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The Peter Sceats Podcast - Coal: My Part in its Downfall

The Peter Sceats Podcast - Coal: My Part in its Downfall

By Peter Sceats

“The Personal and Painfully Honest Story of the Modernisation of a Commodity Market and the Birth of the API Coal Indices…”
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Chapter #3: Knees-Ups, Wine & Being a Nerd

The Peter Sceats Podcast - Coal: My Part in its DownfallMar 29, 2022

The Epilogue - Where Are They Now?

The Epilogue - Where Are They Now?

And finally... "The Epilogue" is a kind of "Where Are They Now?" chapter to see what happened to the coal market and all the actors in my story.

And what of our pantomime villains? Well, they are really composite characters of every vacuous, talent-free, corporate politician I ever came across. My inability to suffer fools, those who push others down to advance themselves and corporate politics in general led me to being a consultant or a contractor such that I can work on a project or scheme, deliver the value I promised and then escape before the desire to strangle someone overwhelms me!

In Closing

I hope you enjoyed this podcast. If it reads like a love letter to the All Publications Index and the coal market, that’s because it is. If you would like to say nice things to me, please do get in contact via:

If you would like to say horrible things to me, the email address is:


The Peter Sceats Podcast “Coal: My Part in its Downfall” was brought to you by PeterSceats.Net, Grand Union Company and El-Bart Gin. The narrator was Peter Sceats, the announcer was Angela Wilding and the producer was Paul Hodges. This podcast is the property of Peter Sceats and is a Without Mary Production.


All events described herein actually happened apart from the bits I totally made up. The characters, unless specifically referred to by their actual name, are composites and no identification with actual persons (living or deceased), is intended or should be inferred. Peter Sceats Brentwood Essex 29/03/22. 

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Chapter #7: Basket Case

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Chapter #6: “Just Get On With It, Pete…”

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Chapter #3: Knees-Ups, Wine & Being a Nerd

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Chapter #2: The Explainer

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Chapter #1: An Introduction

Chapter #1: An Introduction

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Mar 29, 202204:02