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Pilgrim Talk: Theology for Sojourners

Pilgrim Talk: Theology for Sojourners

By John and Dylan

Pilgrim Talk is a weekly podcast devoted to the discussion of the Christian faith and practice for the edification of Christian sojourners as they travel to the heavenly city- All of theology for all of life for the glory of God. Episodes release at midnight each Tuesday.
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Adam and the Garden of Eden

Pilgrim Talk: Theology for Sojourners Mar 22, 2022

Babel, Abram, and the Gospel

Babel, Abram, and the Gospel

Dylan and John talk about the contrast between the Tower of Babylon and the blessings promised to Abram. How do these two events in the book of Genesis connect to the gospel? Who is the true seed of Abraham? Why is the song "Father Abraham" rich in biblical theology?

Jul 28, 202323:28
Old Time Religion

Old Time Religion

Dylan and John discuss how Paul preached the gospel to Jews and Gentiles from the Old Testament. The Old Testament is Christian Scripture, and there is one gospel message from the Fall of Adam to the second coming of Christ. The Old Testament is the gospel promised. The New Testament is the gospel established.

Jul 21, 202322:17
Greg Parker Jr, What is Christianity

Greg Parker Jr, What is Christianity

Greg Parker Jr. has recently translated two of Bavinck's essays which has recently been published with Hendrickson Publishing Group under the title What is Christianity. Greg joins us on the podcast to talk about Bavinck's purpose in writing these two essays, where they fall into the rest of Bavinck's corpus, what Bavinck sees as the essence of Christianity, how the subjective side of Christianity permeates all of life and culture, and closing with a reason why Pastor's should read this work. 

May 23, 202235:03
Coming to the Living Stone

Coming to the Living Stone

In this episode, Dylan and John continue through 1 Peter.

May 11, 202225:51
3. The Need and Goal of Interpretation

3. The Need and Goal of Interpretation

Accurately handing the Bible is drawing out the text’s God intended meaning. This is why expository preaching and expository reading of Scripture must be the primary diet of the Christian and the church because God did not reveal himself through bunch of random truisms or isolated statements. Proof texts are often wielded in a way that ignores their context or are used as spring boards to say “true things” that the text does not address. Failing to properly interpret Scripture will result in a failure to distinguish the voice of God from the voice of men.

Apr 27, 202228:23
2. The Organic Structure, Shape, and Scope of Scripture part 1

2. The Organic Structure, Shape, and Scope of Scripture part 1

Scripture is the progressive unfolding of the unified and intertwined historical story of redemption- seed to tree (promise to fulfillment / shadow to substance/ type to antitype with Jesus Christ as the center. If we fail to understand the organic unity and centrality of Christ in Scripture, then we will err greatly in our interpretation of Scripture. 

Apr 20, 202233:24
1. Scripture and Interpretation

1. Scripture and Interpretation

This is the beginning of a short series that John taught at Covenant Community Church on How to Read the Bible. In this lesson, John unpacks the doctrine of Scripture leaning on chapter 1 of the Second London Confession. What Scripture is must be understood before we can ask how we are to read Scripture. 

Apr 12, 202240:19
The Knowledge of God Distinguished from Other Knowledge

The Knowledge of God Distinguished from Other Knowledge

In this episode, John and Dylan discuss chapter two of Bavinck's, The Wonderful Works of God. Bavinck in this chapter speaks of the knowledge of God and how it is distinguished from other forms of knowledge. The knowledge of God is distinct from other knowledge in its origin, object, essence, and effect. 

Apr 05, 202219:60
Wonderful Works of God Intro
Mar 29, 202219:60
Adam and the Garden of Eden

Adam and the Garden of Eden

Adam was no mere gardner and Eve was no mere garden. In this episode, the guys discuss the significance of Adam's vocation and place in the Garden of Eden, and how it connects to the gospel and the work of Christ. 

Mar 22, 202229:04
Theology of Meredith Kline with Lee Irons
Mar 15, 202241:03
Marriage: Our Joy and God's Glory

Marriage: Our Joy and God's Glory

Marriage is for our joy and God's glory. Yet on this side of the Fall, marriage is full of difficulty, sin, and struggle. How does the Christian enjoy God's good design in marriage and glorify God through it? How does the gospel undergird, shape, fuel, and give marriage its telos? 

Mar 08, 202227:15
Crave the Word

Crave the Word

1 Peter 2:1-3 Because we have tasted the goodness of the LORD in the gospel, we are to put away ungodliness and crave the word. In this episode we talk about sanctification and the vital necessity of the Word for our growth as Christians. 

Mar 01, 202224:20
The Knowledge of God

The Knowledge of God

Can we know God, and if so, how do we come to know him? If God is distinct from his creation, can we use positive and true language to describe him?

These questions are addressing epistemology- that is how do we know what we know. Every philosophical tradition or theological system has at its foundation assumptions and convictions answering the question “how do you know.”

The doctrine of the knowledge of God and our theological method used to arrive at this doctrine shapes our understanding of our relationship with Him and our trust in what He has said. 

Dec 21, 202127:01
Man's Highest Good- Bumping with Bavinck 2

Man's Highest Good- Bumping with Bavinck 2

What is man's highest good? The guys are bumping with Bavinck again looking at his Wonderful Works of God and discussing how Bavinck answers this question. 

Dec 14, 202124:20
Corporate Worship

Corporate Worship

The way of the Pilgrim is centered on corporate worship on the LORD's Day. The pilgrim travels to and from the LORD's Day as they make their way to the heavenly city in the Christian life. Corporate worship is vital for the Christian life. 

Dec 07, 202144:22
Jeff Johnson- The Failure of Natural Theology

Jeff Johnson- The Failure of Natural Theology

Jeff Johnson joins John and Dylan to discuss his important and controversial new book The Failure of Natural Theology: A Critical Appraisal of the Philosophical Theology of Thomas Aquinas. How the Christian theologian arrives at doctrinal truths is as important as those doctrines themselves. Johnson in this interview highlights the main problems with Aquinas' theological method and further clarifies some of his points in the book. The question of the usefulness of natural theology in theology is an important question that both the ordinary pastor and regular church member in the Reformed tradition must wrestle with. Any version of natural theology that undermines the sufficiency and authority of Scripture is a natural theology that is no friend to the Christian faith. 

The Failure of Natural Theology: A Critical Appraisal of the Philosophical Theology of Thomas Aquinas

1. Book-

2. Book Review-

Grace Bible Church-

Grace Bible Theological Seminary-

Free Grace Press-

Nov 16, 202144:49
Authority and Power are Always the Problem, or Is It?

Authority and Power are Always the Problem, or Is It?

There is this reality that at one time we were aliens and strangers and outsiders to the Kingdom of Christ. But now, we have been brought into that kingdom by the work of Christ, making us aliens and strangers in this world. Therefore, the Christian sojourner has to wrestle with the tension between being a citizen of the Kingdom of Christ and a citizen of a kingdom in this world. Scripture helps us understand authority, navigate this tension, and glorify King Jesus's authority above all other authorities.

Episode on Church and State that John did with the Covenant Conversation guys:

Nov 09, 202153:24
William Tyndale's Mission- Living Sola Scriptura

William Tyndale's Mission- Living Sola Scriptura

Tyndale was born in 1494 and was executed as a heretic in 1536.  Tyndale’s mission caused him to be a fugitive from his own country and ultimately caused him to be executed as a heretic. Yet for Tyndale, bringing the knowledge of the Scriptures in English back to the common plowboy was well worth his own life. Tyndale’s experiential outworking of sola scriptura through his translation of the Bible into English released the sacred Scriptures from bondage and brought reformation to England.

Nov 02, 202129:46
Born Again to Love- 1 Peter 1:22-25

Born Again to Love- 1 Peter 1:22-25

Continuing through 1 Peter (Wandering through 1 Peter), John and Dylan discuss 1 Peter 1:22-25 and the love that the Christian is called to.
The command to love (1:22) is between two indicative grounds:
1. Since you have been purified vs.22
2. Since you have been born again vs. 23-25
This love is a comes from a purified heart and the living and abiding Word.
Oct 26, 202124:09
New Perspective on Paul with Dr. Lee Irons

New Perspective on Paul with Dr. Lee Irons

In this episode, Dylan and John interview Dr. Lee Irons on the New Perspective on Paul- what is it, how do they understand the righteousness of God, how does this impact the church, and much more!

For an introduction to who Lee Irons is: listen to this interview with him on union with Christ-

Lee Irons Website- 

Interview Outline: 

I. What is the New Perspective on Paul?

II. How do we interpret "the righteousness of God" in Romans 1:17?

III. How is the heart of the New Perspective on Paul impacting the local church? 

IV. The Importance of federal theology in defending the gospel. 

V. Interpreting Romans 2:13.

VI. The Legal Nature of Justification

Lee Irons Website- 

Resources on New Perspective on Paul: 

Guy Prentiss Waters on the NPP

Fesko's book on Justification:

Michael Horton's two volumes on Justification:

My review of Seyoon Kim's book, Justification and God's Kingdom:

My paper on Romans 2:13:

"Is Righteousness a Relational Concept in the Hebrew Bible?" (summarizing one of the chapters of my dissertation):

Oct 19, 202155:17
Hope Wrought Holiness 1 Peter 1:13-21

Hope Wrought Holiness 1 Peter 1:13-21

Another episode from 1 Peter in the series Wandering through Peter

Peter moves from reminding Christians of their hope to then calling them to holiness. He calls them to holiness not first by beginning with the command itself but first by orienting their gaze to the hope of the gospel that purifies the Christian and equips them to pursue holiness.

Oct 12, 202125:57
Theology of Genesis with Dr. Gonzales

Theology of Genesis with Dr. Gonzales

In this episode, John and Dylan interview Dr. Gonzales on the theology of Genesis. Dr. Gonzales is the Dean of Reformed Baptist Seminary and author of the book Where Sin Abounds: The Spread of Sin and the Curse in Genesis with Special Focus on the Patriarchal Narratives. Dr. Gonzales discusses the structure and function of Genesis in relation to the Bible as a whole and how the book of Genesis gives us a foundational structure for how the gospel unfolds in Scripture. He also shows how Genesis lays out a Christian worldview and reveals  who God is in relation to who man is. 


Robert Gonzales, "Cosmic Treason: The Fall Narrative Revisited"

_______, "Man God's Visible Replica and Vice Regent 

_______, "The Covenantal Context of the Fall: Did God Make a Primordial Covenant with Adam" 

Oct 05, 202101:03:01
The Pilgrim's Hope 1 Peter 1:3-12 (Wandering through Peter)

The Pilgrim's Hope 1 Peter 1:3-12 (Wandering through Peter)

Hope is a powerful thing and the Christian's hope is unshakeable because of who it is grounded in. The Christian hope is grounded in Christ, who is their sure and steady anchor. Peter reminds the wandering Christians of their hope as they suffer and pursues holiness in this evil age. Here is the way we outline the text in the episode: 

I. Born Again to a Living Hope 3-5 

Predestination by God v3

Preservation by God v5

II. Joy in Suffering 6-9

III. Grace Promised to You 10-12

Sep 28, 202129:20
Everyone is Dogmatic (Bumping with Bavinck)

Everyone is Dogmatic (Bumping with Bavinck)

In this series John and Dylan will look at the Dutch Theologian Herman Bavinck's writings and discuss how Bavinck can help us to think more clearly and biblically about theology. In this episode we talk about Dogma: what it is, what is its authority, and who is dogmatic. Those who oppose dogma do not oppose dogma itself but rather they simply oppose dogmas they do not agree with. The question  is not are you dogmatic but rather is your dogma consistent with God's revelation. Episode Outline: 

I. What is Dogma?

A. Definition

B. Authority

II. Dogmatic Responsibility of the Church

A. Recognizing and Confessing Dogma- Smoke but not the fire

B.  The Pillar and Buttress of Truth- recognize, explain, preserve, and defend

C. Theologian and Student of Creeds

III. The Necessity of Dogma

A. Dogma is inescapable

B. A Non-Dogmatic Christian is an illusion

C. Unbelief is dogmatic

IV. Application

A. Rightly Situating Divine Authority and Church Confessions

B. The Church’s Ongoing Pursuit of Dogmatic Fidelity

C. Everyone’s a Theologian

Sep 21, 202138:44
Sean DeMars- Mission and Methods of the Church

Sean DeMars- Mission and Methods of the Church

Sean DeMars joins Dylan and John to talk about the mission of the church, the philosophy, and tactics that are to be used in achieving that mission. Jesus gave a specific mission to his church and particular methods to be used in fulfilling it. Yet many churches today treat the methods as inconsequential or they confuse the mission with the creation mandate or great commandment. What does a Christian do if they find themselves in a church like that? 

Sean DeMars is the pastor of 6th Avenue Community Church in Decatur, Alabama. He is one of the hosts of the Defend and Confirm Podcast and is in the documentary The American Gospel on Netflix.

Sep 14, 202139:10
What Does Your Church Community Reveal?

What Does Your Church Community Reveal?

Is the community in your church built upon the gospel or common grace? In other words, is it a result of the power of the gospel or a result of common love that does not require the gospel at all? We can build relationships on a plethora of things that do not require the gospel to be true, and if your church community is built upon these things rather than the gospel, then your church community is no different from the community that can be found in the world. Your church community rather than revealing the supernatural power of the gospel mirrors the common “love” that can be found anywhere in the world. In this episode, John and Dylan discuss how the power of God is made manifest in the local church and how we must intently safeguard against anything that would move us off the gospel and God's glory being displayed in the local church. 

Book Resource: 

Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop, Compelling Community: Where God's Power Makes a Church Attractive

Sep 07, 202156:10
Working for What?

Working for What?

Does the Christian merely work for the weekend? Is their vocational employment an obstacle to the "real Christian life"? Who does the Christian work for and what is the goal of their work? In this episode John and Dylan discuss how the Christian should view their employment from a biblical worldview. 

Aug 31, 202134:01
Should a Christian Join the Military

Should a Christian Join the Military

In this episode, John and Dylan talk about the Bible's position on war, self-defense, and pacifism as they seek to answer the question- Can a Christian serve in the military? This one will get you thinking and show how a Christian should consider ethical questions with biblical principles.

Aug 24, 202133:30
What is Pilgrim Talk

What is Pilgrim Talk

This is a short trailer that briefly unpacks what the podcast is along with short clips from some of the episodes in season 2. 

Aug 23, 202102:54
Church and Culture

Church and Culture

What is the church’s relationship to culture, to the modern state, to the kingdom’s of men? What is the church’s responsibility as the culture around her devolves into all that is anti-god? Is cultural engagement/cultural transformation the mission of the church? Is a form of Christendom the church's goal?

Arriving at a Biblical understanding of Christ/Church and Culture is dependent on a proper view of the fundamentals of the faith. How you answer the question is rooted in your understanding of covenant theology, the law of God, Christ’s work, the church’s mission, and the Christian’s hope. In other words, this is not an isolated issue but a core issue. The Christian is a two-age sojourner, and a member of two kingdoms, and he/she must understand how to travel in the tension and how to live wisely in God’s world as he waits for the King’s return.

In this episode John lays the covenant framework for how to answer this question. 


Abraham Booth, "The Kingdom of Christ" 

Meredith Kline, Kingdom Prologue

David VanDrunen, Living In God's Two Kingdoms

Lee Irons, "The Reformed Theocrats: A Biblical Theological Response"

Lee Irons,

May 24, 202159:30
Pilgrim Theology Unpacked

Pilgrim Theology Unpacked

Since we are nearing the close of our first season, John Sweat circle's back to some of the content from the first episode and further unpacks what is meant by- Pilgrim Theology- using the book of 1 Peter. Understanding this New Testament theme shapes not only the way we do theology but the Christian life. 

The Christian is a dual citizen, a two-age sojourner, traveling to the heavenly city as they have at the same time been sent into the earthly city as ambassadors. They are to be in but not of, distinct from yet on mission in, pilgrims yet indigenous. They are to love their city yet love a greater city to come! Their King is Christ; their identity is Christ; their hope is the return of Christ; and they are on mission sent by Christ into the world.

May 17, 202147:31
Imputation and Union with Christ with Dr. Irons

Imputation and Union with Christ with Dr. Irons

This episode is loaded with covenant theology, christology, and soteriology. Dr. Irons has joined me this episode to talk about the relationship between the imputation of Christ’s righteousness and union with Christ, answering questions such as:

·  How does the righteousness of Christ come to the believer? 

·  What is the ground for receiving the benefits of Christ imputation or vital/mystical union?

·  How does Christ’s work for us as our federal representative (second Adam) connect to Christ’s work to us via the Holy Spirit through vital union?

·  What is the relationship between justification and sanctification?

·  How does understanding the federal theology behind the gospel comforts, encourages, and equips the Christian?

Recommended Resources

Glory Cloud Podcast, “Union with Christ”-

Lee Irons, “Justification and Union with Christ, Parts 1-13”-

Meredith Kline, “Covenant Theology Under Attack”-

J. V. Fesko “John Owen on Union with Christ and Justification.” Themelios 37, no. 1 (April 2012): 7–19

Matthew Mason, “John Owen’s Doctrine of Union with Christ in Relation to His Contributions to Seventeenth Century Debates Concerning Eternal Justification” Ecclesia Reformanda vol. 1, no. 1 (2009): 46-69

May 10, 202101:11:25
Union with Christ

Union with Christ

John Murray wrote that “union with Christ is . . . the central truth of the whole doctrine of salvation. . . . It is not simply a phase of the application of redemption; it underlies every aspect of redemption

Union with Christ is the indissoluble bond between the Triune God and his people, wherein they enjoy and share the eternal righteous love within and with the Trinity because of the work of Christ and by the work of the Spirit.

In this episode Spencer and John give an introduction into the New Testament's doctrine of Union with Christ: how it is central to our redemption in Christ, our communion with God, and our understanding of the Spirit's work within us. 


John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied

Todd Billings, Union with Christ: Reframing Theology and Ministry for the Church

Grant Macaskill, Union with Christ in the New Testament

May 03, 202147:01
Apologetics with Professor Peter Van Kleeck
Apr 26, 202148:25
Theological Disciplines- The Encyclopedia of Theology

Theological Disciplines- The Encyclopedia of Theology

Often in the halls of theology there are four major approaches, focuses, or locations in which theology is done. These are often referred to as the Encyclopedia of theology, the set of  theological disciplines used to understand Scripture and the Christian Faith. In this episode we are going talk about the theological disciplines: what are they; how do they serve us in theology, what is their relationship to one another, and why this even matters. 

Apr 19, 202139:05
When I Don't Desire God
Apr 12, 202137:60
Communion with the Trinity with Pastor Brett

Communion with the Trinity with Pastor Brett

In this interview with Pastor Murray Brett we talk about the Christian’s communion with the Triune God and how communion with God is the essence of the whole of the Christian life. There is the ever present danger of theological abstraction and self-sufficiency that can creep into our theology whereby we abstract or sever our theology from our communion with the Trinity. 

Pastor Murray, "Therefore, to enjoy the love of God the Father, the grace of God the Son, and the power and comfort of God the Spirit, we must by faith elevate Christ and his righteousness above self and self-righteousness."

Recommended Resources: 

"Growing Up in Grace: The Use of Means for Communion with God" by Murray Brett (

“Delighting in the Trinity,” by Michael Reeves in which he gives an overview of the Trinity and why practical Trinitarianism makes such a big difference (Reading Level: Basic)

“The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen,” by Sinclair Ferguson is the place to start in and understanding of communion with each member of the Trinity. This is the best overview and summary of John Owen’s book, “Communion with God” of which I’m aware. Its short and easily digestible, which is what is so greatly needed. This book and “Communion with God” must not simply be read, but imbibed! (Reading Level: Basic to Intermediate)

“Communion with the Triune God” by John Owen, eds. Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor have made the original “Communion with God” a bit more accessible by changing antiquated spelling, defining unfamiliar words, breaking long paragraphs down, inserting section titles, and translating all Hebrew, Greek, and Latin into English. (Reading Level: Intermediate).

“Our God,” by Octavius Winslow is one the best studies on the attributes of God for the average reader that I’ve ever read. He can’t speak of one member of the Trinity, but what he speaks of all, and he’s always Christ-centered and very warm. (Reading Level: Basic)

“Meditations and Discourses on The Glory of Christ,” in Volume 1 of “The Works of John Owen.” This is one of the finest books on John 17:24, I’ve ever read. (Reading Level: Intermediate to Difficult)

“The Mutual Intercourse of the Trinity,” by Thomas Goodwin on John 17:21 in “The Works of Thomas Goodwin,” Volume 9:145-148. (Reading Level: Intermediate)

“Matchless Love and Inbeing,” by Richard Sibbes, is typical Sibbes preaching Christ to the heart, framed thoroughly in Trinitarian thought. (Reading Level: Intermediate)

Apr 05, 202155:08
Abraham's Children Part 2

Abraham's Children Part 2

Who are the children of Abraham, and how does the question connect to our understanding of the gospel and the nature of Christ's work for His people? A secondary but related question is, are believer's children included in the New Covenant? In a two part series John and Spencer delve into biblical and covenant theology showing how the promises and covenant made with Abraham are to be understood in light of the New Testament. In Part 2, they look at what Scripture says about the Abrahamic Covenant in the Old and New Testament in order to answer the question, "Who are the children of Abraham?" 

Biblical Texts- Genesis 12, 15, 17, 22; Gal 3-4


·  Brandon Adams-


·  Micah and Samuel Renihan, “Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology and Biblical Theology”

·  Samuel Renihan-

·  Samuel Renihan, The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom-

·  Recovering a Covenantal Heritage : Essays In Baptist Covenant Theology (Palmdale, CA: Reformed Baptist Academic Press, 2014).

·  Jeffrey Johnson, The Kingdom of God: A Baptist Expression of Covenant Theology

·  Pascal Denault, The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology

Mar 29, 202139:14
Abraham's Children Part 1

Abraham's Children Part 1

Who are the children of Abraham, and how does the question connect to our understanding of the gospel and the nature of Christ's work for His people? A secondary but related question is, are believer's children included in the New Covenant? In a two part series John and Spencer delve into biblical and covenant theology showing how the promises and covenant made with Abraham are to be understood in light of the New Testament. In Part 1, they briefly give a historical look at the way Reformed Theology generally has understood covenant theology and in particular the Abrahamic Covenants relationship to the New Covenant. 

Biblical Texts- Genesis 12, 15, 17, 22; Gal 3-4


·  Brandon Adams-


·  Micah and Samuel Renihan, “Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology and Biblical Theology”

·  Samuel Renihan-

·  Samuel Renihan, The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom-

·  Recovering a Covenantal Heritage : Essays In Baptist Covenant Theology (Palmdale, CA: Reformed Baptist Academic Press, 2014).

·  Jeffrey Johnson, The Kingdom of God: A Baptist Expression of Covenant Theology

·  Pascal Denault, The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology

Mar 22, 202123:17
The Imperative of Self-Control
Mar 15, 202140:54
Foundations for Apologetics

Foundations for Apologetics

In this episode the guys lay down some foundational principles for apologetics by talking about how the Bible's doctrine of sin is fundamental in shaping our approach and method of apologetics. 

Book Resources

Cornelius Van Til, The Defense of the Faith

Jason Lisle, The Ultimate Proof of Creation

Website Resources

Mar 08, 202136:47
Introduction to Family Worship

Introduction to Family Worship

While Spencer is out sick, John discusses the importance and duty of parents to conduct family worship with their children. John also talks about some practical principles for family worship and leaves a word of encouragement for those parents as they struggle with or feel regret over their lack of family worship. 


Joel Beeke, Family Worship

Family Worship Bible Guide

Terry Johnson, The Family Worship Book: A Resource Book for Family Devotions


Carnie Mackenzie, My 1st Book of Questions and Answers

New City Catechism

Heidelberg Catechism

Westminster Shorter Catechism

Baptist Catechism

Children’s Books

The Jesus Story Bible

Helen Taylor, The Little Pilgrim’s Progress

John Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress (Get a modern English edition)

James Merritt, The 25 Days of Christmas

R.C. Sproul’s Children’s Book Series

Reformation Heritage Books

Diana Kleyn and Joel Beeke, Reformation Heroes: A Simple, Illustrated Overview of People Who Assisted in the Great Work of the Reformation


Orthodox Presbyterian Church’s Trinity Hymnal Archives (Lyrics and Instruments Accompaniment)

Mar 01, 202140:34
Dealing with Doubt and Uncertainty

Dealing with Doubt and Uncertainty

How does the Pilgrim deal with doubt and uncertainty? Why is there a gap between the assurance of faith in Christ and the experience of that assurance in the believer's life? In this episode we wrestle with these questions. 

Facebook Page-


The Marrow of Modern Divinity 

Sinclair Ferguson, The Whole Christ 

Feb 22, 202138:09
Question and Answer- Finding a Wife, Theonomy, and the Canon

Question and Answer- Finding a Wife, Theonomy, and the Canon

In the very first Question and Answer episode, John and Spencer give a brief bio about themselves and answer three questions that there listeners asked on the facebook page-

The questions we answer in this episode are listed below. 

1. How does one know when to begin “seeking a wife” and how much effort should be put into this while still growing in a personal walk with Christ?

2. Are you a theonomist? 

3. Why do we have a 66 book canon? 

Resources on Theonomy-

Resources on Canon-,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=detail&linkCode=sl1&tag=wisen-20&linkId=5e046f701ba1c8f5fbb0c722f79f5a5c\,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=detail&linkCode=sl1&tag=wisen-20&linkId=79fcfcfb5ee8449a73126f7012b27505

Feb 19, 202141:01
Can the Center Hold? A Gospel Centered Critique

Can the Center Hold? A Gospel Centered Critique

In this episode we discuss the Gospel Centered Movement. What are the strengths and potential weakness of this movement. Can the center hold? We offer an insider critique as well as a way forward. 

Visit us on Facebook:


Feb 15, 202128:03
The Church and Pastor Lane Part 2
Feb 08, 202131:46
The Church with Pastor Lane Part 1

The Church with Pastor Lane Part 1

In this episode John Sweat interviews a dear friend, the Union County Theologian, Lem Lane. Pastor Lem is here to talk with me about the doctrine of the church and its vital connection to the Christian life. We will be talking about thing like:

Why is the church vital for the Christian life? Why does church government matter/ how does it impact the Christian?

Covenant Community Church-

Covenant Conversations Podcast-

Feb 01, 202146:19
Masculinity and Manhood with Professor Peter Van Kleeck

Masculinity and Manhood with Professor Peter Van Kleeck

Welcome to another episode of Pilgrim Talk, Theology for Sojourners and today I am joined by a special guest to talk with me about Manhood and Masculinity in the Church. Where have all the men gone in the church? What is the cause of this phenomenon in which so many men are attracted to and being discipled by Jocko, Joe Rogan, and Jordan Petersen? Why has the church abandoned disciplining men to be men both in the church, the home, and society?

Book Recommendations


Jan 29, 202155:29
Part 2- Studying Scripture

Part 2- Studying Scripture

This is part 2 of a series on the "What, Why, and How" of Scripture. In part 1 we covered the status, shape, and scope of Scripture. In this episode we talk about how to study Scripture, answering questions like why interpretation is necessary and why studying Scripture  is vital for the Christian to study Scripture. We also give a summary of the principles and tools of interpretation along with a list of resources. 

Book Recommendation: Bernard Ramm, Protestant Biblical Interpretation 

Jan 25, 202144:56