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OneSchool Project

OneSchool Project

By Keevin R Bybee

design a 24/7/365 school
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4 - Emilee Refvem, school psychologist

OneSchool ProjectMar 16, 2021

25 - Spencer Goad, Music Teacher and Capoierista

25 - Spencer Goad, Music Teacher and Capoierista

Bem-Vindo (welcome, in Portuguese), Spencer Lagosta, an enthusiastic and motivating capoierista and music teacher in the public school system. He has grown a capoeira school around which a vibrant community is nucleating! He has lived around the world and brings that perspective to his music education. He weaves a melody of the various aspects of life, such as activities, community, and environment can harmonize educational experiences. We rhapsodized on the transferability of skills, eg, classroom focus, music, and movement! Check out his school if you're in the neighborhood.

Jan 07, 202356:54
24 - Bam Lionheart, Movement Coach

24 - Bam Lionheart, Movement Coach

Heavy lifting during this episode with Bam Lionheart. We discussed how movement connects to attention, pain, and long term health. If sitting is the new smoking, why are we asking kids to sit for 6 hours every day? What might the ideal education space (school gym) look like? Does being able to squat lead to longevity?

Dec 04, 202232:50
23 - Beth Unverzagt, Oregon Afterschool Alliance
May 28, 202239:35
22 - Kevin Brague, JD, Education Law

22 - Kevin Brague, JD, Education Law

I feel very privileged to speak with an ally in the legal system, Kevin Brague. He fights for special needs children to get the services they need, as well as protected the civil rights of children in school. He offers insight into how we can engage the community to support schools as well as leveraging teaching aids. We touch on how we can use Medicaid dollars for special education resources, and how we as a society might rethink the segregation between medical and education funding to be, perhaps, shared through a wellness fund. We're both on the same page of integrating medical clinics into the educational buildings to ease the burden on caregiver. We both share the intuition that industrial / factory model of the economy and education is in need of an overhaul, especially given the new evidence of how environment and physiology influences a learners readiness and capacities. We explore how to incentivize bringing in the families and communities.

Public schools fund $8,000 per year per student, and private schools tuition and costs can run as high as $30,000 per student per year. Though consider how much acute medical costs run for people who weren't given adequate life skills?


Victory Academy

Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center with Rose Anderson High School

May 13, 202258:15
21 - Han Liang, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

21 - Han Liang, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Today we learned how to "Eat Bitter" as in the Chinese proverb chīkǔ, to endure for the later sweet, with Dr Han Liang. Child psychiatry is near and dear to my heart as a family physician who cares for many struggling youngsters. Thankfully we have Wonderful and caring providers like Han who offer compassionate catch phrases, such as "skills before pillsH and "eat bitter." We learned about the importance of peer and family supports, and how we might expand those programs to fill in gaps where traditional therapy, social work, and clinical medicine are not the right interventions.


Peer Wellness Specialist

Peer Support Specialist

Apr 04, 202241:42
20 - Joscha Bach, PhD, Cognitive Scientist, Intel Labs

20 - Joscha Bach, PhD, Cognitive Scientist, Intel Labs

I had an absolute blast conversing with Joscha Bach, a cognitive scientist, who uses the tool of artificial intelligence to study the human mind and consciousness. I have learned an incredible amount from his discussions with other thinkers (linked below). I couldn't be happier that he agreed to explore the intersection of subjective experience and learning. We wound through history, philosophy, and some economics to demonstrate how systems theory might be a better lens through which to solve problems. There aren't many people that can weave a narrative about how Star Wars Episode 1 is a retelling of the Lord of the Rings (as an allegory for the industrial revolution). I can't recommend his work enough, I especially appreciate his architecture of motivation, discussed in a previous post here. I hope any listeners leave with some optimism as I did; Let's all work towards the discovery of our shared purpose in common humanity, in other words, love.

Mar 30, 202201:13:39
19 - Evan Feinman, JD, National Broadband Advisor

19 - Evan Feinman, JD, National Broadband Advisor

Evan Feinman is about to start his new position as National Broadband Advisor as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. As Former Virginia Broadband advisor, his team pushed to get the number of unconnected citizens from 500,000 down to 50,000 in 4 years! I'm glad to have an alley on the national level, especially with broadband internet, which will be critical for forward-thinking learning and the future economy.
Mar 15, 202238:17
18 - Isaac Prilleltensky, PhD, Author of "How People Matter"

18 - Isaac Prilleltensky, PhD, Author of "How People Matter"

Dr Isaac Prilleltensky, author of How People Matter spoke with me today about the practice of meaning-making and how we matter to each other. His book is a great practical guide on co-generating meaning in relationships and how it intersects with the OneSchool Project. He has experience living in a boarding school and the benefits of that kind of community.  I really appreciate the dynamic image in his wheel of mattering (see image below). He is especially quotable when referencing one's right to feel valued, "that is 100% correct, about 50% of the problem." How much of your life does that apply to?

Mar 10, 202248:44
17 - Stephanie Malia Krauss, ADVOCATE | STRATEGIST | WRITER

17 - Stephanie Malia Krauss, ADVOCATE | STRATEGIST | WRITER

Humanitarian, social worker and former educator, Stephanie, put amazing words that grabbed my intuition in her book Making IT, What Today's Kids Need for Tomorrow's World. She is very future and human oriented in her drive to make concrete the right of children to learn and thrive, as well as examples and ideas that can help make this a reality.

I love the Triple Bottom Line concept of cost benefit analysis, had never heard it before, but certainly is exactly what I had in mind. Some things are challenging to quantify, but we need to take it on and simultaneously not hypertrophy


The Listening Society - Hanzi Freinacht

Feb 09, 202230:41
16 - Andrew Ramsey, MD, MPH

16 - Andrew Ramsey, MD, MPH

Huge thanks to Andrew for joining me today! We were able to talk big picture and get into the weeds. A colleague from medical school and and inspiring thinker who eloquates much better than I. 

Feb 02, 202245:47
15 - Jennifer Parker, PhD, LPC Director of Child, Youth & Family Initiatives

15 - Jennifer Parker, PhD, LPC Director of Child, Youth & Family Initiatives

Connecting from Spartanburg County, South Carloina, I had an enormous blast speaking and imagining with Jennifer Parker. She thinks about the whole in the whole community, bringing nuance to a complex landscape of challenges and reasons for optimism.


Spartanburg Academic Movement

Linked In

CASEL - collaborative for academic social and emotional learning

Jan 27, 202242:13
14 - Katrina Doughty, Regional Testing coordinator for r the Oregon Health Authority
Nov 21, 202137:50
13 - Peggy Carlson, Foster Care Program Supervisor Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

13 - Peggy Carlson, Foster Care Program Supervisor Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

I am very honored to have spoken with Peggy Carlson, OSPI Foster Care Program Supervisor. She is a former foster and adoptive mother, author of SB5184, and forward thinker.  We talked about the importance of boundaries for caregivers and how the "Hero" model for caregivers highlights a lack of systemic support. Part of OneSchool is a safe always open space, which Peggy brought to life during her tenure working with a local public high  school. Peggy had challenges with having some potential space to use as a "living room" but couldn't out of fear of liability.  She shares a personal story about fostering and supporting biological parents. And I'm excited to learn about a school based health center!

Nov 12, 202157:13
12 - Taylor Jones, LPC, Stumptown Counseling

12 - Taylor Jones, LPC, Stumptown Counseling

Today I had a very resonant conversation with Taylor Jones, of Stumptown Counseling. She is a former school mental health therapist, now in private practice. She's incredibly passionate about getting kids the care they need, and has first hand experience in how important it can be to provide that care where they spend most of their time, SCHOOLS! She provides recommendations on medicaid reimbursement.
Oct 19, 202132:13
11 - Amanda Houpt, MPH

11 - Amanda Houpt, MPH

I had the honor of reconnecting with a friend and amazing person, Amanda Houpt, MPH, founder of Chrysalis Training and Learning Solutions. She previously worked at The Center for Women and Families in Louisville, KY when we originally met. I learned a lot from her then and continue to through this conversation.

I learned a lot and am continually humbled by how much thoughtfulness she brings to each topic. As I mentioned, i'm coming to appreciate the depth of the Abolition movements, and Amanda highlighted how much imagination and future oriented thinking is coming out of that space.

Sep 15, 202143:33
10 - Brad Kershner, PhD

10 - Brad Kershner, PhD

Today's conversation was a delight and scratched a deep philosophical itch in being able to speak with Brad Kershner. Author of Understand Educational Complexity, school leader of Kimberton Waldorf School, and long time contemplative practitioner, Brad and I went on a meandering dive into how a philosophical worldview can inform action and embodiment.
Sep 12, 202101:09:37
Monolgue 2 - My Integral Philosphy

Monolgue 2 - My Integral Philosphy

I want to build a base for why I think this project is import. I invite dialog if this strikes any sort of cord with you. I'd like to think that if I could express where I'm coming from, it will help align purposes. 

Aug 29, 202125:03
9 - Lee Ann Marshel 2, foster care network

9 - Lee Ann Marshel 2, foster care network

I've being doing this long enough that I got to have a guest back. Lee Ann Marshel joins me to discuss some logistics around how to shelter children in the neighbor if sheltering in the school is currently too logistically difficult. I learned about a couple of networks. the Mockingbird Society and Safe Families, which might serve as examples. She enlightened us about SB5184 requires a school based contact for foster children.

Jul 14, 202119:48
8 - Erica Torres, PhD, Director of Behavioral Health

8 - Erica Torres, PhD, Director of Behavioral Health

Thanks so much for spending time with me today! Erica shares her history and passions and I feel her experiences and expertise overlap exactly with what this project is aiming for. Her program with laundry reminded me of Akbar Cook in New Jersey. Our concerns intersect at medical model of funding means pathologizing someone to get services, ie giving someone a label (which they may internalize) for issues that are environmental.

Jun 07, 202147:46
Monologue 1

Monologue 1

I lay out and integrate in a bit more detail some my thoughts and reasons for this endeavor. Strung together from several of my blog posts.
May 27, 202122:30
7 - Wil Nelson, Becoming Human Podcast

7 - Wil Nelson, Becoming Human Podcast

Today I had the privilege of being invited on to the Becoming Human Podcast with Wil Nelsen. He's a very interesting character who hosts an audio log of people living diverse experiences. He interjects a wonderful amount of practical philosophy into his conversations, and is a delight to talk to. We're both into rock climbing and jiu jitsu, in fact he's interviewed a few of my coaches as well! Nathan Orchard, Phil Schwatz, and Stephan Strauch of 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu in Portland and Seattle. This is a long one, and worth the time. It was fun to wax philosophical. He had a great idea of "physical education dollars" where a kid could get a voucher from the school to participate in an activity somewhere else in the community that might not be offered at the school. I got to learn how his experience as a behavioral technician was informed by his Jiu jitsu practice.

Apr 27, 202102:01:03
6 - Kyle Gatchalian, Technology Innovator in Public Ed, Former Special Educator
Apr 27, 202158:09
5 - Dennis Morrow, Executive Director Janus Youth Programs

5 - Dennis Morrow, Executive Director Janus Youth Programs

I had the pleasure of learning from Dennis Morrow, Executive Direct of Janus Youth Programs. He was able to share and brainstorm some challenges and possible solutions to the residential component of this project. He has had a serendipitous career path, and maybe we can raise the floor of luck so more people can have an adventurous path to meaning. We discuss how a host family /foster network local to the school might be a more practical solution to housing and sleeping. We touch on how important family support is to education. Why we need to disrupt the school to prison pipeline. He ends with a powerful recognition of the cost to not supporting our children.

Mar 30, 202148:20
4 - Emilee Refvem, school psychologist
Mar 16, 202132:49
3 - Anthony Kim CEO Education Elements

3 - Anthony Kim CEO Education Elements

Today I talk with Anthony kim, CEO and founder of education elements. Triathlete and education enthusiast who is also exploring the concept of a 24/7 school and starting a documentary series for the unheard voices of people who might benefit from such a system.
Mar 05, 202138:32
2 - Social work with Joanne Stowell and Leeann Marshal

2 - Social work with Joanne Stowell and Leeann Marshal

Today I talk with Joanne Stowell MSW and Leeann Marshal MSW and discuss how more robust social services and help our children 

Mar 01, 202143:44
1 - Marc Zollinger, Assistant Principal

1 - Marc Zollinger, Assistant Principal

Important considerations from education administration, and the inaugural conversation for this project

Feb 21, 202145:46
0 - Where should we begin?

0 - Where should we begin?

I lay out my thoughts, goals, and reasons for starting these conversations

Feb 01, 202107:07