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Quiet on Purpose

Quiet on Purpose

By Heather Lieurance

Whatever it takes to help us all learn to sit quietly in the presence of God and our own soul. We’re going to spend some time each week considering a (very) small section of scripture, how our soul responds to that, and what we want to do about it. Sometimes, we’ll introduce a spiritual practice instead. Either way, our goal is to gently lean into the practice of being Quiet on Purpose.
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Episode 81 - Refuge

Quiet on PurposeMay 15, 2024

Episode 82 - All the Good I Can Handle

Episode 82 - All the Good I Can Handle

When you stop to think about the good in your life, what comes to mind? Your people? Experiences or education you've been privileged to enjoy? Possessions? Or maybe what comes to mind for you is the good things you've been able to contribute to the world, making it a better place! And I would say, "Yes! And also, there's something more." Listen in to this episode as we consider ALL the good we can handle!

Read Psalm 16:2

Questions from today's episode: Where does this verse challenge you most? Can you readily see that every good thing in your life is a gift from God? Can you readily admit that apart from Him your “good” works are empty and meaningless, not necessarily even “good” at all? Do you, like me, have to admit that, while you may give mental ascent to the truth that the only good you know in this world is found in Him alone, your life and heart don’t always live in that reality? What invitation is God extending to you today, drawing you one step closer to a deep and dependent relationship with Him? How will you respond?

This song has been a particular blessing to me of late. Enjoy!

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

May 29, 202412:11
Episode 81 - Refuge
May 15, 202413:55
Episode 80 - Layers of Hope

Episode 80 - Layers of Hope

The verse we're considering in this episode appears, at first glance, to be repeating itself, just saying the same thing in different ways. But, when you look closer, considering it more deeply, you begin to uncover layers. "Layers of hope," I'm calling them. Listen in!

Read it here!

Questions from today's episode: Am I ready to ask God to show me His ways? Am I genuinely ready to be guided in His truth, or am I still trying to hold onto control and do life my way? If I’m still clinging to control, why? What scares me about giving Him control? Have I really made Him my Savior and put my hope in Him? Talk to God about your answers to these questions, and listen to what He might be saying to you today.

Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning

Not familiar with Trader Joe's? Here's more info!

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

May 01, 202413:14
Episode 79 - Believe His Goodness

Episode 79 - Believe His Goodness

What do you do when you don't feel God's love for you? What if you never feel it, on an emotional level? A recent conversation with a friend got me thinking about this, and I think today's verse speaks to that question. Listen in!

Read Psalm 27:13

Questions from today's episode: Is there an area of your life that feels desperate, that you are in danger of “despairing” over? Tell God about it. Are you struggling to see His goodness today? Ask Him to reveal something small that has happened in the past 24 hours that is a reminder of His goodness in your life. Ask Him to help your unbelief!

King of My Heart is a great song to remind me of the goodness of God! Listen to it here!

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Apr 10, 202415:29
Episode 78 - An Easter Episode

Episode 78 - An Easter Episode

If you are part of a church that follows the liturgical church calendar, you will be very familiar with the fact that this week is Holy Week. For all Christian traditions, liturgical or not, this is certainly the most sacred week of the year, the one in which we celebrate the passion of Jesus Christ, culminating with His crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter morning, and all that it means for us. So I think it is only appropriate that in today’s episode we peer into the very moments of Jesus’ death. I hope you'll make this week's episode even a small part of your Easter preparations this year!

Luke 23:44-46

Questions from today's episode: Have you personally accepted the sacrifice of Jesus on your behalf yet? If not, are you ready to do that today? Take these next few minutes to talk to God about your gratitude that Jesus is the One who made it possible for you to have a relationship with Him, in spite of your imperfection and sins. If you’ve already come into a relationship with God through Jesus, spend these next few moments thanking God again for initiating the relationship with you and doing all that was required to make you right with Him. We did nothing to deserve it on our own!

NASA article

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Mar 27, 202413:06
Episode 77 - Spiritual Practice: Honoring the Body

Episode 77 - Spiritual Practice: Honoring the Body

In episode 76, I introduced a spiritual practice for praying in the body. Today’s episode is a related spiritual practice on honoring the body in which we live out all of life, including our spirituality. This spiritual practice is rooted in the earliest writings of scripture.

Humans are created in the image of God, and this truth should inform not only the way we treat other humans, but also the way we treat our own selves. Today's episode, therefore, explores the spiritual practice of honoring the body we've been given by God. Listen in!

Genesis 1:26

Today's spiritual practice:

  • Close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing. Paying attention to your breathing is one of the simplest ways of getting in touch with your body.
  • Notice if your breathing is shallow, and take time to breathe deeply. Allow your breathing to release any tension you are holding in your back and your shoulders. Allow yourself to relax into your space as a physical expression of your trust in God.
  • Now, gently turn your attention to your body, and invite God to speak to you through it.
  • Think about what happens inside you when you consider the idea of honoring your body or meeting God in your body. Does this idea excite you? Scare you? Confuse you? Intimidate you? Just sit with that feeling for a moment, and don’t try to judge it.
  • Next, consider, what is the condition of your body these days? Have you been caring for it consistently by eating right, sleeping and resting enough, exercising, attending to medical issues or concerns, or have you been ignoring it or even abusing it in some way? Sit with your awareness and talk to God about what comes to mind. Listen for His response.
  • Next, listen to what your body might be trying to tell you. Is there any place of tension or discomfort that you’ve been ignoring? Any medical issues that need attending to? Are there feelings of dis-ease that are vaguely unsettling? Listen to see if there is anything you have been keeping outside your conscious awareness.
  • Talk to God about your body, reflecting on what you have discovered in this exercise, and how you are caring, or not caring, for it. Ask Him if there is anything He might be calling you to do now as an act of honoring your body as His dwelling place. Ask Him to show you one practical way you can grow in the area of honoring Him by honoring your body as made in His image and as the dwelling place of His Spirit. Then, respond to His leading.

Stephanie Paulsell books

Ruth Haley Barton books

Mar 13, 202412:14
Episode 76 - Spiritual Practice: Prayer in Your Body

Episode 76 - Spiritual Practice: Prayer in Your Body

Spiritual director and author, Ruth Haley Barton says “we are in need of a sacramental approach to life, in which the body is understood to be sacred because it is the place where God’s Spirit has chosen to dwell. Given this, all aspects of life in the body can become places where we meet and know God in unique ways.” As we pay attention to what is going on internally, in our body, it is possible to also become more aware of God's presence with us in our body and in our experiences. Taken from Ruth's book Sacred Rhythms, today's spiritual practice is a simple way of praying, talking to God, when we may not have the words to express what we are feeling. I hope you'll join in. I'd recommend listening to today's episode when you have time to be still and uninterrupted.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Ruth Haley Barton's website. Today's material taken largely from Sacred Rhythms.

Prayer Movements: First, hold your hands in your lap, palms open to the sky. As you do this, bring to mind one element of your life, such as your family, your work, or yourself. You don’t need to put words around it, just allow your thoughts to flow into your consciousness. Allow yourself to think about any joys you are celebrating, any concerns or desires you have, any problems that need resolving. For the 2nd movement, lift your hands slightly and hold these thoughts in God’s presence. For the 3rd movement, raise your hands all the way up and move them apart to surrender your prayer to God. When you are done, return your hands to your lap, again with palms open, and just rest in the awareness that you’ve released your prayer into God’s capable hands.

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Feb 28, 202413:09
Episode 75 - On God's Core Character

Episode 75 - On God's Core Character

Today's episode is on an encounter between God and Moses on Mt. Sinai, where God has, amazingly, agreed to show Moses His glory. When God displayed his glory to Moses it was astonishingly beautiful and downright shocking. Listen in as we talk about what God revealed to Moses in this encounter and how it informs our view of Him today!

Is there something astonishing that God is revealing to me today? Is He pushing my boundaries, revealing something in my heart that I have believed to be true of Him that is, in fact, untrue? Is He inviting me to see Him with fresh eyes today? If so, how will I respond?

Feb 14, 202411:10
Episode 74 - On Dwelling

Episode 74 - On Dwelling

I mentioned in episode 73 that my word for 2024 is “Dwell”. I am already so excited about what God is doing in my heart this year as I choose each day to dwell in His presence; in the safety of His embrace. I want to explore more places in scripture that talk about what it’s like to dwell with Him, but I’m reminded that before any scriptures talk about us choosing to dwell with Him, they talk about Him choosing to dwell with us! Today's scripture comes from the book of Exodus, when God first reveals to a recently emancipated group of slaves that He is going to "dwell" with them! Listen in!

Read Exodus 25:8 here!

Questions from today's episode: In this episode, I provide a few minutes for us to simply be in the presence of God. As you sit in the silence, I encourage you to invite God to reveal how He has been near to you, perhaps in a recent crisis, or simply in small moments that have passed by, unnoticed by you. Ask Him to give you eyes to see how He has made His dwelling with you. Then simply sit in the beauty and magnitude of that reality.

Jan 31, 202412:31
Episode 73 - Who I Am
Jan 17, 202412:42
Episode 72 - Love

Episode 72 - Love

This episode is set to release after Christmas, but it is still the fourth week of Advent. We have reached the end of this season of waiting with hopeful anticipation for the birth of Jesus! During this season, we’ve been following along with the themes the church follows throughout the 4 weeks of Advent, preparing our hearts for the climactic celebration of Christmas with the birth of the Messiah!

The theme of the 4th week of Advent is Love, and so we complete our Advent series with the topic of God’s love, which ultimately is the whole point of Christmas! Our scripture today is Exodus 34:5-7: Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord.  And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” This is the word of the Lord. It is absolutely true and given to us in love. Thanks be to God.

Listen in and consider God's incredible love for you!

Questions from today's episode: Do I really believe in the compassionate and gracious love of God? Or do I believe something contradictory to how He has revealed Himself here? Am I ready to let go of the lies I’ve believed and embrace Him as He describes Himself? What is He saying to me today? What do I want to say to Him?

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Dec 27, 202312:36
Episode 71 - Joy
Dec 20, 202312:08
Episode 70 - Peace

Episode 70 - Peace

The second week of Advent traditionally focuses on the theme of "Peace". So, this week, our episode is taken from a quote of Jesus in the Gospel of John, "Peace I leave with you..." Jesus left his peace with us as a gift! It's ours to have, but we have to learn how to take hold of it! Listen in as we consider what that looks like!

Read John 14:27

Questions from today's episode: What is going on in my heart right now? What anxieties and fears are trying to take hold there? As I sit with Jesus in these next few moments, what invitation is He extending to me personally? And how will I respond?

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Dec 13, 202313:28
Episode 69 - Hope

Episode 69 - Hope

This is the first week of Advent, and our theme is Hope! In a world where life often fails to meet our expectations, Hope is something we all need, and struggle to take hold of. Listen in today for a little infusion of Hope into your life!

Today's verse: Isaiah 55:8

Another awesome message of Hope

Questions from today's episode: What would it look like for me to embrace “Hope” today? Is there an expectation I need to release my grip on so that I can be open to receive the good gift God is offering me in its place? What is God’s invitation to me today? What is my response?

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Dec 06, 202312:23
Episode 68 - Let Them Give Thanks

Episode 68 - Let Them Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! It's no secret that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and I love to remind myself and you that the practice of gratitude is something that should extend way beyond one day! In preparation for your own celebration, or as a way to wrap it up, listen in to this short, fun episode about "Giving Thanks"!

Read Psalm 107 here!

For consideration, from this episode: “God, show me what I’ve been overlooking. Help me to see new evidence in my own life of your unfailing love and your wonderful deeds to me!” And then, let’s give him thanks for all that he reveals to us!

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Nov 22, 202312:23
Episode 67 - Trust

Episode 67 - Trust

There are times, circumstances in life, when the road God has put in front of us is painful, difficult, and we can't see how it could possibly be "good" for us! And yet, His word says that He is good and everything He does is good. So how do we reconcile what we're facing with that? Trust is a concept we understand easily, but an exercise we struggle to practice. We need His help. Listen in today as we take time to consider where we might be struggling to trust Him and ask for His help.

Read Psalm 119:68 here

Questions from today's episode: Is there some difficulty, some circumstance I’m facing today that is causing me to question God’s goodness? Is there some story in my life that I can draw on in the midst of this difficulty to remember His goodness in the past? Even if I can’t immediately see it, will I choose to trust Him today?

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Nov 08, 202314:08
Episode 66 - Return
Oct 18, 202311:41
Episode 65 - Trust

Episode 65 - Trust

When it comes down to it, do I really trust God? When I desire to maintain control of situations, am I really relying on His wisdom, His ways, and His goodness, or am I relying on my own, finite, flawed understanding, my own limited ability to see into the future? Today's episode provides us with an opportunity to take a minute to consider ways that we're still relying on our own understanding. Listen in!

Read it here!

Questions from today's episode: Are there areas of my life that I am struggling to entrust to God, preferring to try to control them myself? Asking God for “holy imagination”, can I imagine ways in which the “undesirable outcomes” might in fact be God’s gift or protection in my life? Am I ready to surrender to Him?

The best way to make French Press

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Oct 04, 202312:59
Episode 64 - Walk Humbly with Your God
Sep 20, 202314:41
Episode 63 - It's Not Fair

Episode 63 - It's Not Fair

Just like children, insisting that life feel "fair," we often approach God expecting Him to treat us "fairly," whether that means we think things ought to be better for us, or perhaps, we come with our tail between our legs, expecting to be punished. The beautiful truth, of course, is that God isn't always "fair." But He IS just. And He IS merciful. And He invites us into His justice and mercy, both to receive it and to give it away! I hope you'll listen in as we explore in this episode what it might mean for us to "love mercy"!

Sep 06, 202313:57
Episode 62 - Do Justly
Aug 23, 202312:34
Episode 61 - Look to the Heavens

Episode 61 - Look to the Heavens

Sometimes our view of God seems to grow smaller, or be obscured by the mountainous problems or other demands of life. This week's verse invites us to "look to the heavens" and consider just how BIG and how GOOD God is! It's a refreshing, perhaps much needed, reset to our perspective! I hope you'll listen in!

Read today's verse!

Questions from today's episode: What threatens to obscure your view of who God is today? What is God revealing to you about himself as you shift your gaze to the heavens? How will you respond to this new perspective or this reminder of his character?

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Aug 09, 202311:51
Episode 60 - All That is Within Me

Episode 60 - All That is Within Me

We often ask God to "bless" others, or to "bless" us, or to "bless" our food. But have we considered that we are called to "bless" the Lord? How do we do that? The answer is "with all that is within you!" And, if we're honest, that feels about as impossible as leaping across The Grand Canyon! Is there a simple answer that can make it feel more accessible to me? Listen in!

Read today's verse!

Questions from today's episode: What feels most challenging right now about the exhortation to “bless the Lord” with all that is within me? What feels most exciting about it? Do I sense an invitation from the Spirit at this moment, a prompting that will help me move in that direction? What is my response?

Spurgeon's notes on Psalm 103

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Jul 19, 202313:44
Episode 59 - This I Know

Episode 59 - This I Know

What is one thing you know? One thing you anchor your soul to, that keeps you from drifting, even in the tough times? In today's episode, we'll talk about one option. Perhaps you don't have an anchor like this. Or perhaps you need to be reminded what your anchor is. I hope you'll listen in today. I think you'll be encouraged and refreshed!

Read today's verse!

Questions from today's episode: What set of circumstances in your life is most likely to threaten your confident hope that God is for you? As you bring this truth into the presence of God, is there an invitation He is extending to your soul today? How will you respond?

Jul 05, 202313:44
Episode 58 - I Know the One I Trust
Jun 21, 202313:03
Episode 57 - Redemption in Abundance

Episode 57 - Redemption in Abundance

There are abundant definitions for the word "redeem" but the one that I resonate most with is one of the simplest: "to buy back." I love that God promises to buy back the messes we make and the time that we have wasted when we turn our lives over to Him! Redemption is one of the most beautiful and most fundamental characteristics of God. We see it woven throughout the story of the Bible, and we see it woven into our own stories, as well! Listen in to this encouraging episode today!

Read it!

Questions from today's episode: Is there a circumstance in your life right now that is ugly or seems beyond redemption? If so, I invite you to bring it before the Lord right now, and ask Him to give you hope, in order to see His redeeming work in the midst of it. Is there a circumstance in your past that God has redeemed? Give Him praise right now for that, and ask Him if there’s someone you can encourage today with your redemption story.

Jun 07, 202313:37
Episode 56 - My Whole Being Waits

Episode 56 - My Whole Being Waits

Waiting is hard! Whether we're waiting 2 minutes at a stoplight or months on end for something important, it's a given that we're inclined to treat the wait as though it were an unwelcome guest. But how we wait influences who we become on the other end. So, what might it look like to "wait on the Lord" in the waiting? To "hope in his word"? Today's episode takes a gentle look at how waiting is both hard and holy. Listen in!

Bible Gateway

Questions from today's episode: What are you waiting for right now? Are you tempted to “fake wait”? What would it look like to wait upon the Lord with your whole being today? Are you willing to put your hope in him as you wait?

Thinking about a Magnolia Journal subscription? Check it out here!

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

May 24, 202314:19
Episode 55 - There is Forgiveness

Episode 55 - There is Forgiveness

We tend to hold onto the sins of the past for dear life. We keep a record of the wrongs done to us, thinking we have to hold people accountable. We keep a record of the wrongs we've done, thinking that somehow we will make them right. When all along, God extends a different invitation to us. One that offers more peace, freedom and joy than we can imagine! Listen in!

Read it on Bible Gateway!

Questions from today's episode: Where do I find myself today in the cycle of shame and forgiveness? Is there something specific I need to simply name out loud in the presence of God and then surrender to His love and forgiveness? Take some time now to respond to Him.

May 10, 202313:32
Episode 54 - Out of the Depths

Episode 54 - Out of the Depths

Can you think of a time when you've cried to God "out of the depths?" Maybe you've found yourself in some dire situation, your life crumbling all around you, despair threatening? If you've made it even as far as Jr. High, this scenario has probably been true of you on at least one occasion! If so, listen in. You might find some comfort in today's episode!

Read today's verses!

Questions from today's episode: Do I find myself today in a situation I might describe as "the depths?" If so, regardless of how I got here, am I willing to call out to God for mercy and plead with him to hear my voice? And as I cry for mercy, am I willing to surrender the outcome to him?

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Apr 26, 202313:54
Episode 53 - To Live Simple & Free

Episode 53 - To Live Simple & Free

Sometimes life feels so complicated! It doesn't have to, but it does. It's part of the human experience. But, there is a way to experience life in a beautiful simplicity. And the more I live by the principles in Psalm 37:3, the more I experience it exactly that way! Listen in today, there's an invitation for you here.

Read it!

Questions from today's episode: As I listened in today, did one of these phrases jump out at me as an area I might be "hung up" on? Is it keeping me from enjoying a simple life of freedom and joy in Christ? As I pause and consider this verse, what is His invitation to me today? How will I respond?

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Apr 12, 202314:28
Episode 52 - The Compassionate God
Mar 15, 202315:01
Episode 51 - Joy Restored!
Mar 01, 202314:30
Episode 50 - Love Gives

Episode 50 - Love Gives

We see some hard things in the Bible, including what kind of love we're called to if we want to follow Jesus. We're called to give up everything in our love for others, just like He did. But, just like so many other things, we're not asked to do this in our own strength. In today's episode, we're taking some time to remember what kind of love we're called to, and then to consider how we get there. I hope you'll listen and be encouraged!

Read it for yourself!

Questions from today's episode: When I think about giving everything to love others, what obstacle immediately comes to mind? I name that thing before Jesus and admit to him how hard it feels. I let him know if it feels overwhelming, confusing, or simply impossible. Then I ask him to show me what it might look like to recognize my dependence on him in this area. And I respond once again, to his invitation to get into his yoke and allow him to carry the burden of the doing.

If you're a Rich Mullins fan...and if you don't know the story about the Jesus Record

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance - thanks, Caleb!

Feb 15, 202313:36
Episode 49 - Rest for Your Soul
Feb 01, 202314:42
Episode 48 - Rest for the Weary - Matthew 11:28

Episode 48 - Rest for the Weary - Matthew 11:28

Sometimes life starts to feel heavy. When that happens, weariness sets in. But Jesus invites us to come to him for rest. It's such a beautiful invitation! Are you weary today? Listen in!

Read it for yourself! 

Questions from today's episode: What weariness or burdens am I carrying today? Am I trying to carry them alone? The invitation today is clear, "come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." What is my response?

Worn by Tenth Avenue North

O Come to the Altar by Elevation Worship

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Jan 18, 202312:60
Episode 47 - A New Year's Prayer
Dec 28, 202212:10
Episode 46 - Advent Love 2022
Dec 21, 202211:14
Episode 45. Advent Peace 2022
Dec 14, 202211:16
Episode 44. Advent Joy 2022
Dec 07, 202210:40
Episode 43. Advent Hope 2022
Nov 30, 202210:38
Episode 42 Psalm 150 A Thanksgiving Episode

Episode 42 Psalm 150 A Thanksgiving Episode

As we anticipate celebrating Thanksgiving this week, today's episode is even shorter than our usual episodes, but still provides a few minutes of intentional quiet to specifically focus on ways to worship God. Listen in!

Today's questions: Is God nudging me to find a church family to worship with communally? Can our homes, schools, and places of employment also be sanctuaries? Can our car, the grocery store, a restaurant or nature be a sanctuary? If so, how does this inform what it might look like to praise God with our every breath? Is He whispering an invitation to you today? How will you respond?

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Nov 23, 202208:56
Episode 41 - Psalm 118:28 "The Thankful Basket"

Episode 41 - Psalm 118:28 "The Thankful Basket"

One of my family's favorite Thanksgiving traditions is what we call our "Thankful Basket." Our time in Psalm 118 is coming to a close, and in today's episode we take a look at how this entire Psalm is kind of like a thankful basket! Then,  we spend some time giving thanks! What better way to spend a few minutes of your time? Listen in!

Read today's verse for yourself at Bible Gateway!

Questions from today's show: Is the God of the Bible your God? If so, invite Him to reveal to you specific ways, over the past days, weeks, or months in which He has faithfully loved you. Then, give Him thanks! If you're not sure that He is your God, why not invite Him to speak to your heart right now, dispelling any doubts you may have that He is the One True God?

Want to know more about how to make sure He is your God? Check out this link that helps explain how you can be sure!

Longaberger Baskets are still a thing! Find them here!

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Nov 09, 202213:27
Episode 40 - Psalm 118:24 "The Gift of Today"
Oct 26, 202213:45
Episode 39 - Psalm 118:14 "Our Strength and Song"
Sep 21, 202211:19
Episode 38 - Psalm 118:7-9 "A Better Hope"
Sep 07, 202214:03
Episode 37 - Psalm 118:6 "God is For You!"

Episode 37 - Psalm 118:6 "God is For You!"

I don't think any of us would argue that the past 2 1/2 years have been years of increased fear and anxiety in many ways. But what if we actually knew, in the deepest part of us, that God was for us? What if we had absolute confidence that, no matter what, we would be ok, because the King of the Universe has our back? Would it make a difference? I'd like to suggest it would. And we can! Listen in today and see what God's invitation is for you right now.

Read it for yourself at Bible Gateway!

Questions from today's episode: Do you truly believe that God is for you? Can you name what is threatening your confident hope in Him today? Are there voices you may need to quiet for a time in order to hear His whisper of love to you more clearly? What is His invitation to you right now? What is your response?

Watch this powerful video of Fear is a Liar by Zach Williams, live from Harding Prison

Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Aug 17, 202213:16
Episode 36 - Psalm 118:5 "Spacious Places"
Aug 03, 202213:21
Episode 35 - Psalm 118:1 "Rooted Gratitude"

Episode 35 - Psalm 118:1 "Rooted Gratitude"

Gratitude gets a lot of nods from a lot of sources, but in today's episode of Quiet on Purpose, we're considering, is there a foundational element to gratitude that makes a difference? What does it look like to have rooted gratitude? Listen in!

Read it for yourself at Bible Gateway!

Questions from today's episode: Do you believe that God is good?Do you believe His faithful love for you endures in all circumstances, all seasons, and regardless of your behavior? What is God's invitation to your heart today? What is your response?

Article from Psychology Today

Article from Berkeley

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Jul 13, 202211:16
Episode 34 - One Thing - Psalm 27:4

Episode 34 - One Thing - Psalm 27:4

In the fast-paced, multi-tasking, "you can have it all!" world in which we live, it is difficult for us to slow our pace down and seek just ONE THING! The Psalmist in today's verse says there is just one thing he wants from the Lord, just one thing he seeks after. And it's not what you and I might be most inclined to seek, but I do believe it's what we most need. Listen in for an invitation to simplicity and beauty that your soul just might be longing for!

Read it for yourself at Bible Gateway!

Questions from today's episode: What 'one thing' are you most likely to seek first thing each morning, or in those moments during the day that feel uncertain or chaotic? What shift can you make, either in your schedule or in your mindset, to be able to say, "Above and before everything else, I seek the beauty and presence of the Lord"? Are you willing to make that shift?

Check out Xel Ha!

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Jun 15, 202211:16
Episode 33 - All Things Good Romans 8:28-29

Episode 33 - All Things Good Romans 8:28-29

We tend to judge our circumstances based on what we can see with our own eyes. Our perspective is pretty limited when it comes down to it. How cool is it that the God of the universe is actually at work in all of our circumstances, causing them to work out in exactly the way that will be for our absolute best in the long run?! This is not some trite thing we tell ourselves in order to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Nor is it a band-aid we quickly throw on someone else's genuinely horrific life circumstances. It is a deep truth we can cling to when we truly know the good, good God behind it all. Listen in!

Read it for yourself at Bible Gateway.

Questions from today's episode: Is there something in your past that you have seen only as negative, and which God is inviting you now to see as redeemed? Is there something in your present that you wish would just go away, and which God is inviting you now to consider with hopeful curiosity? Are you willing to let Him work in these things? What is your heart saying to Him right now?

THIS is not exactly what we're talking about here...but it's still amusing!

Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance

Jun 01, 202212:31