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Pieces of Happiness Podcast

Pieces of Happiness Podcast

By Cassidy

It's just a piece because the rest is in you! Conversations with others to spark some ideas on how you can find and share your piece of happiness!

Currently playing episode

The Daily Moments (Hannah S)

Pieces of Happiness PodcastFeb 27, 2022

The Daily Moments (Hannah S)

The Daily Moments (Hannah S)

This week I got to talk with one of my favorite people and roommate :) Hannah shared about how she finds happiness in the daily tasks and how our expectations, attitude, and social media can have strong affects on the way we find happiness. She shares some great advice on how you can adjust how you react to find more happiness, but the importance of remembering its okay to be sad sometimes. I loved talking with Hannah and I hope you can get something great out of this conversation too.

Feb 27, 202223:07
Surrounding Yourself with Relationships (Emily)

Surrounding Yourself with Relationships (Emily)

This week I got to have a great conversation with another friend from college, Emily! She shared how she finds her happiness in relationships. Relationships come in many ways and many of them can bring happiness. Finding the right ones is what allows her to share her happiness with others. Check it out and maybe you can find some new ways to strengthen your relationships too.

Apr 25, 202119:33
Experiencing the Experiences (Nick)

Experiencing the Experiences (Nick)

This week I got to talk with another amazing friend from college, Nick! He shares about how he finds his happiness through three things that together add up to experiences. Music, nature, and travel have a big impact on his happiness and his life. I really enjoyed talking with him and learning how he is able to find happiness through these things, especially during a pandemic. Make sure to listen and maybe you can find something that you relate to as well!

Mar 28, 202122:55
The Joy of Running (Bree)

The Joy of Running (Bree)

Today I got to talk with one of my best friends from college! I had so much fun talking with Bree about her love of running and how she finds happiness through running. She shared so many great stories and even some great advice for people who would want to start running. I think I had a smile on my face the entire time talking today. Make sure to check it out and maybe something will inspire you!

Feb 28, 202126:13
Reconnecting with Religion (Anusha)

Reconnecting with Religion (Anusha)

Today I talked with one of my best friends from high school who I am still so happy to call a best friend today. We talked about how Anusha reconnected with her religion in college and found more happiness from it. We found that even though we have two very different religions, we still find a lot of similar joy from both of them. Make sure to listen and see if you can relate even if you don't have a religion!

Jan 24, 202116:08
The Little Things (Lydia)

The Little Things (Lydia)

It was so much fun talking with my best friend, Lydia, about the little things in life and how you can find happiness by living in the moment. There might be a chance that you're looking too far for happiness and it is actually right in front of you!

Dec 28, 202017:04
Comfortable with the Quiet (Mom)

Comfortable with the Quiet (Mom)

Nov 29, 202014:27
Intro Podcast

Intro Podcast

Oct 24, 202003:45