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Psalmist Ministries podcast

Psalmist Ministries podcast

By Peter Gardner

Poems, reflections, songs and studies to glorify the Lord
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What A Day That Wil Be

Psalmist Ministries podcastSep 17, 2022

No More Sacrifice for Sin

No More Sacrifice for Sin

Some thoughts about Leviticus
Feb 16, 202406:51
Lord of All Grace

Lord of All Grace

Wrote this earlier today. A worship chorus about the holiness of the Lord. Hope you enjoy it
Oct 19, 202202:13
We Have Come

We Have Come

I woke up this morning with this worship chorus in Mt head abd wanted to get if down right away, so here it us. Yes, it needs work but you get the idea
Sep 18, 202203:38
What A Day That Wil Be

What A Day That Wil Be

A new song of praise to b the soon and coming King, Jesus Christ our Lord
Sep 17, 202204:14
His Mercy is Always Enough

His Mercy is Always Enough

A song/hymn written this morning as I viewed the beautiful sunrise
Sep 08, 202202:04
Hallelujah to the Lamb

Hallelujah to the Lamb

A short chorus I wrote this morning.
Aug 03, 202202:06
All of My Praise Belongs to You

All of My Praise Belongs to You

I wrote this song today and wanted to get it out to this podcast.  It is a new song of praise to my precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christy.

Jul 28, 202202:35
Heavenly Praise

Heavenly Praise

I just can't wait to get to heaven, even though I love my life here.  God has been so good to me, and I just want to be able to stand before Him and praise Him.  This song came in an instant this morning.  It is for His glory

Jul 19, 202103:27
Time For Me To Rise

Time For Me To Rise

I woke up this morning with the first line in my head and sat down to write the rest.  The melody still needs a little work, but you can get the idea.  I just love to praise the Lord!

Apr 16, 202101:33
Have Mercy

Have Mercy

We need to learn to have mercy every day.
Apr 11, 202137:20
Jesus Came A Calling

Jesus Came A Calling

Jesus comes into our lives and rearranges us as we allow Him to. He saves us from our sins and purifies our hearts. Give Him praise for the salvation He gives to all who ask.
Mar 16, 202103:45
His Presence is All I Need

His Presence is All I Need song of praise to our Lord and King Jesus Christ. He wants to walk with you. Talk with you, listen to you. He adores you more than you know. Give Him praise because of His presence
Mar 15, 202103:57
God's Family

God's Family

God's famiky is always there for the hurting people
Mar 14, 202134:44
The Great I Am

The Great I Am

Waking in the morning with a song is a wonderful thing.  Our God deserves our praises.  This little chorus sprang up in my heart as I rose this morning and I wanted to get it down right away.  Please excuse that I am not ion the best voice this morning.  This is a rough draft.

Feb 10, 202103:50
Sinking Ground

Sinking Ground

As we mark the day before Christmas we must remember that on this day, so long ago, no one knew Jesus was coming.  Mary and Joseph knew he was soon to come, but the hour and day they were not sure of.  He came where and when no one would ever have guessed.  This is they way he will return.  Are you ready?

Dec 24, 202007:24
I Love That Name

I Love That Name

This is my newest worship chorus.  I am hoping to work on a lot more in the upcoming months.  This is one of my goals for 2021.  Would love your feddback!

Dec 22, 202003:48
The Heartbeat if My Life

The Heartbeat if My Life

It's all about giving ourselves to Him and rejoicing in His goodness. The word rejoice means glad for grace literally. Do you share my sentiment on that?
Dec 07, 202003:41
Oh, Lord Most High

Oh, Lord Most High

This rhyming poem came to me as I woke up this morning.  It describes the God we serve in simple, easy to understand words.  I pray that blesses you this morning

Nov 27, 202005:37
Jesus Is Mine

Jesus Is Mine

Psalm 95 says "Oh Come Let us sing unto the Lord.  let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our Salvation"  A joyful noise is not necessarily one that is thought out well in advance, or written by someone else.  Make your own joyful noise.  Sing as if no one is singing and let the Lord know you love Him

Nov 24, 202005:12
Works of Grace

Works of Grace

No matter what is happening in  your life right now, He deserves our thanks.  It is only recorded once that someone returned to Jesus to give thanks, and that was the leper who was cleansed.  Jesus made Him whole when he came back and gave  thank.  This show the importance of our thanks!

Nov 23, 202004:23
The One Who Gave Thanks

The One Who Gave Thanks

Leviticus describes leprosy. 2 Kings 7 tells of 4 lepers who saved a nation. Luke 17 telks of 10 lepers that were cleansed by Jesus. Only 1 was made whole!
Nov 22, 202028:14
He is So Good To Me

He is So Good To Me

Even in our darkest moments, God is good.  We cannot change His character by what we do or by what comes into our lives. Our trials and tests have no bearing on His goodness.  In the midst of suffering, He is good.  In the midst of loss, He is good.  In the midst of struggles and temptations, He is good. At every moment of every day, He is good.  I am not deserving of His goodness, yet He is still good to me.

Nov 22, 202005:28
The Voice of My Heart

The Voice of My Heart

Almost every day the Lord shares with me something He wants me to write down.  I have come accustomed to writing what He says, and this poem is an explanation of how that works. I pray that perhaps this will help you to listen a  little more closely for the voice of God.

Nov 18, 202006:23
A Long Way To Go

A Long Way To Go

I often wonder how far down the road I would be if I would just stop following my own path and follow His instead.  How much more could He have used me?  How many more souls would have been reached if I could just out myself aside and follow Him?  I have a long way to go!

Nov 17, 202005:41
These You Are

These You Are

There are so many names and attributes of Jesus. This little poem contains a few of them. Each one has depth and meaning to our lives. Hiw many have you claimed for yourself?
Nov 12, 202004:60
I Pour Out My Life

I Pour Out My Life

Have you given everything to God? Have you set your love upon Him? If you have, He will bless you, honor you, deliver you, heal you and show you His salvation (Psalm 91). Why not pour yourself out to Him today?
Nov 10, 202004:58
In This Moment

In This Moment

Now is the best time to praise the Lord. All we have is this moment. If we don't worship niw then the busyness if the day will rob us of the blessing that comes from worshiping Him.
Nov 09, 202005:29
God Is With Me

God Is With Me

In Psalm 91:15b, God promise3s that He will be with me.  This promise comes as a result of Psalm 14a, which says because he has put His love upon me. When we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives, he puts His love upon us and will be with us ion any type of situation, good or bad, that we face.  This short poem shows us His heart and how he wants us to always remember that He is with us.

Nov 06, 202004:27
He Takes Time

He Takes Time

All of us try to keep a running record of the time we spend with God.  But have you ever given thought to how much time He spends with you?  This free verse poem visits that question In many different areas of our lives.  I hope it inspires you to take more time for Him.

Nov 05, 202006:38
It's All Good

It's All Good

We look at trials and troubles and start to run away, thinking they will harm us or destroy us.  But God looks at them and sees what he can do through them to make us more like Him.  he uses every trial to help us grow and become more in His image.  We should never shrug the trials that come into our life.  We should embrace them and face them with joy (James 1:2).  He will turn all things for our good!

Nov 03, 202011:51
Forever I Am Yours

Forever I Am Yours

God loves you! He saved you at Calvary and you can enter His courts today and remain there forever. This song came this morning. I pray it is Blessing to you in this rough form.
Nov 01, 202005:50
The Power of His Hand

The Power of His Hand

No matter what trouble or trial may come our way God's hand will always protect us and keep watch over. He has done it before and he can certainly do it again. We should never fear what the enemy might do. God is in control
Oct 30, 202005:11
The Voice of My Heart

The Voice of My Heart

People are asking all the time where all these psalms, or poems, or songs come from..  This morning I was given this brief poem and meditation to help explain all that.  I hope this helps!

Oct 29, 202006:23
Come Quickly

Come Quickly

I love the fact that when I mess up, God is quick to forgive me.  His mercy is there whenever I humbly ask for it.  But I do need to ask.  I cannot just assume God will forgive me.  I must come to Him in al humility and ask  Him to restore me.  if I do, He promises He will!

Oct 27, 202005:03
The Brilliance of Your Glory

The Brilliance of Your Glory

A new song of worship!  Hope you like it and can worship the Lord with me

Oct 26, 202005:11


Why do we wait for tomorrow to do the will if God? He has things for us to do now, today! We needc to get busy and do those things.
Oct 26, 202030:56
Shout the Victory

Shout the Victory

The church is failing this nation!  We wonder why we have such ungodly leaders.  The two men running for President are polar opposites.  One has Godly principles but not a godly demeaner.  The other one acts more godly but his policies are totally non-scriptural.  What do we do?  Instead of mocking, bickering and complaining about it, we should be praying!  This meditation from today discusses that briefly.

Oct 24, 202004:04
If He Loves Me

If He Loves Me

I'll bet when you saw this title you said "Of course He loves me."  But I tend to think we question this a lot.  We worry and fear over life, not realizing He loves us and is taking care of us even in the midst of the worst situations of life.  He is always watching over us.  This piece addresses that issue!

Oct 24, 202004:07
Victory on my Knees

Victory on my Knees

We all need victory in our lives and have heard much about our victory in Christ. There are ways to walk in victory in our Christian journey.
Oct 22, 202019:07
Comfort One Another

Comfort One Another

Our church is going through a difficult time right now.  Not only did we have COVID invade the church, but our Pastors wife is in the hospital with breathing problems.  She is 70 and high risk.  Our Pastor is having as hard time with this as well.  They both need prayer.  God put this message on my heart to preach this Sunday, and I am hope it blesses you and them!

Oct 18, 202036:23
Down on My Knees in Prayer

Down on My Knees in Prayer

I need a better prayer life.  I leave it up  to Holy Spirit interruptions in my day to tell me what to pray for, but that is not enough.  During my morning walk and devotions, God gave me a poem and I now need to live it.  As you listen to it, let it sink in and see how your prayer life stacks up,  I pray this will challenge you to a better prayer life.

Oct 17, 202018:56
Shall The Dead Arise?

Shall The Dead Arise?

Based on Psalm 88:10, this message came to me in the middle of a service at the Dwelling Place in Clarion, Iowa on September 26th.  I believe the whole church needs to hear this message because it's time for the church to rise up!

Oct 15, 202043:06
An Interview with the Kilted Priest

An Interview with the Kilted Priest

We recorded this episode on October 14, 2020 and I thought the content would go great here.  It includes some of the testimony I have already shared with you, but expands on the way God relates His voice and thoughts to me so that i can share them with my readers and listeners.  I will attempt to put an introduction in front of the audio, but not sure if I will be successful!

Oct 15, 202001:09:26
Morning Walk 10/9/2020

Morning Walk 10/9/2020

I recorded this as I was out walking this morning at my typical time. It is a rough recording but I think it came out rather nicely and gives you an idea of what my thought process is in the morning. I hope you enjoyed this episode
Oct 09, 202023:54
Introduction to the Psalmist podcast

Introduction to the Psalmist podcast

This first of many podcasts will tell a little bit about me and how the Lord works through me to write the songs, psalms and poems on a regular basis.  I hope you will come back often

Oct 07, 202020:50