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Transformative Meditations by Prerna Sujan

Transformative Meditations by Prerna Sujan

By Prerna Sujan

Meditation is a state of conscious awareness we practice as we walk through life's daily challenges that enables us to objectively detach from situations and learn from what life wishes to teach us. I will be releasing meditations based on the challenges I see confronting others in their personal and professional lives, through my work as an ontological coach, which focuses on harmonizing the domains of language, emotion, and body. My aim is to extract nuggets of wisdom that you can apply to your life to reach a state of peace and calm.

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Transformative Meditations by Prerna SujanFeb 17, 2024



FREEDOM: This short meditation helps you look at your challenges in your inter personal relationships with a new perspective. Once you learn to respond to life, you are free. Freedom feels like a bird soaring high in the skies.
Feb 17, 202403:16
The Few by Edgar Albert Guest

The Few by Edgar Albert Guest

The Few.

The easy roads are crowded
And the level roads are jammed;
The pleasant little rivers with drifting folks are crammed.
But off yonder where it's rocky,
Where you get a better view,
You will find the ranks are thinning
And the travelers are few.

Where the going's smooth and pleasant
You will always find the throng,
For the many, more's the pity,
Seem to like to drift along.
But the steps that call for courage,
And the task that's hard to do
In the end result in glory
For the never-wavering few

Edgar Albert Guest
Nov 06, 202305:06


I received a reading one morning on the subject of forgiveness. The Sacred Texts speak of forgiving each one irrespective of their actions. It asks us to return meanness with a sprit of forgiveness. It advises us to go within the homes of our bodies and be at peace. How does one do so is the question often asked. It’s easy to forgive our loved ones. But how does one forgive persons who do is wrong for no fault of ours.
Our judgement about today’s experiences are very shortsighted. Little do we realize the shuttle of life is weaving its web of magic and an opportunity each moment. Our experiences today in concert with yesterdays and tomorrows shall weave a unique, purposeful, wholesome and perfect for our own good.
Let us think about these words and allow the wisdom and intuition to guide us as we move from head to heart space. My experience with forgiveness has been transformative when I accept Divine Will unconditionally. I move into a space of forgiving myself as well as others and am able to then see each one as an extension of the Divine residing within each one. There is no anger, no judgment, just plain simple acceptance. I hope this short piece inspires some on the journey.
Oct 01, 202302:48


The body is a container through which we experience a wide palate of emotions. Managing these emotions and habitual patterns with mindfulness practices helps a practitioner create a powerful destiny.
Jul 25, 202304:38
Every Breath

Every Breath

Every breath is a gift
An opportunity to create
A new possibility
A new beginning
A new way of being
Awareness of breath
Keeps me in awe and wonder
At the spinning wheel of life
To weave out the garment
Filled with love, kindness, peace,
Compassion, acceptance
An indomitable faith
And knowing
That it is unfolding with every breath
Why then must I wriggle
In pain, in agony and cry?
Why then do I question and desire to control?
Why then do I allow my mind to bother
Why do I not stay with breath?
And weave the fabric
Of love, kindness, peace
Compassion Acceptance
Each breath at a time

Jul 24, 202301:39
The Kingdom of Bliss

The Kingdom of Bliss

I started my journey to the kingdom of bliss.
At first, I was in a huge hurry until bliss showed me the way.
She asked me to slow down and enjoy the ride.
She showed me some dark monsters,
And with awareness she showed me to observe with rigor.
Without reacting or clinging,
She gave me some roses to smell along the way.
Which made me happy and joyful.
She asked me to slow down and enjoy the ride,
Till I reached a state where bliss has been forgotten.
And experiences are being collected.
Some good, some horrific and some scary.
She asked me to slow down and enjoy the ride.
When now, there is no desire to reach the kingdom of bliss,
I slow down and simply enjoy the ride.
Sometimes smooth, sometimes bumpy,
I slow down and simply enjoy the ride.
And I am in the kingdom of bliss!

By Prerna Sujan
Jun 16, 202302:04


I have a recorded a short meditation to help you work through grief. I hope it is helpful. In spirit of service.

Apr 05, 202305:41
Working Through Fear

Working Through Fear

As a follow up to my post on how to discern and overcome fear with intelligent logic, I have recorded a small meditation. Please enjoy and share freely.

In the spirit of service.

Feb 20, 202308:35
Working Through Anxiety

Working Through Anxiety

This meditation will help you understand the futility of interpretations. Once you free yourself, a world of possibilities will open up.

Feb 20, 202309:08
Walking Meditation

Walking Meditation

As I was walking in the Fertő-Hanság National Park with my daughters, they recorded a walking meditation that I was leading them through. Live every minute from a centered space and allow life to manifest magically from a place of surrender.

Feb 20, 202305:55
Understanding the Concept of Divine Will

Understanding the Concept of Divine Will

Suffering shall be experienced differently once you understand the concept of Divine Will.

Feb 20, 202312:54
The Guest House by Rumi

The Guest House by Rumi

This poem is one of my favorites. Rumi explains to us the technique of living a blissful life. We are asked to remain a witness observer without participation and identify the narratives that dominate our ways of being.

When we learn to take a step back, we can observe and respond rather than react. Enjoy a detached journey with a spirit of surrender, gratitude and acceptance. Be the lotus flower living in the muddy waters of life.


Feb 20, 202301:23
The Art of Being

The Art of Being

This meditation aims to teach you how to be in the present moment. It helps you reach a state of wonder, joy, peace, and bliss as you witness the beauty of life as it unfolds every minute. This is a powerful way to be if you wish to thrive and celebrate life no matter what. The choice is yours!

Feb 20, 202308:59
Tap into your Authentic Wisdom

Tap into your Authentic Wisdom

Centering and meditation plays a big role in my life. I work with clients to help them tap into their authentic wisdom in the body. The guidance that we receive from that space is profound, wise, and insightful. This meditation helps you tap into the wisdom of your authentic self. I hope you enjoy this short 10 minute practice. Curious to hear about your experiences.

Feb 20, 202310:33


This practice helps you to become a vessel and receive support from the Universe to tap into the wisdom of the Universe and get a flavor of your innate nature. It will help you to get in touch with your intuition.

It helps you to learn to distill your thoughts with the discerning intellect. You will be guided into learning to surrender to the energy of the flow of life. As a result, you will be guided to form your own practice around surrender.

Feb 20, 202308:24
Smiling Cells

Smiling Cells

This practice is recommended during the morning hours upon waking up. Modern day life brings forth endless amounts of stress and challenges. As a result, we have stopped breathing in the way we are meant to. 

This practice activates the cells to consciously receive fresh oxygen from head to toe. As a result you will feel elevated, lighter, and healthier. You will notice that your cells have come alive thus giving your immune system a boost as well as reducing the cortisol levels in the blood. You will feel an emotional boost, which in turn will calm the mind and thoughts.

Feb 20, 202312:19
Sitting with Unpleasantness

Sitting with Unpleasantness

A practice dedicated to all sentient beings to kindle the emotions of kindness, love, care, and compassion for ourselves and others. This practice helps us open to unpleasant feelings without judgment.

You are taught to dance with the unpleasantness of thoughts without resisting or pushing them away. You will be guided to melt into these thoughts, which will help you transcend them and cope differently thereby bringing you a feeling of ease, grace and gratitude.

Feb 20, 202310:44
Relationship with Uncertainty

Relationship with Uncertainty

My go-to techniques that help me face uncertain situations. These have helped my clients over the last 14 years and continue to support many. Hope you enjoy this short audio that shall give you a new perspective on your relationship with anxiety.

Feb 20, 202306:54
Relationship with Shame

Relationship with Shame

A short invitation to explore your relationship with shame and self-judgement. It’s ok to face challenges as long as we allow ourselves to learn from failures, setbacks and grow as a result.

Feb 20, 202304:27
Pre-meeting Preparation

Pre-meeting Preparation

Are you stressed and frazzled before a meeting? Here is a super short yet powerful centering practice to tap into your authentic self to prepare for an important conversation.

Feb 20, 202304:21
Observing the Resistant Nature of the Mind

Observing the Resistant Nature of the Mind

Please enjoy this meditation on observing the resistant nature of the mind. Namaste.

Feb 20, 202308:18
Morning Meditation

Morning Meditation

This meditation helps you connect with yourself on a daily basis. The benefits of this practice are:

- You learn to respond rather than react

- You learn to embrace the present moment

- You move into a mode of acceptance with ease much faster

- You start tapping into intuitive wisdom

- You start experiencing life from a more enjoyable space

Feb 20, 202315:14
Meditating with Open Eyes

Meditating with Open Eyes

Please enjoy this meditation that I recorded after a long hiatus. In spirit of service 🙏

Feb 20, 202308:26
Lessons to Learn from Breath

Lessons to Learn from Breath

This meditation is a powerful learning experience that the practitioner can take away. Breath, the Life Force within us imparts some very important lessons. Let us get inspired and live life from what the Force is teaching us.

Feb 20, 202309:32
Heal Yourself Meditation

Heal Yourself Meditation

I held a lot of resentment within my being at one point in my journey. I was led to do a silent vipasana retreat to learn forgiveness and loving kindness. This changed the course of my life.

This meditation will help you learn to forgive yourself, stop judging yourself, forgiving yourself and others too. Once we do so, we accept life as it is. Please enjoy and start healing yourself.

Feb 20, 202311:26
Footsteps in the Sand

Footsteps in the Sand

This short story tells us the power of living our lives from a place of trust, faith tapping into the bigger picture enabling peace and joy in our lives.

Feb 20, 202304:56


A dignity practice recorded due to repeated requests from clients. Hope you like it 😇🙏

Feb 20, 202308:27
COVID-19 Learnings

COVID-19 Learnings

This practice was released when COVID-19 struck the world stage with its tremendous impact in March 2020. This practice helps you to accept yourself in the state that you are in at the current moment and to meet yourself there.

It will teach you a deeper breath practice which in turn helps relax the brain and your nervous system. You will be taught to discern acceptance from matters that you can control and impact.

You will leave the practice with 5 tips that you will be guided to formulate for yourself. You will walk away with a feeling of empowerment and control. You will notice serenity throughout the day by remembering parts of the practice from time to time during your day.

Feb 20, 202310:07
Connect with the Universal Life Force

Connect with the Universal Life Force

This meditation helps you connect with the Universal Life Force. Once you do so on a daily basis, you shall manifest clarity of thoughts, a discerning intellect, peace, and calm. You will begin to recognize the Power that lies within you, which will enable you to start manifesting all that you desire. You will be filled with the wholeness that you are thus feeling content.

Feb 20, 202311:16


This practice teaches you to live a life of dignity and to be resolute in guarding your well-being and life of bliss. It helps you understand what you might be losing out on as a result of getting swept by your challenges and suffering.

It aims for you to understand what is “enough” for you at this point in time. It helps you to stretch your capabilities and develop the muscle of commitment. It teaches you to reduce the impact of suffering in your life.

You will experience an opening in your chest area, the home of beauty and bliss. It will give you the effect of a karmic shower when practiced with rigor. You will walk away feeling light and will reap the benefits of this centering throughout your day.

Feb 20, 202309:34
Collective Prayer

Collective Prayer

Collective prayer has known to be powerful and highly effective. I have recorded a short prayer and plea for world peace. Please share with your friends and family.

Feb 20, 202308:35
A Short Poem

A Short Poem

This short prayer/poem was shared with me by one of my coach colleagues. The powerful words of this extraordinary poem resonate deeply with my way of being.

I recite this quietly several times during the day. It brings me a great level of peace and comfort. It reminds me on a daily basis to live my life weaving surrender, trust, faith and devotion in the very fabric of my being.

I hope it resonates with many of you as much if not more. 

Feb 20, 202305:35
A Samurai Warrior’s Learnings

A Samurai Warrior’s Learnings

This is a short piece understanding the gift of surrender together with hard work to achieve one’s goals and how one must strive to live each day in the present moment from a space of gratitude.

Feb 20, 202306:50