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Not a Buffalo

Not a Buffalo

By B.R.L. Hall & Jack

When headlines focus so much on tragedy, it can be easy to miss the kernels of hope. Two friends, Jack and Ben delve beyond the doom and gloom to discuss the science and technology stories you may have missed. From medical breakthroughs to wacky gizmos to just plain awesome science, this podcast will give you the perfect response to the next person who says the world is going mad.
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025 Peanut Butter, Jam and LIGO

Not a BuffaloMay 30, 2021

025 Peanut Butter, Jam and LIGO
May 30, 202135:14
024 The Adventures of Jack Segue
Apr 25, 202132:42
023 A Swirlon Matter

023 A Swirlon Matter

We have an abundance of breakthroughs for you in episode 23 of Not a Buffalo. Jack and Ben discuss the first ever sound recorded on Mar by Perseverance and a new use of the Doppler effect that's aiding in scientists in fighting disease. Jack has a story all about swirlonic matter, an incredible new discovery in our understanding of the world around us. Ben talks about an AI that is helping us figure out how the human brain works.  

Phi Motion & AI 

Doppler Effect 

Swirlonic Matter 

Perseverance Lands on Mars Live Touchdown (YouTube)

Mar 28, 202144:47
022 Gingerbread Blueprints
Feb 28, 202135:32
021 Bowie is my Tesla

021 Bowie is my Tesla

With the year 2021 comes episode 21 of Not a Buffalo, your favourite podcast about the science and technology that provides the ray of hope and sunshine during gloomy January days. In this episode, Ben has a story that brings together two of his favourite things, graphene and batteries while Jack has a story about AI saving the Amazon rainforest which sparks a deep discussion. We also cover an incredible bacterial breakthrough that could change home life and learn about a new study that suggests identical twins may have more differences than we thought.
Jan 31, 202142:21
020 Life in a Wok
Dec 27, 202037:17
019 Tomographical Endowment
Nov 29, 202035:16
018 Ig Nobel Prizes

018 Ig Nobel Prizes

It’s that time again! The ig-nobel prizes have been released, so it’s time for Jack and Ben to run through their favourite picks from this year’s nominations. We’ve got screaming alligators, narcissistic eyebrows and bug catchers who are terrified of spiders. So, poor yourself glass and settle in for another year of science that will make you laugh and then make you think “why?"

Jack’s Stories:
If you’ve ever wanted to know what happens when you seal an alligator in a room filled with helium and why you would want to do this, we have the answers to your questions.

Something akin to placing earthworms on a wobble board, can make big headlines in the ig-nobel prizes.

Is it possible to study insects for a living and still be afraid of spiders?

Ben’s Stories:
Learn how to spot a narcissist by checking their eyebrows.

How something akin to a sketch comedy landed 5 people in court.

At last, serious research relating income inequality to making out. Find out more here:

Honorable Mentions:
How ginger knocking contributed to world peace.
Yes, being annoyed at the sound of people chewing is finally a medical ailment.

Researchers confirm, making knives out of poop is not best practice.

Oct 25, 202040:03
017: Season 2 Debut
Sep 27, 202036:22
016 Non-Newtonian Pranks

016 Non-Newtonian Pranks

Episode 16 marks the final episode of this season of Not A Buffalo, we'll be taking a break over the summer and returning in September 2020 but fear not, we're leaving you with some wonderful science stories. Jack and Ben talk about everything from recreating the paint on medieval frescos to sending tiny cardboard planes to Mars. Jack explains how things are heating up in the world of quantum computing and Ben talks about a brain surgery breakthrough using ultrasound. If you are new to the series, we have 16 episodes packed full of great science and technology and w elook forward to discussing what the world has discovered in September!
May 31, 202028:54
015 Saturn is a Toaster

015 Saturn is a Toaster

It's the second episode from lockdown, guess which of our hosts has gone crazy first? After we establish the new metric system involving freedoms and potatoes, we did into some fascinating stories about the gas giants, the ancient jungles at the South Pole and discuss a break through in magnetic research that could revolutionise our electronics. We hope you're all keeping safe and well out there and enjoy the episode!

Apr 26, 202032:31
014 Everything's Better in 2-D

014 Everything's Better in 2-D

The world is going into lockdown from covid-19 but Not a Buffalo is here to give you a little glimmer of hope in these dark times. Jack and Ben discuss the benefits of being infected by zombie-making fungi; how the vast cosmic web relates to a tiny slime mould and the new luxury hotel chain made for seahorses. To cap it all off, we both brought some stories about the wonders of 2-dimensional materials.
Mar 29, 202028:41
013 Discovering Paradise...Twice

013 Discovering Paradise...Twice

In this episode, Jack and Ben explore science all over the spectrum from the discovery of a brand new species of bird to the molecular creation breakthrough that is offers a promising path to better drugs. And we talk about everyone's favourite essential insects, bees.
Mar 02, 202023:54
012 Never Release Your Worms

012 Never Release Your Worms

In the first episode of the new decade, Jack and Ben discuss what they would do to get into space; taking cuttlefish to the cinema and how we're all becoming a little bit cooler. They also discuss the controversial topic of golden rice and the dangers of pressing the mortality switch in worms. You can find the episode spotify, google music, apple podcasts and wherever you can find podcasts.
Jan 29, 202031:08
011 It's Christmas

011 It's Christmas

And a myriad of other festive occasions and what better way to celebrate than the final podcast of the year. In this episode, Jack and Ben keep up the holiday theme about talking about the benefits of board games; the better batteries coming your way for all your Christmas gadgets and that oh so Christmassy topic: dark matter.
Dec 29, 201935:40
010 Space Cookies

010 Space Cookies

This week we received the excellent news that Astronauts aboard the International Space Station will finally be able to have freshly baked cookies, meaning that travelling 27,600 km/h around the Earth will finally smell like home. Ben and Jack also talk about a revolutionary new model that might explain more about our universe and try to figure out what perovskites are and how they will create better solar cells.
Nov 24, 201920:50
009 What About a Bull?

009 What About a Bull?

Can colours indicate your culture? Are monkeys better problem solvers than humans? What is the cutest tiny photo? Ben and Jack ramble about these questions and more in our latest episode.
Oct 27, 201927:58
008 Ig Nobel Prize Special

008 Ig Nobel Prize Special

It's that special time of year where scientists are recognised for their research that makes you laugh and then makes you think. We go through our favourite Ig Nobel prize winners of 2019 as well as exploring some of the latest science news.
Oct 01, 201928:03
007 Penguin: Dino Killer

007 Penguin: Dino Killer

In this episode, Jack displays his great affection for penguins, we discuss India's potential Tiger related Guinness World Record and come up with a new theory for what actually wiped out the dinosaurs.

Sep 01, 201919:26
006 Don Juan in Space

006 Don Juan in Space

20th July 2019 was the the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, the first time that a human walked on the moon. In celebration of that, Jack and Ben look at some space stories including a gravity spa; technological innovations from NASA that we use right here on Earth and the Voyager probes. We also take a look at some new discoveries and inventions including identifying people by their eye movements along and photographing quantum entanglement.
Jul 29, 201932:12
005 Mantis Shrimp: The Movie

005 Mantis Shrimp: The Movie

We have a great mix of interesting science and technology that will save the world in this celebrity rich episode. We discuss the evolution of Godzilla, the return of Boaty McBoatface and the latest discovered superpower of the incredible mantis shrimp.
Jun 30, 201928:35
004 Army vs Carp

004 Army vs Carp

In this episode the discussion resolves around the Army's near-billion dollar plan to fight fish, recognising panda faces and a breakthrough in AI that could have a big impact on the way we use it.
Jun 09, 201919:41
003 Don't Go Bacon My Heart

003 Don't Go Bacon My Heart

In episode 3, Ben and Jack talk about NASA's plans to return to the moon, the solving of a 600 year old manuscript and a brand new technology that could be a massive boon in the fight against climate change.
May 19, 201927:53
002 Get your Freedom Dividend

002 Get your Freedom Dividend

In this episode, Jack and Ben discuss some American political candidates with some science savvy; Japanese otter mascots and the 19th century duel that all of Lichtenstein was talking about.
May 05, 201923:23
001 Black Holes and Lichtenstein

001 Black Holes and Lichtenstein

Ben & Jack discuss the big science and technology stories of the last couple of weeks as well as Lichtenstein, Yogi Bear and satellites.
Apr 21, 201940:32