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Prairie View

By Prairie View

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The Return of Christ, Part 6

Prairie ViewFeb 05, 2023

The Good Shepherd - Pastor Appreciation Sunday

The Good Shepherd - Pastor Appreciation Sunday

Pastor Logan Conine brings the word today for Pastor Appreciation. Thank you, Prairie View, for honoring us so well and loving on us so much. We love you!

Oct 15, 202340:17
Unity in the Trials

Unity in the Trials

Pastor Brian Filibeck brings the word today. We pray you are blessed by it!

Oct 08, 202348:02
Where is God When it Hurts?

Where is God When it Hurts?

Pastor Logan Conine brings us the word today. This is from Sunday, October 1st. Please forgive us for it being this late!

Oct 01, 202328:37


Jacob wrestled with both God and man, but only God left him with a blessing. We look at Genesis 32:22-32 today.

Sep 24, 202348:56
Guest Speaker Pastor Dillon Lewis

Guest Speaker Pastor Dillon Lewis

Pastors Dillon and Dani Lewis lead our worship today and Pastor Dillon speaks. Please watch and we pray you are blessed!

Sep 18, 202301:31:47
Even Though...

Even Though...

Even though everything falls apart, even though the world around us crumbles, even though we walk through hell on earth, God has not and will not forsake those who are His. Take comfort in knowing that the Lord sees, hears, and knows!

Sep 10, 202337:35
RECAP Sunday

RECAP Sunday

Pastor Brian Filibeck, Pastor Logan Conine, Children's Leader Jessica Countryman, and Rex Keltner share a recap of all the ministry that happened during the summer! I pray you are blessed by their recaps!

Sep 06, 202301:02:17
Rest for the Weary

Rest for the Weary

Are you weary and heavy laden? Come to Christ!

Aug 27, 202330:21
Nailed - Dead - Risen

Nailed - Dead - Risen

It is so easy to try to make our Christian walk about more than Jesus - but our Christian walk never is more than Jesus. Remember what He has done for you, the life you now have in Him, and what that means.

Aug 20, 202353:14


What does it mean to have a real relationship with the Lord? We are commanded by Jesus to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, all of our mind, all of our soul, and all of our strength, and to love our neighbor as ourself. With that in mind, it is time to get real.

Aug 13, 202348:28
Courage for the Conflict

Courage for the Conflict

Did you ever wonder how Paul and his companions could keep on going when everything was against them? Have you ever felt this way yourself? If so, you are in good company. Join us as we look at Who and what can give us courage for the conflict.

Aug 06, 202338:58


What is your hope anchored to? If it is not anchored in Jesus Christ, then you don't have biblical hope! We look at Jesus being our anchor today.

Jul 30, 202336:12
Oil & Wine

Oil & Wine

The parable of the Good Samaritan is a great example of how Jesus has rescued us, and how we need to enter into the dirt and grime and mess of the world to help rescue others.

Jul 23, 202349:46
Find Your Why

Find Your Why

Why do you do what you do, live where you live, pursue what you pursue, value what you value? The answer to that question, for Christians, should be simple: Jesus. Once you know your "why," you can discover how that "why" works to glorify God in you and through you unto others.

Jul 03, 202338:09
The Blessing is in the Pressing - Evangelist Terry Davis

The Blessing is in the Pressing - Evangelist Terry Davis

Sometimes you have to press through the crowd to receive the blessing. Evangelist Terry Davis brings the Word this Sunday morning. We pray he blesses you as he did us!

Jul 03, 202353:56
Father's Day 2023 - Becoming a Godly Man

Father's Day 2023 - Becoming a Godly Man

Becoming a godly man does not just happen over night. It takes intentionality and pursuit. We look at the life of Caleb to learn some valuable lessons - mainly how he points to Christ - which is where all godly men start and where all godly men find their ending.

Jun 18, 202333:57
among other gods - the god of sex

among other gods - the god of sex

One of the gods that we are surrounded by is the god of sex. Pornography, adulterty, fornication - these are all rampant in our culture. Fight against these - and help others fight these battles, too. There is victory in Jesus!

Jun 11, 202346:15
among other gods: the god of religion

among other gods: the god of religion

Some dangers seem new, but they have always been. We look today at the false god of religion, how Jesus strongly condemned it, and how the Israelites perpetually were plagued by this. Knowing about something is the first step in not falling prey to it.

Jun 04, 202301:07:16


The Holy Spirit hasn't changed, He is still relevant, and we still need Him.

May 28, 202349:52
The Return of Christ, Part 11

The Return of Christ, Part 11

We finish up our series on 1st and 2nd Thessalonians today. Paul addresses an issue, then points the Thessalonians to the peace of the Lord - so vital for churches today! The only way to live ready for the return of Christ is to be ready, and the only way to be ready is to live ready.

May 21, 202336:11
Sacrificial Love

Sacrificial Love

It is the grace of God that in mothers, we see a sacrifical love that points us directly to the sacrifical love of Jesus Christ. Mothers, we honor and appreciate you all today!

May 14, 202331:50
Fighting A Battle

Fighting A Battle

Sometimes the battle we are fighting is not the right battle to be fighting - and we look at that today. Because Christ has won our battle, we need to make sure we fight from victory instead of for victory

May 07, 202301:00:09
As I Have Done

As I Have Done

Today, we take a look at when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and what that means for us in our own day!

Apr 30, 202343:40
The Return of Christ, Part 10

The Return of Christ, Part 10

We must believe the truth, guard the truth, practice the truth, and share the truth. And the truth is that Jesus is the only Savior, and all stand in need of a Savior. This sermon is challenging, but if you will listen to it, you will understand why!

Apr 23, 202354:32
The Return of Christ, Part 9

The Return of Christ, Part 9

We continue in our series on 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. In this part, we look at Paul dealing with an issue involving false understanding, how the antichrist will come, and what Jesus will do when He comes.

Apr 16, 202343:29
Come and See!

Come and See!

Pastor Brian bring us our Easter Sunday message. Come and See is the invitation that is for all - Come and See what Christ has done!

Apr 10, 202359:50
Good Friday - What Was in the Cup?

Good Friday - What Was in the Cup?

Good Friday is good for us only because of what Christ went through. Pastor Logan brings us a timely message on Good Friday - please give this a listen!

Apr 08, 202331:30
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Pastor Logan brings us a Palm Sunday message about the triumphal entry of Christ! You will be blessed!

Apr 03, 202340:44
Fauxtographic Memory

Fauxtographic Memory

So many times our memory leads us wrong when it comes to what the Lord has done in our lives - and when our memory becomes "Fauxtographic," we tend to forget who God is and what He can do!

Mar 27, 202345:45
Tyler Franca - Missionary to Dominican Republic

Tyler Franca - Missionary to Dominican Republic

Missionary Tyler Franca - who serves in the Dominican Republic - shares with us today. You will be blessed and we encourage you to support their ministry if you can!

Mar 19, 202337:08
The Return of Christ, Part 8

The Return of Christ, Part 8

Today we look at 2 Thessalonias Chapter 1, where we see the need to persevere in the midst of persecution and trials. We can take hope because we know that Jesus will return!!!

Mar 05, 202336:00
Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

God is up to something at Prairie View! 3 new members and 6 baptisms today! Pastor Brian Filibeck preaches on baptism! You will be blessed!

Feb 26, 202301:00:14
Gideon's Sunday

Gideon's Sunday

Gideon Representative Lee Becker shares with us today. The Gideon's is an excellent ministry, and I encourage you to find out how you can support them and get a representative into your church! You will not be disappointed!

Feb 21, 202358:10
The Return of Christ, Part 7

The Return of Christ, Part 7

Paul gives a list of things that we need to do in order to be ready for the return of Christ. These practical commands are so beneficial for our lives as Christians - not only so that we can live ready in light of Christ's return, but so that we can help others live ready for Christ's return as well!

Feb 12, 202350:48
The Return of Christ, Part 6

The Return of Christ, Part 6

Today we look at the Scriptures that bring us such hope - the Scriptures about the return of Christ! We have no hope if Christ is not resurrected, and we have no hope if He is not returning! Thankfully, the same Christ that is resurrected is the same Christ that will come back for those who are His! The only way to be ready is to live ready!

Feb 05, 202343:08
The Return of Christ, Part 5

The Return of Christ, Part 5

Paul walks the Thessalonians (and us) through what it means to live holy lives - how we are called to holiness and not uncleanness. We also look at the way holiness is worked out in our lives: it is not by what we say - but by how we live before the Father and in our relationships with others. True holiness is living empowered by the Holy Spirit, ready for Christ's return.

Jan 29, 202348:14
Two Hearts

Two Hearts

There is a common theme in Scripture of how the hearts of different people responded differently to God in the same situations. We look at the captivity of the Israelites, and see how they responded when things got worse for them instead of getting better, even after deliverance had been initiated, proclaimed, and begun. For us today, we take this principle and seek to make sure our hearts don't grow hard against the Lord, even in the midst of trial and adversity. The Lord knows what He is doing, even if we cannot see His whole plan!

Jan 22, 202344:45
Even Now

Even Now

Do you have faith even now, even in the midst of pain, hurt, and hopelessness? God is with us even now. Pastor Logan Conine preaches for us today out of John 11:1-44.

Jan 15, 202338:31
R.E.S.E.T. - Vision Sunday 2023

R.E.S.E.T. - Vision Sunday 2023

This is our Vision Sunday for 2023. 2023 is a year of reset - either in a positive or negative way. Positive reset will include Recognize/Respond, Engage/Encourage, Sanctify/Solidify, Evangelize/Emerge, and Test/Trust. Negative reset will include Resist/Resent, Escape/Evade, Slip/Slide, Erode/Erase, and Topple/Trample. Which reset will be your defining choice in 2023?

Jan 01, 202353:48
Hope Delivered

Hope Delivered

Hope promised becomes hope expected, which becomes hope delivered. We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ today! He is our Hope, and the only Hope we have! This is our Christmas Day service.

Dec 25, 202221:46
Hope Expected

Hope Expected

We know that a Savior has been promised. We look tonight at the expectation of that Savior. This is our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

Dec 25, 202221:13
Hope Promised

Hope Promised

Worldly hope looks for an immediate response - biblical hope is the confident expectation that something good will happen in the future. We look at the difference between these two, and ultimately come to realize that Jesus Christ is our hope! And He is a hope that will not fail!

Dec 18, 202241:27
The Return of Christ, Part 4

The Return of Christ, Part 4

In this sermon, we really get to see the pastoral heart of Paul and the importance of keeping the faith as a body of believers. We also see how Jesus is worth it in the midst of all suffering, and how we are to grow in love and holiness while remembering that the Lord is coming back!!!

Dec 11, 202243:45
The Return of Christ, Part 3

The Return of Christ, Part 3

Today we continue in our series on 1st Thessalonians. We take a look at the joy of salvation, and what it means to live accordingly in light of Christ's return.

Nov 27, 202237:00
The Return of Christ, Part 2

The Return of Christ, Part 2

In part 2 of our series, we look at Paul's heart for the Thessalonian church, and how he preched to them the gospel that was entrusted to him, not seeking to please men, but God. In a world where pastors have become men-pleasers, it is a breath of fresh air to study about someone who only sought to please God. Everything Paul said and did was in the understanding of Christ being Lord and of His return - and it drove him to preach the gospel unashamed!

Nov 06, 202249:13
The Return of Christ, Part 1

The Return of Christ, Part 1

We start our series on 1st and 2nd Thessalonians today! The main theme of these books is the return of Christ, but they are also full of practical ways to live in light of Christ's return. We hope you enjoy!

Oct 30, 202253:10
Walking In Unity

Walking In Unity

Unity in the local body is so important! We walk through Ephesians 4 today and look at how we can best honor Christ through unity in the church!

Oct 23, 202252:30
Running On Empty

Running On Empty

Depression is not something that is often talked about in churches, and we need to change that, not just because so many people struggle in isolation with depression, but because there are biblical examples of people used by God who struggled with depression. May this sermon speak to us all on a practical level, and maybe we run to the arms of Jesus, even with our depression!

Oct 17, 202239:39
Delegated, Part 5 - Giving

Delegated, Part 5 - Giving

We close out our Delegated series today, which has been our series on stewardship. Today we look at giving, specifically tithes and offerings, and what it means for you and I today. We cannot be good stewards in a biblical sense if we are not good stewards of our finances, and it is an immediate reflection upon our relationship with the Lord!

Oct 09, 202234:05
Delegated, Part 4 - Forgiveness

Delegated, Part 4 - Forgiveness

Today we look at how we can properly steward forgiveness and why it matters. We look at three specific aspects of forgiveness: the forgiveness we have received from God in Christ; the forgiveness we are to give to each other as forgiven people; and the forgiveness we sometimes have to give to ourselves, which might be the hardest one of the three to accept and implement!

Oct 02, 202253:24