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Overcome the Overwhelm for Special Needs Moms

Overcome the Overwhelm for Special Needs Moms

By lauren lowery

Welcome to Overcome the Overwhelm, a podcast for special needs moms. If you’ve been looking for a resource on how to reduce your stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and all the other problems that come with parenting a child with disabilities, you’ve found the right place. Each week, this podcast will bring you the tools you need to meet the challenges that come with being a busy special needs mom. This podcast will teach you how to find new ways of thinking, help you find more energy and time, and create more joy in your life.
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132. The Gifts We Get as Special Needs Moms

Overcome the Overwhelm for Special Needs MomsMay 09, 2024

135. How to Cope With Overstimulation as a Special Needs Mom

135. How to Cope With Overstimulation as a Special Needs Mom

As moms, we are constantly being bombarded with everyone’s needs, being touched, clutter all around us, loud noises, and sensory stimuli.

And it can be, well, OVERWHELMING.

Getting irritated, even angry, when it all becomes too much is not a sign that you are a bad mom, but rather a sign that you are overstimulated.

In this episode, you’ll learn how you can structure your day to LOWER your chances of overstimulation, as well as what you can do if and when it does happen.
May 30, 202427:37
134. Why Special Needs Moms Get Overstimulated- Part One

134. Why Special Needs Moms Get Overstimulated- Part One

Part one of the two-part series on overstimulation. In this episode, we dive into what overstimulation is, what causes it, and why so many mom’s experience it.
May 23, 202424:31
133. A Quick Way to Help Your Child (and Yourself) Regulate Emotions
May 16, 202419:35
132. The Gifts We Get as Special Needs Moms
May 09, 202411:03
131. How a Scarcity Mindset Affects Special Needs Parents
May 02, 202430:10
130. How Playfulness Can Help Us Be Even Better Parents

130. How Playfulness Can Help Us Be Even Better Parents

As kids, we all loved to play. Life was full of adventures, joy, and silliness.

But as we grow up and take on more responsibility, that ability to play starts to fade away.

In this episode, I’m sharing why we all need to add more playfulness into our lives to help us be even better parents, and have less stress and more energy.
Apr 25, 202416:12
129. The Truth About Angry Moms
Apr 18, 202422:49
128. 5 Decisions That Will Change Your Life As a Special Needs Mom

128. 5 Decisions That Will Change Your Life As a Special Needs Mom

The decisions we make every single day, especially the small ones, are what create our lives.

In this episode, I’m sharing 5 decisions you can make that will not only have a profound affect on your own life, but your family’s lives as well.
Apr 11, 202437:42
127. When Life Gets Stressful, Do This

127. When Life Gets Stressful, Do This

As special needs moms, we face a lot of stressful challenges every single day. 

And sometimes, those challenges can be overwhelming and leave us feeling frozen and unsure. 

In this episode, I teach you how to drop the overwhelm and start tackling any challenging situation. 

Apr 04, 202418:48
126. The Biggest Thing Keeping Moms from Being Happy (And What To Do About It)

126. The Biggest Thing Keeping Moms from Being Happy (And What To Do About It)

Ever find yourself too tired, too busy, and just too exhausted to do the things that make you happy?

Well you are not alone.

In this episode, we talk about the biggest thing that keeps moms from happiness, and what you can do about it.
Mar 28, 202414:17
125. Better Sleep for Special Needs Moms
Mar 21, 202438:49
124. The Impact of Coaching
Mar 14, 202419:16
123. Even Special Needs Moms Are Allowed to Be Human
Mar 07, 202427:24
122. A Tool for Making Big Decisions
Feb 29, 202421:28
121. How Coaching Can Help You Be a Better Mom

121. How Coaching Can Help You Be a Better Mom

In this episode, I’m giving you an insider look at some of the work we do inside The Village. In this episode, I walk you through the process of helping one of my clients feel less overwhelmed and show up as the mom she wants to be.
Feb 22, 202425:27
120. The One Thing I Wish I Knew Before My Child's Diagnosis
Feb 15, 202435:12
119. 3 Things to Do When Illness Hits Your Household
Feb 08, 202430:59
118. Life as a Special Needs Mom is...

118. Life as a Special Needs Mom is...

I asked followers on Instagram to fill in the blank of this sentence:"life as a special needs mom is ____"

And after dozens of responses, there were two words that were consistently used:

Exhausting and Fulfilling.

In this episode, I'm sharing how finding the fulfillment in this life can help us move forward.
Feb 01, 202419:10
117. When Life Feels Out of Control as a Special Needs Mom

117. When Life Feels Out of Control as a Special Needs Mom

***Link to check out The Village***

And as special needs moms, there is a lot that we can’t control. We can't control our child's diagnosis, the insurance companies, the things other people say to us....

And a lot of times we get caught in a trap of feeling like we have no control over things, which triggers our fight or flight response and results in living in a chronic survival mode state.

In this episode, I am teaching you why control is so important and how to gain control over your life so you can get out of survival mode.
Jan 25, 202425:29
116. How Keeping Score Keeps You Stuck

116. How Keeping Score Keeps You Stuck

Have you ever noticed your brain keeping a mental score of sorts?

Maybe it's tallying all the times your husband forgets to do something, or all the ways in which your child's school is getting it wrong.

When our brains keep score of things happening that we believe shouldn't be happening, it keeps us from ever taking the necessary actions to make any positive change.

In this episode, I'm sharing how this might be showing up for you, why our brains love to do it, and how you can overcome it going forward instead of staying stuck in the misery.
Jan 18, 202421:15
115. 5 Reasons Special Needs Moms Get Stuck in Survival Mode

115. 5 Reasons Special Needs Moms Get Stuck in Survival Mode


Understanding WHY you are stuck in Survival Mode is a key element of figuring out how to get out. In this episode, I am sharing the 5 main reasons why special needs moms get stuck in this cycle of Survival.
Jan 11, 202424:22
114. My Word of the Year

114. My Word of the Year

I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, and I don’t set massive sky-high goals at the beginning of a new year.

But I do choose a word.

I decide on a theme, a core message, that I want to be my guiding light over the next 12 months.

In this episode, I am opening up about my word of the year, why I picked it, and my exact process of how I chose it.


•What did you love about last year?
•What would you like to change about last year?
•What do you want to have more of in your life?
•How do you want to feel about the upcoming year once it’s complete?
•What are some things you love and are passionate about?
•What are some things you should let go of in 2024?
•What would you like to change about yourself in the upcoming year?
•What is your #1 priority for the upcoming year?

Jan 04, 202433:37
113. What if We Treated Time Like Money?

113. What if We Treated Time Like Money?

We meticulously plan how we spend our dollars, but when it comes to our limited minutes and hours.... well, most of us take the "wing it" approach.

But what would your day look like if you valued your time as much as you'd value millions of dollars?

Listen in to hear exactly how we waste time, and what we can do about it.
Dec 21, 202313:00
112. The Secret to Living Life to the Fullest as a Special Needs Parent

112. The Secret to Living Life to the Fullest as a Special Needs Parent

Ever feel stuck in the daily grind, just barely surviving?

In this episode, I take you through a powerful exercise in setting priorities in your life that will help get you out of that rut and focused on the most important things.

Grab some paper and a pen, because you are not going to want to miss out on figuring out your Top 5 Things in Life.
Dec 14, 202317:32
111. The Truth About Therapies and Early Interventions

111. The Truth About Therapies and Early Interventions

A lot of us get trapped thinking that there is one RIGHT treatment or therapy that is the key to helping our child hit those milestones. 

We tend to think that if we just do ENOUGH research, we will surely find that one thing that will help them ______. (fill in the blank with walk, talk, sleep through the night…)

But when we get trapped in this mentality, it leaves us focused on the wrong things, exhausted, and stressed out. 

In this episode, we talk about a different way to approach this topic and a different way to think about your child’s therapies and early interventions. 

Dec 07, 202320:16
110. It Ain’t Easy, But It’s Worth It

110. It Ain’t Easy, But It’s Worth It

Sometimes it takes extra effort to make memories and experiences happen when you are a parent to a child with disabilities. More planning, effort, and energy goes into those vacations, outings, and holidays.

And sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in how hard it all is and miss out on the joy.

In this episode, I am sharing a recent experience of ours from a family vacation to one of the least accessible places we have been, and what I took away from the experience.
Nov 30, 202319:35
109. 3 Ways to Make the Rest of the Year Easier

109. 3 Ways to Make the Rest of the Year Easier

***Sign up for Surviving the Holidays****
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For most families, the last two months of the year are BUSY. With our schedules packed full of holiday parties, school programs, and all the seasonal festivities, it can be incredibly easy to feel like you are always rushing around with too much to do and not enough time.

And let's face it, this can make the holiday season hard to enjoy.

In this episode, I am sharing 3 unique ways that you can drop that holiday overwhelm and instead spend your time enjoying the things that matter most to you.
Nov 16, 202328:53
108. When Everything Feels Like a Fight

108. When Everything Feels Like a Fight

As special needs parents, we are no strangers to the constant battle of advocating for our children.

But showing up to that fight from a place of frustration only leaves us emotionally drained and exhausted.

But what if there was a way to keep on fighting for what our children deserve in a more effective, sustainable way?

Listen in to this episode to find out how.
Nov 09, 202320:30
107. Questions to Ask When Your To-Do List is Overwhelming

107. Questions to Ask When Your To-Do List is Overwhelming

When you are feeling overwhelmed by all the demands of life, do you tend to check out and procrastinate? This is typically followed by a series of questions we ask ourselves, like “How am I supposed to do all of this?” or “Why can’t I handle this?”

But asking dead-end quesitons like these keeps our brains shut off from problem solving and the creativity needed to find solutions.

In this episode, I’m sharing a better type of question to ask yourself that will help you get out of that overwhelmed state and feeling confident that you can handle it all.
Nov 02, 202316:25
106. Show Up and Bring Coffee with Megan Amrich
Oct 26, 202343:16
105. The Sneaky Signs of Parental Burnout

105. The Sneaky Signs of Parental Burnout

You may already be aware of the main signs of burnout, but sometimes burnout can be showing up in ways we don’t even notice. Listen in to hear 5 ways burnout might be showing up for you and what you can start doing about it.
Oct 19, 202321:08
104. The BEST Life Hack for Jump Starting Your Productivity
Oct 12, 202324:01
103. Exposing the Mommy Wine Culture with Julie Lively

103. Exposing the Mommy Wine Culture with Julie Lively

If you find yourself unwinding with a glass of Chardonnay more often than you’d like to, then this episode is for you my friend!

Alcohol is the go-to de-stressor for so many moms, and is even encouraged by the recent "Mommy Wine Culture" trend. But when we use wine to cope, it only ends up perpetuating the problem and adding to our already stressful lives.

Listen in as I talk with Julie Lively, an Alcohol Freedom Coach, on the harmful cycle of using alcohol to cope and how to drop the guilt you may feel around alcohol in your own life.

Get the "7 Days to Empowered Change" guide:

Follow Julie Lively on Instagram:

Oct 05, 202334:23
102. What ChatGPT Says About Special Needs Moms
Sep 28, 202314:33
101. The 5 Myths of Motherhood

101. The 5 Myths of Motherhood

Society teaches us a lot of things about what it means to be a good mom.

But the truth is, most of them just aren’t true.

These harmful beliefs leave moms feeling shameful and like they are failing at motherhood.

Listen in to learn 5 common myths we are raised to believe about our roles, raising kids, and being a good mom.
Sep 21, 202321:47
100. When Rest Has to be Earned

100. When Rest Has to be Earned

Want to get a taste of what it’s like working with me and learn more about The Village?

⬇️ Book a free call using the link below


Ever find yourself saying things like “I can’t take a break yet, there’s still too much to get done”?

In this episode, I’m sharing how having to “earn” your rest can run you down, and eventually burn you out.
Sep 14, 202324:16
99. The 3 Steps to Getting Out of Overwhelm

99. The 3 Steps to Getting Out of Overwhelm

Ever have one of those weeks where things seem to just be coming at you from all directions?

All the tasks, work, kids, appointments, stress… it all piles up inside your brain like a rush hour traffic jam in the middle of NYC.

As moms, we know this feeling of being overwhelmed very well.

And in this episode, I’m sharing the 3 things we have to do first in order to solve for our overwhelm.
Sep 07, 202323:37
98. How Constraint Can Help Reduce Overwhelm

98. How Constraint Can Help Reduce Overwhelm

Constraint is a powerful tool to help reduce the mental fatigue of decision making and overwhelm.

In this episode, I share how to use this tool, what areas of your life it works best in, and what happens when you take the anxiety out of decisions.
Aug 31, 202323:14
97. The Secret to Parenting Under Stress
Aug 24, 202323:24
96. 10 Questions To Ask Yourself at the Start of Your Child’s School Year

96. 10 Questions To Ask Yourself at the Start of Your Child’s School Year

***To get a copy of the questions, go to

For us moms, the start of a new school year can come with a lot of challenges.

From the crazy expectations we put on ourselves to make sure everything is perfect to the anxious feelings that come up when you think of how other kids might treat your special needs child.

In this episode, I share 10 questions you can ask yourself to help make those back-to-school challenges easier.

To get a copy of the questions, go to
Aug 17, 202320:02
95. How Coaching Can Improve Your Relationship With Your Special Needs Child

95. How Coaching Can Improve Your Relationship With Your Special Needs Child

We talk about marriages and how to support our other children, we talk about the relationships we have with providers and our child’s school even, but what about the relationships we have with our special needs children?

In this episode, I’m sharing insight into how coaching can not only improve your relationship with your special needs child, but also help you feel more bonded and connected to them as well, no matter the circumstances.
Aug 10, 202322:54
94. Why I Felt Like a Failure: Lessons From a Hospital Visit

94. Why I Felt Like a Failure: Lessons From a Hospital Visit

We all want what’s best for our child more than anything, but sometimes we get in our own way.

Sometimes we let our own insecurities and beliefs take over, steering us further away from what we want most.

And those insecurities can turn into shame.

In this episode, I’m sharing a recent experience of mine where I let those insecurities affect me and get in my own way to doing what was best, and how I moved forward.
Aug 03, 202318:33
93. The Secret to Finding Yourself Again
Jul 27, 202319:12
92. The Ultimate Medical Binder for Special Needs Moms
Jul 20, 202319:58
91. 7 Signs You Might Have Good Mom Syndrome

91. 7 Signs You Might Have Good Mom Syndrome

Good Mom Syndrome might sound like a nice thing to have, because after all we all want to be good moms right?

But in reality, Good Mom Syndrome can be the culprit for an overwhelming amount of stress, exhaustion, mom rage, and ultimately burnout.

In this episode, I’m sharing exactly what Good Mom Syndrome is, the signs and symptoms of it, and how it impacts not only us, but our families as well.
Jul 13, 202324:49
90. How to Support the Siblings
Jul 06, 202324:48
89. Survival Mode Beliefs

89. Survival Mode Beliefs

As special needs moms, we are often told to “take care of ourselves” and self-care becomes the only piece of advice given to us…

But what if I told you there was another piece to the puzzle of getting out of Survival Mode?

In this episode, we dive into Survival Mode Beliefs- what they are, why they cause us so much stress, and how to get rid of them.
Jun 29, 202316:58
88. Mom Boss vs. Mom Leader

88. Mom Boss vs. Mom Leader

In the corporate world, a manager’s leadership style can make or break the success of a team. In a family, the same can be true. In this episode, we take a look at how to be a Mom Leader instead of a Mom Boss.
Jun 22, 202318:07
87. Special Needs Mom Milestones

87. Special Needs Mom Milestones

As moms, we spend a lot of time focused on our children’s milestones. But rarely do we celebrate our own, and the personal growth that comes along with them.
Jun 15, 202315:33
86. How to Harness the Power of Your Emotions

86. How to Harness the Power of Your Emotions

As special needs moms, we have a lot of challenging experiences in our lives that we can’t change.

But what we CAN change is our subjective experience of those challenges by learning emotional mastery.

Emotions are POWERFUL. They are where we live our lives. They are where we get our life experience as a human.

And in this episode, I’m sharing how to gain control of that power in order to change your own life experience for the better.

Less stress, less overwhelm, less shame and self-judgement- all through emotional mastery.
Jun 08, 202316:17