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By PsychAndSales

Are you a sales professional or in a related field? Do you ever struggle with Anxiety, Depression, Burnout? Are you looking to find ways to stay mentally strong while executing on the fundamentals that make us successful sellers? Well, this is your place. We are here to bring guidance, best practices, and community around the much needed topic of mental health in sales. Join us! And if we can help you with anything, let us know.
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Interview with Belal

PsychAndSalesDec 15, 2020

Interview with Brandon Fluharty

Interview with Brandon Fluharty

Do you wear stress and exhaustion like a badge of honor?

Or are you tired of the rat race...

Like a shark swimming, are you propelled by anxiety with a fear of what will happen if you stop?

If this sounds like you, it's time you meet Brandon Fluharty

We've made the introduction easy by interviewing him for you :)

Brandon founded his company, Be Focused Live Great, on the philosophy that it's time we stop normalizing feeling bad, and start taking a holistic approach to sales

We've talked about this often on our show; there are two sides of the coin, Skills + Health. There needs to be a focus on both to fully maximize your personal potential.

Brandon takes a technical approach to wellness, teaching them how to use data from their lives to determine their own personal "thrive score"

Allowing them to prioritize health, be more successful, and "become an optimized human being"

You'll learn things like PREP (Plan, Rest, Effort, Perform) and how to structure time to fit your natural rhythms

Excited for you to give it a listen! 

Oct 05, 202137:39
Interview with Francois Bourdeau

Interview with Francois Bourdeau

Is there a difference between working hard to hit a goal and "Hustle Culture"?

The always on, always "Hustle" way of life has not served the sales profession well as it relates to our mental health

Anything important in life often takes consistent hard work to get there

But, where is the balance?

And, what happens when we don't force ourselves to have that balance?

I see the sales community shifting away from the "suck it up, "bro", "hustle" approach, because there is a better way

On this episode of PsychAndSales we speak with Francois Bourdeau about these topics, and he gives actionable advice around:

Blocking schedules

Setting the day up on a positive note before jumping into work

Setting reasonable/reachable goals

And enjoying the journey by looking for positives, even when things are difficult

These things can protect us from the burnout, and natural stress of our profession

Aug 25, 202128:60
Interview with Jake Dunlap

Interview with Jake Dunlap

How do you eat the frog?

In as few bites as possible, getting it out of the way, or many painful bites?

We interviewed Jake Dunlap, CEO of Skaled, to discuss areas of destressing the sales process

Jake talks about some killer best practices, like:

Building a system of daily habits, blocking the time, and doing the hardest things first

Confronting discomfort, asking the tough questions, "I'd rather have an awkward 20 seconds, than a day of regret" 

Letting go of pride, ego, and things that aren't serving you - being honest with yourself and then doing something about it

This was a super fun talk with a ton of meaningful takeaways, excited for you all to give it a listen

Jul 23, 202133:27
Interview with Kevin Bailey

Interview with Kevin Bailey

How's your mental fitness? 

When was the last time you went to the mental gym and worked out? 

(No, you can't will yourself into a better physical form in your mind -- I tried)

The conversation around mental health often focuses on the lack of mental health

As if mental health is a given that only needs attention when it fails

But, just like physical health and fitness, mental health and fitness require ongoing attention

What if you could learn to improve not only your sales, but also your overall wellbeing through mental fitness exercises?

Things like Transcendental Meditation, visualization, and connecting yourself with a greater purpose

These skills can lead to a Matrix-like response to the world, they give you the ability to slow time, see what is coming at you, step to the side of it so it no longer is coming at you, and you can choose your response to it -- imagine the power of that in your conversations!

These are things Kevin Bailey teaches with his mindset coaching at Dream Fuel

Jul 15, 202133:31
Interview with Jared Robin

Interview with Jared Robin

Is community in sales important to you?

What about a strong support structure that wants to give back?

Do you feel like sales is both a game of hard skills, but also mastering the mental game?

In this episode of PsychAndSales we speak with Jared Robin, co-founder of RevGenius, a community by sales people for sales people

Jared is kind enough to share his personal journey, why he started RevGenius, and life practices that have made the difference for him 

We get deep on meditation, working through your feelings, and lifestyle changes that ultimately lead to a happier sense of self

Jun 30, 202146:52
Interview with Amy Hrehovcik

Interview with Amy Hrehovcik

When Amy wrote, The Greatest Competitive Advantage You’ll Ever Know: Mental Health, for Sales Hacker. 

We knew we had to have her on the show!

And boy oh boy did we talk to Amy about all the things!

She breaks down her personal story

Key themes include:

Embracing your emotions not freezing them out - mindset and the importance of talking about it

Top performance is not indicative of strong mental health - sometimes the people at the top struggle the most

Toxic work environments and the impact of micro managing - The Peter Principle - Which highlights the flaws in how people are promoted, and how to treat the next step as a new starting point

This was a great discussion that covers many important topics

Excited for you to give it a listen!

Jun 08, 202154:47
Interview with Ryan Jander

Interview with Ryan Jander

"The obstacle is the way"  

How do we demand our own self-confidence?  

How do we stay in a state of abundance when each month/quarter we start back at zero?  

In this episode of PsychAndSales, Ryan Jander, the top Corporate AE at Outreach for 3 years in a row, shares his experiences with taking big leaps and ways to demanding your own self-confidence to create a successful sales career.  

Ryan has had an inspiring journey!   

Always a sales person at heart (He sold rocks as a child!)   

He used his natural passion for sales to get his band, "Eclectic Approach" to play on Jimmy Kimmel, at large festivals, and at launch parties for Microsoft products before breaking into tech sales at DocuSign.   

Along the way, he has developed repeatable practices and daily routines to get into a mindset of success and views challenges as a path for learning and uncovering new opportunities for abundance in all areas of life.

May 21, 202146:40
Interview with DeJuan

Interview with DeJuan

It's Mental Health Awareness Month!

What is your perception of mental health?

How do you show up at work and in your life outside of work?

How can you bring your best self to all areas of your life?

Being a sales professional can take over your life. It can start to feel like you are only as good as what you can produce. But what happens to the rest of your life when you do that, in good months and in bad?

In this interview, DeJuan Brown reminds us, "If you live by people's acceptance of you, you'll die by their rejection."

And shares some of his insights from his journey to mental wellness. 

Things like:

Having fun and rediscovering the joys of activities from childhood

Finding a community that will not only support you, but also challenge your negative thoughts and give you perspective

Being a servant leader

And working on yourself to "find freedom from the enslavement of other people's ideas or opinions of you." 

May 12, 202137:30
Interview with Morgan Ingram

Interview with Morgan Ingram

If someone asked you to name 10 sales skills, could you do it?

What if they asked you to name 10 things you do for fun?

When you love what you do, it can have a sneaky way of taking over your life. You get into the flow. You're excited about what you're accomplishing. People look up to you. It's invigorating! Who needs anything else?

In this episode of PsychAndSales, we talk to @MorganIngram about how easy it can be to forget that your job is what you do, not who you are. To get caught up in the image you create and lose track of your authentic self. Morgan shares his personal experience with this and the steps he's taken to create balance in his life.

Apr 28, 202135:45
Interview with David Masover
Apr 20, 202130:38
Interview with Stephen Holgate

Interview with Stephen Holgate

How do you wake up?

Do you jump right on email, or read the news...

Are you creating a fight or flight response in your brain from your first waking breath?

Do you intentionally develop healthy habits BEFORE you need them? 

The mindsets, gratitude, attitude that shape our day start from the moment we wake up

We can control this frame of mind through the choices we make

We can also take time to recognize physical responses to emotional stressors and do something about those

Doing these things puts us in a better frame of mind to adapt to life's changes 

To learn new skills and use the ones we already have

To be better and do better

In this episode of PsychAndSales, Ehrin and David Weiss talk to Dale Carnegie trainer @Stephen Holgate about the importance of "attitude control" and "dealing with emotional baggage" in skill development

Stephen shares his personal experiences with this, what he's seen as a trainer, and steps people can take for themselves 

Great insights from Stephen! 

Apr 07, 202140:20
Interview with Scott Barker

Interview with Scott Barker

"You will only be as successful in your career, as the amount you work on yourself" - @Scott Barker

Ehrin Weiss and David Weiss had the pleasure of speaking with Scott Barker on this episode of PsychAndSales

In this episode we talk about the ups and downs of Scott's career

Being intentional with your career, and aligning your decisions to your value system

Scott has been through a lot in his unconventional journey to where he is today

There were sleepless nights on friends couches

Decisions to take major steps backwards to take huge leaps forwards

Even some soul searching with Shamans in the rain forest

This was a super fun episode with a lot of takeaways 

We are excited for you to give it a listen

Mar 31, 202134:43
Galem Girmay

Galem Girmay

Are you a boiling pot about to spill over?

Are you able to turn down the temperature on your emotions when things start to heat up?

Do you feel like you're just barely managing to get by?

How do you handle it when something unexpected happens?

In this episode we talk with Galem Girmay, cofounder of RevGenius--a community for sales professionals--about handling emotions as they come up, dealing with overwhelming life situations, and developing healthy coping mechanisms so your pot doesn't boil over.

Galem shares her experiences and the journey she took to build resilience and coping mechanisms to continuously turn the temperature down so when life's unexpected things happen they feel more manageable 

Galem, it was amazing having you on our show, and we appreciate you sharing your story with our audience

You have overcome so much, and are doing amazing things for our community

Thank you!

Mar 10, 202144:04
Interview with Scott Leese

Interview with Scott Leese

How will you be remembered?

How do you make meaning in your life when tomorrow isn’t guaranteed?

How do you define success?

In this episode of PsychAndSales, Ehrin Weiss and David Weiss talk to Scott Leese about:

Dealing with life threatening illness and depression by

Making the most of the time you have

Leaving a legacy

And recognizing the moments you’re getting depleted

Mar 02, 202136:10
Interview with Darcy Smyth

Interview with Darcy Smyth

Do you know your sales style?

Do you understand the irrational triggers that drive your buyer’s decision to buy?

Are you treating your own difficult emotions as problems to be solved?

In this episode of PsychAndSales, Ehrin and David talked both psychology of sales and mental health as a sales professional with Darcy

From The Sales Game to managing grief and burnout, this conversation covers it all!

Feb 23, 202140:42
Interview with Richard Harris

Interview with Richard Harris

Are you a critical parent leader? 

Are you as a sales person submitting to the critical parent client?

Are you maybe the rebellious child sales person?

If you are in a leadership role, when you are coaching your salespeople, are you directing, judging, and telling people what to do, like a critical parent? 

Or are you nurturing, building strength, and making the journey fun?

As a sales person, how is that making you feel, and how are you responding to that?

When our clients are being critical of our product or proposal, are we being submissive, or responding defensively, like we would when our parents were critical of us?

Or, are we staying calm, and responding like a nurturing parent where we ask questions, elevate the conversation, and flip it back to data, facts, and strategy? 

In this episode of Psych&Sales Ehrin Weiss & David Weiss speak to Richard Harris about different ego states and how they play into how we hear and respond to the world around us

Give it a listen, it was a fun conversation!

Feb 10, 202132:29
Interview with Ed Jaffe

Interview with Ed Jaffe

Are you scaring your customers? 

Does this sound familiar...

You do deep discovery around pain

You uncover lots of impactful problems

You develop a clear "Why Change" statement

But there is tension, there is friction, the system is fighting your great idea

Although all of these things are often necessary in sales

But...have we stopped to think:

The business chose a different solution for a reason

Is the person that made the decision still there, and how will this look on them

Did our "Why Change" statement cause fear in the business (laying people off, massive change management)

In this episode of PsychAndSales David Weiss & Dr. Ehrin Weiss speak with the founder of Demo Solutions, Ed Jaffe about the Triune Brain Theory which focuses on the different centers of the brain and how the thing we say, colors we show, words we use, the pictures and themes we present trigger different sections of the brain

For instance it may be hard:

For someone to hear your amazing pitch when they are scared of being fired 

To envision a change when someone is already feeling burnt-out

 In this episode we talk about better positioning, de-risking deals to get past fear, knowing your audience, speaking their language, and preparing for these situations so your message lands better with your audience


Feb 02, 202138:44
Interview with Patrick Downs

Interview with Patrick Downs

Sales is an emotionally challenging career for everyone

But what happens when you are predisposed to stronger ups and downs?

Can you still have a successful sales career?

How can you manage the emotional swings?

In this episode of PsychAndSales, Ehrin Lovria Weiss Ph.D. and David Weiss talk to Patrick Downs about managing a successful sales career with mental health challenges

We cover important topics that impact many sellers, things like:

Imposter Syndrome

Existential Dread

The impact of identity vs role on mental health

And how to make helpful shifts in your perspective to thrive as a sales person

This is such an important conversation and covers struggles so much of our community goes through in their sales journey

Thank you Patrick Downs for having it with us

Give it a listen folks and let us know your thoughts and if we can help you with anything, David, Ehrin, and Patrick are here for you!

Jan 26, 202141:21
Interview with Silvia Li

Interview with Silvia Li

What are you working for?

I ask myself this question often

Sometimes its to hit certain goals, to afford toys, or win trips

These "things" really drove my motivation in much of my early sales career

But, as I achieved those goals, getting "more" didn't have the same impact on my happiness

My motivation

My purpose


Today, my greatest joy, the thing that I get excited to wake up and do, is helping others

Hit their goals

Get their boat

Afford college for their kids

Buy their significant other something nice

Helping others achieve brings me more joy than achieving myself

On this episode of PsychAndSales, Ehrin Weiss Ph.D. and David Weiss talk with Silvia Li

Silvia is on a similar journey

She is pouring herself, her energy, her knowledge, into others with the focus on helping them hit their goals

We cover:

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

Finite vs. Infinite Games

And the path of self discovery, that transformed her into someone that is dedicating their life to helping others with a sense of purpose

Silvia is helping others live a life of "being" vs just "doing"

Give it a listen and let us know your thoughts!

Jan 19, 202142:31
Interview with Jeff Bajorek

Interview with Jeff Bajorek

Do you hold yourself to unfair standards and beat yourself up when you don’t reach them?

Do you base your self with on your results?

Sales is a results oriented game

Which can make it hard to know what “fair” standards really are

And create inner turmoil when factors beyond your control prevent you from achieving your goals

In this episode of PsychAndSales, David Weiss and Ehrin Weiss talk to Jeff Bajorek about finding the balance between high standards and what’s fair as a sales professional

The importance of being kind to yourself

Learning to focus on controlling only what you can control

And not judging yourself on what you can’t

Jan 12, 202140:15
Interview with Marcus Chan

Interview with Marcus Chan

Our Goals, shouldn't just be about our number and our metrics

As Marcus Chan says, "You need to manage the territory between your ears, it all starts and stops between your ears"

The best goals are nothing if you can't execute them

And, when we struggle with burnout, depression, and when the thoughts and feelings that swirl around our get in the way of this execution, we will never perform to the levels we desire

This year as you are doing your goal setting

Are you adding into your goals, and making a plan around your #mentalhealth?

In this episode of PsychAndSales, David & Ehrin dive into these topics with Marcus Chan

As we move into 2021, keep an eye on both sides of the success equation.

Side 1 - Skills & Fundamentals

Side 2 - "The Territory Between Your Ears"

You need both!

Jan 05, 202144:38
Interview with Belal

Interview with Belal

Are you afraid of committing career suicide?

Does taking about mental health seem too taboo?

When you’re judged on your “work ethic”

As we often are in sales

These conversations can feel scary and dangerous to have

But what happens if you don’t have them?

The chronic stress of being always on

Always judged

And the feeling that you are crazy and alone in your struggles

Can have an impact on your body and mind

That can lead to a downward spiral

In this episode of PsychAndSales, Dr. Ehrin Weiss and I talk to Belal Batrawy about

Dealing with bad managers

Finding safe spaces to get support

And making sure you have a life beyond your desk

If you want straight talk with no fluff, you won’t want to miss this interview!

Dec 15, 202042:05
Interview with Jeff Riseley

Interview with Jeff Riseley

“Anxiety in sales is not optional” -Jeff Riseley

...but we all like to pretend it’s not important.

Sales is a largely mental game

But we’re taught to focus on honing our craft

The mental piece is largely ignored

This is one of the reasons we started PsychAndSales

And why Jeff started the Sales Health Alliance

In this interview, we talk to Jeff about the mental game, dealing with micromanagement, and continuing to grow during the COVID pandemic.

Dec 08, 202043:39
Interview with Ron Hubsher

Interview with Ron Hubsher

I seem to have a lot of "I thought I knew a lot until..." stories.

At least I'm willing to admit when I have more to learn!

For today's "I thought I knew a lot" story...


So, I thought I knew a lot about negotiation when I started working at ADP

Then they trained me in Ron Hubsher's approach

Now, I say

"Everything I know about negotiation, I learned from Ron Hubsher"

Ehrin Weiss and I had the pleasure of interviewing Ron for this episode of PsychAndSales

Ron talks about his tenants of negotiating

And layers in an important aspect for our audience of knowing the mental state of our buyers before entering a negotiation

How often are we doing that?

Ron's advice in this episode is straight fire!

Excited for you all to listen!

Dec 02, 202029:24
Interview with Dale Dupree

Interview with Dale Dupree

Are you battling inner demons? Struggling with things like addiction, anger, depression? Looking for ways to escape those vicious patterns through faith, communication, love and community? You can't miss this episode with the leader of The Sales Rebellion, Dale Dupree. Heavy Metal rocker turned sales saint. 

Nov 23, 202045:49
Interview with James Buckley

Interview with James Buckley

In this episode you will hear from James "Say What Sales" Buckley about burnout. Burnout is a systemic issue in sales. We are always on, always pushed to do more, and have an internal thought that says "If I just work harder, if I just hustle more, I will be more successful". This thought is a great driving force...until it isn't. This episode will help you see when burnout may be approaching for you, what to do about it, and how to strike a potential balance in your life to stay productive without going too far.

Thanks for listening, and if we can ever do anything for you, let us know. 

Nov 17, 202035:35
Self Defeating Beliefs - Anxiety

Self Defeating Beliefs - Anxiety

Are you too nice?

Do you feel like you should always feel positive and in control?

Do you avoid negative emotions in an attempt to keep everyone happy?

Do you feel like others are overly demanding? That you have to impress people or run the risk of everyone looking down on you?

Do you ever feel like you have to worry obsessively about things or run the risk of something going very wrong?

What do all of these questions have in common??

In the final installment of the Self-Defeating Beliefs series, we cover the 7 core beliefs Dr. David Burns has listed as leading to anxiety. How can these beliefs help you? How might they be hurting you? And what can you do about it? Listen to find out.

Plus, an exciting announcement at the end!

Aug 03, 202034:26
Self Defeating Beliefs - Depression

Self Defeating Beliefs - Depression

Do you ever feel like you don’t matter?

That you can’t do anything right?

That things can never get better?

Do you find that, even when you’re feeling good, setbacks can throw you way off?

In this week’s episode of PsychAndSales, hosts David Weiss and Ehrin Weiss talk about Dr. David Burns’s category of Self-Defeating Beliefs relating to depression, how they may be impacting your sales career, and steps that can be helpful for dealing with them.

What steps have you found demodulation when you’re feeling this way?

Jul 02, 202023:59
Self Defeating Beliefs - Demandingness

Self Defeating Beliefs - Demandingness

This episode is all about the pros & cons around the belief of demandinessness. Things like, what is the value of blaming others? Is entitlement a good thing? What about the idea of needing to be right and speaking your truths. We will unpack these ideas, and discuss if they are helping or hurting you.

Jun 22, 202016:58
Self Defeating Beliefs - Submissiveness

Self Defeating Beliefs - Submissiveness

In this episode we cover three Self Defeating Beliefs related to submissiveness, and specifically how this can both help and hurt you in your sales career, as well as what you can do about it. Give it a listen, there are some very common areas we discuss that can be hurting your potential.
Jun 08, 202022:23
“You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love…”

“You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love…”

In this week’s episode, we address another of Dr. David Burns’s categories of self-defeating beliefs - those relating to love. Turns out these beliefs could impact your sales career. Listen to find out how, and some steps for what you can do about it.
Jun 04, 202023:06
Self Defeating Beliefs - Achievement

Self Defeating Beliefs - Achievement

In this episode we introduce the idea of self defeating beliefs. We start with the Achievement category which is internal & external need for perfection, followed by Achievement Addiction, which is an affliction of many successful people. Link to the Self Defeating Beliefs List -
May 25, 202022:26
So you just got laid off

So you just got laid off

What to do if you just lost your job
May 16, 202031:12
Working from home

Working from home

Tips and Tricks for working from home
May 16, 202033:07


How to deal with feelings of being alone during Covid19
May 16, 202025:54
Dealing with Uncertainty

Dealing with Uncertainty

In this episode we talk about Uncertainty and how to mentally manage through it.
May 16, 202030:37


Listen to this to get past mental blocks of motivation, and then tactically how to get started to accomplish your goals
May 16, 202037:41
What is your personal brand?

What is your personal brand?

In this episode we discuss what it is, why it is important, and how to build yours to recession proof your career.
May 16, 202034:30
Top Stressors In Sales

Top Stressors In Sales

How to manage the top two stressors in sales - Micromanagement & Missing Plan
May 16, 202027:45
The Role of The Brain in Sales

The Role of The Brain in Sales

In this episode of PsychAndSales Ehrin Weiss and I dive into the Amygdala & Cortex and their role in the old saying, "People Buy Emotionally and Justify Rationally" and how to apply that to the sales process.
May 16, 202028:49