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Poor People

Poor People

By Poor People Podcast

Poor People is a platform for people of color to discuss the current political-economic environment, stories of socioeconomic upbringing, to share success stories and experiences of today.
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010: On Moving!

Poor People Apr 12, 2021

012: Careers

012: Careers

Jackie and Mee talk about careers this week! From selecting careers to leveling up, they cover their experiences and share some advice on things they wish their younger selves knew.

May 17, 202137:22
011: Travel!

011: Travel!

Eager to jump back into traveling around the world, Mee and Jackie talk about their experiences with travel this week as they dream about their next post-pandemic adventure. They chat about traveling (or not traveling) during their childhood and share some anecdotes about the difficulties of traveling, as well as some tips they've picked up for solo travelers (especially female BIPOC travelers).

Apr 19, 202139:19
010: On Moving!

010: On Moving!

PPP chats this week about moving! Using an interview-style format, Mee asks Jackie a bunch of questions about how she's moved multiple times around the country after college. The pair talk about the difficulties of moving, from logistics to parental attitudes of leaving the proverbial nest. With COVID inspiring so many people to move to different parts of the country, you may find some useful tidbits in this episode that help give you that extra nudge to explore a new spot!

Apr 12, 202130:28
009: Appropriation vs Appreciation

009: Appropriation vs Appreciation

Mee and Jackie have a casual chat about food (specifically POC cuisines!) and how they're represented in American culture. Some highlights include Jackie raging about the spelling of banh mi (n before h, guys!) and Mee (sarcastically) wondering if ketchup belongs in pasta. Have a listen and let us know your thoughts on the topic!

Apr 05, 202131:14
008: Money, Pt. 1

008: Money, Pt. 1

Mee and Jackie dive into the first part of their discussions about money! They reflect on the part that money played in shaping their childhoods and the habits that have carried onto their present lives. 

Mar 29, 202136:54
007: Confrontations

007: Confrontations

From encounters with spoiled children to weird comments at the farmers' market, Mee and Jackie chat about some memorable confrontations and conversations they've had over the years.

Mar 09, 202135:41
006: 2020 Reflection

006: 2020 Reflection

Mee and Jackie are back! After a few months' hiatus, PPP is back with a new (albeit slightly delayed) episode where the duo reflect on the past year and discuss what they hope to work on in 2021. Sorry for the delay!

Mar 01, 202140:13
005: Immigrant Children Problems

005: Immigrant Children Problems

Special episode with special guests! After a few super serious episodes, PPP decided to do something a little more lighthearted and fun. Mee and Jackie invite two of their college friends Raul and Jessica to come join them on the show to discuss and compare notes on their different (but also very similar!) upbringings. From pressure to make specific decisions on college majors to fears about being on the receiving end of "La Chancla", this episode is full of fun stories to which many children of immigrants will find familiar.

Sep 28, 202039:11
004: Healthcare - Part 2

004: Healthcare - Part 2

Mee and Jackie finish their discussion on healthcare in Part 2 of their Healthcare segment! They discuss the healthcare systems of Sweden, Taiwan, and Canada to compare and contrast with the current healthcare system in the United States. They go into a little more detail about healthcare plans in the American system, then discuss how all these different healthcare systems are currently operating during this global pandemic.

Aug 17, 202001:05:52
003: Healthcare - Part 1

003: Healthcare - Part 1

Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated! Just kidding, we did. Mee and Jackie kick-off Part 1 of 2 episodes that Poor People dedicate toward discussing healthcare in the United States. They go through their own experiences as kids, then later as adults, and talk about all the complicated issues that can come with having an employer-based healthcare system, especially in today’s world with COVID-19.

Jul 13, 202053:18
002: Politics and Why They Matter

002: Politics and Why They Matter

Mee and Jackie discuss politics! While acknowledging that the topic is a sensitive and a bit divisive in today's world, Mee and Jackie talk about the importance of politics and why participation in it would benefit POC (particularly Asian Americans). They talk through their past experiences in politics and suggest ways to participate in politics and make your voice heard.

Jun 03, 202055:31
001: Introducing Poor People!

001: Introducing Poor People!

Poor People--it sounds like an odd name for a podcast...almost insulting! But that's the phrase that came up again and again in the many conversations between Mee and Jackie while ranting about various grievances they had in their daily lives. They found that they (and many of their other Asian-American friends) have had very similar growing pains throughout their childhoods to their present-day lives, all related to...well, growing up poor. From education to banking to healthcare, there were many different areas in their lives where they wish they had received more guidance, whether it be during adolescence or even their current lives.

Mee and Jackie kick off their inaugural episode of Poor People by talking about their backgrounds and their motivations for this podcast. They explore the different factors and influences that have shaped their experiences and beliefs, including education, religion, and family. They hope to use this platform for people of color to discuss the issues in the current political-economic environment, stories of socioeconomic upbringing, and success stories and experiences of today.

May 30, 202001:16:04