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A Yogi Kitchen Off The Mat

A Yogi Kitchen Off The Mat

By A Yogi Kitchen Off The Mat

Taking the lessons we learn in our mindfulness and yoga practice Off The Mat and into our daily lives. Each week Melissa Mitchell CEO and founder of A Yogi Kitchen hosts conversations about lessons and insights to help your life be bigger, brighter and full of love with a dash of ease. Subscribe to Off The Mat with A Yogi Kitchen and share with someone who needs it. Nobody is alone, join our yoga family for love, support and community!
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Week 30 Celebrating The Wins

A Yogi Kitchen Off The MatJul 28, 2023

Balance in the Celeebration

Balance in the Celeebration

On Fridays I always invite you to celebrate the wins from the week. How are you celebrating? Are you going off the deep end? Are you giving yourself a mental pat on the back? I invite you to contemplate the balance, the middle ground.
Jun 07, 202431:29
Morning Meeting: Finding Balance During Trauma

Morning Meeting: Finding Balance During Trauma

Happy Monday! We've got a very different week around A Yogi Kitchen this week. I hope you'll join us for all the fun and service. Want a pop-up? Text 785-760-5412 to make a request!
Jun 03, 202429:38
How I Found Balance in the Still Waters

How I Found Balance in the Still Waters

Our word is balance and I found the still waters. The surface is ever-changing and a bit chaotic at times. The deep depths lack oxygen and light. Right here in the middle is calm and peaceful and I'm here for it! Also, it's my birthday month and I'm doing a challenge. Join me for the next Thrive 2024 challenge
May 24, 202420:44
Morning meeting! What are you doing this week? Join us!

Morning meeting! What are you doing this week? Join us!

Pop-ups, the holiday weekend and Yoga in the Park returns!
May 21, 202419:02
It’s A New Session, A New Word and A New Schedule

It’s A New Session, A New Word and A New Schedule

Did you love Play as much as I did? Our new word is just as juicy. Take a listen to start letting this word roll around on your tongue and in your brain. Yoga in the Park and Sunday morning yoga returns! Happy Wednesday!
May 15, 202445:40
How Are You Feeling? On Wednesday We Check In.

How Are You Feeling? On Wednesday We Check In.

Play is really shifting us and I want to ask you how did you plan on feeling this week and how’s it going? We’re all noticing how play is shifting our brains. How about you? Have you been playing?
May 08, 202437:39
What Are We Doing? A Monday Morning Meeting.

What Are We Doing? A Monday Morning Meeting.

A new series! It’s the Monday morning meeting. It’s a week of pop-ups! Hear what we’re doing this week, what we’re thinking for the near fiture. So many exciting things coming!
May 06, 202432:22
Are You Learning From Play Like I Am?

Are You Learning From Play Like I Am?

How are you sinking into Play? Play is a powerful word. This is how it’s shifting us.
May 04, 202422:36
Do You Put Off Play?

Do You Put Off Play?

How often do you play? Do you feel like you resist playing until you deserve it? It’s time to grab your journal. It’s time to be present with how you resist play. THEN, it’s time to get down to it and PLAY!
Apr 15, 202423:39
Let’s Celebrate and Play! !

Let’s Celebrate and Play! !

It’s Friday and I always invite you to celebrate the wins on Fridays. AND we have a new word for a new session! Let’s Play!
Mar 29, 202419:27
How Service Changes You

How Service Changes You

We spent a long yoga session focusing on Seva, or selfless service from the heart. How did it change you? Here’s how it changed some of our regular family members and how it changed me. Help me brainstorm our focus for our next session.
Mar 19, 202436:12
Happy March! We’re Shifting Into Spring.

Happy March! We’re Shifting Into Spring.

Are you feeling this big shift? Or is it just me? I feel a huge shift with the spring-like weather and i am wide open for it. Want to get more open? Practice Seva with me. It will crack your heart wide open.
Mar 03, 202427:30
How Can You Unbecome?

How Can You Unbecome?

How can you connect to the best parts of yourself?Fika and Seva, along with the Thruve Challenge are shifting us n big ways. Will you join us and connect with the best parts of yourself.
Feb 25, 202422:47
Your Yoga Challenge This Session

Your Yoga Challenge This Session

We’re focusing on Seva or selfless service from the heart this session. Let’s up your service game. At A Yogi Kitchen we’re cooking more, delivering more food and starting seedlings.
Feb 19, 202426:24
How Are You Of Service? Seva is our word for the session.

How Are You Of Service? Seva is our word for the session.

Seva, or selfless service is a core practice is yoga. How do you step outside of your inner circle and show your heart? This session we’re committing to a practice of Seva. That’s the next 8 weeks to open your heart, feel happier and connect to your purpose and meaning. It’s one of my favorite Off The Mat practices. 💚
Feb 12, 202426:21
What Does Thrive Mean To You?

What Does Thrive Mean To You?

We took a week off. Here’s why and how we’re moving forward. This week is identifying what you know to do.
Jan 28, 202438:37
Welcome to Thrive 2024, a challenge

Welcome to Thrive 2024, a challenge

How do you thrive? I invite to consider that slowing down to enjoy the good things is a way to thrive. This Swedish concept, Fika, is our guide through the next 30 days. What does slowing down feel like? Does it scare you? Imagine how thrive feels with me.
Jan 15, 202439:03
Imagine My Word For 2024 With Me

Imagine My Word For 2024 With Me

It’s a new year and we have a new focus. What’s your word for the year? We are focusing on slowing down and thriving. Imagine what that looks like for you? How does it feel in your body, mind and heart? Dream with me about a year that you Love!
Jan 07, 202434:07
As I Rest; Creating Space for Others

As I Rest; Creating Space for Others

We’ve learned so much about Rest this year and we’re not stopping here. It’s time to open our hearts and create space for others. They deserve the richness of rest, just like you do. So, let’s start sharing with this new card that we’re embracing. Share with your loved ones, embrace people you don’t know well and reach a hand out to strangers.
Dec 23, 202331:05
Sunday Intention and Home

Sunday Intention and Home

It’s been a while since I’ve led you through setting intention. So today lie down and let’s focus on Home. Let us look at the week and set set yourself up for a successful week. Rest, nap, take baths and walks. Feel Hoke body, mind, heart
Dec 10, 202318:02
Where Is Home For You?

Where Is Home For You?

Home can be more than one place in your life. It can even be a person. Where do you feel Home? Here are the places u feel Hime. AND our Goulding fundraiser, Thrive Challenge and burning Bowl.
Dec 06, 202322:55
How To Share From Your Home

How To Share From Your Home

Sink into Home this session. Feel the power of Home in your living space, in your body and in your heart. Take that power and share the love this holiday season. We’re supporting a local family. How can you help? Join us!
Dec 04, 202330:54
Home! Our Word For The Session

Home! Our Word For The Session

Home. Say it to yourself. Home. Feel your body shift? Home. What does that feel like to you? It’s about more than where you fall asleep at night. Breathe.
Nov 28, 202321:41
You Are Enough Now

You Are Enough Now

As you move into the busiest part of the year, with more obligations, more family I encourage you to remember You Are Enough Now.. It’s time to deprogram from grind culture and slow down, even with all the pressure to do more. You can do it, just slowly.
Nov 23, 202334:23
Gratitude and Privilege. How I’m Feeling Connected.

Gratitude and Privilege. How I’m Feeling Connected.

I am overwhelmed with a heart full of gratitude and privilege. So let’s pause here. Just two classes this week and we’re moving quickly towards the end of the year!!!
Nov 15, 202331:35
Slow Down With Me

Slow Down With Me

Let’s do a check-in. It’s been a minute. This centering meditation is not what most people consider meditating. Do a check-in with me and get quiet, slow down and Thrive!
Oct 24, 202335:47
How Do You Thrive?

How Do You Thrive?

An update and a new word for our short yoga session. Let’s Thrive this month. What does that look like for you? Did you know that it means to invest in your health and well-being. What does that look like? Let’s slow down.
Oct 14, 202327:51
Rest Does Not Have To Be Earned -Rest Deck

Rest Does Not Have To Be Earned -Rest Deck

It is your birthright. You do not need to be exhausted, overwhelmed or at your breaking point to need rest. You were born needing rest and you still do. They only thing that changed as you became an adult was the messaging. Say it to yourself. Rest does not have to be earned.
Sep 14, 202323:13
Your Weekly Rest Deck Pick

Your Weekly Rest Deck Pick

Every week I pick a card from Tricia Hersey’s Rest Deck, a tool for getting razor sharp about what’s important to you. A deck like this is magical. It calls out to you and calls you out. Join me to experience the brilliance of Hersey and do the work around Rest with me.
Sep 07, 202320:20
Imagine What Your Body Needs

Imagine What Your Body Needs

Rest is a place of abundance and freedom . Imagine what that feels like in your body. How is rest changing you? Come with us to a place where your body and your mind connect.
Aug 28, 202326:18
Resting into Ease

Resting into Ease

Rest has created even more Ease, convincing me that Rest is our answer. Join us to practice Rest thru August.
Aug 10, 202320:15
Week 30 Celebrating The Wins

Week 30 Celebrating The Wins

Every week I invite you to celebrate. On Fridays we celebrate the wins from the week. What are you celebrating? What went right this week? Little or big, make sure you take a moment to pay attention.
Jul 28, 202319:47
How Do You Earn Rest? The Answer Is In Your Yoga Practice.

How Do You Earn Rest? The Answer Is In Your Yoga Practice.

Earning rest is a weird concept, right? But we all do it. In this episode I talk about how I sometimes feel like I need to keep up and why I know that’s not true.
Jul 17, 202330:51
Shifts, Wobbles and Changes On and Off the Mat.

Shifts, Wobbles and Changes On and Off the Mat.

Shifts, wobbles and changing within poses and from day to day are normal and expected. How to take those experiences and the lessons from them and plug them into your life. I’m sharing my process as I’m navigating the waters after my mom’s stroke.
Jul 07, 202334:57
Gratitude, Baby! It’s Your Multi-Tool

Gratitude, Baby! It’s Your Multi-Tool

I talked a lot about being present and the cope Ahead skill, but really the most useful yoga skill/tool to help care for my mom is gratitude. Practice gratitude as often as you can!
Jun 29, 202319:27
How Being A Yogi Helps Me Care For My Mom

How Being A Yogi Helps Me Care For My Mom

My mom had a stroke. I’m in Chicago taking care of her with my siblings. I am staying present in the moment and I’m Coping Ahead all at the same time. Today I’m thinking about how being a yogi is helping me manage and how it’s benefitting my mom.
Jun 27, 202338:56
How I’m Celebrating Rest!

How I’m Celebrating Rest!

It’s the magical month of June and I am celebrating! Are you? Oh! And it’s Friday when we celebrate the wins. An attempt at a shorter episode.
Jun 02, 202322:58
How Rest Is Changing Me

How Rest Is Changing Me

Rest is Resistance is resonating so deeply with me and changing who I am. It’s taking the ideas and moving them into my heart and throughout my heart. How about you? How are you Resting? How is it changing you?
May 29, 202344:39
Grief Journal Day 2. Let’s Celebrate!

Grief Journal Day 2. Let’s Celebrate!

Okay, it’s a week late, but it’s finally here. Grief Journal Day 2. And since it’s Friday, we’re CELEBRATING! What are your wins today? #grief #celebrate #yogalife #mindfulness #intention #loss
May 05, 202324:06
Celebrating, Rest and Grief. We’re doing Big Work.

Celebrating, Rest and Grief. We’re doing Big Work.

We’re starting Grief Journal Week while focusing on celebrating the wins and sinking into Rest. Whew! But you know what? It all fits together when we’re mindful and intentional about our rest. How are you sinking into it?
Apr 28, 202349:08
Our Word This Session Is Rest

Our Word This Session Is Rest

How does the word Rest feel to you? I’m your body/heart/mind. Rest is a radical act. Rest is Resistance. Do you resist it? Does it resonate with you? Also, I tried recording and driving. I’d say it was a fail. Well, faul might be a strong word, but here it is.
Apr 16, 202336:21
It’s None of My Business. What I learned From Non-Judgment.

It’s None of My Business. What I learned From Non-Judgment.

My insights into our session of focusing on non-judgment. It expanded way beyond what I anticipated. I found out what is and what isn’t my business. . .
Apr 06, 202353:05
There Is No Good or Bad

There Is No Good or Bad

Chipping away at judgment and working towards a place of non-judgment. How moving towards the middle path helps you find a place where there is no good or bad. What does that look like for you?
Mar 12, 202328:03
Re-Framing Your Self-Judgment

Re-Framing Your Self-Judgment

Let’s stop talking to ourselves in ways that we’d never talk to other people. Learn a few ways to re-frame your self-talk to be more present with what is and step away from judgments about worthiness.
Mar 05, 202329:48
Our Word Is Non-Judgment

Our Word Is Non-Judgment

We’re focusing on Ahimsa this session and the first part is to breathe into Non-Judgment. How are you talking to yourself? Your homework this week is to just notice. Vm be.
Feb 26, 202322:17
How I found Ease-in Pizza!

How I found Ease-in Pizza!

Where is the Ease? Can it be in pizza? And how? I learned to release into the joy of making pizza for you. That’s where the Ease is for this Pizza Party fundraising project. The lessons of ease and pizza have been huge for me.
Feb 06, 202327:45
Be a C+ Student! Let’s not hold it all so preciously .

Be a C+ Student! Let’s not hold it all so preciously .

Are you constantly striving for perfection. Are you always looking for the A? It can be exhausting, right? Join me and settle into the C+ Ease of life. Also, don’t forget to. Lee rate!
Feb 03, 202329:22
Dream! It’s good for your brain!

Dream! It’s good for your brain!

Daydreaming is good so sink into the Ease of brain health. Breathe i into your word for the year and imagine what a year where you really commit to it can look like.
Jan 31, 202336:01
How Self-Care Takes You to Ease

How Self-Care Takes You to Ease

I am committing deeply to self-care and here’s why. Our word for the session is Ease. I’m learning how self-care takes you straight to Ease and makes your whole life fit together better.
Jan 24, 202339:07
Celebrating Ease

Celebrating Ease

Happy Friday, dear hearts. On Fridays we celebrate! We’re also focusing on the word Ease this session. How are you celebrating the Ease in your life today? I invite you to breathe into how you celebrate. What does celebration mean to you? A bottle of wine? A pint of ice. Ream? How can that idea shift and expand?
Jan 24, 202339:59