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Not Alone: Conversations on Faith and Wellbeing

Not Alone: Conversations on Faith and Wellbeing

By Foundry Creative

Weekly conversations on mental health and overall wellness approached from the lens of everyday struggles and centered by Christian teachings. Hosted by Michael McCord, Evan DeYoung, and Lindsay Geist, LCSW; three faith leaders who like having vulnerable conversations about faith, wellbeing, ridiculous analogies, and overall healthy living.
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5.4 - Identity in Flux

Not Alone: Conversations on Faith and WellbeingJul 27, 2023

5.5 - Personality, Barbie, Enneagram.

5.5 - Personality, Barbie, Enneagram.

Do you miss Buzzfeed quizzes? We kind of do. We actually took one at the beginning of this episode to determine which jobs we had if we were all Ken's in Barbieland. We like discovering our personalities, even if that means having someone (or something) prescribe it for us. We get into what personality really means in this episode, how our identities interplay with our personal inclinations, and why Michael's accent changes every time he takes a trip.

Aug 08, 202301:10:25
5.4 - Identity in Flux

5.4 - Identity in Flux

In this installment, we're going to be talking about the topic of identity. We've touched on it before, specifically as it relates to individuation during early life development, but we're to going to continue that conversation and explore identity in adulthood. All three of us get open and honest about a recent identity shift that occurred within our church denomination, Lindsay talks about what her own individuation process has looked like in life, and Michael talks about what it's like to juggle several seemingly paradoxical identifiers at once.

Jul 27, 202301:12:55
5.3 - Grief, Grief Rituals, and Unexpected Hardships

5.3 - Grief, Grief Rituals, and Unexpected Hardships

Grief is a topic we've addressed several times before this podcast, but unfortunately it's something all three of us have experienced in our lives recently. Michael and Evan get real about some family losses they've each suffered recently, plus Lindsay talks about a recent change that happened in her career. These moments are tough to walk through, but talking about the pain (and recognizing it) is essential to our own wellbeing. This one's kinda long too, so grab a coffee and settle in!

Jul 14, 202301:22:22
5.2 - Benchmarks of Success & a Plain Account of Christian Perfection

5.2 - Benchmarks of Success & a Plain Account of Christian Perfection

This week, we piggyback off of our last episode and dive deeper into the subject of success. We'll talk about how the world defines success, grappling with those conventional metrics working in ministry (including when organizations seemingly fail to meet those benchmarks), and how God's presence can often defy how we determine success. Also, we learn to no one's surprise that Lindsay was basically a perfect child when she was growing up.

Jun 30, 202301:06:55
5.1 - Success in our Seasons of Life

5.1 - Success in our Seasons of Life

We're back! To kick off this new season of the podcast, we will each take our turns describing how we're crushing it out there... just kidding. That would make for terrible listening. What we will talk about, though, is how we define success in life, how conventional metrics of success might not always equal overall wellness, and how we can set personal goals in a healthy way. Evan talks about his dreams of being on the Antique Road Show, Michael talks about career changes he's made (plus a fellow television star he met), and Lindsay talks about what it's like to talk to clients about success (as well as her lack of success in getting Michael and Evan into long-distance running).

Jun 15, 202301:22:49


Helloooooooooooo..... we hope this podcast preview finds you well. It's been a busy 2023 for us but we're finally back and have already begun recording new episodes! Keep an eye out next week as we begin season 5 of Not Alone!

Jun 08, 202305:56
058 - Information, Misinformation, Disinformation, and Michael's Childhood Butler

058 - Information, Misinformation, Disinformation, and Michael's Childhood Butler

Now, looking solely at the title of this episode, one might deduce that Michael McCord grew up extremely wealthy; so wealthy he even had an Englishman in livery to answer his home phone for him. But like any good clickbait story, the truth is buried under the headline (and usually has a boring explanation you have to click 8 links to find). Despite living in the information age, finding the truth can be a daunting task, and one we don't often have the time to do. So how do we deal with information, misinformation and disinformation? In this episode, Lindsay Geist will explain the difference between those three concepts, Michael will talk about an interesting accent his sibling took on (which ties into the butler story), and Evan DeYoung shares his wisdom as someone who grew up a digital native. 

Dec 13, 202201:06:40
057 - Tradition (and Holy Couches)

057 - Tradition (and Holy Couches)

When you hear the word tradition, what comes to mind? If you're like Lindsay, you might think of a certain musical about a Jewish patriarch adapting to fast-paced times. Or maybe you're like Michael, and think of a ratty old sofa that was hard to throw out because of the memories attached to it. Traditions are a huge part of our family lives and spiritual practices. Why is tradition so important? How do we determine what things we must hold onto, what things we let go of, and what things we decide to change? This week, we'll share some of the traditions from our own lives and unpack the wisdom we've learned from them, and look for the spirit behind the traditions we hold. 

Nov 11, 202251:32
056 - Secrets & Confession

056 - Secrets & Confession

We're trying out a new podcasting format his week; instead of us spilling our guts out for you, we're going to send out 55 minutes of total silence so you can dish out your deepest darkest secrets. Just pretend like we're listening (we're totally not)....

Just kidding! If you started listening to the podcast before reading the description like a normal person does you would know this is a farce. Confession is an interesting tradition of Christian living, one which most of us are uncomfortable practicing. But just as Biblically-practiced confession can draw us closer to God, honesty with other people creates intimacy; and getting to that level of honesty might require a greater capacity for forgiveness.

We're sad Lindsay couldn't be a part of this conversation this week, but Michael and Evan were able to have a great and thoughtful conversation, even though there wasn't a professional present to keep things in check. 

Oct 25, 202258:39
055 - Surprise! (...That's the Theme of This Episode)

055 - Surprise! (...That's the Theme of This Episode)

We hope you like surprises... if you don't, though, that's okay. We're not sure how we feel about them either.

A surprise is defined as something that's unexpected or mis-expected (more on that word later). The total subversion of expectation can be a rich, rewarding thing, such as a surprise party or a surprise gift. They can also be big-time stress inducers as well; like medical procedures or life expenses. And there are the things in life that don't always make the best surprises (like puppies or children) no matter how good and wonderful they might be.

In this episode, Lindsay shares some research that's actually been done on surprises, and Michaels shares some of the good and bad surprises that have happened over his life. 

Oct 06, 202249:52
054 - Plato, Play-Doh, and Mihaly's Flow

054 - Plato, Play-Doh, and Mihaly's Flow

When was the last time you did something just for fun? Like threw a frisbee, played a board game, or even assemble a LEGO set? Play is not always seen as an essential need for adults (and sometimes it's looked down upon), but there's a lot of evidence to suggest it's a lifelong necessity. Michael, Evan and Lindsay will go through some of the anecdotal evidence from their own lives but they'll discuss some research that's been done by some really smart people, like Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (we'll get into how to pronounce that). 

Sep 30, 202201:04:47
053 - Friendships & Adulthood

053 - Friendships & Adulthood

"When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me"

These of course are the lyrics of the classic Toy Story theme song written by Randy Newman. We often think of friendships being able to last through time and survive long distances, but the reality is our friendships change over the course of our lives. In this episode, Michael, Lindsay, and Evan discuss what this has meant in their own lives, how making friends looks different in adulthood, and the practical ways we can maintain our friendships despite how busy life may get.

Sep 14, 202201:18:16
052 - Summering

052 - Summering

Summer is traditionally the vacation season; we push the pause button on our daily routines to go somewhere and kick our feet up. But how we experience summer changes over the course of our lives. Summer can be beach time, it can also be time for home projects, or even moving to a new home altogether. Perhaps you can look back on your own previous summer seasons and see the times of rest and the times of stress. In this episode, we’ll get anecdotal and talk about how that has played out in our own lives. Lindsay had a Summer of Yes, Michael moved to Nashville, Evan got introspective, and we all found out how much we missed podcasting!

Sep 02, 202201:01:34
051 - Purpose

051 - Purpose

Purpose is both a deep and broad concept. It’s a universal human desire, and it’s a big focal point for a lot of Christians in particular. And while purpose can be powerful and inspiring, it can also be challenging to navigate life around. So how do we balance health and purpose in our lives? How can theology shape our understanding of what purpose really is? And how do we apply our concepts of purpose around our decision making processes?

May 11, 202249:55
050 - Are We Resigned to Resign? Our Thoughts on the Great Resignation

050 - Are We Resigned to Resign? Our Thoughts on the Great Resignation

Even though the pandemic has waned and normal life has resumed to a large degree, some of its broader effects can still be observed; particularly within the job market. In what has been called the “Great Resignation,” many companies have reported staffing shortages, and the workforce seems less eager to return to old form. In this episode, we’re going to take a closer look at this phenomenon, why it seems like people don’t want to work anymore, what Christians in America think about vocation in general and what we can actually learn from the teachings of Jesus.

Michael, Evan, and Lindsay will tackle this subject in its broader form, but they'll also talk about the personal decisions we all face around our forms of employment, when it's right to leave a job, or when it's time to start a new one.

Bonus Material:

  • So what's significant about Zacchaeus (apart from being a wee little man)? 
  • Chinese food for breakfast?
  • Christian memes made by Russian bots.
Apr 27, 202254:13
BONUS - United Methodist General Conference

BONUS - United Methodist General Conference

The United Methodist General Conference has been postponed (again) until 2024, but there's a lot to digest between now and then. It's a topic we've miraculous avoided in the almost-two years we've been podcasting (wait, has it nearly been two years???) but we decided to go ahead and talk about it now. If you're not familiar with what's been going on, the United Methodist Church has been in a fractured state for the last several years on the issue of LGBTQ+ marriage and ordination, and a divorce within congregation seems inevitable. Michael, Lindsay, and Evan will get into the weeds of this issue, explore the tangential effects it has had on the emotional wellbeing of people within Methodism, and talk about what a more united future might look like. 

Apr 14, 202246:08
049 - Forgiveness Pt. 2

049 - Forgiveness Pt. 2

This episode, we'll pick up where we left off two weeks ago with the second half of our conversation on forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness can be tricky... even though it's good to seek forgiveness, it can sometimes be heard as, "let's forget this happened and just move on." So how do we know when to let others have their space when we've hurt them? What are the differences between "big" and "small" forgiveness? And how do we practice forgiveness in healthy community? 

Mar 31, 202201:01:05
048 - Forgiveness Pt. 1

048 - Forgiveness Pt. 1

Forgiveness is a word we hear often in church. If you go to a liturgical church, you might even say "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us" every Sunday. But why forgiveness easy to talk about but hard to conceptualize? This week, we'll start the first part of a two-part conversation about this topic. Join us as we discuss the actual meaning of forgiveness, what it means to forgive others (and ourselves), and how it relates to our spiritual lives as well as our interpersonal connections.

Mar 16, 202246:30
047 - When Things Fall Apart (Coping Skills)

047 - When Things Fall Apart (Coping Skills)

At some point in every person’s life, there will be moments that are so heavy you just can’t “keep calm and carry on,” as the old saying goes. Whether it's stress, grief, or depression, we eventually have to find ways to cope. And there are lots of different coping mechanisms that people employ, including some that might actually be doing more harm to us on top of whatever it is we’re experiencing. So… how do we form healthy and productive coping habits?

Mar 03, 202247:02
046 - The Concept of Accountablity

046 - The Concept of Accountablity

Setting goals can be tricky. Following through on them is even harder. Sometimes it’s good to have a little accountability from others, but where is the line between helpfulness and judgment? This week, we explore the concept of accountability, how it works in the context of discipleship, how the concept can be misused and abused, and what it looks like to practice healthy transparency in work, family and relationships.

Feb 15, 202257:02
045 - New Year... New You? (Motivation)

045 - New Year... New You? (Motivation)

It is 2022-- wait, it's 2022?!

And in the spirit of the new year and new year’s resolutions, we will be talking in this episode about motivation-- how do you find the emotional energy to accomplish both long term goals and everyday tasks? Do you even really need motivation to get things started?

Other Topics:

  • The history of New Year's resolutions, dating back to the Babylonians (for real)
  • The concept of keystone habits and how to be foundational when we decide to implement change
  • How to put away your phone and actually pay attention to the television (is this where we are now?)

As always, don't hesitate to send us your questions!

We're on Instagram/Facebook @thenotalonepod

Jan 31, 202201:04:05
NOT ALONE Season 3(.5) Teaser

NOT ALONE Season 3(.5) Teaser

We're back baby! Well, we're almost back. It's hard getting back to the grind in the New Year. Plus, there's all these resolutions we promised ourselves we'd do on top of all our other obligations. You might say we could use some extra motivation...

What's that? You could use some too? Perfect! Because that's how we're kicking things off next week. We'll be talking about building and maintaining habits, what to do when we're not feeling all that motivated, and we'll really tell you how we feel about the institution of New Year's resolutions. Stay tuned!

Jan 20, 202201:00
044 - Difficult Holiday Conversations

044 - Difficult Holiday Conversations

Merry Christmas! We love this time of year... Christmas trees, lights, presents, the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior... oh yeah, and all the weird conversations we're going to have with our families. How do you prepare for the uncomfortable questions from parents/grandparents? What do you do when Secret Santa suddenly becomes political? How do we avoid that most American of temptations of talking in circles about our jobs? We have some ideas on how to not only remind ourselves at what's actually important, but how to keep the Holidays fun and festive for all.

Dec 17, 202148:55
043 - Purity Rings, Pledge Cards, and other Relics of the 90s (Sexuality Pt. 2)

043 - Purity Rings, Pledge Cards, and other Relics of the 90s (Sexuality Pt. 2)

This is part 2 of a series on sexuality and the church; if you haven't listened to part 1, we highly encourage you to do so before starting this one up. Also, we will be direct and open in this conversation... if you're listening with children present maybe leave this one in the que for now. 

Did you ever read books like Josh Harris’ I Kissed Dating Goodbye? Did anyone ever give you a purity ring when you were in high school? In this segment, we will be examining the purity culture that emerged within the Church years ago, its lasting impact on people who grew up in it, and possible next steps in discovering a more positive sexual identity.

Dec 03, 202101:07:24
042 - A Rather Touchy Subject (Sexuality Pt. 1)

042 - A Rather Touchy Subject (Sexuality Pt. 1)

First off, we plead for your forgiveness over the title of this episode. Puns are bad and we should feel bad.

But in all seriousness, we will be talking about sexuality in this episode. We won't get graphic but we will be candid, so we recommend you don't listen to this with children present. 

Why is sex one of the most sensitive subject matters in the church? In part one of this two-episode conversation, Michael, Evan, and Lindsay will be sharing from their personal experiences growing up within the church, exploring the theology of sex and marriage, and why we as Christians often have a hard time reconciling ourselves with their sexuality.

Nov 18, 202101:10:00
041 - Knives Out! (of Our Hands) - Critique to Curiosity Pt. 2

041 - Knives Out! (of Our Hands) - Critique to Curiosity Pt. 2

Last episode we talked about how to challenge ethnocentrism, navigate tribalism, and how to be curious about different perspectives instead of being dismissive. Easy stuff, right? Well this week we're taking it up a notch; we're talking about disagreements and worldview differences that occur in our pre-existing relationships! How do we keep friendships with those with those whom we have disagreements with? How do we keep the peace at work if a fellow employee is trying to stir the pot? And what are we supposed to do with Facebook? Plus, we'll hear Michael share some wisdom from his days at his college fraternity. Make sure you take a listen before you sit down at Thanksgiving; this might be helpful.

Nov 03, 202150:55
040 - Pickled Tilapia & Things Grandma Taught Me (Critique to Curiosity Pt. 1)

040 - Pickled Tilapia & Things Grandma Taught Me (Critique to Curiosity Pt. 1)

In this episode, we will be talking about a very unique delicacy Michael once tried while he was in the Philippines... and how it relates to the main topic of this episode: dialogue with others of differing opinions. You’ve probably read and heard much about the divisiveness of our times and perhaps you’ve even experienced a heightened level of discord in your own life recently. We’re not going to solve the issue of tribalism today but we do have a question to focus our discussion on: Why is it our immediate instinct to criticize the views of others who are different from us, and how can curiosity lead the way to better dialogue and more harmony? And how can we think better of others if we consider the ways in which our own grandmothers impacted our lives?

Oct 20, 202144:40
039 - Prayer, Values, & the Decision Matrix (Decisions Pt. 2)

039 - Prayer, Values, & the Decision Matrix (Decisions Pt. 2)

We're picking up where we left off last week with decisions! (And don't worry, at no point is Evan going to ask you to choose between a red pill and a blue pill). What we are talking about this week, though, are some practical tool and methods when it comes to making decisions, how to be empathetic in our processes, and what are some examples from scripture on how to make decisions based on prayer and Biblical values. 

Oct 06, 202101:09:29
038 - Decisions Part 1

038 - Decisions Part 1

We're back! If you're new to the podcast and can't decide whether you should start here or work your way up our catalogue, don't despair! For one thing, there is no right or wrong way to listen to this podcast. Secondly, this episode is all about making decisions! We'll go into the stress of making decisions both big and small and where to find good help from others.

Sep 29, 202148:35
Season 3 Teaser

Season 3 Teaser

Season 3 dropping soon... make sure you got your journals, pens, a readily accessible feelings wheel, and an appetite for food metaphors. 

Sep 22, 202115:38
037 - Summertime Extravaganza Mini-Episode! (and Season 2 Finale?)

037 - Summertime Extravaganza Mini-Episode! (and Season 2 Finale?)

It's five o'clock somewhere... it may even be five o'clock wherever you are when you decide to listen to this. Either way, we're on vacation! But despite it being the middle of summer, we decided to record a quick mini-episode to keep you updated, give some thoughts on post-pandemic summer life, and also to leave you with some parting thoughts as we take a break from the show and transition to island time. As the title suggests, this may be the Season 2 finale; it might also just be an extended break. Nevertheless, we will gather our wits once we return and be ready to hit the ground running come early fall. 

Thank you for your listenership; it means more to us than you know. Happy Summer!

Jun 25, 202124:04
036 - LIVE from Evan's Basement! Pt. 2: Rest and Relaxation

036 - LIVE from Evan's Basement! Pt. 2: Rest and Relaxation

With it being summer and many of us planning vacations, we decided to talk about the subject of rest. What is the purpose of rest? What is the difference between resting and doing nothing? And how do we use rest as a tool to maximize ourselves in our daily lives? Also, would Chicken Salad Chick like to give us a nice endorsement?

2:00 - Intro to topic. How do we know when we’ve done enough work before we allow ourselves to rest? 

9:00 - How do we shake labels like lazy or unreliable? How do we find value apart from what we produce?

16:30 - How do we discipline our rest and make it part of our routine?

28:00 - How do we not feel guilty about being proactive in our rest? What is the difference between working to rest and resting to work? What is the difference between retreating and resting?

37:45 - The benefits of play (not just for kids, but boring adults, too!)

44:10 - VACATION CHALLENGE: how can you find yourself being busy but also full of joy and rest?    

52:40 - Final thoughts

Building a Culture of Discipleship by Michael Breen:

Jun 16, 202155:00
035 - LIVE from Evan's Basement! (Pt. 1)

035 - LIVE from Evan's Basement! (Pt. 1)

This episode is a bit unlike any we’ve ever done before as we decided it was finally time to take a break from zoom meetings. That’s right; this episode of Not Alone is the very first to be recorded in person! The gang recently got together at Evan’s house to reflect upon the last year of podcasting, the progression of post-pandemic life, the things we get to celebrate now, and we also try our hands at being spokespersons for a popular chain of chicken salad restaurants.

Jun 10, 202145:46
034 - Sobriety and Community feat. Greer Jones (Alcohol/Substance Abuse Pt. 3)

034 - Sobriety and Community feat. Greer Jones (Alcohol/Substance Abuse Pt. 3)

This week we are releasing part 2 of our conversation with Greer Jones. Greer is a professional counselor and a friend of the pod who has lots of experience walking with other through substance abuse. If you haven’t listened to part 1 yet, we highly encourage you to do that first!

In the second half of our conversation, we talk about the challenges of maintaining sobriety, more on how COVID increased substance abuse in the US, but more importantly what role the church has to play in walking with others in a way that creates community and addresses issues at the source.

Greer Jones' counseling services :


0:35 - the difficulties of maintaining sobriety

5:37 - what is your advice to someone who has been drinking in isolation due to stress related to the pandemic?

10:00 - things to consider when reading news/statistics around substance abuse

17:11 - Insights into how the pandemic influenced substance abuse from the vantage point of doctors

23:15 - how do we tackle substance abuse coming out of the pandemic and what ways can churches walk along others in reaching sobriety?

33:00 - Greer shares how being in the company of Christ-like people influenced her in powerful ways 

May 25, 202145:32
033 - Talking about Substance Abuse with College Students feat. Greer Jones (Alcohol/Substance Abuse Pt.2)

033 - Talking about Substance Abuse with College Students feat. Greer Jones (Alcohol/Substance Abuse Pt.2)

This week we are releasing part one of a two-segment interview with a guest we had on our show. The conversation went on a lot longer than we had initially expected so we have decided to split it in two; the second half of which will release approximately a week from when this uploads. (One caveat; at several points in the conversation we mention sexual assault; we don’t discuss it in great detail, but if that’s a painful trigger for you then you might want to skip this episode.)

Our guest today is our friend Greer Jones. Greer is a counselor who lives in a college town and specializes in working with college-aged adults. She has a lot of experience walking with other through substance abuse.

3:25 - Introduction to Greer, how her background working at sea world actually affected her current career as a counselor

9:24 - Greer’s experiences working with other people’s substance abuse

18:04 - What does “recovery” mean in terms of substance abuse/alcoholism? How do we help others find next steps?

29:49 - Greer talks about a traumatic experience she had in college and how she coped through substance abuse

34:34 - How alcohol abuse is uniquely common on college campuses and the difficulties there are in diagnosing it, and how social contexts in general make substance abuse hard to call out

40:24 - How shame discourages vulnerability and the desire to seek help

Greer Jones' counseling services:

May 18, 202150:05
032 - Rosé ALL Day (Alcohol/Substance Abuse Pt. 1)

032 - Rosé ALL Day (Alcohol/Substance Abuse Pt. 1)

In the last year, we’ve talked about a lot of challenges we’ve all faced  in the pandemic, and this week we’re introducing another to the list: substance abuse. How do we define things like alcoholism and dependence, how has substance abuse affected faith communities, and how do we know when it’s time to take steps towards healthier living? 

0:35 Chick-fil-a changed the name of their Arnold Palmer to “Sunjoy.” Which Cathy family member do we have to call to rectify this PR misstep?

4:55 Substance abuse has increased in the last year; what does substance abuse mean? What is the difference between abuse and dependence? And how has COVID impacted trends of both among adults?

12:30 Unique ways our culture has positively reinforced alcohol abuse

19:54 How does alcohol dependence usually start? What are the symptoms of alcohol abuse?

27:45 How does vulnerability lessen our need to drink? How does the need for many clergy to drink in secrecy negatively affect their consumption?

May 11, 202145:25
031 - Race, Power, and Lessons One Year After George Floyd's Death (feat. Dominique Johnson)

031 - Race, Power, and Lessons One Year After George Floyd's Death (feat. Dominique Johnson)

In this episode, we’re delighted to have Dominique Johnson back on the podcast. Dominique is an African American pastor from Macon, Georgia who came on our show a year ago to discuss race in the wake of the George Floyd protests from last summer. We got on the call with Dominique again recently to revisit some of those talking points, to discuss current issues, and also to talk about where we go from here as the church.

Dominique's organization:

May 05, 202101:06:32
030 - The Prodigal Michael Returns (Anxiety Around Re-entry Pt. 2)

030 - The Prodigal Michael Returns (Anxiety Around Re-entry Pt. 2)

Michael has returned from the world of Academia a new man and so we’re celebrating by picking up on Anxiety around Re-entry. What does church look like now that we’re approaching post-pandemic life, and what lessons should we take from this past season of life?

6:49 - Michael shares his experience attending church in-person for the first time again.

12:25 - We speculate on what God might think about re-openings

16:02 - Who are we a year later in the pandemic?

23:50 - Michael shares some of his insights talking to other pastors about opening up churches again, also a discussion of the modern church in post-pandemic life centered around the theology of rebirth and renewal

32:50 - Evan felt like dog water after his vaccination, but got to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy and shares how the ending relates to his experience coming out of the pandemic

42:10 - Ideas for rituals on how to close out this chapter of our lives

Apr 27, 202146:13
029 - Mom, What's a Therapist? (Mini-Episode)

029 - Mom, What's a Therapist? (Mini-Episode)

This week, we are once again without Michael, who was busy working on his dissertation, so we decided to take a pause in our normal programming and do something a little different. In this episode, Evan got on the call with Lindsey to talk about the world of therapists, her background as a counselor and an ordained minister, and also some things the general public might not know about the profession at large.

Apr 20, 202142:18
028 - We'll Take a Shot o' Vaccine Yet for Days of Auld Lang-xiety (Anxiety Around Re-entry Pt. 1)

028 - We'll Take a Shot o' Vaccine Yet for Days of Auld Lang-xiety (Anxiety Around Re-entry Pt. 1)

This week, we’re circling back on the topic of Anxiety, but we’re framing the discussion around the imminent re-entry into "normal life." What is it about post-pandemic living that is making us anxious? With Michael missing in action in order to continue his education, Evan gets free one-on-one counseling from Lindsay this week, leading to some interesting anecdotes from airports, some fun facts about ferrets, and how he's desperate to talk to strangers (yes, this is an open invitation to chat in our DM's). 

Apr 13, 202154:20


This week, we pick up where we left off with joy vs happiness. We’ll talk more about more the differences between the two, why it feels like they are at odds with one another, and we’ll also look into what the Bible has to teach us on the subject.

2:45 - Recap of last week

4:00 - Why should we distinguish joy from happiness?

7:34  - Exploration of James 1:2 (“consider it pure joy when you face trials”)

17:05 - Why should we care about the original Hebrew and Greek  texts when we read into scripture?

27:34 - What does scripture have to specifically say about joy and happiness?

36:04 - A food analogy on the differences between happiness and joy (you can scratch that off your bingo board). Michael then shares an anecdote from being a parent at a kids’ basketball game to illustrate how we as Christians can cultivate joy.

46:45 - Michael gives a homework assignment

Apr 06, 202152:03
026 - Easter Eggs, Personal Flotation Devices, and "Y'all" (Joy Pt. 1)

026 - Easter Eggs, Personal Flotation Devices, and "Y'all" (Joy Pt. 1)

Hey y'all; this week we’re talking about joy, how it differs from fleeting happiness, and how we can cultivate in our lives. 

3:00 - Intro joy

8:20 - Etymology of happiness

10:00 - The difference between joy and happiness

20:50 - How does happiness connect with joy?

29:04 - The infectious nature of joy vs the silo effect of happiness

33:50 - The relationship between joy and gratitude

41:35 - Evan makes an Easter egg hunt analogy (on theme for the season) 

Mar 30, 202145:34
025 - Toxic Positivity pt. 2

025 - Toxic Positivity pt. 2

Today we're back on toxic positivity, but we're going to look at from a church-centric perspective as well as examine what the Bible has to say about it theologically


4:00 - Re-itroduction to toxic positivity.

8:00 - Where does toxic positivity exist in Christian faith communities?

13:00 - When is it appropriate to express our sadness and when is it not?

16:30 - How do we balance the scriptural promises of joy with being honest with our sadness? What does the Bible specifically say about lament?

24:30 - Psalm 88 and unresolved sadness.

30:20 - Can you experience hope without embracing pain? Michael shares insights of academic studies on the correlation of racism and hope.

36:00 - Why karma doesn’t exist in Christianity, even though we sometimes act like it does.

42:00 - How to spot toxic positivity within our own lives, how to get help, and parting thoughts.

Mar 23, 202155:15
024 - Toxic Positivity Pt 1

024 - Toxic Positivity Pt 1

2:30 Intro to toxic positivity

5:00 - When does positivity become toxic?

13:40 - Why is toxic positivity easy, especially when we mean well?

16:00 - Some signs of toxic positivity, plus Lindsay gives Evan some free counseling

25:35 - How the Incredible Hulk models emotions in an unhealthy way, especially men

33:45 - Why discussions toxic positivity shouldn’t be ignored because of the presence of other issues

41:12 - Why toxic positivity doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to feel hopeful

Mar 16, 202152:52
023 - Change Pt. 3: Major Changes (and Changing Majors)

023 - Change Pt. 3: Major Changes (and Changing Majors)

Today we wrap up our three part series on change. We’ll talk about how to help others cope with major changes in their lives, how to balance giving help to others versus being their counselor, the stress of changes in life (including some anecdotes from our collective experiences choosing/changing majors back when we were in school), and how to cope with rapid changes happening in the world around us.

Mar 09, 202136:39
022 - Change pt. 2: The Interplay of Faith, Change, and Grace

022 - Change pt. 2: The Interplay of Faith, Change, and Grace

Welcome back to Not Alone a podcast about Faith and Wellness, we’re so glad you’re tuning in. Picking up from where we were a week ago, we are diving back into the subject of change. In this episode, we’re going to talk about how change is ever present in our lives, how it’s essential to Christian faith, and we’ll discuss the ways we contemplate change in our spiritual lives.

  • 02:30 - How do faith and change interplay with one another? Does God want us to change as people? If change is essential to Christian faith, how do we choose personal change without the burden of shame?
  • 08:50 - How different faith traditions within Christianity have differing definitions of imagery of what change is, but they all see change as an inherent strength we were created with.
  • 11:40 - Why is change hard? Why are we often ashamed to admit we need to make healthier decisions? What are the similarities and differences in how believers and non-believers experience change?
  • 20:20 - Change is happening to us whether we like it or not, so what does it look like to incorporate faith in the ongoing process of inevitable change in our lives? Recap of Christian perfectionism.
  • 25:00 - Michael talks about the different types of grace that are taught by his church denomination, and how confession and repentance have become lost arts of mainstream Protestantism in the US.
  • 31:27 - What is the correlation between change and healing?
Mar 02, 202137:34
021 - Intro to Change

021 - Intro to Change

This episode is the official kickoff of season 2 of the podcast and we’re excited for all the new things we have in store for you in 2021. Change is in the air, folks. And because we’re tweaking our format a little, we thought it would be appropriate to kick things off by talking about change (reading Who Moved My Cheese? is not required though it is encouraged, mostly because we’re still looking for our cheese).

7:00 - what we’re excited about new format of the show

9:15 - Intro to change.

13:35 - clinical understanding of change

34:00 - how do we know when it’s time to change?

37:00 - the importance of seeing small changes, plus a look ahead to our next episode in this series.

Feb 23, 202141:50
020 - Episode 20(20): a Year in Review

020 - Episode 20(20): a Year in Review

Merry Christmas! We hope you’re taking care of yourselves this holiday season; with the pandemic still afoot we know many have had to alter their plans for the season, and while this has been a tough year in general, we’re hopeful at Christmas. Before listening to this episode, it is recommend that you procure a warm beverage of your choice and position yourself by a fireplace (or a live feed of one on YouTube).

Dec 23, 202001:04:22
019 - Self-Care

019 - Self-Care

Today’s conversation is all about self care; for context, it was recorded just over a week after the election. If you’re listening during the week this episode is uploaded, you’re probably gearing up for the holidays; so odds are you, the listener might need a little self-care at the moment.

4:55 - Intro to Self care

8:40 - Self-care routines

12:10 - Our self care routines

23:40 - the challenges of self care in the US

25:40 - the social side of self care

37:40 - tools for other kinds kinds of self care, plus closing thoughts

Nov 23, 202052:04
018 - Pobody's Nerfect.

018 - Pobody's Nerfect.

Today we’re going to talk about perfectionism, John Wesley’s battle with the desire to be flawless, the ways in which we wrestle with the various impulses to be perfect, and we’ll also do a brief review of the movie Homeward Bound.

12:20 - Breaking down the the 3 camps of perfectionism

14:45 - What is the antidote to self-perfectionism? Saying messy is okay.

15:55 - how do we identify perfectionism?

19:15 - is perfectionism completely bad?

23:15 - LIndsay shares a quote from Brene Brown’s book “Daring Greatly”

24:25- what is it about us that makes us lean towards perfectionism?

29:00 - how do we teach excellence along with the dangers of perfectionism?

35:23 - Thoughts on Matthew 5:48

47:00 - Evan shares how a scene from Homeward Bound impacted his view on faith.

57:00 - In the moment, when we recognize our own perfectionist tendencies, what should we do?

1:00:33 - How relationships is helps us find healing

1:06:40 - How do we deal with pressure from society to be perfect?

Nov 14, 202001:20:34