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PRI Roundup

PRI Roundup

By Population Research Institute

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Wuhan's Smoking Gun

PRI RoundupMay 24, 2021

China leading citizens to jump from balconies in quest to achieve ‘COVID Zero’

China leading citizens to jump from balconies in quest to achieve ‘COVID Zero’

For over two weeks the financial capital of China, Shanghai, has been locked down tight. Some 26 million people languish in their apartments, staring at their now-empty refrigerators, unable to set foot outside to forage for food for fear of arrest and incarceration.
Apr 11, 202206:19
CNN’s Lies Revealed; Media’s Trump-Hate Has a History; A Look at Definitions

CNN’s Lies Revealed; Media’s Trump-Hate Has a History; A Look at Definitions

CNN has just breathlessly announced that it has uncovered a “vast trove of leaked documents show[ing] China underreported COVID-19 numbers” and deliberately covered up the seriousness of the epidemic.

The only trouble with CNN’s blockbuster is that it is almost a year old. 

PRI Review December 11, 2020

By Dr. Christopher Manion

Apr 07, 202238:17
The Other Battle in Europe

The Other Battle in Europe

In Europe, events can happen quickly. We now have a war in Ukraine that a month ago we didn’t expect. But not even a European war will stop abortion boosters from continuing their own perpetual war to expand the abortion agenda.
Mar 21, 202208:43
How Big Pharma won its war against cheap, effective Ivermectin

How Big Pharma won its war against cheap, effective Ivermectin

LIVERPOOL, England (LifeSiteNews) - Providence will occasionally place a man at a key juncture of history, a position of great moment where the fate of millions lies in his hands.

Andrew Hill, M.D., was just such a man, in just such a position. In October 2020 he was asked by the WHO to review the rapidly accumulating evidence that Ivermectin was a safe and effective treatment for COVID.

Mar 14, 202208:14
The Monstrous Equality Act; Vaccine, Yes or No?; Defending America’s Faith

The Monstrous Equality Act; Vaccine, Yes or No?; Defending America’s Faith

The Equality Act Will Change Every Aspect Of American Life

On February 25, the House of Representatives, by a vote of 211 to 195, passed H.R. 5, the “Equality Act.” This act denies reality, embraces ideology, and forces others to conform to ideology as well. Indeed, H.R. 5 confers on every individual the right to change the reality of their sexual nature, and, having done so, to call upon the Federal Government to “make other men” conform to their choice, by force if necessary.

Does that make all men equal?

Well, we will be told, some men are more equal than others.

Mar 09, 202238:37
With US distracted by Ukraine, Xi is plotting his own invasion

With US distracted by Ukraine, Xi is plotting his own invasion

From his perch on the mountaintop, Xi is closely following the fighting in Ukraine and the world's reaction. There is no doubt Xi hopes that Russian President Vladimir Putin succeeds in taking the former Soviet country. After all, Xi hopes one day soon to launch his own "special military action" against the island of Taiwan.

Mar 07, 202206:05
Pro-Lifers Weigh In On Virginia Pro-Abortion Revolution

Pro-Lifers Weigh In On Virginia Pro-Abortion Revolution

“I have been condemned to fear for the whole of my life” Soviet defector Anatoly Kuznetsov told the New York Times a half-century ago.

Mar 03, 202237:52
Trump Proclamation and More!

Trump Proclamation and More!

Lots of news in this PRI Review! Learn all about: 

- Trump's "National Sanctity of Human Life Day"

- Pelosi and Big Brother

- Bishops and Biden

Produced by Dr. Christopher Manion. 

Mar 02, 202239:14
Are the COVID Vaccines Safe for Pregnant Moms? New Questions Raised

Are the COVID Vaccines Safe for Pregnant Moms? New Questions Raised

Pregnancy is beautiful and sacred. It confers hope on the family that brings new life into this world and to all of society. This is one of the many reasons we work so hard to protect the unborn and their mothers.

Mar 01, 202209:21
Abortion And The Demise of Legitimate Political Authority

Abortion And The Demise of Legitimate Political Authority

Some fifty years ago, in his groundbreaking study,  Twilight of Authority,  sociologist Robert Nisbet observed a disturbing trend in American culture. As respect for authority had declined among the population, he wrote, members of that population became increasingly willing to accept and even applaud an increasingly powerful, albeit less legitimate, government.

Feb 23, 202210:18
Religious Freedom on Trial in Finland

Religious Freedom on Trial in Finland

On February 14, a court in Finland heard arguments in one of the most significant cases regarding human rights and religious freedom in recent years.

Feb 15, 202208:07
Macron Seeks to Invent an Abortion Right for Europe... and for the World

Macron Seeks to Invent an Abortion Right for Europe... and for the World

The chairmanship of the Council of the European Union rotates among the countries of the European Union every six months, and for the next six months it is President Emmanuel Macron of France’s turn.  So it was that on January 19th, Macron went to Brussels to give his first speech.  Usually this is a mishmash of platitudes, but this year Macron decided to use it to promote abortion.

Feb 07, 202208:05
China’s Draconian One-Child Policy Has Led To A Disastrous Baby Bust
Jan 31, 202205:51
Marching for Life in our Nation’s Capital

Marching for Life in our Nation’s Capital

When last year’s March for Life was canceled on account of Covid, the disappointment on the campus of Ave Maria University was palpable.  So, this year, as the date of the March approached, the students signed up in droves to participate. The interest far exceeded our expectations, growing our planned one-hundred-and-fifty sign-ups to two hundred.  

Jan 25, 202203:44
Pope Encourages Adoption and Warns of “Demographic Winter”

Pope Encourages Adoption and Warns of “Demographic Winter”

During his General Audience on January 5, as Pope Francis addressed the role of Saint Joseph in the Holy Family, he paused to address the beauty of adoption and its role in family life.

Jan 18, 202212:50
Insurance company raises alarm over unprecedented spike in deaths…and they don’t seem to be from COVID

Insurance company raises alarm over unprecedented spike in deaths…and they don’t seem to be from COVID

Catastrophic Spike in Life Insurance Claims

New numbers out of Indiana may finally be enough to blow up the “safe and effective” genetic vaccine fantasy once and for all. And they come, not surprisingly, from the head of a company that stands to lose a ton of money because of a sudden, unexpected, and historically unprecedented spike in deaths and disabilities among otherwise healthy individuals in the prime of life.

Jan 11, 202213:47
Afghanistan, Hungary and Demographics

Afghanistan, Hungary and Demographics

Afghanistan and Hungary are two very different countries, but they have one fundamental similarity — thriving birth rates.

Oct 29, 202110:23
Pelosi And The Popes

Pelosi And The Popes

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently visited Rome to participate in a meeting of international legislators preparing for the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Scotland next month. During the Rome meeting, she took the opportunity to meet privately at the Vatican with Pope Francis, who was scheduled to address the meeting the next day.
Oct 29, 202108:16
The Pandemics from China

The Pandemics from China

COVID-19 is the latest in a long line of deadly epidemics that originated in China. Genomic analyses have shown that smallpox, the bubonic plague, and multiple deadly influenzas, including the ‘Spanish Flu,’ share the same birthing ground as the China virus.

Oct 28, 202111:23
Losing the Pro-Life Stance in Mexico

Losing the Pro-Life Stance in Mexico

Two recent sessions of Mexico’s Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation have sent a chilling message to pro-life advocates. While the Court routinely announces its decisions before its definitive opinion is made a matter of public record, the oral comments of its members during their deliberations on the two cases last week could indicate a serious weakening of Mexico’s long-standing opposition to abortion.

Sep 13, 202114:10
Long live the Right to Life – Viva Texas!

Long live the Right to Life – Viva Texas!

There are plenty of reasons to be a proud Texan – business friendly, tasty BBQ, top tier sports teams, Big Bend National Park, Whataburger and so much more. As a native Texan, devout Catholic and avid pro-lifer, today especially, I could not be prouder to call the great state of Texas home. Texas has always been known as the “friendly state” and with the Texas Heartbeat Bill recently enacted it just got friendlier to the unborn.
Sep 07, 202107:21
High Population Equals Human Progress

High Population Equals Human Progress

An interview with renowned Italian historian Prof. Angelo Bertolo, a devout Catholic, who believes that both faith and reason teach us that high birth rates lead to human progress, not Malthusian disaster. He is a long-time friend and supporter of PRI and its president, Steven Mosher.
Aug 18, 202110:10
Marriage, Family, and Sexuality: An Interview with Dr. Janet Smith

Marriage, Family, and Sexuality: An Interview with Dr. Janet Smith

Today we welcome Dr. Janet Smith, longtime Professor of Theology, founder of Women’s Care Center, and one of America’s most valiant expositors and defenders of Humanae Vitae, the beautiful encyclical of Pope Saint Paul VI on marriage, the family, and the true meaning of human sexuality.

Jul 30, 202118:54
Now We Have Proof Wuhan

Now We Have Proof Wuhan

Biden administration officials are suddenly everywhere in the news, warning that the origins of the COVID-19 virus may remain shrouded in mystery for all time.

Jul 28, 202113:32
China’s demographic time bomb is ticking

China’s demographic time bomb is ticking

Whatever policy the Party now adopts, it will be too little and too late.
Jul 19, 202110:08
The Hyde Amendment

The Hyde Amendment

One of the prime targets of pro-abortion Democrats on Capitol Hill this year is the Hyde Amendment.

Jul 05, 202108:36
EU War on Hungary

EU War on Hungary

On June 15th, after weeks of deliberation, Hungary’s National Assembly approved a bill called the Anti-Pedophilia Act.
Jun 29, 202107:57
The Heroic Hungarians

The Heroic Hungarians

You may have heard about Hungary’s outspoken president, Victor Orban, who is probably the leading anti-Globalist in Europe. He is doing everything in his power to encourage Hungarians to have more children.

Jun 18, 202107:21
Why I was banned from Facebook

Why I was banned from Facebook

For suggesting that the China Virus came from a Wuhan lab, the censors of Silicon Valley tried to silence me.
Jun 08, 202107:05
China Orders its People to Ramp up Reproduction

China Orders its People to Ramp up Reproduction

The Chinese Communist Party has decided to allow Chinese couples to have three children.

Jun 01, 202105:34
Wuhan's Smoking Gun

Wuhan's Smoking Gun

Chinese scientists discussed fighting WWIII with bioweapons—including coronaviruses! PRI President Steven Mosher shares the uncovered evidence that supports his long-held theory on the origin of the coronavirus.

May 24, 202107:59
Vatican Healthcare Conference

Vatican Healthcare Conference

The Fifth International Vatican Conference, entitled “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul: How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health,” took place from May 6th-8th. It was co-hosted by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture, the Cura Foundation, and the Science and Faith (STOQ) Foundation to “explore the relationship between the mind, body and soul and the anthropological and cultural dimensions of being human.”

May 17, 202108:54
Be Fruitful and Multiply

Be Fruitful and Multiply

"As the father of a large family—my wife and I have nine children—I am sometimes asked why we chose to have so many children. My answer depends, to a certain extent anyway, upon my audience."

PRI President Steven Mosher shares his reasons for having a big family!

May 14, 202104:29
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Pompeo was the first openly pro-life secretary of state since Roe v. Wade.
May 13, 202111:01
Kerry leads the way

Kerry leads the way

After fossil-fueling his way back and forth to Shanghai – expelling a few dozen tons of carbon dioxide into the upper atmosphere in the process – Climate Czar John Kerry announced that he had reached an agreement with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Apr 27, 202108:26
Spain Faces Powerful Attacks On Life

Spain Faces Powerful Attacks On Life

Spain is an ancient country, a nation of courageous people. What other nation in history has successfully driven out an invader—in this case, the Muslims—after 800 years of occupation? Iberia is also to be honored for bringing civilization and the Faith to the New World. As a result, the entire Western world has flourished for centuries.

Apr 21, 202110:34
Russia Determined to Raise the Birth Rate

Russia Determined to Raise the Birth Rate

In early March 2021, Russia’s ruling “United Russia” party held a conference titled, “Legal and legislative aspects of supporting families and family values ​​in the Russian Federation”, which is part of a United Russia party project called “Strong Family.”

Apr 07, 202106:16
The Constitutional Crisis in Mexico

The Constitutional Crisis in Mexico

Dr. Christopher Manion, of PRI’s American headquarters, interviews Carlos Polo, the Director of PRI’s Latin American office, about the recent constitutional crisis in Mexico.

Mar 28, 202111:41
COVID Strikes Again but Rome Fights for Life!

COVID Strikes Again but Rome Fights for Life!

The pandemic drives down the birth rate in depopulating Italy
Mar 13, 202106:02
The Ethics Behind Vaccination

The Ethics Behind Vaccination

Many in the pro-life movement are undecided whether they should accept or reject the COVID-19 vaccine.

Feb 22, 202107:07
Joining the Geneva Declaration

Joining the Geneva Declaration

While the Trump administration has now left Washington, D.C., the administration in its final months worked together with dozens of nations to leave behind an important pro-life initiative that could have a significant and lasting impact for protecting the right to life internationally for years to come, regardless of who occupies the White House.

Jan 29, 202113:06
Capitol Demonstration

Capitol Demonstration

PRI is deeply saddened at the violence that took place at the U.S. Capitol, and mourn the deaths of US Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick and Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit, who was shot and killed inside the Capitol. The actions of a few, provoked by Antifa/BLM and other radical instigators, must not be used to defame the hundreds of thousands of pro-life, pro-family Americans who attended a peaceful rally to protest election fraud.

Jan 08, 202109:09
The Political Party for Life

The Political Party for Life

The D.C. establishment needs to understand that, whatever happens, the Republican Party is Trump’s party now. It is a pro-life, socially conservative, populist, pro-America party, comprised of people from all walks of life, from plumbers to small businessmen, who put faith, family, and freedom first. We intend to keep it that way.
Jan 04, 202107:47
CNN’s Lies Revealed

CNN’s Lies Revealed

CNN has just breathlessly announced that it has uncovered a “vast trove of leaked documents show[ing] China underreported COVID-19 numbers” and deliberately covered up the seriousness of the epidemic.
Dec 11, 202038:17
Demographics, Pandemonium, and the Virus

Demographics, Pandemonium, and the Virus

Trouble Lies Ahead In Demographics And In Doctrine

Sep 18, 202039:25
Bostock Ruling Produces Poisoned Fruit

Bostock Ruling Produces Poisoned Fruit

Now it is unconstitutional for public schools in the Deep South to maintain single-sex restrooms.

By Jonathan Abbamonte

Sep 08, 202018:54
Cutting Off International Abortion Funds

Cutting Off International Abortion Funds

Pro-Life Congressmen Call on Federal Government to Close Loopholes in Mexico City Policy, Block Funding to Pro-Abortion Institutions at the U.N.

By Jonathan Abbamonte

Sep 08, 202019:13
Catholicism a Casualty of China’s New Cultural Revolution

Catholicism a Casualty of China’s New Cultural Revolution

“The walls are closing in,” she sent over the encrypted service that we use to protect her — and other contacts in China — from state surveillance. “I don’t know how much longer we will be able to continue our work of evangelization here.”

Sep 07, 202013:31
Hormonal Contraceptives with a Side of Serious Health Risks

Hormonal Contraceptives with a Side of Serious Health Risks

Hormonal contraceptives pose a wide range of serious health risks for women, including increased risk for breast cancer, depression, suicide, HIV, and potentially life-threatening blood clots or stroke, a group of physicians part of the Contraceptive Study Group has found. Now these physicians are calling for stricter labeling. PRI supports this movement, pushing for Black Label warnings on over 160 forms of hormonal contraceptives. 

Written by Jonathan Abbamonte

Aug 18, 202017:02
Podcast Archbishop Coakley

Podcast Archbishop Coakley

A welcome message from Archbishop Coakley.

Jul 13, 202048:07