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Are You Okay?
(by TLC Mindset Mentor)

Are You Okay? (by TLC Mindset Mentor)

By Chris Fall

Are You Okay podcast is a mentoring process that focuses on the discovery of your goals and is based on a holistic approach that involves planning and action in several spheres of your life.
People need guidance in the form of life coaching when they need to resolve confusion, allay self-doubt, make decisions and pave the path towards the realization of their dreams and goals.
I am sharing my learning to everyone on purpose using the social media to reach everyone desiring motivation, direction and focus in life.
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Tips to Attract More Money

Are You Okay? (by TLC Mindset Mentor)Mar 26, 2021

How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

The world is divided between people who are open to learning and those who are close to it, and this trait affects everything from your worldview to your interpersonal relationships.

Those who view their personality or intelligence as unshakable have a "fixed mindset." They believe that neither personality nor intelligence is subject to change and they feel the need to prove themselves constantly in all situations. People with a fixed mindset often develop this outlook at an early age, usually due to some influence from their teachers or parents. 

Alternately, people with a "growth mindset" believe that they can improve or change their personality characteristics over time. They believe that the future offers opportunities to grow, even during challenging times.

In this episode, we will differentiate a fixed mindset from a growth mindset, and we will learn how to cultivate a growth mindset.

Episode Art: Photo credit to

May 17, 202113:30
Intrapersonal Communication "Self-talk"

Intrapersonal Communication "Self-talk"

Are you ever aware of having an inner conversation with yourself, that's known as intrapersonal communication or what others call SELF-talk, the topic of this lesson. intrapersonal communication is the unique process of message exchange and information transformation within the individual. Intrapersonal communication is expressed through thoughts, speech, or writing. It can be intentional or unintentional

May 05, 202113:08
Simple Ways to Relieve Anxiety, Fear and Worry
Apr 12, 202113:18
Tips to Attract More Money

Tips to Attract More Money

In this episode, you will learn the different tips on how to attract more money. 

First, we will examine our relationship with money. It’s because attracting money starts in our head.  We must have a positive attitude and a good money mindset. Furthermore, we need to make an honest assessment of our relationship with money.  And develop a vision of what attracting money into our life means for our future.

I’m here to share with you my experience how to improve our relationship with money by shifting our paradigm to abundance mindset and attract more Blessings. I learned these things within my readings of the law of attraction, the law of action and based on my personal experience. So, with all these learning, I summed it up to come up with these tips.

Mar 26, 202115:20
Ways to Stay Focused & Increase Productivity

Ways to Stay Focused & Increase Productivity

In this episode, Ways to Stay Focused & Increase Productivity, I will teach you how to Take charge of your time and energy and learn what to focus on and what to let go. Productivity doesn’t happen by accident. Accomplishing all the things you need and want to do requires estimating, visualization and planning, along with a continuous supply of motivation and focus. 

Do you ever think how amazing it would be to do everything you set out to do each day, so you could relax and know you’ve accomplished your daily goals? However, we often face a mountain of work and feel overwhelmed and unproductive. By day’s end, we complain, feeling frustrated & defeated by our to-do list.

Mar 03, 202114:16
The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying and What We Need to Learn from Them

The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying and What We Need to Learn from Them

Today’s topic The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying and What We Need to Learn from Them

Is adapted from the book of Bronnie Ware, a palliative nurse for eight years who work with dying people and developing close relationships with them during their last weeks resulted in raw, honest conversations about life and death, including what patients wished they had done differently.

I want you to be aware of these regrets of the dying and inspire you to embrace your power of choice and the sacredness of time. If you want the courage to celebrate your uniqueness and ensure you are joyfully becoming the very best version of yourself, this is for you, to support your own transformation.

Feb 22, 202118:51
Living with Other Peoples Thinking: Self-Limiting Beliefs

Living with Other Peoples Thinking: Self-Limiting Beliefs

Today’s topic Living with Other Peoples Thinking is about limiting beliefs and through this podcast I will share with you how to reprogram yourself by what we are taught and what we see in the past. Steve Jobs once said, “your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else life”. 

Because of this, it affects our thinking pattern and behavior pattern unto to this day. And the problem with that, is that we are carrying around beliefs that are not necessarily true to us. Our beliefs have a powerful impact in our lives, they create opportunities and they lead us to a journey called life. 

Unfortunately, not all beliefs will move you into a positive direction. There are many limiting beliefs that inhibits a person progress, these beliefs offer a limited view of what the person can achieve and how far they can go in life. And if you allow these limiting beliefs you may have a hard time achieving what you really want in life.

Feb 16, 202116:45
Organizing & Time Management: A Critical Step Towards Self-Development (part 2)

Organizing & Time Management: A Critical Step Towards Self-Development (part 2)

In this episode, we will be exploring the three principles of productivity: space, mind, and time to help you manage your time simply and effectively and become more productive in the process.

Last week episode, Part 1 of this topic Organizing & Time Management: Switch Tasking is a Thief. We learned the biggest obstacle to effective time management is multi-tasking or Switch tasking and is something that many people believe that what makes them more productive is through multi-tasking. We learned the three effects of switch tasking or multi-tasking: the amount of time it takes to complete active task which require your attention increases,the quality of the work we do decreases,and our stress levels increase.

For today, we will start by exploring the three principles of productivity, space, mind, and time. I'll walk you through the process of identifying and managing these three principles in your life. We'll cover how to be more organized in our work space at home or in the office, we will clear our mind of worries, anxieties or stress and time budgeting.

Feb 08, 202123:13
Organizing & Time Management: Multitasking is a Thief!!! (part 1)

Organizing & Time Management: Multitasking is a Thief!!! (part 1)

Today’s topic Organizing & Time Management: Switch Tasking is a Thief!!! (part 1)

In this episode, I'll be sharing my learning to help you manage your time simply and effectively and become more productive in the process. The biggest obstacle to effective time management is something that many people believe is what makes them more productive. Let's address the myth of multitasking before we dive deeper into time management and oragnizing.

Next week for the part 2 of this topic will cover Organizing & Time Management: A Crucial Step in Self-Development. This is a crucial step in our self-development because we are committed to change our old habits, we'll be exploring the three principles of productivity: space, mind, and time.

Feb 04, 202117:24
10 Key Habits of Success!

10 Key Habits of Success!

Today’s topic 10 Key Habits of Success will strengthen your motivation and drive to continue to the path of self-development.

We need to find that one strong emotional reason behind our goals so that when you hit those roadblocks, when things go wrong as they always do, you have the strength, purpose and desire to keep going.

Success means different things to different people. Whatever it means to you, take note of these 10 key habits of all successful people. They apply to any area, and to any meaning of success.

Jan 25, 202116:22
Our Number 1 Fan & Critic in Life

Our Number 1 Fan & Critic in Life

Today I will be sharing about our Number One Fan & Critic in life, that little voice in our head. What I will cover in this topic:

First, let’s understand how the brain works because by knowing how it works, we can come up with solutions to this challenge or impediments to our self-development.

Second, I’m going to teach you how to smash that little voice inside your head, who by default is robbing us with the opportunity to grow and to be a better person.

Jan 17, 202120:45
The Secret of Creating a Beautiful Day

The Secret of Creating a Beautiful Day

In this episode, I will be sharing about the secret of creating a beautiful day. If you listened to first my episode, "How to Effectively Plan your 2021 Goals", this episode will strengthen your commitment to your goals,. This is the first step in changing our thinking patterns & behavior patterns or old habits in order for us take-action/s in achieving our goals this 2021.

You probably heard of this topic before in articles or journals or even in other podcast which usually they entitle this as how to create your perfect morning, the secrets of successful people or the billionaires and many others; but what I intend to do in this episode is to walk you through these steps.

By now you had probably written your goals this 2021 based on the different categories I mentioned in my last episode "How to Effectively Plan your 2021 Goals" and you already prioritized them what to focus on. Right? 

If you have not listened yet to my first episode you can do that later. Alright, so let’s dive into my topic. Happy listening😉😇🙏

Jan 10, 202116:57
How to Effectively Plan your 2021 Goals

How to Effectively Plan your 2021 Goals

Every New Year we make our own new year’s resolution. Yes! this is a good practice because we recognize something must be done to improve from the previous year but there are a lot of factors why we fail most of the time. We will identify these factors so that you can extremely clear what you really want this 2021. A Blessed, happy and safe New Year🌟✨!

Jan 04, 202111:52
Are You Okay Podcast Trailer

Are You Okay Podcast Trailer

Introducing Transformational Life Coach or TLC Mindset Mentor and Are You Okay Podcast topics
Jan 03, 202100:60