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Time for Torah: By Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Zt"l

Time for Torah: By Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Zt"l

By AK Publishers

Rabbi Elimelech Kohn zt”l was born in Hungary and emigrated to the United States at the age of 3 with his mother and brother. He grew up in Detroit and attended Telshe Yeshiva for 15 Years. After R’ Elimelech married he lived in Lakewood and learned in Beth Medrash Govoha before moving to Riverdale to join Telshe Yeshiva there. Once in Riverdale, R’ Elimelech became a beloved Rebbe to hundreds of Talmidim over the course of two and a half decades. His Shiurim are based upon the weekly Parsha or upcoming Yom Tov and infused with lessons and ideas from science, history, philosophy and Mussar.
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Parshas Vayikra: The Small Aleph & Moshe's Greatness

Time for Torah: By Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Zt"l Mar 17, 2024

Bechukotai: Olam Haba: Why the Great Secret?

Bechukotai: Olam Haba: Why the Great Secret?

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת בחוקתי, and on the topic of Olam Haba.

An in-depth look at a Kli Yakir, who discusses many answers brought by the Rishonim to the famous question; why doesn't the Torah clearly state there is an afterlife and that the soul lives eternally even after death?
The Ran and the Kuzari explain how the climax of the brachos in the Parsha is how we will live with Hashem and attain a spiritual connection to God in this world. This is the height of reward, and the Torah promises that this is achievable even in the physical world.
May 27, 202401:32:03
Parshas Bechukosai : Exile, Redemption, and Eliyahu HaNavi

Parshas Bechukosai : Exile, Redemption, and Eliyahu HaNavi

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת בחוקתי.

What does the Sifra (brought by Rashi) mean that Yaakov took the 'ו' (Vav) of Eliyahu's name as a guarantee that he will come and herald the redemption? Why does Yaakov want a guarantee if the Torah already guaranteed there will be a redemption? What is the necessity and the purpose of Eliyahu Hanavi announcing the imminent arrival of Moshiach?
The Rambam explains the Haftorah of Shabbos Hagadol, which is the last prophecy of the last prophet (Malachi), and writes that the mission of Eliyahu Hanavi is only to bring peace and Teshuvah to the world, with no other agenda.
R’ Schwab explains the necessity of Eliyahu Hanavi heralding Moshiach prior to his arrival, based upon the Ramban that explains that even though the birth of Moshe Rabeinu was arguably a much greater miracle than the birth of Yitzchak (since his mother was even older than Sarah Imainu) still the Torah only recounts miracles that were predicted in the Torah prior to their occurrence.
May 26, 202401:29:28
Parshas Behar: The Essence of Freedom

Parshas Behar: The Essence of Freedom

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת בהר. Discussed:

May 23, 202401:32:54
Rabbi Akiva's Life and Legacy - Gadol Hashalom (Sefira Edition)

Rabbi Akiva's Life and Legacy - Gadol Hashalom (Sefira Edition)

This Shiur is an abridged version of the Gadol Hashalom series, it was edited for Sefira. Topics include Bein Adam Lcahveiro, Kabbalos Hatorah, Shalom Bayis, and the death of Rabbi Akiva's Talmidim.

R' Chaim Shmulevitz discusses two prerequisites for קבלת התורה and how these two Middos were exemplified by the Talmidim of R' Yehuda Bar Ilai.
R' Chaim Shmulevitz examines a few Gemaras in which we see that terrible consequences occur when people hurt others - even unintentionally!
The Margolis Hayom explains why the Gemara praises ר' יהודה בר אלעאי‎ for the actions of his Talmidim (that six people shared a Tallis).
A close look at the two Gemaras in Shas where it brings the story of R' Akiva as he went off to learn for 24 years and the different lessons that we learn from each of the two Gemaras. Is it possible that the Gemara is implying that R' Akiva is indirectly liable for the death of his 24,000 Talmidim? What changed with Rabbi Akiva's second set of Talmidim that they were worthy to establish Torah?

May 22, 202402:23:17
Parshas Behar: Shemita and Har Sinai - EVERY Jew Needs to Learn!

Parshas Behar: Shemita and Har Sinai - EVERY Jew Needs to Learn!

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת בהר.
May 21, 202401:15:60
Lag B'Omer: The Commencement of Torah Shebal Peh

Lag B'Omer: The Commencement of Torah Shebal Peh

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on לג בעומר, finishing the topic of ספירה.

The seemingly contradictory duality of Sefira; a joyful preparation for Kabalos Hatorah on Shavuos yet a time of mourning for the loss of Rabbi Akiva's students. Why is mourning even allowed during such a joyous time?
Why do we celebrate that people stopped dying on Lag Baomer if the only reason there were no more deaths was that there was simply no one left alive?
The connection between: 1) The Chasam Sofer regarding Lag B'omer being the day the first Maan fell. 2) The Kaf Hachaim pointing out that Rabbi Akiva began teaching his new students on that specific day. 3) The Orach Shulchan showing that Reb Shimon Bar Yochai came out of the cave on that day.

May 16, 202401:09:50
Sefirah: Sustained by a Small Allowance

Sefirah: Sustained by a Small Allowance

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on ספירה, continuing the theme of the last Shiur.

Why do we count Sefira using the Korban Omer as a reference point, isn't Pesach or Shavous a more significant event? And why is the Sefira/Korban named after the size of the Korban, (Omer is just a measurement)? Furthermore, why do we start from the second day of Pesach and not the first?
The Torah is seemingly inter-connected to the Mitzvah of Shemita and to the מן, what is this relationship?
A Pshat why the מן fell only in small quantities.

May 16, 202401:29:03
Sefira: Growing from Emunah to Bitachon

Sefira: Growing from Emunah to Bitachon

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on ספירה.

The Baal Haturim explains that the Pasuk of the מן has all the letters of the Alef Bais as a message that Hashem will provide someone who keeps the Torah with all their needs just as Hashem provided Klal Yisroel in the desert with the מן. This is why when Yirmiyahu rebuked Klal Yisroel to learn more Torah he showed them the מן as proof a person has time to learn since Hashem will take care of them. This is the Gemora’s message that the Torah was only given to מן eaters, to highlight two interconnected parts; you need faith in Hashem to be able to learn, and at the same time, if you learn Torah, Hashem will take care of your needs.

Sefer Chinuch explains that the Korban Omer celebrates the idea that everything is from Hashem, and that the yearly crop is no different than מן which falls from heaven. We can now understand why we count Sefira using the Korbon Omer as a barometer, and why we count away from Pesach (which represents Emunah) and build towards Bitachon and the Kabalas Hatorah of Shavous.
May 16, 202401:05:56
Parshas Emor: Making a Kiddush Hashem by Living a Life of Kedusha

Parshas Emor: Making a Kiddush Hashem by Living a Life of Kedusha

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת אמור.
May 13, 202401:19:16
Parshas Emor: Awareness of Divine Providence

Parshas Emor: Awareness of Divine Providence

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת אמור, continuing on the topic of Hashgacha Pratis begun in Parshas תזריע-מצורע.

R' Shamshon Refael Hirsch explains why the Torah has several Mitzvos concerning mother and baby animals.
The Chinuch writes that the Mitzva אותו ואת בנו (the prohibition to slaughter mother and child on one day) generates an awareness of divine providence and should cause one to be more conscious of Hashgacha Pratis.
The Orach Chaim in Parshas Vayeshev writes that man has free choice and therefore is able to affect other people, even against Hashem's divine plan.
May 13, 202455:07
Parshas Kedoshim: Holy Nation - Maintaining Communal Standards

Parshas Kedoshim: Holy Nation - Maintaining Communal Standards

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת קדושים.

R' Eliyahu Meir Bloch explains why the Mitzvah of Kedoshim was said B'hakhel, in public to men, women, and children. And how the expectation of holiness demanded from the community are different than those expected from the individual.
The Akeidas Yitzchok has harsh words for the Jews of pre-expulsion Spain, and warns of the consequences of those that ignore community responsibilities as seen by the destruction of Sodom.
The proper way to give rebuke, as illustrated with a story about the Chofetz Chaim.
May 05, 202401:10:47
Parshas Kedoshim: Expand Yourself to Include Others

Parshas Kedoshim: Expand Yourself to Include Others

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת קדושים.

Various Peshatim on the Mitzvah of Kedoshim Tehiyu, 'You shall be holy'.
R' Shimon Shkop wonders how one can emulate Hashem; God is completely selfless, while man is totally self-centered.

May 05, 202401:19:14
Parshas Acharei Mos: The Relationship Between Hashem, the Jewish People, and Eretz Yisrael - Part B

Parshas Acharei Mos: The Relationship Between Hashem, the Jewish People, and Eretz Yisrael - Part B

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת אחרי מות. 

May 03, 202401:09:10
Parshas Acharei Mos: The Relationship Between Hashem, the Jewish People, and Eretz Yisrael - Part A

Parshas Acharei Mos: The Relationship Between Hashem, the Jewish People, and Eretz Yisrael - Part A

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת אחרי מות. 

May 03, 202401:09:53
Parshas Acharei Mos: Meritocracy and Aristocracy - יקרה היא מפנינים

Parshas Acharei Mos: Meritocracy and Aristocracy - יקרה היא מפנינים

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת אחרי מות.  Discussed:  R' Yaakov Emden brings a historical account written by a Roman who describes the Avodah of the Kohen Gadol in the Bais Hamikdash on Yom Kippur.  The Gemara says that a ממזר Talmid Chochom comes before a Kohen Gadol who is an עם הארץ. This can be illustrated by the story brought in the Gemara about Sh'maya & Avtalyon who met a Kohen Gadol on Motzei Yom Kippur, as explained by the Maharsha.  R' Yisrael Salanter writes that יקרה היא מפנינים refers to the Kohen Gadol in the Kodesh Hakodashim on Yom Kippur, who is the holiest person in the holiest place during the holiest time, and that the Torah is more precious even than that!
May 01, 202401:34:08
Pesach: Antisemitism Preserves the Jewish Nation - With Your Blood You Shall Live Part 2

Pesach: Antisemitism Preserves the Jewish Nation - With Your Blood You Shall Live Part 2

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח, continuing on the topic of Galus and antisemitism.


  • Understanding the Pasuk brought in the Haggadah, ואמר לך בדמיך חיי ואמר לך בדמיך חיי (and I said to you, by your blood you shall live, and I said to you by your blood you shall live). Should we understand the Pasuk על פי פשט or דרוש, which seem contradictory? Furthermore, why does the Pasuk repeat itself?
  • The Bais Halevi explains the purpose of antisemitism and how the Egyptians' antisemitism correlated with the Yidden's attempt to cover their Milah and assimilate into Egyptian society. He also explains why the Pasuk in Tehilim praises Hashem for inciting the Egyptian's hatred.
  • A discussion on the proper historical perspective of antisemitism throughout the centuries, and comparing this perspective to an article written by a non-religious Israeli in Ha'aertz.
Apr 16, 202401:50:43
Pesach: Jewish Continuity Throughout Galus - With Your Blood You Shall Live Part 1

Pesach: Jewish Continuity Throughout Galus - With Your Blood You Shall Live Part 1

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח, discussing the topic of Galus and antisemitism.


  • Analyzing the Pesukim in Ki Savo that the Haggadah Darshens to elaborate on the story of יציאת מצרים and how the Jews became a nation as they were metaphorically born in Mitzrayim, in Galus.
  • The Meshech Chochma writes that Yaakov Avinu established for future generations the strategy Jews use to survive in Galus and avoid assimilation. This is what the Pasuk means מלמד שלא ירד יעקב להשתקע, that Yaakov Avinu taught us not to settle in Galus.
  • The Meshach Chochma continues and writes about the cycle of Jewish settlement in various countries throughout Galus. It begins with the painful birth of the community which then flourishes both physically and spiritually. Afterward, the Yidden become comfortable and settle in their adopted country, declining spiritually until they ultimately end in prosecution and exile.

Apr 16, 202401:21:11
Pesach: Shiur on the Mitzvah of סיפור יציאת מצרים

Pesach: Shiur on the Mitzvah of סיפור יציאת מצרים

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח.

Is there a minimum Shiur for the Mitzvah of Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim? If not, what about the famous R' Gamliel that obligates one to say at least three things (Pesach, Matzah, and Marror)?
Different ways to understand the Chiyuv to recite Hallel on Leil Pesach, including Rashi and the Rambam who consider it a part of סיפור יציאת מצרים, and the Chasam Softer and R' Hai Gaon who write that Hallel is a self-standing obligation triggered by סיפור יציאת מצרים.
Discussing the source and parameters for the Mitzvah of סיפור יציאת מצרים, based on different Pesukim in the Torah. Also discussed, the Rishonim who hold that there is no specific Mitzvah of סיפור יציאת מצרים.

Apr 16, 202401:27:43
Pesach: The Election of Klal Yisroel - Part B

Pesach: The Election of Klal Yisroel - Part B

The second part of a Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח.

Why Bris Milah and Karbon Pesach are the only positive commandments that have the severe punishment of Kares, and why having a Bris is a pre-requisite to be able to partake in a Karbon Pesach.
Why the Torah refers to Pesach as "Shabbos," and how the theme of Sefirah is to ‘earn’ Shavous.
Why we say Yizokor on Yom Tov.
Apr 15, 202401:31:50
Pesach: The Election of Klal Yisroel - Part A

Pesach: The Election of Klal Yisroel - Part A

First part of a Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח.

The significance that Hashem personally killed the Egyptians by Makkos Bachoros and did not use an emissary. Additionally, why do we focus our eternal gratitude to Hashem for the inaction of passing us over and not killing us?
Why did Klal Yisroel bow down in gratitude when they were told they would have descendants that would be asking the questions of the Ben Harasha (Wicked son) from the Hagadah?
Beis Halevi’s explanation of the Medrash that Hashem waited for the approval of the Angles before starting Makkos Choshech and how it contrasts with Krias Yam Suf where the angles protested.
Apr 15, 202401:34:16
Pesach: The Four Sons Part B

Pesach: The Four Sons Part B

Two part shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח.
This two-part series delves into the sources for the Four Sons, glean many insights and lessons into how the Torah presents the Four Sons, and contrasts them to how the Haggadah portrays them.

Apr 15, 202401:17:40
Pesach: The Four Sons Part A

Pesach: The Four Sons Part A

Two part shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח. In this two-part series we will delve into the sources for the four sons and glean many insights and lessons in how the Torah presents the four sons, and contrast them to the way the Haggadah portray them.
Apr 15, 202401:10:44
Pesach: A New Song of Redemption

Pesach: A New Song of Redemption

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח.
Apr 14, 202401:26:11
Pesach: The Foundation of Judaism

Pesach: The Foundation of Judaism

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פסח. Continuation of the topics discussed from the shiurim on Parsahas Hachodesh and Purim.
Apr 14, 202401:35:09
Parshas Tazria: The Nature of Man and His Purpose in the World

Parshas Tazria: The Nature of Man and His Purpose in the World

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn on פרשת תזריע.


  • Understanding the Medrash אחור וקדם צרתני (man was created first and last). Different approaches to understanding how mankind contributes to the world.
  • In what sense are environmentalists correct in their view that humans corrupt and destroy the world?
  • An insight based on Onkelos in Bereishis, that Man was created in a combination of spiritual and physical elements which finds its primary manifestation through speech. This unique characteristic differentiates Man both from animals and from angels.

  • Apr 09, 202401:27:31
    Parshas Tazria - Metzora: The Classic Approach to Hashgacha Pratis

    Parshas Tazria - Metzora: The Classic Approach to Hashgacha Pratis

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn on פרשת תזריע-מצורע, discussing the topic of Hashgacha Pratis.
    A discussion on the fundamentals of Hashgacha Pratis, based on the Chinnuch: What is Hashgacha Pratis and how does it work? Do all animals have Hashgacha Pratis or just mankind?
    The Orchos Chaim Lha'Rosh explains why Hashem begins the 10 commandments by saying "I am your God who took you out of Egypt'' and not "I am God who created heaven and earth"?
    Recognizing how the Rishonim's approach to Hashgacha Pratis differs from the more common and modern approach, which is based on Kabbalah.
    Apr 08, 202401:25:24
    Parshas Shmini: The Korbonos and Avodas Hashem

    Parshas Shmini: The Korbonos and Avodas Hashem

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת שמיני .

    Understanding the concept behind Korbonos, and why Ahron brought a Korbon Chattas for himself and a Korbon Olah for Klal Yisrael to atone for the חטא העגל (sin of the Golden Calf).
    The Malbim writes that each person represents a mini-Mishkan. Man's Avoda is to sacrifice his animalistic nature, paralleling the Kohen's Avoda in the Bais Hamikdash.
    The Kli Yakir explains, based on a Medrash, how Machlokes and jealousy (מכירת יוסף) lead to Avoda Zara (חטא העגל).

    Apr 04, 202401:09:16
    Parshas Hachodesh Part 2 - Jewish Months and the Second Temple Era

    Parshas Hachodesh Part 2 - Jewish Months and the Second Temple Era

    The second part of a Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת החודש.

    R' Yaakov Kaminetzky elaborates on the Ramban, presenting a new approach to understanding the Geula from Bavel and Tekufas Bayis Sheni.
    R' Yaakov's perspective on the modern state of Israel as it relates to Galus, specifically to the horrors of the Holocaust and the rise of the Soviet Iron Curtain.
    R' Yaakov explains that during Bayis Sheni the Yidden spoke Aramaic, had Aramaic names, and used Persian months as a way to highlight that they had not yet reached full Geula. On the flip side, when we are in Galus, it is more important to keep Jewish names as a way to stave off assimilation, as we saw in Miztrayim.
    Apr 03, 202401:16:24
    Parshas Hachodesh Part 1: Jewish Months?

    Parshas Hachodesh Part 1: Jewish Months?

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת החודש.

    The Sforno explains that we begin counting the year from Nissan in order to commemorate the idea that only after being freed from slavery did time become ours.
    The Ramban explains when and why we started calling the months by name (Nissan Iyar etc); names that are not Jewish but rather based on Persian/Babylonian pagan God's. Why are we using Persian names for our calendar?
    The Sefer Haikram asks, how could the Jews adopt non-Jewish Persian names of the months? Doesn't the Torah command us to count the months by number starting from Nissan? The Sefer Haikram concludes that this demonstrates that parts of the Torah can change, arguing against the Rambam's Ninth Principle, that the Torah is immutable and will never change.
    Apr 03, 202450:59
    Parshas HaChodesh: The Infinity of a Moment

    Parshas HaChodesh: The Infinity of a Moment

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת החודש.

    What is the message in the fact the first Miztva Hashem gave to Klal Yisroel was Kiddush Hachodesh?
    Why was Moshe so concerned about what the Egyptian Astrologers thought?
    The underlying message in the Pirkie D'Reb Eilezer that no part of the Ram from Akedes Yitzchock went to waste, and the principle of the 'conservation of spiritual energy'.
    Apr 03, 202401:25:45
    Parshas Shemini: Lessons from the Deaths of נדב ואביהוא

    Parshas Shemini: Lessons from the Deaths of נדב ואביהוא

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohnn Ztl on פרשת שמיני.

    Why do we find many conflicting reasons, brought in the Torah and Chazal, for why Nadav and Avihu died. Some seem to regard them in a positive light while others seem to be negative.
    A lesson from the Chasam Sofer on the sacrifice faced by many leaders in regard to their family life.
    The Ksav Sofer has a beautiful Pshat to tie together the various reasons that were given to explain the deaths of נדב ואביהוא.
    Apr 01, 202401:05:42
    Parshas Shemini: Simcha in the Face of Adversity

    Parshas Shemini: Simcha in the Face of Adversity

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת שמיני .

    Understanding how Aharon was able to receive נבואה after the deaths of his two sons, in contrast to Yaakov who didn't receive prophecy for the 22 years he only assumed Yosef was dead.
    R' Chaim Vital's principle for how one can discover their true mission in life.
    The Bais Halevi on the Shira of Moshe, and how Dovid Hamelech had an appreciation for the bad along with the good.
    Apr 01, 202401:27:39
    Parshas Tzav: זריזות in the Service of Hashem

    Parshas Tzav: זריזות in the Service of Hashem

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת צו.

    Various Peshatim in the words of Chazal, that the Korbon Tamid requires extra זריזות (vigilance) because it involves a loss of money.
    The Medrash Tanchuma emphasizes the importance of studying the Halachos of Korbonos, and why children are particularly important in this regard.
    Mar 25, 202440:33
    The Hidden Light of Purim

    The Hidden Light of Purim

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פורים.

    Chazal compare Esther to the dawn, she was the end of miracles and a new era in Jewish history started. One would think that she should be compared to dusk, ushering in the night, so too Esther started the era of Galus and darkness and we lost miracles and prophecies.
    The Zohar states, there is no light except that which emanates from darkness.
    The Meshech Chochma's understanding of the Gemara, that Hashem forced the Jews to accept the Torah at Har Sinai, by holding the mountain over them.
    Mar 21, 202401:02:34
    Purim: The Song of The Megillah

    Purim: The Song of The Megillah

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פורים.

    If every Jewish holiday is named after the defining miracle of that Chag, why is Purim named after the seemingly insignificant lots which Haman drew to decide when to exterminate the Jews?
    What is the 'Song' of the Megillah that the Gemora says replaces the standard Hallel we recite on every Jewish holiday?
    Why does the fulfillment of Mitzvas Megillah specifically require that one hear every single word?

    Mar 21, 202401:27:43
    The Promise of Purim

    The Promise of Purim

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פורים. Discussed: The Medrash states that Purim & Yom Kippur will be the only two Yom Tovim around after Moshiach. The Tshuvos HaRashba asks on this Medrash, how can it be that any part of the Torah will be abolished at any point in time and why would Purim have precedence over the other Yom Tovim that are D'orayasa? The Ramban on the Tochacha explains why the Torah states that Hashem will hide from the Yidden (V'anochi Hasteir Asteir Panei) after they have stirrings of Teshuva. Shouldn't Hashem come closer to Klal Yisrael after they begin doing Teshuva? Why Hashem's name is often hidden when Klal Yisrael does battle with Amalek, as we find in the Megilla itself, which lacks Hashem's name.
    Mar 20, 202401:06:60
    Purim: Developing Internal Faith

    Purim: Developing Internal Faith

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פורים.
    Mar 20, 202401:19:15
    Parshas Zachor: The Final Challenge - Haman, Amalek, and the Original Sin

    Parshas Zachor: The Final Challenge - Haman, Amalek, and the Original Sin

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת זכר.

    The Gaon writes that each generation faces a challenge corresponding to one of the עשרת הדברות, and the final generation before Moshiach will face the challenge of לא תחמוד.
    A close examination of the Aveira of the עץ הדעת and the evil of the נחש הקדמוני, which the Maharsha writes is the root of Amalek and Haman.
    A discussion on the true חמדה (treasure/desire) of the world, based on the story of אחאב, and how to properly utilize the Middah of חמדה.
    Mar 19, 202401:19:11
    Parshas Zachor: Destroying Amalek and the Parnassah Problem

    Parshas Zachor: Destroying Amalek and the Parnassah Problem

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת זכור.   Discussed:   Why does Chazal compare the difficulty of earning a living to that of קריעת ים סוף (splitting the sea)?   If Amalek represents the antithesis of spirituality & they are the spiritual arch-nemesis of the Jews and Torah, why does the battle against them have to be fought in a physical fashion and without any miracles?   How can we blot out Amalek if they are no longer a viable nation and an active enemy of the Jews? What is this perplexing Mitzvah to 'remember to forget'?
    Mar 19, 202401:15:18
    Parshas Zachor - Tetzaveh: There is No Happenstance

    Parshas Zachor - Tetzaveh: There is No Happenstance

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelch Kohn Ztl on פרשת תצוה and פרשת זכור.

    Is there a connection between the lack of Moshe Rabeinu in Parshas Tetzaveh, and the lack of Hashem's name in the Megilla.
    The Netziv discusses why Moshe Rabeinu stepped back from the war with Amalek, and instead, Yehoshua led the attack.
    Mar 19, 202401:19:32
    Parshas Vayikra: The Small Aleph & Moshe's Greatness

    Parshas Vayikra: The Small Aleph & Moshe's Greatness

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת ויקרא.

    Two lessons from the small Alef in Vayikra, and why it was appropriate to give over these lessons at the beginning of Sefer Vayikra.
    If the Torah is against celibacy why did Moshe separate from his wife permanently?
    An explanation of the Medrash that says that the Shechina went into Galus only once the children were exiled, and why we have a Minhag for children to start learning from Sefer Vayikra.
    Mar 17, 202401:33:43
    Parshas Pekudei: Following the Command of Hashem

    Parshas Pekudei: Following the Command of Hashem

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת פקודי.

    How to understand the order of the Parshiyos and why the Torah interrupts the construction of the Mishkan with Parshas Ki Sisa? Was there a Mitzvah to build the Mishkan before the חטא העגל?
    Why does Parshas Pekudei constantly repeat כאשר צוה ה' את משה (like Hashem commanded Moshe) over and over again?
    The Bais Halevi explains the underlying sin behind the חטא העגל and how the Bnei Yisrael repented when they built the Mishkan. He furthermore explains the mysterious nature of Parah Adumah and how it atones for the עגל.
    Mar 11, 202401:30:59
    Parshas Pekudei: Understanding Man's Endless Drive to Amass Wealth (Yetzer Hara Part 2)

    Parshas Pekudei: Understanding Man's Endless Drive to Amass Wealth (Yetzer Hara Part 2)

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת פקודי, continuing on the topic of the Yetzer Hara. Can be listened as a standalone Shiur.

    The Rambam in his Hakdama to Mishnayos asks, what is the value of all the people who waste time and spend their days in trivial pursuits?
    The Paradox of money: Why people have a limitless desire for money, a means to an end, but the end (physical pleasure) is very limited.
    The Gemara Darshans the Pasuk אוהב כסף לא ישבע כסף (he who loves money will never be satisfied with money) to refer to Moshe Rabeinu.
    Mar 11, 202401:27:44
    Parshas Vayakhel: Chacham Lev - Wisdom for the Wise

    Parshas Vayakhel: Chacham Lev - Wisdom for the Wise

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn on פרשת ויקהל-פקודי.

    Hashem only gives wisdom to the wise: why doesn’t Hashem give it to those that are lacking the wisdom, surely they need it the most? Furthermore, what is "wisdom of the heart" (Chachmiey Lev) that the Torah keeps referring to?
    Why did Hashem want the Krevuim to be in the image of children?
    R’ Chaim Shmuelevitz on what it means that ‘Shlomo Hamelech was smarter than all men, even fools’ and why Shlomo Hamelech merited to be the wisest of all men.
    Mar 04, 202401:25:32
    Parshas Vayakhel - Refraining From Materialism and Elevating Physicality (Yetzer Hara Part 1)

    Parshas Vayakhel - Refraining From Materialism and Elevating Physicality (Yetzer Hara Part 1)

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת ויקהל, discussing the Yetzer Hara.

    The meaning of במראת הצבאת (mirrors of the legions) that were donated for the Kiyur. Are we praising the women for spurning mirrors and physicality or lauding them for utilizing the mirror?
    R' Shamshon Refael Hirsch's question: Why did משה accept the women's jewelry including the כומז but (initially) rejected the mirrors used for the כיור.
    Two ways to understand what the Gemara means, "I created the evil inclination, and I created the Torah as a Tavlin".
    Mar 03, 202401:34:23
    Parshas Ki Sisa: The Second Luchos and the Start of Torah Sh'Baal Peh

    Parshas Ki Sisa: The Second Luchos and the Start of Torah Sh'Baal Peh

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת כי תשא.

    A discussion regarding the first Luchos, based on the Pasuk, חרות על הלוחות (engraved on the Tablets), which Chazal say should be read חירות (freed). Additionally a connection between the חטא העגל and Parshas Parah.
    R' Nissin Alpert learns a lesson from the leftover ink that lit up Moshe Rabeinu's face, which signifies the parts of the Torah that must be imparted verbally from a Rebbe.
    An explanation, based on the Steipler, for why Chazal say that after the Luchos were broken Torah only comes with צער and hard work, and why this refers mainly to תורה שבעל פה.
    Feb 26, 202401:31:59
    Parshas Ki Sisa: The Perils of Depression

    Parshas Ki Sisa: The Perils of Depression

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת כי תשא.

    R' Chaim Shmulevitz wonders how it was possible for Klal Yisroel to rapidly fall from receiving the Torah to idol worship in the span of just a few months.
    The lesson R' Yehuda Hanasi learned from dropping his Megilah.
    Why people who go off the Derech fall much further than those that were never religious in the first place?
    Feb 26, 202401:35:11
    Parshas Tetzaveh: Combining Good Intentions with Good Actions

    Parshas Tetzaveh: Combining Good Intentions with Good Actions

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת תצוה.  Discussed:  Sefer Zichron Meir explains how we can relate to Karbonos in modern times & why is a Karbon called a "Rayach Nechoch" (Pleasant Scent).  Why did Shaul Hamelech refer to the command of Hashem as a "Dybur" (word) while Shmuel Ha'navi called it "Kol"(sound)? What exactly was the sin of Shaul Hamelech in regard to not wiping out Amalek and how his descendant Esther atoned for it.  The Chofetz Chaim wonders how is it possible for us to bring Moshiach today if even greater generations couldn't.
    Feb 19, 202401:35:59
    Parshas Terumah: Building a Mishkan Through Commandments

    Parshas Terumah: Building a Mishkan Through Commandments

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת תרומה.

    Why is half of Sefer Shemos dedicated to the technical details of the building of the Mishkan?
    Why did Moshe Rabeinu recoil in shock when he heard about these three Miztvos: the building of the Mishkan, the Korban Tamid, and the Machtzas Hashekel?
    Vort from R' Aaron Leib Shtienman on the building of the Beis Hamikdash.
    Feb 12, 202401:33:33
    Parshas Terumah: The Sanctuary Within

    Parshas Terumah: The Sanctuary Within

    Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת תרומה.
    Feb 12, 202401:17:24