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Off Grid Agorist

Off Grid Agorist

By Off Grid Agorist

Discussions about the pursuit of individual liberty through self-sufficiency, non-aggression, counter-economics, agorism, and non-compliance.

Our mission is to give our audience advice and techniques on how to live a life of freedom and liberty using real world strategies, not just philisophical jargon.

Visit and join our community of like-minded thinkers.
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How To Practice Everyday Agorism

Off Grid AgoristNov 04, 2020

2022 Predictions and reflecting on last years predictions
Jan 03, 202251:27
All I Want for Christmas is ... |Off Grid Agorist live stream
Dec 27, 202153:46
Anti-politics pt. 3
Dec 24, 202130:36
Self-Ownership, Do You Own Yourself? |Off Grid Agorist Livestream

Self-Ownership, Do You Own Yourself? |Off Grid Agorist Livestream

Any conversation you have with an agorist about anarchy will inevitably lead to topics like the non-aggression principle(N.A.P.), freedom of association, and voluntary interaction.

These are all great topics worth a deep dive, but there is one concept that is at the core of all of these topics.


As with many other philosophies, agorism holds the idea of self-ownership as absolutely fundamental. It's an either/or state of existence.

Either you do own yourself or you don't. And, if you do, then it guides all the above topic discussions.

It goes like this. If I own myself then;

- You must own yourself too and I don't have any right to initiate violence against you and you don't have any right to initiate violence against me.

- I have every right to use any force necessary to repel violence against me.

- I am free to associate myself with whomever I choose and for whatever reasons I choose without permission from others.

- All interactions with me require my consent for them to be legitimate. and any interactions I have with you require your consent.

These are really simple ideas and most people agree with them except when it comes to the government. People excuse the government from these very simple yet obviously moral principles. Why is that?

People must excuse the government from these sets of moral codes because they believe we must have government and government can not exist under such restraint of behavior.

If this short article resonates at all with how you view liberty then I highly recommend the book "The World's Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose.

Larken has an incredible way of distilling some really complex thinking down to easily digestible bits. If you are seriously searching for a moral perspective of liberty then this is a must read.

Join the Off Grid Agorist Outlaws on Discord

Dec 19, 202141:20
Anti-politics pt. 2
Dec 14, 202126:22
The Renegade Entrepreneur | Off Grid Agorist Live Stream

The Renegade Entrepreneur | Off Grid Agorist Live Stream

We talk a lot about the government and its inability and unwillingness to control its own growth. We talk a lot about the uselessness of the constitution in reigning in the powers of government. We talk a lot about how voting has very little if any impact on meaningful change in the government. Now let's talk about something that does have an impact.

Let's talk about the action of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are the front lines of any push back against the government. They are the ones to push back against regulations. They are the ones to decide whether or not to provide a product or service that may or may not be "allowed" by the government.

Make no mistake about it - the person dealing weed out of their apartment is as much of an entrepreneur as the person running a fully state-sanctioned, licensed business. It was the state's inability to even slow the growth of marijuana use with its multi-billion-dollar war on drugs that has made marijuana legal in most states now.

This in large part is because of the entrepreneur who refused to bow to the state's commandments. These millions of entrepreneurs who used to operate in the black market now operate in the gray market.

And, it's not just the weed dealers either. What about all those people that started giving rides under the Uber umbrella when it wasn't legal in most of the states they operated in.. The point is that there are enough people willing to accept the risks of dealing in a black market that it can impact the actions of the government.

We often hear the phrase "Vote with your pocketbook". This is the only vote that matters when it comes to government.

If you want to reduce or eliminate government then take the fight to the market and forget about the ballot box. We should all know by now that's a rigged game.

Find a gray or black market that will allow you to use your own skill sets and start a business.

Evaluate your own aversion to risk and find a sector in the gray or black market that aligns with that tolerance level.

Stop operating in the white market where the government has all the control and takes whatever it wants from you at will.

If you're unfamiliar with the different market classifications I've been discussing then I suggest listening to "What is Agorism: Part 2".

This is how entrepreneurship is an act of rebellion. Starting a gray market or black market business allows you to keep more of your own money while diminishing the power of the state and voicing an opinion about the tyranny of government.

If you want to explore this idea further you can download our FREE PDF "131 ways to make money using counter-economics"

You can also check out our eBook "How to start a stealth business using counter-economics"

Join our Discord

Dec 13, 202132:39
Anti-politics Pt. 1 | Uncle Cy's Book Club
Dec 06, 202129:35
Rebuttal to an argument against agorism| Off Grid Agorist Live Stream

Rebuttal to an argument against agorism| Off Grid Agorist Live Stream

Recently one of the OG Members in the Discord group posted a link to an article titled “6 Reasons Agorism
is a Failed Strategy” and recommended that a rebuttal episode may be interesting. Shout out to Xed101. I After
reading the article I agreed with Xed101. So, here it is.
Here is a link to the article.
As titled the article list 6 reasons for the failure and to avoid any kind of copyright problems I won't
publish the article here, but I will list the reasons given.
1 You're Alone
2 High Risk
3 Real World Failure
4 Ineffective
5 Self-limiting
6 Short-sighted
The author does make some valid points when it comes to the hurdles of agorism and as a self
proclaimed agorist for about 5 years he would certainly be aware of the hurdles but in my opinion
these hurdles don't mark the strategy as failed.
I don't know if the author intended to use the word failed in the past tense intentionally or not, but it
insinuates a sort of finality to the unsuccessful application of agorism.
After the second paragraph, the author writes” Agorism is a failed strategy. I encourage people not to
pursue it at this time.” This implies that there may be a good time to pursue agorism in the future, but
when would that be? I assume he means when these 6 problems have been solved, but none of the
problems can be solved without the number of agorists increasing to substantial numbers. Maybe the
author means to suggest that you should pursue agorism after other agorists have, through outreach,
proselytizing, risk absorption and institution building increased the number of agorists to such levels
that these 6 hurdles aren't that risky.
This risk avoidance strategy will be employed by most people because most people are not very risk-tolerant when it comes to authority. However, this is accounted for in Konkin's writings. Konkin was
clear in his predictions that agorism would take a long time.
In this episode, we are going to discuss why we believe none of these 6 reasons are good enough
reasons to either say agorism is a failed strategy or that people should not pursue it.
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Quote of the Week

Dec 05, 202148:15
Quashing the Constitution with Special Guest, Legalman | Off Grid Agorist Live Stream

Quashing the Constitution with Special Guest, Legalman | Off Grid Agorist Live Stream

Is the constitution of the united states really the document we have all been taught? Why are we told the
constitution was the result of the American revolution? What does the declaration of independence have to do
with the constitution? Why do so few people know anything about the Articles of confederation? These may
seem like benign questions at first glance, but I assure you the answers to these questions open a door to a train
of thought that leads to questions about the true nature of freedom in the United States.
The idea that you have been misled your whole life about the constitution by nearly everyone around
you is unsettling. I say “nearly” everyone because sometimes you will hear someone say something
about that “sacred” document that goes against the national mythos and it sounds ridiculous. Those
people get mocked and marginalized by the “good citizens” for their blasphemy.
For those who have misled you, don't cast blame on them. They were lied to their whole lives too. The
lies have been told for so long that the perpetrators of the lies are long dead and those who perpetuate
the lies are a minuscule minority. The rest are just compliant dupes spreading the lies because they
believe the lies.
It is my belief that one can never have real liberty in this country and still believe in the national story.
The two are diametrically opposed and the belief in one must negate the other. It is possible to see these
lies for what they are, but it requires a suspension of belief in the mythos. One must be able to honestly
question the validity of the mythos so the mind can rationally evaluate the contradicting information.
In today's episode, we have a special guest. Legalman is one of those who are trying to shed some truth
on this great deception. He is among the best at pointing out the inconsistencies in a concise way that
leaves little debate about the truth of the matter when it comes to the true purpose of the constitution.
To those of you in our audience who call yourselves constitutional republicans I urge you to listen with
an open ear. Compare what you hear in this episode with what you've been taught all your life then
contrast the information with what you see all around you in reality. 

Join our new Discord Group for off-grid folks, agorists, and freedom lovers!
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To listen to Legalmans podcast The Quash

Quote of the Week
For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole TRUTH; to know the worst, and to provide for it. - Patrick Henry

Nov 30, 202101:03:19
Expatriation: Living Off-Grid Abroad | Off Grid Agorist Live Stream Podacast

Expatriation: Living Off-Grid Abroad | Off Grid Agorist Live Stream Podacast

Have you ever thought about leaving the USA, Canada, or any first world country? Do you daydream about going to a foreign land and sipping margaritas on the beach of a tropical island for the rest of your life? I know that I do. I have thought about it quite a bit.
Although we live in the richest countries in the world, tyrannical policies and over-taxation have many of us wondering what it would be like to exit the system. Our tax dollars have been weaponized and are being used against us. The Fed keeps printing money like it's going out of style, causing massive price increases in just about
every commodity available. People have simply stopped looking for work as our jobs are being threatened because we don't want our healthcare dictated to us.
As our first world countries become more like slave systems, many of us have thought about exiting our
countries entirely, but it seems like such a difficult task to accomplish.
Not only is leaving the country intimidating, how about expatriating and going off-grid? Now that sounds like a
doozy! Sourcing supplies takes much more than running to the local Lowe's and picking up everything you need. All of the dynamics and conveniences we are used to change. Is it difficult, yes. Impossible? No!
In this week's show, we are talking to a very interesting woman, Kristen Krash. She has managed to leave the
The USA for many of the reasons noted above. She now lives in Ecuador. Not only did she expatriate from America, but she is also living off-grid and flourishing. Check out her website
There are lots of things to think about when expatriating to another country to live off grid. How is the country reacting to the pandemic? What are the country's policies towards crypto, taxation, building permits? What is the primary language? Are they friendly towards Americans? Is there access to healthcare, and what are the
costs of that healthcare?
If you are thinking about leaving the country for a more simple life, you must perform your due diligence. Do lots of research and see if it is viable to begin an off-grid life abroad. I think you will be surprised at how many options are really out there.
Join our new Discord Group for off-grid folks, agorists, and freedom lovers!
Check out our podcast archives and free stuff at

Quote of the Week
Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from. – Seth Godin

Nov 20, 202101:01:25
Crypto - Security Vs Simplicity

Crypto - Security Vs Simplicity

The world of crypto is a much different sphere than it was just a few years ago. Crypto has been called a joke, a
fad, a scam, a novelty, and many other things. Very few people took it seriously when the early adopters were saying it was revolutionary, genius, disintermediating, and world-changing. Now people are coming around to
the real world applications of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, but the underlying goal of bitcoin, the
first crypto, a permissionless, trustless, way to exchange value between 2 parties anywhere in the world without
any centralized interference is getting obscured.
Nowadays, the big players in the world of transactional money are jumping into this trillion-dollar
world. This acceptance of crypto by the likes of wall street, investment firms, dot coms, and money processing companies has opened up a world of centralized intermediaries. This fact proves crypto is not a fad or a novelty and is here to stay.
There is an interesting dynamic with crypto though. It can be as secure as you wish and it can be as simple as you please, but at this point in time, it is like a spectrum. On one side of the spectrum is security and on the other side of the spectrum is simplicity. So as you move across the spectrum from
security to simplicity you lose more and more security as you gain more and more simplicity.
The vast majority of people prefer simplicity over security so most of the development and new user
onboarding in this new frontier is happening in centrally controlled, KYC compliant arenas.
Personally, I don't see a big problem with this, but it does warrant a discussion and some thought about
why a person wants to get into crypto.
For the agorist, security is a big concern. The ability to exchange value in an anonymous manner consensually with another individual or company is important for many reasons. To be secure in one's property and associations requires that transactions can't be tracked by a government willing to use force against an individual. That being said, it is also important to be able to move in and out of the
system as needed to take advantage of needed or wanted opportunities within the white market.
Today, we'll be discussing the places where you can find security and how you can take advantage of
platforms for simplicity.
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Nov 13, 202146:52
Self-sufficiency Skill Sets To Beat The System

Self-sufficiency Skill Sets To Beat The System

In today's world, self-sufficiency is an integral part of freedom. Our society seems to be structured in such a way that people are heavily dependent on other people, infrastructures, businesses, institutions, etc. for their very survival. In a truly voluntary world, there would be nothing wrong with this, in fact, it would be beneficial. The division of labor has been a key variable for the increase in human quality of life. 

The problem with the situation today is an ever-increasing control state, where these dependencies on others are used against people as a form of control and manipulation. We can all think of situations where our decisions are based on consequences imposed on us by the government without any natural consequence of the decision. Most of the consequences imposed on us - through the use of force by a government - are directly or indirectly tied to the institution of government monopolized money. As we talked about in last week's episode, finding ways to live outside the fiat system can increase the sphere of liberty that you live within. 

This week we are talking about self-sufficient skill sets that you can develop to decrease your reliance on the use of the fiat system that is used to control and manipulate the population. The purpose of developing self-sufficient skills is to ultimately reduce your need to buy goods and services. Reducing your need to continually buy things reduces the amount of money you have to trade your time and energy for. Anyone can learn new skills. It does require determination and substantial investments of time, you may even choose to pay someone to teach you a skill, but the great thing about these new skills is that once you have them they can't be taken away from you. Here's an example of what we mean. What would it look like if you learned how to raise chickens? If a family of 4 eats eggs for breakfast 4 times per week, they would spend roughly $9 per week buying eggs. If one family member learned how to raise chickens, they could easily tend to 15 chickens and conservatively expect to collect 6 dozen eggs per week. This would supply the family's egg needs, plus enough surplus to sell eggs to friends and neighbors to pay for the chicken feed. This would save the family over $500 per year and doesn't account for any of the other benefits of raising chickens.
Learning skills is an act of liberty in and of itself.

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Nov 07, 202158:33
Is it possible to live without money? Off Grid Agorist Podcast

Is it possible to live without money? Off Grid Agorist Podcast

Why would it be beneficial to learn how to live outside of the traditional monetary system? Is it even possible to live without money? If it were possible, what would that even look like and where would you learn how?

When people are governed with an illusion of freedom and democracy it’s important that control be maintained indirectly through institutions. Because of this illusion, these institutions become sacred cows. When an individual speaks out against these institutions, it must be seen as unpatriotic.
One such institution is the institution of money. It is probably the single most important tool a
coercive government has to manipulate and control a population. The” money changers” of central banks in cahoots with governments use the fiat money system to steal value, wealth, and life energy from the population. They effectively embezzle money from the economy. They extort workers and families. They lie about inflation rates to keep the people complacent. They use the money they stole from citizens to spy on those citizens, to incarcerate those citizens, to enforce unjust laws against those citizens, to adjudicate against those citizens. This is a small sample of the ways in which government uses fiat money to control a large population with a small number of people.
These are some of the reasons why the agorist wants to avoid giving their wealth to the government.
Living without money or outside of traditional fiat money systems is just one way to take back a little bit of power from a tyranny of legalized thieves.
It isn't easy, but it can be done to a large degree.
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Freedom Quote of the week:
“Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year to control the public mind.”
Noam Chomsky

Oct 31, 202101:02:11
Upcoming Livestream Event Announcement
Oct 28, 202104:13
Off Grid Health and Fitness | Off Grid Agorist Podcast

Off Grid Health and Fitness | Off Grid Agorist Podcast

There is one lesson I learned really quick when I took the off grid plunge, and that lesson is it pays to be fit and healthy!

The reality is, if you are planning to homestead, you will either need a whole lot of money to pay others to build things for you, or you will need to build it yourself. Materials are a lot heavier than they appear. Wood, rock, dirt, all weigh much more than you would ever expect it to. 

When I went off grid last year, I realized very quickly that I was more out of shape than I had realized. We had to build fences, dig ditches, construct structures, mount solar panels, and so much more. Everything takes more exertion and if you are not in the construction industry or a laborious career, you will quickly find out that it takes extreme effort, endurance, and physical strength to get your homestead up and running. 

This flipside to this is you will become stronger every day that you work on your homestead. We used the natural soil under the trees to put into our raised beds. I dug up hundreds, if not thousands, of cubic feet of soil, wheeled it over to the garden, and dumped it into our cut barrels. 

I was burning thousands of extra calories a day, just getting our garden ready for the season. We also constructed a 1500 square foot crop cage to keep birds and deer out of our garden. Pouring concrete, handling chicken wire, and erecting the framework built muscle and trimmed fat. 

Key takeaway: Homesteading will make you buff!

But there is more than just being in good physical fitness to run a homestead. 

Your mental and emotional state will be challenged, possibly on a daily basis. Mental fortitude is no joke, and homesteading likes to push the boundaries of what we can handle. 

When you pour your heart and soul into a project, and things break, die, or simply don't go according to plan, your mental and emotional state will be tested. You will have doubts, feel depressed, cry, or want to give up. 

It has happened to me several times, especially when our power inverter to our solar system got fried because mice got into it. I was so pissed off, I literally broke stuff. We put so much time, effort, energy, and money into this system, and all it took was one little mouse to sabotage the whole thing. 

But, I recovered and moved forward, because I had to. 

In this podcast episode, Cyrus and I talk about the strength you need to be a homesteader. I hope you listen to the podcast because this one I think really gets into what we all need a bit more of. 

Join our Discord Community, for conversation with like-minded individuals!

Visit our website, for more podcast episodes about freedom, liberty, and self-sufficiency. 

Oct 26, 202142:42
Cryptocurrency is the Key to Agorism

Cryptocurrency is the Key to Agorism

Regina and Cyrus discuss why crypto is the key to agorism. The monopoly of money is where all government control begins. If agorists can find a way to operate outside of the government-controlled fiat system then freedom exists to a much larger degree. The aim of agorism is to starve the state of their income which is the root of their ability to regulate and control individuals and markets.

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Oct 15, 202155:44
What in the bloody hell is a crypto NFT???
Sep 05, 202153:20
Negative Rights vs Positive Rights and Primitive Offgrid
Aug 26, 202150:27
3 Main Agorism Points To Remember
Aug 18, 202158:49
How the government steals from you with money
Aug 06, 202114:52
The Monopoly of Money
Jul 28, 202110:56
A Focus On Agorism
Jul 05, 202136:29
Upgrading The Off Grid Ranch
Jun 19, 202136:12
7 reasons To Go Off Grid Now

7 reasons To Go Off Grid Now

In this episode, Regina goes over some great reasons to go off grid right now. You Can also check out her (youtube video) of the same name.
Sign up for our ( FREE Bi-weekly newsletter) (Agorist Products)
FREE PDF ( "131 ways to make money using counter-economics")
FREE PDF ("Step by step guide to your first crypto purchase")
Jun 11, 202114:10
Crypto Agorism Is In Good Shape
Jun 04, 202143:32
Tax extortion racket reaches new levels
May 14, 202145:36
How to get ready to live off grid
May 07, 202116:13
This is your brain on Socialism
Apr 30, 202145:04
The Weekend Agorist
Apr 23, 202152:07
The Road To Agorism
Apr 16, 202101:07:59
Mental Transmutation
Apr 09, 202122:57
COVID - Fun Facts Or Fiction?

COVID - Fun Facts Or Fiction?

We talk about the many things with the current narrative and government reactions to the virus that just don't make sense. Reason and logic lead you to a point of view that maybe there's more going on than public health concerns by the leaders of the world.
The numbers being reported aren't adding up.
So much of the information about masks point to non-affectiveness.
The massive power grab by the government and the consent of the people to have government dictate the most basic liberties people have.
With a little critical thinking, this whole shit show seems like a big farse, a smokescreen to disguise some hidden agenda.
Listen and decide for yourself.
Check out (Tom Woods podcast), lots of content about the fallacy of the virus and lockdowns
Sign the declaration if you want to support the many medical professionals speaking out against the response to the Virus (Great Barrington declaration).
Sign up for (The Hitching Post). A FREE weekly newsletter all about the pursuit of liberty through self-sufficiency, non-aggression, counter-economics, and the Agora.
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Agorist Products
FREE PDF "131 Ways to make money using counter-economics"
FREE PDF "Step by step guide to your first crypto purchase"
Apr 02, 202159:51
6 DIY Solar Projects You Can Make For Pennies
Mar 26, 202140:11
How To Steel Yourself From Hyper-inflation
Mar 19, 202142:27
6 Foundational Gardening Techniques
Mar 12, 202135:01
Don't Be Trippin' About Authority
Mar 06, 202137:26
What I Learned In My First Month of Going Off Grid
Feb 27, 202133:10
Building A Bug Out Bag - Part 2
Feb 20, 202139:53
Debunking Constitutional Truisms - WTH Does That Mean?

Debunking Constitutional Truisms - WTH Does That Mean?

There are a bunch of slogans in the Constitution that really don't mean anything and doesn't regulate the government whatsoever. These truisms are used as a tool by politicians to get people to agree with them even though they don't even know what they are agreeing to. 

In this episode, we debunk constitutional truisms!

Checkout for more content!

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Feb 13, 202141:45
Building A Bug Out Bag - Part 1

Building A Bug Out Bag - Part 1

In this miniseries, we will go over all the basics that you want to put into your bug out bag, and then some!

We cover the foundational gear you need to survive, along with what type of backpack you should choose for your bug out bag. 

All gear referenced can be found at Maximum Off Grid's Ultimate Bug Out Bag article:

Happy prepping!

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Feb 04, 202151:23
How To Get WiFi Off Grid - Internet In The Boonies
Jan 30, 202134:16
Tips and Tricks for Purchasing Shipping Containers
Jan 22, 202130:14
Its The White House Season Finale! Get Yer Popcorn
Jan 15, 202149:08
Concepts From Spooner And The Agora
Jan 13, 202101:10:21
Do It Yourself Solar Hot Water Heater For Pennies
Jan 09, 202132:24
The Big Uneasy - Our Predictions For 2021
Jan 01, 202101:14:45
All I Want For Christmas is FREEDOM.

All I Want For Christmas is FREEDOM.

We are on the naughty list this year! In this episode, we talk about FREEDOM, and how current events are taking more and more of it from the masses. We also talk about fundamental human rights and how they are being drastically infringed on by the control machine. 

Warning: we use naughty language in this episode! 

Visit for more great content!

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Dec 25, 202053:45
The Trust: A tool for the Agorist

The Trust: A tool for the Agorist

This is an interview with Kelly Hohnholtz. Kelly has been using trusts for years to insulate himself from the bureaucracy of the state and to protect his assets from litigation. This episode is packed with useful information for the agorist. As agorists, we can use the trust to navigate around the prying eyes of the state. I mention early in the interview that Kelly and I are in a MeWe group together called Applied Agorism. This group talks about all kinds of techniques and strategies to practice agorism. If you would like to join this group and chat with Kelly or I here's the link.

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Dec 24, 202051:53
Tavern Talk 2 – Bullshitting Over A Couple Of Beers

Tavern Talk 2 – Bullshitting Over A Couple Of Beers

It's that time again to gather round the fire and have a couple of beers and talk about the craziness that our world has become. Fun!

Some of the topics we go over:

- Ballot fraud and why are we counting votes by hand

- The outrageously massive US national debt 

- 3D printing and how we can take manufacturing back into our own hands

Its a really good one so give it a listen!

Find more content at!

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Dec 18, 202040:22
Just Compost It.

Just Compost It.

In this episode we dive into the pile and talk all about composting!

Nuff said. 

Visit for cool content!

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Dec 12, 202027:23