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Player Development

Player Development

By Player Development

Examining our relationship with sports through interview and story. Are we treating sports as entertainment or escape? How can we talk about sports and our favorite teams in a way that does not force athletes to fit into our narrative?
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Prevent Athlete Suicide! Athletic Trainer talks Anxiety, Cancer, and Mental Health

Player DevelopmentMay 24, 2022

Shooters Camp 1 Day 4 Recap

Shooters Camp 1 Day 4 Recap

Whoa whoa whoa! I wasn't ready to hear that feedback from Coach. What went wrong during tryouts, and what do I need to do to fix it before next time?

Jun 24, 202202:55
Back to Camp: SemiPro Basketball Tryouts Day 3 Recap
Jun 23, 202204:20
Back to Camp: SemiPro Basketball Tryouts Day 2 Recap

Back to Camp: SemiPro Basketball Tryouts Day 2 Recap

Keyword for today is discipline! We're learning a lot of new stuff, and we have to be able to incorporate it into game-speed drills right away. How do we do that? 

Make sure you check out my video recap of tryout day! (with video clips of the tryout!)

Jun 22, 202202:45
Back to Camp: SemiPro Basketball Tryouts Day 1 Recap
Jun 21, 202204:40
Make Anxious Thoughts Effective - Sport Psychologist Interview

Make Anxious Thoughts Effective - Sport Psychologist Interview

Kai Laird, sport psychologist at The Performance Pursuit 🧠, shares tips  on building mental toughness, including using Cognitive Therapy to  change your self-talk 📢 and motivation 👍, and using self care to  maintain both body and mind.

🔗 Connect with The Performance Pursuit: 

💚 More Mental Health Awareness Month content:

Jun 19, 202219:09
Talk About Mental Health! Dunk Coach Tom Barnes Talks Faith and Mental Health
Jun 02, 202208:57
Prevent Athlete Suicide! Athletic Trainer talks Anxiety, Cancer, and Mental Health

Prevent Athlete Suicide! Athletic Trainer talks Anxiety, Cancer, and Mental Health

At least five NCAA athletes have died by suicide in the past few months!  

Athletic Trainer Jamie Field shares her story with anxiety and cancer, and how that has guided her work with middle school and professional  athletes who struggle with mental health. 

Athlete mental health is serious; this conversation is vital if you are an athlete, a coach, a trainer, or a parent!

May 24, 202222:19
Physical Therapy for Mental Health - Breaking Down Stigma with DJ Stieber
May 18, 202233:15
3 Keys to Promote Athlete Mental Health - Mental Health Awareness Month 2022

3 Keys to Promote Athlete Mental Health - Mental Health Awareness Month 2022

College athletes are ⏫more likely to suffer from mental illness, and ⏬less likely to seek help. Use these three steps to support organizational change, resilience, and athlete mental health! Together, we can empower athletes to perform and be better.

Athletes coping with injury: 

Teams looking to support athlete mental health:

Sound credit:

May 10, 202213:01
Identity of a Christian Athlete - Ken Burke Interview

Identity of a Christian Athlete - Ken Burke Interview

Ken Burke, host of the Competing for Christ Podcast, talks about the role of Christian athletes as they participate in sport. How do they handle tough questions in sport such as transgender athletes, or issues of race? Explore how Christians, as athletes and fans, find their identity beyond sports.

May 03, 202215:35
Conquering Body Image Shame: CrossFit vs. StrengthTraining?

Conquering Body Image Shame: CrossFit vs. StrengthTraining?

What's the difference between CrossFit and Strength Training? And which  one is right for me? As Charis searched for the fitness program that was  best for her, she struggled with body image, and finally unlocked the  secret to overcoming her shame. Explore with us the pros and cons of  CrossFit and Strength Training.

Chapters 00:00 

Intro 01:13 CrossFit Games 

03:04 Equipment 

05:52 Programming 

10:58 Pros and Cons 

15:46 Journey to CrossFit 

19:37 Mental Health and CrossFit 

23:05 Conquering Shame Through Community 

26:25 Function over Shape 

28:42 Bottom Line: Which to Choose?

Apr 15, 202232:32
How Should Transgender Athletes Compete? Interview with Prof. of Gender Studies Dr. McKinney

How Should Transgender Athletes Compete? Interview with Prof. of Gender Studies Dr. McKinney

Where do transgender people belong?   The story of Lia Thomas and Reka Gyorgy is just the latest in controversy over trans athletes competing in sport.   States and Sports organizations like the NCAA and International Olympic Committee are revamping rules about trans participation. How is this going to turn out?  

Join in this conversation with W&M Professor of gender studies Dr. McKinney.  


00:00 Intro 

00:29 Reka Gyorgy Letter to NCAA 

08:28 Defining Terms 

11:32 Biology or Sociology? 

15:46 Why Laws now? 

21:59 Protect Girls' Sports? 

26:48 Denying identity 

29:41 Is Testosterone the Key? 

36:46 Founded on Stereotypes 

38:30 Conclusion

Apr 08, 202240:08
4 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Working Out

4 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Working Out

I've made a lot of mistakes when working out and training. Let's talk through the top four things I wish I had known, and how you can harness those tips to get the most out of your workouts! 

Full video

#4: Learn from someone who knows! Talk with a personal trainer about your fitness goals, and how to best achieve them.

#3: Be consistent! Stick to a program when pursuing a goal, instead of jumping onto the next training fad that pops up in your feed.

#2: Recover! Our bodies need to rebuild muscle tissue that gets stretched and torn during workouts. You won't enjoy the benefits of your workout if you don't recover properly.

#1: Form > Weight! Especially for the guys out there; master the form before you start piling on weight to get those likes. Prevent injury, and you can get just as much benefit by harnessing time under tension and proper form.

Apr 01, 202213:13
Is Heckling Part of the Sport? Fans v Athletes

Is Heckling Part of the Sport? Fans v Athletes

Naomi Osaka was recently heckled at the Indian Wells Tournament, ending with her crying and losing the match. Is heckling just something pro athletes should be ready for as part of the game? 

Mar 21, 202209:44
Should I Use Resistance Bands??

Should I Use Resistance Bands??

They might look intimidating, but resistance bands might be some of the most accessible and scalable tools in your home gym. Check out whether they are right for your program and training!

Mar 19, 202210:16
How do Coaches Create Open Communication? Let Life Intrude; Lessons from Coach Taylor

How do Coaches Create Open Communication? Let Life Intrude; Lessons from Coach Taylor

I had the privilege of guest writing a blog post for Hone Athletics on how coaches can support athlete mental health and create a culture of open communication on their team. Drawing on my time as an athlete at Covenant College, my training as a counselor, and the interviews I've done with the coaches and players from that pipeline, I found three particular lessons that support a culture of open communication on a team. The first that we'll talk about today is letting life be a part of sport.

We'll focus on what I heard and saw modeled by Coach Kyle Taylor, who was the head coach during my time at Covenant. He is now the head coach at Salt Lake Community College. 

Blog link:

Interview with Coach Taylor:

Mar 05, 202215:20
Should NBA Players Get Vaccinated?

Should NBA Players Get Vaccinated?

Originally published October 2021.

Kyrie Irving still has not gotten vaccinated as of this writing. How do so many narratives get spun out of this one decision by one player to not get vaccinated against COVID-19? A lot of it isn't even about basketball, but how our culture always creeps in to our consumption of sports. That's why we need to check our relationship with sports.

Feb 26, 202206:00
Mom, CrossFit Coach, Gym Owner: How Does Charis Do It All?

Mom, CrossFit Coach, Gym Owner: How Does Charis Do It All?

Charis struggled with body image; now her body does amazing things on a daily basis. She was intimidated by CrossFit; now she's a coach and gym owner. She faced tragedy and upheaval in her family; she continues to thrive and grow. What's her secret?

Feb 19, 202218:26
Why is Enes Kanter on Fox News?

Why is Enes Kanter on Fox News?

What do we learn from Enes Kanter Freedom's interview with Tucker Carlson? This dialogue has everything! Some flavors of nationalism, some sprinkling of white supremacy, even some dynamics that women in sports face on a daily basis. Originally published on Youtube December 2021.

Feb 12, 202211:10
Should Athletes be Role Models? Sam Maxwell Interview

Should Athletes be Role Models? Sam Maxwell Interview

How do pro sports reflect the values of our culture? Athletes are held  in such high regard, and are looked up to as role models whether they ask for it or not. 

Why are athletes and sports so untouchable as a  cultural force? 

This is another conversation about how money has shaped how we look at sports and at athletes, and how young people are influenced by this set of priorities.  What is our relationship with sports as a culture?


Samu Maxwell is a teacher in Williamsburg, VA. He focuses his educational efforts on middle and high school aged students, and teaches ethics, history, and English.

His goal in teaching is to support students in connecting their academic work to change the world around them. He wants students to find meaning in whatever they dedicate themselves to.


Music Credit:, DM Galaxy

Feb 05, 202239:01
Washington Football: From Redskins to Commanders

Washington Football: From Redskins to Commanders

The whole process of changing the 87-year old nickname of the Washington Football Franchise has been debated for many years. Some of the arguments have been for tradition and celebrating Native American culture. Do those arguments hold up? Have we done enough to support justice in sports with this name change?

Music: DM Galaxy and

Feb 04, 202209:50
W&M Economist Explores: Olympics, Paying College Athletes, Equal Pay

W&M Economist Explores: Olympics, Paying College Athletes, Equal Pay

There's a lot of money in sports.   Labor economist Peter McHenry, from The College of William & Mary, discusses the economic pros/cons of hosting the Olympics, college athletes earning money, and paying male and female athletes equally.  How do these decisions get made, and how might we think about them? Let's inform our perspectives.

Like and subscribe to hear more about current issues in sports!

Originally published on Youtube August 2021 



Music Credit:, DM Galaxy

Jan 28, 202249:10
NFL: The Cost of Hard Hits
Jan 28, 202210:19
Shut Up or Speak Up? Our Relationship with Sports

Shut Up or Speak Up? Our Relationship with Sports

First published on Youtube: October 2021

#lauraingraham famously commented to #Lebron: "Shut up and dribble."   

She changed her tune recently by featuring Lebron's comments on the #COVID vaccine on her show. 

Let's talk about how we treat #athletes as objects of our own agendas.   



Music credit: DM Galaxy and

Jan 22, 202205:31
White Supremacy in Sport?? Black Pastor Weighs In - Charles Lewis Interview

White Supremacy in Sport?? Black Pastor Weighs In - Charles Lewis Interview

First published on Youtube: July 2021

Where it all begins. Reverend Charles Lewis, a pastor at Northside Church in Richmond, and author of the blog "The Mortification of White Supremacy," joins me to talk #sports and #race, and how our assumptions shape how we view #sports, #athletes, and this whole conversation. He introduces the idea of our relationship with sports that we build on in all future talks! 

Please like and subscribe for more content!  

For more content: 

The Mortification of White Supremacy

Player Development


Thank you to Jon and Williamsburg Christian Church for the use of their space, equipment, and expertise!  

Music from and DM Galaxy

Jan 22, 202241:16