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Not so random with S. Angel

Not so random with S. Angel

By NOT SO RANDOM with S. Angel

Not So Random with S. Angel is a podcast that helps you manifest your best life by recognizing the seemingly random events of your life - good and bad. Hosted by S. Angel, this podcast shares actual life experiences and testimonies and explains how seemingly random events can lead to great opportunities and blessings. Whether you're going through a tough time or just need some inspiration, S. Angel's podcast provides you with the tools you need to recognize and take advantage of the seemingly random events in your life.

More Tools for manifesting your best life:
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One of my favorite books: The Spirit's Book by Allan Kardec translated by Anna Blackwell

Not so random with S. AngelFeb 15, 2023

Being true to you might piss people off. That's ok.

Being true to you might piss people off. That's ok.

In this episode of Not So Random with S. Angel, I explore my experience of pissing people off to be happier in life. And why you should do it too!

Jul 29, 202321:25
Unveiling the Magic of Beliefs: Navigating Life with Love, Gratitude, and Science
Jun 30, 202324:23
Unleashing the Shero Within: Empowering Mental Health & Igniting Change-The Movement

Unleashing the Shero Within: Empowering Mental Health & Igniting Change-The Movement

Not So Random with S. Angel Podcast:

Unleashing the Shero Within: Empowering Mental Health & Igniting Change

" - A powerful podcast episode for exploring the transformative journey of becoming the Shero (and Hero) in our own lives, even if it means assuming challenging roles. Discover how mental health plays a crucial role in this narrative, as we delve into the urgent need for politicians to address the concerns of 90% of Americans who view it as the biggest threat to humanity. Join the conversation and learn how to harness your inner strength while advocating for change. Listen now to uncover the true power of embracing your Shero identity and nurturing mental well-being. "

Together, let's spark a movement towards a brighter, healthier future and be the Powerful Manifestors that I know we are.

List of Keywords: #TrendingNowwy #EmpowermentRevolution #MentalHealthMatters #IgniteChange #ViralTransformation #InspirationalPodcast #SocialImpactNow #UnleashYourPotential #MentalWellbeingMovement #ViralConversations #PersonalGrowthRevolution #BeTheChangeYouSeek #BreakingBarriers #ShatterStereotypes #ResilienceRising #CommunityEmpowerment #PositiveMindsetShift #ViralAwareness #ChampioningChange #EmpoweredLiving #ViralTrends #SocialMediaBuzz #InternetCulture #trendingNow #PopCulture #InstaFamous #BreakingNews #InfluencerLife #DigitalAge #OnlineCommunity #TechInnovation #EntertainmentNews #GoingViral #TikTokTrends #YouTubeSensation #FashionForward #FoodieCulture #TravelGoals #FitnessInspiration #SelfCareSunday #Mothersday2023 #twittertrending #chasingthestory #honestreporting #socialcause #causethatIcareabout #ViralTrends #SocialMediaBuzz #InternetCulture #TrendingNow #PopCulture #InstaFamous #BreakingNews #InfluencerLife #DigitalAge #OnlineCommunity #TechInnovation #EntertainmentNews #GoingViral #TikTokTrends #YouTubeSensation #FashionForward #FoodieCulture #TravelGoals #FitnessInspiration #SelfCareSunday #LoriVallow #KevinDurant #ACMawards #FloridaPanthers #Air #Diablo4 #MichaelJFox #Pickleball #JuliusRandle #TaylorSwiftPHILADELPHIA #Trump #Biden #Vote #mentalhealth #trendingnews #jamiefox #S.Angel #SAngel #NotSoRandom #NotSoRandomWithSAngel #powerfulmanifestor #yourvotematters #mentalhealthmovement2023

May 14, 202327:48
The Power of Raising Your Vibration: How 1% Can Change Your Life-The Science

The Power of Raising Your Vibration: How 1% Can Change Your Life-The Science

The Power of Raising Your Vibration: How 1% Can Change Your Life

Discover how raising your vibration just 1% can change the trajectory of your life and help you manifest your best life. Learn about the science behind raising your vibration through practices like meditation, gratitude, and mindfulness, and how it can improve your overall well-being. And remember to check out TPDG - The Perfect Date Game, a tool designed to help you become more self-aware and authentic in your relationships. And if you want to learn more about this topic and the science of manifestation, check it out on my blog found at

#manifestation #vibration #selfawareness #mindfulness #gratitude #meditation #mentalhealth #authenticity #relationships #TPDG #ThePerfectDateGame #powerfulmanifestor #bestlife #thescienceofmanifestation #physicsandmanifestation #vibration

May 02, 202323:20
Choosing Peace? Listen to Insights from Google Bard AI and Chat GPT.
Apr 28, 202320:09
What is Synchronicity-how it helps you manifest!
Apr 14, 202328:11
Protect your Energy from Energy Vampires!

Protect your Energy from Energy Vampires!

Are you dealing with an energy vampire? You may be, but there is a way to protect your energy and your overall well-being. Using crystals and stones that protect you from negative energy are powerful tools for manifesting your best life. Here is one of my favorite tools for manifesting: Energy Protection Manifesting Bracelet (

Here are some common indications that you may be interacting with an energy vampire:

  1. Feeling drained and depleted after spending time with the person: Energy vampires often leave you feeling physically, mentally, or emotionally drained after interacting with them. You may feel exhausted or overwhelmed, even if the encounter was brief.

  2. Excessive complaining or negativity: Energy vampires tend to focus on the negative aspects of life and may constantly complain about their problems, without showing interest in solutions or positivity.

  3. Always demanding attention and resources: Energy vampires may constantly demand your time, attention, or resources, without reciprocating or respecting your boundaries. They may be overly needy or dependent on you for emotional support but fail to give back in return.

  4. One-sided conversations: Energy vampires may dominate conversations, talking excessively about themselves without showing genuine interest in others. They may not listen or empathize with your concerns, and the conversation may feel one-sided.

  5. Feeling manipulated or emotionally drained: Energy vampires may use guilt-tripping, manipulation, or emotional manipulation to gain sympathy or attention. They may leave you feeling emotionally drained or manipulated.

  6. Consistently bringing drama or negativity: Energy vampires may consistently bring drama or negativity into your life, creating a toxic or draining environment that impacts your well-being.

If you are in danger: Call 911

Love you, Happy Manifesting.

-S. Angel

Apr 12, 202314:33
Powerful Influence of Astrology, Pluto in Aquarius: Angela White- Embracing Authenticity and Shedding the Past
Mar 26, 202324:37
how I manifested organic clients
Mar 21, 202320:45
1 million ways to make 1 dollar by S. Angel

1 million ways to make 1 dollar by S. Angel

Welcome to the Not So Random Podcast with S. Angel, where we explore the fascinating world of entrepreneurship, success, self-improvement and being a Powerful Manifestor. In this episode, we're thrilled to talk about the upcoming book "1 Million Ways to Make 1 Dollar by S. Angel", which is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies for anyone looking to create wealth and financial freedom.

As we dive into the book's content, we'll share some of the most powerful tips and tricks that can help you achieve your financial goals and live the life you deserve. And if you're as excited about this book as we are, be sure to pre-order your copy today and start your journey towards becoming a millionaire!

Let's get started

Mar 19, 202319:34
What is a Powerful Manifestor?

What is a Powerful Manifestor?

In this episode of the Not So Random Podcast with S. Angel, we explore the concept of being a Powerful Manifestor. You'll learn what it means to be a powerful Manifestor and discover actionable steps to become one. We also dive into the Power 3 Method, a self-paced approach outlined in S. Angel's book, Powerful Manifestor Pt.1 Power 3 Method, which is designed to help you align with your purpose and become a Powerful Manifestor. Tune in now to unlock the secrets of manifestation and start living the life you truly desire.

Do you want to be a Powerful Manifestor? 

Listen to S. Angel's Not So Random Podcast and discover the secrets of being a Powerful Manifestor shared daily. Learn actionable steps to align with your purpose and become a Powerful Manifestor through the Power 3 Method outlined in Powerful Manifestor Pt.1 Power 3 Method book. Tune in now and start manifesting your best life NOW. 

Mar 17, 202327:38
I got in the water with REAL Alligators! Detaching from fear=Living your best life
Mar 16, 202327:12
How detaching helps you to manifest! I manifested a 14 day trip to Illinois, Texas and Louisiana.

How detaching helps you to manifest! I manifested a 14 day trip to Illinois, Texas and Louisiana.

How detaching helps you to manifest! I manifested a 14-day trip to Illinois, Texas, and Louisiana. My book Powerful Manifestor is all about finding your purpose. You can't find your purpose if you are living up to the standards of someone else's purpose. You've got to detach from people, places, things, and situations in order to really live your best life. Watch what happens when you throw away your rigid to-do list and live more freely. In this episode, I share what I learned on my 14-day trip to Illinois, Louisiana, and Texas. The trip wasn't planned-I just let go and went with the flow. And it all worked out.

Want a guide to help you stay accountable and really manifest your best life? Check out my Powerful Manifestor Journal, it's only 3.69 right now! Download your copy today. 

For more free information on how to manifest your best life-subscribe to my website!

Everything you read or see on my site was written and designed by me! If I can do it-so can you.

-S. Angel

Black Owned Businesses that I supported on my tour around the U.S.

Illinois: The Best Massages are at Better You Massage with Jenny!

Louisiana: If you're in New Orleans, check out the best Plantation, City, Music, Hurricane Katrina, and Haunted Tours at 2nd Line Tours!

Texas: The best candles for peace, health, and wellness are by Lorena at SOLERI ST!

Mar 15, 202328:42
How to manifest faster by being in the present moment with S. Angel

How to manifest faster by being in the present moment with S. Angel

How to manifest faster by being in the present moment with S. Angel is the episode that will help you to learn what I did to help me really change and improve the quality of my life fast! Being in the present isn't easy because some of us are constantly worried about what happened yesterday and what might happen tomorrow...but we don't stop to realize that those things are not happening in the present moment. Right now, we are here, listening to this podcast or reading these words and all is ok. It is at this time that we should focus on what we are manifesting as though we have already manifested it. In one of my last episodes, I spoke about cutting down negative self chatter-this episode piggybacks on that as sort of a reminder to you. There are tools that you can use to help you truly cut down the negative self-talk and truly be in the present moment. Music! Music helps you with aligning your energy and manifesting. As you read, or go about your day, listen to Meditative Mind 528 frequency music on YouTube, and pay attention to your mood and how it makes you feel. You should start to notice things change around you and within you.

Feb 23, 202323:53
What happens when we die? If People choose to be born-why do they choose to live with disease or disabilities?

What happens when we die? If People choose to be born-why do they choose to live with disease or disabilities?

What happens when we die? If People choose to be born-why do they choose to live with disease or disabilities? That is a question for the people who chose that path. But, maybe we come here to learn and experience for ourselves or help move technology and research further. Because I also feel that we come here to help others to learn. During my, NDE-I felt selfless loving energy. So, in that reality, It's like I don't think we come from there to this place just for ourselves. Because it was clear to me during that experience, that I was complete. I was at peace and I was happy there. I was already home.  It's like my son telling me that he chose me to be his mom. God asked him, you want to leave an eternity here for a moment there with her? He said yes and then he was here. I can say, he certainly did help me to develop compassion and trust the process of life more. Before he was born, I wasn't so impressed with life-I was just going through the motions but not really learning all that I could. 

In this episode, I talk more about my NDE (near-death experience) and the experiences of others (Man Pronounced Dead For 7 Minutes Came Back With A Very Important Message That We Never Die on the YouTube Channel: Testimonies Journal and Atheist Man Who Had Near Death Like Experience That Change His Views And Spirituality YouTube Channel: NDE Diary) to try to answer the question of "what happens when we die". In short, I truly don't believe we ever die. And I don't believe the other side is scary. I think, before we came here, we had a goal we wanted to accomplish, and we have things we want to experience-and once we do whatever that is that we are here to do-we just go back to where we came from. I know that sounds crazy but, you kind of have to live my path to truly understand my perspective fully...take what works for you and leave the rest.

Thank you for listening to this episode of Not So Random with S. Angel 

Remember that you are a Powerful Manifestor! And if you have a story to share, please share it in my Reddit group!

-S. Angel

Feb 21, 202329:12
Chapter 3 Powerful Manifestor exercise: "How to Shut down Negative Self talk

Chapter 3 Powerful Manifestor exercise: "How to Shut down Negative Self talk

How to shut down negative self-talk? The number one thing you need to do is build a habit of recognizing the patterns of negative self-talk and start replacing them with new positive patterns.  In my book, Powerful Manifestor Pt.1 Power 3 Method, I teach you how to create new habits easily by completing the exercises that I created to help me to do the same thing! 

We have to start to speak things as though they are. When you say, "I suck at this", you are putting that out into the universe, and that energy comes back to you. So, it's important to recognize that, and then immediately replace that thought with something positive-even if you don't believe it-the trick is, eventually, you'll believe it. Pen down some positive thoughts about yourself when you notice a negative one creeps in. 

In this episode, I help you to do this by providing an exercise that truly tricks your mind into new healthy self-talk and affirming statements. I mentioned that there is a scripture in the Bible that says to speak things as though they are. The scripture I am referring to is Romans 4:17, which reads: "As it is written, 'I have made you the father of many nations.' He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed--the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not."

This verse speaks of God's power to bring things into existence (manifest) through faith, even if they did not previously exist. It emphasizes the importance of speaking and believing in things that we desire or hope for as if they have already come to fruition. This idea is also echoed in Mark 11:23, where Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them."  We are always manifesting, it doesn't matter who we are, or what we believe in our words are powerful. And what we speak starts with what we think and how much faith we have in our thoughts.

You will need the Powerful Manifestor Journal or any Journal that you have that can be designated for manifesting and building new healthy habits.

You will need a pen (a manifestation pen or pen that is special to you if it is possible to find one)

You will need headphones (if possible-not required).  

The meditation music that I recommend for the exercise in this episode is 528 frequency music by Meditative Mind on YouTube

Enjoy the exercise and let me know what you think about this episode in my Manifestation Reddit group! 

Feb 20, 202329:24
My Thoughts on the Illuminati

My Thoughts on the Illuminati

What are your thoughts on the Illuminati?  This is a question that comes up sometimes for me. I usually answer-I have no thoughts on them. I know that they are supposed to be a scary group of people who practice sacrifice or something like that. I also know that they used to be a group of intellectuals from the 1500s or so, and they just knew about everything, and people found that scary-that they were so smart and secretive with their knowledge of things. 

In this episode, I go into more detail about my views on these groups.  Mostly, I believe we have free will, and some people make choices that are lower vibrational, and some choose higher vibrational things and energy, and I usually like to focus on higher vibrational groups and energy and don't tend to attract lower vibrational groups or people that are not supposed to be on my path. So-I think we should focus on societies that resonate with our energy.

To find out more about how to manifest your best life and attract higher vibrational situations, check out the free tools and resources on my site Powerful Manifestor! 

You can also pick up a copy of Powerful Manifestor Pt. 1 Power 3 Method By. S. Angel

Grab a copy of Powerful Manifestor Journal: Your accountability partner!  

Feb 20, 202329:19
Join My New Reddit Group-Manifest_Instantly_23 let's talk about raising vibes
Feb 15, 202314:29
One of my favorite books: The Spirit's Book by Allan Kardec translated by Anna Blackwell

One of my favorite books: The Spirit's Book by Allan Kardec translated by Anna Blackwell

Please excuse my audio on this episode. It gets better later in the episode I promise. In this episode of Not So Random with S. Angel, I am sharing a story about how I came to find one of my favorite books! I manifested The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec translated by Anna Blackwell about 10 years ago and I truly could not believe that I had never heard of it. This book truly helped to validate some of my instinctual intellective knowledge.  Instinctual Intellective knowledge is probably not a phrase you've heard anyone use before. It just came to me right in this moment to try to explain how there is some understanding of pretty complex topics that I have and it is innate and not taught to me by anyone. However, sometimes books, and even teachers that I cross paths with reveal that my ideas and thoughts are not invalid and actually, more times than not, my Instinctual Intellective knowledge is part of great academia. When this happens, I feel validated and confident that I have information that I truly and authentically need to share with others. And whomever the messages are for-will be able to understand and grow from them. The Spirit's Book along with several others, really confirmed this for me. Maybe you are waiting for that spark in you to be validated too. You are not crazy, you are a Powerful Manifestor and the Universe is constantly trying to reveal that to you.  

Make sure to watch out for new blog articles I will be sharing on my Powerful Manifestor Blog.


Feb 15, 202324:48
I did Stand UP Comedy! OMG!
Feb 14, 202318:59
Do our children pick us-listen to the story about my son picking me when he was in Heaven

Do our children pick us-listen to the story about my son picking me when he was in Heaven

Feb 13, 202322:38
Reading from Powerful Manifestor: How to combat negative self talk?

Reading from Powerful Manifestor: How to combat negative self talk?

Today I am reading from my book Powerful Manifestor: Pt. 1 Power 3 Method. Power 3 method is a method that I came up with that helps you manifest your goals, dreams, and best life. It is about recognizing that your dreams + feelings + patterns can lead you to your purpose. I help you to understand "How" to pay attention to your dreams, feelings, and patterns that come up in your life... And why these three things truly reveal your purpose. In order to pay attention to these things, you have to cut off some of the chatter in your mind that is not helpful so that you can hear more clearly.  That is what this episode is about.

You can pick up a copy of my book and many free resources for manifesting your best life on my website:

Powerful Manifestor: Pt. 1 Power 3 Method:

Raising Vibes since 1983

Feb 13, 202329:19
What are my thoughts on potential war, alien invasion, world disaster?

What are my thoughts on potential war, alien invasion, world disaster?

I am just gonna cut to the chase, there is always war, unknown air crafts, and world disasters happening. We are just now paying more attention. We are looking up more. We are connecting with people from all over the world with social media. Nothing is new under the sun. So I think we should continue to work on raising our vibes, being aware but not in fear, and being prepared for anything! Here are a few items that I mentioned that are good to have in your "dooms day" closet just in case a tornado, disease, war, or your kid falls down and scrapes his knee, or you get stuck in the woods during a camping trip.. Just be prepared for anything! Below is a list of items that I have and/or plan on adding to my emergency/camping closet. If it's not in your budget to buy everything from this list at one time-that's ok! Buy 1-2 items a month. These are items every household should just have anyway. You can also join Facebook and Reddit survival groups for more information and tips! That's what I did-years ago! You'll find info about emergency "doomsday" shelters and ideas for your state and sometimes your town. 

Love ya!

Must haves just because!

Life Straw:

Prepare for any crisis book:

Survival Kits:  and

Survival Food:

Survival freeze dried Foods:

Emergency Power+Radio: and (this thing is awesome! We used it on a camping trip and it really lit up a large parameter of the woods!)

Lightweight Tent: and

Thermal Blankets:

Face Masks:

Life Jackets:

Life Jacket for baby (we love this one)

Easy Dolly: (life saver-helped us move lots of heavy things fast!)

Defense Spray: (good defense for animals)

Easy fire starter:   and or

Cooking Stove/Pot:

Now this is just our list, and affordable items we and our family have and have actually used. Everything is lightweight! Especially with that dolly! Infact-we keep everything on the dolly so we can easily grab and go whenever we need to. Hope you find something from this list that is perfect for you and your family! Stay posted for new info, resources, and tools that I have and other things that truly help me stay prepared and manifest my best life!

Feb 12, 202328:26
How My Near Death Experience (NDE) helps me to manifest my best life.

How My Near Death Experience (NDE) helps me to manifest my best life.

Have you ever wondered what happens when we die? You are not alone. Millions of other people wonder the same thing. And there are many people who truly experience dying and coming back to life. I know that sounds crazy, but it's a phenomenon called NDE and so many people experience it.  In this episode, I share my experience of dying when I was about 15 years old, and how it actually helps me to manifest my best life today. 

There's no way I could share everything in 30 minutes, so if you're interested in learning more about my experience please feel free to reach out! I will gladly answer any questions you have.



Feb 11, 202329:21
How to Manifest 1 million dollars fast?

How to Manifest 1 million dollars fast?

Most of the people that DM me are literally trying to manifest their best life. Maybe you are one of them? You think you do all the work, you buy all the products, you say your affirmations, you listen to your meditative music. But for some reason, you still don't have a million dollars?

Well, in this episode I talk about how you need to raise your vibration and look into your past life as a child to help you identify a faster way to accomplish your goal. Life is all about alignment. You will receive based on what you are in alignment with.

In this episode, I show you how I manifested a relationship with a casting director that I have always wanted to work with!

Also, if you are looking for a job, send your resume! I'll forward it to some recruiters I have partnered with!

Want to be a Powerful Manifestor?

Need extra help with being held accountable and truly manifest faster?

Nov 17, 202227:44
Thank You for 500!

Thank You for 500!

When was the last time you celebrated!? 

Well, that was too long ago! 

Come celebrate with me right now! I am so grateful for you! That's it! No bells and whistles! I am just grateful for you! 

Nov 03, 202229:29
Darrell Brooks Case.. Is he a Narcissist?

Darrell Brooks Case.. Is he a Narcissist?

I wasn't gonna drop an episode for a few more days. So here is a bonus episode. I have been watching this case, and I just have to share my thoughts. Now, I must say, they are not popular opinions. 

I think this Darrell Brooks case is going to be a major deal, especially for case studies on mental disorders. I also think this case shows the need for mental health check-ups! Yes, we need to be checking on our mental state before we hurt ourselves or others.  Plus, taking care of your mind is the ultimate form of self love. And you can't love others fully if your mind isn't right.

To Check out more about this case, just go to YouTube and type "Darrell Brooks Court Case".


If you are in need of resources call 211

If you are in danger call 911

To learn more about how to manifest your best life: 

Oct 26, 202227:34
Stop trying to be the BEST. Just be YOU

Stop trying to be the BEST. Just be YOU

Imagine having big shoes to fill when you only wear a size 5.. Why fill those shoes with fluff when you could just go get a pair of your own shoes? 

In this episode of Not So Random with S. Angel, I talk about where the anxiety that I dealt with this year comes from and the things I have done that are helping me to get through it. No bells and whistles. Just simple things like breathing and no longer trying to be better or best!

Enjoy, I shared this with love and high vibes because I believe we all go through these things in order to help us share, connect and step into a life of purposeful manifestation. 

Love you

S. Angel

Oct 12, 202227:54
How to create your own COURSE-The easy WAY!

How to create your own COURSE-The easy WAY!

If you are here, it's because you want to create your own course! Well BOOM then! I got you covered! If you are an expert in a field, sir, or ma'am, you can teach it!

No matter what it is. If I could take a "How to be a mom to an 18-year-old" course, I most certainly would. Maybe you are the parent I have been waiting to learn some tricks from. If you are passionate about something, I know you can teach others about it. My inbox and DMs are full of people asking me how to create a course! So here is a resource that has helped me! I was going to wait to add this resource to my millionaire group project that I am working on, but why not share it right now? I am excited about this resource and it has helped me! 

Please listen to this full episode and check my website for the "How to Create Your Own Course" video that I am posting this afternoon! Make sure to have your Powerful Manifestor Journal: it's only $3.69! 


It's easy when you take that first step! 

Love you!

S. Angel

Oct 11, 202221:54
How to Manifest Your Best Life RIGHT NOW!

How to Manifest Your Best Life RIGHT NOW!

Have you seen my latest blog on In case you haven't, let's consider this podcast a storytime!

This is a perfect episode to listen to as you get started for the day, or on your drive to your next destination. If you have been looking 

for a sign.. This is it. Enjoy!

Love You

-S. Angel 

Oct 10, 202221:54
Raising Vibes! Sunday MANIFESTING Fun day!

Raising Vibes! Sunday MANIFESTING Fun day!

Hey My Powerful Manifestors!

I am so happy you are here! Today we are talking about raising the vibes! Yes, because to attract your best, you need to align your energy with the best! 

Before you head out for the day, listen and raise your vibe. Come back and let me know how this works for you!

Good music for the kiddos and parents:

Good Vibration Music:

My Blog:

Get a copy of my Book, Powerful Manifestor Power 3 Method on Amazon :

Download My Powerful Manifestor Journal!

Power 3 Method By S. Angel math formula: Dreams + Feelings+ Patterns= Purpose. 

Oct 09, 202219:37
Are you Having FUN? FUN VIBRATES!

Are you Having FUN? FUN VIBRATES!

I mean, it really does. If you are having fun, you manifest faster. You can use any emotion to manifest, but happy attracts why not use fun to manifest!?

Spirituality and Personal Growth doesn't have to be perfect, and perfection is actually boring to the majority. Flaws, imperfection and fun. 

What is something that you enjoy doing that you haven't done in a while? I say do it! Let this be your ticket.. DO IT!

Love you!

S. Angel

Check out more info on 

Call 211 for community resources

Oct 09, 202229:22
A NOT SO RANDOM episode just for YOU!

A NOT SO RANDOM episode just for YOU!

In this episode.. I hold myself accountable. How can I be a mentor or motivation to others, If I am not to myself? 

We can't be powerful manifestors if we are not pushing ourselves and taking the actions that we usually wouldn't take. We have to push ourselves, even 

when we are tired. You don't have to do it all today. But you must do something Today. 

Love you.

-S. Angel

call 211 for community resources/google 211

call 911 if in danger

call me, an accountability partner! :)

Be sure to get your copy of Powerful Manifestor

and the perfect accountability assistant, Powerful Manifestor Journal:


PODCAST You should check out!

Oct 08, 202229:21
Powerful Manifestor Power 3 Method- Manifesting Assignment 2

Powerful Manifestor Power 3 Method- Manifesting Assignment 2

"I am certain that most of you must have heard of Nikola Tesla by now- The Serbian-American inventor who was quite famous in his time. Out of all his notable inventions, and theories, the one that impacted me the most was the 3, 6, and 9 manifestation formula." THE MIND BLOWING SCIENCE BEHIND TESLA’S 3,6, 9 FORMULA  by S. Angel

If You have not finished the first assignment. Please complete that first.  You will need to use what you have already written to complete the next assignment. This episode explains where Angel Numbers "came from". And because you are already using them, you are already using a part of the Power 3 Method that I created to manifest my best life. You are paying attention to patterns. Listen to the full episode! 

Assignment 2? Using the writing from Assignment 1, you will read and follow the instructions in the blog to start manifesting your best life! Watch the magic that starts to happen. It is truly amazing! Be sure to get your copy of Powerful Manifestor 

and the perfect accountability assistant, Powerful Manifestor Journal:

Blog for 2nd assignment:

Episode: Powerful Manifestor-Find your why-Intro assignment:
Oct 06, 202228:26
Actual Jobs $16-$20+ per hour, REMOTE- Perfect for people with anxiety

Actual Jobs $16-$20+ per hour, REMOTE- Perfect for people with anxiety

Hey Guys, I am still researching jobs for my international listeners-please keep checking on my site I do the research to protect you from scams. 

This job in today's episode is perfect for people who need to work remotely and does not want to speak on the phone with customers! If you are dealing with anxiety, this seems like the perfect low-stress job. Listen for details!

Also, for community resources call 211

Call 911 if you're in immediate danger

Get a copy of Powerful Manifestor, the action-based book that helps you manifest your best life now!

Download a copy of Powerful Manifestor Journal, it's your accountability assistant.

Wow, I have found so many resources for people who are looking for remote work. Check out this article and resources for more jobs like the one in this episode!

Theresa Sweat on YouTube! (make sure you subscribe and hit the notifications bell! She is the source for the job mentioned in this episode)

Best Facebook Groups for WFH and Remote Job. No need to be Quiet Quitting when working a job you love! Manifest your best life by working a job you love! And or working for yourself.

Are you ready to be your own boss?

Want to be a website tester? Make your own schedule. Charge between $5-$10 

Listen to this episode:

Oct 05, 202223:54
Manifest Money Now-using a skill we all have! Here's How..

Manifest Money Now-using a skill we all have! Here's How..

This is so exciting! I have over 1000 ideas to share but so little time! LOL But this one is right to the point. A skill we all have that could be making you money today! It's great for people dealing social anxiety, depression, single parents, workers with skills but no GED or Highschool Diploma. Make between $5-$10k per project!

Please listen to the complete episode and share it with anyone who is looking for a side hustle, part-time job, or extra income! It is the easiest thing you will ever do for money.. And you are already doing it! Make sure you visit

For Community Resources: 211

If in immediate danger call 911

You will need a seller account with Fiverr! It's free! Sign up!

I also recommend getting started on at least 1 success course! This is what worked for me! 

Here are a few extra courses I liked so much value and ! :

1. Online Freelancing Essentials: Be A Successful Fiverr Seller

by Oren Ben-Ami

Education Manager at Fiverr, with 10+ years of experience guiding freelancers. Free course

2. Creating High Converting Landing Pages 

by Isaac Rudansky

Globally-recognized Google Ads and PPC expert with millions in revenue generated across 450+ businesses internationally and over 900k students worldwide.

3. SEO Fundamentals: The Ultimate Framework

by Cleo Kirkland

An SEO expert, entrepreneur & business owner with 12+ years as an in-house specialist & consultant

Oct 04, 202223:35
Manifesting a safe home: Rental Assistance Program pt. 1

Manifesting a safe home: Rental Assistance Program pt. 1

How can you focus on manifesting your best life if you don't have a place to stay or you need to get away from an abusive relationship? It is possible but I can't lie, it is very difficult. I want to try to make it so that manifesting your best life is easier. In this episode, I share a resource that came my way. There are ways to get 10k and/or up to 6 months of free rent. I mean, legal ways and the governments have to give these funds away. Especially if you ever had Covid 19! Which most of us have had! 

Please listen to this episode for details about why and how this program might be just what you need! And I share information to be sure your chances of getting these resources is fast. 

For immediate assistance programs that are local to you, please call 211

If you are in danger please call 911

To download a copy of the Powerful Manifestor Journal (Your personal accountability assistant):

ERA-spoken about in this episode :

For even more resources: 

Oct 03, 202227:38
Powerful Manifestor-Find your why-Intro assignment

Powerful Manifestor-Find your why-Intro assignment

A question I got a few times in the DMs was "How do I find my purpose"? Finding your purpose is very hard, especially if you haven't found your why. 

Sometimes, we are just surviving, we are not living. To live is to know your purpose. To live is to have found your why. This intro to my book Powerful Manifestor-Power 3 Method will explain a step you can use today, to find your why. 

After listening, this is what you will need:

If you don't have a journal to use, let me give you a sec. download one...head over to to download one today! I made it with you in mind because we can all use an accountability partner. It's' good to have a journal that you use specifically for manifesting. You'll need a pen, no typing! And you'll need headphones to listen to this meditation for ten minutes-then complete the assignment!

Meditative Mind Meditation-528 hz 

Download the Powerful Manifestor Journal (its your accountability assistant)

If you need resources for therapy, domestic violence, shelters, transitional homes for women and children: Call 211 or Google 211 for resources. 

Oct 03, 202229:09
Season 2 Ep1 How to Heal from it All part 1

Season 2 Ep1 How to Heal from it All part 1

Sometimes, we get so beat down that we start to believe the lies about us. We have to unlearn the things we've learned from the toxic relationships, friends, and even family members if it makes us feel down. It's not easy, trust me, I know.. But one of the best things we can do is give ourselves credit for doing the work. For realizing, hey, wait a minute, I don't deserve this, I don't deserve to feel this way. If you have gotten to that point, you have already taken the first step to healing, now start congratulating yourself. It's time to rebuild your confidence and your self-esteem! 

If you need resources to get away from a toxic relationship, or Therapy, please call or Google 211 to find resources near you. 

If you are in danger, call 911 immediately, if you act like you are ordering food, they will know you are in danger. 

Be safe. You are valuable. You are needed. Your story matters.


Oct 01, 202226:00
Returning to TOXIC relationships=NO!!

Returning to TOXIC relationships=NO!!

Want to know if the person you are dating is toxic? Check out TPDG-its The Perfect Date Game to play for couples and single people who are dating! I made this game with you in mind. It's not just a bunch of Q&A questions, you can really get to know who a person is with this game. Check out the testimonials! 

Apr 11, 202219:55
Why Gratitude =Manifestation pt. 2

Why Gratitude =Manifestation pt. 2

Why Gratitude + Manifestation part 1 was cut short as I was passionately explaining how gratitude helped me to manifest my very own train! Not quite.. but.. lol Listen UP! 

Apr 09, 202210:50
Why Gratitude= Manifesting pt. 1

Why Gratitude= Manifesting pt. 1

In This 2 part episode, I speak about how science, religion and the universe is all in agreement with a fact, Gratitude helps you heal and transform your life! You wouldn't be here if you didn't believe me..but have a listen!

Apr 09, 202230:10
Finding MOTIVATION when unmotivated

Finding MOTIVATION when unmotivated

In this episode I share a tool and technique that helped me to find motivation when I went on feeling unmotivated for YEEEEARS! This helped me and I hope it helps you to.

Youtube: Meditative Mind Meditation Music 528 frequency. 

My website:

Sign up on my site for a copy of my manifestation journal!

Apr 09, 202218:07
Personal Story Time (Dealing with Grief)

Personal Story Time (Dealing with Grief)

No matter what you are going through in life. You can get through it. There is always support for you.

Trigger warning: Topic is dealing with grief. 

On occasion, there are times in our life that might feel worse than others. However, it doesn't have to be dealt with alone. If friends or family don't feel like the correct approach for you, try a hotline.

There are a variety of hotlines for different situations available. They can range from depression, domestic violence or any kind of general crisis. It's important that someone is there to listen and these hotlines are here to help.

1. Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence

loveisrespect: 1-866-331-9474

loveisrespect focuses on young adult relationships and hopes to end dating abuse. loveisrespect offers 24/7 help.

2. Depression and Suicide

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (24/7)

The Trevor Project: 866-488-7386 (24/7)

The Trevor Project offers support to the LGBTQ young adult community. Both of the hotlines provided offer 24/7 help.

There are also suicide hotlines specific to your area.

3. Eating Disorder Hotline

National Eating Disorder Association: 1-800-931-2237

NEDA offers help to a variety of eating disorders and hopes to "envision a world without eating disorders." NEDA is available Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (EST).

4. General Crisis

Crisis Text Line: Text SUPPORT to 741-741

The Crisis Text Line extends to everyone. Their goal " helping people move from a hot moment to a cool calm, guiding you to create a plan to stay safe and healthy. YOU = our priority." 24/7 help is available.

5. Mental Illness Hotline

National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-6264

NAMI provides treatment options and programs. They wish to "raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need." The NAMI hotline is available every Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

6. Sexual Assault Hotline

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network: 1-800-656-4673

RAINN is the "nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization."  Their goal is to provide options and programs to victims, in addition to finding ways of preventing sexual violence. RAINN offers 24/7 help.

7. Veterans Crisis Line

Veterans Association: 1-800-273-8255

The VA's focus is to help veterans of all ages adjust to the transition of coming back, in addition to helping with any mental health issues or relationships. The VA offers 24/7 help

Apr 09, 202222:22
How to Self love pt 1 Basics

How to Self love pt 1 Basics

It's a question I run into so much-And it was on my heart to share what I did right before coming up with TPDG-The Perfect Date Game. 

Find tools that lead you to understanding what self love is, then customize what you find. This is your prescription to Self Love. In this episode I mentioned Meditative Mind 528 Frequency. 

Look into it!

Apr 07, 202215:33
How to accomplish goals when the Electricity Goes OUT!

How to accomplish goals when the Electricity Goes OUT!

What's really funny is, how the electricity came back on after I finished recording this episode. You just gotta listen to this one!

Apr 07, 202218:38
Why aren't you using the Power 3 Method to manifest?

Why aren't you using the Power 3 Method to manifest?

If you are watching my journey and you have witnessed my transformations, my magical way of letting you know what I am manifesting, and then months and sometimes weeks later TADA! I did it. If you are a witness to my testimony and have not asked me how yet, well I don't know what to tell you. But for those who are here, asking how, this podcast is for you! In my Powerful Manifestor Course PT 1 Power 3 Method, I am introducing you to my formula that I created that really helps me to manifest instantly! This episode introduces this method, but to learn more, go check out my blog:

Apr 06, 202210:27
The Narcissist Pt 1

The Narcissist Pt 1

Are you dating a narcissist? One question I get asked often is "How can you tell when you're dating a narcissist? In this episode I talk my experiences dating a narcissist and the red flags that stood out. I also mention how TDPG-The Perfect Date Game can help when you are dating because it really helps you to see who a person is when they are under pressure. A narcissist can't hide who they are under pressure. :)

Apr 06, 202223:46
Jada P Smith, Will Smith and Chris Rock Smack?

Jada P Smith, Will Smith and Chris Rock Smack?

What might Jada, Will and Chris manifest after this event that took place at the Oscars?

I talk briefly and give my 2 hundred about the smack. I have more than 2 cents...since I am manifesting abundance. lol

Apr 06, 202213:42
Negative Self Talk?

Negative Self Talk?

You manifest not only what you think, but what you say. They call it a "spell" for a reason. The words you say about yourself come true.

Your own life is your proof. *

Apr 05, 202219:17