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Falls Creek Youth Camp

Falls Creek Youth Camp

By Oklahoma Baptists

This summer, we will challenge students to live a disciple-making lifestyle by practicing personal evangelism.

One thing matters. One thing lasts. One thing will truly change the culture. One answer. One difference. One provision. One way.

Jesus is all. Jesus is the statement. Jesus is enough.
Currently playing episode

Jesus In The Boat

Falls Creek Youth CampJun 20, 2023

Live The Gospel

Live The Gospel

The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand teaches us many things about God’s heart toward us, and our walk with Jesus. Shane Pruitt points out the compassion of Jesus, the call on us, and the capability of Jesus. A little bit in the hands of Jesus is better than a lot in our own hands.  

During this message, there were a total of 100 spiritual decisions, with 37 professions of faith. 

Jul 08, 202339:46
Speak The Gospel

Speak The Gospel

As people who have entered into a relationship with Christ, we have a unique calling upon our lives. In this message, Shane Pruitt teaches from Ephesians 4 about how we can live out this calling. During this service, there were a total of 198 spiritual decisions, with 73 professions of faith. 

There were 54 professions of faith during this service, with a total of 188 spiritual decisions. 

Jul 07, 202338:10
Learn The Gospel

Learn The Gospel

Salvation goes far beyond the moment when we enter into a relationship with Christ. It is a life-long experience. In this message, Shane Pruitt shares four callings that relate to being a believer, encouraging us to live Jesus only lives. 

There were 151 spiritual decisions during this service, with 61 professions of faith. 

Jul 06, 202337:44
Respond To The Gospel

Respond To The Gospel

In this podcast, Shane Pruitt preaches on John 3:16, a very well-known Bible verse. God showed His love for us by sending His absolute best: His one and only Son. John 3:17-18 tells us that Jesus did not come to condemn us, but rather to save us. To enter relationship with Jesus through His saving grace, we simply must repent - which Shane Pruitt describes as a changing of heart and mind – and follow Jesus. 

During this service there were 195 spiritual decisions, including 115 professions of faith. 

Jul 05, 202335:05
The 4 Basic Questions of Life

The 4 Basic Questions of Life

Shane Pruitt brings a message from Genesis chapters 1-3 on the first night of Falls Creek Youth Camp Week 5. He discusses how and why God made us, our problem with sin, and how Jesus made a way for us to be in relationship with Him. May every part of our being be used to glorify Christ and point others to Him. 

During this service, there were 156 spiritual decisions, with 99 professions of faith. 

Jul 04, 202338:25
Stand For Christ

Stand For Christ

Two disciples, John and Peter, are thrown into prison for preaching the gospel in Acts 4:1-12. Yet even after being thrown into prison they continue to declare the truth that salvation is found in none other than Jesus Christ. Are you willing to stand for Christ in every circumstance?

Jul 01, 202332:22


In this message, Ryan Young teaches through the conversations that we see in John 4:5-30: John 4:39-42. We see and learn from conversations about water, sin, worship, and salvation. 

Jun 30, 202334:34
Started Heart

Started Heart

The story of Jesus raising a widow’s son from the dead is found in Luke 7:11-17. Ryan Young draws our attention to the shattered heart of the woman, and the Savior’s heart toward the woman in this message. Jesus cares for us, sees us, and can heal anything that we are walking through. Do you trust Him? 

Jun 29, 202335:18
Storms of Life

Storms of Life

Mark 4:35-41 tells the story of Jesus calming the storm with His voice. In this message, Ryan Young points out the promise that we have in Christ Jesus. Though we face storms in this life, we are never alone. Jesus is always with us.

Jun 28, 202338:50
Who Is Jesus To You?

Who Is Jesus To You?

In this message on the first night of week 4 of youth camp, Ryan Young challenges us to answer the question “who is Jesus to you?” To some, He is a teacher. To some, He is Lord. Who is Jesus to you? 

Jun 27, 202338:14
The Call To Follow Christ

The Call To Follow Christ

In this message, Tom Richter teaches us that the call to follow Jesus is not something that should be taken lightly. The call comes regardless of our past, regardless of the cost, and regardless of what anyone else might do. As believers who have surrendered to the call to follow Christ, we are saved by grace and kept by grace, therefore we must serve by grace and live by grace. 

Jun 24, 202340:23
Broken Offerings

Broken Offerings

Sometimes our obedience to the Lord seems like a waste to the world. We see this truth in action in John 12:1-11, when Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with an extremely expensive perfume. In this message, Tom Richter urges us to leave our lives broken open and surrendered at the feet of Jesus, because He is worth everything.  

Jun 23, 202344:15
In The Fire

In The Fire

Daniel 3 encompasses the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; three Jews who refused to worship any false god. As they are thrown into the fire for their disobedience, we see a supernatural protection by the one true God. In whose hands is your life placed in? Do you trust King Jesus to protect you, even to the point of death? 

Jun 22, 202345:35
Hidden Treasure

Hidden Treasure

In this message, Tom Richter preaches on The Parable of the Hidden Treasure found in Matthew 13:44 and encourages us to take inventory of our lives; giving up what we can’t keep, to gain what we can’t lose. 

Jun 21, 202338:27
Jesus In The Boat

Jesus In The Boat

In this message, Tom Richter teaches over the calling of the twelve disciples in Luke 5:1-11. Sometimes it can feel like Jesus is “interrupting” our lives, but He is not trying to things away from us, He is trying to give something to us. What is standing between you and what God is calling you to? 

Jun 20, 202341:49
True Worship

True Worship

In this message, Nick Person teaches from Mark 14 about true worship. True worship is beautiful to the King, it means that we offer all that we have, and it is rooted in eternity. May our worship be true and proper in every circumstance. 

There were 125 spiritual decisions during this service, with 61 professions of faith.  

Jun 17, 202341:02
To be in Alignment

To be in Alignment

In this message from Mark 8, Nick Person teaches us that as followers of Christ, it is crucial for us to be in alignment with our King. To be in alignment with Him we must see Him accurately, deny ourselves, take up the cross, and follow Him.  

During this service there were 109 spiritual decisions, with 43 of them being professions of faith. 

Jun 16, 202342:19
More Capable Hands

More Capable Hands

In Mark 6:30-41 we see the supernatural provision of God in action as Jesus multiplies something seemingly small into an unfathomable amount. It’s not about the size of the offering, but rather the hands that it is in. Perhaps it’s time for us to open our hearts and place our lives in the hands that are much more capable than us. 

During this service there were 120 spiritual decisions with 64 professions of faith.  

Jun 14, 202340:36
Inconvenienced for the Gospel

Inconvenienced for the Gospel

Living the gospel-centered lives that we are called to is not always easy, but we are called to follow Christ regardless. In this message from Mark 2, Nick Person encourages us to be inconvenienced for the gospel. This may look like inconvenient compassion, inconvenient faith, and inconvenient sacrifice. In what area of your life might God be calling you to be inconvenienced for the sake of the gospel? 

There was a total of 127 spiritual decisions during this service, including 87 professions of faith. 

Jun 14, 202338:49
New Direction Requires Action

New Direction Requires Action

In this message Nick Person urges us to recognize that action is required in order to live as Jesus lived and love as Jesus loved, which is what we are called to do. Teaching from Mark 1, Nick shows us that Jesus invites us to walk in the steps that He has already forged. 

There were 86 spiritual decisions during this service, with 49 professions of faith. 

Jun 13, 202340:48
Jesus. Always.

Jesus. Always.

The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand teaches us many things about God’s heart toward us, and our walk with Jesus. Shane Pruitt points out the compassion of Jesus, the call on us, and the capability of Jesus. A little bit in the hands of Jesus is better than a lot in our own hands.  

During this message, there were a total of 187 decisions, with 95 professions of faith. 

Jun 10, 202340:40
Jesus. Now.

Jesus. Now.

As people who have entered into a relationship with Christ, we have a unique calling upon our lives. In this message, Shane Pruitt teaches from Ephesians 4 about how we can live out this calling. During this service, there were a total of 198 spiritual decisions, with 73 professions of faith. 

Jun 09, 202339:48
Jesus. Only.

Jesus. Only.

Salvation goes far beyond the moment when we enter into a relationship with Christ. It is a life-long experience. In this message, Shane Pruitt shares four callings that relate to being a believer, encouraging us to live Jesus only lives. 

During this service, there were a total of 201 spiritual decisions, with 85 professions of faith.

Jun 08, 202341:32
Jesus. First.

Jesus. First.

In this podcast, Shane Pruitt preaches on John 3:16, a very well-known Bible verse. God showed His love for us by sending His absolute best: His one and only Son. John 3:17-18 tells us that Jesus did not come to condemn us, but rather to save us. To enter relationship with Jesus through His saving grace, we simply must repent - which Shane Pruitt describes as a changing of heart and mind – and follow Jesus. 

There were a total of 168 spiritual decisions during this service, including 98 professions of faith.

Jun 07, 202323:47


Shane Pruitt brings a message from Genesis chapters 1-3 on the first night of Falls Creek Youth Camp. He discusses how and why God made us, our problem with sin, and how Jesus made a way for us to be in relationship with Him. May every part of our being be used to glorify Christ and point others to Him.  

There were a total of 115 spiritual decisions during this service, with 74 professions of faith.

Jun 06, 202340:46
A Call To Full Surrender

A Call To Full Surrender

There are many excuses that can be made about neglecting to live the life that God has called us to live. Sometimes it may seem that it is too hard to follow Jesus, or that there are more important things to do than following Jesus. But God calls us to full surrender in Matthew 6:24. God’s plan and purpose is bigger than our own agenda. Are you fully surrendered to Christ?

Jul 30, 202241:41
Knowing and Growing

Knowing and Growing

There is an “already” aspect of knowing Christ, and a “not yet” aspect of being with Jesus. As followers of Christ we have the blessing of knowing Him, but we are not yet in His presence. In this message, Shane Pruitt teaches us how to be solid in between the time of knowing Jesus and being with Jesus. We should be solid in our salvation, solid in our time with the Lord, and solid in our calling to finish well.

Jul 29, 202240:51
Saved To Be Set Apart

Saved To Be Set Apart

When we accept Jesus as Lord of our lives, He changes who we are and what we do. We are not just spectators of the cross, but rather participants of the cross. In this message, Shane Pruitt speaks about the universal calling to ministry, and the unique calling to ministry that is presented to us in Ephesians 2:8-9. We are saved to be set apart.

Jul 28, 202239:35
Stop Trying Start Trusting

Stop Trying Start Trusting

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14 focuses on two groups of people: the self-righteous and the Christ-righteous. Self-righteous people trust in themselves, but Christ-righteous people know that they are unable to fix themselves, and they trust in Jesus. Salvation is not trying harder, it is trusting more. Because the grave is empty, we can be full of the life, love, and joy of Christ.

Jul 27, 202238:21
King Jesus Is Better

King Jesus Is Better

King Jesus is better than anything that this world has to offer. In this message, Shane Pruitt teaches from Matthew 13 (the Parable of the Hidden Treasure) and Philippians 3:3-9, which speaks about knowing Christ. Our biggest problem is sin, our disobedience that separates us from God. Sin is a big problem, but Jesus is a bigger solution.

Jul 26, 202238:35
Choose to Focus on Jesus

Choose to Focus on Jesus

Hebrews 12:1-3 instructs us to run with perseverance the race that Christ has set before us. We can run this race with comfort from others’ success, by casting off our sins, and by concentrating on our Savior. In this message, Scott Pace urges us to not give in, give out, or give up on running this race.

Jul 22, 202236:20
Choose Freedom in Jesus

Choose Freedom in Jesus

As followers of Christ we are called to be set apart, presenting our lives to Christ as a living sacrifice. This sacrifice is talked about in Romans 12:1-2, it is to be humble, holy, and honorable. Rather than being conformed to this world, we should be changed by the word of God and compelled by His will. In this message, Scott Pace urges us to choose freedom in Jesus.

Jul 21, 202233:31
Choose Forgiveness in Jesus

Choose Forgiveness in Jesus

Sin can be reckless. It leads us with an entitled attitude, lures us with an enticing attraction, and leaves us with an empty appetite. It causes us to drift away from the Father. In this message, Scott Pace preaches through Luke 15:11-32 about the parable of the lost sons. In this story we see the sons being drawn to their father by his relentless love. We too should be drawn to our Heavenly Father by His relentless love.

Jul 20, 202237:44
Choose to Follow Jesus

Choose to Follow Jesus

In this message, Scott Pace points out three things that we need to know about a choice presented to us in Matthew 16:24-26. There is a choice to make, everyone is asked, but not everyone will accept. There is a cross to take; just as Jesus died for our sin, we must die to ours. Lastly, there is a cost at stake; the gift that Jesus gives us costs nothing, but the choice that we have to make will cost us everything. Will you choose to follow Jesus?

Jul 19, 202232:56
Choose Faith in Jesus

Choose Faith in Jesus

Jesus is The King, His power is unrivaled. In Philippians 2:5-11 we see that Jesus is the cosmic king, the crucified king, and the conquering king. We should choose Jesus because He deserves universal praise and demands a personal response. 

Jul 18, 202231:52
Keep Passion Alive

Keep Passion Alive

In Revelation 2:1-7, we find a letter that was written to the church of Ephesus. In this letter, we see that the passion and fire of the movement of Christ that had started in Ephesus began to fade over time. Oftentimes our passion for Christ also fades over time. In this message, Michael Butler teaches us to keep our passion fresh, vibrant, and real. We see a commendation to receive, a condemnation to recognize, a command to remember, and a call to restore.

Jul 15, 202230:16
The Race

The Race

The Christian life is not always easy, but God has called each of us to live a life that is faithful to Him and to influence others for Christ. 2 Timothy 4:1-7 instructs us on how to run the race of life with purpose. We have a charge to proclaim, a change to present, and a call to persevere. 

Jul 14, 202232:19
God Strengthens

God Strengthens

Be strong, put on, take up, and stand; these 4 imperatives are found in Ephesians 6:10-20. Being strengthened through Christ is not a passive process. We must actively surrender to His control, stand firm against the enemy, and surround ourselves with His armor. In this podcast, Michael Butler teaches about the purpose of this armor, and how God strengthens us.

Jul 13, 202234:43
Walk In Fulfillment

Walk In Fulfillment

Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ have been rescued from the weight of sin by the grace of God and brought to life in Him. This is written in Ephesians chapter 2. We have been saved through Jesus so that we may glorify God with our lives. In this message, Michael Butler encourages us to walk in the influence that we have been entrusted, fulfilling the mission of the gospel.

Jul 12, 202235:41
Real Faith

Real Faith

In Acts 19:1-10 we see how the the gospel impacts those in Ephesus. In the same way that the people of Ephesus were impacted, we too can be through the advancement of the gospel, beginning with a moment of real faith. In this message, Michael Butler preaches about the moment, message, movement, and multiplication of real faith.

Jul 11, 202230:60
The Father

The Father

In this message, David Sons talks about the father in the parable of the lost sons in Luke 15. In this parable, we see how the father responds to his son after being rejected, which reveals his character. The compassion and kindness of the father is displayed in his response and invitation to his sons. This same compassion and kindness can be found in our Heavenly Father if we put our faith in Him. No matter how far gone we may feel, our Father is always willing to welcome us back to Him.

Jul 08, 202234:52
The True Older Brother

The True Older Brother

In the parable of the lost son, the older brother had the same desire and destination as the younger brother, but each brother took a different path. The older brother was in the right place doing the right things, but was doing these things for the wrong reasons. In this message, David Sons teaches about the importance of living for the right reasons.

Jul 07, 202234:53
The Younger Brother

The Younger Brother

In the parable of the lost son, we find the younger brother leaving his father’s house to pursue freedom. Many of us can relate to this. We all want the good life, and we have a picture of what happiness looks like and are desperate to obtain it. However, oftentimes what we think is true happiness does not satisfy. True satisfaction can only be found in Jesus. In this message, David Sons teaches on the forgiveness and grace of our loving Father. The same grace that the lost son’s father showed to him is available to us through Christ Jesus.

Jul 06, 202233:35
The Pursuit

The Pursuit

In this message David Sons preaches on two parables from Luke chapter 15. In both parables, we see active pursuit after something lost, which points to the way that Jesus actively pursues us, lost sinners. Jesus, our Shepard, cares for all of His sheep. So much so that He will leave the 99 to rescue the one. 

Jul 05, 202217:35
Unrighteousness vs. Self-Righteousness

Unrighteousness vs. Self-Righteousness

In Luke 15:1-3, we see two groups of people. The tax collectors and sinners, and the Pharisees and scribes. Many of us can identify with and learn from both of these groups; the unrighteousness of the first group, and the self-righteousness of the second group. In this message, David Sons speaks about both groups, and teaches that no matter which category you fall into, only Jesus can save you.

Jul 04, 202241:43
Really Living

Really Living

When we abide in Christ we have the opportunity to live life in abundance. Listen in as Jeremy Freeman teaches us how to really live. We are really living when our joy is based on Christ and when Christ is the focus of our lives. Are you really living?

Jul 01, 202237:13
A Purpose For Everything

A Purpose For Everything

When life seems to be filled with pain and suffering it can be difficult to see God’s purpose. However, Jesus came so that our pain does not have to have the final say. In this message, Jeremy Freeman teaches through John chapter 11 and gives us encouragement about God’s purpose for us.

Jun 30, 202237:03
But God

But God

In this podcast Jeremy and Caleb Freeman share their testimony about God’s miraculous healing power. Caleb Freeman was an award-winning high school cross country runner until he was involved in a tragic wreck with a semi-truck that could’ve taken his life, but God spared Caleb his life for a reason. Listen to hear about how God has healed Caleb and used his life to bring glory to Him.

Jun 29, 202235:06
Our Greatest Need

Our Greatest Need

In this episode, Jeremy Freeman teaches through Luke 5:17-20, where four friends worked hard to get a paralyzed man to teaching. In this message we learn that we must be burdened to get people to Jesus, that our greatest need is to have our sins forgiven, and that only Jesus has the power to forgive our sin.

Jun 28, 202239:54
Two Paths, One Choice

Two Paths, One Choice

In this life there are two paths, two plans, and one choice for us to make. We can either choose Jesus or reject Him. Satan is a master of confusion and seeks to draw us down the wrong path, but God is good and He pursues us. In this episode, Jeremy Freeman teaches about these two paths. What will your response to Jesus be?

Jun 27, 202238:45