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Outwitting Wetiko

Outwitting Wetiko

By Jill Renee Feeler

A better explanation of darkness, its motivation and how to handle it. Special 8-part series. Society has offered us various views of darkness, of evil, of what is capable of bringing out the worst in ourselves, others and humanity in general. But they are just theories. We are due an updated theory, that is not wrapped in belief, or drama. This new theory of darkness is offered to assist us in being more honest about what it is, how it affects us and others plus specific tips for interacting with it, among it, in this realm. Because it isn't going away and this isn't a fight you want to lose.
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Part 5: The Ego & The Human Brain - Consciousness Equipment & How Best To Use It

Outwitting WetikoOct 05, 2022

Part 1: What is Wetiko? A Proper Introduction

Part 1: What is Wetiko? A Proper Introduction

Ready to get an up close perspective of darkness, "unconsciousness"? This introduction to what I'm call "Wetiko" is in depth, setting a wonderful stage for the rest of this special, and very unique series.  Outwitting Wetiko is provided to you by Jill Renee Feeler, through Platinum Age Creations LLC. 

About Jill: "I was a skeptic of transcendence and psychic intuitive abilities. Until I allowed my own transcendence to come forward, surprising no one, more than me. I now openly represent my own transcendent abilities, doing so in a logical, intelligent, sufficiently humble manner. My background as an MBA and my passion for logic and reason lends itself nicely to this conversation. We are more than we know ~ so much more ~ accessing that, to me, is transcendence. My work is not aimed at "look at what I can do" but rather "look at what we, as humanity, are capable of"... because if we are going to truly expand beyond our current problems, we need bigger, better ideas about what to try next. That is what I do, every day for my clients in their personal lives and in offering unique insights to global affairs. I have my own podcast and YouTube channel (since 2010) and have written several books. I bring with me over a decade of ease and grace in live events, a delight for bringing truly novel ideas to form while providing unique, logical, and satisfying answers to existential questions." ~ Jill Renee Feeler

Oct 05, 202202:23:29
Part 9: Special Message for Outwitting Wetiko Participants

Part 9: Special Message for Outwitting Wetiko Participants

An update and a wrap up from this very unique series.  I hope you now feel more prepared to handle yourself when you encounter Wetiko in this reality (in yourself or in others). Wetiko is an equal opportunity experience, for every human, perhaps surprising us in moments of weakness, or even just being tired or hungry. By being prepared and more aware of what is really going on, we have more choices in how we respond. Thank you for taking this wild ride with me. 

Oct 05, 202204:06
Part 8: Wetiko Honors the Light & Emerald Ray Activation

Part 8: Wetiko Honors the Light & Emerald Ray Activation

A light-based ending to our tour getting to know darkness. The "Emerald Ray activation" may be a very different (quite "woo-woo") experience for some, but I encourage you to give it a try, be open-minded and just see how you feel afterwards, then decide if it's for you or not. 

Oct 05, 202201:45:36
Part 7: The Big Ask - Saying Please

Part 7: The Big Ask - Saying Please

Curious to see how you feel about this one! Feel free to start a conversation at  

Oct 05, 202252:36
Part 6: Having a Clear Energy Field (The Guts of It)

Part 6: Having a Clear Energy Field (The Guts of It)

This episode points out the important role of your gut and its important role in feeling free and clear of Wetiko distractions and temptations. For anyone who desires more authority over their thoughts, choices and actions, we don't hold back on offering authentic information for you to consider. 

Oct 05, 202201:11:14
Part 5: The Ego & The Human Brain - Consciousness Equipment & How Best To Use It

Part 5: The Ego & The Human Brain - Consciousness Equipment & How Best To Use It

With an open mind, a centered sense of self and some curiosity, this episode might help make it easier to be a you that you like best, more often than not. This is a win for you, and for everyone in your life. Wetiko can make it feel like we temporarily lose control of who and what we are. We unknowingly hand over our sovereignty, agency, authority to a force of energy that is more than willing to step in.  You may want to take notes with this one. 

Oct 05, 202201:19:26
Part 4: Personal Wealth and Owning Your Value

Part 4: Personal Wealth and Owning Your Value

This episode provides a very different, possibly sobering perspective on wealth and individual sense of value. For those with loyalty to teachings or teachers, please be aware of any defensiveness that arises with this one. The brain doesn't want to be wrong. And yet, if something isn't actually working, and isn't going to yield intended results, a wider range of you would want to know that, sooner rather than later. We are loyal to what works, for the benefit of you and everyone. 

Oct 05, 202201:28:32
Part 3: Transition Windows, Death and After Life Roadblocks

Part 3: Transition Windows, Death and After Life Roadblocks

Note: Take your time with this series. You get to decide what you agree with and what you choose to disregard for your self. Our intention is to provide insightful, divinely inspired resources that assist you in obtaining logical answers that serve to explain this reality. By having better answers to the biggest questions, we have a wider range of options for who and what we are, with this world exactly as it is. Because Wetiko isn't going away ~ we don't high vibe our way out of it. But it can feel like less of an obstacle, even when it does present. 

Episode 3 focuses on what can be a very difficult topic for many. If you feel curious about these ideas, and are capable of staying centered, steady in your transcendence then this is a very unique episode to experience and consider. The idea that confusion ends when we die doesn't make sense. At death and after, the consciousness can actually feel even more disoriented. There is help in the after life but it isn't always providing accurate, authentic information (sounds like "here", doesn't it?). Important topics on which we are pleased to offer additional views/answers.

Oct 05, 202201:21:57
Part 2: "No Vacancy"

Part 2: "No Vacancy"

We learn an important strategy for anyone feeling messed with by what we are calling Wetiko. This is relevant for people of all ages, going through any moment of instability, insecurity and doubt. It is very common for humans to not be fully present in their energy fields. To Wetiko, this is like a "Vacancy" sign, and the beginning of feeling hijacked by a force that doesn't feel like you. I know this topic can be scary. And yet, given how commonly this occurs, the instructions in this series feel long overdue. 

Oct 04, 202201:14:19