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ODC Ministries: Conversations with Pastor ODC

ODC Ministries: Conversations with Pastor ODC

By Otis Dion Culliver

Pastor ODC is the Senior Pastor of Tabernacle Church in Selma, AL and a graduate of Beeson Divinity School. He is a biblical scholar with social consciousness that challenges society to examine itself in light of the scripture. He also encourages believers to fulfill their divine purpose to the glory of God. His messages are compelling, convicting, and challenging.
Learn, love, and live the Word through these inspiring messages that are practical and applicable to every day life.
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Introducing Dr. Culliver- Southwest District Presidential Candidate

ODC Ministries: Conversations with Pastor ODCFeb 03, 2022

Introducing Dr. Culliver- Southwest District Presidential Candidate

Introducing Dr. Culliver- Southwest District Presidential Candidate

Dr. Otis Dion Culliver has offered himself to serve as the next president of the Southwest District of the Alabama State Missionary Baptist Convention. During the campaign, Dr. Culliver will share his platform and vision for the Southwest District. In this first episode, Dr. Culliver hopes you will get to know him more personally. 

Feb 03, 202229:10
A Recipe for Healthy Relationships

A Recipe for Healthy Relationships

Sermon Text: Philippians 2:1-11

Sep 15, 202151:53
Fully Known

Fully Known

Sermon Text: Jeremiah 1:4-5

Sep 08, 202148:24
Back to the Closet

Back to the Closet

Matthew 6:5-8

Where do you pray? Is it openly in public for others to see you? While there is nothing wrong with public prayer, do not let that be the only time you spend time with God. Today, Pastor ODC directs us to go back to our prayer closets and spend some one-on-one time with God. 

Aug 18, 202110:17
Built for the Storm

Built for the Storm

Sermon Series: Seeing the Savior Through Your Storms

Sermon Text: Matthew 7:24-27

Aug 18, 202143:12
Even Now

Even Now

John 11:20-22

When things are going well in life, it is easy to have faith. But how strong is your faith? Can it withstand your "even now" moments? Today Pastor ODC talks about having faith, even when we encounter dark moments in life. 

Aug 12, 202109:27
The Other Side of Favor

The Other Side of Favor

I Samuel 18

We all want God's favor in our lives. We want the blessings and the increase. But can we truly handle it? Are we ready for the darker side of favor? Today, Pastor ODC explains the side of favor people shy away from discussing and asks us "Can we handle God's favor?"

Jul 28, 202109:42
Opportunity in the Storm

Opportunity in the Storm

Sermon Series: Seeing the Savior Through Your Storm

Sermon Text: Acts 16:19-25

Jul 21, 202148:15
The Blessing of Unexpected Storms

The Blessing of Unexpected Storms

Sermon Series: Seeing the Savior Through Your Storm

Sermon Text: Mark 4:35-41

Jul 14, 202143:39
Finishing Well

Finishing Well

When embarking on new ventures, we are often told to start strong; and this is important. But how often do we think about finishing well? Let's think about it In all aspects of our lives. Are we living with the end in mind? Today, Pastor ODC tells us, while it is good to start strong, it's even more important to finish well. 

Jul 14, 202109:08
When We Can't Fix It

When We Can't Fix It

Sermon Text: Mark 9:17-24

Jun 30, 202156:22
Scenes of Grace Part II

Scenes of Grace Part II

At some point in our lives we need grace. Not in the moments when things seem to be perfect but when we find ourselves in low places. Today, Pastor ODC lets us know that life's messy moments is when God's grace is most sufficient. 

Jun 23, 202108:47
Scenes of Grace Part I

Scenes of Grace Part I

John 21:1-3

How do you handle being in dark places in life? Do you seek comfort from those closest to you or do you isolate yourself? Today, Pastor ODC lets us know that when we find ourselves in life's pits, God will provide people to be with us in those moments. Our human relationships are just one example of God's grace toward us. 

Jun 16, 202111:39
A Conversation with Simon of Cyrene

A Conversation with Simon of Cyrene

Sermon Text: Mark 15:15-21

Jun 16, 202158:41
Living Beyond the Moment

Living Beyond the Moment

Sermon Series: Standing at the Crossroads: Making Wise Decisions

Sermon Text: Genesis 25:21-34

Jun 02, 202101:01:30
Are You Too Busy?

Are You Too Busy?

Luke 10:38-42

How often do we measure our productivity by how many things we accomplish on our to do lists? This frame of mind causes us to overcrowd our days with activity after activity oftentimes leaving off one very important thing. Examine your to do list today. Is Jesus on it? 

May 26, 202109:20
Side Effects

Side Effects

Sermon Series: Standing at the Crossroads: Making Wise Decisions 

Sermon Text: Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 12:9-14

May 26, 202145:43
Read the Fine Print

Read the Fine Print

Sermon Series: Standing at the Crossroads: Making Wise Decisions

Sermon Text: Luke 14:25-33

May 19, 202153:06
The Faith and Love of a Mother

The Faith and Love of a Mother

Matthew 15:21-28
Everyone has had either a mother or mother-like figure in their life. There are the women who help shape and mold us to be productive people in the world. Oftentimes, it seems as if the love of a mother can fix everything, but in life, you will encounter situations a mother's love cannot resolve. Mothers, when your child comes to these places in life, go to Jesus out of love, WITH faith. He can reach you child even when it feels like you can't.
May 12, 202112:59
Somewhere to Bury Your Hope Part II

Somewhere to Bury Your Hope Part II

Sermon Text: Hebrews 7:18-28

May 12, 202146:16
You Are Gifted

You Are Gifted

II Timothy 1:6-7

Oftentimes we look see other people's gifts and wish we could do what they can do. But have we tapped into the gifts God has given us and used them for His glory? Pastor ODC let's us know we should not let fear stop us from using our gifts effectively for God. 

May 05, 202110:10
Somewhere to Bury Your Hope Part I

Somewhere to Bury Your Hope Part I

Sermon Text: Hebrews 7:18-28

May 05, 202135:08
Opportunity is Knocking

Opportunity is Knocking

I Corinthians 16:5-9

How do you handle opportunities? Do you create your own way when you don't see one or do you wait on God given opportunities? Oftentimes, we believe those God given opportunities should come easily with little to no problems or oppositions. Pastor ODC tells us that is not the case. When opportunities from God come knocking, we will have to jump over some hurdles; but we must believe we are able to withstand it. 

Apr 28, 202111:09
Look Deeper

Look Deeper

Sermon Text: II Corinthians 4:16-18

Apr 28, 202142:50
Spiritual Urkel

Spiritual Urkel

If you've ever seen the show Family Matters, then you're familiar with Steve Urkel and his clumsiness. But have you ever thought of yourself as an Urkel, constantly tripping and falling; not physically but spiritually? Today, Pastor ODC tells us how to handle not only our spiritual clumsiness but also how to help those around us when they have fallen and feel as though they can't get up. 

Apr 21, 202110:43
The Maturing Church

The Maturing Church

Sermon Text: Ephesians 4:7-16

Apr 21, 202151:04
From a Breaking Point to a Breakthrough

From a Breaking Point to a Breakthrough

Exodus 14:10-18

We have all reached a point in life where we wanted to give in. We were at our breaking point and felt as though we couldn't take anymore. But what if we just held on a little while longer? Just waited to see what God has in store for us if we trust Him through difficult times. Today Pastor ODC shares how going through that breaking point will lead to a breakthrough. 

Apr 14, 202112:40
The Believing Challenge

The Believing Challenge

Sermon Text: Mark 16:9-20

Apr 14, 202145:54
From Emptiness to Fullness

From Emptiness to Fullness

John 2:1-10

We all have times in our lives when we are exhausted physically, mentally, and spiritually. We feel as though we've reached the end of our rope, our breaking point. Today, Pastor ODC asks the question, "Who do you turn to when you feel as though you're running on empty?" Allow God to take you from emptiness to fullness so you can experience the best days of your life

Apr 07, 202114:33
The Balm in Gilead

The Balm in Gilead

Sermon Text: Jeremiah 8:18-22

Apr 07, 202138:53
Patiently Waiting for Purpose

Patiently Waiting for Purpose

Do you find yourself in a place where you're wondering when it's your time? When you come to this place, Pastor ODC says be patient during this time of preparation. Just like the colt Jesus rode on Palm Sunday, you're purpose is coming. 

Mar 31, 202109:23
Live Through It

Live Through It

Sermon Text: Psalm 23

Mar 31, 202139:53
Time Restoration

Time Restoration

Joel 2:25

It has been an entire year since COVID-19 was declared a worldwide pandemic. What started out as something that was supposed to affect us for a few weeks has lasted much longer than anyone could have imagined. There were so many things we had planned to do that were not able to come to fruition. While traveling back in time for those experiences would be nice, it's not possible. What is possible is God restoring that time of struggle to something that exceeds our wildest dreams. 

Mar 24, 202109:12
Living With It

Living With It

Sermon Text: II Corinthians 12:7-10

Mar 24, 202153:16
Mind Your Business

Mind Your Business

John 21:20-23

Did you know you're putting yourself in danger by minding other peoples' business? Do you find yourself obsessed with what God is doing in the lives of others? If you are, today Pastor ODC tells us not to let our lives pass us by, by simply minding our own business.

Mar 17, 202111:25
The Day Church Got Good

The Day Church Got Good

Sermon Text: Luke 13:10-17

Mar 17, 202101:00:12
The Key to Godly Living

The Key to Godly Living

Sermon Text: Psalm 1

Mar 03, 202144:48
Loving When It's Not Easy

Loving When It's Not Easy

Sermon Series: Love Gone Wild

Sermon Text: Matthew 5:43-48

Mar 03, 202146:42
The Necessity of Loving Our Neighbors

The Necessity of Loving Our Neighbors

Sermon Series: Love Gone Wild

Sermon Text: Matthew 22:34-40

Feb 24, 202143:35
Our Sacred Narrative

Our Sacred Narrative

Deuteronomy 6:20-25

Memories can be powerful, beautiful, and even painful. The memories of our heritage are brought to the forefront during Black History Month as we reflect on the joys and sorrows of African Americans through the years. Pastor ODC uses the lyrics of the Negro national anthem "Lift Every Voice and Sing" to help us find our sacred narrative in these memories.

Feb 17, 202115:09
Beware of Blind Spots

Beware of Blind Spots

Sermon Text: Acts 16:16-24

Feb 17, 202143:35
Living with Confidence

Living with Confidence

Matthew 7:13-14

Everyone wants to be confident. We are attracted to confidence and look to those we surround ourselves with to help boost our confidence. It is easy to project confidence when you have an entourage but what happens when we don't have the confidence to stand on our own? As Christians, sometimes we have seasons of loneliness where we don't have a clique to give us that confidence boost. Today, Pastor ODC asks the question, as believers where do we find our confidence? 

Feb 10, 202115:28
Loving the Least

Loving the Least

Series Title: Love Gone Wild

Sermon Text: Matthew 25:31-46

Feb 10, 202158:11
The Peace of Pardoning

The Peace of Pardoning

Isaiah 43:25-27

At the end of each president's term, they have the power to pardon people of federal crimes they have committed. This frees that person of being punished for an act they have committed. Have you ever thought about how God pardons our sins daily? How He shows us grace instead of giving us what we deserve? Today, Pastor ODC talks about the peace we will find in God pardoning our sins. 

Feb 03, 202117:13
The Depths of God's Love

The Depths of God's Love

Series Title: Love Gone Wild

Sermon Text: Romans 8:31-39

Feb 03, 202152:35
Mamba Mentality God's Way

Mamba Mentality God's Way

I Corinthians 9:24-27

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the untimely death of Kobe Bryant. Through Kobe's career and even in his retirement, he had this philosophy of having a "Mamba Mentality". This means living to one's full potential and being your best self in all aspects of life. Today, Pastor ODC encourages us to have a spiritual Mamba Mentality and make God a priority in our lives. 

Jan 27, 202112:05
Misunderstood by the Masses

Misunderstood by the Masses

MLK Celebration

Sermon Text: Mark 3:20-22

Jan 22, 202139:39
A Charge to Be Faithful

A Charge to Be Faithful

I Samuel 12:24

After all that transpired last year, many people have decided not to make new years resolutions for 2021. And while you may not have a new years resolution, you should still have goals for the year. Pastor ODC challenges us to achieve a collective goal this year; be faithful. He gives us two things that are required of us to reach our goal of being faithful to God. 

Jan 20, 202112:25
Common Consent

Common Consent

Sermon Text: Hebrews 10:19-25

Jan 20, 202101:10:35
You Have Influence

You Have Influence

Hebrews 10:24

Who influences you? Did you know that your name is someone's answer to that question? We all influence someone in someway. But how do we use that influence? Are we using it to help others or hurt them? Today, Pastor ODC discusses how we can be good stewards over our influence and how we can use our influence to make our families, friends, peers, and communities better.

Jan 13, 202111:16