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The Art of Self-Development; Create Your Life with PD

The Art of Self-Development; Create Your Life with PD

By Petr Drimalka

This podcast is dedicated to you who want to continuously improve your emotional intelligence, people skills, motivation, happiness as well as build your success - and by doing so, truly make a difference.
(Cover art photo provided by Zac Durant on Unsplash)
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Episode 234 - Grow Through Adversity

The Art of Self-Development; Create Your Life with PDApr 01, 2024

Episode 238 - Harness Your Self-Doubt

Episode 238 - Harness Your Self-Doubt

Self-confidence is the foundation for success and fulfillment. By embracing vulnerability, learning from failure, and recognizing and building on your unique strengths, you can transform self-doubt into self-belief. Use positive self-talk, visualize your goals, and celebrate small wins along the path to your eventual success.
May 27, 202413:01
Episode 237 - Master Your Emotions

Episode 237 - Master Your Emotions

Emotional Intelligence is much more than just a buzzword; it's one of the most important life skills and a lifeline in the sea of emotions.
May 13, 202416:57
Episode 236 - Reclaiming Relationships

Episode 236 - Reclaiming Relationships

A good relationship is a simple thing to have, but often difficult to maintain. It requires a return to simplicity, honesty, and appreciation. Most importantly, a great relationship is also a continuous return to ourselves.
Apr 29, 202412:07
Episode 235 - The Lying Game

Episode 235 - The Lying Game

Lying is a curious thing. We learn to lie as children as an important skill of distinguishing fiction from reality. However, many of us grow up without fully understanding what tricks and techniques we used to use as children and how much better off we will be instead if we switch to being increasingly more respectful, appreciative, and honest.
Apr 15, 202421:56
Episode 234 - Grow Through Adversity

Episode 234 - Grow Through Adversity

It's good practice to be more mindful and in control of your life. But even when things are planned in the best way possible, something can happen that can change our course unexpectedly and dramatically. Fortunately, things are rarely what they seem, and a seeming adversity is often really an opportunity to do something new and better.

Apr 01, 202415:16
Episode 233 - Get Your Most Real

Episode 233 - Get Your Most Real

Most of the time, as adults, we live in our thoughts. We do it when we get up, go to work, or when we try to distract ourselves from our feelings with all the modern inventions at our disposal. Most of us barely even remember what it was like to feel and to use our senses. We learned to abstract from reality and construct our lives in our heads. But there is a way out. In fact, there are many ways to return to where we once were as more mature adults who can choose to live better lives.
Mar 18, 202417:34
Episode 232 - Spice up Your Life

Episode 232 - Spice up Your Life

There's one quality we all have when we are children that most lose over time. And it's not hard work or intelligence alone. At the end of the day, those who can keep their openness and curiosity (or learn to get it back) will always be the ones to succeed.

Mar 04, 202412:50
Episode 231 - The Way of the Warrior

Episode 231 - The Way of the Warrior

It is true that the real test of a man is not simply how physically strong or dominant he is. It is how comfortable we are with our emotions, especially as it relates to helping other people and becoming our best, most mature selves. And the peace this affords us has to be earned in the crucible of a fight that is much more important and dire than facing physical conflict alone.
Feb 19, 202413:24
Episode 230 - Master Your Self-Esteem

Episode 230 - Master Your Self-Esteem

There are several components to what we call self-esteem. There is the influence of our genes, there's our place in our social order (and how well we stick to it), and perhaps most importantly, how we progress in things that matter to us (that is, how we set and achieve goals for ourselves). All of these will reward us with positive feelings through chemicals in the brain. While some things are more easily influenced than others, there's a lot we can do to live better, fuller lives than we previously thought possible.

Feb 05, 202416:40
Episode 229 - Create Your Legacy

Episode 229 - Create Your Legacy

We are conditioned to do what other people want us to do, which we take for the right thing to do. Yet, each individual life is unique and requires our own unique and sometimes out-of-the-box decisions to be made. Because a life half-conscious is a life half-lived. It all boils down to two questions: What do you want, and why?

Jan 22, 202414:05
Episode 228 - Be Your True Self

Episode 228 - Be Your True Self

So often, in our day-to-day lives, we become stuck in our own heads, not really feeling our bodies or connecting to the people around us. Great things happen when we reconnect with ourselves, knowing we can only benefit by becoming more of who we truly want to be.

Jan 08, 202421:37
Episode 227 - Set Yourself Up for Success

Episode 227 - Set Yourself Up for Success

Too often, we focus on what we want to achieve without considering why we want it or how we can create the best results. We put our focus outside of where our power lies. Taking that focus and putting it back where it belongs - on doing our best in the situation and learning from the experience, rather than just on "what's in it for me" is the key to any real and meaningful success and to becoming a force of positive influence for others.

Dec 25, 202314:34
Episode 226 - Stand Up for Yourself

Episode 226 - Stand Up for Yourself

Many of us continue to hold beliefs that hold us back, that were untrue even when we picked them up when we were much younger. We still see these beliefs as accurate without questioning them simply because they have become familiar. But that doesn't make them true. By adopting a growth mindset, you can achieve your dreams, as well as what you don't yet know will benefit your life the most.
Dec 11, 202318:11
Episode 225 - The Art of Taking a Break

Episode 225 - The Art of Taking a Break

We like to be active, go out and achieve. This is all great most of the time, but sometimes we get so caught up in achieving our goals we no longer realize what the real purpose of the goal was, why we wanted to achieve it or what has happened in the meantime. Sometimes taking a break is an art of reconnecting with ourselves on a deeper level, which will lead to making a change that will ultimately benefit us more than always trying to achieve.
Nov 27, 202311:23
Episode 224 - Growth-Cancel Culture

Episode 224 - Growth-Cancel Culture

We are living in a time when more people are gaining power over public discourse than ever before. There are many positives to it - from giving more power to individuals to giving voice to the voiceless. A lot of good has been done that couldn't be done before. Unfortunately, even well-meant ideas don't always lead to public good, particularly when they are used irresponsibly or when they are downright abused.
Nov 13, 202324:38
Episode 223 - Get a Mature Perspective

Episode 223 - Get a Mature Perspective

We are each the most important person in the world. Most of us have known this since childhood and never relinquished this idea. There are good psychological and biological reasons for this as a default outlook on life. At the same time, we benefit greatly from a more balanced perspective. The mature person can understand and live with the notion that they are insignificant in the bigger scheme of things and, at the same time, the most important, because that is how we make important changes in our lives.

Oct 30, 202310:41
Episode 222 - Your True Superpower

Episode 222 - Your True Superpower

Responsibility is the spice of life. It creates meaning out of nothing. It builds strength of character. It makes pain go away. And it's the one thing that creates true happiness in life. There are caveats about what to feel or not to feel responsible for, but taking more responsibility for our lives is almost always the best and most empowering thing we can do.
Oct 16, 202319:21
Episode 221 - Use Your Introvert Power

Episode 221 - Use Your Introvert Power

Many of us grew up believing there was something wrong with us if we were quiet or kept to ourselves while doing our things or read a lot of books instead of socializing. Yet, as a society, we are beginning to realize that introverts have the power and focus to make things happen that will change our world.

Oct 02, 202314:40
Episode 220 - The Power of Authenticity

Episode 220 - The Power of Authenticity

Genuine authenticity is not an easy thing to understand, let alone maintain in day-to-day life. But the more we learn the principles and live by them, the more our lives and those around us become positively transformed.
Sep 18, 202317:23
Episode 219 - Create Abundance

Episode 219 - Create Abundance

We spend much of our lives trying to get what we think we want and what we think other people want us to do and want. Only when we realize that we are enough and that other people are enough, we can create space for all that is real and special in life.
Sep 04, 202316:59
Episode 218 - Healthy Diet

Episode 218 - Healthy Diet

Dieting, in all its different forms, is now a huge business - and most often, it has other agenda than improving your health or keeping you fit (which would generally be contrary to its business model). While you can seek comprehensive advice from a good trainer or nutritionist, the change in your lifestyle that will make the most difference doesn't need to be big or complicated. And it can be the best thing you've ever done almost from the get-go.

Aug 21, 202317:46
Episode 217 - Grow Your Self-Esteem

Episode 217 - Grow Your Self-Esteem

Healthy self-esteem is the foundation for self-respect and confidence, each of which will build a better, happier life. There are several qualities that make for strong self-esteem, not least of which, paradoxically, is humility.

Aug 07, 202318:29
Episode 216 - Master Your Thinking and Action

Episode 216 - Master Your Thinking and Action

This is one of the "heavier" episodes. Drawing from CBT (or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) it focuses on the relationship between cognition (mainly thinking, feeling, and beliefs) and taking action. It explores how these influence and strengthen each other and how understanding why we think and do things the way we do can help us positively transform our lives.

Jul 24, 202315:57
Episode 215 - Crush the Fear of Success

Episode 215 - Crush the Fear of Success

The fear of success is one of the greatest limitations we put on ourselves so we don't achieve what we have every right to get, even though this fear is something very different from what we commonly think. Understanding how this fear works will skyrocket our success, especially for those who deserve success the most - the most caring of us, who prefer not to ruffle any feathers, or who tend to put other people first.
Jul 10, 202316:05
Episode 214 - The Dark Side of Perfection

Episode 214 - The Dark Side of Perfection

Learning new skills and becoming better versions of ourselves is one of the biggest (and most addictive) pleasures life has to offer. One which will work amazingly well for long as we put it in service of a greater good.

Jun 26, 202315:27
Episode 213 - The Imposter Syndrome

Episode 213 - The Imposter Syndrome

Sometimes we feel we're not measuring up, and that everyone else can see that. We might even feel helpless and isolated. When that happens, we often miss that the feeling can in fact be a blessing in disguise that can skyrocket our self-development to new heights.

Jun 12, 202312:54
Episode 212 - Harness Your Unconscious Potential

Episode 212 - Harness Your Unconscious Potential

Psychologists know there is much more to the human mind than we are consciously aware of. So do people with eidetic memory, people who have learned the method of photoreading, and any kind of geniuses and prodigies that we believe are "gifted". Understanding and making better use of the part of our mind that we are not normally aware of is the basis for a happier life better aligned with our values, as well as for almost any big achievement.
May 29, 202317:26
Episode 211 - Grow from PTSD

Episode 211 - Grow from PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious mental health problem caused by a single trauma or a number of traumatic incidents. While successful treatment generally includes working with a specialist, there is a lot we can do to better understand the condition, our triggers, and how our past can be better understood and used to live a better life in the future.
May 15, 202316:52
Episode 210 - Perfect Your Boundaries

Episode 210 - Perfect Your Boundaries

Being authentic means saying no at times - to ourselves and the people around us. Learning the process also means choosing guilt over resentment, understanding it, and letting it go.

May 01, 202315:25
Episode 209 - Turn Fear Into Your Ally

Episode 209 - Turn Fear Into Your Ally

There are moments in life when we feel helpless or overwhelmed - like we're not good enough, or we lost our way and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Fortunately, this very feeling has information contained in it that can lead us to master the very thing that used to give us fear.
Apr 17, 202317:31
Episode 208 - Be a True Friend

Episode 208 - Be a True Friend

Many people like to have a lot of friends, but we know only some of them are really special. Let's see what it takes to be such a friend so that you can be that to the people that are special to you; most of all, to yourself.
Apr 03, 202317:58
Episode 207 - Reclaim Your Feelings

Episode 207 - Reclaim Your Feelings

This day and age gives us a lot to think about. We have our jobs and assignments, our mortgages, the future of our kids...All of these things lead us to live more in our thoughts about the past and in planning for the future than in the present. We become so torn between our mind and our emotions that we often end up trying to dissociate from the one thing that can lead us back to ourselves.

Mar 20, 202315:21
Episode 206 - Live Your Life with Intention

Episode 206 - Live Your Life with Intention

We like to believe that success in life is the result of hard work and talent alone, and that is simply not true. There is one much more important quality that we can all develop, and that is the ability to put your focus where you want it - and, even more importantly, to develop a system of putting it back where it belongs whenever needed.
Mar 06, 202315:15
Episode 205 - Crank Up Your Life

Episode 205 - Crank Up Your Life

Some of the most important life changes require more than just a realization. They call for the ability to move past our excuses and rationalizations and to do the work that will bear the fruit we want.
Feb 20, 202319:14
Episode 204 - Sex Communication

Episode 204 - Sex Communication

In sex and relationships, many of us didn't exactly get the best start, and we feel the effect throughout our lives. Let's take a look at one of the areas where openness and growth can help make all the difference in the world.
Feb 06, 202318:25
Episode 203 - Use Your Superpower

Episode 203 - Use Your Superpower

Growing up, many of us have been taught to be more cautious and serious and to downplay our curiosity. And for sure, there are times when being cautious is the right approach; but apart from the rare situations that warrant it, cultivating healthy curiosity brings much more benefits than anything else.

Jan 23, 202316:17
Episode 202 - Sleeping Supercharged

Episode 202 - Sleeping Supercharged

Most of us don't understand what good sleep does for us and just how important it is for our health and well being. Let's take a deeper dive into why your tonight's good sleep is one of the best gifts you can give yourself today and for many years to come. 

Jan 09, 202319:44
Episode 201 - Sleep Your Way to Success

Episode 201 - Sleep Your Way to Success

Sleep takes up about a third of our lives - or at least it should. Why? Because good sleep, just like good nourishment, is a pre-requisite for us to be at our best; to be healthier, happier and to live longer.
Jan 02, 202316:44
Episode 200 - Live at Your Best

Episode 200 - Live at Your Best

The 200th episode is a re-visit of some of the most important topics discussed on the podcast. While some of these concepts and tips may seem basic, this is exactly where the biggest long-term benefits come from.
Dec 19, 202217:16
Episode 199 - The Key to Healthy Relationships

Episode 199 - The Key to Healthy Relationships

Relationships can be hard work, especially when we don't have enough experience and don't know exactly what we are doing. While there are tons of tips and ideas on how to make a relationship strong, these ideas can be broken down to several key principles that, when maintained, will keep your relationship strong and healthy for life.

Dec 05, 202217:04
Episode 198 - The Nature of Intelligence

Episode 198 - The Nature of Intelligence

Intelligence is not just being smart. It is one of the most important and most transferable life skills that will help you do better in life and work alike.

Nov 28, 202212:40
Episode 197 - Becoming Whole

Episode 197 - Becoming Whole

Becoming your best self doesn't necessarily require studying a ton of books or going to fancy self-improvement workshops (or listening to sophisticated podcasts). It really is about going back to the basics - and making sure every part of your life and personality aligns with your life vision and purpose.

Nov 14, 202216:10
Episode 196 - The Key to Attraction

Episode 196 - The Key to Attraction

There is a key quality that makes us attractive and welcome in any crowd; one that we have access to as children and that we tend to lose when growing up, hopefully picking it up later at some point. It is indeed true that honesty is the greatest aphrodisiac.
Nov 07, 202209:58
Episode 195 - Attract Your Soulmates

Episode 195 - Attract Your Soulmates

We all want that special someone waiting - we think - for us somewhere out there. You know, the One. The good news is, he or she really is there for us. The even better news is they're more than one. And best of all, we will attract them to our lives when we make ourselves ready for the relationship, and not a moment sooner.

Oct 31, 202217:22
Episode 194 - Be Your Own Best Friend

Episode 194 - Be Your Own Best Friend

Most of us grow up thinking we are not good enough being ourselves, that we don't measure up. This can be a healthy thing that drives us to be more active and achieve great things, up to a point. In excess, the same drive is exactly the thing that will limit us the most. Until, that is, we learn to balance the learned drive to always judge and criticize what we do and who we are with allowing ourselves to be at our best.

Oct 24, 202212:38
Episode 193 - Be The Man Women Dream About

Episode 193 - Be The Man Women Dream About

There are specific qualities that make a man desirable to women. That, in fact, can make any man as attractive - if not more - as the most beautiful woman is to a man. And it's not fame, looks or how much the man has on his bank account.
Oct 17, 202214:55
Episode 192 - Grow through Heartbreak

Episode 192 - Grow through Heartbreak

A broken heart is one of the most painful things and stages in life we can experience - no matter how many people will tell us that it will pass or that there are "many other fish in the sea." The true lesson and relief from heartbreak ultimately is not just time. It is the realization of why we couldn't really be with the person we originally fell in love with, what is valuable about the lesson, and how we can create meaning out of it that will make us a better, stronger and more evolved version of ourselves. There is no insight without any pain. The trick, in the words of T.E. Lawrence of Arabia, is not minding that it hurts.
Oct 10, 202216:30
Episode 191 - Be Dominant (the Right Way)

Episode 191 - Be Dominant (the Right Way)

Being strong and dominant (especially in men) is increasingly seen as a decidedly bad, even dangerous quality. Yet, contrary to what many of us would believe, dominance is not aggression - it is a healthy, natural trait that, when used well, can bring out the best in all of us.
Sep 26, 202211:09
Episode 190 - Gain Emotional Balance

Episode 190 - Gain Emotional Balance

We all like to increase the highs and diminish the lows in how we feel, but at times we may feel like the pendulum swings almost too far in both directions. It's okay to feel strong emotions, but sometimes we need to equalize them and find some equilibrium.

Sep 19, 202211:32
Episode 189 - Create the Best Version of Yourself

Episode 189 - Create the Best Version of Yourself

Each one of us has core beliefs that we've formed mostly in our childhood that affect everything we do - mostly without us knowing it. These will lead to situations we don't seem to know how to resolve or how we got there. Until, that is, we resolve to dive deep, shine light on our needs and core beliefs, and transform and fulfill them. When we make sure we truly take care of ourselves first, we can do our part in transforming the world for the better.

Sep 12, 202216:21