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Onto Somethin' Pod

Onto Somethin' Pod

By Onto Somethin' Pod

The world is dripping with possibilities. Whether you bounce or drag yourself out of bed each morning you have the opportunity to discover this reality. You're onto something with your faith, relationships, & work so let the Onto Somethin' Podcast help inspire you to see it each week with conversations hosted by Zane Witcher.
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Episode 23: Self Love or Love of Self?

Onto Somethin' PodJul 21, 2020

Episode 65: You Are Onto Somethin' (Part One)

Episode 65: You Are Onto Somethin' (Part One)

Have you been looking for a reminder of the potential you're teeming with? Then we've got an episode for you.

In the daily grind of life, we get so caught up in wishful and optimistic thinking that we forget there is something around the corner in life.

You're onto something.

In this week's episode, we quickly talk through an example of how someone began the process of discovering their "thing" in life. 

Mar 22, 202208:38
Episode 64: Social Media Ethic w/ Ben Fridge

Episode 64: Social Media Ethic w/ Ben Fridge

How toxic are your current technology habits? What is technology doing to you? To us as a society and culture? 

Life moves at a break-neck speed and stopping to think about the morality of tech probably isn't on your radar. The frantic pace we live may be the thing that propels us to ask, "what can technology do for us?" (thus completely flipping the current script)

In this week's episode, Ben Fridge (@thehoustonwriter) hosts a short conversation around the idea of "an ethic for technology". 

Mar 08, 202206:31
Episode 63: Why Am I So Stressed?

Episode 63: Why Am I So Stressed?

Where is all this stress coming from? 

No doubt about it, life is stressful. But how much of the stress we're feeling is self-induced?

In this week's episode, we will help you evaluate this for yourself as we provide three practical ways to actively combat it. We know you've got "your thing" to contribute to the world and you don't have time for stress to paralyze or stop you from what you're onto in life. 

Feb 22, 202209:36
Episode 62: What to Read This Year

Episode 62: What to Read This Year

Are you sick of "best of 2021" posts? 

Well...we've got one more for you. 

In this week's episode, we're talking about three solid voice you should befriend during 2022. These are people we would consider friends, and they are definitely ones to add to your TBR (to be read) and keepers to have on your shelves. 

Jan 25, 202210:56
Episode 61: What To Do With A Spare Moment This Year

Episode 61: What To Do With A Spare Moment This Year

We's been awhile. But we're back just in time as you're figuring out what to do with this new year. 

Do you ever have those things you don't want to talk about it? Well, what about if you process it? 

When you have a moment to spare this upcoming year (which I'm sure you'll find a couple), consider giving this four part processing exercise a shot.

Jan 11, 202211:49
Episode 60: Dr. Benjamin Long

Episode 60: Dr. Benjamin Long

On a scale from 1-10, how well would you say you sleep?

It's that time of the year where we start reconsidering what our rhythms and routines should look like as we tackle what the next year will bring and how we want to contribute to the world. If you feel this, it's time to give this week's episode with Dr. Benjamin Long a listen! 

Ben discusses his brand new sleep devotional, his extensive research on sleep and faith, and coaches us on how we've hit the snooze button way too many times in regards to the significance of sleep.

Dr. Benjamin Long is a Sleep Medicine Physician & Assistant Professor of Pediatrics living in Anchorage, Alaska with his wife, son, & their dog, Rolo. His academic interests vary from pediatric sleep medicine to the intersection of faith and medicine, which includes spiritual wellness and moral burnout in residency and sleep health and the Bible. To explore sleep and Christian faith, Dr. Long wrote Deep Sleep: A 12-Day Exploration of Biblical Sleep to help Christians understand what "tools" our faith gives us to respond to sleeplessness and how our faith should shape our view of sleep.

Dec 07, 202147:57
Episode 59: BONUS - But What if I'm Not Sure?

Episode 59: BONUS - But What if I'm Not Sure?

So, what happens if I'm still in the middle of trying to figure it out?

In this week's episode, Carolina joins the pod to discuss her top three tips for navigate the world of possibilities when it comes to what's next. 

Nov 16, 202108:40
Episode 58: I'm In The Middle of This

Episode 58: I'm In The Middle of This


This week's episode is all about what happens now that you're deep in the middle of the transition or decision that you've made. You'll hear Deja ask Zane a couple questions about the first few days on the new job, and you'll walk away with three tips for your back pocket. 

Oct 26, 202112:48
Episode 57: I'm Doing This

Episode 57: I'm Doing This

"Does everyone have their exit plan?" (An adaptation of Crush's quote in Finding Nemo, IYKYK)

You've discerned. You've started the conversations. And now it's time to do all the prep work for taking your next step. 

In this week's episode, Zane and Deja talk about the daunting process of getting yourself, those around you, and all the things you're responsible for ready for your next big adventure. You can anticipate a couple raw, unfiltered moments, couple tips for navigating expectations, and a reminder or two of what you need during all of this. 

Oct 19, 202110:02
Episode 56: I'm Going To Do This

Episode 56: I'm Going To Do This

So, you've made the decision to take the what? 

This week's episode is installment 2 in "Taking the Leap" - a four part mini series all about how to navigate the process of determining what might be next and how to transition well.

In this episode, Zane and Deja bring you the three best "next steps" as you go about talking about the decision(s) you've made. You can expect tips on navigating conversations, helpful advice when it comes to processing, and maybe even a Grinch reference 🤷🏽‍♀️.

Sep 28, 202111:02
Episode 55: I'm Thinking About Doing It

Episode 55: I'm Thinking About Doing It

Introducing "Taking the Leap" - a four part mini series all about how to navigate the process of determining what might be next and how to transition well. 

In this week's episode, Zane and Deja introduce the series and discuss part one, "I'm Thinking About Doing This". You can expect an unfiltered, unedited conversation filled with a couple key points to guide you through discernment and how this played out for during their recent experiences. 

Are you ready to take the leap? 

Sep 21, 202112:19
Episode 54: Justin Gerhardt

Episode 54: Justin Gerhardt

On this week's episode, Zane is joined by to share his project, @holy_ghost_stories. 

Being masterful with words, creativity, and making ideas come to life, Justin walks us through his creative process. You can expect to learn a tip or two on how to make a dream come to life and why everyone should consider drinking black coffee. 

Click play on the episode and let the inspiration begin!

Sep 14, 202101:04:30
Episode 53: 6 Simple Ways to Diversify Your Circles

Episode 53: 6 Simple Ways to Diversify Your Circles

Have you ever thought in a discussion, conversation, or possibly argument, "I just don't understand where you're coming from or why this is such a big deal to you?" 

When you invite people into your life, especially people who you don't normally "bump shoulders" with, you're always inviting these types of conversations to happen more frequently. 

In this week's episode, we're running through six ways you can intentionally expand your social circles. And trust us, there's something for both the extroverts & the introverts!

Aug 17, 202114:46
Episode 52: How To Have A Peace of God's Mind

Episode 52: How To Have A Peace of God's Mind

Do you mind if we talk about your mind this week? 

It's seems like the external things of life always gets our attention before the internal things. This is especially true when it comes to our daily circumstances. We focus on changing what's around us instead of the mindset within us. 

In this week's episode, we discuss how engaging your faith engages and helps your attitude as you figure out what you are onto in life.

Aug 10, 202113:48
Episode 51: When the Dream Seems Impossible

Episode 51: When the Dream Seems Impossible

"If it's worth dreamin' about, it's probably worth screamin' about..."   

We're not sure if people actually say that, but Onto Somethin' knows everyone feels feels this at one point or another. A big dream involves a big list of tasks and it can be hard to know where to even start.   

In this week's episode, we built it while keeping in mind all of you who've ever lost hope and those wanting to know how to start dreaming again.

Aug 03, 202108:02
Episode 50: What Your Friends Wish You Would Do

Episode 50: What Your Friends Wish You Would Do

Friends. Sometimes we'd much rather just watch the show than enter into the experience of actually having them. 

In this week's episode, we're discussing the work you can do to make your friendship healthier, maybe a little bit easier. You'll still have the normal  ups and downs that come accompany all friendships, but we're hoping to help you have more ups than downs

Jul 27, 202112:45
Episode 49: Don't Be "That Person"

Episode 49: Don't Be "That Person"

Faith is strange. Faith makes people strange.

Doesn't it seems like faith often makes people weird in ways that do not seem necessary? 

In this week's episode, we're talking about how you can interact with the world when your worldview is different than most. Losing your ability to relate to people isn't a prerequisite for faith. 

We've got a tip or two on not to be "that person."

Jul 20, 202116:29
Episode 48: How to Let Your Dreams Grow

Episode 48: How to Let Your Dreams Grow

You're out hustling this week? We see you. We feel you. 

While you've got your nose to the ground making things happen, take a couple minutes to listen to this week's episode. It may just breathe some new life into that dream of yours that may have collected some dust.

In this week's episode, we're handing over your next step forward in pursuing what you want to contribute to the world. Making it a reality will cost you a little bit of time up front, but it'll be worth it. Trust us. 

Jul 13, 202107:21
Episode 47: Why You Can't Handle More Podcasts

Episode 47: Why You Can't Handle More Podcasts

You ever just stare at your "to listen to" queue and get completely stressed by the sheer quantity podcast episodes? Or how about feeling guilty for being "behind" on a show? 

In this week's episode, we want to talk this through because you're definitely not the only one who's felt this level of overwhelm. And there just might be a way to get rid of some of it...

Jul 06, 202116:60
Episode 46: How to Take Time for Spiritual Renewal (Part Two)

Episode 46: How to Take Time for Spiritual Renewal (Part Two)

What if you did something out of the ordinary this summer? How about taking time for spiritual renewal? Wait, but what makes it different than a vacation? Where do I start in making it my own?

In this week's episode, these are the questions we are answering as Zane walks through the process he uses and provides a way for you to craft your own process.

Jun 29, 202119:42
Episode 45: How to Take Time for Spiritual Renewal (Part One)

Episode 45: How to Take Time for Spiritual Renewal (Part One)

Onto Somethin’ is breaking the silence after a quiet month. It wasn’t a vacation or hiatus, but rather an intentional time of listening.

In this week’s episode, we’re exploring the difference between an extended time away for spiritual normal vs. a normal vaycay.

If you’ve ever wondered what a retreat with God would look like, how to jump start your faith again, or have some curiosity about sabbatical, you’ll enjoy this episode.

Jun 22, 202116:47
Episode 44: Tool Kit w/ Deja Roberson

Episode 44: Tool Kit w/ Deja Roberson

What's in your metaphorical "tool box" When’s the last time you added a tool or two?

The Onto Somethin' Pod team nerds out not just about what people do, but how people do the things and the "tool box" they're using to make it all happen. 

In this week's episode, Zane is joined by OSP's vibe director, Deja Roberson, to discuss the top 3 tools they've discovered over the past year. While some tools might seem minuscule, their impacts matters in our everyday work.

May 11, 202154:25
Episode 43: A Step Towards Awareness

Episode 43: A Step Towards Awareness

You don't know what you don't know. But how do you figure out what you don't know?

Have you ever ran into someone who totally wasn't aware of themselves or the situations around them? 

Bottom line - Friends don't let friends walk around unaware. 

In this week's episode, we want to introduce you to a practice that will help develop your awareness muscle. Because the reality is: you need to have awareness for what's happening around you, if you're going to contribute something meaningful to world. 

May 04, 202114:30
Episode 42: How Not to Create Monsters

Episode 42: How Not to Create Monsters

People: It's a struggle to live with them, but you can't live without them.

Many times the relational monsters we experience can be avoided. And it starts with creating a different "go-to" approach for your relationships.

In this week's episode, we're talking about how to create a new "go-to" approach for your relationships. One that will stop present you from creating monsters future you will have to slay. 

Apr 20, 202115:03
Episode 41: When You Experience Loss

Episode 41: When You Experience Loss

Loss. We all encounter it. We all feel it. Very few of us are ever really ready for it. But, what do you do with loss? 

Often times we know what not to do. It's not very often that people talk about what to do when something leave, no longer exists, or changes. 

This week's episode is a gentle place to start and begin the process of learning how to experience loss.

Apr 13, 202113:19
Episode 40: Richard Beck

Episode 40: Richard Beck

Monday: Visit prisons. Tuesday & Thursday: Class Lectures. Weekend: Local Church. 

Everyone, meet Richard Beck. Richard is a professor of psychology who blogs, speaks, and writes books about the merging of psychology and theology. 

In this week's episode, Zane & Richard spend time talking about Richard's new book, Hunting Magic Eels. Join the conversation as Richard shares how to shift from talking to God more than talking about God, and what it means to live in an "enchanted" world.

Apr 06, 202148:28
Episode 39: How Do I Figure Out My Future?

Episode 39: How Do I Figure Out My Future?

Show of hands: how many of you are tired of trying to figure out the future? 

We've got dreams and goals for days. Some of us even have vivid visions of what's next. However, most of us don't know how we're going to get there, let alone how to begin figuring it out. 

If you've ever wrestled with determining what's next, this week's episode was created for you. 

Mar 30, 202112:29
Episode 38: How to Lose a Friend in Ten Days

Episode 38: How to Lose a Friend in Ten Days

Friends: can't live with them, can't live without them. 

This week's episode, "How To Lose A Friend In 10 Days" (see what we did there) is a quick refresh on how to kick the habit that's slowly killing your friendships. 

Mar 23, 202113:08
Episode 37: What Do I Do About Racism?

Episode 37: What Do I Do About Racism?

None of us have all the answers. We are all learning, unlearning, and relearning in different aspects of our lives. 

In this week's episode, we're reflecting on how God is bringing about restoration, justice, and healing in our journeys. 

If you’ve ever responded to conversations about racism with: “But where do I practically start changing?”, this episode is for you.

Mar 16, 202124:16
Episode 36: Bailey Plake

Episode 36: Bailey Plake

Bailey Plake loves nothing more than sitting with friends over a big cup of coffee. If you were with her, you'll hear her talk about her love of baking, obsession with The West Wing, and dream of a large garden. Bailey serves as the Connections Minister at The Hills Church, West Fort Worth campus. She and her husband, Anthon, live in Fort Worth with their dog, Nash.   

Warning: this episode might just change the way you view your relationship with food and how you rest.

Feb 23, 202101:08:34
Episode 35: Why You Don’t Have To Take Cold Showers

Episode 35: Why You Don’t Have To Take Cold Showers

What we tell ourselves is usually a byproduct of what has been said around us or to us in the past. Every day you are constantly showered with what people think.

In this week's episode, we're talking about the thoughts and narratives we walk around with, and how to determine which are true from those that are not. 

Feb 16, 202118:01
Episode 34: How Do I Know It's Love?

Episode 34: How Do I Know It's Love?

It's quite an easy topic. One you can just jump into and you never feel underwhelmed. Except, talking about love is the exact opposite.     In this week's episode, we're tackling the messiness and complexities of love because everyone seems to have their own definition and questions.   But what if love isn't the answer to one big question, rather an answer to thousands of small ones?

Feb 09, 202118:05
Episode 33: 3 Reminders When You Are Questioning Your Faith

Episode 33: 3 Reminders When You Are Questioning Your Faith

Asking hard questions about your faith isn’t extra credit. It’s the course. But what do you do when you start asking questions? 

In this week's episode, we're digging into three "paper bags" you can use as you sort through your questions, make sense of what you're asking, and understand the room for opportunity that's being created.

Feb 02, 202115:17
Episode 32: Carolina Witcher

Episode 32: Carolina Witcher

In this week's episode, we have our first interview of 2021 with none other than Carolina Witcher, Zane's spouse. Along with special guest interviewers, Molly Bayer and Riley Simpson, you can expect conversations about surviving the year that was 2020, biggest takeaways from marriage, and a theology of Oreos. It truly is an episode that covers all the bases... and then some. 

Jan 26, 202145:32
Episode 31: How to Get Unstuck

Episode 31: How to Get Unstuck

Asking for help doesn't come naturally to everyone. It's a vulnerable situation you're putting yourself in, and often time it feels like there's no guaranteed outcome.

In this week's episode, we're processing how we can flex and further develop this muscle in our jobs, relationship, and lives as a whole.

Jan 19, 202113:06
Episode 30: How to Define the Relationship

Episode 30: How to Define the Relationship

Wouldn't it be great if you could just pick up "The Playbook"? A playbook that perfectly outlines the right steps, things to say, and actions to take to move from the friend zone to the relationship zone?  

In this week's episode, we're talking about the complexities of exploring something with someone, how to navigate the different lanes well, and the importance of using your blinker.

Jan 12, 202111:25
Episode 29: How To Move Forward in 2021

Episode 29: How To Move Forward in 2021

Let’s talk about your upcoming year through one simple question: "What’s your favorite type of music?”

In this week's episode, we're talking about the re-entry process into the world we left behind last March, ways to process the reality of what happened last year, and how it is time to "follow the Bieber."

Jan 05, 202113:34
Episode 28: Where Did We Go & Where Are We Going?

Episode 28: Where Did We Go & Where Are We Going?

Onto Somethin' Pod is back, and we know we've got some explaining to do. 

In this week's episode, we're talking about where we have been for the past 19 weeks and where we are going now that we're back. 

Dec 29, 202013:37
Episode 27: Rest Sounds Ideal But Not Realistic

Episode 27: Rest Sounds Ideal But Not Realistic

S5 E7: In many cases, many of us land in the camp of saying, “rest may be ideal each week, but it’s not realistic each week.” Rest takes wrestling and we want you to wrestle. It’s worth you wrestling because rest not only reveals something about you but also reveals something for you, and we don’t want you to miss it.

In this episode, we'll be unpacking all of the things you may possibly miss out on by not wrestling. 

Aug 04, 202022:36
Episode 26: Practical Practices for Rest

Episode 26: Practical Practices for Rest

S5 E6: The sky's the limit when it comes to rest. But what does rest look like when you feel limited? When flexibility and adaptability seem intangible? 

Because of the world right now, the limitations are real, complicated, and challenging. In this episode, we want to talk about the nuts and bolts of how you make rest happen even within limits. 

Aug 04, 202024:39
Episode 25: What Do I Do Within My Time of Rest?

Episode 25: What Do I Do Within My Time of Rest?

S5 E5: When we make room for rest, there is room in our hearts for surprising things we didn’t even know about. What awaits you?

In this episode, we want to help you find it. There's a great joy awaiting you right under your nose. You just have to be willing to create the time and space to find it. 

Aug 04, 202022:35
Episode 24: Different Type of Rest

Episode 24: Different Type of Rest

S5 E4: Rest is a good thing, yet we struggle to back that thought with words beyond the tweets we send. “We all need to rest!" "We need to slow down and gain back energy.” But, what are we slowing down from and for? And how exactly do we rest when everyone else isn’t? 

In part two of season five, Wrestless, we’re not just talking about any type of rest. We’re talking about a specific meaning and posture towards rest. It’s a rest that comes with history. It’s a rest that has meaning behind it. It’s a rest that reminds us what we believe about the world and our place in it.

Aug 04, 202018:38
Episode 23: Self Love or Love of Self?

Episode 23: Self Love or Love of Self?

S5 E3: If our phones have a built in moon mode, why would we think we shouldn't ever be in moon mode ourselves?

The society we live in tries to make us feel guilty and complacent when we try to incorporate rest into our lives. It feels selfish or a waste of time when there's a million things we could be doing or changing.

In this episode, we're talking about "treat yo' self", moon mode, and what place they should have in your life.

Jul 21, 202019:54
Episode 22: What Do I Do When I Feel All The Feels?

Episode 22: What Do I Do When I Feel All The Feels?

S5 E2: 

Jul 14, 202020:22
Episode 21: How Do I Know When I’m Restless?

Episode 21: How Do I Know When I’m Restless?

S5 E1: What does it mean to be restless in life? 

It’s a life where something is always looming over you. It’s a life always stressing when you wake up and as you try to go to bed. It’s boredom that makes you curse your discontentment as you wonder why your life can’t be like your friend’s back in high school. It’s a life of going on autopilot to tackle the urgent but never the important. It’s a life where from the moment other people start talking you find yourself upset at anything and everything they possibly said. It a life where everything and everyone is tiring.

You can work out of a place of rest, not restless, in the chaos of your life. But where do you start?

Jul 07, 202020:09
S5: Wrestless Trailer

S5: Wrestless Trailer


Jun 30, 202017:29
Episode 20: Rmani Crawford

Episode 20: Rmani Crawford

S4 E4: Welcome to Season Four of the Onto Somethin' Pod. In this season, we are bringing on a series of guests that continue to help us discover the foundations of the first third of life.

Rmani Crawford, snack enthusiast and triple threat, is this week’s Onto Somethin’ Pod guest! Rmani is a New Yorker in the heart of LA pursuing the Kingdom of God. This episode will give practical and helpful language about transformation, growth, and reframing.

Jun 09, 202001:10:39
Episode 19: Becca Turner

Episode 19: Becca Turner

S4 E3: Welcome to Season Four of the Onto Somethin' Pod. In this season, we are bringing on a series of guests that continue to help us discover the foundations of the first third of life.

Jun 02, 202001:03:52
Episode 18: Sarah Brooks

Episode 18: Sarah Brooks

S4 E2: Welcome to Season Four of the Onto Somethin' Pod. In this season, we are bringing on a series of guests that continue to help us discover the foundations of the first third of life.

May 26, 202001:00:19
Episode 17: Luke Norsworthy

Episode 17: Luke Norsworthy

S4 E1: LWelcome to Season Four of the Onto Somethin' Pod. In this season, we are bringing on a series of guests that continue to help us discover the foundations of the first third of life. 

On this episode, Zane interviews Luke Norsworthy. Luke’s books are incredible examples of what it means and how to do “soul work”. You’ll hear conversations about his newest book, some of his podcast adventures, and how to navigate changes in your faith. Oh, and the podcast legend, Annie F. Downs.

May 19, 202046:17