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Phenomenal Disabilities With Tree Lowe

Phenomenal Disabilities With Tree Lowe

By Vision Edge Media

Introducing the 2023 Individual Episodes-DEI and 2022 Davey Award General DEI podcasts. Phenomenal Disabilities with Tree Lowe features moving and authentic stories from a community of disabled individuals. The documentary lets you see how disabled people live as they are, without explanation. Phenomenal Disabilities features guests' careers, hobbies, insights, resources, and ups and downs. This isn't your typical sit-and-chat. This show will motivate folks to appreciate the simple things in life and get off their bottoms.
Currently playing episode

My Super Power with Louise Barnett

Phenomenal Disabilities With Tree LoweOct 14, 2022

We Are Visible Talents, Not Invisible - With Dana JonesK, Katie Farmer, James Barniker, & Marie Dagenais-Lewis

We Are Visible Talents, Not Invisible - With Dana JonesK, Katie Farmer, James Barniker, & Marie Dagenais-Lewis

Getting work in the industry can be pretty challenging. We have to navigate a field of different people from all walks of life. It has been a challenge for many disabled people to compete against able-body people for boardroom seats, positions as executive producers, directors, producers, etc. The LCA Marketing Team (Dana JonesK, Katie Farmer, James Barniker, Marie Dagenais-Lewis & Tree Lowe) discuss the importance of executive positions on the show. In addition, why the media industry should hire more disabled people. In addition to the writers strike, careers, etc., they'll enlighten the world from a warm perspective.

Sep 18, 202350:52
No Barriers with Dylan Lazaga

No Barriers with Dylan Lazaga

Since childhood, Dylan Lazaga has lived authentically as an epileptic individual. Despite his disability, Dylan continues to pursue his dreams. Dylan believes it is important for people to understand epilepsy and to be prepared when someone experiences an epileptic episode. Disabilities, according to Dylan, aren't barriers. In addition, Dylan believes that neurotypical individuals should be open-minded, instead of quick to judge.

Follow Dylan Lazaga at

May 01, 202322:50
A Super Mom's Message About Autism with Susan Sheller
Mar 30, 202349:48
A Global Inclusion Perspective with Nargiz Yeldenbayeva and Inessa Missetskaya

A Global Inclusion Perspective with Nargiz Yeldenbayeva and Inessa Missetskaya

Inclusion globally has been a topic of discussion within the disability community. It is however necessary for inclusion to be realized through action, which is why Nargiz Yeldenbayeva and Inessa Missetskaya from Georgia, have decided to take matters into their own hands in order to guide the disabled community to self-empowerment and inclusion. 

Nargiz and Inessa are trainers of inclusion practices, developing trainers, practitioners, public speakers, and advocates. Their work focuses on equity and inclusion. In addition to their professional backgrounds, both of the ladies are parents of disabled children. As part of their work with the disabled community, Nargiz and Inessa strive to improve their lives with effective tools through tactile therapy. Individuals with cerebral palsy, autism, blindness, and other disabilities have been known to benefit from tactile therapy. Many sensory activities are involved: smell, listening to sounds, taste, food, and touch. However, there are so many forms of this practice. 

Nargiz and Inessa discuss their techniques with many people they work with, provide insightful information, and wisdom to reflect on. Inessa and Nargiz's message to the world is that disabilities must be respected everywhere. It is also imperative for the able-bodied community to offer disabled individuals the freedom of safe space to explore and live authentically in the world.

To find out more about Nargiz and Inessa's services and advocacy work visit:

"Disability is not the reason to whitewash yourself. Disability is the opportunity to try to find answers. What is the relation between people and this world?"~~~~Inessa Missetskaya

Mar 29, 202301:12:24
Relationship and Anxiety with Dr. Laurie Weiss

Relationship and Anxiety with Dr. Laurie Weiss

Dr. Laurie Weiss, psychotherapist, coach and relationship communication expert has helped more than 60,000 individuals reclaim life energy and find joy in life for more than four decades. She has taught professionals in 13 countries and authored 13 books that make complex information accessible to anyone. Her popular, Letting It Go, teaches rapid anxiety and stress relief.

She and her husband, Jonathan B. Weiss, Ph.D., started working together in 1970. Both Drs. Weiss love mixing business and pleasure and enjoy visiting professional colleagues and friends around the globe. They live and work in Littleton, Col. USA.

Feb 16, 202339:48
A Disability Discussion From Kenya, Africa with Fidelis Kariku

A Disability Discussion From Kenya, Africa with Fidelis Kariku

Social worker, advocate, and activist, Fidelis Kariku, discusses the issues in Africa and across the globe with the disability community and services. It is essential to address the ongoing problems around the world if we are to increase awareness. A better life for children, advocacy, and living in gratitude are Fidelis' objectives. Although Fidelis does work as a social worker, but she struggles to provide for upgraded disability equipment on her salary. Find out more from Fidelis and her life journey about what the world can do better.

If you would like to contribute or find about more about the children she cares for as a social worker, reach out to her at

Feb 15, 202342:52
The Brighter Side Of Life with Julie McLean

The Brighter Side Of Life with Julie McLean

Advocate, public speaker, and owner of Start The Convo, Julie McLean addresses the issue of mental illness around suicide. It is increasingly common for young and old to commit suicide for a variety of reasons. The issue needs to be addressed directly to help those who are considering ending their lives see how valuable their life is. As a result of her own experience with suicide, Julie became an advocate and public speaker. On the show, Julie aims to provide others with resources and guidance based on her experiences.

If you or anyone is considering suicide, know you are not alone. Contact 988 for supportive services.

Web Link:

Feb 15, 202301:07:40
Find Balance And Harmony with Chaitanya Mukund
Jan 26, 202347:23
Addiction & Mental Disabilities Is An Everyday Journey with Birdie

Addiction & Mental Disabilities Is An Everyday Journey with Birdie

Birdie and his family have battled with addiction or mental disability for many years. Although Birdie is battling sobriety, he navigate through them it is important to draw attention to his journey. However, Birdie does want to get help, but it has been complicated with his family and been battling their disabilities too. Even though addiction isn't phenomenal, this episode aims to emphasize Birdie's current struggle.

Many people who have not endured these life experiences such as Birdie and his family would ask "Why". Keep one thing in mind,  addiction and mental disabilities is not made to be left for judgment, but draw awareness.  

Phenomenal Disabilities will keep up with Birdie's journey and additional interviews, so stay tuned.

For those of you who are ready to seek services for mental or addiction call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 988

Jan 17, 202328:41
I Deserve To Hold Space As I Am with Nahyr Ruiz (Part 2)

I Deserve To Hold Space As I Am with Nahyr Ruiz (Part 2)

As a mother, wife, dance teacher, recent M.F.A. graduate, from the neurodiversity community, Nahyr Ruiz relates so well to it all. She is also a strong representation of BIPOC disabled women wearing multiple hats in life. Nahyr understands living a fruitful life with various invisible disabilities while navigating with them as a mother and wife. However, she never saw them as a stumbling block while having her three children. Meanwhile, many of the disabled community encounter ableism from various other communities about their invisible disabilities. Nahyr feels it is important for everyone to suppress criticisms, be more informed with a better sense of compassion. More and importantly, stop creating ableism and drama over disabilities because it is not up to anyone to participate in as entertainment relief, or cast stones.  

"Your limitation is what you put on yourself. Disability is not limitation at all. Sooooo... stop hanging hung up on it!"

Jan 17, 202301:22:36
Neurodivergent Pride A Family Thang with Nahyr Ruiz (Part 1 of 2)

Neurodivergent Pride A Family Thang with Nahyr Ruiz (Part 1 of 2)

As a mother, wife, dance teacher, recent M.F.A. graduate, from the neurodiversity community, Nahyr Ruiz relates so well to it all. She is also a strong representation of BIPOC disabled women wearing multiple hats in life. Because Nahyr comes from a near divergent community, it was easy for her to recognize her daughter's recent neurodivergent discovery. There are many parents in the non-disabled community who struggle to relate to their neurodivergent children or family members. Nahyr hopes to teach the world how to address disabilities within the family household from a rational perspective.


Dec 20, 202257:11
Advocacy Through Music with Philanthropic Songwriter, 4-time Grammy Nominated Musician, Tony Cantor

Advocacy Through Music with Philanthropic Songwriter, 4-time Grammy Nominated Musician, Tony Cantor

Philanthropic Songwriter, Tony Mantor, Promotes Autism Acceptance in Newest Single!

Tony Mantor, the 4-time grammy nominated musician, recreates his song, “Why Not Me” in order to raise autism awareness and acceptance. Originally, the charitable songwriter released “Why Not Me” along with a music video to show appreciation for first responders. With immense success of the original video, Tony Mantor created a pop version and new music video of the song to expand upon his charitable efforts.

Retiring from the music industry years ago, the artist did not expect to create music this year. Yet, after writing “Why Not Me” for his grandchildren, Tony knew this song was destined for much more than his family. Mantor, originally released “Why Not Me” as a country song dedicated to the first responders who dedicate their lives to our country. The new version of “Why Not Me” promotes the importance of believing in yourself and always following your heart and reams. Inspired lyrics accompanied with calming instrumentals, the audience is left feeling optimistic in their capabilities after listening to the song.

With philanthropy in mind, Tony Mantor has taken his veteran hat off and is reentering the music industry through one good deed after the other. Tony Mantor is continuing to make a change as he states, “my goal is that I can help at least one person by promoting autism awareness, acceptance and understandingthrough the pop/AC version,” explains the thoughtful musician.

Listen to the single out now on all platforms and learn more about the talented Tony Mantor at:!

Watch the Music Video Here:

Dec 20, 202237:43
Disability Is A Part Of Everyone's Life with Andy Arias
Dec 19, 202201:10:28
Living That Super Cool Low Vision Swag with Shashank Sharma

Living That Super Cool Low Vision Swag with Shashank Sharma

Actor Shashank Sharma, who is a low vision theater actor, does not perceive his disability negatively. Throughout his childhood and adulthood, Shashank has never apologised for his disability, always seeing hard work as the key to success. Shashank believes there should be no limits to the things one can achieve in life. 

“Disability isn’t a bad thing, so STOP tripping about it.”~~~Shashank Sharma

Nov 06, 202241:10
My Challenges Became My Strengths with Liz Pritchard

My Challenges Became My Strengths with Liz Pritchard

There is still widespread misperceptions about autism, OCD, anorexia, and numerous other disabilities. In contrast, Liz Pritchard, a poet, painter, writer, and animator from the LGBT community, discusses the truth about disabilities, careers, and personal life. The report from Ablesim Around The World estimates that one in seven people are frequently subjected to ableism. In order to combat the stigma surrounding disabilities, Liz encourages people not to label them and develop anti-disability attitudes. 

“Disability isn’t and it doesn’t define you. While disability has many challenges, it also has many strengths.”~~~Liz Pritchard

All music provided by Epic Sound- (Come Correct Sarah and Oregano)

Nov 06, 202226:30
Cancer What? with Jackie Meader

Cancer What? with Jackie Meader

Despite her journey with breast cancer, Jackie Meader sees life as full of abundance being a mother, wife, fitness enthusiast, advocate, and entrepreneur. It is common for people to develop misinformation about breast cancer, and Jackie is ready to set things straight about it all. Breast cancer is an epidemic that has been increasing, so it is pertinent to address the subject to understand what women like Jackie and many others are experiencing.

"You can still be who you are and do whatever you want, but don't let other's beliefs limit you of what you can do."~~~Jackie Meader

Oct 28, 202241:34
My Super Power with Louise Barnett

My Super Power with Louise Barnett

The life of sobriety and navigating mental disability is something Louise Barnett understands. There have been so many misconceptions and misunderstandings about addiction and sobriety. In addition, mental disabilities are attacked rather than understood. Because of this, Louise discuss these topics on the show to bring awareness and effective advice she can provide so many. Even though many struggle with sobriety and mental wellness, Louise is determined to show that anyone can succeed. With a rich life as a writer, advocate, mother, wife, and businesswoman, Louise inspires others to aim high. Moreover, her warm spirit, witty personality, and goal-driven edge will motivate anyone.

"Disability isn't a definition. It does not define us. It's just a piece of the puzzle. It's my super power."~~~~ Louise Barnett

Oct 14, 202244:41
"Don't Be Trying To Limit My Thunder" with Angel Sapp

"Don't Be Trying To Limit My Thunder" with Angel Sapp

As a low vision individual, Angel Sapp represents the BIPOC, LGBTQIA, and disabled communities. With this week's discussion, Angel aims to let everyone know that the low vision, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA communities hold space and are just as viable in the workforce and anywhere else. Further, Angel discusses future plans of attending college as a psychologist, as well as various career work professions over the years (seamstress, receptionist, and freight shipping) and their lifestyle in the LGBTQIA community. Angel's on-point, direct, and humorous approach will captivate you. 

"Disability isn't limited."~~~Angel Sapp

Oct 13, 202254:53
Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Tree Lowe
Oct 03, 202214:10
My Artist Rhythm Is Limitless with Katie Farmer

My Artist Rhythm Is Limitless with Katie Farmer

After surviving osteosarcoma and learning to navigate life on a whole new level after losing her hearing, Katie Farmer shares how she is processing everything and finding her creative flow along the way. With Katie's insight, parents can approach disabilities differently. Having worked in multiple fields: Special FX, music, fitness training, etc., Katie is committed to ending social stigmas and ableism. "Disabilities do not limit us because it does not make us less, but make us more because we have so much to offer."~~~Katie Farmer

Oct 01, 202201:38:33
My Fluid Motivational Rhythm with Irina Rivkin

My Fluid Motivational Rhythm with Irina Rivkin

With Myofascial Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Environmental Illness / MCS, autoimmune, and other disabilities, Irina Rivkin provides the world with an educated perspective into her world. This is especially true in light of the COVID pandemic. Irina understands the challenges associated with various disabilities. Even so, it doesn't stop her from doing what she enjoys most: supporting college students in their educational journeys. Irina will not only provide informative information about herself and her personal life, but she will also perform live. So hold tight and enjoy this amazing show!

If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund Irina has created for college students, please go to 

Background music provided by Epicsounds, song and artist: Almost Sumer by Franz Gordon

Sep 22, 202248:44
Owning My Super Fly Air with Ushonda Wilson

Owning My Super Fly Air with Ushonda Wilson

As a paraplegic, Ushonda Wilson has learned to adapt to life despite losing mobility. Although she works full-time and juggles other responsibilities, she did not give up on her media dreams. With Ushonda's passion for life, career, supportive network, and family, she demonstrates what she wants of others. Ushonda provides her direct approach to enjoying life since so many people forget to embrace the simple aspects of it. In order to fulfill her dream, Ushonda continues to pave the way in the world, striving to bring joy to people's lives. With Ushonda's "super fly" attitude, she will bring the world's eyes to the bigger picture.

Sep 04, 202201:05:49
An Autistic Actor/Singers Journey with Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez

An Autistic Actor/Singers Journey with Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez

Melissa Jennifer Gonzales is not only a non-binary actor/singer, but also someone of the autistic community and an advocate. There is a widespread misconception about autism because so many people do not know what it is. Melissa's goal is to increase people's understanding of autism. In today's uncertain times, Melissa finds advocating to be a continuous process, but their passion for it will never waver. Melissa's story will captivate, educate, and provide clarity on finding an authentic drum. The most important thing is that Melissa is committed to making it up the Hollywood ladder.

Sep 03, 202201:09:02
Sober As "F" with Mean Dave

Sober As "F" with Mean Dave

The story of Mean Dave's journey from addiction to sobriety is heartfelt and direct. He has found the right seasoning for his sobriety palette thanks to a supportive network group. He mixes stand-up comedy with straight-forward messages about a variety of life topics. Throughout his performance, he leaves his audience in stitches with every punch line he utters. From community advocacy to comedy stand-up performances on stage, Mean Dave's journey toward sobriety continues. The purpose of this episode is to educate the world about addiction and sobriety, since many people do not understand why addiction can be classified as a disability. With Mean Dave's crassly direct approach about sobriety and everything that comes along with it, his core message is about keeping your eye on the prize of life and maintaining balance.

Aug 30, 202202:01:22
My Own Words with Nina G

My Own Words with Nina G

Nina G., is from the Northern California Bay Area. Despite having dyslexia and stuttering, she is an advocate for others proud and strong on her own terms. This talented woman strives to be heard on stage and is unapologetic about her disability. She has been in the industry for quite some time now, bringing joy to everyone's souls and filling them with humor. The most meaningful thing to take away from Nina's work is her motivation to live authentically in all contexts. Throughout the podcast, Nina will leave no stone unturned when it comes to humor and truth. In this episode, we aim to provide a direct and uplifting message about embracing who you are regardless of your community.

Aug 29, 202252:51
My Beautiful Life with Diana Elizabeth Jordan

My Beautiful Life with Diana Elizabeth Jordan

Diana Elizabeth Jordan is no newbie to the acting world, activism, and owning a business. In addition, she has not let her cerebral palsy hinder her career as an actress. Even as a child, she was involved in acting. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Acting from California State University Long Beach. In addition to teaching acting, she has worked as an actress in theater, television, and film. Additionally, Diana is an artist, influencer, and online host of the Rainbow Butterfly Cafe. As a disabled actress and woman of color, she strives to break down stigmas and stereotypes in order to achieve her goals. In spite of the lack of understanding about cerebral palsy, it is important to provide the world with the truth from Diana's mouth about her journey as a rocking soulful woman who just loves to show off her magic both in front of and behind the camera.

Disclaimer: Listeners please understand that Diana does have cerebral palsy, so allow yourself to sit in a quiet space to fully listen to her clearly. 

Aug 27, 202201:16:35
Moving Forward with Marylin and Jayajothy "Jaya" Sliney

Moving Forward with Marylin and Jayajothy "Jaya" Sliney

Marylin and Jayajothy "Jaya" Sliney are a family team who have navigated their own disabilities, personal life, career, and authentic happiness. In the Phenomenal Disabilities podcast, they give their insights about depression, suicide, and being present to enjoy what they have been given. In such a profound way, their stories will raise the bar on life for anyone. Depression, suicide, and other mental disabilities have been common in society. Nevertheless, it is imperative to continue discussing mental health and community involvement. This episode is intended to educate and keep moving forward.

Aug 21, 202201:06:35
And I continue to RISE with Jayajothy "Jaya" Sliney

And I continue to RISE with Jayajothy "Jaya" Sliney

The Phenomenal Disabilities team had the pleasure of sitting down with Jayajothy "Jaya" Sliney to discuss activism, career, education, and navigating their authentic self as disabled and LGBTQ individuals. Jaya has dealt with numerous experiences in life that have brought them here today. Yet, they've found a way to keep representing strength, power, leadership, growth, and beauty all in one. Through Jaya's life journey, you'll gain an appreciation for disabilities and the importance of "just doing you."

Aug 21, 202244:49


Rewards come in many forms. Can we understand why they are important? How can we look at the aspect of rewards differently?

Aug 20, 202229:26
August 17, 2022

August 17, 2022

Aug 17, 202200:60
Doing Your Best “Daily Disabled” Self

Doing Your Best “Daily Disabled” Self

During this episode I talk about navigating with a disability and my inspiration to offer everyone.
Aug 17, 202230:08