extroverted Purpose as an Introvert

Do you feel like you’re called to do something more? Know you have a greater purpose in life, in this world?
As introverts, when we are called to do something in an extroverted world we can be frozen by fear. It can be many reasons, maybe it’s fear of failure, fear of not being up to the task, fear of judgment, and what people may say.
In this episode, Ebony is going to be talking to you about how we as introverts can walk into our extroverted purpose. This isn’t easy for us! But we want to encourage you that you are NOT alone. We all go through this! But you know what? You can do it - you can live out your purpose, and do it courageously! As introverts, we can tend to overthink things, and just being in our heads too much. So today we want to share some tips that will help you with that. Ebony also talks about: Why it's critical to push ourselves out of our comfort zones How changing your mindset can change your life Why it's necessary to take the time to recharge How you can find joy in your journey in becoming who you were meant to be
Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Instagram - @nosmalltalkpodcast

Twitter - @nosmalltalkpod1

Facebook Group - No Small Talk Podcast

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun
Jun 02, 202111:22
66. How to Host a No Small Talk Party

66. How to Host a No Small Talk Party

We are doing a REWIND and taking you all back Episode 37 for today's episode! As we are going into summer and starting to get out more, we wanted to remind our NST tribe how we can navigate and socialize as introverts!
Fun fact: Sherry hosted a "No Small Talk" party about 2 years ago at the recommendation of a friend, and that's how the podcast got started. Yup!
And now is the perfect time for YOU to have your own No Small Talk party. You may not take up podcasting afterward, but you will learn new and interesting things about your friends and deepen your relationships. In today's episode, we talk about how you can host your very own No Small Talk party using our conversation starters and other ways people have used them to build new friendships or strengthen existing ones. We also discuss what new things you can expect from the podcast.
Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources

Instagram - @nosmalltalkpodcast

Twitter - @nosmalltalkpod1

Facebook Group - No Small Talk Podcast

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun
May 26, 202113:23
65. No Small Talk Conversation with Bessie Frimpong | Conversation Starters for Introverts

65. No Small Talk Conversation with Bessie Frimpong | Conversation Starters for Introverts

Our conversation starter for today’s episode is: What projects are you working on right now that bring you joy? 

In today's episode we explored this topic with our friend Bessie Frimpong. Bessie is a fitness and lifestyle content creator. We loved having her on because we love what she is doing to motivate women to take charge of their health via fitness! Her content resonated with us right away, and we love seeing her inspiring posts! 

Today's topic brought up many different topics, as usual! We talked about being inspiring to other women in the fitness industry without looking like your stereotypical woman. How that makes you relatable and real. We also talked about how important affirmations are, especially for moms, and then we discussed diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and creating a culture that fosters inclusivity. Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  

The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others. 

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode: 

  • Follow Bessie on Instagram @verybessie 
  • 61. This One Tip Changed How I Showed Up in Every Social Interaction | TEDx Talk by Amy Cuddy
  • 55. Dear Introvert, Don't Be Afraid To Shoot Your Shot. Here's Why! 
  • Stories that stick, by Kendra Hall 

Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime". 

Get Social with Us: Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources Instagram - @nosmalltalkpodcast                          Twitter - @nosmalltalkpod1                         Facebook Group - No Small Talk Podcast                         No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

May 19, 202133:59
64. Networking Done Naturally: How to Network the Way You Were Designed with Shana Price

64. Networking Done Naturally: How to Network the Way You Were Designed with Shana Price

Let’s talk about networking (Are you already thinking NOOO?!?)

As introverts, so many of us overthink networking. It might sound intimidating and uncomfortable. But in today’s episode, our amazing guest LaShana Johnson Price is going to break through those stereotype myths, and show us that it doesn’t have to be scary. She shares with us that networking is all about being who you are, networking the way God made you, showing up with intention and goals, and using your introversion as the superpower it is! Although Shana is not an introvert and considers herself an extreme extrovert, she has so many great tips that I feel will help us introverts approach networking in a positive and natural way.

Shana is the Owner and Ceo of The Connection Guru, LLC® is on a mission to help women effectively build their networks by networking as they are designed. 

Shana is passionate, and genuine about creating and building deeper connections with people.  We love how she is are using her platform to cheer on and empower other women to do the same. 

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No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

May 12, 202138:58
63. Get Out of Your Own Way. Tips to Overcome Overthinking
May 05, 202115:08
62. 5 Ways To Build Your Confidence as an Introvert

62. 5 Ways To Build Your Confidence as an Introvert

Let's talk about confidence.

Some people seem like they're born with it, while so many others struggle with it. For those who don't seem to have that natural born flair, no worries, being more confident can be learned and developed. 

In today's episode, Sherry shares five tips which she practices regularly in order to speak, act and feel more confident as she interacts with people and enters into social settings, whether at work, at a business conference or on a date.  

After listening in, let us know which one resonates with you the most. Screenshot this episode, and share it in your stories, and tag us! We LOVE hearing from you!

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No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Apr 21, 202124:46
61. This One Tip Changed How I Showed Up in Every Social Interaction | TEDx Talk by Amy Cuddy

61. This One Tip Changed How I Showed Up in Every Social Interaction | TEDx Talk by Amy Cuddy

Did you know that your body language speaks just as loudly, sometimes even louder, than the words we speak?! 

Body language not only affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. When Sherry learned how one simple power pose can boost her confidence and impact how she shows up on interviews, dates and other social interactions,  she quickly added it to her box of "confidence resources". 

In today’s episode, we share Amy Cuddy’s TEDx Talk on how introverts, or shy or timid people can make tiny tweaks in their body language to appear more powerful and confident.  Who doesn't want that?! As Amy shares, body language can determine who we hire, promote, ask out on a date.  And interestingly, body language not only affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves.  

Listen as my explains how making tiny tweaks to your body language can shape your mind, and ultimately your results as you show up in social interactions more powerfully and confidently.  

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode: 

Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy 

Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime". 

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Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources 

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 Facebook Group - No Small Talk Podcast                             

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Apr 14, 202127:31
60. No Small Talk Conversation with Dr. Lilian Ajayi Ore | Conversation Starters for Introverts

60. No Small Talk Conversation with Dr. Lilian Ajayi Ore | Conversation Starters for Introverts

Today we have another conversation starter episode: What question are you trying to answer most in your life right now?
Small talk is boring and will rarely create any sort of connection between you and another person. But a good way to turn small talk into good conversation is to talk about topics that you are passionate about. When you live and lead with passion, it becomes who you are and what you tend to talk about most. Embracing your passions makes having any conversation easier. You find that you can easily weave your passions into any conversation.
And today's conversation with Dr. Lilian Ajayi Ore is full of passion. As we took on today's conversation starter, it was easy to identify the passions driving the conversation and how much we are connected to our passions. Lilian certainly led with her passion for championing and supporting other women, which is the basis of her platform Global Connection for Women (GC4W). We spoke about so many things from women empowerment and gender equality to faith and God.
Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions. The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.
Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Follow Lilian on IG @lilianajayiore

Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources

Instagram - @nosmalltalkpodcast

Twitter - @nosmalltalkpod1

Facebook Group - No Small Talk Podcast

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun
Apr 07, 202139:28
59. No Small Talk Conversation with Tierra Haynes | Conversation Starters for Introverts

59. No Small Talk Conversation with Tierra Haynes | Conversation Starters for Introverts

Today we have another conversation starter episode: What life experience defines and makes up who you are today?

We absolutely love conversation starters that cause you to look within and explore your inner thoughts, concerns and life passion. A lot of times it's so easy to play it safe and talk about topics that have nothing to do with us or who we are, whether that's the news, the latest celebrity gossip or the weather. But those typically don't foster the type of connection that will lead to meaningful relationships.

Today's question definitely forces you to go beyond surface small talk. It calls you to think about a moment that changed your life in a significant way, whether it was a entering a new stage in your life, a childhood experience, or an unexpected circumstance that forced you to look at yourself differently. 

And we invited our internet friend, Tiera Haynes to join the conversation. Tierra is a speaker, content creator, momcoach, and most recently an author.  She uses her platform to empower moms to find their inner strengths and passions outside of motherhood. We wanted to learn more about her, specifically how she has so much energy to do all that she does with fun, passion and purpose. Her page is so LIVE! We know you'll enjoy her energy just as much as we do!

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions. The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

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No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Mar 31, 202132:03
58. No Small Talk Conversation with Yemisi Odusanya | Conversation Starters for any Situation

58. No Small Talk Conversation with Yemisi Odusanya | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Have you met someone and instantly felt a connection, like you just want to talk to them forever?!

Well that's how today's guest, Yemisi Odusanya, makes you feel when you're with her. She leads with authenticity,  curiosity, service and confidence and her energy quickly draws you in and makes it some easy to connect with her.  That's the type of connection we're drawn to and promote here on the podcast.

Our conversation starter today is: What are you most worried about in our country moving forward and what are you most optimistic about?

This conversation starter led to so many amazing topics such as struggling with raising our children in a safe environment where they can actually live and thrive yet keep them protected, the struggle with social media and the never ending battle with keeping a limit on screen time. (And yes - This turned into talking about setting boundaries for ourselves as adults!) That's important too! We discussed how COVID has rocked our world and going back to what will be our "new" normal. And then the optimism of having females in leadership roles, Nigerians in leadership roles, and how empowering it is for women, and especially, women of color to see.

As always, we touched on everything and walked away feeling inspired and oh so good!

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

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No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Mar 24, 202151:04
57. No Small Talk Conversation with Delores Sarfo-Darko  | Conversation Starters for any Situation

57. No Small Talk Conversation with Delores Sarfo-Darko | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Privilege.... What are the first thoughts that come to mind when you think of this word? Anger? Shame?

If you're like many, you may avoid talking about privilege or only talk about it with certain people because it can be triggering and even divisive, especially in light of the events that happened last summer.

But have you thought about how YOU may have privilege?

On today's episode we explore this topic with our fellow introvert friend Delores Sarfo-Darko. Delores Sarfo-Darko is a driven dreamer, educator, storyteller, and student advocate. She has a passion to help students and young adults learn to embrace their journey. Her platform, Flourish with Delores, strives to help you fulfill your dreams as you engage in her curated workshops and visual resources.   We so admire how Delores uses her platform to amplify the voices of black women and as a source of inspiration.

If you struggle with discussing privilege or identifying your own privilege, make sure to check out this conversation, which led to a discussion on so many other topics (as always!)

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

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No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Mar 17, 202142:36
56. What I Had to Let Go of to Avoid Overwhelm and Burnout as a High Achieving Introvert | TEDx Talk by Katie Rasoul

56. What I Had to Let Go of to Avoid Overwhelm and Burnout as a High Achieving Introvert | TEDx Talk by Katie Rasoul

Are you a super ambitious introvert, who wants to be the best at everything you do? Well, so is Ebony, and when she heard Katie Rasoul's TEDx Talk, she thought "That sounds like me!" So we wanted to share with you this TEDx Talk, because we thought that there is probably some listeners that can relate to this as well.

Katie Rasoul is a fellow introvert and author of the book Hidden Brilliance. Katie is a high-achieving introvert. Someone who feels the intense tug between the drive to achieve more and the need for solitude, between going out to conquer the world fighting with the desire to simply be alone.

Ebony had a similar journey to Katie's and learned that her value is not based on accolades or accomplishments That her value also comes from experiences and our journey. And that journey includes the wins and the losses. There is value from failing and lessons that can be learned and shared from our mistakes in life.

So, if you consider yourself a high achieving introvert, remember to not base your value on what you can and cannot achieve. But instead create your own definition of success, and enjoy your journey along the way.

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No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Mar 10, 202122:34
55. Dear Introvert, Don't Be Afraid to Shoot Your Shot. Here's Why!

55. Dear Introvert, Don't Be Afraid to Shoot Your Shot. Here's Why!

Mar 03, 202136:26
54. My Sisters Don't Believe That I'm An Introvert, Here's Why
Feb 25, 202139:31
53. How I Incorporate Intimacy in My Marriage to Build a Stronger Connection With My Husband (It's Not What You Think!)

53. How I Incorporate Intimacy in My Marriage to Build a Stronger Connection With My Husband (It's Not What You Think!)

Would you like to deepen your connection to your spouse, or someone you’re in a relationship with, but not sure how?

Today, Ebony will be exploring different ways that couples, specifically married couples, can deepen their connection, by understanding the different types of intimacy. In relationships and marriage, fulfilling each area of intimacy will help strengthen your bond. It is a natural part of developing the relationship and growing closer. It’s not just physical! Ebony will be going over multiple ways you can build a deeper connection with the person you love.

Ebony and her husband have been married for almost 10 years, so she is sharing with us her perspective on developing intimacy in her marriage. Ebony explores:

  • The different kinds of intimacy that help cultivate your marriage
  • How you can use our conversation starters with your spouse to lead to a deeper conversation
  • How as introverts, we need to intentionally work on our relationships
  • How deepening your connection with your spouse will also deepen your family bond

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Subscribe & Review

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Feb 17, 202114:37
52. No Small Talk Conversation with Orobosa Owie | Conversation Starters for any Situation

52. No Small Talk Conversation with Orobosa Owie | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Is there someone in your life that has influenced the way you make decisions, raise your children, inspire you to work harder in your marriage, or impacted you in some other way? We start today's episode with conversation starter - Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?  Our guest today is fellow introvert, Orobosa Owie. She is the CEO of Docs on the Scene (Practice Development for Women in Medicine), a Professor, Former Director of African Affairs Committee at the United Nations, Podcast Host of Power of My Identity, and Author of the Book: Be Bold, Be Confident, Be you!  This was such an amazing conversation where we started off talking about who has been the biggest influence in our lives and why. Orobosa shares with us her story of where she came from, her heritage, and how she was taught to be proud of who she is and where she came from. The beauty of these conversation starters is that we not only learned so much from just this one question but it also brought us to sharing about relationships, marriage, how we raise our children, and so much more!  In our conversation we also explore:  How small acts of kindness create big impacts  How we should all strive to accept others for the beauty in their differences  Always put your best foot forward and be proud of who you are  Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode: Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime". Find out more about Orobosa at: and follow her on Instagram at: @orobosa_leads @pmipodcast Get Social with Us: Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources No Small Talk Podcast                Instagram - @nosmalltalkpodcast                Twitter - @nosmalltalkpod1               Facebook Group - No Small Talk Podcast               Subscribe & Review Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you! No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun
Feb 11, 202142:22
51. You Can't Build Authentic Meaningful Relationships Without These 3 Things

51. You Can't Build Authentic Meaningful Relationships Without These 3 Things

Sherry is really calling us out in this episode! Are you an introvert who finds herself avoiding events, conversations, and networking?  

That may be impacting us in more ways than we think! If we want to up level our lives - we need people! As introverts we want meaningful, strong, and real relationships. So instead of running away from every event out of fear of small talk, let's change those conversations!  

We can change those conversations by using 3 relationship-building pillars that Sherry will be sharing with us today. These 3 pillars are going to help you feel more confident, authentic, and open. So many of us don't find this easy to do, but with a roadmap to help us navigate through these events successfully, your life will become more fulfilled, and in turn positively impact others as well.

Sherry will be sharing with you: 

  • Why we need to stop making excuses and get out there! 
  • The impact building relationships will make on you and you will make on others 
  • Ways you can mentally prepare to walk into events confidently 

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Subscribe & Review

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Feb 05, 202119:45
50. 6 Conversation Starters That Will Take You From Chit Chat to Connection

50. 6 Conversation Starters That Will Take You From Chit Chat to Connection

Preparing for social settings and interactions will help you feel more comfortable and confident. What better way to prepare than to have 1 or 2 conversation starters in your tool kit that you can use anywhere?

In today's episode we compile conversation starters from guests from our previous episodes. These conversation starters are sure to create intimacy and connection with anyone you're talking to.  Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions. The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others. 

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Subscribe & Review

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Feb 05, 202110:55
49. Walking into your Extroverted Purpose as an Introvert

49. Walking into your Extroverted Purpose as an Introvert

Do you feel like you’re called to do something more? Know you have a greater purpose in life, in this world? As introverts, when we are called to do something in an extroverted world we can be frozen by fear. It can be many reasons, maybe it’s fear of failure, fear of not being up to the task, fear of judgment, and what people may say. In this episode, Ebony is going to be talking to you about how we as introverts can walk into our extroverted purpose.  This isn’t easy for us! But we want to encourage you that you are NOT alone. We all go through this! But you know what? You can do it - you can live out your purpose, and do it courageously! As introverts, we can tend to overthink things, and just being in our heads too much. So today we want to share some tips that will help you with that.  Ebony also talks about: Why it's critical to push ourselves out of our comfort zones  How changing your mindset can change your life  Why it's necessary to take the time to recharge  How you can find joy in your journey in becoming who you were meant to be  Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode: Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime". Get Social with Us: Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources No Small Talk Podcast              Instagram - @nosmalltalkpodcast              Twitter - @nosmalltalkpod1             Facebook Group - No Small Talk Podcast             Subscribe & Review Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you! No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun
Feb 03, 202111:22
48. 10 Conversation Starters for the Holidays

48. 10 Conversation Starters for the Holidays

Holidays are the time for gathering and get togethers with family and friends.

And while it's easy to default to small talk or talk politics, especially with this year's controversial and eventful elections, we hope that you can take a break from all that and have conversations that bring you closer and strengthen bonds.

It doesn't hurt to go into these events with 1 or 2 questions planned to get the conversatiom going. So, in today's episode we offer 10 conversation starters to help you deepen connections with those closest to you. Grab the link in our bio and tune in to Episode 47.
Nov 26, 202012:41
47. No Small Talk Conversation | Children's Edition

47. No Small Talk Conversation | Children's Edition

Today we are changing things up a bit.....

You've heard Sherry and I share with you all before how we've been dealing with quarantining, social distancing and staying at home. And I've also been working from home as well as home schooling my children! I think as parents, it's important to check in and talk to our children during these times. It's important to see how they are doing, and what their experience and perspective is in all of this. How they've been dealing with staying home as well, and social distancing.

Not every child's experience is the same! You will get to hear two very different opinions from two of my children - One experiences struggles with plans changing, missing their friends, and one is actually taking the quarantine quite well and is happy to be at home!

They also share about:

  • What it's like to be homeschooled
  • Their perspective on spending more time at home
  • Advice to other kids who are missing friends, and doing things outside

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Subscribe & Review

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Nov 18, 202010:27
46. No Small Talk Conversation with Ebony and Sherry | Conversation Starters for any Situation

46. No Small Talk Conversation with Ebony and Sherry | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Do you ever sit back and say to yourself..."Wow, I miss feeling (fill in the blank). 

This could be you reminiscing about the happiest time in your life, who you were with and what you were doing; or reflecting on the person you used to be...maybe more fun? Carefree? Unafraid? Or you weren't worried about impressing anybody, you were stubborn, and determined to be who you wanted to be, and do what you truly enjoyed doing.  

This is what Sherry and Ebony get into in this week’s episode. The seasons of life oftentimes have the effect of changing how we see things, how we think, and how we feel. This change can be good and bad. And while we often talk about the good that comes with the journey of life, today we talk about some of the things we lost along the way and wish to have back.  

We also talk about: 

  • The feeling of freedom and lack of worry 
  • Why we shouldn’t internalize everything 
  • Why it’s beneficial to sometimes say “No”  

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Subscribe & Review

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Nov 04, 202038:13
45. Why Now is the Best Time to Try Online Dating

45. Why Now is the Best Time to Try Online Dating

There are over 40 million people dating online right now. And that was BEFORE COVID! So many people have had to turn to online dating during these unprecedented times. 

Our lives have changed in so many ways, and dating has been no exception! So if you have found yourself looking for that special someone online, and have questions like, "What should my profile picture be?" "What should my bio say?" "How do I know if that person is right for me?" Then you're going to want to tune in! 

We all have had to learn to pivot, be more creative and find a new way of doing things. In this episode, we wanted to share with you some tips on dating online successfully, (since there're so many of us doing it right now!) and highlight tips shared by a friend who met his wife on 

Tips include: 

  • Be Honest and Kind Always
  •  Don't just say "Hi".  Personalize your greeting and message
  •  Know when to transition conversation offline and work on meeting in person 
  • Having a strong bio and banging, but true profile pic! 

Mentioned in this Episode:

Meetup – a site on which like-minded people can get together to learn, do, and share new things

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Subscribe & Review

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Oct 21, 202030:18
44. Skip the Small Talk and Do These Instead

44. Skip the Small Talk and Do These Instead

Happy hours, networking events, conferences... have you ever dodged these events because you hate large crowds and dread small talk? Do you struggle with initiating more meaningful conversations in your social interactions? In today’s episode, Sherry shares 3 ways to steer any conversation to get what you desire most- meaningful conversations.

We desire meaningful conversations! Connection. REAL talk! We are over the shallow conversations that feel pointless and like a waste of time. As introverts, if a conversation doesn’t go beyond small talk, we feel like we don’t have a chance to create a significant relationship. And because we’re always looking for meaningful conversations, we assume we won’t be get those at happy hour events.  But while it may seem tempting to avoid networking and small talk all together, that's not the best idea either.  If we want to go further faster, we need to rely on our relationships and network. 

Sherry also talks about:

  • How to take the lead in conversations
  • How to prepare for and enjoy those events you might typically dread
  • Why creating meaningful connections will help you feel fulfilled and more satisfied.
  • The importance of quality relationships

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

Get Social with Us:

Subscribe & Review

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Oct 14, 202024:41
43. 6 Ways To Get Your Mindset Right

43. 6 Ways To Get Your Mindset Right

In today's episode we are changing things up a little bit. Ebony talks about something that has been on her mind and heart lately- the power of a positive mindset. 

This episode is all about encouraging you to be intentional about keeping a positive mindset and speaking positivity into your life. 

As introverts we are very in tune with ourselves. We tend to be very inward turning and focus on our thoughts and our feelings. And so because of this, the success of our well being can very well depend on our mindset.  Ebony shares some tips about starting your day off on a good note, practicing gratitude and more easy steps that we can start doing today to have a more positive mindset.

With everything that has happened in 2020 it is understandable that people have struggled to keep a positive mindset. And many of us have concerns for what the rest of the year will bring as well. But we need to be intentional about not staying in a case of despair. Let's speak light and positivity into our lives and encourage one another. We are all in this together!

Ebony also talks about:

  • How powerful mindset can truly be
  • The benefits and value of incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine
  • Why we should remove negativity from our lives
  • The importance of self-care 

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

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Subscribe & Review 

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you! 

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Sep 30, 202011:14
42. How to Build a Personal Brand as an Introvert with Yetunde Shorters

42. How to Build a Personal Brand as an Introvert with Yetunde Shorters

In today's episode we talk about the importance of branding even as an introvert and offer some verbal and nonverbal ways to effectively and confidently do it without overwhelm.   

So, what is the best way to do this? It can start with authentically portraying yourself, and embracing what makes you unique.  Our friend, Yetunde Shorters talks to us about personal branding and using our personalities to set us apart from our competitors. People want to invest in those that they emotionally connect with, and Yetunde tells us steps we can take to start showing our true selves.   

Yetunde thrives on helping female entrepreneur leaders get clear on what their purpose is so that they can have more impact on the world, and build a community around it.

 We also talk about:

  •  How to bring your personality to your brand but still be professional and not overshare
  •  How to know if your brand aligns with your core values
  •  How to identify our individual personal values 
  • What’s one thing introverts can do TODAY to start building their personal brand? 

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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Subscribe & Review in Apple Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you! No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Sep 23, 202045:09
41. No Small Talk Conversation with Jeanette Hendrix | Conversation Starters for any Situation

41. No Small Talk Conversation with Jeanette Hendrix | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Do you struggle with always having to have a plan for your life? For your family's life? Or the opposite, being comfortable just the way things are? We start today's episode with conversation starter - Do you live more in the moment or plan for the future and why? 

We are joined by fellow introvert, Teacher, and Podcaster Jeanette Hendrix.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Our experiences with planning and preparing for different phases in our lives, and the lessons that came from that
  • The value of finding balance in preparing for the future and allowing things to be
  • Being confident and believing that we have what it takes, even in the most difficult and random situations of life
  • Being ok with saying "I don't know"

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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Subscribe & Review in Apple

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Sep 16, 202037:28
40. No Small Talk Conversation with Courtney Ferguson | Conversation Starters for any Situation

40. No Small Talk Conversation with Courtney Ferguson | Conversation Starters for any Situation

In the midst of a global pandemic, social injustice, and the many other challenges that came in 2020, we all need a little peace in our lives. So, for today’s conversation starter we asked ourselves “Where do you go to find peace and why?”

On today’s episode we are joined by fellow introvert Courtney Ferguson, a blogger and actress who hates small talk just like us.

We also talk about:

  • What peace means to us
  • How we find peace in our daily lives
  • The different activities and self-care tips that's helping us survive COVID-19 
  • The importance of self-care and being intentional about making time to take care of one’s physical and mental health.

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Sep 09, 202033:51
39. No Small Talk Conversation with Petra Pindar | Conversation Starters for any Situation

39. No Small Talk Conversation with Petra Pindar | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Are there some things that you do, beliefs that you hold on to, or behaviors that you grew up with that you now look at and ask "Where did I learn this from and does it actually make sense for me in this moment in my life?

There are certain things that we were taught, that were nurtured, or we just picked up on unconsciously. And as we do this thing called "adulting", we realize some of these things are no longer serving us or aren't actually true. And so, the journey of unlearning these things begins, which isn't always easy or comfortable.

On today's episode we are joined by friend to the show Petra Pindar, and we explore this question. Petra is President & CEO, of Petra Pindar Inc., a non profit organization dedicated to building and cultivating leaders in both the faith and business sectors.

We also talk about:

How we had to unlearn that you must please and appease everyone, especially those that are close to you, that successful friendships and relationships are meant to last forever, that you're responsible for the disappointments that happen in your life and that if you work harder and longer, you'll be successful.

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime". @petrapindar

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Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources  

No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast  

Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1

Facebook Group- No Small Talk Podcast

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Sep 02, 202035:43
38. No Small Talk Conversation with Marsha Badger | Conversation Starters for any Situation

38. No Small Talk Conversation with Marsha Badger | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Have you ever looked at your life and thought "this is not what I had in mind when I was 10"? 

Maybe you didn't expect to be where you are today in your career, or that you'd be single or that you'd have kids. Whatever it is, we're sure that there are some things that your younger self would not believe about your life today.   On today's episode we are joined by fellow introvert Marsha Badger, and explore this question. Marsha is a Journalist and Founder of the lifestyle website and podcast Introvert N the City. 

We also talk about:  

  • The difficulties of adulting
  • The challenges of being single in your 30's
  • The importance of community when raising kids
  • Dealing with 2 pandemics in 2020 and shifting plans and goals in order to adjust

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Get Social with Us: 

Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources  

No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast  

Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1  

Facebook Group- No Small Talk Podcast  

Subscribe & Review in Apple 

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you! 

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Aug 26, 202046:40
37. How to Host a No Small Talk Party

37. How to Host a No Small Talk Party

Fun fact: Sherry hosted a "No Small Talk" party about 2 years ago at the recommendation of a friend, and that's how the podcast got started. Yup! 

And now, is the perfect time for YOU to have your own No Small Talk party. You may not take up podcasting afterwards, but you will learn new and interesting things about your friends and deepen your relationships. On today's episode we talk about how you can host your very own No Small Talk party using our conversation starters, and other ways people have used them to build new friendships or strengthen existing ones. We also discuss what new things you can expect from the podcast.


  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

Get Social with Us:

  • Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources
  • No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast
  • Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1
  • Facebook- No Small Talk Podcast

Subscribe & Review in Apple

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Aug 19, 202011:31
36. No Small Talk Conversation Starters | Couples Edition

36. No Small Talk Conversation Starters | Couples Edition

On today’s episode we did something a little different and brought you No Small Talk conversation starters- the couples edition. Our special guest today is Chimdi, my (Ebony) husband of life. On this episode we take turns asking each other some really good conversation starter questions.

In this episode, we explore the following questions:

  • What do you remember about the first time we met?
  • If you could grant me one wish what would it be?
  • If you could go back to when we started our relationship, what advice would you give yourself?
  • And more!

These conversation starters are great for couples at any stage in your relationship. We encourage couples to use our conversation starter questions as an opportunity to create an atmosphere where you can foster deep conversations, reminisce on the past and even learn new things about each other, even if you have been together forever. Conversation starters are a great way for couples to grow with each other and build deeper connections. We hope that you will be encouraged by this episode to have those deeper conversations within your already established intimate relationships too!

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Aug 12, 202021:03
35. Things I'm Afraid to Tell You (Ebony)

35. Things I'm Afraid to Tell You (Ebony)

Today we are continuing to let down our walls, letting go of shame and embracing full vulnerability. We have another solo episode where I share a few things that I’m afraid for people to know about me. Now, on the surface they may not seem like big things, but for me, they are things I have struggled with and still struggle with from time to time; and a woman who cares so much about the perception of others, it was really hard for me to break down these walls. But I did it. I put on my big girl pants, and spoke my truth.

On this podcast we like to encourage you all to feel open to building those deeper connections, and sometimes that will require you to go to a place where you have to be vulnerable and uncomfortable. You know what they say, great things don’t come from staying in our comfort zones.

I hope that by Sherry and I sharing these stories and truths, you'd also be encouraged to identify those parts of your lives that you've been afraid to share with others and dare to start breaking down walls in order to build meaningful connections at work, at home, in your company and in love.

In this episode, you'll find out about the things I've been afraid to discuss including: My own experience dealing with Imposter syndrome with my career and success, dealing with Mommy Guilt and feeling inadequate as a mother at times, and also my issue with internalizing and overthinking criticism and fear of others perceptions of me. 

Social Media:

No Small Talk Podcast- @nosmalltalkpodcast


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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Aug 05, 202017:16
34. Things I'm Afraid to Tell You (Sherry)

34. Things I'm Afraid to Tell You (Sherry)

Today, we're doing things a bit differently. We have a solo episode where I share the biggest things that I've been afraid to speak about publicly and share with different people in my life. Now these aren't a few small things. These are some real hard areas that I've struggled with and have had difficulty sharing out of fear of judgement, shame, and just discomfort. But these are things that could serve as connection points with other people going through similar things.  I hope by sharing these stories and truths, you'd also be encouraged to identify those parts of your lives that you've been afraid to share with others and dare to start breaking down walls in order to build meaningful connections at work, at home, in your company and in love. In this episode, you'll find out about the things I've been afraid to discuss including: Imposter syndrome Confidence and self-esteem Money issues Failed relationships Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode: Episode 23: If You Can Be an Expert at Something, What Would it Be?  Episode 30: How to Talk to Your Kids about Race and Racism Episode 33: The Power of Introverts in an Extrovert World Lauren Westbrook, Westbrook Strategies Get Social with Us: Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1 Facebook Group- No Small Talk Podcast Subscribe & Review in Apple Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you! No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun
Jul 29, 202025:55
33. The Power of Introverts in an Extrovert World | TEDTalk by Susan Cain

33. The Power of Introverts in an Extrovert World | TEDTalk by Susan Cain

Would you believe it if we told you that we have an introvert friend who is really quiet but did something major like delivered a TEDTalk to hundreds of people. Would you believe us? It's true!

Well, sort of. Today we share with you a TEDTalk from our friend (in our head) and the Queen of introversion, Susan Cain.  Susan's TEDTalk has attracted over 10M views on YouTube, and in it she argues that introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world that should be celebrated and encouraged; not shamed. 

Susan also talks about:

  • The typical biases and labels associated with introversion
  • The tendency of introverts to go out of our way to fit in or be accepted, instead of putting ourselves in the zone of stimulation that works for us
  • The love and value introverts place on community and collaboration, but the need to balance that with solitude and reflection
  • Introverts' pursuit of passion and drive to do what is right which sometimes puts us in the spotlight, even if uncomfortable

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Social Media:

Susan Cain-  @susancainauthor

No Small Talk Podcast- @nosmalltalkpodcast


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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Jul 22, 202024:57
32. No Small Talk Conversation | Conversation Starters for any Situation

32. No Small Talk Conversation | Conversation Starters for any Situation

We often set rules or boundaries to protect our space, time, and peace of mind. And sometimes we're fighting with others to respect these boundaries, but sometimes we're struggling to respect those boundaries as well.   Today we discuss the different personal boundaries we've set in our lives and the reasons why these are important to us.  

We also talk about

  • How setting clear boundaries can help strengthen relationships by allowing us to be more present and focused 
  • The value of routines and rules in raising children and the impact that it has on self care 
  • The effect of being "plugged in" all the time on our mental health 
  • The importance of clearly explaining our boundaries and rules to close friends and loved ones so that they are aware of our desires and needs, and how we want to be treated  

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you! 

No Small Talk is hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; produced by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Jul 15, 202029:58
31. No Small Talk Conversation | Conversation Starters for any Situation

31. No Small Talk Conversation | Conversation Starters for any Situation

If you had to leave your home for a period of time and can only pick 3 things from your home, what would you pick?

Despite all the stuff we buy and consume, and fill our homes and lives with, there's probably just a few things that we really need or value. Whether those things come from a more practical perspective or they have some sort of sentimental value that you can't let go of, this conversation explores the things that matter to us most.  

We also talk about:

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Jul 08, 202019:30
29. 10 Undeniable Signs You're an Introvert, Not Shy

29. 10 Undeniable Signs You're an Introvert, Not Shy

Have you ever been perceived as shy, withdrawn, or quiet? Or maybe you've been called a recluse? 

If you're an introvert, you've likely been called all of these and more, and are just generally misunderstood and sometimes overshadowed by our more extroverted friends which can sometimes leave us feeling less than, not good enough, and not seen or heard.  In today's episode, we discuss the tell-tale signs that you're a fellow introvert and the common misconceptions people have about us. 

We also talk about: 

  • When we discovered we were introverts 
  • The impact our careers have had on creating our more introverted personalities 
  • Famous leaders and personalities who are introverts 
  • The importance of embracing your unique skills, talents and personality traits to lead and show up more confidently as an introvert in your personal and professional life 

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode: 

Get Social with Us: 

  • Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources 
  • No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast 
  • Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1 
  • Facebook- No Small Talk Podcast 

Subscribe & Review in Apple 

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple. Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you! 

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Jun 25, 202042:17
28. Activism Needs Introverts | TEDx Talk by Sarah Corbett

28. Activism Needs Introverts | TEDx Talk by Sarah Corbett

Do you struggle as an introvert on how to get involved in social activism? ⁣

For many of us, traditional forms of activism like marches, protests and door-to-door canvassing can be overwhelming and draining.  In today’s No Small Talk episode we share a special TEDx Talk by Sarah Corbett, “Activism needs Introverts”.  Sarah explains that we introverts have other ways we can be social activists and still be bold (but quiet)!

 We found this TEDx Talk perfect for this season that we’re in for those introverts looking for the quieter ways looking to promote social change. ⁣

Here's what to expect:

  • General characteristics of introverts
  • Why activism needs introverts
  • Quiet ways that introverts can engage people in social change without all the “loud” stuff ⁣

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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  • Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources
  • No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast
  • Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1
  • Facebook- No Small Talk Podcast

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun

Jun 17, 202022:29
25. What is the First Thing You Think About in the Morning? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

25. What is the First Thing You Think About in the Morning? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

The question for today's episode asks about the first thing on a person's mind when they wake up in the morning.  And while you may assume that the discussion would center around morning routines, nah- not necessarily! 

This question can elicit truths about a person's priorities, fears, frustrations or.... actual routine! The point is it's unpredictable! And while we answered the question, it wasn't what most may have expected, since it didn't involve alarm clocks and snooze buttons! For instance, Sherry shared some very personal information about her fears and anxiety concerning being single. And Ebony discussed getting herself and her children into a routine in light of COVID-19.  

We also talk about: 

  • The power of examining people in your life or a famous person who resembles your story and where you want to be, a different type of "vision board" 
  • The significance of female role models like Michele Obama and Meghan Markle for women in their mid to late 30's hoping to start a family 
  • The difficulties in trying to maintain sleeping patterns and daily routines during COVID and steps we can take to stay balanced and re-recreate "normalcy" 


  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

Get Social with Us:

  • Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources
  • No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast
  • Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1
  • Facebook- No Small Talk Podcast

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breathe Easy" Balogun.

May 28, 202022:11
24. What Childish Things Do You Still Do as an Adult? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

24. What Childish Things Do You Still Do as an Adult? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

On today’s episode we ask “What Childish Things Do you Still Do as an Adult?”

This question quickly had us wondering what exactly is considered childish behavior.  Is it watching cartoons or the Disney channel? Is it saying the most “basic” prayer before you eat that you’ve been saying since you were three or is it something else?⁣  During this season that we all are in, we all need laughter and some light and fun conversations. This is one conversation starter that proves that conversations and connection building don’t always have to be serious and heavy.⁣

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

We also talk about:

  • Adult Content in children's television shows and cartoons
  • How to share a fun fact about yourself in conversations so that you are more relatable


  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime".

Get Social with Us:

  • Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources
  • No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast
  • Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1
  • Facebook- No Small Talk Podcast

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breath Easy" Balogun

May 20, 202012:59
23. If You Can Become an Expert at Something, What Would it Be? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

23. If You Can Become an Expert at Something, What Would it Be? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

On today’s episode we ask “If you can become an expert at something, what would it be?” Random right? But it's fun! The answer to this can be a useless talent or a very valuable skill. A random question turned into really fun girl chat and revealed some interesting and surprising things. 

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

We also talk about:

  • Distant Learning with kids during COVID-19
  • Using social distancing and COVID-19 as a time to learn new skills
  • Challenge of dating in 2020 and not giving up
  • Use of matchmakers while dating
  • Being open to dating someone who was hooked up with your friend


  • Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime". 

Get Social with Us:

  • Sign up for our weekly newsletter for more motivation, tips and resources
  • No Small Talk Podcast Instagram- @nosmalltalkpodcast
  • Twitter- @nosmalltalkpod1
  • Facebook- No Small Talk Podcast

Subscribe & Review in Apple

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breath Easy" Balogun

May 13, 202017:02
22: What is the Best Gift That Anyone Has Ever Given You? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

22: What is the Best Gift That Anyone Has Ever Given You? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Today's episode we ask "What is the Best Gift That Anyone Has Ever Given You?"  What we love about this question is that it's especially useful if you're actually trying to get the person a gift- so you no longer have to fall back on gift cards, which are SO impersonal.  The question also allows you to learn new things about a person. For instance, we discovered another thing we have in common- our love language! Funny enough, it's not gifts.

Oftentimes, we think we have to buy the largest, most expensive gift in order for it to be the best gift ever.  Sometimes it's true, sometimes it isn't. But, regardless of the cost,  a really good gift is truly priceless. It makes you feel seen, understood and loved. And that's what we all really want out of all of our relationships right?!


Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

To take the stress out of coming up with fun and interesting conversations for your next date, lunch meeting or happy hour, we've developed a list of questions you can anytime and anywhere. Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime". A freebie designed just for you!

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Social Media:




Subscribe & Review in Apple

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breath Easy" Balogun

May 06, 202012:25
21. What is Something Unexpected that has Changed in the Last Few Years? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

21. What is Something Unexpected that has Changed in the Last Few Years? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

Today's episode we ask "What is Something Unexpected that has Changed in the Last Few Years"?  This question requires deep introspection and is a great way to go on a person's personal life journey as they discuss how they've changed, whether physically, personally, professionally or spiritually.  This conversation can be as light or deep as you want it to be, but it will create connection as you're invited into the person's personal evolution.  Listen in as we talk about our personal changes over the years and how our change occurred irrespective of anyone's thoughts or opinions......and then how we ended up talking about hair discrimination and unconscious bias in the workplace. You never know where these conversations end up. 

Our conversation starters are designed to create more interesting and memorable social interactions.  The great thing about our conversation starters is that they start off with one basic question, but will prompt a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and lead to other interesting topics. Use them and watch your relationships grow stronger as you share your answers and listen to others.

Click here for our "20 Easy Conversation Starters You Can Use Anytime". A freebie designed just for you! 

Subscribe & Review in Apple

Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

No Small Talk is produced and hosted by Ebony Anuforo and Shereefat Balogun; edited by Wale "Breath Easy" Balogun

Apr 16, 202019:59
20. What is the Most Important thing in Your Life? | Conversation Starters for any Situation
Apr 08, 202018:49
19. How to Unlock Human Connection | TEDx Talk by Dan Foxx

19. How to Unlock Human Connection | TEDx Talk by Dan Foxx

Covid-19 has all of us at home, social distancing and missing human interaction and connection. Who would have ever thought that we’d be limited in how we interact with one another, when we interact with them and where we interact with them.  Although us introverts value me time, we also value and are inspired by meaningful am inspiring interactions that leads to deep connection.

In today’s episode we share a special TEDx Talk by Dan Foxx.  In his TEDx Talk, Dan says that the key to unlocking human connection is found in our ability let go of our ego and authentically care for others. As introverts that enjoy meaningful connections, it is important for us to get out of our heads and stop worrying about our insecurities, fears and anxieties around speaking to people. Stop focusing on how we sound or what we should be talking about, and focus on the person we’re speaking to, what they’re interested in, what they’re motivated by and simply connect with them.

Here's what to expect:

  • The hidden truth about human interaction
  • The key to unlocking human connection

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click hereto subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click hereto review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

Mar 25, 202023:58
18. What Are You Doing to Manage Stress? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

18. What Are You Doing to Manage Stress? | Conversation Starters for any Situation

It looks like everywhere you turn every one is talking about what they do, their job titles, who they report to, yada yada yada.  And on top of what we do, we're working moms, wives, taking care of parents and side hustling.  And while there's some temporary pleasure and satisfaction that comes with the humble brag and painting this rosy, peachy perfect picture of our lives, if we're honest with ourselves (and each other), we're stressed out.  But that's the part we don't like to show on the gram or let people know.  We avoid talking about the fact that we are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out. 

Well in today's episode, we break the silence, admit that we are hella stressed and share how we've learned to reduce to stress and overwhelm in our lives.  This is such a great, honest and useful conversation to have anywhere and with anyone because it's a valid feeling that most people have and most are trying to manage. 

In Episode 18 of No Small Talk, we talk about:

  • the networking event that inspired this conversation...the discussion from "what do you do", to talking about Nacho Cheese Doritos, to "how are you managing your stress" 
  • Ebony and Sherry's personal eating habits and personal snack of choice
  • the value of exercise, prayer and meditation
  • Setting boundaries and saying NO!
  • Seeking help and counsel from family, friends and counseling

Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Social Media:

No Small Talk Podcast- @nosmalltalkpodcast


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Are you subscribed to our podcast? If you're not, we want to encourage you to do that today. We've been adding a lot of bonus tips and conversation starters to each episode, and if you're not subscribed, you may miss out on the goodness. Click here to subscribe in Apple.

Now if you're feeling extra generous, we'd love if you left us a review on Apple as well.  Those reviews help other people find the podcast.  Just click hereto review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let us know what you love about the episode. Thank you!

Mar 18, 202028:10