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Living with the times with Rabbi Yehuda

Living with the times with Rabbi Yehuda

By Rabbi Yehuda Kantor

A small snippet from the weekly Torah portion that is both relevant and thought provoking. Most of all, it is a way to connect with the giver of the Torah & by extension our inner self.
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Parshat Vayigash

Living with the times with Rabbi YehudaDec 30, 2022

Bechukotai: The last Parsha in the book of Leviticus.

Bechukotai: The last Parsha in the book of Leviticus.

Bechukotai: The last Parsha in the book of Leviticus.

It contains within the profound concept that we all revere “freedom of choice”. But also underscores the results of bad choices.

We specifically read this Parsha before the upcoming Festival or Shavuot.

Why? Listen here for a most unique and uplifting insight!
May 28, 202407:48
Behar - advice from Mount Sinai

Behar - advice from Mount Sinai

Behar — advice from Mount Sinai.

We don’t live to work rather we work to live and to elevate the mundane. Small nuances and tweaks to life can accentuate the depth and meaning of our existence!
May 21, 202408:09



We tend to do that when we look forward to something with expectation. In a novel approach— Judaism teaches us to count up. After all, when it comes to true appreciation and self development we need to be mindful of today’s achievements and blessings and then utilize them for even greater good! More on that….
May 14, 202407:20
Does history repeat itself?

Does history repeat itself?

Does History Repeat Itself?

The story of the middle Matzah provides insight into this and provides the clue to how we can celebrate our Heritage despite the challenges that have befallen our nation this past year.

Next Year in Jerusalem!!
Apr 21, 202405:07
Why is this year different than all other years?

Why is this year different than all other years?

Why is this year different thank all other years?

Yes, it’s different. We’ve had an extremely challenging year but the secret of Jewish survival is embedded in the Passover Seder. We don’t pretend that life is perfect, to the contrary— but we do receive the strength to power on as we connect with the Almighty G-d who continues to take us out of Egypt!
Apr 16, 202409:10
Parshat Shemini

Parshat Shemini

Shemini - The Eight Day!

Things don’t happen overnight — not even for Moses and Aaron. Lessons from the greatest leaders, applicable for us all in our lives!
Apr 02, 202407:31
Parshat Vayakhel

Parshat Vayakhel


It’s a grand address and the response is overwhelming. The nation of Israel step forward with absolute generosity of heart and creativity of the soul to create an abode for G-d. It’s a magnificent Parsha — after all, constricting a house for G-d at its core is a magnificent opportunity!
Mar 05, 202406:53
Parshat Ki Tisa

Parshat Ki Tisa

Ki Tisa — The relationship between G-d and the Jewish nation graduates to the next level. No less than the worst blunder by the people to G-d is perpetrated but the ways of Hashem are the ways of forgiveness. And what doesn’t kill you — makes you stronger — in this case, literally!!
Feb 27, 202409:26
Parshat Terumah:

Parshat Terumah:


Contribution from the heart. We have social responsibility, communal responsibilities, taxes and fees but ultimately when it comes to G-d’s contribution and the way we live our lives — the generosity of our hearts is what’s encouraged. Opportunity vs responsibility is the way to create a true abode for the Divine!
Feb 13, 202406:36
Parshat Mishpatim

Parshat Mishpatim

Mishpatim: With the receiving of the Torah comes Divine guidance on how to live our lives. Guidance that doesn’t change from generation to generation as ethics and morals are constant. So what does the Torah say about self defense? About the ethics and morals of war? This Parsha has insight on that!
Feb 06, 202407:60
Parshat Yisro - Jethro

Parshat Yisro - Jethro

Parshat Yisro:
Jethro — the father in law of Moses joins the Jewish people. What prompts him to join and what innovation does he suggest the revolutionizes the system of wisdom and transmitting of the Torah? Listen to discover…
Jan 30, 202409:22
Beshalach - Exodus!

Beshalach - Exodus!

Beshalach— Exodus!

Pharaoh’s resistance finally breaks. But not totally — regret sets in. Really? 10 plagues not enough to convince him? Some applicable lessons to us each of how to let go and to allow faith to guide us!
Jan 23, 202406:40
Parshat Bo - THE Exodus

Parshat Bo - THE Exodus

Parshat Bo — THE exodus

Ten plagues, many warnings, miracles galore — Passover!! There’s a lot here but the parsha pauses and we get informed of the first Mitzvah that Hashem instructs Moshe. Create a calendar by calibrating and consecrating the new moon… whilst time management is important — the first mitzvah seems to underscore yet a deeper message!
Jan 16, 202409:58
Parshat Vaeira

Parshat Vaeira

Vaeira Moses previously questions Hashem. Why have you made it worse for the people? Since I’ve approached Pharaoh it’s gone even further down hill. What is Moses asking & how could it be that Moses would challenge G-d? Listen on….
Jan 09, 202408:17
Parshat Shemot

Parshat Shemot

Parshat Shemot

This week we kick off the next book of the Torah called Exodus. The parsha is full of heroism, leadership and selflessness. Moses bursts onto the scene and the fledgling family of Yaakov transition into a people!
Jan 02, 202407:42
Parshat Vayishlach- The Great Showdown

Parshat Vayishlach- The Great Showdown

The great showdown between Jacob and Essau after many decades takes place in this Parsha. There is much we can learn from this to apply to our lives. The strength and clarity of Jacob is one that has been bequeathed to his children — the Jewish nation!
Nov 28, 202307:46
Parshat Toldot

Parshat Toldot

Parshat Toldot

The miraculous nature of the founding father’s and mother’s continues to unfold. Indeed, our very existence is one that transcends nature — a very timely lesson for today’s day and age!!
Nov 14, 202305:22
Parshat Toldot

Parshat Toldot

Parshat Toldot

The miraculous nature of the founding father’s and mother’s continues to unfold. Indeed, our very existence is one that transcends nature — a very timely lesson for today’s day and age!!
Nov 14, 202305:22
Parshat Vayera- The Jewish way!

Parshat Vayera- The Jewish way!

Parshat Vayera

The Jewish way!
Abraham at the height of his pain — having just circumcised himself at 99 years of age — is standing at his tent to welcome in guests. We glean two important Jewish behaviors from this story.
Oct 31, 202307:14
Lech Lcha - the 3rd portion of Genesis

Lech Lcha - the 3rd portion of Genesis

Lech Lcha — the third Parsha in the book of Breishit:

The promise and Divine gift of the Land of Israel to Abraham. It wasn’t easy even from the start but Abraham’s faith was rock solid and his mission was clear. To bring goodness and light into this world — a mission that’s been handed down through the Jewish nation throughout the ages!
Oct 24, 202307:20
Parshat Noach - 2nd Portion of Genesis

Parshat Noach - 2nd Portion of Genesis

How can one rise above the stresses of life? Navigate all those elements of life that are overwhelming?
This parsha shares the key to it all!
Oct 17, 202304:52
Yom Kipper - The peak experience of the year!

Yom Kipper - The peak experience of the year!

The peak experience of the year takes place on Yom Kippur. Listen to this podcast to gain deeper Kabbalistic insight to the essential power of the day that each of us experiences.
It’s powerful. It’s unique. It’s transformative. It’s Oneness like never before!!
Sep 19, 202306:60
Rosh Hashanah - Judgement and Coronation

Rosh Hashanah - Judgement and Coronation

A day of judgement and a day that we coronate G-d as King. This duality is so powerful as it’s not judgement in the sense of judging for punishment rather an audit that we are all passed through in order that each of us can better ourselves and transform this world the way the Divine intention was and is!!

It’s up to each of us to step up and to do so with joy!
Sep 14, 202305:13
Parshat Haazinu

Parshat Haazinu


Our relationship to this world is both physical and spiritual. But who are we really? Physical with some spiritual or rather spiritual beings with some physical?
Sep 12, 202305:22
Parshat Nitzavim - The epic address of Moses reaches its zenith

Parshat Nitzavim - The epic address of Moses reaches its zenith

In this parsha we gain great insight into how we can be “one” people and at the same time retain our individuality without one contradicting the other!
A perfect message pre Rosh Hashana!
Sep 05, 202306:40
Parshat Ki Tavo - Appreciation!

Parshat Ki Tavo - Appreciation!


Do we appreciate all the blessings we have? Are we verbalizing and expressing it enough? Parshat Ki Tavo has some insight!
Aug 29, 202305:49
Parshat Re’eh - The eternal resting place- Jerusalem!

Parshat Re’eh - The eternal resting place- Jerusalem!

The Eternal Resting Place - Jerusalem

A new code of conduct was to be instituted upon entering the Land of Israel. No longer a free-for-all manner of conduct, in specific matters.. listen and enjoy!
Aug 08, 202309:57
Parshat Eikev - Addressing your inner fear and avoiding the pitfalls!

Parshat Eikev - Addressing your inner fear and avoiding the pitfalls!

Addressing your inner fear and avoiding the pitfalls!

Ultimately, success can be derailed by forgetting one thing. Moses calls it out and says it the way it is!
Aug 01, 202306:41
Parshat Vaeschanan- But I deserve it!

Parshat Vaeschanan- But I deserve it!

But I Deserve It!

How do you pray? Are we deserving of all the we receive? Moses in this week’s Parsha gives us insight into how to approach the Almighty G-d taught by the ultimate teacher - Almighty G-d himself.
Jul 25, 202308:22
Parshat Devarim - What Now?

Parshat Devarim - What Now?

What Now?

We start the book of Dueternonomy. Moses has a lot to share during the last week of his life. But his messaging is different than before.. Listen on to hear why!
Jul 17, 202306:49
Parshat Matos Masei - Last Minute Business:

Parshat Matos Masei - Last Minute Business:

Last Minute Business:

It’s been forty years of wandering through the desert. There is last minute business to take of. Yet there’s also a last minute snafu. It’s smoothed out yet the message we can derive is a powerful one!
Jul 10, 202309:56
Parshat Pinchas - Passivity vs Pro Activeness

Parshat Pinchas - Passivity vs Pro Activeness

Passivity vs Pro activeness. There’s a time to not do and a time to do…Who is Pinchas? Where did he get his strength from? The proof is in the pudding and of course in the podcast!!
Jul 03, 202309:57
Parshat Pinchas - Passivity vs Pro Activeness

Parshat Pinchas - Passivity vs Pro Activeness

Passivity vs Pro activeness. There’s a time to not do and a time to do…Who is Pinchas? Where did he get his strength from? The proof is in the pudding and of course in the podcast!!
Jul 03, 202309:57
Parshat Chukat Balak - Getting water from a Rock!

Parshat Chukat Balak - Getting water from a Rock!

Getting Water From A Rock! Usually an expression of impossibility yet not in this Parsha. Not without drama of course. After all, life is always full of surprises!
Jun 27, 202309:40
Parshat Korach- Discord in the desert!

Parshat Korach- Discord in the desert!

Discord in the desert! The uprising against Moses and Aaron never seems to leave. Yet we get to see how great leaders respond when being challenged!
Jun 21, 202305:58
Parshat Shelach: How vs If

Parshat Shelach: How vs If

How vs if - the key question to successfully navigating G-d’s mission to each of us. Yet easier said than done. The story of the spies illustrates the blurred lines.
Jun 12, 202308:16
Parshat Bahalotcha: Second Chances

Parshat Bahalotcha: Second Chances

Second chances. We all love them. Yet it takes our initiation and sincere regret to trigger a fresh opportunity. G-d paves the way for second chances by granting a “second” Passover!!
Jun 06, 202305:42
Parshat Naso: is all work created equal?

Parshat Naso: is all work created equal?

Is all work created equal?
In life we look to attain goals that make us feel good, sometimes we even overlook the obvious signs from above that screams to us where to be and what to do…. Humility is the key and discernment is the tool that makes this all so obvious!
Jun 02, 202305:43
Parshat Mishpatim

Parshat Mishpatim

It’s all in the details or is it?
Depends. If they’re divine - absolutely. If it’s about logic, then perhaps the details aren’t as important and are debatable. Let’s explore!
Feb 14, 202306:43
Parshat Yisro

Parshat Yisro

THE moment. THE purpose of it all…. This Parsha is critical to understanding why G-d did all that he did and what we need to do too… understanding our essence helps us navigate our lives. It also provides us with the tools to get it done!
Feb 10, 202306:36
Parshat Beshalach

Parshat Beshalach

The exodus is progressing well until the Egyptians have second thoughts. But the path of Jewish nation is blocked by water… nothing is too much for G-d and it all comes down to the reaction of the one experiencing. How to respond in crises…. Crises averted and they continue to travel. The destination? The story unfolds…
Jan 31, 202307:22
Parshat Bo

Parshat Bo

And they lived happily ever after. Or did they?
Well, let’s first fill in the rest of the story….
This parsha transitions us to the next phase of the journey of the Jewish nation. The eternal journey - one that each of us - pick up and perpetuate.
Jan 27, 202306:41
Parshat Va’eira

Parshat Va’eira

Moses’s leadership is on high display as he pushes back in dialogue with G-d. As in all cases G-d has a plan. The exodus is not merely the act of taking the Jews out of Egypt, rather it’s the signs and lessons that become obvious that there’s a greater hand and more Divine hand at play. An idea that’s contested by Pharoah and Egypt but that doesn’t hold up for too long…
Jan 18, 202306:31
Parshat Shemot

Parshat Shemot

Egypt started off good but quickly turns problematic. Pharaoh is threatened by the growing and successful nation. Servitude is his answer. G-d via Moses is the response. Moses is appointed leader despite his resistance to it, his first assignment is a total failure….
Jan 10, 202307:60
Parshat Vayechi

Parshat Vayechi

From the generation of the Patriarchs to the generations of the children - the baton is passed on. Jacob passes on as does Josef but the story doesn’t end… it’s now our story.. it’s our journey….
Jan 03, 202306:29
Parshat Vayigash

Parshat Vayigash

Vayigash - Whether ouch or yay we are where we are for a reason. Joseph at the peak of his power and career has a message for each of us. Are we hearing it? Hear this podcast and then work on the answer.
Dec 30, 202206:21
Parshat Mikeitz

Parshat Mikeitz


The rise and the climb to the top must not distract us or divert us from our Jewish responsibilities. It can be done regardless of where we are. The two sons of Joseph are an illustration of that!
Dec 30, 202206:31
Parshat Vayeishev - Rising to the Top!

Parshat Vayeishev - Rising to the Top!

Rising to the top!
Despite adversity and challenge - we learn from this Parsha that we must forge on and continue to contribute goodness!
Dec 13, 202205:06
Parshat Vayishlach - Showdown!

Parshat Vayishlach - Showdown!

Esau is heading to Jacob with quite the army. Yet Jacob is ready to take him head on. We too can endure and prosper if we take Jacob’s example and lead!
Dec 06, 202206:05
Parshat Vayeitzei - Retaining our Core

Parshat Vayeitzei - Retaining our Core

Parshat Vayatzei

Retaining our core identity despite the challenges and adversity that exists.

Jacob takes the high road and as a result we are here today.
Nov 29, 202207:49