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OAG Podcast

OAG Podcast

By Oxford Assembly of God

The OAG Podcast is a mashup of our Sunday Messages, our Adult Sunday School class, and other miscellaneous content or Bible Studies from OAG.

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Following Christ

OAG PodcastJul 09, 2023

Do You Love Me?

Do You Love Me?

Do You Love Me? Exploring Peter's Journey from Denial to Redemption - Sermon by Pastor Strickland

Join Pastor Strickland as he delves into the powerful conversation between Jesus and Peter in the closing chapter of John. Discover the significance of Jesus' thrice-asked question, "Do you love me?" and reflect on your own relationship with Christ. Learn how Peter's journey from denial to redemption illustrates God's unwavering love and faith in us, even in our moments of failure. Don't miss this inspiring message of hope, forgiveness, and commitment. #Sermon #PastorStrickland #PeterAndJesus #ChristianFaith #Redemption #Forgiveness #DoYouLoveMe


  • Introduction
  • The Significance and Lead-up to the Question
  • Peter's Responses and Our Personal Reflection
  • Misunderstandings and Their Clarifications
  • The Extended Context of Peter's Ministry
  • Communion
May 26, 202440:18
Adult Sunday School Class 5-26-24

Adult Sunday School Class 5-26-24

The weekly adult Sunday School class at OAG taught by long-time teacher, Mrs. Jeanie Davis.

** Edited to remove personal information shared in the class and extended pauses **

Title: Living Out Love: Encouragement, Study, and Community in Faith

Summary: In this lesson, Mrs. Jeanie emphasizes the importance of active participation in faith through personal study, community involvement, and practical acts of love. She encourages the class to move beyond routine, deepen their understanding of Scripture, and live out their faith by loving and supporting one another.



  • Acknowledgment of attendance and welcoming returning members
  • Overview of the summer season and its challenges

Opening Prayer

  • Prayer for those present and those unable to attend
  • Emphasis on the power and importance of prayer

The Importance of Personal Study

  • Introduction to the new lesson materials
  • Hebrews 10:23-25: Holding onto hope and motivating each other
  • Encouragement to study independently and not rely solely on group lessons

Understanding God’s Promises

  • Hebrews 10:23: Trusting God’s promises
  • Personal anecdote about preparation and readiness

Motivating Each Other in Love

  • Hebrews 10:24: Acts of love and good works
  • Encouragement to meet together and support one another

Active Participation and Avoiding Routine

  • Breaking out of comfortable routines
  • The importance of self-preparation and study

The Call to Love and Serve

  • 1 Corinthians 13: The nature of love
  • Practical applications of love in the community

The Challenge of Love

  • Overcoming personal and societal challenges in loving others
  • Embracing Christ’s love and reflecting it in actions

Conclusion and Encouragement

  • Summary of key points
  • Encouragement to engage deeply with new lesson materials

Closing Prayer

  • Prayer for deeper understanding and hunger for God’s word
  • Blessing for the week ahead
May 26, 202431:13
The P's of Pentecost

The P's of Pentecost

Unlocking the Power of Pentecost: Embrace the Holy Spirit's Transformative Role

In this week’s sermon, Pastor Derrel Strickland celebrated Pentecost Sunday, marking it as the 'birthday of the church' and a pivotal moment for the transformation from the Passover to Pentecost. He emphasized the necessity of the Holy Spirit’s power in exceeding our personal capabilities and guiding us in our spiritual journey. Highlighting the patience, power, passion, and personhood of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Strickland explained these elements as essential for living a fulfilled Christian life. Ultimately, the core message focused on understanding that our human efforts are insufficient without the divine intervention and strength provided by the Holy Spirit.


  • Celebrating Community Achievements
  • Introduction to Pentecost
  • The Meaning Behind Pentecost
  • The Role of the Holy Spirit
  • The Power and Person of the Holy Spirit
  • Prayer for Divine Manifestation
  • Historical Context of Pentecost
  • Reflections of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit
  • Final Thoughts and Blessing
May 19, 202440:41
Adult Sunday School Class 5-19-24

Adult Sunday School Class 5-19-24

The weekly adult Sunday School class at OAG taught by long-time teacher, Mrs. Jeanie Davis.

Title: Experiencing the Supernatural Power of God: Lessons from Scripture

Summary: This week's message by Jeanie Davis focused on the dynamic demonstrations of faith and God's provision in the scriptures. We looked at two main stories: the prophet Elijah being miraculously fed by ravens, as ordained by God in 1 Kings, and the widow of Zarephath who, by obeying God's command through Elijah, saw her meager supplies of flour and oil never run out. These narratives led us to understand that when God commands, He also provides. The message underlined the importance of obedience, faith, and trust in God's instructions, no matter how unusual they seem, with the assurance of His supernatural provision. The core takeaway of the sermon was about the vitality of active faith and expectation in God’s ability to provide and perform wonders in our lives.


Opening Prayer

  • Invocation of God's presence and healing
  • Prayer for wisdom and guidance
  • Invocation of the Holy Spirit


  • Importance of expecting God's presence and action
  • Reference to previous lesson on Rhoda's expectation

The Glory of the Lord Appears

  • Leviticus 9:22-24: Aaron and Moses bless the people, and the Lord's glory appears
  • The significance of God's glory appearing to the whole community
  • Imagining the scene of God's fire consuming the offering

The Budding of Aaron's Staff

  • Numbers 17:1-11: God ends murmuring with a miraculous sign
  • The sprouting, budding, blossoming, and fruit-bearing staff of Aaron
  • Lessons on God's chosen leaders and supernatural signs

Elijah and the Ravens

  • 1 Kings 17:1-6: Elijah is fed by ravens during a drought
  • The supernatural provision of bread and meat by ravens
  • Trusting in God's specific guidance and provision

The Widow of Zarephath

  • 1 Kings 17:7-16: Elijah and the miraculous provision for the widow
  • The widow's act of faith and God's continuous supply of flour and oil
  • The importance of sacrificial giving and trust in God

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

  • Matthew 14:14-21: Jesus multiplies five loaves and two fish
  • The compassion of Jesus and the miraculous feeding
  • God's ability to provide abundantly and meet every need

The Temple Tax and the Coin in the Fish

  • Matthew 17:24-27: Jesus instructs Peter to find a coin in a fish's mouth
  • The supernatural provision for paying the temple tax
  • Lessons on obedience, provision, and the supernatural in everyday life

The Role of the Holy Spirit

  • John 15:18-27: Jesus promises the Advocate, the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit's role in teaching, comforting, and guiding believers
  • The importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit

The Day of Pentecost

  • Acts 2:1-4: The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all believers
  • The supernatural signs of wind and fire and speaking in tongues
  • The inclusivity of the Holy Spirit's filling for all believers

The Vision of Peter and the Gentiles

  • Acts 11:4-18: Peter's vision and the inclusion of the Gentiles
  • The Holy Spirit's instruction to Peter and the acceptance of Gentiles
  • The breaking of barriers and the universal offer of salvation


  • The importance of seeking the fullness of the Holy Spirit
  • Encouragement to step out in faith and expect God's supernatural work
  • Reminder to stay connected to the community of believers and support each other

Closing Prayer

  • Thanksgiving for the lesson and God's presence
  • Prayer for the infilling of the Holy Spirit and boldness in faith
  • Encouragement to live out the lessons learned in daily life
May 19, 202441:10
Transforming Lives Through Faith: Marco and Amy Sardella's Inspiring Journey

Transforming Lives Through Faith: Marco and Amy Sardella's Inspiring Journey

In their sermon, Missionaries Marco and Amy Sardella share their transformative journeys of faith and service, from Marco's life-changing experience in a Bosnian refugee camp to Amy's missionary work in Zambia that led to their marriage. They highlight the profound impacts of their ministry on communities, emphasizing the power of trusting in God to perform miracles and meet the needs of the vulnerable, especially children in desperate circumstances.

May 12, 202433:54
Adult Sunday School Class 5-12-24

Adult Sunday School Class 5-12-24

The weekly adult Sunday School class at OAG taught by long-time teacher, Mrs. Jeanie Davis.

Title: Faith and Faithfulness: Lessons from Unsung Heroes of the Bible

Summary: In this Sunday School lesson, Mrs. Jeanie emphasizes the importance of faith and faithfulness by exploring biblical stories of lesser-known women who demonstrated remarkable courage and obedience to God. Through personal testimony and scripture, she encourages listeners to use their words and actions to uplift others and remain steadfast in their commitment to God.


I. Introduction

  • Greeting
  • Personal Testimony: Struggles with infertility and faith leading to the birth of her daughter.

II. Importance of Words

  • Impact of Words: Words can uplift or harm, based on a personal anecdote.

III. Study of Faithfulness

  • Hebrews 11: Overview and connection between faith and faithfulness.
  • Types of Discipline: Correction, commitment, and self-discipline.

IV. Examples of Faithful Women in the Bible

  • Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1:15-21)
  • Jochebed and Miriam (Exodus 2:1-10)
  • Zipporah (Exodus 4:21-26)
  • Wise Woman of Abel (2 Samuel 20:14-22)
  • Tabitha/Dorcas (Acts 9:32-43)

V. Lessons on Faithfulness

  • Faith in Action: Ongoing commitment and action.
  • Personal Accountability: Encouragement to be faithful in all aspects of life.

VI. Call to Action

  • Self-Examination: Reflect on personal faithfulness.
  • Prayer and Intercession: Importance of praying for and supporting others.

VII. Closing Prayer

  • Prayer for Encouragement and Faithfulness
May 12, 202443:51
Play It Where The Monkey Drops It

Play It Where The Monkey Drops It

In his sermon, Pastor Strickland uses the peculiar rule at a golf course in Calcutta—where players must play the ball where monkeys drop it—to draw a parallel to life's unexpected challenges, emphasizing the importance of resilience and faith. He intertwines the biblical story of Joseph, highlighting how maintaining integrity and trust in God during trials can lead to divine fulfillment and purpose.

Sermon Outline


- Anecdote about bringing a golf club to the sermon and a humorous description of the pastor's golf style.

- Introduction of the sermon theme linked to a past message inspired by a conversation and the Holy Spirit.

Main Body

1. The Golf Course in Calcutta:

- Description of a unique golf course in Calcutta, surrounded by jungle and frequented by monkeys who disrupt the game by moving golf balls.

- Introduction of the sermon's main metaphor: "You have to play it where the monkey drops it."

2. Application to Life:

- Transition from the story to life lessons about dealing with unexpected disruptions.

- Personal anecdotes about unforeseen difficulties within the church community.

3. Biblical Parallel - The Story of Joseph:

- Detailed recounting of Joseph’s life from the Bible, emphasizing his integrity and faith through trials.

- Joseph's resilience and trust in God's plan despite being sold into slavery, falsely accused, and forgotten in prison.

4. Spiritual Lessons:

- Discussion of facing life's challenges with the right attitude.

- The importance of maintaining faith and integrity, similar to playing a golf game where disruptions are frequent.


- Reiteration of the metaphor and its spiritual significance.

- Encouragement to adopt a positive outlook and trust in God's purpose, despite life’s challenges.

- Closing prayer and invitation for personal reflection and acceptance of faith.

May 05, 202434:55
Adult Sunday School Class 5-5-24

Adult Sunday School Class 5-5-24

The weekly adult Sunday School class at OAG taught by long-time teacher, Mrs. Jeanie Davis.

Title: Enduring Grace: Running the Race with Faith and Fortitude

Summary: In her Sunday School lesson, Mrs. Jeanie explores the concepts of endurance and spiritual resilience through Biblical narratives and personal anecdotes, encouraging believers to persevere through life's challenges with faith and the support of the Holy Spirit. She emphasizes the importance of community, prayer, and the Holy Spirit's role in overcoming physical and spiritual obstacles.


  1. Introduction to the Lesson:

    • Opening prayer and reflection on gratitude.
    • Transition to the lesson’s focus on spiritual endurance and community.
  2. Exploration of Key Biblical Terms:

    • Definitions and significance of "mockrothermia" (long suffering patience) and "hypominy" (endurance).
  3. Practical Application from Athletics:

    • Story of Heather, a runner, as a metaphor for spiritual endurance.
    • Discussion on the impact of negative and positive influences.
  4. Biblical Analogies and Teachings:

    • Insights from Mark 14:37 about spiritual vigilance.
    • Comparisons to physical labor and the necessity of spiritual readiness.
  5. Closing Thoughts:

    • The role of the Holy Spirit and community support in sustaining believers.
    • Concluding prayer focusing on perseverance and divine support.
May 05, 202436:45
God's View vs. Man's View

God's View vs. Man's View

Man's perspective and God's perspective generally are opposites. Man's view is the world view; God's view is the heavenly view. Let's take on the mind of Christ and strive to see things through the eyes of Christ.

Apr 28, 202438:09
Adult Sunday School Class 4-28-24

Adult Sunday School Class 4-28-24

Featuring Mrs. Jeanie

Apr 28, 202443:10
If Jesus Is In The Boat

If Jesus Is In The Boat

When Jesus told the disciples to get in the boat, they had no idea that a great storm was ahead. The same is often true for us today; we don't expect storms to arise when we're doing what God asks of us, but often they do. Jesus' response to the disciples and his reaction to the storm provides a solid blueprint for how we should respond when we are facing uncertain times.

Photo by Jean-Pierre Brungs on Unsplash

Apr 14, 202442:16
Who Am I?

Who Am I?

🙏 Dive deep into a powerful and transformative sermon that explores the profound question: Who am I? This sermon takes you on a spiritual journey, drawing from the heartfelt stories of Moses, David, and Paul, to uncover the true value and identity found in God's love and redemption. Through biblical insights, personal anecdotes, and a touch of humor, discover how you're more than your past, your failures, or your achievements. You are a cherished child of God, bought at a price beyond measure.

Apr 07, 202438:57
What Did God Pre-see So He Could Provide

What Did God Pre-see So He Could Provide

Throughout history it is very evident God is not caught by surprise. He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Eternal. Nothing catches Him by surprise. Since nothing catches Him by surprise He is constantly working on our behalf. Because he can pre-see He can and will provide.

Mar 31, 202439:44


In this week's sermon, Pastor Derrel Strickland dives deep into the theme of surrender from a biblical perspective, with a specific focus on how surrendering to God's will is a pivotal aspect of Christian living.

Mar 24, 202438:08


In this week’s sermon, we were blessed to have special guest speaker Dr. James O. Davis share his experiences and insights on the importance of persistence in faith and the concept of living an ‘unhindered Christian life.’ Drawing from Acts 28, the message focused on how Paul, despite being on house arrest, continued to preach and teach about Jesus Christ without hindrance. This powerful sermon highlighted the significance of developing our God-given talents, skills, and abilities for the Kingdom of God. It also emphasized the importance of being part of the global church network, demonstrating how our continued efforts in faith can have a global impact.

The core takeaway from this sermon is the encouragement for us to live our lives fully for Christ, unhindered by obstacles, knowing that God sees us, knows us, and has a plan to develop us into who we are meant to be in Him.

Let’s come together to explore how we can use our unique gifts unhindered by obstacles, knowing that God is always with us.

Mar 17, 202459:49
Fruit that Lasts/BGMC Celebration

Fruit that Lasts/BGMC Celebration

The service includes music, children's involvement in BGMC, and a message emphasizing the importance of making choices that align with God's word. Special guests David and Mary Boyd share about their missionary experiences, including encounters with baby lions during travels to different countries. They highlight the impact of BGMC projects worldwide and encourage continued support for missions.

Mar 10, 202447:35
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

So it's the end of the world. How do you feel about it? Today we will present what we as a church and as the Assemblies of God believe is a timeline of the end of the world, based on the Scriptures. There are many more details, but that's not the point. The point is: are you ready, and who are you taking with you?

Mar 03, 202446:08
Heavy Laden

Heavy Laden

Very often the load we carry becomes heavy. God does not want us to bear that burden alone. He is our burden bearer. We also are instructed to help those that are heavy laden to find the burden bearer.

Feb 18, 202439:23
All Things Synergize Together!

All Things Synergize Together!

God promises us that all things work together for good. That Greek word for works together is the word from which we get synergize. We are better together and God works with us, in us, and through us so all things can work together for good.

Feb 11, 202437:54
Root, Shoot, & Fruit, Part 3

Root, Shoot, & Fruit, Part 3

The last two weeks we have spoken about being rooted and growing in Christ. Today we finish this series speaking about bearing fruit. God does not desire us to be spiritually barren His desire is for us to be fruitful. What kind of fruit are you bearing?

Photo by Gala Iv on Unsplash

Feb 04, 202442:48
Root, Shoot, & Fruit, Part 2

Root, Shoot, & Fruit, Part 2

God is adamant in His Word that we should always be sowing, growing and harvesting. If we are not doing those things we are not doing what God has asked--not asked but demanded--the church to do. Let's root, shoot, and fruit for the cause of Christ.

Jan 28, 202442:44
Root, Shoot, & Fruit, Part 1

Root, Shoot, & Fruit, Part 1

Today is part one of a three part message. Root! Shoot and Fruit. God does not desire us to spring up quickly and then face difficulty and dry up and die. His desire for us is to be rooted in Him, Grow in Him and Bear fruit in Him.

Jan 21, 202438:39
Champioin of a Cause

Champioin of a Cause

When David and Goliath fought they were both champions. No both of them did not win but both championed for their cause. God is still looking for men and women to champion His cause. But even more important than that is God sees each of us a a cause worth fighting for. Jesus is still our undefeated champion!

Jan 14, 202440:06
Praise! Pray! Pursue!

Praise! Pray! Pursue!

What are your goals for 2024? I feel like God wants us to Pray, Praise and Pursue. What does that look like? Can those three things help us to make 2024 the greatest year of our lives? Let's talk about it.

Jan 07, 202438:25
Joy To The World The Lord Has Come

Joy To The World The Lord Has Come

The Christmas story never gets old! Even though we have heard it many times there is so much more we often forget. Sometimes we forget Joy to the World the Lord Has Come.

Dec 24, 202323:37
We Win!

We Win!

In this life we fight many battles some we appear to lose and feel like God is no where around. God is always aware of what you are going through even when it appears that He doesn't know much less care. We need to constantly remind ourselves that We Win!

Dec 17, 202300:10
Jesus, The Gift That Keeps On Giving!

Jesus, The Gift That Keeps On Giving!

In just a couple of weeks we will celebrate Christmas, the day that God gave the earth it's greatest gift. Although insignificant at the time it was a gift that keeps on giving and giving.

Dec 10, 202342:44
The Greatest Calling

The Greatest Calling

Sometimes there is a lot of discussion on who has the greatest calling. Which ministry is greatest? What is the greatest calling? Let's look and see.

Dec 03, 202337:49
Always on Time

Always on Time

Many times we think God is running late. But the reality of life is God is always on time. Even though God is always on time sometimes his watch and our watch are not always in sync. We must submit to his direction and go where He wants us to go.

Nov 26, 202342:42
Thank God for the Basics, Therefore

Thank God for the Basics, Therefore

When the word 'therefore' is used, you need to see what it's there for.

Nov 19, 202329:28
The Bride of Christ

The Bride of Christ

The Jews consider the 10 commandments to be God's marriage proposal to the Jewish nation. God calls the church the bride of Christ. What does it mean to be the bride of Christ? Let's look at it.

Nov 12, 202334:30
Preparing For Greater Things

Preparing For Greater Things

Jesus made an almost unbelievable statement in John 14 when He said even greater things you shall do. How can that be? How can we do greater things? How can we prepare to do greater things?

Nov 05, 202339:20
Going Nowhere Fast

Going Nowhere Fast

Many people are headed in the wrong direction. They are getting nowhere fast. What is our responsibility to those people? What if we are headed in the wrong direction what do we do? Let's look and see.

Oct 29, 202336:27
Ever Seeing But Never Perceiving

Ever Seeing But Never Perceiving

The early church would say "Maranatha" whenever they met a fellow believer. It literally means, "He comes" or "He has come." What words of encouragement! What ever may be coming our way pales in the comparison of the knowledge that Jesus has come and He is coming again.

Oct 15, 202345:17
I Am Anointed!

I Am Anointed!

An anointed announcement! From special guest speaker, Missionary Jeff Staudte.

Oct 08, 202342:54
God the Great Giver

God the Great Giver

God is the great giver. He has always been a giver, and will always be a giver. Satan is a thief and a liar he does not give, he steals. Let's thank God for His great gifts.

Oct 01, 202337:20
Hearing and Responding to the Call

Hearing and Responding to the Call

God is constantly reaching out to man. He calls him, He loves him, and He qualifies him. We must be willing not only to listen and to hear but to respond to His call.

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash

Sep 24, 202336:00
When Faith Becomes Reality

When Faith Becomes Reality

The Bible teaches us that we walk by faith. What does that mean? What happens when faith is fulfilled? Faith becomes reality.

Sep 17, 202337:22
I Might be Unique, but I'm Valuable to God!

I Might be Unique, but I'm Valuable to God!

The book of Judges covers a dark period of time for Israel. Throughout, we see Israel abandoning God in pursuit of something they thought would bring them more pleasure. In Judges chapter three, we are introduced to Ehud, a man God would use to deliver Israel and guide them back to right relationship with Him. Ehud is unique, yet God used him. You might be unique, but God can use you!

Sep 10, 202345:35
Splash Zone

Splash Zone

Speaker: Pastor Amanda Hahn

If you've ever been to SeaWorld and watched the Shamu Show, you know there are an array of participants ranging from those who want to be entertained to those who want to get soaked! The same can be said about the Church! Some people come for the "show", to be entertained, while others come to experience God and the Holy Spirit, and then tell everyone about it when they leave!

Sep 03, 202344:14
One More Night With The Frogs, Revised Edition

One More Night With The Frogs, Revised Edition

In the book of Exodus there are 10 plagues reported. Each one of those plagues was pertaining to an Egyptian god. In the plague of frogs, we find a very interesting occurrence. When Pharaoh was asked when he desired for the frogs to be gone, he said tomorrow. He chose to spend one more night with the frogs. We say how foolish, but don't we often do the same thing?

Aug 27, 202335:49
Overcoming They Said

Overcoming They Said

Christians have a lot of things to overcome. One of the things we must overcoming is the statement "they say." We can not listen to the they sayers, we must listen and obey the voice of God. Let's be what God wants us to be and we will be more than overcomers.

Photo by Sharon Waldron on Unsplash

Aug 20, 202344:23
Shout to the Lord

Shout to the Lord

We all know that God is not hard of hearing but we also know he is not nervous. Lifting our voices and crying for help, lifting our voices and praising God are certainly approved by God. Let's shout to the Lord today and see what God will do in and through our lives.

Aug 13, 202338:22
Turn it Loose!

Turn it Loose!

We all know what it feels like to be hurt. The old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is a lie. Sometimes, no matter how tough we think we are, the words and actions of others hurt. The question is not whether or not you will be hurt, the question is, how are you going to respond when the hurt comes? As a Christian, we only have one choice: forgiveness.

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

Aug 06, 202342:11
Phygital Church

Phygital Church

The Quarantine of 2020 caused us to explore what Church Online really means. And it's not just regurgitating the in-person experience online--that doesn't make sense. Instead, we are re-imagining what an online expression of church can be and working towards that goal. It's not just about the physical church anymore, and it certainly can't just be all digital. No, it's a Phygital Church!

Jul 30, 202348:31
Missing Stones

Missing Stones

Peter tells us that God is using lively stones to build his kingdom. None of the stones he uses is perfect. We all have flaws, but the building He makes is a building without spot or blemish.

Jul 23, 202340:40


As good as God was to the nation of Israel they still rejected him. As good as God has been to America you would think America would never reject him, but we see it happening everyday. The only hope in the world today is to quit rejecting Jesus and start receiving from Him.

Jul 16, 202342:38
Following Christ

Following Christ

What does it mean to follow Jesus? To trust in Him, to be with Him. How can we follow in His steps? Let's see what God has to say about these things.

Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

Jul 09, 202341:16
Are the Buzzards Circling?

Are the Buzzards Circling?

Jesus said where there is a dead body the vultures would gather. Are the vultures/buzzards circling getting ready to devour the dead upon the earth? Will Jesus find faith on the earth? Great question; let's look and see.

Photo by Casey Allen on Unsplash

Jul 02, 202341:38
Before You Knew Me: Johnny Powell
Jun 28, 202358:19