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Psychological Marketing

Psychological Marketing

By psychmarketing

Psychological Marketing Concepts to help you explode your business. We discuss marketing to the subconscious mind.
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Magic Words

Psychological MarketingNov 21, 2018

Interview on Pensacola Business Radio

Interview on Pensacola Business Radio

This is an interview I do with the Pensacola branch of Business Radio X.  We talked about psychological marketing and how our brains see marketing.

Mar 12, 201912:48
How do you make people feel?

How do you make people feel?

With psychological marketing it's all about how you make people feel.  The human brain, the part that deals with facts and figures, benefits and features, when left to itself would never make a decision.  It would constantly keep weighing the options and the choices and never get to a decision.

Our job as marketers is getting a person to desire your product first.  That want and desire is what drives decisions and actions.  

Facts and features are only used after the desire is awaken to justify the decision to themselves and others.   Sales only happen when someone desires what your product can do for them.

We can help this process along by using images, videos and other media to prime our customers into the right frame of mind.  Why do you think advertisers who write ads and commercials for major companies use exciting visuals and pretty models?  It's because they want you to feel a certain way about their product.  Some of these ads hardly mention the product.  It's about getting the consumer to feel the way they want them to feel.

You can do the same thing with the images and videos that you use in your ads and even in your office.

Remember it's all about how you make your customer feel.  

Jan 05, 201904:31
Get a higher rating from your customer

Get a higher rating from your customer

It's the unusual surprises that make a difference.  Those magic moments are what people remember you fondly for.  What can you do to make your customer experience different and memorable.

Dec 26, 201800:17
What does it cost to Market?
Dec 13, 201805:58
Do you care?

Do you care?

People can buy stuff from thousands of different places, and there are millions of people selling the same type of product you do. Why should they buy from you?

The will buy because they know you care about them and their success. Your ability to be able to convince others that you really care about them will get you sales. If you can't do that and they buy they will be gone before you know it.

Caring is one of the ingredients to successful sales.
Dec 10, 201803:35
A Lizard, A Wolf and A Human walk into a bar...

A Lizard, A Wolf and A Human walk into a bar...

This is a story of how our three brains, (lizard, wolf and human) go to a bar and decide what to drink.

It illustrates what part each of your brain play in the decision making process of sales and marketing.
Dec 03, 201803:19
Why Might I Want This?

Why Might I Want This?

I did an exercise to get over what was holding me back from being successful. It involved writing down everything I thought about a particular project, the good and bad. It seemed like there was more bad than good. That gave me insight into how I really felt.

Next I wrote down the emotions that this project brought up. I identified the feeling that were stopping me from moving forward. Feelings are always the reason we don't do what we think we want. It's our subconscious' way of keeping us from violating some internal belief that we might not even be aware of.

After that I wrote down what I was still feeling about it and came to an insight about why I wasn't doing it.

The next section is probably the most important. That is asking myself and writing down why I might want to do this.

I listed the reasons what I might get from doing this and the feeling that would go with each of these.

The first one I put down was money, and then a variety of other things.

Next I rated each of these from 0 to 10 in the order of how I felt about them. Money ended up at a 2. Being seen as an expert and the perceived status ended up an 8. I wanted to have others see me and my work as useful and important.

That brought up a childhood conflict. I was raised in a family of 7 children. We spent our childhood picking on each other and making fun of each other. I learned not to stand out or tell anyone about my desires and accomplishments because it gave them ammunition for the barrage of teasing and verbal abuse.

That is in direct conflict of what I want now and is hurting my life and success.

Once I discovered this, I can now work on doing away with the conflict and allowing me to put myself out there to succeed.

If you would like to have someone guide you through this process, contact me.
Nov 26, 201805:07
Why Buy From You?

Why Buy From You?

Why should people buy your product or service? There are hundreds if not thousands of people out there selling the same product or service. Why choose you?

The reason is because it is you. You need to connect with your customers. If you don't you won't be successful.

Psychological marketing is about teaching you to use emotions and psychology to get the attention of your customer and then to connect and close them.

Nov 23, 201803:27
Podcast Intro

Podcast Intro

Podcast Intro
Nov 23, 201800:17
Magic Words

Magic Words

There are certain magical expressions that will get a person's immediate attention and will bypass the critical factor to get your message heard. Those words are the other person's exact words repeated to them.
Nov 21, 201803:26
Psychological Marketing - Part 1
Nov 20, 201815:29
Marketing to the Lizard Brain

Marketing to the Lizard Brain

The reticular activating system is designed to screen out everything else except things that matter to you.
It looks for things that catch your attention and screens out other things that don't make much difference. It's part of the lizard brain.
Visit Allied Pixels to get a free consultation.
Nov 19, 201802:34
The Curse of Poop

The Curse of Poop

Imaging feeling cursed that birds are going to poo on you. Let's look at it from the bird's perspective and learn a marketing lesson from it.
Book a session to discuss your marketing strategy at Allied Pixels
Nov 16, 201804:03
Stadium Pitching
Nov 14, 201802:26
Pyschological Marketing Podcast -How to be Remembered Podcast #1

Pyschological Marketing Podcast -How to be Remembered Podcast #1

In this episode we discuss how you can make yourself better remembered when doing a speech, introduction or presentation.
The Zeigarnik Effect talks about how thing are better remembered when they are unfinished. You can use this to your advantage.
You can schedule a no-obligation consultation at Allied Pixels
Nov 14, 201802:45