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Paws and Reflect

Paws and Reflect

By Haley, Sean, and Scout of Paws and Reflect

Haley and Sean reflect on life with our delightful (and delightfully weird) blue heeler Scout. Since adopting her in 2019, we’ve trained through fear-based dog reactivity, fostered multiple shelter dogs, dealt with idiopathic epilepsy, and navigated so many ups and downs in between. In January 2023 we hit the road for full-time van life! 🚐 We hope our blunders and realizations can encourage fellow dog lovers. Find us at and @paws.andreflect on Instagram.
Currently playing episode

9: Work-Life-Dog Ownership Balance: Nontraditional Career Changes, Guilt, Self Care

Paws and ReflectOct 23, 2022

21: Dog Nerd Tries to Counter Condition Her Own Eye Drops

21: Dog Nerd Tries to Counter Condition Her Own Eye Drops

Sean and I recorded this on December 14th, three days after my eye surgery. Now I'm finally able to look at screens here and there to share it!

Mostly a (somewhat silly) story of trying to make my drops suck less... but as usual the experience did make me think of some real dog connections too.

Dec 18, 202309:15
20: Visiting Family With Our Dog: Logistics, Advocacy, Emotional Processing
Nov 30, 202330:13
19: Ego as a Dog Owner: Why I've Struggled, How It's Impacted Our Training, and Where We Are Today
Nov 30, 202339:49
18: City Dog Rambles
Nov 12, 202346:33
17: Fulfillment Deep Dive: How We Think About Fulfilling Our Dog (and Ourselves)
Feb 13, 202342:59
16: We Live in a Van Now! First Impressions, Space Constraints, Pros & Cons of Being on the Road With a Dog
Feb 04, 202338:59
15: Dog Training & Ownership Phrases That are Both True and Not True (aka "Semantics are Messy and Everything is Nuanced")

15: Dog Training & Ownership Phrases That are Both True and Not True (aka "Semantics are Messy and Everything is Nuanced")

Haley and Sean run through a (not comprehensive) list of phrases I've heard often in the dog world — particularly in online training communities — that I think have merit (I see where they're coming from and agree in some contexts) but can also be reductionist (too sweeping of a generalization, misconstrued in unproductive ways, otherwise taken too far). So much depends on our personal connotations with different terms!

We talk about:

  • “Let dogs be dogs”
  • “Let them sniff”
  • “Dogs crave structure”
  • “Be a good leader”
  • “Don’t coddle your dog"
  • “Dogs aren’t humans”
  • “This is how it’s done in the wild / this is what’s natural"
  • “Dogs do what has been reinforced"

We also roast B.F. Skinner a little at the end. All in good fun, we promise.

Dec 12, 202237:10
14: Every Dog is Different: Honoring Individuality (While Still Generalizing Helpful Core Themes)
Dec 03, 202240:39
13: "Should" Everyone Foster? Rescue Pressure, Big Emotions, and Multi-Dog Integration Thoughts

13: "Should" Everyone Foster? Rescue Pressure, Big Emotions, and Multi-Dog Integration Thoughts

Sean and Haley sit down to talk about fostering, which is clearly very top of mind lately. I am absolutely honored to have inspired some people with dogs like Scout (fearful, reactive, otherwise not social butterflies, etc) to open their homes to foster pets. I'd love to normalize the fact that creatures can coexist without directly interacting — it doesn't have to be "throw the dogs in the backyard and they immediately get along" all or nothing!

That said, it's also really important to me that our personal experiences fostering are never used to say "hey this is possible, therefore you have to". Sometimes there can be a lot of pressure in the rescue world — and while I empathize with where those big emotions come from, everyone gets to make the decisions right for their individual pets and situations. We all decide what level of management and risk we're comfortable with. There is no one single way to be a "good" person or animal lover.

In short: The ultimate goal of these rambles is to acknowledge that fostering a dog who is not interacting with resident animals (for whatever reason):

  1. Can be very hard. A multi-dog household, even if temporary, is never something I'd expect or force.
  2.  But: It also is doable in the right circumstances. Not every animal in a house has to be instant best friends for it to be a successful experience!

Nuance, as always.

Nov 28, 202224:52
12: The Rollercoaster of Fostering a Puppy with a Broken Leg (aka "It's Okay if Things Are Really Hard Sometimes")
Nov 25, 202252:28
11: Embracing Social & Observational Learning While Also Advocating for Our Dogs
Nov 06, 202233:54
10: Van Life FAQ: High-Level "Why"s and Some Build Details
Oct 29, 202241:46
9: Work-Life-Dog Ownership Balance: Nontraditional Career Changes, Guilt, Self Care
Oct 23, 202252:18
8: Balancing the "Magic" of the Dog-Human Bond with Science & Critical Thinking

8: Balancing the "Magic" of the Dog-Human Bond with Science & Critical Thinking

Oct 21, 202246:45
7: Dog Sports Deep Dive (Why Don't We Do Them?) and Internet Messiness

7: Dog Sports Deep Dive (Why Don't We Do Them?) and Internet Messiness

Sean and Haley talk about dog sports, inspired by a thoughtful friend's question of if not participating in them has ever been at all uncomfortable as a voice in the online dog community (or if we've ever been made to feel weird by others in the space).

We discuss why we don't do organized dog sports with Scout (just personal preference and lifestyle!), whether or not we are "against" them (absolutely not!), some things we've observed about different dog sports communities as outsiders (many awesome merits and a few potential cons), and a few overall reflections about being on social media (like how easy it is for content to be perceived in ways differently than the author intends and how much I care about nuance).

Oct 15, 202245:40
6: Myths and Generalizations That Hurt Me as a New Dog Owner

6: Myths and Generalizations That Hurt Me as a New Dog Owner

Sean and Haley sit down to chat through some dog ownership myths and generalizations that have personally affected life with Scout. I've felt a lot of internal conflict on different topics, especially in my first year with her — and across-the-board, contradictory statements from different trainers and friends and family members fueled much of that turmoil.

We talk about:

  • The false idea that "good dogs have to love other dogs and people"
  • It's not "all in how you raise them" and the nuance of nature & nurture working together
  • How rehoming is sometimes the best option for everyone involved
  • Potentially hurtful statements like "your dog won’t have behavioral problems if.... you’re a good enough leader, they trust you, etc" that put all the onus on us humans (who are trying our best and already feel plenty overwhelmed & insecure)
  • Similarly, advice like "if you’re calm your dog will be calm" and variations of "just don’t make a big deal out of things"
  • The classic dogs on the furniture debate and a bit about our understanding of dominance
  • That "you shouldn’t comfort your dog when they’re scared"
  • If taking our dogs on a daily walk is the end all be all and generalizations about exercise

Some related links and references:

Oct 12, 202248:54
5: Not Having Kids: Parallels to Dogs, Species Differences, Individuality
Oct 09, 202254:56
4: Training Evolution: Guilt? Asking Why, Honing Values, Comparing Our Life Today to the Past
Oct 02, 202201:02:32
3: Fostering With a Reactive Resident Dog: Logistics, Emotions, Reflections

3: Fostering With a Reactive Resident Dog: Logistics, Emotions, Reflections

Sean and Haley talk about our fostering experiences. I'm thrilled we've been able to welcome new dogs into our home even with Scout's fear / social awkwardness / general discomfort! We get into some of our personal logistics to make sure every creature in our home feels safe and advocated for (you can read more about our initial integration process with our first foster here) as well as the many emotions fostering has brought about and how we manage our own human wellbeing, too.

* Note: “Reactive” is a really broad term. I chose to use it in this episode title since I think it’s the word most fellow owners will resonate with, but it’s important to remember it can mean different things to different people. You can read more of my thoughts on labels in this blog article and more about not comparing our reactivity journey to others in this one!

Sep 25, 202201:00:38
2: Healthy Relationships: Our History, Communication, and Parallels to Dogs
Sep 22, 202254:60
1: Our Very First Podcast Episode! (Who are these dog owners, anyway?)
Sep 20, 202218:09