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Quietly Visible

Quietly Visible

By Carol Stewart

The Quietly Visible Podcast aims to inform and inspire introverted women who are senior leaders (or aspiring leaders) to be leaders of influence and impact whilst living their best lives. It is for introverted women who want to thrive as leaders and in life. Join Carol Stewart, The Coach for High Achieving Introverted Women and guests, as they share insights from their personal experience, or that which falls within their area of expertise.
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Networking Tips for Introverted Women

Quietly VisibleMar 24, 2023

Thriving as an Introverted Woman Leader in a Male-Dominated Field

Thriving as an Introverted Woman Leader in a Male-Dominated Field

May 29, 202431:51
Dealing With a Toxic Work Environment

Dealing With a Toxic Work Environment

Working in a toxic work environment can chip away at your self-esteem, self-confidence, and resilience. It can lead to working excessive hours, a lack of boundaries and leave you feeling stressed and exhausted.

Some people don't even realise that the environment is the issue and think that the problem is them.

In this episode I talk about the dangers of working in a toxic environment, and share tips and advice on how you can address it.

May 17, 202420:59
Regaining Your Confidence and Communicating With Impact When Faced With Unrealistic Expectations and You're The Only 'One' in The Room

Regaining Your Confidence and Communicating With Impact When Faced With Unrealistic Expectations and You're The Only 'One' in The Room

In this episode of the podcast I talk through a scenario where a woman who is a senior leader, and the 'only' one in the room like her amongst a team of extraverts.

Unrealistic expectations have knocked her confidence, perfectionism puts a lot of pressure on her, and this affects how she comes across and is perceived by others.

If this applies to you, I discuss ways in which you can turn this situation around and regain your confidence, increase your presence, and communicate with impact.

May 10, 202426:45
Navigating Courageous Conversations as an Introverted Women Leader

Navigating Courageous Conversations as an Introverted Women Leader

In this episode, I delve into courageous conversations for introverted women leaders. I explore practical strategies and insights to help you navigate challenging conversations with confidence and authenticity.

From defining what courageous conversations entail to embracing introversion as a strength, I provide actionable tips for building confidence, navigating power dynamics, and creating safe spaces for dialogue.

May 03, 202424:32
The Introverted Leaders Conference
Apr 26, 202407:40
Imposter Syndrome, Self-Doubt, A Lack of Self-Confidence? - Be Assured Knowing It's Not Just You

Imposter Syndrome, Self-Doubt, A Lack of Self-Confidence? - Be Assured Knowing It's Not Just You

If you experience imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and a lack of self-confidence, it can be easy to think it is just you. But many women like you across the globe experience it and in this episode, I talk about how widespread it is.

Apr 19, 202421:23
Unleashing the Power of Self-Belief

Unleashing the Power of Self-Belief

Is a lack of self-belief holding you back from going after what it is that you want to achieve? Or causing you to doubt yourself and lack self-confidence?

In this episode I talk about the importance of self-belief, what it is, and how to develop it.

Apr 12, 202421:18
You Don't Have to Be the Loudest in the Room

You Don't Have to Be the Loudest in the Room

Many people mistakenly think that in order to be seen and stand out, you have to be the loudest in the rooom. But that is not true. I have a saying that goes 'You don't need to be loud to stand out as a leader, but you do need to have presence'.

Inspired by a post I saw on LinkedIn, in this episode I talk about not needing to be the loudest in the room, but as a leader, the need to be visible and have presence. Something which many introverted women find challenging.

Apr 04, 202422:42
Live Life On Your Own Terms By Taking Good Care Of Yourself

Live Life On Your Own Terms By Taking Good Care Of Yourself

As human beings, it is part of our nature to want to be accepted, and consciously or subconsciously we tend to seek approval for our everyday and life choices, actions and behaviour from our peer groups. But what if this need for validation and approval means that we grow up believing and trying to be someone who is not who we truly are and therefore not living life on our own terms?

In this episode, former lawyer, Louise Lewis, shares her story of being a very driven, motivated typical A Type individual who hit burnout in 2018. During her recuperative phase, she came to the realisation that she had not been taking good care of herself, by living a life based, not on her own terms, and discusses the changes she made/her journey of transformation. Louise, now coaches women to be all of who they are, to not follow the rulebooks of others, and to live life authentically, on their own terms.

About Louise Lewis

Louise is a ICF accredited coach (PCC level) with a diploma in professional coaching practice. She is also certified in embodied healing systems (with a personal focus on childhood trauma and the impact of dysfunctional family systems on us as adults).

Mar 26, 202430:13
You Don't Have To Shout From The Rooftops To Showcase Your Thought Leadership

You Don't Have To Shout From The Rooftops To Showcase Your Thought Leadership

Generally, most introverts shy away from being in the spotlight and having attention focussed on themselves. Demonstrating their thought leadership is a good way for them to become widely known in their organisation and industry for their knowledge and expertise. If you hate self-promotion, it enables you to self-promote in ways that don't make it feel like it is all about you.

In this episode, Carol and Kate Pozeznik (founder and CEO of Quirk, a personal branding and career consulting firm), discuss and elaborate on their respective definitions of 'Thought Leadership' and how, as an introvert, you don't have to shout from the rooftops to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Kate also provides listeners on ways you can get started in authentically getting your knowledge out there.

About Kate Pozeznik

Kate resides in the US and left the corporate world five years ago to launch Quirk, a personal branding and career consulting firm that helps accelerate the careers of women executives and rising professionals who are seeking a life of fulfilment and freedom. Kate has been partnering with C-level executives for nearly a decade in a variety of capacities, currently by equipping leaders with curated career marketing materials, digital personal branding, and client-centered career coaching.

She has orchestrated several career transitions of her own, including a shift from stay-at-home mom to the tech world. In her search for the ‘right’ career, Kate gained experience across industries and functions. This includes selling new construction homes for a large builder; fundraising and curriculum development at a marine science non-profit; writing and event planning in academia; and developing marketing collateral and aligning research and advisory services to c-level executives at management consulting companies Gartner and The Hackett Group.

Kate is recognised for being a confidence booster, relationship builder, and steadfast promoter of authenticity as a vessel for life and career success. She has been an invited guest career expert on podcasts and social audio events, written business articles for career professionals, developed a library of how-to career guides, and regularly engages colleagues and job seekers through relevant, interesting social media content.

Kate is also a ADHD and mental health advocate, supporter of women and minorities, avid traveler, salsa and bachata dancing enthusiast, collector of mid-century modern furniture, single parent, solopreneur, former island dweller, exercise champion, and rescue dog mom.

Mar 12, 202440:03
Do You Want to Be CEO of a Large Corporate, Or Are You Not Bothered?

Do You Want to Be CEO of a Large Corporate, Or Are You Not Bothered?

I attended a woman's leadership conference and the question was asked whether attendees wanted to be CEO of a large corporate. Only a few women raised their hands.

The person speaking said that more women should want to and this got me thinking... I can understand why women would not want to, and I can understand why women would.

What about you? Do you want to be CEO of a large corporate, or are you simply not bothered?

Mar 07, 202418:37
You Can, With Intention, Build Your Own Brave

You Can, With Intention, Build Your Own Brave

The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines the word 'brave' as "the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty". Whilst some of us are born braver than others, it is actually a skill that many of us have to learn, develop and build on.

In this week's episode, Nicole Trick Steinbach, Founder of Trick Steinbach LLC, the host of the Celebrate Brave podcast, and International Bravery Coach, discusses many of the challenges she has faced throughout her own personal and work life journey which led to her developing her own brave, to now coaching women to intentionally build their skill of bravery - to stress less, work less, and then earn more.

About Nicole Trick Steinbach

Nicole is the Founder of Trick Steinbach LLC, the host of the Celebrate Brave podcast, and an International Bravery Coach. She helps women build their bravery and shows them how to stress and work less.

After spending nearly 20 years working in tech, Nicole had become a Global Senior Director. She spent 13 years living in Germany, travelling the world, and leading global teams across all functional areas in over 25 different countries. In 2008, even with all of her success, Nicole realised that she felt exhausted, unhappy, and alone. Through coaching, Nicole discovered how her relentless pursuit of an ever-changing definition of "success" was pushing away her support network, deflating her confidence, and driving her to burnout. Over the next ten years, Nicole was able to build her own unique, gorgeous, wonderfully fulfilling life, full of connection and appreciation, rest and joy, safety and wealth. The key was realising that bravery Is a skill that she could intentionally develop and practice.

Now she teaches women all over the world to build their own brave. Nicole's framework for clarity, momentum, and accountability helps her clients set goals and establish the mindset they need to sustain their success. Nicole coaches women to view all of their successes, mistakes, and even failures as equal stepping stones to building their brave life and career.

When Nicole isn’t serving her clients you can find her reading a new book, enjoying the outdoors with her two kiddos, and learning with others on her own podcast.

Feb 27, 202441:17
The Power of Self-Regulation

The Power of Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of life. If we don't regulate our emotions, it can lead to a number of challenging situations. Stress, strained relationships, irrational decision making, and a general feeling of not being in control.

Self-regulation enhances our decision making, strengthens relationships, helps us to manage stressful situations in a healthy way, and contributes to a more positive outlook on life.

In this episode, I talk about the negative impact of not regulating your emotions and the positive benefits (not just for you but also for others), when you self-regulate.

Feb 20, 202417:26
Reclaiming Your Power as an Introverted Woman Leader

Reclaiming Your Power as an Introverted Woman Leader

Unfavourable bias towards introversion and any other oppressions as a result of other intersecting identities may have taken away your power. You may have internalised these biases and/or oppression without even realising it.

This can show up as self-hate, imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and other self-limiting beliefs.

In this episode, I make you aware of the fact that this can happen, so that you can check whether this is the case for you and do something about it so that you reclaim your power.

The resources referred to at the end of the episode can be found on the free resources tab at

Feb 13, 202427:00
Developing Your Personal Brand as an Introverted Leader

Developing Your Personal Brand as an Introverted Leader

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is said to be known for the quote 'Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room'. For some introverted women leaders, personal branding and self-promotion don't come naturally and can feel inauthentic.

However, being clear about your brand and communicating it through self-promotion can give you a competitive advantage.

In this episode, I talk about how you can develop your personal brand so that what other people say about you when you leave the room aligns with what you want them to say.

Jan 27, 202419:07
Tips For Introverted Leaders Who Find On The Spot Decision Making Challenging

Tips For Introverted Leaders Who Find On The Spot Decision Making Challenging

People need to have confidence in the decisions made by their leaders, and if a leader seems indecisive, it does not instil confidence in them.

Introverts are known for thinking and processing information before speaking and making decisions, whereas extraverts are said to speak and process their thoughts whilst they are speaking. Misconceptions about introversion mean people can misconstrue the thinking style of introverts.

Whilst quick decisions are not always the best decisions, there will be times when you do need to make an on the spot decision. Particularly if there is an immediate threat to the business. If you want to improve your on the spot decision-making style, in this episode I share some tips.

Jan 21, 202423:10
Tips To Help You Set Yourself Up For Success in 2024

Tips To Help You Set Yourself Up For Success in 2024

Every year at the beginning of January, I see untold people setting goals or making New Year resolutions, only to find that within just a few months (weeks even), they've abandoned them. This episode is a recording of a LinkedIn live where I shared what you can do to set yourself up for success.

Jan 13, 202435:50
The Benefits of Setting Intentions

The Benefits of Setting Intentions

Why is it important to set intentions?

In this episode, I talk about the benefits of setting intentions to help clarify your goals, and enhance your focus and motivation, as well as guiding your actions. I share an example of an intention that I set almost 3 years ago to illustrate how setting intentions can make a difference.

Jan 06, 202418:35
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Putting Yourself Down
Dec 21, 202315:31
Do You Feel Like You Belong at Work?
Dec 08, 202318:49
3 Reasons Why Introverted Women Don't Like Self-Promotion And What To Do About It
Nov 26, 202321:39
Staying Resilient and Motivated During Setbacks and Failures
Nov 18, 202331:50
3 Common Barriers Introverted Women Experience to Getting Promoted to Senior Leadership

3 Common Barriers Introverted Women Experience to Getting Promoted to Senior Leadership

I have coached many leaders to secure senior leadership promotions, and there are some common barriers that I see repeatedly that get in the way of securing those roles. In this episode I talk about these 3 barriers and what you can do to overcome them.

Nov 12, 202327:12
Overcoming Shyness (Or Not) And How to Create A Space In The Room For Yourself And Others

Overcoming Shyness (Or Not) And How to Create A Space In The Room For Yourself And Others

Is shyness holding you back in your place of work? Is it stopping you from having your voice heard and your contributions recognised?

In this episode, Kate Baker, Head of Product globally, for the Alternatives business of HSBC Asset Management, shares some of the strategies that have helped and still help her overcome (or not) her own shyness. Tied in with this, Kate, drawing on her personal life and work experiences, recognises that none of us should be treated any differently because of our roles or status, nor whether we are introvert or extrovert, shy or bold, and reflects on how to create a space 'in the room' for yourself and others.

About Kate Baker

Kate is currently Head of Product globally, for the Alternatives business of HSBC Asset Management. Based in London, Kate is responsible for the team which develops, launches and governs investment solutions across renewables, venture capital, infrastructure equity, private debt, real estate, private market and hedge fund of funds asset classes.

Prior to taking over the Head of Product role, Kate worked as Real Assets Governance Lead, providing business management and governance support to the global real estate, infrastructure equity and renewables business. She originally joined HSBC Alternatives in 2019 as Senior Legal Counsel, supporting the UK-based Alternatives team.


Kate has over a decade’s experience supporting Alternative asset managers. She started her career in the investment funds team at Herbert Smith Freehills, primarily focusing on listed funds as well as private equity firms. From 2014 to 2019, Kate worked as Legal Counsel for the Alternatives team at DWS (formerly Deutsche Asset Management), helping them structure and run real estate, infrastructure and sustainable products, as well as advising the AIFM boards on legal risk.


She has a six year old son, and two horses, and so spends a lot of her time outside of work covered in either stickers or mud!


Nov 03, 202334:16
High Achieving Introverted Women - Change Your Mindset And Advance Your Professional Dreams

High Achieving Introverted Women - Change Your Mindset And Advance Your Professional Dreams

It is often said that the first step to achieve something is to believe that you really can achieve it. But, sometimes we let our fears, negative thought patterns and long held habits hold us back. A growth mindset is central to you achieving your goals and aspirations. In this episode Ryane LeCesne, known as The Advanced Accelerator Coach, discusses feeling stuck and trapped, and how you can face your fears and advance your professional dreams by overcoming and healing from the self-limiting mindsets of Impostor Syndrome, Distractionism and Perfectionism and align with the 3 energies of professional advancement - Clarity, Courage and Confidence.

About Ryane LeCesne

Ryane is the Advance Accelerator Coach. Since 2012, she has coached nearly 1,000 high-achieving women – specialising in the unique needs of high-achieving Black women – to advance their professional dreams by overcoming and healing from the self-limiting mindsets of Impostor Syndrome, Perfectionism, and Distractionism.

Ryane understands how frustrating it is to have followed the "blueprint to success" only to feel like you secretly lack the 3Cs – clarity, confidence, and courage – to advance your career or build your dream business on your terms. She knows what it feels like to have done "everything right" and still feel stuck and trapped second-guessing yourself and your dreams. She also knows the mindset required to take big, bold action in the face of your fears.

Her coaching process is evidence-based, holistic, transformational, and proven to be instrumental in helping high-achieving women professionally advance.

When Ryane’s not coaching or with her nose in a personal development+leadership+spiritual book, she is the wife of a very loving and supportive super-guy and mommy to a very special love bug. She’s a proud member of The Links, Incorporated and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and a graduate of Spelman College and Georgetown University.

Oct 27, 202333:54
Raise Your Professional Visibility As An Introvert Through Podcast Guesting

Raise Your Professional Visibility As An Introvert Through Podcast Guesting

As I'm sure you will know, these days, if you’re not self-promoting and raising your visibility and profile, you can easily go unnoticed and get passed over for promotion.

But, being visible and raising your profile doesn’t have to be challenging, draining or exhausting and you don’t have to do something just because everyone else is doing it. As an introverted female leader, you can be quietly visible in your own authentic way. It’s about finding ways to do it that work for you.

One way you can do this is through being a guest on a podcast that resonates with you either because it is specific to the industry you work in, enables you to share your own journey, and your your professional role. Being a podcast guest can raise your profile/personal branding, get you known for your thought leadership as you share your journey and expertise or insights.

In this episode, Michelle Glogovac, shares her story to becoming who she is now - THE Podcast Matchmaker™, award-winning publicist, host of the My Simplified Life podcast and author of Podcast Guesting Made Simple (McGrawHill, 2024), and talks through some simple but profound mindset strategies to get you on the road to podcast guesting.

About Michelle Glogovac

Michelle is THE Podcast Matchmaker™, an award-winning publicist, host of the My Simplified Life podcast and author of Podcast Guesting Made Simple (McGrawHill, 2024). After an 18 year career in corporate aviation, Michelle is changing the world, one voice at a time, by matching her clients with the perfect podcasts and teaching them how to share their story, vision, and expertise in impactful and powerful ways.

She has helped entrepreneurs, authors, and experts hone their storytelling abilities, grow their businesses, and elevate themselves as thought leaders on over 1,000 podcasts. As a natural relationship maker, Michelle is a sought-after speaker in this niche and has presented to thousands of publicists and groups on how to perfectly pitch a podcast. She has coached 14,000 authors through the process of creating and launching a podcast book tour through the Nonfiction Writers Association.

Michelle is a wife, mom of two, stepmom of two, and a fur mom. She has her B.A. andM.S. in Law, and is the Founder + CEO of The MLG Collective. Michelle resides in the Bay Area and is a sushi lover.

Quietly Visible Podcast Guesting:

If you are an introverted woman and a leader and want to share how you've overcome the challenges and obstacles in your career and life, to help encourage other introverted women (as well as raise your visibility and profile), I would love to have you as a guest on the Quietly Visible podcast. Or if you are not introverted, or not a woman and have something to share that will empower, educate, or inform introverted women leaders, or advise employers on how to be more inclusive towards introversion, I would love to have you on the podcast too. Fill out the application here and someone will get back to you.

Oct 23, 202333:27
Don't Let Being An Introvert Hold You Back From Public Speaking

Don't Let Being An Introvert Hold You Back From Public Speaking

As an introvert, do you shy away from public speaking in the belief that only those who are more extraverted will excel at this task? Well, believe it or not, not all extraverts feel confident about having to speak in public either. But, for you introverted listeners, do know that it does not have to be seen as a daunting task, and if you are currently in a leadership role, there are ways you can move from outside of your comfort zone and into the realm of public speaking comfortably and with self-confidence.

In this episode, Francesca McDowell, who overcame a childhood stutter and is now a Leadership and Public Speaking Coach, shares her story and provides insights on self-awareness and the importance of developing public speaking as a skill, as well as a few tips on how to best prepare and manage for presentations.

About Francesca McDowall

Francesca is a Leadership and Public Speaking Coach and is the Director of Elevate Coaching and Consultancy Ltd. Holding an MA in Coaching & Mentoring and a BSc in Psychology, Francesca works with individuals and organisations to facilitate growth and progress through coaching, mentoring, speaking and training.

Francesca has authored 7 books and has been mentoring for over 15 years; recently receiving two awards for the work that she does. She is very passionate about developing individuals to achieve their personal goals, start their businesses and become confident public speakers.

In her spare time Francesca enjoys walks, travelling and spa days. 

Oct 13, 202334:35
Does Introversion Or Extraversion Matter In Team Leadership?

Does Introversion Or Extraversion Matter In Team Leadership?

Does introversion or extraversion matter in team leadership and why? If you are an introvert, just how on earth do you balance your own introverted needs with the needs of the team you are managing? These are questions that - speaker, accountability and leadership coach, entrepreneur, and author of multiple works - Jodi Lasky, who is also an introvert with ADHD, addresses in this podcast session.

About Jodi Lasky

Jodi is an accomplished entrepreneur, coach, and speaker who has authored multiple works, both fiction and nonfiction. She holds a degree in Communication, Culture, and Technology from Georgetown, as well as two law degrees: a JD from the Columbus School of Law at Catholic University and an LLM in Maritime Law from Tulane Law School.

Jodi's various career paths and projects taught her to ask the right questions and understand leadership in all its forms. She studied neuropsychology, accountability, and productivity, as well as introversion, in an effort to better understand herself. Her diverse experiences andexpertise led to the creation of The Introvert Founder, a coaching program that helps introverted entrepreneur ssucceed. In addition to coaching,

Jodi is also a founder. For ten years, she served as COO of Analysis First, a company that developed a high-tech laser tag system for training soldiers. After leaving that company, Jodi founded The Pride, which provided science-backed community-based sexual harassment and assault prevention solutions. Though The Pride was an unfortunate victim of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jodi remains actively engaged with community leaders to tackle this issue.

Jodi believes in practicing what she preaches, always pushing herself the way she pushes her clients, asking the same tough questions and doing the same homework assignments she gives to her clients. She understands the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship, and is passionate about helping others build successful businesses by encouraging them to work with their natural tendencies instead of fighting them.

Oct 06, 202327:59
Thrive And Succeed As An Introverted Woman In Male-Dominated Industries

Thrive And Succeed As An Introverted Woman In Male-Dominated Industries

It is said that 'behind every successful woman is herself', and although Sherry Shannon-Vanstone grew up in a time when few women were encouraged to study science and mathematics, she has thrived and succeeded as a mathematician, inventor, entrepreneur, mentor and philanthropist. Furthermore, Sherry's strong beliefs in equality, diversity and inclusion drive her contribution to the advancement of women in science and technology.

In this episode, be inspired, as Sherry, shares her journey from childhood to adulthood, and perspectives on growing, thriving and succeeding, as an introverted woman in what have been traditionally, competitive male-dominated industries.

About Sherry Shannon-Vanstone

As a well-known serial entrepreneur, Sherry Shannon-Vanstone has made a significant contribution to the spectrum of digital industries from cryptography to telecommunications and technology, while also making a major contribution to the advancement of all women.

Throughout Sherry's career, she has been a trailblazer in the fields of STEM, business, and philanthropy. In honour of her late husband, Scott A. Vanstone, Sherry founded ProfoundImpact in 2018 - a next-generation social engagement and interaction platform for use by universities and their alumni to engage, discover, and measure the impact that the institution and its community have on technology and the world. It also aims to build a sense of community for a global audience of affinity groups such as women in STEM and entrepreneurs.

Sherry was the recipient of the prestigious Leadership Excellence Award inEntrepreneurship for 2020 from Women in Communications and Technology(WCT). This award celebrates individuals who have the courage to go it alone, as a start-up or a woman-led business.

In June 2019, Sherry received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws (LLD) from WesternUniversity and in 2015, she was awarded –WOW - the World Waterloo Region’s Female Innovator of the Year.

Sherry holds a Master of Science degree in mathematics from the University ofTennessee and was a cryptologic mathematician with the US Government.

Sherry has resided in Canada for 26 years and holds citizenships in both Canada and the US.



Sep 29, 202336:39
How to Have Confronting Conversations

How to Have Confronting Conversations

Many women leaders shy away from difficult conversations because they dislike confrontation. But not having them when needed can lead to problems further down the line.

In this episode, I talk about why we don't like confronting conversations, and share tips on how you can have them and feel better about having them.

Sep 02, 202322:08
Unpicking Imposter Syndrome to Loosen Its Hold Over You

Unpicking Imposter Syndrome to Loosen Its Hold Over You

Sir Michael Parkinson was a prominent British journalist and broadcaster. He was a white man who held high profile roles, yet experienced imposter syndrome throughout his career.

Having coached senior leaders, executives, members of the judiciary, and many others to overcome imposter syndrome, it is something I see time and time again amongst senior leaders.

If you experience it, in this episode I unpick imposter syndrome to help loosen its hold over you.

Aug 26, 202324:11
3 Strategies to Increase Your Visibility as a Leader So You Lead With Influence and Impact

3 Strategies to Increase Your Visibility as a Leader So You Lead With Influence and Impact

Extraverts get more opportunities at work because their performance is more visible. As an introverted woman it can be easy to get on with what you need to do and not be visible. In this episode I share 3 strategies that will help you to increase your visibility so that you lead with influence and impact.

Aug 19, 202317:44
Thriving in a Toxic Work Environment

Thriving in a Toxic Work Environment

If you work in a toxic environment, it can be frustrating and stressful. And if you are not in a position to change your job, you may be finding it very challenging. In this episode, I talk about how to thrive in a toxic work environment.

Aug 11, 202316:20
Uncover And Master Your 'Dark Drivers', And Thrive As A Leader

Uncover And Master Your 'Dark Drivers', And Thrive As A Leader

From early childhood through to adulthood, our life experiences can undoubtedly influence and impact how we behave towards ourselves and others. It is the sub-conscious behaviours, which consultant, author, speaker and executive coach - Cynthia Corsetti - has termed 'dark drivers' that can impact your leadership behaviour in ways that you might not always see yourself.

In this podcast, Cynthia clarifies and expands on what a dark driver is, the resulting sabotaging thoughts and behaviours that might manifest and how developing an awareness of them (with support if needed), can help you manage them.

About Cynthia Corsetti

Based in the US, Cynthia is a powerhouse executive coach and author of the upcoming book "Dark Drivers". With more than 20 years of corporate leadership roles and over 11 years of executive coaching experience, she serves as a beacon for high-performing executives, burgeoning startups, and Fortune 500 companies. 

Cynthia's revolutionary coaching approach empowers ambitious leaders to unearth the hidden memories, experiences, and traumas—what she calls "Dark Drivers"—that covertly influence their thoughts, actions, and behaviours. Through her guidance, leaders learn to illuminate these drivers, retain command of their actions, and enhance their leadership. 

Cynthia champions respect and dignity in business and beyond, advocating for social justice and fostering deep, meaningful relationships —her "off the charts" ENFP personality drives this passion. Her transformative approach, amplified by over 3500 hours of executive coaching and backed by a unique blend of education and certifications, has consistently delivered results for her clients.

Aug 04, 202333:17
How to Stay Focused and Motivated So You Achieve Your Goals, Even When You Keep Being Told No

How to Stay Focused and Motivated So You Achieve Your Goals, Even When You Keep Being Told No

Whether you are trying to get a promotion, change your career, or achieve some other goal, continuously being told no can be disappointing. This can lead to discouragement and even despair if left to linger. In this episode, I talk about how to stay focused and motivated so you achieve your goals, even when you keep being told no.

Jul 30, 202321:20
The Benefits of Having a Digital Detox

The Benefits of Having a Digital Detox

With a reported 50% of UK adults spending 11 hours a day screen time, having a digital detox is beneficial for us.

In this episode I share my experience of having a 3 day digital detox and 3 of the lessons that I learned about myself.

Jul 21, 202320:25
Overcoming Challenges And Embracing The Benefits Of Introversion In The Workplace

Overcoming Challenges And Embracing The Benefits Of Introversion In The Workplace

Navigating the workplace in 2023 can be challenging as a woman and a leader if you are introverted, because of the bias towards introversion and gender inequalities that still exist.

In this week's podcast, Ruth Stuart, Head of Strategy Development at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), shares her personal experience of being an introverted leader and the challenges she has faced, the benefits she has gained and embraced from being an introvert. Ruth also provides tips for others in a similar situation and shares some advice that organisations who are looking to develop introverted leaders, support career progression and close the gender pay gap, can take on board.

About Ruth Stuart

Based in the UK, Ruth is a business leader with expertise in strategy development and execution, business intelligence and transformational change. She is passionate about ensuring that work is a force for good.
As Head of Strategy Development at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Ruth helps the organisation to develop and execute its long-term strategy, setting out a compelling vision and plan for the future. Prior to this she led the research agenda for learning and development at the CIPD, and held a variety of HR and OD roles in Tesco PLC. She has a proven track record of delivering change in a variety of complex environments and is a Chartered Member of the CIPD.
Ruth is also a Board Trustee for Praxis, the charity supporting migrants and refugees. In addition she advises Leaders Plus, the social enterprise for leaders with young children who are continuing to develop their leadership careers and driving greater gender inclusion at work.

Jul 14, 202331:16
Have The Courage To Speak Up And The Confidence To Know That You Are Heard

Have The Courage To Speak Up And The Confidence To Know That You Are Heard

We are hearing more and more about a topic that I am quite passionate about - 'Psychological Safety', and of which I am aware is a challenge for many introverted leaders in the work environment. First coined in 1999 by author and Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School, she states that “psychological safety means an absence of interpersonal fear. When psychological safety is present, people are able to speak up with work-relevant content".

Today's conversation with psychological safety expert, Stephan Wiedner, using his own insights, puts the concept into perspective and further discusses how companies can create a culture that lets people feel that their voice matters, leverages people's differences and in turn enables each individual's unique skills and talents to be valued and utilised.

About Stephan Wiedner Stephan Wiedner is an entrepreneur whose mission is to abolish apathy in the workplace. He firmly believes that for great work to take place, everyone needs to have the courage to speak up and the confidence to know they’ll be heard.

His passion for unleashing the collective potential of people has led him to cofound, the web’s largest network of independent life coaches and, a platform similar to a flight simulator for practicing interpersonal skills.

Stephan has been a guest speaker for Truth, Lies, and Workplace Culture Podcast, Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast, Building Psychological Strength Podcast, and many other audiences interested in psychology, business, and technology. His writing has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other popular publications.

In addition to his professional career, Stephan serves as a volunteer firefighter in his local community. Stephan is married with two children and enjoys spending quality time in the outdoors, hiking, biking, camping, and reading.

Jul 07, 202339:59
5 Tips to Help You Regain Momentum When You're Not Achieving Your Goals

5 Tips to Help You Regain Momentum When You're Not Achieving Your Goals

Did you start the year full of excitement and energy to achieve your goals, only to find that halfway through the year, you're not seeing results and haven't moved forward? If so, in this episode, I share 5 tips to help you regain momentum when you are not achieving your goals.

Jun 23, 202319:30
Being Yourself as a Leader

Being Yourself as a Leader

Do you compare yourself to other people who you think are better than you and put yourself down in the process or try to copy their style? If so, the best person to be as a leader is yourself, and to find your own authentic leadership style. And that is what I talk about in this episode.

Jun 16, 202316:37
Overcoming Perfectionism

Overcoming Perfectionism

Being a perfectionist can be very stressful when everything has to be perfect before you move forward. And if it isn't, it can cause you to procrastinate, to self-doubt, filling you with thoughts that you're not good enough; it can cause you to dither making decisions causing you to miss out on opportunities. It can also lower your tolerance of other people with that all or nothing thinking because they don't live up to your ideals.

In this episode I talk about where perfectionism comes from and what you can do to overcome it.

Jun 09, 202321:18
Develop Your Rebel Leadership Style Using Your Natural Tendencies

Develop Your Rebel Leadership Style Using Your Natural Tendencies

In our western patriarchal society's work environments, there can be a tendency for individuals to behave and act against their natural tendencies which can hinder career progress or suppress one's natural way of being. In this week's podcast episode Debbie touches on her own personal experiences and some of the tools she uses in her proven framework 'Rebel Leadership'. Having worked extensively in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion space, Debbie's framework has its roots in justice and liberation practice. Becoming aware of, developing and working with your natural tendencies will enable you to approach conversations with conviction and fearlessness, and generally feel more authentic, courageous and harmonious within yourself.

About Debbie Danon

Debbie Danon is a certified Integral Coach, award-winning leadership facilitator, and the founder of Time to Flourish. Debbie supports her clients to discover flourishing on their own terms through her proven framework Rebel Leadership -building confident moral leadership grounded in:

- Rebel Authenticity

-Rebel Balance

- Rebel Courage

For 18+ years, Debbie has been supporting leaders to build equitable and empowered company cultures, designed to unleash Full-Force Flourishing for all.

Everything Debbie offers is filtered through the lens of equity and anti-oppression,aiming to create dignity, belonging, and inclusion for us all.

Jun 02, 202335:60
Don't Settle for Less than You Deserve

Don't Settle for Less than You Deserve

Are you settling for less than you deserve? Do you deserve to go for that promotion, or get a new role, but settle for less than you deserve because you are fearful or think that you are not good enough. In this episode I talk about not settling for less than what you deserve.

May 26, 202310:48
Are the Meetings You Go to Psychologically Unsafe?

Are the Meetings You Go to Psychologically Unsafe?

Meetings are probably one of the most psychologically unsafe spaces in the workplace. In this episode, I very briefly touch on the findings regarding meetings from my research study looking at what the experience is of belonging and psychological safety in the workplace for introverted women leaders.

May 12, 202315:24
Understanding Yourself is Key to Unlocking Your Introverted Superpowers

Understanding Yourself is Key to Unlocking Your Introverted Superpowers

For many of the introverted women leaders that I coach, it is once they fully understand themselves, understand introversion, and embrace who they are that they unlock their introverted superpowers and thrive.

They become more confident and self-assured which has a positive impact both professionally and personally.

In this episode, I talk about how understanding yourself is key to unlocking your introverted superpowers and you becoming the best version of you.

Apr 28, 202316:11
Being Accepted And Understood Enables A Confident And Hopeful Self

Being Accepted And Understood Enables A Confident And Hopeful Self

What does a confident and hopeful self mean to you?

As a primary teacher, chaplain and life coach, Jessica Rowlands has spent much of her life observing people, none of whom are ordinary. Listening to them, seeing them and attempting to truly understand and accept them for who they are including all the not so good bits as well as the good bits, Jessica has observed that this brings safety in relationships, hope and therefore growth and connection. Also, knowing that she is not on her own in her introversion, shyness and her anxiety, changes her reality, her outlook and attitude to life. It is ok to be herself, and for you to be you. The conversation in this episode covers a range of topics centering around the 'confident, hopeful self' and the journey to realising and accepting that it only takes one person to be interested, you in them and they in you, and suddenly you are no longer by yourself; you can begin to grow and flourish....and be your confident and hopeful self.

About Jessica Rowlands

Through the services they offer, Jessica Rowlands and her husband Ian, inspire and coach people and communities to reach their full potential. Jessica has been married to Ian for 35 years and has 3 grown up children, a dog and a grand dog!  She has a background in establishing and building church communities, and has been a primary teacher for 34 years, a Chaplain for 12 years and a qualified Life Coach for 3 years.

Her passion, with all her experience with people of all ages, is for those she meets to know how deeply loved and valued they are, helping them develop into who God has made them to be.  As CS Lewis says, ‘We meet no ordinary people’; Jessica believes she hasn’t met an ordinary person yet!

Apr 21, 202332:46
Optimise Your Nutrition For Optimal Wellbeing

Optimise Your Nutrition For Optimal Wellbeing

Angela Clucas, a registered nutritionist and coach based in the Isle of Man, is passionate about helping people make a change, not just for the duration of working with her, but for life. Angela is obsessed with behaviour change and the brain and how we can rewire our thoughts to influence our behaviour.  In this episode she talks about how her journey to launching her company Next Level Nutrition wasn't straight forward, it took 17 after leaving school and quitting her 9-5 to follow her dreams twice!

A discussion follows about nutrition, the foods we eat and why, how we think about food and the choices we make. The conversation touches on how, as busy female senior leaders or entrepreneurs we can optimise our nutrition for optimal wellbeing. Angela is passionate about helping people do and feel their best which is why she will shortly be launching a new business, Health for Wealth - for female entrepreneurs to boost their income through looking after themselves better and giving themselves the gift of time. 

About Angela Clucas

Angela is a nutritionist with a passion for helping people make a change for life, not just for the duration of working with her. She is obsessed with behaviour change and the brain and how we can rewire our thoughts to influence our behaviour. Angela's journey to launching Next Level Nutrition wasn't straight forward, it took 17 after leaving school and quitting her 9-5 to follow her dreams twice! She is passionate about helping people do and feel their best which is why she is launching a new business, Health for Wealth - for female entrepreneurs to boost their income through looking after themselves better and giving themselves the gift of time.

Apr 14, 202331:03
Is Perfectionism And A Lack Of Self-Compassion Holding You Back From Being Your Own Self-Leader?

Is Perfectionism And A Lack Of Self-Compassion Holding You Back From Being Your Own Self-Leader?

Certified Professional Coach, author and speaker, Kamini Wood,  helps high-achievers heal their relationships with themselves. She helps people take courageous steps in identifying limiting beliefs, reasons for stagnation and overcoming self-doubt in order to live a fulling professional and personal life.  In this episode Kamini shares some of the life experience that led her to self-leadership. A particular aspect of this episode is how perfectionism and a lack of self-compassion can hold us back, how to recognise these traits, how we internally and externally process them and some of the steps we can take to evolve into being our own self-leaders.

About Kamini Wood

Kamini, a certified life coach, helps high-achievers heal their relationships with themselves. She helps people take courageous steps in identifying limiting beliefs, reasons for stagnation and overcoming self-doubt in order to live a fulling professional and personal life. 

She is the creator of AuthenticMe® and CEO of Live Joy Your Way - a coaching company helping high performers and overachievers who have seen success through old-rooted, traditional metrics, reestablish their relational self-awareness. Trained in internal family systems and cognitive behavioral- based coaching, she can help her clients navigate past traumas and toxic relationships and truly live in self- acceptance, self-confidence, and self-leadership. 

Kamini is a best-selling author; holding certifications in various modalities including life, wellness, high-performance coaching, teen life, conscious uncoupling, calling in the one, new money story, breath work, meditation and diversity, equity inclusion, and belonging. She is also trained in conscious parenting and coaching for children.

Mar 31, 202328:07
Networking Tips for Introverted Women

Networking Tips for Introverted Women

It is often said that women don't utilise their networks enough, but networking can be beneficial for career success. For introverted women, networking can be a bit of a nightmare. Not liking small talk, environments which are over stimulating, and being drained of energy from doing it. These can all contribute to some introverted women not enjoying it.

In this episode I share tips on how to make networking an enjoyable experience for introverted women and how you can make it work for you, whilst doing it confidently.

Mar 24, 202324:30
Don't Let A Lack Of Self Belief Stop You From Being The Real You

Don't Let A Lack Of Self Belief Stop You From Being The Real You

Old habits or long held beliefs, can hold us back in our lives and stop us from being the person we are meant to be.

Clinical Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) Kate Hoyle, believes that you can't truly fix a problem until you go back to the root cause to find out what caused it in the first place.  Becoming a therapist was a complete change of career for Kate, which didn’t happen until she was in her early 50s. Before that she had worked in the City within law and finance. It was the transformation that RTT created for her own daughter that made Kate drop everything, retrain and follow her current path creating powerful transformations for others.  In this week's episode Kate shares her journey to where she is now, and her thoughts on self-belief and how if we want to change anything in our lives, we initially need to understand why we act in a certain way or why we hold certain beliefs.  Once we know, if there is something that we passionately want to do in our lives, we will have the confidence (and self-belief) to take a leap of faith and discover who we truly are and meant to be.

About Kate Hoyle

Kate Hoyle is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) and believes that you can't truly fix a problem until you go back to the root cause to find out what caused it in the first place. She uses hypnosis to access subconscious emotional beliefs attached to past events and to convert these into beneficial and positive thoughts moving forward.

Becoming a therapist was a complete change of career for Kate, which didn’t happen until she was in her early 50s. Before that she had worked in the City within law and finance. It was the transformation that RTT created for her own daughter that made Kate drop everything, retrain and follow her current path creating powerful transformations for others.

Mar 17, 202334:37