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Practically Theologians

Practically Theologians

By Practically Theologians

Some reformed guys talk through theological topics and attempt to bring them into the practical realm.
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009 - Interview With Students Nicki and Josh

Practically TheologiansDec 11, 2018

037 - The Benefits of Church Membership

037 - The Benefits of Church Membership

Andrew and Josh talk about the benefits of church membership. We hope it is helpful!

Oct 03, 202351:51
036 Why church membership? Jesus Calls His Sheep To Be Members of a Local Church

036 Why church membership? Jesus Calls His Sheep To Be Members of a Local Church

Andrew is back!!! The podcast is always much more fun with Andrew along, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. We talk in this episode about the necessity of church membership. Does the bible call Christians to be members of a local church, or is that an optional thing? And what is "membership?" Oh, and what is a "local church?" We both believe that the bible calls Christians to be members of a local church and we get into why we believe that to be the case.
Jan 21, 202335:11
035 What is cessationism? Why I am a cessationist.

035 What is cessationism? Why I am a cessationist.

Another driving episode, sorry for any road noise or such. I am a cessationist, which many people are not today. Thought it would be helpful to explain what that is.

Jan 21, 202306:35
034 What is Reformed?

034 What is Reformed?

A brief description of what "reformed" means as well as a bit of discussion on what covenant theology is. I was driving to work, so had no notes, pardon any rambling or stupidity :-).

Dec 28, 202215:43
033 Pictures of Jesus - Yea or nay?

033 Pictures of Jesus - Yea or nay?

Josh discusses pictures of Jesus. According to the 2nd commandment we ought to have no graven images of God. According to other passages, like Deuteronomy 4 we ought not to make any likeness of God. Why do many Christians today have no problem with pictures of Jesus if they believe He is God? 

Protestant evangelical churches today seem to take more of a Lutheran position on this as well as on public worship in general (normative vs regulative principle). Josh presents a position on images from the Reformed and Presbyterian point of view. 

An example of the Reformed position from the Heidelberg Catechism:

96. What does God require in the second Commandment?

That we in no wise make any image of God,1 nor worship Him in any other way than He has commanded us in His Word.2

1 Deut 4:15-19. Isa 40:18, 25. Rom 1:22-24. Acts 17:29. 2 1 Sam 15:23. Deut 12:30-32. Matt  15:9. * Deut 4:23, 24. * John 4:24.

97. May we not make any image at all?

God may not and cannot be imaged in any way; as for creatures, though they may indeed be imaged, yet God forbids the making or keeping any likeness of them, either to worship them, or to serve God by them.1

1 Exod 23:24, 25. Exod 34:13,14. Deut 7:5. Deut 12:3. Deut 16:22. 2 Kgs 18:4. * John 1:18.

98. But may not pictures be tolerated in churches as books for the people?

No, for we should not be wiser than God, who will not have His people taught by dumb idols,1  but by the lively preaching of His word.2

1 Jer 10:8. Hab 2:18,19. 2 2 Pet 1:19. 2 Tim 3:16,17. * Rom 10:17.

Dec 05, 202223:05
032 Nathan Cedarland Interview - Ministry in Mexico
Jul 09, 202201:05:01
031 Why I Am a Paedobaptist

031 Why I Am a Paedobaptist

Josh talks about why he became a paedobaptist. Apologies for the rambling, hope it is useful!

Jun 05, 202201:10:07
030 Truth in a Crazy World
Oct 29, 202132:23
029 No Singing and Wear Masks - Says the Governor

029 No Singing and Wear Masks - Says the Governor

Andrew and Josh discuss singing and mask wearing in 2020. This was released very very late, sorry. Hopefully it is an interesting discussion. 

Mar 23, 202144:50
028 Four Levels of Tyranny and How to Respond - Part Three - Mandates and the Christian in the USA

028 Four Levels of Tyranny and How to Respond - Part Three - Mandates and the Christian in the USA

Andrew and Josh discuss the four levels of tyranny described by the Magdeberg Confession of 1550, a summary of which can be found here:

We hope you find our discussion helpful as you think through these things with those around you. We don't intend to tell you what to do, only to let you in on where we are at to help round out your thinking. These are difficult things to work through for most of us, as we never really were forced to consider them in our relatively free society until the lockdowns shut down churches, workplaces, gatherings, etc. 

We broke the discussion into two parts, the first on these levels, and the second on a discussion of singing and masks. We will release the second part as soon as we can get it edited!

Dec 14, 202043:04
027 Part Two - Mandates and the Christian in the USA
Nov 18, 202043:44
026 Mandates and the Christian in the USA

026 Mandates and the Christian in the USA

Mask mandates. Churches not allowed to meet. Businesses shut down. Andrew and Josh discuss authority and what the Christian response to many of the orders coming down from governors should be. What is lawful authority? What about truth? These are difficult issues and we want to make it clear here that we are only two friends discussing these things; we are not representing our churches; we are not trying to be dogmatic; we are only trying to work it out. We hope to be helpful in giving the listener a perspective that might lend toward being more compassionate toward those with whom you disagree. We all have different ways of coming at things, and sometimes we have to disagree at the end of the day even as we leave the discussion as friends and brothers or sisters in the faith. Due to time constraints we had to leave this at a cliff-hanger, but will come back as soon as we can find time to continue the discussion. Hope you find it helpful. As always, we'd love feedback at

Nov 05, 202032:13
025 An Interview With Nicki Regarding Exclusive Psalmody
May 28, 202001:08:41
024 Family Worship
Apr 13, 202001:23:06
023 Quick Update During Odd Times

023 Quick Update During Odd Times

Josh throws together a quick update on what's happening with the lockdown in Washington state, and also talks a bit about definitions. What is a vulnerable person? Who defines what it means to be human?

Here is the short post Josh wrote regarding the vulnerable:

A short, quickly written observation. So forgive any incomplete arguments and bear with me! And if clarification is needed I’d be happy to address.

As I was sipping my coffee this morning, thinking about the current state of society amid this whole panic over a virus, I decided I would write something that has been on my mind for the last few days regarding the “vulnerable” (not “scare” quotes, just labeling as a label). I keep thinking about the  inconsistency of politicians, news sources, and individuals who support the murder of unborn children and then claim to care about the “vulnerable” among us. What I have been thinking is how they are being allowed to define “vulnerable” based on something other than how I would define it.

Those who rebel against God by supporting the murder of babies get around that charge by redifining what a baby is.  They redefine what it means to be a human being. They get to choose when that baby becomes a person. And so, those among us who are truly vulnerable, those who are grey with wisdom, those who have underlying health issues, and babies; are all at risk of someday losing the “vulnerable” label when those who define what it means to be a human decide to define the vulnerable right out of society.

God defines what it means to be human. Male and female He created them, after His image and very good. All who bear His image are human beings, and because we bear His image are worthy of being treated with respect by one another. Jesus Christ, God incarnate, gives us the supreme example of protecting the vulnerable. All humans face certain death, we all share in this ultimate vulnerability. Not only that but we should all face the terrible judgment of God for our rebellion against Him. But Jesus came to bear the curse for His people, and death now has lost its sting for those who believe that Jesus came, died, and rose again to bring resurrection life!

As we weather a storm that may or may not be all media hype and social media fueled panic (why a run on TP?), be encouraged that you face certain death. Be encouraged because death is the most fearful thing we face and there is an answer to its sting, the work of Jesus the Christ. And treat the vulnerable well knowing we are bearing the image of God who treated His people with amazing grace in Christ. And when people throw out these terms let’s think about what they mean by them. Maybe that will present an opening to talk about Jesus with them, who knows?

Apr 07, 202010:20
022 Homiletics: A Discussion on Lessons Learned Preaching This Year

022 Homiletics: A Discussion on Lessons Learned Preaching This Year

We discuss some of the lessons we learned while preaching this year. Ranging from trying to utilize illustrations to creating a memorable main idea, it was a fun discussion and we hope you enjoy!

Dec 08, 201901:13:38
021 Apologetics Part 2

021 Apologetics Part 2

Today we discuss apologetics.  We have broken our talk into two parts, catch episode one on our page!

Presuppositional apologetics is our preferred method, and so that is what we cover in this episode. Some of the questions we discuss are:

What are apologetics?  What is the point?  How should we engage others with the gospel?

Hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah, links to some resources you all might enjoy:

CMFNOW.ORG: Greg Bahnsen Stuff

Book: Rosaria Butterfield on Hospitality

Book: Always be Ready by Bahnsen

Youtube: Rosaria Butterfield: Loving the Stranger: Awakening & Hospitality

Gordon Clark Book: Religion, Reason, and Revelation

Nov 18, 201929:25
020 Apologetics Part 1
Nov 18, 201945:56
019 The Exegetical Idea - We Work Through One

019 The Exegetical Idea - We Work Through One

Today we work through Psalm 131 in an attempt to not only explain what an exegetical idea is, per the book Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson, but also show you how we work toward one (although imperfectly). This is to hopefully provide you also with another way to help study Scripture, as  trying to get to what the author is saying as the subject/complement of a passage tends to focus one in on a truth in the passage under which the particulars of that passage can be organized. Anyway, we hope it is useful and interesting, but if not we at least had fun talking!  Leave us feedback if you'd like, or suggestions for future episodes, at

Oct 13, 201930:19
018 Ruth 2:18-3:5 - Bitterness and Kindness

018 Ruth 2:18-3:5 - Bitterness and Kindness

A message preached by Josh recently from the book of Ruth.  In 2:18-3:5 Ruth brings back a bounty of grain to Naomi and they are excited to learn that Boaz, the generous benefactor, is a redeemer for the family. But is Naomi seeing Boaz as simply a solution to her earthly woes, or is she seeing a great provision for redemption brought about by Yahweh? We will consider Naomi's scheme and what this great little book is teaching us to help us understand what God has to say to us here in Ruth. Here is my main idea from the text, "when your heart is bitter consider the loving-kindness of the Lord, for by it He patiently leads us to repentance."

Aug 21, 201937:30
017 Misused and Abused: Matthew 18:20

017 Misused and Abused: Matthew 18:20

Josh and Andrew discuss Matthew 18:20 and how to utilize good interpretive skills.  So often we take these verses that we are used to quoting out of context simply because we know the verse so well but forget the context.  We hope to show why understanding context is important and why this verse is not a good proof-text for the church being wherever there are 2 or more believers present.  And if you have any feedback for us please let us know at  Thanks for listening! 

Aug 06, 201943:43
016 Misused and Abused - Romans 8:28

016 Misused and Abused - Romans 8:28

In the first episode of a special series we will be recording every so often on misused Bible passages, Andrew and Josh discuss Romans 8:28 and how it can be taken out of context either in innocence or by false teachers. We ought to think about the context of passages that we are very familiar with, and if we don't remember the context we should take another look to remind ourselves.  Sometimes those verses are so ingrained in our minds that we use them almost reflexively, and when that happens we can tend to use them even out of context.  We do our best, we were both rusty, but we hope it get you thinking.  And if you have any feedback for us please let us know at  Thanks for listening!

Jul 26, 201939:12
015 - An Interview With Seminary Wives
Apr 16, 201951:31
014 - Righteousness and Imputation - Responding to a Question

014 - Righteousness and Imputation - Responding to a Question

A discussion on righteousness and imputation. How should we understand the imputation of Christ's righteousness to us in light of certain passages that indicate our righteousness is also important?
Feb 21, 201957:44
013 Biblical Preaching Stages 7-10

013 Biblical Preaching Stages 7-10

We discuss the final 4 stages from the book "Biblical Preaching" by Haddon Robinson. The rest of the podcasts are below:
Stages 1-3
Stages 4-6
Feb 10, 201958:03
012 - Interview with Dr. Andrew Zeller
Jan 01, 201955:49
011 - Biblical Preaching Stages 4-6

011 - Biblical Preaching Stages 4-6

We discuss stages 4-6 from the book "Biblical Preaching" by Haddon Robinson. Here is the link to the INTRO PODCAST we did on the subject. Also, the podcast with stages 1-3 is HERE.
If God so leads, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to give through the “Spirit Campaign” from November 15th through December 31st. When you donate to SDCS through the Spirit Campaign, your donations, up to $1,000 per family, are doubled! What a great way to multiply kingdom resources. Here is a LINK to the flier for the campaign. Please use it to donate. Thank you!

Chapter 1 - The Case for Expository Preaching
Robinson makes the case for expository preaching by showing how at the end of the day it allows the preacher to say with confidence, “thus saith the Lord.” Expository preaching expounds and applies concept derived straight from the text of Scripture, applying it to the personalities and experiences of the congregation after having first been applied to the preacher himself. Expository preaching does not import the preacher’s ideas into the text, rather the ideas that are preached and applied come from the text to the congregation by way of the preacher.
Chapter 2 – What’s the Big Idea?
Preaching must be a “bullet and not buckshot.” In other words the congregation must be given a single idea that coheres the entire message preached in order to be able to grasp and apply what the preacher is bringing to them from the text. In order to get this idea one must find the “subject” and the “complement” of the exegetical unit. The subject is that which the author is talking about, and the complement is what the author is saying about what he is talking about.
Chapter 3 – Tools of the Trade
Robinson gets into the stages of sermon preparation here:
Stage 1 – Selecting the Text
The selection of the text involves looking at thought units, sections of the text that contain an idea. One must balance the size of the thought unit with a determination of the amount of time one has to preach. Combining these two factors will give the preacher the right length of text to cover in one go. Another way to preach is the topical approach, and the texts may be selected in much the same way. One thing to be careful about with a topical approach though is that you don’t import the topic into the text; one must let the text speak for itself.
Stage 2 – Study Your Passage and Gather Your Notes
The next stage gets into studying the passage and context. Robinson gives five points to consider as you study the passage. First take the context of the passage as it sits within the book into account. In order to do this one may need to read the book many times. The goal is to be able to see how the passage relates to the overall message of the book. Second take the context of the passage in light of its immediately surrounding passages into account. Third read several translations and write down the problems in translation that you observe. Fourth try to state the subject and complement, at least roughly. Fifth is the study of the passage’s structure, vocabulary, and grammar. It is during this time that knowledge of the original languages becomes very useful, even essential, to being able to see clearly what is being said in all its nuances. He lists several resources that the preacher will want to avail himself of. Lexicons, Concordances, Grammars, Word-Study Books, Bible Dictionaries, Commentaries, etc.
Stage 3 – As You Study the Passage, Relate the Parts to Each Other to Determine the Exegetical idea and Its Development
In this stage you are analyzing and synthesizing the text, zooming in to get the particular details of the text, then zooming back out to understand how the smaller units fit into the larger. During this time the subject and complement should be further refined to better reflect the particular idea within the thought unit. In order to do this Robinson gives some instruction. For the subject, what the author is talking
Dec 25, 201853:32
010 - Interview With Graduating Senior Matt Sandoval

010 - Interview With Graduating Senior Matt Sandoval

Today Andrew and Josh interview Matt Sandoval about his seminary experience here at Sangre de Cristo Seminary. He will be graduating here in December, 2018, and he was kind enough to let us pick his brain and hear about his experience here. Hope you enjoy!
If God so leads, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to give through the “Spirit Campaign” from November 15th through December 31st. When you donate to SDCS through the Spirit Campaign, your donations, up to $1,000 per family, are doubled! What a great way to multiply kingdom resources. Here is a LINK to the flier for the campaign. Please use it to donate. Thank you!
Dec 18, 201835:09
009 - Interview With Students Nicki and Josh

009 - Interview With Students Nicki and Josh

Nicki and Josh are being grilled by Andrew today. We talk about our lives before seminary and some of the factors involved in how we arrived at Sangre De Cristo Seminary in Westcliffe, CO from Washington State and New Jersey. It was a fun time, hope you enjoy!
If God so leads, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to give through the “Spirit Campaign” from November 15th through December 31st. When you donate to SDCS through the Spirit Campaign, your donations, up to $1,000 per family, are doubled! What a great way to multiply kingdom resources. Here is a LINK to the flier for the campaign. Please use it to donate. Thank you!
Dec 11, 201845:47
008 - Biblical Preaching Stages 1-3

008 - Biblical Preaching Stages 1-3

We discuss stages 1-3 from the book "Biblical Preaching" by Haddon Robinson. Here is the link to the INTRO PODCAST we did on the subject.
If God so leads, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to give through the “Spirit Campaign” from November 15th through December 31st. When you donate to SDCS through the Spirit Campaign, your donations, up to $1,000 per family, are doubled! What a great way to multiply kingdom resources. Here is a LINK to the flier for the campaign. Please use it to donate. Thank you!
Chapter 1 - The Case for Expository Preaching
Robinson makes the case for expository preaching by showing how at the end of the day it allows the preacher to say with confidence, “thus saith the Lord.” Expository preaching expounds and applies concept derived straight from the text of Scripture, applying it to the personalities and experiences of the congregation after having first been applied to the preacher himself. Expository preaching does not import the preacher’s ideas into the text, rather the ideas that are preached and applied come from the text to the congregation by way of the preacher.

Chapter 2 – What’s the Big Idea?

Preaching must be a “bullet and not buckshot.” In other words the congregation must be given a single idea that coheres the entire message preached in order to be able to grasp and apply what the preacher is bringing to them from the text. In order to get this idea one must find the “subject” and the “complement” of the exegetical unit. The subject is that which the author is talking about, and the complement is what the author is saying about what he is talking about.

Chapter 3 – Tools of the Trade

Robinson gets into the stages of sermon preparation here:

Stage 1 – Selecting the Text
The selection of the text involves looking at thought units, sections of the text that contain an idea. One must balance the size of the thought unit with a determination of the amount of time one has to preach. Combining these two factors will give the preacher the right length of text to cover in one go. Another way to preach is the topical approach, and the texts may be selected in much the same way. One thing to be careful about with a topical approach though is that you don’t import the topic into the text; one must let the text speak for itself.

Stage 2 – Study Your Passage and Gather Your Notes
The next stage gets into studying the passage and context. Robinson gives five points to consider as you study the passage. First take the context of the passage as it sits within the book into account. In order to do this one may need to read the book many times. The goal is to be able to see how the passage relates to the overall message of the book. Second take the context of the passage in light of its immediately surrounding passages into account. Third read several translations and write down the problems in translation that you observe. Fourth try to state the subject and complement, at least roughly. Fifth is the study of the passage’s structure, vocabulary, and grammar. It is during this time that knowledge of the original languages becomes very useful, even essential, to being able to see clearly what is being said in all its nuances. He lists several resources that the preacher will want to avail himself of. Lexicons, Concordances, Grammars, Word-Study Books, Bible Dictionaries, Commentaries, etc.

Stage 3 – As You Study the Passage, Relate the Parts to Each Other to Determine the Exegetical idea and Its Development
In this stage you are analyzing and synthesizing the text, zooming in to get the particular details of the text, then zooming back out to understand how the smaller units fit into the larger. During this time the subject and complement should be further refined to better reflect the particular idea within the thought unit. In order to do this Robinson gives some instruction. For the subject, what the author is talking about, he recommends usin
Dec 04, 201839:42
007 - Introduction to Biblical Preaching

007 - Introduction to Biblical Preaching

Today we discuss Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson. It is a great little book! We give an overview of the book and will get into more details in later episodes. We hope it is helpful to you.
And here is a link to our episode where we discuss the first three stages outlined in the book.
If God so leads, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to give through the “Spirit Campaign” from November 15th through December 31st. When you donate to SDCS through the Spirit Campaign, your donations, up to $1,000 per family, are doubled! What a great way to multiply kingdom resources. Here is a LINK to the flier for the campaign. Please use it to donate. Thank you!
Nov 27, 201838:44
006 - An Interview With Dwight and Lois Zeller - Founders of the Seminary

006 - An Interview With Dwight and Lois Zeller - Founders of the Seminary

Andrew and Josh were privileged to interview Dr. Dwight and Lois Zeller who founded the seminary back in 1976. We get to listen in on some of their experiences as well as to some great advice. We hope the interview is encouraging to you!

If God so leads, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to give through the “Spirit Campaign” from November 15th through December 31st. When you donate to SDCS through the Spirit Campaign, your donations, up to $1,000 per family, are doubled! What a great way to multiply kingdom resources. Here is a LINK to the flier for the campaign. Please use it to donate. Thank you!
And as promised, some pictures of the chapel on campus. It's a beautiful little building in a beautiful setting.
Nov 20, 201845:47
005 - The Atonement

005 - The Atonement

What is the atonement and why does it matter that we know about it? Today we discuss the atonement. What it is, what it means, and why it matters.
Nov 13, 201830:10
004 - Basic Hermeneutics

004 - Basic Hermeneutics

Today we discuss hermeneutics. What are some of the basics to reading the Bible? Also a segment on student life here at Sangre de Cristo Seminary.
Nov 06, 201828:37
003 - The Essentials of the Christian Faith

003 - The Essentials of the Christian Faith

We discuss today how we as Christians all have disagreements with other Christians on matters of doctrine, we know that two irreconcilable opinions cannot both be true, yet some differences remain. So how do we handle these differences? We will discuss some ideas for how to categorize them and how this might work out practically.
Nov 01, 201843:21
002 - Knowing Truth, Authority, Interpretation

002 - Knowing Truth, Authority, Interpretation

Continuing from last time, we again turn to a discussion promted from our readings in "Let the Reader Understand." Today we discuss the knowability of truth and touch on some different topics including how we can know we have arrived at truth, authority and interpretation, etc.
Oct 31, 201850:58
001 - What is truth?

001 - What is truth?

Today we discuss a topic related to the book we are reading in our Hermeneutics class "Let the Reader Understand" by Dan McCartney and Charles Clayton. Tune in as we discuss truth, what is truth and how can we know it?
Oct 31, 201854:44
October 30, 2018

October 30, 2018

Oct 30, 201800:44