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Prism of Torah

Prism of Torah

By Prism of Torah

Explore Torah insights with Reb Asaf in the Prism of Torah podcast – deep wisdom for modern life, inspired by weekly Parsha.

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Parshas Kedoshim - Eat Your Way to Emunah

Prism of TorahMay 09, 2024

Parshas Bechukosai - The Solution to Global Stability

Parshas Bechukosai - The Solution to Global Stability

Parshas Bechukosai - The Solution to Global Stability

In a world where chaos reigns and the future seems uncertain, the Torah holds the key to the universe's very existence. Join us as we unravel the cosmic code that puts the fate of creation in your hands. Discover the transformative power of mitzvos and how your everyday actions can shape the course of history. Get ready to rewire your reality and unlock your true purpose in this eye-opening episode of Prism of Torah.

May 30, 202413:15
Parshas Behar - Emotional Wealth, Financial Health
May 23, 202416:37
Parshas Emor -The Grizzly Bear's Guide to Kedusha
May 16, 202418:25
Parshas Kedoshim - Eat Your Way to Emunah

Parshas Kedoshim - Eat Your Way to Emunah

Parshas Kedoshim - Eat Your Way to Emunah

What is the hidden power behind eating kosher? How can the purity of our food affect our connection with Hashem? In this week's thought-provoking episode of The Prism of Torah, Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman delves into the spiritual dimensions of kosher eating and its profound impact on our lives. Discover the startling consequences of consuming impure foods and the miraculous blessings that await those who embrace a kosher lifestyle. Explore the intricate relationship between our dietary choices and our ability to transcend the laws of nature. Join us as we unravel the mystical insights behind the concept of "tihyun li"-‘they should be mine’ and its transformative potential. Don't miss this enlightening discussion that will forever change the way you view the food on your plate. Tune in now to unveil the secrets of kosher eating and unlock the keys to a life of divine connection and protection.

Keywords: Kosher eating, Spiritual purity, Divine protection, Emunah (faith), Transcending nature

May 09, 202413:03
Parshas Acharei Mos: Counting to Clarity

Parshas Acharei Mos: Counting to Clarity

This week is sponsored by the Weitzner Family,  In loving memory of their Father and Grandfather.🕯️Dovid Ben Dov🕯️

Are you prepared for the journey to Shavuos? How can we protect our holiness in a world filled with temptation? Join us as we explore the wisdom of Chazal and the Gedolei Yisrael in navigating the challenges of our generation. Discover the power of fences in safeguarding our connection to Hashem and learn how to channel our physical desires for kedushah.

We'll delve into the stories of Mitzrayim and uncover the keys to living a life of clarity, purity, and purpose. Don't miss this transformative episode that will elevate your soul and empower your Emunah. Tune in now to unlock the secrets of a truly meaningful life!

Keywords: Shavuos preparation, Holiness and kedushah, Chazal and gedolei Yisrael, Overcoming temptation, Yirat Shamayim

May 02, 202417:58
Parshas Metzorah How Belief Shapes Our Destiny
Apr 18, 202416:51
Parshas Tazria- Create a Shower of Abundance

Parshas Tazria- Create a Shower of Abundance

How do we have the power to create life or bring destruction? Why is it that the actual declaration of the Kohen is what renders one as impure? Join us as we explore the profound impact of speech through the lens of Parashas Tazria. What is the unique tool that Hashem gave us that, if we use it appropriately, we can create a shower of abundance for us, the Jewish people, and the whole world, and on the flip side, create, chas veshalom, the opposite effect?

Discover the deeper meaning behind the purification process of the metzorah and the symbolism of the two birds. Why is one bird left free and one slaughtered? Uncover the incredible potential of verbal energy and how it sustains the spiritual worlds above. In this thought-provoking episode, Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman delves into the intricacies of guarding our speech and elevating our souls. Tune in to unlock the secrets of harnessing the power of words for good and transforming your life through vocal holiness.

Keywords: Parashat Tazria, Power of speech, Lashon hara, Purification process, Kohen's declaration

Always on

Apr 11, 202416:24
Parshas Shemini - When Failure Fuels Faith
Apr 04, 202416:13
Parshas Tzav - Unveiling the Secrets of Survival

Parshas Tzav - Unveiling the Secrets of Survival

What if one powerful shift in perspective could transform your entire life? In this eye-opening episode of Prism of Torah, we uncover the profound yet often overlooked connection between danger, sin, and gratitude. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of Korban Todah, the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and explore its deeper message for our daily lives. Discover how recognizing Hashem's hand in every situation - from the mundane to the miraculous - can utterly revolutionize your outlook.  Through an unforgettable true story, you'll learn to see life's challenges in a whole new light. Ready to experience the transformative power of gratitude? Tune in now - your perspective may never be the same!

Keywords: Korban Todah, Korban Chatos, Parshat Tzav, Divine Providence, Gratitude.

Mar 28, 202417:27
Parshas Vayikra- Creating an Atmosphere of Simcha
Mar 21, 202413:25
Purim: When Life Throws You a Curveball, Trust the Pitcher
Mar 19, 202413:26
Parshas Pekudei - Nothing Like a Clean Impression
Mar 14, 202418:13
Parshas Vayakhel - Golden Intentions
Mar 07, 202415:32
Parshas Ki Sisa - Snakes & Sinks

Parshas Ki Sisa - Snakes & Sinks

What is the deeper meaning behind the Kohanim washing their hands and feet? Why were the Kiyor and Mizbeach made specifically from copper? What crucial lesson does it contain that applies to our spiritual lives today?

Delve into the secrets of the Mishkan’s outer courtyard and discover how the Kohanim’s purification process holds valuable guidance for fortifying our own faith. Learn powerful perspectives from the Neshivas Shalom and the Noam Elimelech on protecting our prayers from negative forces seeking to feed off our mitzvos. This episode explores how meticulous spiritual preparation can uplift our religious devotion to brand new heights of purity.

Don’t miss this eye-opening discussion.

Always on

Feb 29, 202416:31
Parshas Tetzaveh- Impact Your Destiny

Parshas Tetzaveh- Impact Your Destiny

Sponsored by The Weitzner Family, in memory of Moshe Yechial Ben Meir

What is the underlying significance of the priestly garments? Why is the functionality of the "Urim Vetumim" (Prophecy) linked to Aaron rather than a prophet? How did he earn this level of Divine communication?

This week, we delve into the mysteries surrounding the clothing of the Cohen. By closely examining the pessukim, we uncover valuable lessons on recognizing the hand of God and learn how the most profound Divine revelations are achieved.

Clues emerge aligning Purim with the themes of Tetzaveh, shedding light on our journey toward true connection and understanding of Hashem's hidden presence. Join us as we uncover insights from the past that remain relevant to this day.

Always on

Feb 22, 202417:51
Parshas Terumah- Elevate & Activate
Feb 15, 202412:39
Parshas Mishpatim - Listen, Drink & Be Merry

Parshas Mishpatim - Listen, Drink & Be Merry

Why is the ear pierced for a slave who refuses freedom? Why is the ear chosen over the hand or foot? What makes Naaseh Vnishmah - 'hearing and listening' - so unique? Why is it crucial to accept the yoke of heaven by 'listening' to Hashem?

In this week's parsha, we delve into a perplexing halacha regarding the ear of the eved ivri. By exploring its deeper significance, we uncover the secrets of the spiritual realms. The result is a formula for truly serving Hashem through cultivating faithful obedience. Join us on a thought-provoking journey into the essence of genuine Avodas Hashem. Additionally, a very interesting true story will be shared to illustrate the concept.

Always on


Parshat Mishpatim, eved ivri, pierced ear, Shema Yisrael, blind faith, slave/servant to Hashem, Purim drunkenness, observing Shemitah

Feb 08, 202420:20
Parshas Yisro: Stress Free Journey of Life

Parshas Yisro: Stress Free Journey of Life

Why did the splitting of the sea alone not compel Yisro to convert? Is it not a miracle enough to open one's eyes? How could there still be disbelief after witnessing such an event? What happened next that finally impelled Yisro toward the truth? In this week's podcast, we delve into the eternal riddle of faith versus skepticism. We explore the unexpected combination of events that left even Yisro, a seasoned priest, utterly astonished. What was this mystical one-two punch? This podcast is packed with parables and stories that all have the same root vital message, a message that is probably the most vital of all messages.

Join us on this thought-provoking journey as we seek to uncover life's deeper meaning and purpose amidst its stormy seas. Will we sink or will we swim toward spiritual awakening?

Feb 01, 202416:42
Parshas Beshalach - Faith Can Move Mountains

Parshas Beshalach - Faith Can Move Mountains

Why did Hashem tell Moshe it was not the time to pray, when prayer is our greatest weapon, especially during a time of crisis? How could Bnei Yisrael reach spiritual heights so quickly after the extreme impurity they endured in Egypt? What secret causes prophecy to dwell upon us?

This week we will explore the story of how the splitting of the sea occurred and how it led Bnei Yisrael to reach great heights of prophecy through their unwavering faith. We will learn about the incredible power of elevating physicality through action and the vital practical lesson we can all learn from this Parsha. A story reveals how bitachon can change one's fate.

Jan 25, 202419:46
Parshas Bo: Be All That You Can Be

Parshas Bo: Be All That You Can Be

What did Moshe and Aaron represent that made them true equals, despite Aaron being Moshe's student? Why place Aaron's name before Moshe's? This episode explores their deeper bond that unified opposites into a greater whole - like two legs enabling one to walk. We’ll unpack three compelling resolutions for Rashi's perplexing statement that they shared the same exalted rank, each teaching a pivotal lens for viewing Judaism. Discover anew how to appraise greatness, find meaning in supporting roles, and build bridges between contrasting paths that ultimately unite. Packed with metaphors and the Netziv’s mashul, let this podcast lead you to look beyond surface comparisons, embrace your distinctive purpose, and sanctify this world as one.

Jan 18, 202418:28
Parshas Vaera: Decoding the 10 Plagues

Parshas Vaera: Decoding the 10 Plagues

Why did Hashem need 10 plagues—wouldn’t one catastrophic plague have sufficed? What is the deeper meaning behind the 3 distinct sets of plagues we see in the Hagadah? And why does the Torah spend so much time on the details of each plague?

This week's parsha raises profound questions about the nature of emunah, the path to personal growth, and Hashem’s relationship with humanity. By exploring insights on the makkos, this podcast reveals timeless lessons about strengthening your emunah amidst life's plagues and passions. You'll discover how the structure of the 10 plagues contains eternal truths about the journey from impurity to purity, mind to heart to action. A great Mashal & Story is given as well to emphasize the concept.

Jan 11, 202420:37
Parshas Shemos: The True Secret Weapon 
Jan 04, 202415:39
Parshas Vayechi: Ordinary Moments, Extraordinary Purpose

Parshas Vayechi: Ordinary Moments, Extraordinary Purpose

Have you ever considered the deeper significance behind the Torah’s unusual formatting in this week’s parsha? The 'closed' parsha? What revealing connection exists between the closure of the Parshas upon Yaakov’s death and the subsequent hardship for the Jewish people? Delving into Rashi’s Pshat unearths a striking insight into Yaakov Avinu’s exceptional influence in uplifting mundane existence into holiness during his lifetime, which is a 'game-changer' for how we conduct our lives.

Don't miss this vital concept as we learn how it can result in boundless Bracha—for you and your family. Why couldn’t these protective Brachos withstand his passing? How can we tap into the power of injecting Kedusha in these days? By revealing this spiritual concept, which yields protection and abundance throughout generations, we uncover the key to connecting more profoundly, fortifying ourselves to thrive through every difficulty. Join us as we transform the ordinary moments of life into extraordinary nourishment for the neshoma.

Dec 28, 202316:17
Parshas Vayigash: Link To Life

Parshas Vayigash: Link To Life

Why did Yosef refer to "my father" when asking his brothers if Yaakov was still alive? Shouldn't he have said "our father"? What was Yosef hinting at when reiterating that his brothers had sold him into slavery in Egypt? How could Yaakov not believe that Yosef was still alive and ruler of Egypt when told by his most trusted sons, the Shevti Kah?

In this week's parsha, as Yosef reveals himself to his brothers, we uncover the secret behind his perseverance in Egypt. Through coded language and symbolic gifts, discover how Yosef stayed righteous despite the turmoil. Learn the incredible power of remaining connected and walking others out with support.

Hear an unbelievable story of a mother's selfless act that unintentionally inspired her estranged son's return to Judaism years later.

Join us this week as we explore how true connection leads to spiritual fulfillment and success.

Dec 21, 202316:46
Parshas Miketz: Nightmare on Pharaoh Street

Parshas Miketz: Nightmare on Pharaoh Street

In this week's parsha, secrets are revealed. Why was Pharaoh so distressed by his dreams of skinny cows devouring fat ones that he abruptly awakened and urgently called in experts to interpret them? What caused the collapse of his entire philosophy that morning?

Do dreams reflect deeper truths? The flames of the Chanukkah candles seem to defy the laws of nature. Do they contain deeper lessons? Are there cracks in our perception of reality? But what do the perplexing patterns in this week's parsha hint at? How can the weak overcome the mighty? Did the few truly defeat the many?

Join us as we explore intriguing ideas from our sages that are still relevant today. How do our choices shape outcomes? What brings about miracles? If you seek to understand how this world truly works, this podcast will enlighten and inspire you.

Dec 14, 202312:45
Parshas Vayeishev: Humble Pride 

Parshas Vayeishev: Humble Pride 

Parshas Vayeishev: Humble Pride 

Yosef's Temptation Scene The KEY To Thwarting Greeks' CUNNING Plot of Superficiality Over Spirituality

What was Yosef hinting at when he refused the advances of Potiphar's wife, stating "There is no one greater than me here"? How did this relate to maintaining humility yet self-worth? We explore the balance between arrogance and humility, uncovering how even negative traits can serve a higher purpose.

Is there such a thing as "unhealthy humility" or is that an oxymoron? Surprisingly, yes - misplaced humility can be spiritually dangerous. How did this reality save lives during an earthquake in Tzfat centuries ago?

Via drush, we connect the above scene of Yosef to the famous scene of Moshe Rabbeinu and the Burning Bush. These passages contain more parallel messages than meet the eye - timely teachings for Chanukah on attaining clarity amidst chaos. As the war continues, what mindset should we nurture this Chanukah and beyond?

Dec 06, 202314:08
Parshas Vayishlach: The War from Two Fronts

Parshas Vayishlach: The War from Two Fronts

As Yaakov prepares to meet Esav, he sends messengers with a cryptic message: “I have lived with Lavan.” What does this mean? Why does Yaakov say he fears Esav will attack one camp but spare the other? And why does he tell Esav that despite living with Lavan, he kept all the Mitzvos - would Esav care?

This week, we gain insight into the two-front battle we must continuously be ready to fight. How can we ensure we have the right intentions when performing Mitzvos? How did living in Lavan’s house strengthen Yaakov’s commitment to Hashem’s path? And what is the deeper message behind the seemingly redundant plea "Save me from my brother, from Esav"?

Join us on this episode of the Prism of Torah as we explore how Yaakov’s dramatic confrontation with Esav teaches an incredibly relevant message for our own battles in life. The story reveals the true battle we all face and will give us the Siyata Dishmaya to face our enemies, external and internal, as Yaakov Avinu did so long ago.

Nov 30, 202313:19
Shuir: Your Mindset Matters: Kavana in Hilchos Shabbos

Shuir: Your Mindset Matters: Kavana in Hilchos Shabbos

What is a Melacha? Does our mindset and intention impact the Melacha? Fundamental questions arise around the philosophy of transgression.

Whether you're a beginner looking to develop your learning skills or eager to further your depth of knowledge in Gemora and Rishonim, this week's Shiur will challenge you to rethink conventional borders.


This week, Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman gave a Shiur at Kollel Beis Hillel on Maseches Shabbos, examining what defines a Melacha that is prohibited on Shabbos versus a mundane weekly act.


How integral is our Kavana (intention) to the definition of a prohibited Melacha? We try to define what a Melacha is and what makes the prohibitions unique - actually destroying something rather than creating (Mochek, Soser, Korea, etc'). Understanding these intricate details will help address an incredible question posed by Rabbi Akiva Eiger on the Tosfos.


All this is based on an innocent statement in Gemora Shabbos 73B where Rav Kahana mentions that a person cutting branches is liable for Planning and Zomer, but only if he actually wants the branches for firewood. Tosfos clarifies that this is even in Rav Yehuda's view that any time a person does a dry action resulting in a prohibition, it is always "over" the prohibition no matter the intention.


We will address Rabbi Akiva Eiger's question on the Tosfos, despite it remaining largely unresolved.

Nov 27, 202338:38
Parshas Vayeitzei: Sacrifice and Reward

Parshas Vayeitzei: Sacrifice and Reward

Yaakov’s marriage starts off with trickery, embarrassment, and confusion. Why does Hashem allow such a holy union to begin this way? In this week’s parsha, Rachel makes the noble choice to prevent her sister's (Leah) shame by giving over the simanim—and sacrificing marrying Yaakov. Yet later, Leah lashes out at Rachel for stealing Yaakov and now wanting her son’s dudaim. What audacity! After all, it is only thanks to Rachel that she was able to marry Yaakov (As chazal tell us she was destined to marry Eisav and hence she was constantly crying)? What is behind Leah’s harsh words? How are we to understand Leah and Rochel’s complex relationship?

What crucial lesson about the right motivations for doing chesed can we learn from this family drama? And how did one sage make a courageous choice for kiddush Hashem rather than clearing his name? Tune in as we dive into the prism of Torah and discover answers to these questions and more.

Always on

Nov 23, 202317:39
Parshas Toldos - Antidote to Rote

Parshas Toldos - Antidote to Rote

Whose prayers hold greater power and impact - the righteous child of a wicked parent or the righteous child of a righteous parent? At first glance, it may appear that the former would possess a stronger influence. Yet, in this week's parsha, it is Yitzchak's supplication that is resoundingly answered, rather than Rivka's. This revelation sparks intrigue: what hidden advantage did Yitzchak possess?

Delve into our latest podcast episode where we embark on a profound exploration of prayer and the perpetual challenges of life. We unravel captivating insights that defy conventional wisdom. How did Yitzchak's unorthodox approach shatter existing patterns, and what profound wisdom can it impart upon our own spiritual journeys?

Join us on this captivating journey as we navigate the perils and pitfalls that lie in our way. How can we shield ourselves from merely going through the motions in our sacred bond with Hashem? What invaluable teachings can we glean from Yitzchak's journey that are acutely relevant to the critical juncture we find ourselves in today?

Nov 16, 202313:41
Parshas Chayei Sarah: From Pain into Gain

Parshas Chayei Sarah: From Pain into Gain

Have you ever pondered the correlation between the innocence of a child and the concept of beauty? Or contemplated the true meaning of leading a fulfilling life? Join us in this week's podcast as we delve into the profound wisdom embodied in Sarah's extraordinary journey - a tale far from the ordinary!

Why does Rashi propose that Sarah's beauty at the age of 20 resembled that of a 7-year-old? And what significance lies in the statement, "They were all equally good"? In addition, why does the Torah extensively detail Sarah Imenu's years, unlike other female figures?

Uncover the profound lessons that can be gleaned from Sarah's unwavering strength during challenging moments, and discover how her example can inspire resilience within ourselves.

Nov 09, 202313:40
Parshas Vayera- Iron Dome for Ayin Hara

Parshas Vayera- Iron Dome for Ayin Hara

In this podcast, we will explore the concept of Ayin Hara (Evil Eye) and its impact on our lives. We will discuss how to shield ourselves from its dangerous potential severe impact. We will also delve into the story of Sara Imeinu, who possessed the level of prophecy, and how she did not believe Hashem that she was going to have another baby. We will also explore how Sara suggested to Avraham that “she did not laugh,” even though she indeed laughed once she heard she was going to have a baby. Finally, we will examine the dialogue between Sara and Hashem (via Avrohom). Join us as we answer all these questions and connect the concept that we portray to historical events and current events in the past week.

Nov 02, 202318:19
Lech Lecha: Selfless Devotion

Lech Lecha: Selfless Devotion

Would you like to explore the life of one of the most influential figures in history? Are you interested in uncovering the insightful lessons from Avraham's remarkable story? Why did he not worry about others accusing him of obtaining wealth through Sdom, yet he exhibited caution with the possessions acquired from Egypt? What distinguished qualities did he possess that made him stand apart from other righteous individuals such as Shem, Ever, and Chanoch? Why did he decline any possessions from Sdom following his triumph over the kings?

In this episode, we invite you on an engaging journey through Avraham's life and mission, where you will discover: The unique devotion & spiritual self-sacrifice that he portrayed which made a world of difference.

Oct 26, 202316:40
Noah's Ark of Love & Unity

Noah's Ark of Love & Unity

In this week's episode, we delve into the intriguing question: Why did Hashem instruct Noach to take food specifically "from his own" in to the Teivah? We uncover fascinating insights from the Kli Yakar and Reb Chaim Shmulevitz, exploring the deeper meanings behind this seemingly redundant directive.

But that's not all. We also uncover the profound significance of unity and love, drawing upon stories that shed light on the transformative power of selflessness and kindness. Learn how acts of giving and unity can forge an unbreakable bond with Hashem, illuminating the path to spiritual fulfillment and divine love.


Oct 19, 202320:03
Bereishis Through Clouded Vision to Clarity

Bereishis Through Clouded Vision to Clarity

Bereishis: Through Clouded Vision to Clarity

What major transformations occurred when Odom and Chava ate from the fruit? What does it mean they were suddenly naked? How does the sin of eating from the Etz Hadas relate to the presence of Haman? What does it mean to have a "cloudy" vision of Hashem's will in your life? How can we navigate life's optical illusions to remember Hashem's control, especially during challenging times?

We'll also be discussing the current situation in Israel, acknowledging the deep sadness it brings. While we won't delve into the raw emotional side, we will explore the practical steps we can take spiritually to support and uplift the situation.

Get ready to be amazed, enlightened, and inspired as we journey through the depths of Parashas Bereishis. Don't miss out on this eye-opening episode, and share it with friends and family who might be craving a dose of spiritual enlightenment. Let's all find that path toward a clearer vision of Hashem's will in our lives."

Oct 12, 202317:20
Hoshana Rabba: A Day of Awe & Ahava

Hoshana Rabba: A Day of Awe & Ahava

Hoshana Rabba: A Day of Awe & Ahava

Do you ever wonder why Hoshana Rabba is referred to as the "Hidden Yom Tov"? Or perhaps, why it's often considered one of the most underrated yet profoundly important days of the year? Why does Hoshana Rabba receive the title of the day when our judgment is sealed? Isn't that what Yom Kippur is all about?

Join us on our podcast as we embark on a captivating journey to unveil the hidden connections between Hoshana Rabba, Sukkos, and your spiritual path. In this episode, we'll explore the profound meanings and mysteries of this special day, offering insights that you won't want to miss.

Don't let this opportunity slip away. Dive into our podcast episode to enrich your understanding and appreciation of Hoshana Rabba and Sukkos. Prepare for a transformative experience that will deepen your spiritual journey.

Always early released on

In case you missed it, last week we dropped two episodes a dvar Torah for sukkos and a story, you can listen to it here: and

Oct 02, 202320:37
Sukkos Story: Candies of Change

Sukkos Story: Candies of Change

Sukkos Story: Candies of Change

How can a few candies change a person's life? We share an amazing true story of a struggling soul who found hope and inspiration from a renowned Tzaddik and three candies. What led this person to seek guidance from Rav Steinman? How did the candies become a catalyst for change? What profound lesson can we learn from the sweetness?

Join us for a heartwarming tale that shows us the power of kindness, the impact of a single moment, and the value of effort over results.

Don't miss "Candies of Change" and get ready to be inspired! Always released early on

Sep 28, 202305:41
Sukkos: From Materialism to Spirituality

Sukkos: From Materialism to Spirituality

What makes the mitzvah of Sukkah so special? How does a simple structure like a Sukkah reveal deep spiritual insights? And what does a pocket have to do with it all? In this episode, we explore these questions and discover the hidden treasures of this beautiful mitzvah. We learn about the meaning and purpose of Sukkah, the intentions behind our actions, and the secret connection between materialism and spirituality.

Prepare to enhance your understanding of Sukkos and find new ways to connect with Hashem. Don’t miss this enlightening episode. Always released early on

Sep 28, 202316:00
Yom Kippur: Shortcut to Teshuva

Yom Kippur: Shortcut to Teshuva

Ever wondered why Yom Kippur is THE day for Teshuvah? What makes Yom Kippur the most powerful day of the year? What does it mean when Hashem is closer to us? What does it mean that Hashem purifies us like a mikveh on Yom Kippur? In our latest podcast episode, we're diving deep into the secrets of this sacred day. But here's the twist—why does Hashem's 'garbage collection' play a role? Get ready to explore how Yom Kippur offers you a shortcut to spiritual transformation! What does it take to become as angelic on this Heilige Day? Don't miss this enlightening journey of forgiveness, grace, and closeness to Hashem. Tune in now and discover the magic of Yom Kippur—it's more than fasting and prayer!

Sep 21, 202315:42
Rosh Hashanah: Job Security

Rosh Hashanah: Job Security

Rosh Hashanah: Job Security

Curious about the hidden secrets of Rosh Hashanah? Have you ever wondered why Rosh Hashanah precedes Yom Kippur, or why Yom Hadin (Judgment Day) is not explicitly mentioned in the Torah? Dive into the intriguing world of Rosh Hashanah with our latest podcast! Discover the surprising connection between accepting divine rule, known as Malchus, and the promise of a prosperous year. Is it solely about making amends for past sins, or is there a deeper, more profound dimension at play? Explore why this "big judgment day" isn't just a simple replay of past actions but rather a fresh opportunity for the future.

And that's not all – don't miss the incredible story of a basketball player's journey to reconcile Shabbos with his career. You'll never see Rosh Hashanah in the same light again! Listen now!

Sep 14, 202320:36
Parshas Netzavim Unveiling the Heart of Rosh Hashanah

Parshas Netzavim Unveiling the Heart of Rosh Hashanah

Have you ever pondered the profound connection between the Shofar and personal transformation? What distinguishes the various calls of the shofar, and why do they seem contradictory? Do they evoke feelings of joy or fear? Are you curious about how the Shofar can recalibrate your life and ignite self-reflection? Is it beneficial to approach Rosh Hashanah with a hint of trepidation?

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Don't miss out—tune in now to uncover profound answers that will enrich your comprehension of Rosh Hashanah and the remarkable significance of the Shofar!

Sep 07, 202319:06
Parshas Ki Savo- There is never a second chance for a first beginning

Parshas Ki Savo- There is never a second chance for a first beginning

🔊 Embark on a profound journey through Parshas Ki Savo! Ever wondered about the secret behind the Torah's emphasis on first fruits over quality? 🍎🥝

Discover the deep significance of positive beginnings and mitzvot, and how they mirror the growth of a baby or the initiation of a mitzvah. 🌱📜 And that's not all: Gain fresh perspectives from the tale of the Chinese bamboo tree! 🌿🎋

As we approach the High Holidays, this episode beautifully aligns with the themes of Rosh Hashanah. 🍎🍯 Tune in to unravel the wisdom that bridges the gap between ancient insights and the upcoming year. 🎧✨ Don't miss these captivating revelations that could reshape your outlook on beginnings and embark on the Journey for the Yomin Noraim. Tune in now to unlock timeless wisdom. 🎧📜

Aug 31, 202315:45
Parsha Ki Seitzei– Mitzvos are not in the way, they are the way

Parsha Ki Seitzei– Mitzvos are not in the way, they are the way

Uncover the hidden wisdom within Parsha Ki Setzi in our latest podcast episode! 🎧 This week, we delve into the intriguing concept of the rebellious child, Ben Soyer Umorer. Question 1: Why does someone indulging in simple pleasures seemingly deserve the death penalty? 🔍 Why is a child punished for mere indulgence in wine and meat? Isn't it too severe a punishment? 🔍 Question 2: How does the story of Yishmoel, who was saved by a well in the desert, relate to Ben Sorer Umorer? 🔍 Question 3: Why does Rosh Hashanah precede Yom Kippur? Shouldn't forgiveness come before judgment? What does this have to do with the Ben Sorer Umorer?

Tune in as we share a thought-provoking perspective on this order and how it ties into recalibrating our mindset. Join us for this thought-provoking podcast episode, where we explore these questions and much more! Gain fresh insights into how our choices shape our lives, as we prepare for the Yomim Noraim and reflect on our personal paths.

Aug 24, 202316:20
Parshas Eikev - Perception Is Reality

Parshas Eikev - Perception Is Reality

In this thought-provoking episode, join us as we explore the profound concepts behind accepting the yoke of mitzvos and the true burden of fulfilling Hashem’s commandments. Delving into seforim and teachings, we unravel the mysteries of why certain mitzvos, seemingly trivial, hold immense significance in our spiritual journey. Discover how the perception of obligation shapes our rewards, and why daily reaffirmation of our commitment is crucial. Why does the famed translator Unkelus emphasize acceptance over performance? What secrets lie within Rashi's interpretation of "ekev"? Journey with us to uncover the essence a Yids true devotion and prepare to embark on a transformative path leading up to the yomim noraim.

Aug 03, 202316:26
Connecting to Tisha B'av (Given at Kollel Beis Hillel)

Connecting to Tisha B'av (Given at Kollel Beis Hillel)

In this episode, we dive deeper into what it means to truly connect with Tisha B'Av and elevate ourselves. We discuss the importance of feeling emotion and connecting with our hearts. It is not enough to simply observe Tisha B'Av with sadness; we must approach it as a mitzvah. We explore the idea that feeling pain is a positive sign of being connected, drawing analogies to a dentist realizing the root is still alive when the patient experiences pain.

We address two important questions: why does it seem harder for our generation to connect with Tisha B'Av, and why did the leaders of the Jewish people in the past cry over seemingly trivial matters? We discuss the need to work on ourselves and get into the proper mindset to truly connect with Tisha B'Av. We share insights, highlighting the importance of going beyond just the words in the Torah and delving deeper into its wisdom and creation.

We also touch on the challenges faced by scholars in today's society and the disheartening disconnect between the younger and older generations. Many individuals are more focused on material gain rather than personal growth, leading to an absence of the Shechinah in our lives. We explore the importance of learning and a deeper connection to the Torah, emphasizing the significance of the Temple and its impact on our spiritual growth.

Throughout the episode, we reference various teachings and stories to illustrate our points. We discuss the need for pain to trigger teshuva, the connection between mourning and bringing Yerushalayim back, and the role of the shofar in awakening us. We also reflect on the unique times of Tisha B'Av, the three weeks leading up to it, and Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, all of which provide opportunities for teshuva and spiritual growth.

In conclusion, we believe that everything is connected to the concept of rebuilding the Beit Hamikdash, and it is our responsibility to strive for improvement and make a significant impact on multiple levels. We must recognize our own shortcomings and aspire to reach higher levels of spiritual connection.

Jul 24, 202325:43
Tisha B’av From Destruction to Reconstruction

Tisha B’av From Destruction to Reconstruction

Tisha B’av: From Destruction to Reconstruction

Are you struggling to understand the profound loss of the Beis HaMikdash? Do you ever wonder how ancient wisdom can guide us in our modern spiritual journey? Discover how you can transform your pain into powerful spiritual growth in our latest podcast episode. We dive into these complex questions and explore how the teachings of ancient philosophers can offer us a fresh perspective on this journey.

In this episode, we also explore the role of Teshuva in this transformation and how Tisha B'Av serves as a catalyst for deep personal introspection. Tune in to find out how we can use the pain of the Beis HaMikdash's destruction as a tool for building spiritual strength.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from the past that can profoundly impact your spiritual growth today.

Jul 20, 202315:52
Matos-Masei: Be aware: you are being watched

Matos-Masei: Be aware: you are being watched

Have you ever wondered about the true power of your actions? Let's explore the fascinating way the tribes requested Moshe Rabeinu about living on the other side of the Jordan River. Referencing the wisdom of Rav Zev Leff Shlita, we'll discuss their peculiar approach and the risk of misunderstanding it carries. This conversation sheds light on the idea of "vehiyusaim nekiyeim" - being clean and being seen favorably in the eyes of others.

Moving forward, let's examine the profound impact our actions can have on others. We'll explore this concept through the lens of the famous Midrash that emphasizes the ripple effect of our deeds. Furthermore, we'll discuss the intriguing concepts of Lashon Hora and Don l'kaf Zechus, explaining how they can cause a transfer of mitzvahs and aveiros that you may not have been aware of. To conclude this enlightening conversation, we'll share a stirring story about how someone's prayer at the Kosel prompted a generous donation from another individual. This discussion reaffirms the need to be conscious of our actions and their potential to influence others.

Jul 13, 202316:29
Parshas Pinchos: Swimming Against (Your) Current

Parshas Pinchos: Swimming Against (Your) Current

Parshas Pinchos: Swimming Against (Your) Current

In this episode we journey deep into the heroic acts of Pinchas. We grapple with challenging questions- How did Pinchas halt a deadly plague and what is the significance of his lineage? What does suppressing our natural instincts for the sake of a greater reward mean in today's context? We explore the influence of Western culture and the distortion of today's values, and how going against our nature to do what Hashem wants us to do is the ultimate test of our faith. Finally, we share a heart-stirring story highlighting the power of selflessness and sacrifice. Tune in to hear riveting tales of sacrifice

Jul 06, 202317:56
Parshas Balak: More than meets the eye

Parshas Balak: More than meets the eye

In this week's parsha, we learn about the amazing gift of Hashem who gave us two eyes to see the world. What is the message behind this? How come Balak was blind to the malach, while his donkey could see it? We discover how important it is to have a comprehensive view, a view that only the other person can offer, a view that we often miss. As we enter the “3 weeks” period, let us learn how to appreciate other people and how things are not always what they seem. We also hear the story of how a simple remark by the lender “I wonder when I’ll get that money back” almost ruined a family.

You can listen to this week's podcast on

Jun 29, 202316:44
Parshas Chukas- Intent and Impact

Parshas Chukas- Intent and Impact

Get ready for an exhilarating adventure as we dive into Parshas Chukas - Intent and Impact! Brace yourself for some serious self-reflection, because this week's parsha takes us on an extraordinary journey of introspection, known as chesbon hanfesh. Hold onto your seats as we uncover the fascinating connection between the Jews' experience in a place called chesbon and the power of self-reflection. But that's not all! We're about to embark on a mind-blowing expedition to San Pietro di Stra, where we'll witness the awe-inspiring sights that the legendary Ramchal once beheld. Get ready to transform your life by making the right choices and discovering the art of decision-making. We also find a captivating palindrome of belief, and it all culminates in not one, but two incredible stories of helping hands.

Listen to it here. Download here

For those in chutz laretz parshas Korach can be heard here

But always available on

Jun 22, 202324:17