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The Olive Branch Markham • Audio Podcast

The Olive Branch Markham • Audio Podcast

By The Olive Branch Church

We are a church, a gathering of people, who are being transformed by the grace of God, who are bringing the transforming power of the good news to the communities we live in. This is the podcast of sermons at The Olive Branch Community Church in Markham, Ontario.
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I Never Expected This!

The Olive Branch Markham • Audio PodcastMay 12, 2024

Here Am I… Send Aaron!

Here Am I… Send Aaron!

Most of us don’t realize that Moses struggled with anxiety, forcing God to kind of push him into the role of leadership. But when you see what he was up against, you can understand why he was afraid! Now, to deal with anxiety, you don't need to already be a hero where you’re strong, courageous and unyielding, and you don’t need to be fearless… let’s look at the story of Moses to see how God uses him despite his struggles.

Jun 02, 202435:11
Ain’t No Flies on Me!

Ain’t No Flies on Me!

If you trace anger throughout the Scriptures, it really doesn’t have a great reputation. Paul says, "Don’t let it sit inside and rot you from the inside out!" And yet, when our way isn’t working, frustration and anger can be our default setting. If that sounds like you... don't be mad. There is a BETTER WAY!

May 19, 202434:58
I Never Expected This!

I Never Expected This!

We all have expectations about what life will hold for us...especially when it comes to having children. That’s exactly where Hannah’s life hit the wall and dropped to the floor! In an Old Testament world where having kids proved your worth, Hannah’s lot in life left her deeply discouraged. Broken, even.
When our lives are not working it’s like our hope tank gets punctured. But God meets us right there.

May 12, 202436:16
How’s THAT Workin’ for Ya?

How’s THAT Workin’ for Ya?

Most of us have a formula for how our life should go — and, in general, it seems to work until it doesn’t! And when it doesn’t we have a few options:
1) We can just keep pounding ourselves against the obstacles in our path
2) We can pull a tantrum and blame others, God, our parents, our boss or anyone else who seems to be in our way
3) Turn to what Jesus said His disciples on the night before His death —on the night He handed His mission to them

May 04, 202433:22
GIVE: In Between Plenty and Desperation

GIVE: In Between Plenty and Desperation

This is the final message of a special focus series, “Good News Give Back”. As a response to God’s great sacrifice of love at Easter, we are intentionally challenging ourselves to LOVE, to SERVE and to GIVE.
This week, we’re focusing on what it means to GIVE.

Apr 28, 202434:42


We are in the middle of a special focus series, “Good News Give Back”. As a response to God’s great sacrifice of love at Easter, we are intentionally challenging ourselves to LOVE, to SERVE and to GIVE.
This week, we’re focusing on SERVE.
Get involved! We want to understand that:
• Your time WILL make a difference.
• You can help our community partners accomplish more.
• Your time gives our community partners the resources that will ultimately bring new hope to the people they serve.
• Every hour served makes an impact.

Apr 21, 202436:44
Good News Give Back — LOVE

Good News Give Back — LOVE

Welcome to Week 1 of Good News Give Back, where for the next 3 weeks, we'll be intentionally engaging in ways to get into action — where we increase our capacity and willingness to be a blessing to those around us.

Apr 14, 202434:46
Invited...Or, Uninvited?

Invited...Or, Uninvited?

We come out of Easter thrilled that Jesus made it past the grave. He is who He claimed to be! He’s building a Kingdom that will last forever and overtakes all the kingdoms of this world. He’s the master of quality, the master of time and space, the master of quantity, the master over nature — and even the master over life and death! So here's the question: Where is He in your world?

Apr 07, 202436:01
The Grave Robber

The Grave Robber

What do you call a group of people who hate someone who’s innocent, plan for almost 3 years how they’re going to kill him — and then finally pull it off? They're called murderers, even if they are never convicted in a court of law. And that's what happened to Jesus on April 7, 30 A.D. The worst day in history.
But within three days, the absolute worst that humans could do was followed by the best day in history. God effortlessly robbed that grave!

Mar 31, 202403:03
I Am HE!

I Am HE!

Jesus' intentional journey to Samaria risked the devotion of His followers and the violence of the Samaritans — all to meet one thirsty, but scandalous, woman says it all.
This is the conclusion of a special series based on the incredible, hit show, “The Chosen”. This Sunday’s message is based on Episode 8, from Season 1. Give it a watch!

Mar 24, 202439:56
The Invitation

The Invitation

Jesus shocked everyone when He chose Matthew. Surely, Mary was loaded with issues from her past. But Matthew? The tax collector? He was the guy who had it all... and he left all of it to follow Jesus.

We’re in the middle of a special series based on the incredible, hit show, “The Chosen”. This Sunday’s message is based on Episode 7, from Season 1. Give it a watch!

Mar 18, 202434:30
Words to Works

Words to Works

Jesus treated everyone as image-bearers of God. What did this look like? With great compassion. Times when others would run the other way, or reject you as less than equal and without usefulness, Jesus leans in, sees us, and meets us in our need.

Mar 10, 202433:25
The Wedding Gift
Mar 03, 202435:34
The Rock
Feb 25, 202436:02
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Feb 18, 202436:15


The term Shabbat refers to the Jewish Sabbath: keeping the seventh day to rest and worship God. By Jesus' time it had become a huge weekly burden and Pharisees and Scribes were strictly enforcing Shabbat laws. Sadly, they missed the entire spirit of it, becoming experts in minutiae instead. In the middle of all that, Jesus gave a simple, memorable guideline: The Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath! With those words, Jesus and His followers were headed for trouble... really BIG trouble.

Feb 11, 202433:39
The Chosen: Falling in Love with Jesus…Again
Feb 04, 202434:16
Top 4 in ’24: Love

Top 4 in ’24: Love

Everyone wants to be valued for who they are — and loved unconditionally.
But here’s our core problem: how is our growth as lovable people? Love attracts; un-love (let’s call it that) repels. The work of the Spirit of God in our hearts is to grow us up as loving people, that is, to develop the FRUIT of the Spirit in us. And all of that fruit, interestingly, are qualities are all outward facing. We need the Holy Spirit to grow us in this way if we want to be the kind of people who aren’t hard to love!

Jan 28, 202433:42
Top 4 in ’24: Money

Top 4 in ’24: Money

Jesus posted all kinds of warnings around money because, like all powerful things – water, fire and sex – when it gets out of the boundaries it does a lot of damage! ...and there is only one antidote for it.

Jan 21, 202434:49
Top 4 in ’24: Health

Top 4 in ’24: Health

Every health issue makes it clear that death still has a grip on our world - and we have all had it touch our lives. So it is a legitimate thing to ask God for good health for ourselves and the health of those we love. Some would say that if we ask and have faith then God should heal us… every time! If that happened, then the followers of Jesus would have stellar health records;  better than anyone else in fact. But we all know that’s not the way it is. So... what does that mean?

Jan 14, 202443:33
Top 4 in ’24: Peace

Top 4 in ’24: Peace

It’s a safe guess that at the forefront of just about every heart right now is the longing for peace. Jesus called us to love others, even our enemies, and to pursue peace in every arena we are involved in. Is this even possible?

Jan 07, 202434:49
Make Room for The New

Make Room for The New

We love comfort and what we are the most familiar with. When something new enters our lives, it can sometimes feel like a threat. But here's the thing; there are so many new things God wants to to give you. You don't necessarily need a new year to start fresh – but if you want God to work… you need to make room.

Dec 31, 202329:10
Joy Just Cut Loose

Joy Just Cut Loose

Thank you for joining our Christmas Eve service! Angels—God’s shining messengers are, by definition, scary and powerful beings—their joy at Christmas was not a sweet little song accompanied by a harp. No, it roared across the sky and split the night with light no one could look at directly. As the angels danced across the sky because THE PLAN WAS ON TO CLEAN UP THE MESS ON EARTH ONCE AND FOR ALL! They knew that sin was finished, done with! They celebrated the kindness, love, grace and joy of a God who would humble himself and offer himself as a baby, God in disguise, who came here for a world filled with broken, selfish people. It’s the best news ever!

Dec 24, 202329:16
Distance Can’t Prevent It!

Distance Can’t Prevent It!

When you read the accounts of who was invited to be a part of the amazing story of Jesus’ birth - it’s astounding to find out who accepted and who turned it down. It’s shocking when Magi follow a star for 900 miles (without a car, mind you!) to worship and bring gifts to Jesus — and people just a few miles away, who should know better, don’t even bother to check it out! Heaven has invited everyone into true joy. This deep, pure crystal clear river of joy is open to everyone — no matter how far away they are from God.

Dec 17, 202336:35
Uncertainty Can’t Sabotage It

Uncertainty Can’t Sabotage It

The most surprising thing about joy is where you find it. Happiness comes in chunks; it’s a solid; Joy is liquid; It’s usually under the surface. Uncertainty and difficulty sabotages happiness - but not joy. Joy is God’s equal-opportunity gift to everyone. That’s what Mary had - despite the discomfort and difficulty and danger she found herself in. Joy was the steady flow of God’s power and calm to her life and her extraordinary circumstances that made it possible for her to bring the source of joy to everyone — even until today.

Dec 10, 202338:30


Happy 20th Birthday Olive Branch!
At today’s service, we will be celebrating God’s faithfulness to us and we’ll be responding with grateful hearts — listening closely about what God wants to do next.

Dec 03, 202319:58
Your Move

Your Move

We all feel the pressures of a very confused world with its messed up value system: pressured to exchange our faith for 'something' it promises. Also, there are the intellectual challenges of faith in a faithless system and holding hope for the future in a world that’s scrambling: the pressure to be unique, the pressure to live for your phone and social media and on and on it goes. This is exactly what Paul was talking about in Romans 12:1-2... How to think in new ways but not conform to the ways of the world. God's promises to us are clearly seen in the first 11 chapters of Romans. And then in Romans 12, He challenges us to make the NEXT MOVE in our journey with Christ.

Nov 26, 202344:10
Worst Enemy or Best Partner—FOREVER

Worst Enemy or Best Partner—FOREVER

WHAT you think about.
HOW you think about what you think about.
This seems like a weird topic… but it’s absolutely HUGE when it comes to direction in life. Because here’s how it works: what you expose yourself to, you think about. Then, what you think about is what your mind develops a secret plan to help you get. And HOW you think and WHAT you think about is what you BECOME. Let’s see what the Bible says about this!

Nov 19, 202336:31
What Are You Fishing For?

What Are You Fishing For?

In life, we’re all looking for something and hoping to accomplish something and have something to show for the time, resources and effort we’ve invested. What we really believe about what matters, what satisfies the soul, and who our lives are for will determine where we go and where ultimately we drop anchor. So, what are we really hoping for?

Nov 12, 202333:42
It’s Late!

It’s Late!

t’s late—and how you invest this incredible resource—your time—your life—matters. According to Jesus—and all the prophets who spoke on God’s behalf, the astounding truth is that how we spend our time here shapes what eternity will look like for us—and most certainly for others.
Operation Christmas Child!
Bless a child from around the world
Pick up a box at the church, or pack your own shoebox by November 12! NEXT WEEK!
More details here:
Got questions about life? You’re invited for conversations at our ALPHA course.
Join us! 5 pm to 8 pm
More info here:
Ways to be a part of the community:
• Life Groups – find your group:
• Kids Branch — children’s ministries online and in-person! Check out
• Encounter Youth – Friday nights at 6:30 pm
• Young Adults — Sunday nights at 6:30 pm – Get details on Instagram @olivebranch.ya
 Donate and support the ministry:
• Need prayer? Email us at
• Need help? Send us a message at
Connect with us
I Believe
By Jason Ingram, Steffany Frizzell Gretzinger, Amanda Lindsey Cook, Jonathan David Helser, Melissa Helser
© 2021 My Magnolia Music, Be Essential Songs, All Essential Music (Admin by Essential Music Publishing) We Are TIM Music, Wonder Meadow Music (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing) Bethel Music Publishing
CCLI Song No. 7176941
CCLI License No. 2843855

Nov 05, 202339:42
About the End of the World

About the End of the World

Jesus speaks very clearly that there will come a time when He will return - and on that day, things will radically change. Peter speaks to the fact that it will be a day that will silence all skeptics and bring justice and life and healing. Jesus, the Hope of the Ages, our Saviour and Lord of all - will set things right. He told us clearly that there would be signs to look for - but to not try to predict it or use our time charting it all out. His calling was to just be ready!

Oct 29, 202339:58
About the Church

About the Church

The word 'Church' means gathered people. That’s why the New Testament is filled with one-anothers. Love one another, encourage one another, help one another, pray for one another, comfort one another. There's no other way to interpret this... we need each another. But, honestly? Sometimes, how we actually 'do' Church has little to do with what Jesus had in mind.

Oct 22, 202338:00
About Following Jesus

About Following Jesus

How does one *actually* follow Jesus? If Jesus really was perfect, treated everyone with love and led a spotless life, and we're supposed to be like Him — how is this actually even remotely possible? Before Jesus returned to the Father, he said that he'd send someone to help us. He would not leave us alone.⁠

Oct 15, 202336:36
About Salvation

About Salvation

We’d like to think we are self-sufficient; that apart from Him creating us and occasionally stepping in to give us a hand, we really don’t need God. Given the trail of blood through history—it’s quite naïve to think that way. The truth is way more devastating than most would imagine. The damage sin has done to all human kind is profound. We all need to be rescued—and that requires a Rescuer!

Oct 08, 202348:00
About Us

About Us

Every human has wondered:
What’s wrong with me?
Why do I do what I do?
What’s my destiny?
Why am I even here?
It’s pretty clear that human beings are intricately made, and have immense potential. However, it’s also equally clear, demonstrated through out all of history, that we keep sabotaging ourselves and hurting others. We can be loving and generous and kind—but also be incredibly selfish and mean spirited. What’s our problem?!

Oct 01, 202331:52
About Scripture

About Scripture

We believe that God has shown Himself to us through the world He's created and the way it works, as well as through His interactions with people throughout history. These stories and relationships have led to what we call the Scriptures or Holy Writings. They're basically a record of what God has done, what He's said, and the wisdom He's shared about life and the future. They also tell us about His power that we can tap into and what He hopes we'll do: love Him and love others.

Sep 24, 202336:33
About God

About God

About our new series, “Under the Surface: What Christians Believe and Why it Matters"
At the surface level, most people know that Christians believe in Jesus Christ and that the symbol of the cross has something to do with why. What most don’t know is why—or even care. But under the surface is a massive shift in all the structures of every day reality. Now what we believe about many things doesn’t really matter: about algae, about aliens, about art, about whether you should wear white shoes after Labour Day… However what you believe about ultimate reality, however, is profoundly important. Whether we realize it or not, it affects how we live our lives every day — so, shouldn’t we really examine what we believe is true about these things?

Sep 17, 202334:53
Theology of the Tough Stuff

Theology of the Tough Stuff

It’s a given that we’ll go through tough times. It’s a fact because the world we live in is seriously broken. There are times where the tough time is as a result of our own choices and actions. But sometimes, we get hurt and life gets hard because we did the right thing. Jesus said that this would happen because our world is not spiritually neutral. More than ever, in our time, we have to decide if the tough stuff will cause us to bail on our faith or will we choose to simply float downstream simply because it’s the easier thing to do.

Sep 10, 202335:58
Eviction Notice

Eviction Notice

For all of us, there may be something that is taking center stage and preventing us from walking fully in the purpose God has for our lives. This week, Pastor Jeremiah encourages us through the story of Ezekiel to identify and evict every idol that may be on the throne of our heart.

Sep 03, 202341:02
Watch the Throne

Watch the Throne

Who truly occupies the throne of your heart? It’s an essential question because without knowing its answer, we don’t know what is shaping our life — shaping our feelings, thoughts, choices and character. Perhaps we need to challenge misplaced priorities, and invite God to occupy His rightful place. God-centered life starts here.

Aug 27, 202329:02
No Bullies Allowed

No Bullies Allowed

What is sometimes so hard for us to grasp is how Jesus thinks of us. Sometimes that’s hard to comprehend because of the bruises we have from religious people we’ve known. But that's NOT Jesus. At His core He was gentle. He never walked into a room and stomped on people who were struggling. And that carries an amazing thought: that the One who holds the power to create everything never uses His power to bully.

Aug 20, 202335:06
Feeling Like You Never Measure Up

Feeling Like You Never Measure Up

We’d like to think the little song we learn as kids is true; 'Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me!' That sounds very brave, but it’s simply not true. Words do hurt us! Every one of us has voices from the past...and maybe even the present.
Someone was trying to change us from the outside in and when it seemed like we weren’t cooperating, they lobbed a verbal grenade over the wall. We pretend we are okay now but their voice still reverberates in our soul. Their words hurt and damaged how we feel about ourselves. To recover, to see ourselves through God’s eyes, there are questions we need to ask: Was it true? Was it right? And most of all: what does GOD think?

Aug 13, 202336:03
Life at the Intersections

Life at the Intersections

Our lives could be described as a series of intersections, like the intersection of our lives with the lives of the people who made a difference in our lives, and us them. Jesus’ story as told by the Gospels is really a collection of intersections. The people whose lives intersected with Jesus were changed forever...some for better and some for worse! What is inevitable is that we will go through a number of intersections in our lives. We’ll get clobbered at some of them, broken by others. When God’s grace is allowed into these spaces, what seems like a trainwreck can be completely redemptive!

Aug 06, 202331:10
Where is God When It Hurts

Where is God When It Hurts

One of the number one questions about God and his existence in our world goes something like this: If God is good—as Christians describe him—why is there pain and suffering? And that’s a profound question that many people struggle with — to the point that, for some, it derails their faith.
But, this is nothing new; some of the best-known people in the Bible had to wrestle this one down, too. Even Jesus, the Son of God, came face to face with it! The answer He lived out but never actually commented on is astonishing.

Jul 30, 202340:54
When Life Rocks Your World

When Life Rocks Your World

The recent pandemic is certainly still affecting us all—and we’re feeling the tremors all through our culture. It has certainly affected what people believe about God, about reality and about themselves. It will take some time to recover from the fear, the anxiety and the uncertainty. We know this: Everything has changed!  It’s during these times we will ask questions we never even thought of before, like, where is God in all of this?

Jul 23, 202333:03
Forget All That

Forget All That

Summer is a season of growth and abundance in nature, and it can also be a time of growth in our faith. We will focus on ways to rejuvenate our faith and deepen our relationship with God. We need to cultivate spiritual disciplines, engage in intentional prayer, and seek God's guidance for our lives. God in His word encourages us to embrace a renewed and refreshed faith - but not to forget what He has done in our lives and what He's going to do!

Jul 16, 202334:28
Be Salt. Be Light.

Be Salt. Be Light.

During the summer we have more opportunities to spend time outdoors and engage with our community. As Jesus followers we are called to be salt and light in all our relationships. In other words, our actions, attitudes, and interactions with people can reflect who we say we are… or not. What kind of influence do you want to have?

Jul 09, 202333:07
Finding Rest in a Restless World

Finding Rest in a Restless World

In this fast-paced and busy world, we often neglect the importance of rest and its impact on our spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. We will explore the concept of finding rest in God and how it can restore our souls. The Bible highlights God's invitation with practical ways to incorporate these things into our lives... especially during the summer season!

Jul 02, 202333:37
The Discipline of Being Grateful

The Discipline of Being Grateful

Gratitude seems to be one of those things that should come naturally. But, it doesn’t really. What does seem to come naturally is jealousy, greed, envy, self-pity, and resentment. But, God offers us forgiveness, companionship, grace, what we need to eat, beauty, strength, and Himself - and yet without the discipline of gratitude, we miss all of this. Unchecked over time, we become overly focused on what others have and what we seem to lack — digging ourselves into a hole of self-pity. And if we don't climb out... we'll miss the very goodness of God.

Jul 01, 202336:23
Humility: Serving Others as Jesus Would (Happy Father’s Day!)

Humility: Serving Others as Jesus Would (Happy Father’s Day!)

Everyone would like to be truly great. In our world's system, greatness is determined by what people think about you, what the media says about you, about your accomplishments, power, and wealth — and, to be honest, what YOU think of you. However, true greatness is defined very differently by God. Jesus was the greatest man who ever lived, but there's something about living like Him that 'gets us' every time. Something that holds us back, trips us up — and keeps us from the truly great life God has waiting for you and me.

Jun 18, 202341:18