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FEAST! Listen to this. . . .

FEAST! Listen to this. . . .

By Patricia Lewis

Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied. In order to develop that holy desire we sometimes just need to FEAST on Him. God, Jesus Christ, has something for you to listen you, something to help you.
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MEALTIME (God Bends Down)

FEAST! Listen to this. . . .Aug 27, 2021

MEALTIME (God Bends Down)

MEALTIME (God Bends Down)

There is a t-shirt that simply says “THE INFINITE GOD IS INTERESTED IN US.” Use this reading to remind yourself that because He pauses to spend time with us, because He is mindful of us, we need to devote time to to this relationship and we need to be mindful of Him!
Aug 27, 202106:11
MEALTIME (Faith Purchases What Gold Cannot)

MEALTIME (Faith Purchases What Gold Cannot)

In this “reading,” faith and the power God’s Word makes available to us is emphasized. We are reminded that temporary things should not consume our time. (Included within this reading is Hebrews Chapter 11, “The Faith Hall of Fame,” a chapter that shows us what many Old Testament Heroes did by faith.)
Aug 26, 202117:24
Reading from MEALTIME (Qualified by God’s Grace)

Reading from MEALTIME (Qualified by God’s Grace)

This reading reminds us how and why we are able to perform in life. We can because of what God has done (and is doing for us). In it, Psalm 34 is read, after all, “it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.” (Ps. 33:1b NIV) This devotion is an encouragement for us to discover and walk out God’s plans for our lives!
Aug 25, 202107:35
Reading from MEALTIME (Two Things to Cling to)

Reading from MEALTIME (Two Things to Cling to)

This feast offers insight based on 1 Timothy 1:19, insight that will help us keep our faith from being shipwrecked!
Aug 25, 202105:34
1 Peter 1:23-2:3 but THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURES

1 Peter 1:23-2:3 but THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURES

As we desire and go after THE WORD God has extended to us, separating ourselves from the old fleshly ways of our past, we will grow into the fullness of our salvation!
Aug 14, 202146:32
John 14:12 - Believers will do great works, miraculous works (Ambassadors)

John 14:12 - Believers will do great works, miraculous works (Ambassadors)

Feast on the truth that we can do the same kind of works that Jesus did. John 14:12 carries with it the faith we need to some of what God is calling us to do as His Ambassadors! If we don’t yet have faith for something, we need to make sure we minister God’s will on that matter to our hearts, doing so by hearing and hearing. Let these words minister to you about the kind of Ambassadors you are to be!
Aug 13, 202132:15
Winning friends for eternity (Ambassadors)

Winning friends for eternity (Ambassadors)

Jesus tells us we can’t serve both God and wealth. We must choose. But wealth comes to he who is generous with it! If you seek first the kingdom, using your blessings to win friends, things will be added unto you!
Aug 13, 202120:51
Mealtime: He’ll go the extra mile for you. He already has!

Mealtime: He’ll go the extra mile for you. He already has!

This is a recording of Patricia reading from her book, Mealtime.
Aug 09, 202102:55
God gives His people strength. That strength heals. Opportunity Knocks! Acts 14:8-10

God gives His people strength. That strength heals. Opportunity Knocks! Acts 14:8-10

A man who lacked strength in his limbs listened to a man minister God’s Word. He ended up with a specific kind of faith. And when he acted on that faith, it came to life and delivered healing to his body. The Word is available today! Faith is available today! Healing is available today! What are you going to do about it?
Jul 15, 202122:16
With God we will gain the victory

With God we will gain the victory

Victory in Christ is assured when we work with God and not against Him. People who reverence God are people who work with Him, learning all they can from Him. People who ignore God’s correction, given always because He loves and wants what is best for us, are not victorious.
Jul 13, 202129:16
What am I working for?

What am I working for?

Here a message that really reveals a lot about me and this hunger and thirst that drives me. What am I working for? This one very important word from out Lord: “Come.”
Jul 12, 202118:14
Reading from The Fellowship

Reading from The Fellowship

This feast is different because in it I read from the book The Fellowship and introduce a new book along the same topic: The Fellowship II. This feast is shared to give people a glimpse of what these books teach!
Jul 10, 202115:50
Jesus IS the Mediator

Jesus IS the Mediator

This feast contains one of my favorite healing passages. With supporting Scriptures I show that Jesus IS the Mediator Who mercifully paid our ransom so that we would not have to pay the cost due our sins! God is good! He doesn’t want us sick! He doesn’t want us to go to Hell! He offers us a blessed life where we can walk free from the kingdom of darkness and enjoy all the kingdom of light has to offer us!
Jul 08, 202113:56
Apart From God is NO GOOD THING

Apart From God is NO GOOD THING

God is a refuge to those who choose a Him. He is our safe place in this evil age. We must stay IN HIM and pursue His best for our lives because our separation from His will produces what isn’t good.
Jul 07, 202139:29
Envision yourself living LONG and WELL

Envision yourself living LONG and WELL

Beginning in Genesis 24:1, hear a message that God wants you to be blessed in all things. Hear a message that Abraham’s blessings are yours. And hear if God wants you to enjoy the blessings those from another day enjoyed!
Jul 07, 202137:12
And Listen to This Testimony

And Listen to This Testimony

Luke 1:34-37 AMPCE holds a wonderful testimony that will encourage us to believe for our personal RHEMAs, no matter how impossible they might seem!
Jun 23, 202111:07
Serpent on a Pole

Serpent on a Pole

Our attentive, expectant, steady, and absorbing gaze, our beholding of Jesus’ work in carrying our sin on the cross, is our duty in our partnership with Christ. And what He did there will result in our healing if we do what He requires of us, not because of our actions but because of His!
Jun 22, 202116:06
He’s GLORIFIED in our Healing not in our Disease

He’s GLORIFIED in our Healing not in our Disease

Jesus’ payment for our sin was also for our health! Jesus wants us to be able to receive health and then minister (serve) one another and the world. That and not disease brings Him glory!
Jun 15, 202111:02
His Complete Message

His Complete Message

We need to listen to logos. We need the Lord’s Library stored up within us. We do so by getting one message within us at a time.
Jun 15, 202111:27


There is something that those who fear the Lord do. If we aren’t doing that thing, do we fear God as we should? And do we receive the rewards of those that fear Him?
Jun 15, 202110:60
Is healing for today?

Is healing for today?

Healing belonged to the Jewish people Jesus ministered to, and yet they weren’t walking in it. The same thing is happening today. Learn a couple kingdom principles that if applied will help you enjoy the abundance provided when one lives for God.
Jun 08, 202038:45