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By Derek Flint

Welcome to my podcast adventure as the VOG (Voice Of God) PCpodcast point of view as I discuss different events from my perspective. Hopefully we can all learn something and laugh together in the process people. Please Donate to support the Journey. Send ya boy $1 if you appreciate the podcast.
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WTF Are We Doing?- How'd We Get Here??

PCpodcast/VOGpodcastSep 01, 2021

Oh the Absurdity- Subway Shooting & War maks #FAUCIJUICE deaths

Oh the Absurdity- Subway Shooting & War maks #FAUCIJUICE deaths

How is the National Guard in the Subway and someone still manages to get shot in the head during rush hour?? Who are they protecting if you can see someone potentially die before you have dinner is kind of absurd isn't it, lmao?? Why do I feel like all this war is a distraction from the fact that the #FAUCIJUICE is killing people. They're getting two depopulation events in one with all the war and Cardiac Arrest events from the #FAUCIJUICE huh? The most absurd thing of all is that we are paying taxes to fund all this monkey shit. Hope you enjoy it people.

Mar 15, 202437:55
2024- What a time to be alive- Are we Getting Nuked??

2024- What a time to be alive- Are we Getting Nuked??

Welcome to VOG/PCPodcast or welcome back and thank you for listening. This is my 2024 rant about the state of the world as we know it. I didn't even get to touch on half of the stuff I wanted to, which means another episode might be coming soon people. Salute to the lil bro, and please share the podcast. All I can say is that I hope I'm wrong.

Mar 13, 202441:20
It's Orange Outside- China is Genius

It's Orange Outside- China is Genius

Why is it Orange outside as if an EMP went off or something. Seeing as they never really tell us the truth about anything, the whole " It came From Canada" Bullshit doesn't even sound plausible from my perspective. It's the equivalent of A Dam being blown up in Ukraine and America telling the world that they don't know who did it, while Russia and Ukraine blame each other for it, lmao. This can't be real life I swear it which is why I said "Call me Sally and slap me with a cock, because we are getting fucked". I'm professing my allegiance to CHI-NA (It's a joke) because if what I think is happening is happening, they are genius. Tell a friend to tell a friend, and send me some money.

Jun 08, 202338:44
We Need More Humility- I'm scared for my life

We Need More Humility- I'm scared for my life

Send me some money people!! Welcome back and thanks for putting up with my sporadic Podcast Experiment, you are truly appreciated. On this episode of PCP/VOGpodcast, I talk about American arrogance, and how we all need a reality check so we can be more humble. We all have an inflated self-esteem and ego in this age of the internet, and that might be the main hurdle in relationships these days. We all have some disgusting human qualities, so the idea of someone wanting to put up with our shit everyday seems very far fetched and unrealistic. I also highlight how women these days have me scared for my life because of what happened to Andrew Tate and Jonathan Majors. All a woman has to do is accuse you of something, and your life can be severely disrupted, lmao. I'm not scared like fearful, but its better to be safe than sorry is the motto, lmao. I also rant about how the NBA seems real WWE like in these 2023 playoffs, but maybe it's just me. I hope you Enjoy the show, and tell a friend to tell a friend.

Apr 27, 202341:29
Hoping for a peaceful China Takeover- Keep it in your pants youngin

Hoping for a peaceful China Takeover- Keep it in your pants youngin

Send me some money!! Welcome back people, welcome back. I'm trying to be more consistent with this here podcast so you can listen to my sexy voice more often. I really do appreciate you for listening. I know what the show title says, and I'm pretty sure the subjects are in reverse order, but thats pretty much what this episode is about. I'm trying to remember what the keep it in your pants part was about, but weed had affected my memory tremendously, lmao. I do however remember vividly the peaceful China takeover portion. We have to face reality and admit that there's a new world order in place, and China is in Charge of it. The best thing for us all to do is to just hope the takeover is peaceful, and America doesn't start Nuking shit just to save the Petro-Dollars dominance. Enjoy the show people, and tell a friend to tell a friend.

Apr 27, 202341:44
It's escalating quickly so Enjoy it while you got it

It's escalating quickly so Enjoy it while you got it

I know this show has a lot of uploads for one day, but in the life of a pothead, other things take priority because this show doesn't make me enough money yet, lol. In this episode of VOG/PCPodcast, I really don't remember wtf I was talking about due to my delayed uploading. All I know is that it seems like we're getting closer to nuclear war everyday, and new alliances are being formed to shape the world order as we know it. America is losing friends and allies at a fast pace, and is being exposed for being the true piece of shit country that it has always been. The Almighty dollars dominance is coming to an end, but will we all have to die first because nobody just gives up power, especially not rich pedophiles who do not want to be exposed like Jeff Epstein. Enjoy spending those dollars while you think they mean something, because it's dominance is coming to an end, and the digital age is going to be different because America might be poor. Hold on tight people, and send me some dollars while they are still worth something.

Apr 13, 202341:11
My putting the pieces together ramble session

My putting the pieces together ramble session

Welcome to VOGpodcast/PCPodcast, where if you are new to the show you are in for a confusing time. The problem with me getting stoned before shows, is that sometimes I ramble and jump all over the place, but theres a message/point in the show somewhere, you just have to listen closely. I swear theres something you can learn from each episode, even if I'm just rambling and all over the place like this episode. Is World War 3 already happening, is your government trying to kill you, is ya bish faithful, I probably mentioned all three of these things during me rambling, but really can't remember the summation of it because of my delayed posting. Tell a friend to tell a friend, and send me some money people.

Apr 13, 202338:44
Its all part of the plan- It's unfolding fast

Its all part of the plan- It's unfolding fast

Welcome people, welcome. All I can hope is that I'm uploading these shows in the right order, but at the end of the day I really don't give a shit. This episode of PCPodcast/VOGpodcast highlights what everyone is focused on, but highlights what the bigger issue happening is while your attention is elsewhere. The Level of diabolical genius at hand here is something that should truly raise everyones suspicion of all Governments. Is it all a distraction to make the Epstein thing go away, to distract you from the fact that you're getting fu**ed by your government, or a distraction from the digitization of humanity as we know it. All I know is this shit is getting stranger by the day, and my simulation theory seems to be a slow unfolding reality in this Matrix. Tell a friend to tell a friend, and remember to send me some money!!

Apr 13, 202338:01
Honestly, I forgot

Honestly, I forgot

If you have been a loyal listener, I truly appreciate you and your patience with me on this Podcast Journey. The problem with me doing shows and not uploading them immediately is that sometimes I forget what the hell i was even talking about on the show. If I had to take a guess, I'm giving my perspective on the state of world affairs, but honing in on something and trying to make it obvious for the simple minded people of America. I should probably go back and listen to this before I upload it, but that's not how I work fam, lmao. Hope you enjoy the show, and tell a friend to tell a friend. Lastly, don't forget to send me some money,

Apr 13, 202339:39
Prostitutes and Passport Bros- Snap Back to reality

Prostitutes and Passport Bros- Snap Back to reality

welcome back world, welcome back. In this episode of PCPodcast/VOGpodcast, I give my perspective on the hot button topic of Passport bros, which are men who travel the world for women and sex. There's nothing new under the sun people, and sex tourism is something that has existed before we were here, and will be here after we are gone. The shit is getting out of hand though because American women sometimes have the mentality of prostitutes and don't even know it. Hope you enjoy the show, and I'm trying to be more consistent. Tell a friend, to tell a friend people and send me some money.

Apr 13, 202339:18
2 Banks collapsed- The math is not mathing

2 Banks collapsed- The math is not mathing

Good Evening people. This world we currently live in, truth is most certainly stranger than fiction at this point. So, two banks collapsed over the weekend, but somehow the Government has enough money to make sure that money is there, but not enough to cut the American people another stimulus check huh? Somehow we have billions of dollars for Ukraine and to bail out banks, but the American public can suffer without receiving any help. I also pose another scenario in which America can be isolated and lose their main ally in the process. The downfall of America is a slow and painful thing to watch, but it is entertaining and hilarious. Tell a friend to tell a friend, and send me some money please. 

Mar 13, 202340:06
Lebron or Jordan. Nukes or Artificial Intelligence

Lebron or Jordan. Nukes or Artificial Intelligence

Good Evening, Good Evening. Here's the problem with me doing these Podcasts and not uploading them immediately, I never quite remember what I said during the Podcast. This episode highlights how an Artificial Intelligence Takeover and Nuclear war are approaching, but somehow the negroes are focused on Lebron and Michael Jordan. They just nuked a town in Ohio, and somehow basketball is more important than that to some people. Per usual, I question why I live on this planet, and the human thought process in general. I hope you learn something and are compelled to tell a friend to listen to me ranting. Send me some money please. 

Mar 13, 202339:33
Why you Lying B?- A.I or Nukes??

Why you Lying B?- A.I or Nukes??

Good Evening, Good Evening. Here's the problem with me doing these Podcasts and not uploading them immediately, I never quite remember what I said during the Podcast. I'm pretty sure this one highlights the BullShit story about a Pro-Ukranian group blowing up the Nordstream pipeline in an effort to hide the fact that America was probably behind it to keep their allies in place. This shit is getting way out of hand, but the masses are too busy being entertained by dumb shit to focus on what is really important. All I can hope is that you enjoy the listen and learn something in the process. Tell a friend to tell a friend, I'd appreciate it. Send me some money. 

Mar 13, 202338:25
30K dead in Turkey, Is RiRi preggus though?

30K dead in Turkey, Is RiRi preggus though?

I'm getting back in the groove of recording, and hopefully another pandemic won't happen to slow up the progress.  Welcome to VOG/PCPodcast which exists because I want it to and because my voice sounds sexy, I appreciate you listening. This episode discusses the fact that 30K people are dead because of a "Earthquake" in a country that is standing up to the global elite. Was it an earthquake, or a HAARP attack to let Turkey know to fall in line if they want help. Plus a derailed train is spilling chemicals into America's waterways and all you monkeys are concerned about is if Riri is Preggus again, and the super bowl. Why do I live on this planet, this shit keeps getting weirder. Hope you enjoy the show, and send me some money please. 

Feb 14, 202335:47
WW3 is happening, but Lebron Fu**ing James man

WW3 is happening, but Lebron Fu**ing James man

I haven't given up on you people yet, but damn it's getting close, lmao. With all the things going on in the world, and somehow the big news here in America is a basketball player braking a scoring record?? Are you Dumb? The world is this close to Nuclear Weapons being used, but somehow putting a ball in a hole is more relevant huh? This human experience is truly a strange thing and I'm just trying to understand people. #Ihateithere used to be just a hashtag, but they really are my true feelings about being here. Enjoy the show and send me some money, lmao. 

Feb 13, 202340:18
Artificial Intelligence Is Your Boo!!

Artificial Intelligence Is Your Boo!!

Welcome Back Mother Fu**er, and send me some money. Thank you for listening and finding my rants entertaining, this is my therapy. In this episode, I break down how your electronic devices, artificial intelligence and the Algorithm are your boo. At this point we are so addicted to technology that when AI takes over, we probably won't even notice it. The one question I ask you people is, "Do you want your children to be able to see everything on your phone:"? We live in some strange times people, I hope you enjoy the show though. 

Feb 13, 202337:17
This is strange-We're getting fu**ed

This is strange-We're getting fu**ed

Welcome back Mother Fu**er, how the hell you been. Pardon me for my sporadic recording habits, but I'm trying to be someones father over here and I have things to do. Send me some money and you'll get the podcast more often. In this episode, I go over a couple of things and ponder how a majority of the population does not realize they are getting fu**ed by their Governments. I also go over all the potential conflicts that are happening that could possibly get us killed. Remember people, "Its Global, not Local' and wake up and feel this Fu**ing, Lmao. Hope you enjoy the show people, there's more where this came from. 

Jan 31, 202339:26
I'm still alive and I want to be Wrong

I'm still alive and I want to be Wrong

Why am I still trying this, lmao. Thank you for giving the podcast a listen and welcome back to my old listeners. Life gets in the way of things sometimes, but I recorded this show after getting sick and thinking I was gonna die. In this episode I reflect on how the Government is trying to kill us all with whatever they want to call this new shit they put out. I also go over how I want to be wrong about half of the things I've said over the course of this podcast journey, but somehow I seem to keep being right about certain things. Hope you enjoy the show, and send me some money please. 

Jan 31, 202343:36
Happy To Be Alive Rant- I need to stop

Happy To Be Alive Rant- I need to stop

Welcome back ya bish. The government just tried to take me out with that bioweapon they have circulating right now, but I survived it like a champ. Even through the hurt back and leg pains, I still manage to find time to give y'all my warped perspective on everything going on right now, because it's only getting stranger. This episode is just a rant so there's no real general topic. Thanks for listening people, and send me some money!!

Jan 05, 202240:51
So What She's Guilty - Salute To Kanye!!

So What She's Guilty - Salute To Kanye!!

Thanks for listening and putting up with me people, I really appreciate it from the bottom of my cold heart, lmao. In this episode, I rant about Ghislaine Maxwell being found guilty, and how I'm mad that she didn't snitch on all the Global elites involved in the Global Sex Trafficking ring. Americas Justice system is some shit aint it?? I also gloss over the power mover by Kanye West who bought the home across the street from his ex Kim Kardashian. Thats definitely some shit I would do if I had Kanye money!! One day in the near future, I'm gonna buy my baby momma a house. I love y'all, thanks again people.

Dec 30, 202142:02
Religion, Politics, Covid- The Universe Is Different

Religion, Politics, Covid- The Universe Is Different

Welcome back and thanks for listening. I'm just over here trying people, and I like it but it's just my perspective. In this episode, I go into why you shouldn't talk about the 3 subjects with people, because you can't change peoples perspective in the long run. Covid is like religion, if people whole heartedly believe in it, you have to let them at this point. I'm not the wisest man, but I also some advice to the young men out there in terms of how savage the Universe is when it comes to women, lmao. Sweet baby Jesus, I should quit.

Dec 23, 202141:25
Have you seen this? - A Glimmer of hope

Have you seen this? - A Glimmer of hope

I really appreciate who ever is listening to this, because I swear half of this show is just an off the head rant. If I'm repetitive with some topics, its because I can't believe it's not a bigger deal than it is. In this show, I talk about the La Palma volcano eruption thats still going on, details of the power shift that's happening, and questions about all these masks and vaccine/shot thing and the most deadly virus ever. All of this is making less sense by the day, so just realize I'm trying to understand and comprehend all of it without going crazy. Thanks again for listening, and I'm still a work in progress. Send me some money.

Dec 20, 202141:35
My Mind On Weed Rant- This Can't Be Good

My Mind On Weed Rant- This Can't Be Good

I can't believe I'm uploading this, but small progress is progress ya bish. Thanks for putting up with me ranting and my crazy perspective on life while doing this podcast. In this episode, I talk about myself and drift off into different topics because my mind was on weed and I was high. The times we find ourselves living in are truly strange, and it seems like it's only going to get worse/stranger. As I say in the episode, if you listen to the whole thing, I love you from the bottom of my heart. Salute to the Lil Bro and all my supporters. I'm just getting started.

Dec 17, 202143:37
The Juicy Smoilet Show- Turn That Off Please

The Juicy Smoilet Show- Turn That Off Please

Welcome to the Juicy SMoilet show, where I can't believe this guy's trial is getting more coverage and exposure than Ghislaine Maxwell. The stock market could crash, The Evergrande Crash Happened, America is about to be stretched out and y'all are concerned with Juicy Smoilet? Me wanting to live on this planet is becoming less and less by the day. I can't expect much from people who fought over Chicken Sandwiches and Toilet paper, but Sweet babu Jesus, this is getting bad, lmao. Enjoy the show people, hopefully there's more to come.

Dec 10, 202141:23
All Eyes On Ghislaine!!

All Eyes On Ghislaine!!

Welcome back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back!! Lets talk about it people, at this point in time it should be All Eyes on Ghislaine Maxwell!! Jeff Epstein Aint dead and I hope the same doesn't happen to Ghislaine Maxwell. She's on trial and why the media isn't covering it is beyond me. Why is the #Metoo Movement, The #MybodyMyChoice Movement, BLM or anyone on this shit. What Happened to BLM in General is the main question. I'm over humanity on so many levels, but I hope all people pay attention to this. I hope this Broad sings and it's televised live and all the Elite start offing themselves at the same time. You people March and protest over Junkies killed on camera, but not this, and I don't get it. 

Dec 08, 202142:30
The Power Structure Has Changed!

The Power Structure Has Changed!

Welcome back ya bish!! Just checking in with you people to give you an updated perspective of the state of the world as we know it. You got Vaccines that don't stop you from cashing and spreading what the vaccine is supposed to stop you from catching and spreading- ARE YOU DUMB? I also touch on how America is about to be stretched out in the near future, I just hope they don't nuke us for me sons sake. This episode is for y'all, but it's really for me in an effort to stop from crying. Thanks for listening people.

Dec 07, 202143:31
WTF Are We Doing?- How'd We Get Here??

WTF Are We Doing?- How'd We Get Here??

Welcome back, welcome back. In this episode I walk you through a timeline of all the fuckery we've been told in the past 2 years in regards to the most deadly thing man has ever seen. All I know is we need to stop watching people walk on milk crates  and realize they're coming for the babies/grandbabies with their little experiment. I really do question why I live on this planet. Send me some money, I aint taking no shot!!

Sep 01, 202142:33
Can You GUys Grow Up- I'd Like Some Acknowledgement

Can You GUys Grow Up- I'd Like Some Acknowledgement

To be honest, I don't even remember what I said on this show due to the fact I recorded it so long ago. I hope y'all happy y'all voted for someone's senile grandpa for office though, this shit is a disaster. I hope you enjoy the listen, and send me some money, I aint taking no shot!!

Sep 01, 202138:22
2021- Its Already Weird- So Stop It Please!!

2021- Its Already Weird- So Stop It Please!!

Good Evening, Good Evening!! Thanks for checking in with me and listening to me ramble about my feelings. I covered a number of topics in this episode, because there's a lot of weird shit going on in my opinion. I'm nobody special to call anything weird, but WTF man. From the whole vaccine push, to the Onlyfans phase, to you dudes simpin and letting women put their tongues in your ass, WTF man. As I said, it's not my world, I'm old and washed, but this world is definitely different to say the least. If you enjoy the show, send me some money people.

Jun 18, 202138:22
Are Single Parents Doomed??- TV Fu**ed You Up.

Are Single Parents Doomed??- TV Fu**ed You Up.

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!! Thanks again for checking in with PCP/VOG podcast I appreciate it. In this episode, I explain why I agree with Kevin Samuels on some topics such as Single Parenting and dating. No, I'm not woman bashing or anything of that nature, expectations have us all the way fucked up people, lol. I also once again remind you people to turn your TVS off and take your heads out your asses and think. If you enjoy the show, send me sone money and I'll give you a shout out.

Jun 17, 202140:28
Was It All Necessary?? The Co**D Show

Was It All Necessary?? The Co**D Show

Welcome back ya wish, my fault that was yesterday. I appreciate you taking the time out your day to listen to my foolishness people.

In this Episode of PCPodcast- I finally unload my rant on the whole Co**D situation that just took 15 months of our lives away. I list a number of things I would like you to research for yourself before you call me crazy or think I'm being mean. Who the fuck is Fauci and where did he come from- And why were they making it in the Wuhan Lab? I just want you to stop and think for a minute on some of the things they've told you, because the shit doesn't add up for me. Enjoy the show people- hopefully I can keep this shit up, lmao. Send me Money!!

Jun 02, 202141:52
Welcome Back Ya Bish- What Happened To Me

Welcome Back Ya Bish- What Happened To Me

Well, what had happened was!! Welcome back ya bish. I had to take a little break from the show for reasons I will be explaining during this episode. Life got hectic for us all during the past months and we're all different now. In this episode, I give my opinions on what we've all been through and where things might head next. I also question why humans are so shitty and can humanity outlast the things we're currently going through. I'm still going people, and I might be back at it, just enjoy the shit while I'm here though. 

Jun 01, 202145:36
Is This Shit Real- Yeah I'm Bitter

Is This Shit Real- Yeah I'm Bitter

I'm inconsistent as shit, but if you're still listening, I sincerely appreciate you. This can't be real life people. We've been on house arrest for going on 7 months, we all now have to wear masks, and our lives have changed drastically. Yet in still, I have to live on this planet with you people who love celebrity gossip, and sports and a whole heap of other bullshit that I could care less about. I might sound bitter, but I'm really not, and this house arrest is only making me more cynical than I was before. This covers a variety of topics and how I'm feeling right now. I told y'all I wasn't going to make it big before shit went left, and look at it. Sometimes I hate being right, but life is some different shit. Thanks for listening though!!

Sep 30, 202038:20
Are You Dumb- My Opinion On Will & Jada

Are You Dumb- My Opinion On Will & Jada

Welcome people, welcome to my fuckery!! I swear #Ihateyouniggas and #ihateithere. Allegedly, a huge international pedophile ring selling kids through wayfair, Amazon, Alibaba and other sites was discovered, but your TV hasn't told you about it so you people don't know. Instead, they gave you Celebrity Sex Gossip which you people ate up like the dickheads you are. I also touch on Qanon and me still being conflicted over the gangster in office. This bad movie is only getting worse people. Being I kind of said all of this would happen, I'm just enjoying the show people. Thank you for listening. 

Jul 18, 202036:42
My TV Made Me Do It- We Can Do Better

My TV Made Me Do It- We Can Do Better

Welcome back people, welcome back. I was gonna sit this one out, but I had to do it. IS being stuck in the house with your spouse and kids with newfound unemployment making you angry during quarantine. Well here's some police brutality videos to rile you up being you didn't protest from being put under quarantine enough. This is all planned and we as people are falling for it. not me, my black ass is In the house, lol. I just want to remind you that your TV is brainwashing you and this horrible movie is still going on. Be safe people!

Jun 02, 202038:50
Yayyyyy, He's Impeached - Nobody Knows What Comes Next Though

Yayyyyy, He's Impeached - Nobody Knows What Comes Next Though

Yaayyy, they said he's impeached, but he's still in office wreaking havoc on the economy and on people in general. It's all bullshit people, and the Apprentice White House version is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Sad part is, all this is just distracting us while the bigger picture plays out and we the people wind up suffering for it. We can prepare all we want but none of us know what's next to come. It's a global thing, it's bigger than your block, city, state and country, but by the time we all realize it, it's going to be too late. Enjoy it while it's here people!!

Dec 31, 201939:10
The Tipsy Rant- Sorry For The B Word

The Tipsy Rant- Sorry For The B Word

Welcome back people, this is the show I shouldn't be doing because my ass shouldn't be drinking and talking to anyone. I had to get it off my chest, You're feeling aint always justified ladies, and idk what to do anymore, lmao. I also talk about some other stuff, but like some of the other shows, I don't even remember what I said because I had one beer and I did this show days ago. Just my mind on Guisness, and I'm sharing it with you people, your welcome, your welcome. 

Dec 18, 201936:19
Hopefully I'm Wrong- We're all in this together

Hopefully I'm Wrong- We're all in this together

Do you smelllllllllllll, the Global recession thats coming upon us Well you might not be able to tell the smell of Global Unrest and the Global recession apart because they're all tied together people. I've documented all the global unrest going on in many countries in this simulation here on planet Earth. From my perspective, we're already in a recession, they just haven't told us yet. I say all that to say, I have no clue what I talked about in this episode, I did it a couple of days ago and my memories shot, lol. Bottom line, shit is about to get rough, and we're too divided to realize we're all in this shit together!! 

Dec 11, 201930:04
Wreckless Talk- Pandeirng To Women & Updates On Unrest

Wreckless Talk- Pandeirng To Women & Updates On Unrest

Well, what do you know, another place in the world is standing up for their rights, and America is watching football and Preparing for xmas, fml. Welcome to VOG/PCPpodcast, the show that gives you a different perspective on the issues going on around the world. In this Episode of the cast, I touch on the fact that I don't speak the language of women, and It has made my life difficult. I also spend time reckless talking women as well, I call that pandering. I also touch on the Iran protest, European countries joining Irans Barter system, and how the Petrodollar is coming to an end. Please pay attention people, and enjoy the show before I go to #Tidal/#Viceland!!

Dec 04, 201940:31
Thanksgiving Special- Nobody Cares About Anything

Thanksgiving Special- Nobody Cares About Anything

Hello there world, I made it to another year of bullshit holidays and people spending money they don't have just so there bad ass kids and ungrateful spouses can be happy, lol. This years Thanksgiving special focuses on the fact that with everything going on, nobody in the world seems to care unless it's happening to them or someone close to them. I think I've documented a lot of foul things happening Globally, and people are being brutalized trying to stand up for their rights. I say all that to say, I did this show like 4 days ago, and don't remember the topics exactly, but I hope you enjoy the listen. I'm going to #Tidal or #Viceland!!

Dec 02, 201941:37
Reality- No Impeachment, A Stiff Right & Global Unrest

Reality- No Impeachment, A Stiff Right & Global Unrest

Aint this some bullshit going on in this shithole of a country called America. Here's the Reality, this guy is not getting impeached, and he's probably going to get re-elected and the country is going to have a civil war. I'm wrong about everything, so don't mind me. Global Unrest is coming, and America's collapse, especially economically is coming, but there's too many distractions for you to realize it. I also touch on the topic and give my young boys the advice to not ever hit a chick with a stiff right. No matter what she says or does to try to get you to get out of character, son't do it. I almost did, that's why I'm telling you not to. Tell a friend to tell a friend, I love you 9 people, lol. 

Nov 27, 201940:19
Free Tay - K & Kodak Black- Jeff Epstein Didn't Commit Suicide

Free Tay - K & Kodak Black- Jeff Epstein Didn't Commit Suicide

Welcome world, welcome back to another episode of the worst podcast out there right now!! In this episode of PCPodcast/VOGpodcast, I am trying not to indict myself, and say anything to crazy, lol. I touch on the topics of why Kaepernick is never playing in the NFL and I'm on some bullshit and want Tay-K and Kodack Black out of jail right now. I also touch on the Youtube hole I came out of over the weekend and why Jeff Epstein didn't commit suicide, he might have been murdered, but he didn't commit suicide. I'm on my bullshit this episode, lets just hope I don't get sued. I'm going to #TIdal or #Viceland!!

Nov 20, 201940:55
Global Unrest is coming - Amazon, Goolgle & AI will fix it

Global Unrest is coming - Amazon, Goolgle & AI will fix it

Everything I'm telling you is wrong, research it yourself so you can agree with me, lmao. Welcome World, Welcome to the voice of the narrator for the collapse of Humanity happening right before our eyes. The Global Unrest is spreading, as the President of Bolivia is now on Political Asylum in Mexico. The Petro Dollar and the Collapse of America is coming, and I'm just questioning what it's going to take for us here in America to be like the Great People of Hong Kong. Long story short, all this shit is going on, and Artifical Intelligence along with Amazon and google are already taking over. Thanks for listening people, We all gonna die one day. Might as well go out fighting. 

Nov 14, 201941:16
In Summation- My Apologies, Back To Popeyes & Elon Musk Has Me Spooked

In Summation- My Apologies, Back To Popeyes & Elon Musk Has Me Spooked

Thanks for putting up with me and My Sincerest Apologies for the clicks in the past couple of episodes, this is the most unprofessional podcast out there I swear it. I fixed the problem and I'm back. In this episode, I give a summation for all my listeners who couldn't listen through the clicks. I also give a brief explanation on why I've been apologizing for America. There are parts of the world where people are being arrested and Brutalized, and we're back at Popeyes for round 2 of the Chicken Sandwich that's going to kill people, lol. I also go on a rant about how artificial intelligence has already taken over, because I watched Elon Musk and he got me spooked. I'm back people, and I'm going to #Tidal or #ViceLand.

Nov 07, 201938:49
Global Unrest Is Here - I Apologize For America

Global Unrest Is Here - I Apologize For America

Welcome people, welcome. enjoy it while it's still around to enjoy, because censorship is coming. Chile, Ecuador, Haiti, Paris, Hong Kong, and many other places in the world are rioting and protesting, fighting for there freedom. Meanwhile, here in America, we're entertained by Donald Trump, NFL Football, and NBA Basketball. My Sincerest apologies to the rest of the world for America because we're just fat, dumb and lazy. I also apologize to my audience for the delay/slow down in the shows, I'm being a Father over here. More shows coming soon people, stay tuned, I'm going to #Tidal. 

Oct 29, 201940:25
And Another One- More Riots, Wild Weather & Suicides

And Another One- More Riots, Wild Weather & Suicides

Welcome world, welcome to the podcast that highlights the fucked up state of the world as it is today. If you haven't noticed, there are protests and uprisings going on in a number of countries throughout the world right now, but not here in America, because we're fat lazy & comfortable. I touch on the Catalan Independence protest happening right now in Barcelona Spain, where protestors are being brutalized by the Police as usual. Then it's on to Typhoon Hagibis in Japan, which has left at least 66 people dead and at least 30K in some type of camp. Notice the pattern yet?? Lastly, 10 NYPD officers have killed themselves since June, there's something bigger going on here. Should these people really be patrolling the streets if they're mentally unstable. Enjoy this show before the Government & the Algorithm shut my shit down. #Tidal, #Viceland & #thisis50 better pay attention and protect the kid, lol. 

Oct 19, 201940:45
Pandering & Distractions - It's All Bullshit

Pandering & Distractions - It's All Bullshit

Good Morning World, Good morning and welcome to this Episode of Apprentice, the White House Edition. The Pandering going on is at an all time high these days and it's making me sick. From the conman in office hosting Black people to distract you from the fact that he's a crook and has impeachment hanging over his head. Then to the Dallas PD who want us to believe that a star witness in a murder trial was a drug dealer even though he may have lived in another state. HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THROUGH THIS BULLSHIT is my question. We are in a state of ultimate fuckery, I'm just documenting it for you. Tell a Friend to tell a friend and get me to #Tidal or #Viceland!!

Oct 10, 201936:30
Impeachment, Drug BUsts & Suicides- It's Getting Out Of Hand

Impeachment, Drug BUsts & Suicides- It's Getting Out Of Hand

Welcome world, welcome to the shit show going on here in America that is currently fucking up the world, lol. This shit is getting too out of hand for my liking. This whole Impeachment thing is getting out of hand, and in my opinion has the worst timing ever. Just don't let the conman run again next year and lets ride this last year out, lol. I also talk about the cocaine bust on a submarine, and it's just another story about tons of cocaine being caught, someone is fucking up somewhere in the Global Drug trade ring. I also ask if all these drug busts are behind all these suicides, because now even Navy Sailors are committing suicide, and it's only going to get worse. Tell. find to tell a friend, and get my black ass to Tidal before it all crumbles down. 

Oct 09, 201939:12
Oh The Audacity!! - NO Hugs Over Here

Oh The Audacity!! - NO Hugs Over Here

Oh the Audacity, of all the bullshit we are currently witnessing in the Media and on a Global scale!! Welcome world, Welcome to the show updating you on things you need to know from a weird perspective. First off, The conman in office is losing it right in front of our eyes, and it's a beautiful sight to see. "Ask the President of Finland a Question", lmao. This whole Amber Guyger shit, with people hugging and forgiving is making me sick. Not me sir, not me. Lastly, I update you on Hong Kong, whereto Police shot someone in the chest, and charged him with protesting. Shooting people, and telling them they shouldn't have been there, Oh the Audacity. I'm going to Rocnation, Viceland, or Thisis50.

Oct 04, 201938:13
This Is Getting Weird- Impeachment & AI

This Is Getting Weird- Impeachment & AI

Welcome World, welcome to the bullshit that is PCPodcast/VOGpodcast!! This bad movie is only going to get worse people, and Idk if it's going to get better after. I might be obsessed with Artificial Intelligence, but I don't think we know exactly how deep we are in this rabbit hole already!! I also touch on this whole Impeachment thing going on right now. I hate to tell you, it's not going to happen, but believe what you will people. He doesn't deserve to be in office, but he's lasted this long, so don't think it's going to be over that easy people. He's going to blow this whole shit up before he leaves, and it's already underway. tell a friend to tell a friend, and get my black ass to Tidal or THisis50 radio, or Viceland..

Oct 03, 201930:25