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PhilOptimized Podcast

PhilOptimized Podcast

By Phil Schafer

Teaching people about business, hormone therapy, ketamine therapy and lives being changed through the process of doing hard things.
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Core Value #3 - Lead By Example | Business | Episode #9

PhilOptimized PodcastJun 21, 2022

Interview with Dr. Brenna Butler | Female Hormones | Episode #32

Interview with Dr. Brenna Butler | Female Hormones | Episode #32

Interview with my colleague and friend Dr. Brenna Butler regarding her life changing experience with hormones. Brenna is now a Certified Hormone Provider and has changed the lives of many of her patients. Thank you for the time Brenna!
Jul 16, 202207:19
Friendship | Personal | Episode #31

Friendship | Personal | Episode #31

A cool poem about friendship.. I’ve grown much closer to several friends during the 75 hard program and phase. We have suffered together in life. The quality is a little rough, I think some water got into my microphone. Thank you for listening
Jul 16, 202202:53
Roll with the punches | Business | Episode #31

Roll with the punches | Business | Episode #31

Here is a poem that resonated with me today. Thank you for listening
Jul 15, 202202:10
Interview with Shannon Jauregui | Female Hormones | Episode #30

Interview with Shannon Jauregui | Female Hormones | Episode #30

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing a patient we have been treating for the past 2 years. Shannon’s life has been changed through hormone therapy and she gets very real in this podcast. Thank you Shannon for sharing your story. You are a true inspiration!
Jul 13, 202209:22
Free Up Free Time | Personal | Episode #29

Free Up Free Time | Personal | Episode #29

Free time is finite. When we are in dark places, we sometimes feel like we are being buried.. we are not being buried, we are being planted: today I go over how to free up our free time and re-evaluate what is important in our lives. Thank you for listening.
Jul 13, 202205:16
Power List | Business | Episode #28

Power List | Business | Episode #28

This has been a game changer for me. The power list helps me finish out or win the day every day. Very different than a to-do list, which a list of things that has no motivation behind the success that I am pursuing.
Jul 12, 202203:28
Hypothyroidism | Hormone Optimization | Episode #28

Hypothyroidism | Hormone Optimization | Episode #28

Each type of thyroid disorder carries its own set of negative health effects.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism in a men and women include:

Undesired weight gain.
Cognitive defects (difficulty thinking and performing tasks).
Chronic fatigue.
Cold sensitivity.
Depression and anxiety.
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism in men and women can include:

Mood swings.
Insomnia (inability to sleep).
Chronic fatigue.
Jul 11, 202205:24
Managing Anxiety | Personal | Episode #27

Managing Anxiety | Personal | Episode #27

There are lots of ways to manage anxiety without medications. I go over them here. Anxiety is real. I encourage people to manage anxiety without pharmaceuticals. Here are some tips.
Jul 10, 202204:03
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome | Women’s Hormones | Episode #26

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome | Women’s Hormones | Episode #26

Today I talk about PCOS. A very difficult to treat disorder that deeply effects the quality of life in women. Very hard to diagnose, and often goes undiagnosed.
Jul 09, 202205:54
Bad days.. keep going | Personal | Episode #25

Bad days.. keep going | Personal | Episode #25

Today was rough.. really rough. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Jul 08, 202203:01
Be Mentally Tough | 75 Hard | Episode #24

Be Mentally Tough | 75 Hard | Episode #24

This episode is about survival, completing the tasks and winning the day. Stay strong friends!! A lot of my friends are doing 75 hard with you.. it is inspiring!
Jul 07, 202202:40
Overthinking | Personal | Episode #23

Overthinking | Personal | Episode #23

I suffer from an ailment.. it’s called overthinking.. here’s how I overcome it.
Jul 06, 202203:18
Having Grit | Business | Episode #22

Having Grit | Business | Episode #22

Grit is passion and perseverance for long term and meaningful goals. Grit is about being able to persist through the good and the bad. People with grit see the long term goals. People with grit are not perfectionists.. but mostly, people with grit have courage.
Jul 05, 202203:40
Resistance | Business | Episode #21

Resistance | Business | Episode #21

Resistance is the mental barrier that keeps us from achieving what we desire. It’s the little voice of doubt that never seems to shut up. It doesn’t want us to win at life.. in this episode I talk about embracing those mistakes, making mistakes your friend to move the needle in your life.. to win and to be successful.
Jul 04, 202203:33
Gratitude - Admire What You Have | Personal | Episode #20

Gratitude - Admire What You Have | Personal | Episode #20

Sometimes we are so focused on a goal or on the future that we forget to stop and admire what we have… Right Now. I am so guilty of this. Today I’m going to suggest an exercise that I am doing to be grateful for what I have right now. Thank you for listening
Jul 03, 202204:31
Don’t let your mind be flabby | Business | Episode #19

Don’t let your mind be flabby | Business | Episode #19

Your mind is a muscle, if you don’t use your mind, it will grow flabby! Read something every day. Just a few pages a day can allow you to read several books a year!
Jul 02, 202204:51
How to Boost Natural Testosterone | Men’s Health | Episode #18

How to Boost Natural Testosterone | Men’s Health | Episode #18

As a man, your testosterone levels are the foundation of your health, and happiness.
It helps your muscle growth, sex drive, bone density, your memory, your heart, and even your rockiness down there.

So it pays to take care of your t-levels.

Of course TRT is available. But that doesn’t mean you should exclude this one thing:
Your diet.

The #1 food to avoid is anything containing PUFAs (Poly Unsaturated Fats.)

Polyunsaturated fats are unsaturated lipids, which are marked by the removal of hydrogen atoms during processing.

An absence of hydrogen atoms leaves the structure vulnerable to attack by free radicals.

Because of this, on a cellular level, polyunsaturated fats are very toxic and hazardous to your health.

Think of these fats like a goopy oil residue that clogs up your car’s engine, except that engine is your body.

Examples of PUFAs include:
soybean oil
sesame oil
canola oil
corn oil
almond oil (mostly used topically)
safflower oil
sunflower seed oil

So before you go frying your next grilled cheese sandwich, consider using an alternative to those oils listed above.

My favorites are:
Coconut oil
Olive oil

These oils are not devoid of all PUFAs, but they have significantly lower levels than those listed above.

Can you live without your PUFAs? Yes, of course you can.

It may be a bit trickier when eating out. But in most good restaurants, you can ask the waiter if the chef can cook with non PUFA oils.
Or, you can eat at better restaurants.

Or even better, cook at home, where you can truly manage what you put into your body.

Take a long look at your diet, and ask yourself, where can you eliminate even 10% of the PUFAs?

I hope this helps.
Jul 01, 202204:32
Who are you supposed to be? | Business | Episode #17

Who are you supposed to be? | Business | Episode #17

Who do you believe you are supposed to become?

What kind of impact are you trying to make?

Are you putting in the work required to build yourself into this person?

Or are you full of BS?

Just a few questions I have been asking myself.. figured I would share
Jun 30, 202203:15
Patriotism | Business | Episode #16

Patriotism | Business | Episode #16

Walking around in our nations capital was meaningful for me today. I appreciate the men and women that have died for our country. We live in the greatest country on earth. I remembered an old friend tonight and his memory; and a conversation that we had about our nations capitol.
Jun 29, 202203:33
Random Washington DC 4am Walkabout | 75 Hard | Episode #15

Random Washington DC 4am Walkabout | 75 Hard | Episode #15

In Washington DC, got into the hotel @ 4am.. still competing tasks
Jun 28, 202204:01
Core Values Summary | Business | Episode #14

Core Values Summary | Business | Episode #14

Here is a summary and brief description of our core values. This will shape up and our foundation will continue to be built around these. This will continue to help us grow as a team and as a business.
Jun 27, 202204:34
Core Value #7 - Have Extreme Ownership | Business | Episode #13

Core Value #7 - Have Extreme Ownership | Business | Episode #13

We believe in accepting full responsibility for our actions and performance. When you identify an issue or are given a task, own that issue or task and see it through to its completion. Do not shift blame. Work to make it right.

If something does not go right or as a planned we take it upon ourselves to assess the problem and how we are going to handle the same problems in the future.
Jun 26, 202202:18
Core Value #6 - Stay Humble | Business | Episode #12

Core Value #6 - Stay Humble | Business | Episode #12

Stay humble and practice humility when it comes to your progress and accomplishments.

Staying humble is a key to long term success.

Because when you stay humble you know that no matter how great you are in some areas, there is always more you can get better with which drives you to continually invest in yourself, push yourself, and work to fulfill your own true potential.
Jun 25, 202205:40
Core Value #5 - Always Be Learning | Business | Episode #11

Core Value #5 - Always Be Learning | Business | Episode #11

Invest in yourself to be better, not only for yourself, but for everyone around you. We believe in taking the time to learn new things to better ourselves personally and improve our performance. Learning is essential to growth and our personal growth and performance have a direct impact on those around us. So by always learning, we can be the best version of ourselves and leave a positive impact.
Jun 23, 202203:47
Core Value #4 - Go The Extra Mile | Business | Episode #10

Core Value #4 - Go The Extra Mile | Business | Episode #10

Core Value #4 - Go the extra mile

In any of our businesses I want our staff to Always Go the Extra Mile. Always strive to over-deliver and exceed peoples' expectations in everything that we do, and do so with enthusiasm and almost extremism. Going the extra mile for others can be the difference between having a positive impact on them or not.

What does this mean.. this means to be extreme when it comes to caring for each other and our clients.

Hand written thank you notes are an example of this. I am a massive of fan of Andy Frisella and all his businesses. Anytime I buy something from any of his companies, I get a hand written, heart-felt letter from whoever packed my package. This has been been a game changer for me. I anticipate opening up every one of those packages and reading those letters.

He recently told a story of how copied, printed unauthentic thank you notes can actually cheapen a brand, Andy bought a brand new very very expensive rolls-royce car and he receive a copied of a printed thank you note in return.. he thought this was ridiculous after buying such a beautiful, custom car.

I thought a lot about this and how I can implement a heart-felt, authentic experience in our office.

Recently in our own practice, I’ve purchase a ton of plain, stock, thank you cards for our staff to be able to write these hand-written notes, with the caveat that they have to be heartfelt and personal.

We have people that are broken and desperate to change their lives come to see us. I have instructed our staff members, that when they make a connection with someone, they send them a heart-felt, personalized note.. specific to that person. We encourage prayer in our lobby.

We try to show people that it’s ok to be human and vulnerable; yes we run a business, but being human is being here and present for the client in the most human way possible with real human emotions and real human problems.

This is where the gold happens and separates us from the rest. In society today, people do not feel cared for.. especially in doctors offices, they often feel like cattle. If we are truly able to touch somebody’s life, to meet them where there at by providing exceptional service and then continue that relationship with a heart-felt hand written note.. that is specific to them, they are going to feel that.. they are going to feel the love.

This is not just with letters people, it’s how I want to shape every aspect of my business. I want our clients to feel seen and receive an over abundance of attention and love. This mentality is what makes our business the best business and has helped us experience exponential 10x growth over the last two years and I still think we are just getting started.

So, with that said.. our managers will support our staff going the extra mile and doing the right thing for the right client at the right time.. every single time.

In our personal lives, doing the extra reps during a workout can be the difference between good results, and great results. Invest the extra time to listen to a friend or support someone in need. No matter the situation, striving to Go the Extra Mile can lead to better results, relationships, and a better life.
Jun 22, 202205:55
Core Value #3 - Lead By Example | Business | Episode #9

Core Value #3 - Lead By Example | Business | Episode #9

We understand that there is literally no other effective way to lead than from the front. You cannot lead if you are not willing to do. You cannot teach or expect anyone to follow your lead if you haven't done the work yourself and set the standard on what to do and how to do it.

In leading others, our actions speak louder than our words. We lead by action, we lead by serving.

How can we expect our team to follow us, if we are not willing to do the work ourselves. My goal is to always outwork my team. I want for them to see that I am pursuing excellence in every area of my life. This is hard, I fail miserably. I want to lead by serving my team, and showing them that I want the best for them by caring for them.

We Lead by Serving our team.
We lead by serving our patients
We lead by serving ourselves and our families.

By always striving to be the best version of ourselves. We lead by being authentic to ourselves, our team and our patients.

We Lead from the Front by doing.
We Work Hard
We do hard things

And we are not afraid to be leaders in our field, in our homes, and in all things we are devoted to.
Jun 21, 202203:10
Core Value #2 - Believe | Business | Episode 8

Core Value #2 - Believe | Business | Episode 8

Core Value #2 - Believe | Business | Episode #8

We start by believing ourselves. That we can do hard things.

Life is not handed to us, we in our business do hard things, and are not afraid to do hard things. We believe in ourselves.

Then we believe in our teammates that they are going to be there for us and are loyal to us. That they are not going to hurt us, at least not intentionally.

We are passionate and extreme in the belief that the work we do changes lives and is worth it.

We believe in the big picture of the business the direction we are all collectively going, and exactly what needs to be done to get there. We believe the struggles that we have will pay off.

We believe doing the right thing is the right thing and strive to do the right thing, every single time.
Jun 20, 202205:12
Core Value # 1 - Loyalty | Business | Episode #7

Core Value # 1 - Loyalty | Business | Episode #7

In these next few segments I am going to be working on core values for our team, as a foundation to move the needle and lead our team in the direction we will be going.

There is some language in here.. it does reflect my passion and the books that I read.

Loyalty means being there for your teammates, being in the trenches with them, because you know they would do the same for you. Loyalty to others, but also to yourself, your goals, and your life. What we are loyal to shapes us, defines what we believe in, and the life we create.
Jun 19, 202206:51
Giving People Hope when There is None | Episode #6

Giving People Hope when There is None | Episode #6

Today I am going to talk about my Ketamine Clinic and my experience with Ketamine and how we passionately give people hope when there is none! I discuss what Ketamine is, the history of it, how it is administered, what to expect at an appointment, the success of ketamine, how it is used as an adjuvant to psychotherapy, risk factors associated with Ketamine, and so much more. Thank you for listening!
Jun 18, 202215:16
How I Failed Phase 1 | Episode 5

How I Failed Phase 1 | Episode 5

Yesterday was a loss for me… I failed phase one.. in order for you all to understand what this means to me.. I need to first explain 75 Hard and the implications of 75 Hard, how it has changed my life and what it means to me. I talk about that, and the phase I am on now.. starting over.
Jun 18, 202209:26
Interview with Leah Munoz - Hormone Optimization | Episode 4

Interview with Leah Munoz - Hormone Optimization | Episode 4

Today I had the opportunity interview my very good friend (and patient) Leah Munoz. We talked about her amazing transformation with hormone therapy over the last year. 40 pounds lost, increased energy, increased libido, no depression meds - thank you Leah for following the process, and being such an incredible friend to our family.
Jun 16, 202207:53
Improving the Quality of Life in Women | Episode 3

Improving the Quality of Life in Women | Episode 3

In this episode I talk about improving the quality of life in women via hormone replacement therapy. I speak about how I got into this business, why female hormones are important, and how scary women are when it comes to hormones. The types of hormones being treated. The signs and symptoms of imbalanced hormones. The labs we draw and why we draw them and how we treat patients and the costs associated with treatment. This is a much longer discussion, but at least it gives a bit of an overview. Of this is helpful for you, please share the show!
Jun 15, 202220:15
For the Desperate Man | Episode #2

For the Desperate Man | Episode #2

Without the awkward intro.. I talk about Men’s Hormone replacement therapy. I share my story, what TRT replacement therapy is. Signs of low Testosterone. Risk Factors associated with low testosterone. What happens at an appointment, the labs drawn, the costs associated, and the different treatment modalities. I also talk about how long you should expect to be on TRT etc.. if any of this was helpful or provided value to you, please share the the show. Thank you!
Jun 14, 202219:39
I did it all wrong | Episode #1

I did it all wrong | Episode #1

The PhilOptimized podcast has been in the works for over a year. I built this very expensive studio with Joe Rogan in mind, with grand ideas to be awesome. Well, all that equipment, cameras, lights, soundproofing etc.. is cool, but not so cool if you do not know how to use it, and you are too scared to start a podcast.. so with that, I’m going to dumb everything down. Back to the KISS mantra, except Im going to add an S to make it KISSS (keep it super simple stupid). Armed with my iPhone, and a free podcasting app.. here we go! Thanks for listening!
Jun 13, 202207:03