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Ongwae Jr

Ongwae Jr

By Reuben Ongwae

Sharing tiny bits of info I get to learn or discover. Might change your mind πŸ˜…...have some fun!
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A poem: Pain

Ongwae JrNov 16, 2020

Its the little things

Its the little things

Get to hear a little idea on how I get consistent with my habits or routines.
Jun 10, 202203:03
Small talk

Small talk

The bright side of small talk
Jun 10, 202204:31
Bad people vs bad traits

Bad people vs bad traits

They're no good/bad people out there. Only good/bad traits
May 30, 202207:00
Sweet mistakes

Sweet mistakes

Most people show the white flag whenever they fail or make mistakes. This episode will encourage you to take up a different POV on how to deal with your mistakes. Also some additional nuggets are available and I'm sure you'll come out with something. Enjoy
Apr 21, 202206:12
My take on (cliche) motivational stuff

My take on (cliche) motivational stuff

Motivational messages and quotes have flooded our lives until we have all grown numb to them, we even tend to frown on them.In this episode I encourage y'all to take up the lost art of motivating each other as through doing that we motivate ourselves too. Listen and share.
Oct 16, 202102:15
One way to get people to TRUST you easily

One way to get people to TRUST you easily

In this episode, I give you a secret arsenal you may have with you that could bolster your trust with your colleagues. Learn and enjoy!
Oct 15, 202103:08
Have a philosophy that will guide your life

Have a philosophy that will guide your life

In this episode, I encourage you to adopt a philosophy that will change your life forever. A look at my preferred philosophy, stoicism and how it has impacted my life. Listen on.
Oct 14, 202103:33
Self improvement

Self improvement

In this episode, I encourage you to take up goal setting, listen along.
Oct 13, 202103:18
Mothers day & a couple more pieces of advice

Mothers day & a couple more pieces of advice

The segments are ranfomised for a reason...but youll get the point when you open each of them.. enjoy
May 09, 202104:51
Forget noisy clubbing if you really want to connect with new people

Forget noisy clubbing if you really want to connect with new people

Listen on!
Jan 21, 202101:55
This will change your perspective towards alcohol

This will change your perspective towards alcohol

Yes, alcohol cannot solve all your problems, but it's a pretty good starting point. Listen to my thoughts. Share widely!
Nov 20, 202002:16
A poem: you have not

A poem: you have not

Listen to this awakening poem. Enjoy
Nov 20, 202000:52
Listen to this anytime you lack a reason to keep going

Listen to this anytime you lack a reason to keep going

Here, I highlight first hand experience of a typical dream chaser, and how to avoid stopping! Enjoy
Nov 19, 202002:15
Don't crave for attention, instead pay attention

Don't crave for attention, instead pay attention

In this audio, I expose how craving for attention is eating into creativity. Listen along
Nov 17, 202002:43
A poem: US

A poem: US

This one is for those in love. Enjoy 😌
Nov 16, 202001:38
A poem: if walls could speak

A poem: if walls could speak

This one is for anyone who has gone through some tough stretches. Keep your head up
Nov 16, 202000:48
A short lovely story

A short lovely story

Listen to my short poem. It's real πŸ˜…
Nov 16, 202001:51
A beautiful poem: I miss you

A beautiful poem: I miss you

This one is for those missing their special onesβ™₯️
Nov 16, 202000:29
A poem: I want

A poem: I want

Listen to this beautiful poem
Nov 16, 202001:31
A poem: Pain

A poem: Pain

This is a poem about pain and people that hurt us
Nov 16, 202000:43
Mental health is a real issue

Mental health is a real issue

Our culture and society at large has made us numb to listen to our mental health. A short piece of advice for you, fellow human.
Nov 16, 202001:49
Listen to this in your 20's, you will never regret it

Listen to this in your 20's, you will never regret it

Binge on some advice and insights to escape the 9-5 grind in the near future. Enjoy!
Nov 13, 202007:42
Even when in serious relationships do men need to have other women to look at?

Even when in serious relationships do men need to have other women to look at?

Listen as I weigh on on weather it's okay for men in serious relationships to be attracted to other women. As usual, 10 karma points if you like, subscribe and share:-)
Nov 12, 202002:21
Parents that want to you stagnating in life

Parents that want to you stagnating in life

In this episode, I speak out on parents that don't wanna see their offsprings take off to directions of their own after school. Seriously.
Nov 12, 202003:47
Let me give one one profound reason to go to a good church.

Let me give one one profound reason to go to a good church.

No, it's not only fellowshipping with other Christians. There's more, listen along
Oct 18, 202003:30
Appreciation for aesthetic appeal

Appreciation for aesthetic appeal

As human beings, we have the subtle responsibility to make this world a better place to live than we found it. It's for humanity. In this podcast, I give you my thoughts on how to do that, enjoy.
Oct 05, 202003:41
Dress well; human beings are visual beings

Dress well; human beings are visual beings

I sympathize with people who are often oblivious of their style, or rather, dress-code. There is a reason why our eyes are on the front of our faces, unlike every other animal. Listen on
Sep 17, 202003:20
My take on motivational quotes and self-help 'bullshit'

My take on motivational quotes and self-help 'bullshit'

Inspiration and motivation is clichΓ©, today. Society has conditioned many to be critical of matters self help. But I dare you to listen to my sentiments and hopefully complement my perspective on this matter. You most welcome!!
Sep 16, 202003:25
How modernism is taking a toll at our mental health

How modernism is taking a toll at our mental health

Modernism, and the rise of urbanisation is pushing humanity towards, loneliness, independence to be exact. Loneliness is known to be a potent precursor for mental illnesses, depression. Being the world anti-suicide day, listen as I spew my cents on the matter. Enjoy
Sep 10, 202004:30
On our quest for lots of wealth

On our quest for lots of wealth

I honestly feel like the pursuit for wealth is extremely hollow. We are wired to be greedy, I know. But we can tune ourselves to always take just enough for our needs. For happiness. Listen to my thoughts
Sep 09, 202005:40
My take on conscription

My take on conscription

What if it was a must that upon the age of 18, it was a requirement to join military for a year or two before continuing with normal life? Listen to what I think about conscription or rather drafting if you are a basketball fanatic
Sep 08, 202006:04
My take on conspiracy theories.

My take on conspiracy theories.

I believe that anything not testable in the lab is just by a bag of illusion, Garbage. Now what the heck is illuminati?? And that is just one example. In this episode I give my logical reasoning why I think conspiracy theories are a bunch of scam we are oblivious with. Enjoy!!!
Sep 08, 202003:41
Our parents (boring) generalisations

Our parents (boring) generalisations

So I hate generalisations, to the core. Something about it just doesn't sit right in my head. And to couple parental advice and generalisations is a case of catch 22, more of less. Listen as I tell you my story, what do you think
Sep 08, 202004:25
You are not that smart as you think, come here I'll tell you why.

You are not that smart as you think, come here I'll tell you why.

I know you've heard that you are a product of your friends and the books that you read. This means that, if you have garbage friends and just read text messages, guess what you areπŸ˜‚ no I don't mean to be insultive. Sorry in advance. Listen on
Sep 08, 202006:46
Keep moving. Don't pause

Keep moving. Don't pause

Many 20 year olds complaining of how boring life is without school, jobs. But I'm here to encourage you to do something, however small, you never know. Listen and just do something
Sep 08, 202004:21
Novice content creators, binge on some advice. (P.S you won't get enough πŸ˜…)

Novice content creators, binge on some advice. (P.S you won't get enough πŸ˜…)

So it's no secret, content production can be a struggle, for beginners and experts likewise. I'm obviously not a certified dojo on content creation πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚(maybe you feel like I am but anyway πŸ˜…), but I can spew some few gems to keep your inspiration tanks full. Come with me.
Sep 07, 202005:46
Everyone is a coin. Metaphorically

Everyone is a coin. Metaphorically

I invite you to think with me. Everyone you met, are meeting, or will meet in future, is a coin. Straight up. A coin got two sides. You gotta flip both sides to make a conclusion. Come with me
Sep 07, 202005:08
My take on the daytime nap

My take on the daytime nap

Think of our brains as car engines. Engines need not run continuously for 24 hours straight without some break (not coffee break dummy), some cold water for cooling after a while. So does our bodies. They daytime Nap is designed to be the break our engine or rather brain need. Listen to me
Aug 29, 202004:15
But why do people speak ill of social media, it's crazy!

But why do people speak ill of social media, it's crazy!

Many people turn to motivational speakers self help when their boat stars sinking. They need the most life-changing information to ensure their boat stays aloft, one more time. But I have a problem with one type of advice that's so much commonly shared; the advise against social media. It's crazy man... listen as I refute such kind of advice!!
Aug 29, 202003:43
Internet is an asset... maximize it!!

Internet is an asset... maximize it!!

Many parents today believe that huge acerage of land is the biggest type of asset that can be owned. It's for this fact that they distaste when we, their children are so much immersed into internet, technology. They literally view the internet as a distraction. Here, I will delve into the matter and prove majority of the parents wrong, enjoy
Aug 29, 202003:46
Quantity and quality in content production

Quantity and quality in content production

Quantity beats quality in the digital world, hands down. The internet pays numbers not necessarily quality. So stop aiming for perfection when producing content. Aim to inflate your output, and everything else will fall into place. Enjoy my insight
Aug 29, 202007:47
Why do we take alcohol with all it's bitterness

Why do we take alcohol with all it's bitterness

Alcohol is bitter. No lie. Humans are naturally wired to escape, danger, bitterness and whatnots. But why are droves attracted to alcohol? Including my bloody selfπŸ˜‚. I can explain my part. Alcohol often gives me this mild buzz that I often crave for. Spoiler alert! Listen to me explain vividly πŸ˜‚
Aug 27, 202002:51
The fight on drugs and drug abuse - a marijuana illegalisation case study

The fight on drugs and drug abuse - a marijuana illegalisation case study

So folks think that illegalizing a commonly abused drug like marijuana actually solves the conundrum. On the flip side, the reality has been a mess, so far. Drug use among the youth is on an upward trajectory. Concomitantly, criminal activities are at an all-time high, thanks partly to drug abuse and addiction. Paradoxically, making marijuana illegal only serves to exercerbate the sprouting security concerns stemming from drug use. In this episode, I invite you to think with me; how legalising weed is the path we should tread!!!
Aug 27, 202004:32
An impeccable alternative to reading books

An impeccable alternative to reading books

I know reading voluminous books seems banal; more of a hard feat for many. But dismissing books by mere capacity of their volume, is by itself mediocrity; who settles for that?🀷 Here, I suggest a relatively easier back door; a way to ingest value without necessarily putting in the effort to read word by word... Come with me
Aug 27, 202012:45
My take on gender pay gap disparity

My take on gender pay gap disparity

Some people decry the fact that the average women's salaries are often lesser as compared to men's; and that the averages should be equal. But I disagree with them. I believe that there are a number of factors that dictate what amount of money someone can be paid. And that brings out the difference. Listen to my detailed explanation
Aug 26, 202006:04
My sentiments on alimony

My sentiments on alimony

Man, alimony is a baggage bullshit. Where is the trash can? First of all it's sexist and deems women weak, and that's so wrong. Women are strong and can stand by their feet, financially too.
Aug 26, 202002:18
The problem with our parents

The problem with our parents

Parents often love it when you follow their dreams. But as millennials, we often reach points where we want do our own stuff, let go of the parents supportive hand and try standing on our own feet. But this makes us rub shoulders a big deal with our parents. Listen to my story.
Aug 26, 202007:24
On songs and lyrics

On songs and lyrics

We often judge songs on the beat metrics. I invite you to hear me weigh in on the utmost importance of lyrics in spreading positivity or negativity in our society today
Aug 25, 202002:10
A sneak peek at my taste on decor

A sneak peek at my taste on decor

I have grown to lean more on the minimalistic kind of lifestyle; listen as I shade some light on what I think good indoor decor should entail
Aug 25, 202003:39
Morning blues

Morning blues

Why is sleep so sweet during the first few hours of the morning 😣... You feel like heaven and boom you got to wake up before most of us, run after your dreams. It's kinda a catch-22 situation. When to hit the snooze button you get to enjoy some warm life on earth while also sleeping on repels you from your dreams, which also assuares you of a warm life on earth, only that there isn't no immediate gratification.
Aug 25, 202004:53