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The Pulse Podcast

The Pulse Podcast

By Khalil Burton

Sparking conversations about the connection between life and faith.
We hope to help you learn what it truly means to follow Jesus so you can experience all of the life God has for you. Subscribe to be part of the conversation
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I Pledge Allegience to the Christ | Matthew 10:32-42

The Pulse PodcastJan 26, 2021

A Path Worth Wandering | A Message on Psalms and Lament

A Path Worth Wandering | A Message on Psalms and Lament

Our District Youth Director for Oregon, Sean Silverii, brings an interesting message on lament and the psalms to show us a path that God invites us to walk on with Him.

Jan 26, 202150:26
I Pledge Allegience to the Christ | Matthew 10:32-42

I Pledge Allegience to the Christ | Matthew 10:32-42

This might just be one of the more challenging passages we've read so far. As we study through Matthew's Gospel. Jesus seems like he's telling people he's come to bring violence and division between families. It's a tough passage to comprehend so what is Jesus really saying? I think you'll be presently suprised but as you listen be ready to be challenged by Jesus' words to you.

Jan 26, 202137:23
Overthrowing Powers Has Its Price | Matthew 10

Overthrowing Powers Has Its Price | Matthew 10

Matthew chapter 10 takes the Gospel message in a direction that most would not expect as Jesus shares His authority and reveals that there is a cost for following jesus.  Jesus shares his divine authority with his followers but that means each and every one of us has a responsibility to use it and must accept the cost of carrying it. The corrupt powers of the world do not want to be overturned, even by God, and followers of Jesus can expect to be just as hated as Jesus was. But take heart, in the end, the truth will be revealed and those who remain faithful will receive the greatest gift of all! Overthrowing the broken powers of this world has its price. That's the gift and the cost of discipleship. Learn more in this Bible study on Matthew Chapter 10.

Jan 25, 202132:23
The One Who Restores What is Lost | Matthew 9

The One Who Restores What is Lost | Matthew 9

Matthew chapter 9, what can I say? It has so much to teach us. Jesus'  holiness and divine authority give hope to the hurting and mean salvation to the lost. Jesus has proved himself to be the Messiah  through his teaching (Matt 5-7), but now we learn something else about his mission... Through the forgiveness of sins and the purification of people, we see that this is a glimpse of the beginning of Jesus’ whole mission of rescuing and saving the world. He is the one who restores what is lost. He’s the only one with the power and authority to do it. He’s the only one who can. Join us in following Jesus through this Bible study on Matthew chapter 9.2

Jan 25, 202125:37
Are You A Fan Or A Follower? | Tom Bachman

Are You A Fan Or A Follower? | Tom Bachman

There's a difference between just being a fan of something and becoming a true follower. It can be hard to understand exactly what that looks like but Tom Bachman of Oregon Youth Alive brings that reality to light.

Nov 26, 202057:59
Contagious Holiness & Ultimate Authority | Matthew 8 1-34

Contagious Holiness & Ultimate Authority | Matthew 8 1-34

After Jesus preaches his life-altering sermon on the mount, he steps down and into our world to show us the reality of who he is through  signs, miracles, and wonders. Chapter 8 is full of small stories that may seem disconnected at first but actually show us two truths about who   the Messiah is. Jesus shares his contagious holiness and demonstrates his ultimate authority over all things: This is who the Son of God is;  the Holy King of all Creation.

Nov 25, 202041:16
Doing Combat with Spiritual Apathy

Doing Combat with Spiritual Apathy

This is a standalone message about the spiritual apathy that all of us battle with at various times in our life, even the most devout  Christians. What we see is that apathy occurs in our hearts when we move away from the spiritual habits and spiritual disciplines of faith that sparked our affection for God in the first place. We hope this message is helpful and encouraging to you.

Nov 24, 202057:59
Missionary Q&A with Joil Marbut & Tamara Henkes

Missionary Q&A with Joil Marbut & Tamara Henkes

Our young adults had the opportunity to ask Tamara Henkes of Montenegro and Joil Marbut of Ecuador a few questions about life and faith. It's always a great opportunity any time you can listen to the heart of missionaries from the field.

Oct 03, 202030:37
Missionary Joil Marbut - Step Into the Calling

Missionary Joil Marbut - Step Into the Calling

Joil Marbut, missionary to Ecuador, shared a message during our Missions Week in October 2020. Joil invites us into the great calling that Jesus first announced for all believers and he challenges us to pick up our calling. This is a must-listen message.

Oct 03, 202030:07
Don't Be Anxious Just Stay Focused | Matthew 6:16-34

Don't Be Anxious Just Stay Focused | Matthew 6:16-34

Our lives are always oriented towards one thing or another. But don't be  anxious, Jesus says, just stay focused! In this passage of the Bible,  Jesus is pressing hard into the truth that we often don't love what we think we do and in chasing after "stuff" our lives become riddled with  anxiety that we'll never have enough. Jesus is teaching us how to live a  life free of worry and how we can always know we'll have what we need.  

Sep 29, 202039:08
How to Pray the Jesus Way - The Lord's Prayer| Matthew 6:5-15

How to Pray the Jesus Way - The Lord's Prayer| Matthew 6:5-15

How do you think that prayer works? We all learn how to pray from  somewhere or someone. There's so much for us to learn about prayer and who better to learn from than Jesus himself! I encourage you to print the Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:5-15 and write notes on it as we study through the Lord's prayer and what Jesus wants to show us about the Kingdom of Heaven and how we can commune with God  every day.   Please like and subscribe if these videos are helpful in your walk with  Christ. 


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Sep 29, 202037:49
How to Renew Your Heart | Matthew 5:21-48

How to Renew Your Heart | Matthew 5:21-48

With Jesus it's not about behavior modification, it's about a complete regeneration of the heart. In this study, as we read through the gospel of Matthew chapter 5, Jesus starts to show us what a perfect heart looks like in God's Kingdom and calls us to live it!  There are some dramatically challenging topics in this section but the fruit that flows from surrender to Jesus on these topics is worth more than gold.   Would you like to discover how to renew your heart? Open your Bible and sit with us as we grow in Christlikeness.


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Aug 20, 202044:48
Salt and Light Living | Matthew Chapter 5:13-20

Salt and Light Living | Matthew Chapter 5:13-20

Matthew Chapter 5 marks the beginning of Jesus' sermon on the mount, probably his most famous teaching of all time. After his tremendous victory in the wilderness of chapter 4 and after gathering many new followers, Jesus takes a moment (Matthew 5-7) to outline his mission and what the Kingdom of God looks like for those who would desire to enter into it.

Many people claim these teachings are part of their way of life but that claim is challenged when we think about what it really looks like to live it out in every way, every day.

Every Kingdom has its guiding rules; the United States, China, Great Britain all have different expectations for what it means to be a citizen of their country. The same is true for the Kingdom of God.

In this passage, Jesus begins to outline what it means to belong to God’s Kingdom over any other kingdom or nation.  Chapter 5 verses 1-12 are just the beginning of something remarkably unlike the world we've known.

Jesus reminds Israel (and us) that we are to be salt and light for the purpose of blessing this world, drawing out what is good, and shining the way of God among the nations.

Where do you see the need for salt and light in our world? What are the darkest corners of this world and of our heart and how is God calling you to shine bright for him?


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Aug 15, 202044:21
Blessed Are Those Who Belong To the Kingdom of God | Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed Are Those Who Belong To the Kingdom of God | Matthew 5:1-12

Matthew Chapter 5 marks the beginning of Jesus' sermon on the mount, probably his most famous teaching of all time. After his tremendous victory in the wilderness of chapter 4 and after gathering many new followers, Jesus takes a moment (Matthew 5-7) to outline his mission and what the Kingdom of God looks like for those who would desire to enter into it.

Many people claim these teachings are part of their way of life but that claim is challenged when we think about what it really looks like to live it out in every way, every day.

Every Kingdom has its guiding rules; the United States, China, Great Britain all have different expectations for what it means to be a citizen of their country. The same is true for the Kingdom of God.

In this passage, Jesus begins to outline what it means to belong to God’s Kingdom over any other kingdom or nation.  Chapter 5 verses 1-12 are just the beginning of something remarkably unlike the world we've known.

Here are the questions at the bottom of the papers mentioned in the video. Take some time to answer them for yourself:

- How do the character qualities in 5:3-12 compare with what most people in the world prize?

- Of these 8 qualities which 2 do you desire the most in your life? Why?

- How do you think you and God could work together to produce these in your life?


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Aug 15, 202033:44
Jesus Wins The Battle We Never Could | Bible Study on Matthew Chapter 4:1-11

Jesus Wins The Battle We Never Could | Bible Study on Matthew Chapter 4:1-11

Read through the Gospel of Matthew with me! The Bible is God's primary means of speaking to and directing his people and this is an easy bible study for beginners!

I know that it can sometimes be confusing and hard to read on our own. Hopefully, this series helps you dive into the scripture for the first time, or at a deeper level than you have on your own. When you read, expect to encounter God and plan on walking away with an application that changes the way you live moving forward- That's how scripture works upon us.

 Be sure to read the story on your own too!


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Aug 15, 202049:21
Theology | What is Communion and why do we do it (The Lord's Supper)

Theology | What is Communion and why do we do it (The Lord's Supper)

What is communion or The Lord's Supper and why do we do it?

Communion consists of the elements --bread and the fruit of the vine-- is the symbol expressing our sharing the divine nature of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:4)

Jesus, at His last Passover, instituted the ordinance of the taking of bread and the fruit of the vine as a memorial of His atoning death: “And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me’ ” (Luke 22:19).


Luke 22:19

Acts 2:42,46

Acts 20:7,11

Acts 27:35


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Aug 15, 202010:41
Why We Can Confidently Follow Jesus | Matthew Chapter 3:1-17

Why We Can Confidently Follow Jesus | Matthew Chapter 3:1-17

If you've never read the Bible or are just starting out, it might be hard to pick up on some of the bigger themes going on, that's what I hope this series helps you with as we go along.

In Matthew Chapter 3, the writer wants us to see a couple of really big things. Namely, that Jesus' identity as the Son of God and the Messiah (the promised King and Savior) is confirmed by God himself - we can have confidence in following Jesus. Secondly, I think Matthew wants us to see that Jesus is showing us the way that His people are to live by modeling righteousness for us even down to the act of baptism itself. I'm excited to explore it together.


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Aug 15, 202057:13
Baby Jesus is More Dangerous Than You Think | Matthew Chapters 1:18-2:23

Baby Jesus is More Dangerous Than You Think | Matthew Chapters 1:18-2:23

Here we'll work through Matthew Chapters 1&2 verses (Mt 1:12-2-23). Be sure to read the story on your own too! In chapter 2 of his Gospel, Matthew wants us to see both the miraculous conception of Jesus as a fulfillment of God's promise as well as the incredible threat that Jesus' life poses to the powers of this world. Jesus is no ordinary baby, his very life demands the right to the throne that evil sits upon.


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Aug 14, 202053:01
Theology | What is the meaning of Water Baptism?

Theology | What is the meaning of Water Baptism?

What is the meaning of water baptism? Baptism is a well-known church ordinance that represents being dead to sin and being raised to a new life with Christ. In the Gospels, we see that Jesus Himself was baptized, but what for? Why would a sinless man be baptized?

Jesus's baptism is a powerful moment where Jesus identifies with humanity in their sin, failures, and brokenness. Jesus came to identify with us so that we could identify with Him. 


Romans 6:2-7


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Aug 14, 202009:34
Who is Jesus really? | Matthew Chapter 1:1-17

Who is Jesus really? | Matthew Chapter 1:1-17

Read through the Gospel of Matthew with me! This is pt.1; The Bible is God's primary means of speaking to and directing his people but it can sometimes be confusing and hard to read. Hopefully, this series helps you dive into the scripture for the first time, or at a deeper level than you have on your own. When you read, expect to encounter God and plan on walking away with an application that changes the way you live moving forward- That's how scripture works upon us.

Here we'll work through Matthew Chapter 1 verses 1-17 (Mt 1:1-17). But verse 1 really says it all!

It's easy to skip this long list of names in chapter 1 but Matthew is trying to tell us something significant about who Jesus is through these names that every 1st century Jew would have known.


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Aug 14, 202046:20
Word Study | What does 'Witness' Mean

Word Study | What does 'Witness' Mean

Part 1: Word Study

The word “witness” is used in the Bible to describe both a person and an action—someone who sees something and then talks about what they’ve seen. You might know the word “evangelism” as the same thing. What’s most interesting about the word witness is how it illuminates the story of Scripture, especially the role of the people of God.

Thank You to the Bible Project for the Word Study video, check it out here:

Part 2: Message

Selfless - Bold in Witness: with Pastor Craig Groeschel

Watch this message

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Aug 14, 202010:45
Theology | God's Salvation of Man Through Jesus

Theology | God's Salvation of Man Through Jesus

The Fall of Man has serious consequences for our world, what is the solution? It's the doctrine of God's Salvation of Man Through Jesus. Man's only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. By the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, being justified by grace through faith, man becomes an heir of God, according to the hope of eternal life.


Luke 24:47

John 3:3

Romans 10:13-15

Ephesians 2:8

Titus 2:1

Titus 3:5-7


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Aug 14, 202014:44
Wisdom & How to Get Wise | Mark Robinson

Wisdom & How to Get Wise | Mark Robinson

The wisest thing you can do is get wisdom! Did you know that? How do you become wise? This message from Pastor Mark Robinson is a great one for helping you grow wiser.


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Aug 14, 202028:28
How Do You Discover Your Identity and Calling | Interview with Dr. Debbie Lamm Bray

How Do You Discover Your Identity and Calling | Interview with Dr. Debbie Lamm Bray

How do we discover your identity and calling?  How do we discover our potential and walk in that? Dr. Debbie is super passionate about this very question!

There are 3 Major Stages to discovery

STAGE 1 - An Initial Awareness

- this is where you start to sense there's a greater purpose for your life

STAGE 2 - Interpret and Understand (unpacking)

- this is a season of discovery and stepping into it.

STAGE 3 - Living Out Your Calling 

- this is where you truly start to step into and live your purpose.


Do you know what God says about the identity of His people?

When do you feel the most effective?

What could you stay up all night talking about? (passions)

Ask trusted and wise people what they see in you?

What do you like to learn? What do you like to explore?


Meyers Briggs Personality Test |

StrengthsFinder |


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May 29, 202050:05
I Want to Go Back to How Things Were

I Want to Go Back to How Things Were

So many people say something like, "I want to go back to how things were before this", so did the Israelites in the Exodus from Egypt but they seem to forget they were slaves... They loved God's promise but they hated God's process so much that they wanted to go back to slavery? We're a lot like them, we love the promises God makes with us but we can easily grumble and complain about the process he chooses to use. I've been thinking about this a lot this week and want to invite you in on the journey.


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May 26, 202026:16
Theology | The Fall of Man

Theology | The Fall of Man

What exactly is the Fall of Man? Man was truly created good and upright; for God said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness." However, man by voluntary transgression fell and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God.


Genesis 1:26,27

Genesis 2:17

Genesis 3:6

Romans 5:12-19

We must begin to recognize our own fallenness. The problem of sin exists within each of us and only upon seeing it in ourselves can we then come to God to allow Him to work on our heart condition.


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May 24, 202010:42
Jesus is - More Than a Friend

Jesus is - More Than a Friend

For this series, we’ve explored who Jesus really is and what that truth means for all of us.

Jesus is God, he is Savior, he is Truth, and Jesus is more than just a friend. If Jesus is your friend, and even more than that, it changes everything; lean into, lean on, and trust in Jesus; especially during this season where it's so easy to believe you are alone. Jesus promises that you never are.

Deuteronomy 31:6 | Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.


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May 23, 202023:58
Jesus is - Truth | Truth Can be Known

Jesus is - Truth | Truth Can be Known

Can the truth really be known? In a culture where truth seems abstract and unobtainable, Jesus makes a startling claim; He is the truth. Pastor Sean Silverii unpacks what it means for Jesus to be the ultimate truth and how that affects everything.


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May 21, 202029:50
MONDAY RECAP - Jesus is Savior

MONDAY RECAP - Jesus is Savior

Unpacking the truth that Jesus is Savior with other students. What does that mean for us? They bring some great challenge.


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May 20, 202032:19
Jesus is - Savior | What does that mean?

Jesus is - Savior | What does that mean?

Jesus is Savior; not just of the world but for you! What does that really mean for your life?  It means freedom like you've never known before and it requires a response from us. 


2 Corinthians 3:17 | Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

John 8:36 | So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Galatians 5:1 | It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 3:22 | But the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.

Psalm 119:45 I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.

Galatians 5:13-14 | You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Romans 6:22 | But now that you have been set free from sin and become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.

1 Peter 2:16 | Live as free men, but do not use your freedom to cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. 

Ezekiel 36:26 | And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 

Truth: God gives you a new heart so you can live as a new creation!

2 Corinthians 5:17 | Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


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May 19, 202039:01
MONDAY RECAP - Jesus is God

MONDAY RECAP - Jesus is God

Unpacking the truth that Jesus is God with other students. Listen to the previous podcast episode for the teaching we're discussing here.

May 18, 202011:03
Jesus is God | That Changes Everything

Jesus is God | That Changes Everything

Who do you think Jesus is? Who do other people say Jesus is? Is Jesus God? Ultimately, what does it mean if Jesus is God? Join us as we kick off a new series on who Jesus truly is and what that means for our life. The way you answer that question will change the course of your life forever.


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May 17, 202046:16
Theology | The Diety of Jesus

Theology | The Diety of Jesus

Today’s Doctrine: The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ "The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Scriptures declare:" - Assemblies of God Fundamental Truth #3

You may have heard all of this before. But I encourage you to do a deep dive into the scripture verses to see this truth in your own Bible!

His virgin birth,

    Matthew 1:23

    Luke 1:31

    Luke 1:35

His sinless life,

    Hebrews 7:26

    1 Peter 2:22

His miracles,

    Acts 2:22

    Acts 10:38

His substitutionary work on the cross,

    1 Corinthians 15:3

    2 Corinthians 5:21

His bodily resurrection from the dead,

    Matthew 28:6

    Luke 24:39

    1 Corinthians 15:4

His exaltation to the right hand of God.

    Acts 1:9

    Acts 1:11

    Acts 2:33

    Philippians 2:9-11

    Hebrews 1:3


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May 17, 202008:40
Burdened for Friends Who Are Struggling

Burdened for Friends Who Are Struggling

This is a difficult time in many people’s lives and for those of us who are rooted in our faith, it is our responsibility to rally around one another and to care for those who are hurting.  Often times we don’t even know, but just as often we’ve failed to check-in. This is a call to reach out, to love well, and to express Jesus’ love to those around us


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May 17, 202024:35
Easter Brings VICTORY - Easter pt.2

Easter Brings VICTORY - Easter pt.2

Easter might just be the most significant day in human history? Did you know that Easter means something for you and your life today? Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it to the full! You can be free from the shackles of sin, shame, death, and the defeat you feel because  Jesus has secured new life for you!

Apr 21, 202011:07
MONDAY RECAP - Faith When Nothing Else Makes Sense

MONDAY RECAP - Faith When Nothing Else Makes Sense

What do I do when I feel so lost right now? What about spiritual growth when nothing makes sense around me? We're recapping Pastor Khalil's message on this. Find that sermon here:   It’s easy to feel helpless, hopeless, and alone right now. You're not alone. How do you hope when it seems like everything you love and enjoy has been stripped away? Sometimes faith is the only thing that makes sense.

Apr 20, 202018:48
I Feel Lost Right Now - What To Do When Nothing Makes Sense

I Feel Lost Right Now - What To Do When Nothing Makes Sense

What do I do when I feel so lost right now? What about spiritual growth when nothing makes sense around me? It’s easy to feel helpless, hopeless, and alone right now. You're not alone. What do you do when life seems like a bad dream? How do you hope when it seems like everything you love and enjoy has been stripped away? Sometimes faith is the only thing that makes sense.

Apr 20, 202031:15
Theology - There is Only One True God

Theology - There is Only One True God

The truth of the Bible is that there is only One True God, not just of  the scriptures but of the entire universe. Knowing this truth affects how we live, what we put our faith in, and well, it just makes sense when we truly think about it. 

Apr 17, 202010:20
Easter Brings HOPE - Easter pt.1

Easter Brings HOPE - Easter pt.1

Dr. Debbie Lamm Bray of Northwest University Oregon has a strong word of encouragement in the midst of COVID-19 and quarantine about the eternal hope we can have because of what Jesus has accomplished on the cross.

Apr 17, 202029:10
Theology - Scripture is Inspired

Theology - Scripture is Inspired

Exploring the truth that the Scriptures are the inspired word of God. What does that mean and how does that affect the way that we read and respond to them? That’s what we’re discussing this theology  Thursday.

Apr 10, 202011:18
Theology - What is Theology?

Theology - What is Theology?

This is our first-ever segment of theology Thursday, we’re looking at what theology is, why it matters, and how good theology can shape the life and heart of Jesus’ disciples! Grab your notepad and get ready to learn something new .

Apr 02, 202008:03
A Good Infection

A Good Infection

The Gospel has never shown brighter than it does in the midst of hardship. This is such a timely message of hope when, for many, a confident faith can be hard to find.

Mar 24, 202018:18
Growing as disciples in a unique season

Growing as disciples in a unique season

With COVID-19 and restrictions on gathering together as a church in person, it's raised a lot of questions about what it means to be the church and how we can continue to grow as followers of Jesus. We're outlining 4 really important practices that disciples of Jesus must take personal responsibility for during this season. At the end of the day, obstacles present opportunities and true disciples will seize them.

Mar 20, 202051:43
Sharing your story - Live Podcast

Sharing your story - Live Podcast

everyone enjoys a great story and yet often we forget that we have a story of our own.

In this live podcast, Pastor Khalil and the team remind us that the stories of our lives have the power to connect people to God's greater story. Through an interactive teaching and small group conversation with those in the Instagram live comments, we dive into this topic.

Mar 18, 202053:49
Relationships- Having the right ones in life

Relationships- Having the right ones in life

The Proverbs are full of examples of wise people and foolish ones. The real question is, how do we know which one we are and which ones our friends are too? Read some of the verses in Proverbs Chapters 11 & 12 and then join the conversation as Pastor Khalil unpacks his framework for intentional relationships and the different purposes they all fulfill.

Mar 17, 202054:49
Influence - Tell God's story, not just your own

Influence - Tell God's story, not just your own

Everyone wants to use their influence in the best ways possible.  Do you know how? As followers, we have an opportunity to help people find their story in the universal story of God.

Mar 10, 202039:54
Influence - Invest in what matters most

Influence - Invest in what matters most

Most of us want to experience the full life that Jesus offers to his followers. In order to do so, we need to begin to recalibrate our lives around the things that mattered most to him. In this message, you'll learn extremely practical ways to step into the life that God promises.

Feb 19, 202041:09
Influence - Where does it all start?

Influence - Where does it all start?

Influence: most people want it, many seek to build careers upon it, but where does it all begin? In this message we talk about true influence and where it all begins.,

Feb 11, 202050:47
Jeff Grenell - Hello, My Name is Revival - BONUS EPISODE

Jeff Grenell - Hello, My Name is Revival - BONUS EPISODE

Jeff Grenell wants to stir up a great awakening of spiritual life and faith in the hearts of teenagers. Do you want to know how to experience God at a whole new level? Jeff will show you how with this message,
Check out this great message from the Pulse archives
Feb 01, 202041:01
Identity - You were made for community

Identity - You were made for community

We've talked a lot about our past, present, and future. But whether out of pride, insecurity, or fear of what people might think, all of us have a tendency to try and battle through brokenness, sin, and life's challenges alone.  There's a better way! Moses' story teaches us this, and Jesus makes it possible.

Jan 31, 202038:44