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Pro Deo Church

By Pro Deo Church

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Lift Your Head! | Acts #9 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Pro Deo ChurchJun 05, 2023

Can I get that to Go? | Live Beyond the One #1 | Milo Bridgens

Can I get that to Go? | Live Beyond the One #1 | Milo Bridgens

There are 168 hours in a week. We spend 1 hour in church. As we grow we need to take what we do in Church home with us and change the rest of our 167

Aug 14, 202331:12
A Church that Prays Together | Acts #13 | Milo Bridgens

A Church that Prays Together | Acts #13 | Milo Bridgens

It's not easy praying for a breakthrough. Especially when it doesn't come when we want it to. In Acts 12 we see how important it is to find a church that will pray for you. You will find that the sudden moves of God are birthed from the place of earnest prayer. We would love to connect with you. If you made a commitment today to follow Jesus. If you Would like us to pray for or with you. Or if you would like to join an online group please click on the link below If you would like to support Pro Deo financially, you can do so by going to our website. To find out more about us, please head to our website You can connect with us on social media Facebook: Instagram:

Jul 16, 202333:40
This Changes Everything | Acts #12 | Milo Bridgens

This Changes Everything | Acts #12 | Milo Bridgens

What was the last thing you learned that changed your life completely and you do differently now?Peter has been exposed to the craziest moves of God.

In Acts 10 God tells Peter to do something that he has never done before, and even though he is hesitant - is still obedient to God's word.The change you want is found in obedience to what God says.It changes everything.

Jul 10, 202335:26
Unbelievable | Acts #11 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Unbelievable | Acts #11 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

How do we handle situations that are unbelievable?

In Acts 9 the most unlikely transformation takes place and no one can believe it. Yet God uses it to change everything.

Jun 26, 202334:18
Do I Have You Attention | Acts #10 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Do I Have You Attention | Acts #10 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

One of the greatest encounters in the bibles is when Saul meets Jesus. That one moment changed everything. Jesus did what he needed to do to get Saul's attention.From this encounter we see that Jesus wants to connect with all of us. What does he need to do to get your attention?

Jun 19, 202338:20
To Boldly Go | Acts #10 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

To Boldly Go | Acts #10 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

The world needs to hear the message. God doesn't want us to wait for people to step into church. He wants to church to boldly go and reach the world.

Acts 8 shows us the power of the gospel to reach those that are outsiders and those that are searching.

Where is the Holy Spirit leading you?

Jun 12, 202333:12
Lift Your Head! | Acts #9 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Lift Your Head! | Acts #9 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

When your world feels like it's collapsing on you and there seems to be no hope. Lift your head.

In Acts 7 we learn through the short story of the life of Stephen that when we lift our heads and fix our eyes on Jesus, things change.

Jun 05, 202336:25
Church! We Have a Problem! | Acts #8 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Church! We Have a Problem! | Acts #8 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

The problems we face as a church don't always come from the outside. The issues from the inside of the church hurt it the most.

Acts 6 shows us that we are the solution to the problem.

May 29, 202337:42
Expect the Unexpected | Acts #7 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Expect the Unexpected | Acts #7 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

When we pray we have to be expectant that God will answer it. What we find is that He usually responds in a way we did not expect.

In Acts the disciples prayed for boldness and that is what they get, but the outcome of their boldness is not what we expect.

May 22, 202338:03
It's a Heart Thing | Acts #6 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

It's a Heart Thing | Acts #6 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Everything we do and say comes from the heart.

As we look at Acts chapter 5 we see that our hearts motivate everything that we do.

It's time for a heart check

May 14, 202342:01
Make Me Bold | Acts: Change #3 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Make Me Bold | Acts: Change #3 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

The disciples went from fearful men to powerful apostles. When the Holy Spirit fell, things changed. if we want to change, all we have to do is ask Jesus to change us.

When faced with opposition, they prayed for boldness. We should do the same.

May 08, 202339:21
Can You See It | Acts: Change #2 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Can You See It | Acts: Change #2 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

When we encounter Jesus, we change. We become more like him the more we spend time with him. You are the change the world needs. Can you see it? Can they see it?

May 01, 202334:09
Told You So | Easter #2 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

Told You So | Easter #2 | Pastor Milo Bridgens

He has risen. It's what Jesus said he would do. Today we remember that what he said he would he did. So what we read in the word is true.

Apr 11, 202329:03
Remember, It's Good | Easter #1 | Milo Bridgens

Remember, It's Good | Easter #1 | Milo Bridgens

It's not just another day. It's a day we remember what Jesus did on the cross for all of us.

Apr 10, 202333:29
Be A Witness | Acts #5 | Pastor DJ McPhail

Be A Witness | Acts #5 | Pastor DJ McPhail

We are honoured to have Pastor DJ from Liberty Church with us today. We are all called to be a witness. It's what we were made for.

Apr 03, 202333:41
Happy To Be Here | Acts #4 | Milo Bridgens

Happy To Be Here | Acts #4 | Milo Bridgens

Where do you go that makes you happy? What does that place do for your thinking, your emotions, for you?

In Acts 2 we see the early church wasn't started by professionals. The world changes because a group of believers met in a room and they were happy to be Here.

What Can God do when we, his people, his Church are happy to be together

Mar 27, 202340:51
Pentecost | Acts #3 | Milo Bridgens

Pentecost | Acts #3 | Milo Bridgens

This is where it all began, but it's not where it ended. It continues with each and every one of us. MISSION MESSAGE MULTIPLY.

Mar 20, 202332:20
First Things First | Acts #2 | Milo Bridgens

First Things First | Acts #2 | Milo Bridgens

Gathering and Praying together isn't an optional thing to do in the life a christian. It's the heart beat of what we do. As we continue through the book of ACTS, we see that this is how it all started. They gathered, they prayed. God moved. 

Mar 13, 202337:01
Instead Of | Acts | Milo Bridgens

Instead Of | Acts | Milo Bridgens

Before Jesus ascended, the disciples ask Jesus a question but he responds, Instead of worrying about that, I am sending you on a mission with a message to grow the kingdom and start a movement. That mandate is still in effect now for us.

Join us as we start our Journey through the book of ACTS: Mission - Message - Multiply

Mar 06, 202333:18
Changing My Story | DEEPER | Milo Bridgens

Changing My Story | DEEPER | Milo Bridgens

We all have a story to tell, from growing up to having kids. Exciting ones and some challenging ones. However, our story changes as our lives do. No matter what your story is, God wants to change it.

As we look at the life of Jacob we see just how much God is into changing our stories

Feb 20, 202338:30
It's not Complicated | Deeper | Milo Bridgens

It's not Complicated | Deeper | Milo Bridgens

To grow is simple but it's not easy. There are things that would need to change, things we have done for years, that have shaped us. However when it comes to growing in Christ it's not complicated.  This week Pastor Milo takes us through the passage of Jesus being tempted and shows us how to practically go DEEPER.

Feb 13, 202339:10
Limitless | DEEPER | Milo Bridgens

Limitless | DEEPER | Milo Bridgens

This year may we not limit God in loving us, using us, and blessing us.

Feb 06, 202346:26
Vision Sunday | Deeper | Milo Bridgens

Vision Sunday | Deeper | Milo Bridgens

Vision is really important. Without vision we run off in many directions not  knowing what to do.  This year we are going Deeper. Jesus is always inviting us to go Deeper. Because it's all about growth.

Jan 30, 202335:54
Look what the Lord has Done | Milo Bridgens

Look what the Lord has Done | Milo Bridgens

We are all on mission to introduce people to and extraordinary God.  You have what it takes to reach someone with the good news of Jesus.   In the book of Mark, Jesus tells us, all we have to do is tell people about the goodness of God

Jan 23, 202340:01
In Between | What Next #5 | Milo Bridgens

In Between | What Next #5 | Milo Bridgens

We will find ourselves in between where we are and where we need to be. When the waiting period is long, don't give up. Don't stop in between. God is faithful to carry out all he has promised

Nov 28, 202231:43
Wait for It | What Next #4 | Milo Bridgens

Wait for It | What Next #4 | Milo Bridgens

God word for you life will be fulfilled. At times, It might feel like it won't happen. What we learn in the book of Habakkuk is that God is faithfull. When things look like it's a bit slow, you just have to wait for it.

Nov 21, 202226:46
Something Good is Coming | What Next #3 | Milo Bridgens

Something Good is Coming | What Next #3 | Milo Bridgens

When things aren't going well for a really long time we always question what we are doing. We focus on the situation and forget that there is a purpose for our lives. Pauls tells us Don't give up, it might not be a good season you are going through. However, Something Good is coming

Nov 14, 202225:14
How to Church | What Next #2 | Milo Bridgens

How to Church | What Next #2 | Milo Bridgens

Church. We have all heard about it, and most of us have been to it. But do we know what it is? It's not a building or an institution. It's family!!!

Nov 07, 202242:39
Work It Out | What Next #1 | Milo Bridgens

Work It Out | What Next #1 | Milo Bridgens

We all want to grow. We have the plan, We have the vision. What we need is to start working. This isn't going to grow by itself

Oct 31, 202234:01
Unexpected Miracles | Rise up #5 | Milo Bridgens

Unexpected Miracles | Rise up #5 | Milo Bridgens

We all have something we are trusting God for. However God is able to do far more we could ever ask for or imagine. Keep you heart open, because while He doesn't do things the way we want Him to do it, he is working on something far greater.  

 In 2 kings 5; Naaman wanted to be healed of his sickness, but unexpectedly God did so much more. What are you trusting God for?

Oct 10, 202229:30
It's Your Turn | Rise Up #4 | Milo Bridgens

It's Your Turn | Rise Up #4 | Milo Bridgens

God wants a personal relationship with all of us. So when we go through something, He wants you to come to him, He wants you to speak to him. 

Oct 03, 202232:06
You Can Do This | Rise Up #3 | Milo Bridgens

You Can Do This | Rise Up #3 | Milo Bridgens

You are not defeated. It's not over. You can get up, you can move forward. You can do this.

Sep 27, 202228:38
Purpose in the process | Rise Up #2 | Milo Bridgens

Purpose in the process | Rise Up #2 | Milo Bridgens

Every season we have gone through has build us into who we are today. Every season has been a process. It might not have been something we enjoyed, but God used every season to mould us into who we are becoming.  In the book of Genesis, Joseph went from being hated and sold to Governor of a powerful kingdom. The process he went through wasn't good, but God used it to make him who God needed him to become.

Sep 19, 202233:53
Everyday Jesus | Rise Up #1 | Milo Bridgens

Everyday Jesus | Rise Up #1 | Milo Bridgens

You might be going through the motions and just trying to get by. Jesus wants to encounter each of us in our everyday. It's not only at events or when we need something amazing to happen, He will meet you in your ordinary mundane routine.

Sep 12, 202230:47
It's Bigger than Me | The MVMNT #6 | Milo Bridgens

It's Bigger than Me | The MVMNT #6 | Milo Bridgens

Our faith is stirred when we hear about the goodness of God, but when we act on our faith it affects not only us but those around us.

In Mark Chapter 2 we see how a few friends' faith to encounter Jesus, changed the hearts of many. 

Sep 05, 202235:58
Faithful Imagination | The MVMNT #5 | Pastor Mark Reeves

Faithful Imagination | The MVMNT #5 | Pastor Mark Reeves

Faith isn't stagnant and should move us beyond who we are. Pastor Mark from Liberty Church in Randburg, share swith us that we shouldn't have a faithless imagination nor should we have an unimaginative faith if we are to move. 


Aug 29, 202237:51
It Doesn't Make Sense | The MVMNT #4 | Alison Bridgens

It Doesn't Make Sense | The MVMNT #4 | Alison Bridgens

When everything around you says it's the end, faith says it's the start of something amazing. 

Aug 22, 202224:47
It's Something | The MVMNT #3 | Milo Bridgens

It's Something | The MVMNT #3 | Milo Bridgens

Your move of faith is not about how much you have, it's about using what you have. Do not limit God based on what you have.

Just trust and obey

Aug 15, 202232:20
Don't do nothing | The MVMNT #2 | Milo Bridgens

Don't do nothing | The MVMNT #2 | Milo Bridgens

It happens to all of us. We get things sorted and we feel our life is on track and then suddenly we face another crisis. This is not the time to give up.  Faith in God should move you to do something. 

Aug 08, 202232:56
Go Again | The MVMNT #1 | Milo Bridgens

Go Again | The MVMNT #1 | Milo Bridgens

Faith is believing that God will do what He says He will do. It requires us to do something. In the waiting, we should be praying, seeking him, because before we see the change around us, God is doing a change in us

This new series: The Movement is all about faith. Faith requires us to move.

Aug 01, 202236:45
Play Your Part | Colossians #11 | Milo Bridgens

Play Your Part | Colossians #11 | Milo Bridgens

You don't have to be the best or have a platform to make a difference. God gives us all opportunities to impact someone's life. 

Paul shows us in the most overlooked part of the letter, that everyone should play their part to create the culture. 

Jul 25, 202239:36
Let's Talk | Colossians #10 | The fam

Let's Talk | Colossians #10 | The fam

Conversations are a really important part of our lives. It's how  relationships are formed, it's how we grow. One important conversation we should all be having daily, is a conversation with our heavenly father.

Paul shows us the power in prayer and how it helps us become who God needs us to be.

Jul 18, 202245:32
Change the Game | Colossians #9 | Milo Bridgens

Change the Game | Colossians #9 | Milo Bridgens

Can people tell we follow Jesus by our relationship with other people? The culture we want to create needs to be something we live out everywhere. 

Jul 11, 202232:03
You and me | Colossians #8 | The Fam

You and me | Colossians #8 | The Fam

There is no better way to create family vibes than having the family share God's Word. This week Paul teaches us that building family vibes, creating culture and growth, is all about you and me. We have to help each other grow. We might be different on the outside, but we are all one in Christ.

Jul 04, 202232:01
A Work In Progress | Colossians #7 | Alison Bridgens

A Work In Progress | Colossians #7 | Alison Bridgens

Growing is something we all do. We grow in our work, our family, everywhere. There are things we have to do that help us grow and there are things we have to stop doing in order for us to grow. 

This week Paul shows us, as we pursue growing in Christ and growing our church family, there are things we should and shouldn't do.

Jun 27, 202226:17
It Doesn't Matter | Colossians #6 | Milo Bridgens

It Doesn't Matter | Colossians #6 | Milo Bridgens

Growing in Jesus takes some work on our side. Make sure that we don't turn the relationship into a ritual that leads to religion. The gospel shows us that It is not about what you do, but all about who you follow. 

Jun 20, 202229:41
Create The Culture | Colossians #5 | Milo Bridgens

Create The Culture | Colossians #5 | Milo Bridgens

Life is all about growing. We need to grow in our relationship with Jesus as well. The environment we are in determines how we grow. 

As we continue in the book of Colossians, Paul shows us how to create a culture that will help us grow.

Jun 13, 202235:40
Mystery Revealed | Colossians #4 | Alison Bridgens

Mystery Revealed | Colossians #4 | Alison Bridgens

One of the greatest things we all need to know is that Christ didn't just die for a select few. He came to set everyone free and Christ is in all those who accept him as Saviour.

May 30, 202231:39
Can You See It | Colossians #3 | Milo

Can You See It | Colossians #3 | Milo

We get our eyes checked so that when things are out of focus we get lenses so that we can see things clearly. As we continue in the book of Colossians Paul adjust our perspective of who Jesus is, so that we can know who He really is

May 23, 202230:51
Living in Cancel Culture | Guest speaker | DJ McPhail

Living in Cancel Culture | Guest speaker | DJ McPhail

When people don't like what you say or do they want to play the cancel culture card. Paul writes to us and reminds us that the only way we should live is by remembering that Jesus canceled our debt on the cross.   In this message, pastor DJ tells us that we need to live a life of love not judgement

May 16, 202240:04