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Mastering the craft of coaching

Mastering the craft of coaching

By Rachel Friedman

To really compete in the coaching industry you have to have to really skilled. That’s why each week I will be answering your questions, sharing my stories, giving you tips and advice on how to be an incredible coach for your clients.

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Top mistakes coaches make that HALT their clients results, and how to overcome them for good

Mastering the craft of coaching Mar 31, 2022

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Facebook: Rachel Goldberg Friedman


Nov 23, 202204:02
This Interview Is Going To Blow You Away

This Interview Is Going To Blow You Away

This interview is going to blow you away 🔥

Watch how Ambra went from doubting herself as a coach and feeling overwhelmed before calls to radiating confidence.

Learn exactly what she needed to do to own her expertise.

And how she is now living the life she had dreamed of.

Watch this Client Spotlight with Ambra to find out:

🙏 How she was able to shorten the time she was spending prepping and preparing for her coaching calls

🙏 How she able to deal with challenging clients and show up powerfully

🙏 What inspired her to invest in herself and her business

Look, Ambra is amazing but she isn’t a unicorn. If you, like her, are ready to fully own yourself as a powerful coach then the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification is the best container to be in.

We don't just create average coaches, we develop kick ass ones.

This is where it’s at.

The next round starts at the end of the month.

Are you joining us?

Nov 16, 202225:12
The Art of Blending Conscious Work with Unconscious Work

The Art of Blending Conscious Work with Unconscious Work

Curious what happens when you blend unconscious work with conscious work? Hypnotherapy and coaching?

Clients start getting results with more efficiency and ease.

And do you know what that means?

Happy, ecstatic, thrilled clients.

Clients that send all their friends, peers, and colleagues to you.

Which means you can focus more on what you love doing and less on the marketing and sales aspects of your business.

Listen in on today's conversation with my client, friend, and colleague Clarissa Tu as we chat about how to blend these two parts together and how you can start bringing this work into your coaching business.

Listen here.

Nov 09, 202227:49
6 Core Elements Every Coaching Session Needs
Nov 02, 202224:44
The top 3 mistakes 80% of coaches are making that are slowing down your clients progress
Oct 26, 202222:48
Creating Momentum In Your Coaching Business

Creating Momentum In Your Coaching Business

What if it doesn’t work for me?

You might be thinking this right now when it comes to growing your coaching business and what I want you to hear loud and clear is that the only way it won’t work is if you decide it won’t.

And . . .

You aren’t the only one thinking this right now.

Time and time again coaches come to me with this same fear.  And understandably so.

Creating a successful coaching business isn’t for the faint of heart.

It will bring up all your . . .

🙉 Insecurities,

💔 Wounds that still need to be healed,

😱Every fear you have about success.

If you are willing to work through all of this - I can 100% guarantee you that you will be able to bring the incredible coach that lives from within you out.

On today’s podcast listen in on some of the highlights from clients in the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification program.

My hope is that you can see yourself in their wins.

And allow them to be your inspiration.

They each truly represent what’s possible when you put in the work and dedicate yourself to being an incredible coach.

Listen here.

Oct 19, 202220:59
The Skill Of Making Decisions

The Skill Of Making Decisions

Did you know that making decisions is a skill?

And as a coach it is essential that you get really freakin good at it.

If not, you can literally prevent your clients from making progress towards their goals.

I know that isn’t what you want - coach, I know you want your clients to hit their goals and have epic transformations.

That’s why it is imperative that you master this skill.

In today's podcast episode I am giving you my 6 step process to mastering the skill of making decisions.

Grab a notepad if making decisions right now is a struggle for you.

And let’s go to work.

Listen here.

Oct 12, 202220:46
Going into the void with Simone Seol

Going into the void with Simone Seol

You are in for a special treat today.

My friend and peer Simone Seol and I are getting real on today's episode of Mastering the Craft of Coaching.

Listen in on our conversation as we talk about . . .

. . . . Putting coaches and other healers on a pedestal and what’s really going on at all levels of success

. . . Sharing and being authentic as a coach online what it’s is and isn’t

. . . . Letting go of wanting everything to be “healed” before we get started

And of course we give you the scope into some of our personal cobwebs and how these cobwebs have helped us as coaches and humans.

Listen here to be a fly on the wall of this fun conversation

Oct 05, 202245:09
How To Ground Yourself Before A Call

How To Ground Yourself Before A Call

Hey Coach,

How many times have you shown up for a call feeling off, nervous, or having just had to deal with something troubling news and then felt distracted, anxious, or uneasy?

So the call isn’t as productive as you had wanted it to be.

Or worse the call is a total disaster.  You ask what feels like all the wrong questions or can’t come up with any at all.

I want you to know this happens to even the best coaches, but there is a really simple hack to avoid it happening to you.

It’s knowing how to ground yourself before your calls and starting your calls with this same technique with your clients.

Today I am gifting you one of my favorite grounding techniques from inside the Live Your Dharma Certification.

Listen in to learn for yourself.

Sep 28, 202220:14
Coaching vs Consulting

Coaching vs Consulting

Struggling to explain the difference between what you do as a coach vs what a consultant might do?

And . . . If you're being honest with yourself you sometimes question the difference between them yourself.

You know as a coach that it’s your job to listen, hold space, and help your client find the answers, but you find yourself sometimes also giving advice or telling your client what to do.

So, you start to question yourself, am I stepping into consulting?

And, is this wrong?

In today’s podcast we are talking all about the difference between coaching and consulting because the better you understand the differences the easier it will be for you to explain to your clients.

And, it’s important that your clients understand the work you are going to do with them, so they don’t enter the relationship with a false expectation.

Listen in to get all the juice.

Sep 21, 202224:30
Habit Changing with Tyson Bradley

Habit Changing with Tyson Bradley

Today's podcast is such a treat.

You are going to experience my peer Tyson Bradley coaching me through his I AM ME method.

Watch how Tyson takes my goal to enjoy my “free time'' more and apply his signature method.

His method is designed to help people create sustainable habit change in record time.

Follow along and learn how to apply his technique to make changes in your life or to help your clients make a change in theirs.

Listen here.

Sep 14, 202240:40
Putting one foot in front of the other with Running and life coach Sherrie Love

Putting one foot in front of the other with Running and life coach Sherrie Love

Running can be a positive outlet for many people, however, in some cases it can also be a tool for people to avoid their emotions.

If you are a long distance runner or have any clients that are, today's podcast episode is for you.

Running and life coach Sherrie Love and I talk about how to know when you or your clients are using running or any extreme form of fitness as a way to avoid emotions and what to do if so.

We chat about how to use running as a tool to process emotions and a form of meditation instead of as a method to avoid them.

Whether you are an avid runner or not, this conversation will give you insight into ways to manage your emotions and help your clients manage theirs in healthy ways.

Sep 07, 202229:12
Business Lessons from my Dad Ron Siegel

Business Lessons from my Dad Ron Siegel

My dad has always been my biggest cheerleader supporting me in all my dreams and goals.

Even as a kid he would spend hours testing me so I could get the “A”.

Yes, I was one of those kids who put a lot of pressure on myself to get all A’s - wanting everything to be perfect.

But, over the years of being an entrepreneur I have definitely learned perfectionism has no place in business.

My dad was my very first mentor as I dived into entrepreneurship.  And, he has always been a sounding board for me to bounce ideas off and to help me look at things from a different perspective.

Today, I am super excited to have him as my guest on the podcast.  

✔️ He’s going to share what life was like raising me.

✔️ His advice to anyone getting started in business.

And . . .

✔️ What he believes is essential to creating a thriving business that makes money.

Listen in on the fun conversation with my dad.

Aug 31, 202228:58
From Woe is me to Wow is Me with Tawnja Cleveland

From Woe is me to Wow is Me with Tawnja Cleveland

Even with all odds against her Tawnja was able to do what for many would seem impossible.

After surviving a stroke she had to regain her ability to speak and move her body through months of therapy.

But, it wasn’t just the therapy that enabled Tawnja to not just heal but thrive, it was the power of her mind.

Listen in on today's incredible podcast as my client Tawnja Cleveland shares her story.  She is going to leave you inspired to achieve whatever your heart desires.

Listen here.

Aug 24, 202243:04
Taking Bold Moves with Elizabeth Lyons

Taking Bold Moves with Elizabeth Lyons

You ever wonder why it seems so effortless for some people to take bold moves - do things way out of their comfort zone - and for others it feels like such a struggle?

Many people think it’s something you are either born with or not.

But, the truth is it takes desire, commitment, and a willingness to go against everything we as humans are wired for.

Which as you have heard me talk about before - safety, pleasure, and to use as little energy as possible.

Today I invite you to listen in on my conversation with my friend and peer Elizabeth Lyons as we talk about taking bold moves and what you can do to get started taking them too.

Listen here.

Aug 17, 202233:13
10 mistakes to avoid as new coach

10 mistakes to avoid as new coach

Congratulations you have decided to step into one of the most rewarding professions.

And . . .

I truly believe one of the most challenging to your own personal growth.

The truth is as a coach you must go first.

Meaning - you can only take your clients as deep and as far as you have gone yourself.

So, as a coach you will always be doing your own inner work. As your business grows and evolves, so will you.

You will make mistakes, it's part of the process.  So, please do yourself a favor and don’t resist them.  The mistakes you make will also be some of your biggest growth opportunities.  They will enable you to help and transform your clients to more profound levels.

That being said listen here to this week's podcast where I cover 10 mistakes to avoid as new coach

Aug 10, 202222:11
Q & A for Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification

Q & A for Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification

I am answering all your burning questions about the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification in today’s episode of the Wellness Boss.

Like . . .

I am a brand new coach. Is this program for me?

I have been coaching for a few years but still feel wobbly. Would I benefit from this program?

How is this program going to be different then other programs?

Listen here to get the answers to all these questions and many more.

Listen here.

Aug 03, 202216:53
Chasing your dreams with Leah DeSantis

Chasing your dreams with Leah DeSantis

Are you living out your purpose?  Or are you just going to a job and living for the weekends?

If yes . . . Today’s podcast is for you.

In today’s episode Leah and I talk about why connecting to your purpose is equally if not more important than even finding a partner.

We chat about . . .

🌟 Signs that you are not connected to your purpose and what steps you can start to take to get closer to your purpose.

🌟 The importance of figuring out who you authentically are and how this directly impacts connecting to your purpose.

🌟 Why self-trust is essential to your ability to connect and go after your dreams.

🌟 What it actually takes to go after your dreams and what steps you can start taking today to get you moving in that direction.

This episode is jam packed with truth bombs and golden nuggets of wisdom.

Listen here to get all the juice.

Jul 27, 202239:25
Behind the scenes of the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification
Jul 20, 202201:22:50
3 Mistakes That Coaches Make That Are Keeping You In Perpetual Self-doubt

3 Mistakes That Coaches Make That Are Keeping You In Perpetual Self-doubt

I know you want to help your clients get more efficient and faster results and be known as the go to coach in your niche.

This episode is for you if . . .

❌  You have completed a certification and you are gung ho about getting started, but the idea of getting on a call right now with a paying client makes you want to crawl into a ball and hide.

❌ Right now you are afraid you won’t be able to get your clients results in the time frame you have allocated.

❌ Getting onto a consult call with someone and hearing the issues they are having and instead of feeling excited about diving in with them and enrolling them into your program you go into self-doubt and start to wonder whether or not you acn really help them get to their end goal.

❌ That your going to get on a call and not know what to say or your client is going to bring a problem that you don’t know how to navigate through,

❌ You're feeling a bit overwhelmed and uncertain about who you exactly help and the process you take them through so that they do get the results they desire.

So why should you even listen to me - Because -Just like you, when I first started my coaching business I was overwhelmed with self-doubt and uncertainty. It constantly felt like I was taking one step forward and two steps back.

I was constantly questioning whether or not I could really help someone get results.  The thought, "Am I a good coach" was like a broken record playing in my mind.

“Do I really know enough yet”

I was over complicating everything.

I was exhausting myself and not hitting my goals, and the few clients I had weren’t getting results as fast as I wanted for them.

Sound familiar?

I knew in my heart and soul this was the work I was put on this planet to be doing - but the fear of not getting it right was holding me back. And I now can see this was also holding my clients back.

And I want you to learn from my mistakes.

It took me surrounding myself with coaches who were strong enough to call me out on my own bullshit.  And because of the work I was willing to stretch myself, and feel uncomfortable.

I was able to gain competence in my tools and abilities so I could fully embody my gifts and when I did my clients results started to explode.🔥

Listen in to learn what they are and what you can start doing to remedy the problem.

Jul 13, 202239:44
Creating A Strong Backbone For Your Coaching Business

Creating A Strong Backbone For Your Coaching Business

Your skills are the backbone of your coaching business and when they aren’t strong and flexible your business will suffer.

Just like when your spine isn’t strong or flexible your body suffers.

You end up with back pain.

But back pain in your business looks different then it does in the body. . .

❌ You not signing clients,

❌ Clients not getting results,

❌ You constantly spin in confusion and overwhelm, doubting and second guessing yourself over and over.

But when your business’s backbone is strong and flexible, your clients . . .

🔥 Are getting amazing results,

🔥 Clients are reaching out to you wanting your help,

🔥 You feel confident and certain in your abilities to help your clients.

How do you build a strong and flexible business backbone?

Today’s podcast episode is going to tell you the exact way to go about it.

Jul 06, 202214:15
We Go First Podcast
Jun 29, 202253:55
3 Simple Steps To Embody Coaching so it Becomes Second Nature.

3 Simple Steps To Embody Coaching so it Becomes Second Nature.

Did you know coaches . . .

There are 3 simple steps to embody coaching so it becomes second nature.

When your coaching becomes second nature - yes it does happen.

✔️ You can show up for your calls feeling calm and grounded not worrying that you won’t know what to say to coach your clients.

✔️ You can stop over prepping for your coaching sessions and get back a ton of time and energy

✔️ You can feel certain that whatever your clients bring to the call you will know how to navigate the call. Even if it’s something you yourself are still working on.

. . . And we are going to cover all three steps  in today’s podcast episode.

All three are required if you want your clients to get sustainable results.

So make sure to listen in on how to start embodying your coaching tools and skills so you can be that coach that everyone is dying to work with.

Listen here to get all the juice.

Want to do it faster?

There’s no better way then doing it with peers and a mentor who wants to see you succeed. Which is exactly what we do inside the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification.

You will learn:

🦋 how to uplevel your coaching skills so you never again feel wobbly or uncertain in how to direct your clients during your coaching sessions.

🦋 how to coach through any situation that your clients bring to your sessions so you never feel lost for words or question what tool to use with your clients.

🦋 The fool proof questions to ask and tools to integrate into your coaching sessions to guarantee your clients always get results.

🦋My Super easy marketing and sales process that has clients reaching out to you who can

And so much more 🔥

Jun 22, 202217:42
 Getting Started with Amy and Eden

Getting Started with Amy and Eden

This interview is on fire 🔥🔥🔥

Amy and Eden share vulnerably what it’s been like to shift into becoming a life coach.

They talk about what . . .

✔️ Has surprised them the most.

✔️ They wish they had known before they got started that they know now.

✔️ You should know if you are just getting started.

Both of these ladies are going to inspire you to see what is truly possible when you don’t let fear run the show, and when you go after what you desire.

💥 We talk about how age doesn’t matter

💥 Previous career path doesn’t matter

And . . .

💎The truth of what you have to be willing to do to be an amazing coach.💎

Jun 15, 202239:16
How To Turn Your Desires Into Reality

How To Turn Your Desires Into Reality

How to turn your desires 💫 into reality . . .

You want to be having 5k, 10k, and 20k months as a coach. . . I get it.

Right now it feels so far off.

And letting yourself even desire it feels frightening and maybe even ridiculous.

Let’s be real - you're thinking - “it’s so far off - I’m nowhere near that.”

And you are constantly doubting your abilities as a coach so how could this ever happen, and maybe questioning yourself, “can I get people's results.”

So, of course you don’t let yourself desire what you truly want.

Of course you hold yourself back.

Because, it just feels too far away, too heavy.

And, you don’t want to feel disappointed.

I don’t blame you.

Disappointment sucks.🤦‍♀️

But . . .

In order to have what you desire you have to be willing to feel disappointment.

And it begins with letting yourself desire.💫

It’s literally the first step.

I know society has taught you that desiring is greedy, so it gives you more ammo to avoid it.  But, that’s just b.s.

There's nothing greedy about having desires.

It’s fun, and it makes life interesting.  

It’s abundant.

When you let yourself desire you give permission for others to do the same.  It’s actually one of the most giving things you can do.

So, today's episode is all about how to let yourself desire, and how to turn your desires into reality. Because you and your clients are meant to have what you desire.

Subscribe now to get all the juices.

Jun 08, 202222:27
How to look and feel amazing while you run your business
Jun 01, 202235:19
Energy Leaks

Energy Leaks

If your coaching business hasn’t quite gotten the traction you have been hoping for . . .

❌ Your clients aren’t getting the results you know is possible for them,

❌ You aren’t attracting clients that are an ideal fit for your program,

❌ You're not booking consults consistently, and when you do they have tons of excuses why they can’t do it now - too expensive, they don’t have enough time, or they just simply don’t believe it will work.

❌ Or your attracting clients, but then they come to your calls resistant, or with nothing to get coached on.

My guess is you have an integrity leak happening.🙉

Integrity leaks happen from within us as a coach and affect who we attract and can impact the effectiveness of our coaching.

And they are super common.  I know because I had one at one point too.

In today’s podcast episode  I’m going to help you begin to identify potential integrity leaks and what you can do to seal the cracks so you and your clients get the results you want.

May 25, 202219:30
How your self-concept shapes your reality with Carola Fuertes
May 18, 202243:48
Embodiment tool

Embodiment tool

Transformation can and does happen in a matter of minutes within a coaching session.🔥

In today's episode 📽  you get to listen in on me coaching my amazing student and witness her powerful transformation using the embodiment tool.

This is one of many of the amazing tools coaches walk away with from the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification.

My theory is that in order to be an amazing coach, you must experience and embody every tool you utilize on yourself first before you teach or use it with your clients.  So, that’s what we do. We practice on ourselves, with our peers, and then go apply it with our clients.

I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you Brianna for being such a beautiful example of what’s possible when you are willing to do the work.

May 11, 202224:52
Lessons from my 60k launch

Lessons from my 60k launch

Please Rachel . . .

What did you do to have such a successful launch?

I have gotten several messages like this one over the last week, so . . .

I dedicated this week's podcast to exactly that.

I’m going to share with you exactly what helped me create a 60k launch and a sold out program.🔥

So put in your airpods and here we go.

May 03, 202214:18
Becoming an energetic match for you desires

Becoming an energetic match for you desires

Let’s be real,

We all have desires 💫  and there’s nothing unspiritual about it.

It’s part of being human.

Of course they are different for different people.

And the truth is we can have whatever we desire.

If you're thinking right now - no way. I see you.  I get you.  I used to think the same thing.

There were so many things I desired that seemed like they would never be mine.  It wasn't for me.

Maybe you can relate.

But then I learned about energy ⚡️ and how it truly works and how as a human I could maximize it.

Look, as humans we are made of energy just like pretty much everything else on this planet.  And when we learn how to optimize our energy we become unstoppable.

In today's episode I’m going to teach you how I become an energetic ⚡️ match for my desires.  Because once you become an energetic match it's inevitable that you get what you desire.

I know this might sound a bit woo or you might be skeptical but listen in and give it a try. It works even if you don’t 100% believe in its magic.

Apr 27, 202216:22
Deciding with Brianna Antionette

Deciding with Brianna Antionette

Be honest, does it take you days, weeks, or even months to make a decision?

Do you find yourself drowning in the river of misery trying to make the right decision?

Terrified you will pick the wrong one and end up worse off than before. So, you just stay in limbo.  Which feels downright awful.

Truthfully a decision happens in an instant.

And if you know how to have your own back there’s nothing to be fearful of.

Today I have the pleasure of having my client Brianna Antionette on the podcast.

She shares her story about what helped her decide to go all in on herself and to follow her passion to be a life coach.

We talk about deciding and what truly is possible when you start being decisive in your life.

Listen here to get inspired and be a part of what is truly possible with one simple decision.

Apr 21, 202224:13
ONE little-used tactic that creates clients on demand

ONE little-used tactic that creates clients on demand

Look, this ONE little-used tactic creates clients on demand and it’s been totally underutilized.

So, in today's podcast episode I am sharing with you the secret to what truly creates clients and it’s probably not what you are expecting.

So make sure you stay for the entire time so you can get the secret that isn’t being talked about enough.

If you are currently feeling scared, overwhelmed, frustrated, or confused, what I am going to share with you today is going to help you.

I 100% promise you that.

This is just the beginning when you join the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification you get everything that helped me get to 100k and beyond.  And even better than a 100k, what has enabled me to guarantee all my work and get my clients serious transformation.

Listen here to get all the juice.

Apr 14, 202229:31
Are you currently struggling with money mucky?

Are you currently struggling with money mucky?

It’s like when you don’t brush your teeth in the morning your mouth feels mucky.  But this is your relationship with money.

Here some symptoms of money mucky:

❌ When you think about charging for your coaching services your heart races, your palms start to sweat, and you feel tightness all over your body.

❌ You see a high offer for a program and your draw drops and think I’ll never be able to pay for that.

❌ You automatically assume your audience doesn’t have the money to pay for your services.

Let me tell you what can happen once we shift these beliefs:

🌟 You go from discounting your services to confidently having 5 figure months

🌟 You start attracting an elevated client who is more than happy to pay for your services

🌟 You look at your bank account and you can’t believe it's yours

🌟 You start to attract more opportunities and more money than you could have ever imagined.

In today’s episode we go into how to get started in cleaning up your money drama.

Listen here.

This is just the beginning process of uncovering your money beliefs, inside the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification I have a 10 step process that walks you through how to shift these beliefs once and for all so that you can start waking up to a calendar full of clients, getting text messages thanking you for your help, and clients sending their friends and family to you. . .

I know you want that and I know that it’s available for you when you do this work.

Many of you have been asking me how can I get more support, accelerate my results and the answer is join the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification inside the program you will learn:

💎 how to uplevel your coaching skills so you never again feel wobbly or uncertain in how to direct your clients during your coaching sessions.

💎 how to coach through any situation that your clients bring to your sessions so you never feel lost for words or question what tool to use with your clients.

💎 why there’s no such thing as a difficult client and what to do when your clients are resistant to your coaching.

💎 the fool proof questions to ask and tools to integrate into your coaching sessions to guarantee your clients always get results.

💎 my super easy marketing and sales process that has clients reaching out to you who can’t wait to work with you. So you never have to worry about feeling salesy.

The Doors are open now.  We start the week of April 18th.

Apply here.

Apr 07, 202229:40
Top mistakes coaches make that HALT their clients results, and how to overcome them for good

Top mistakes coaches make that HALT their clients results, and how to overcome them for good

As a coach it’s your job to help your clients get results.  

Unfortunately this doesn’t always happen.

There are 3 main mistakes that I see happening during coaching sessions that are slowing down your clients from getting results.

1️⃣ Jumping into the pool with your clients - not staying neutral

2️⃣ Not saying the hard things - calling out what you see because of your own insecurities

3️⃣ Not setting powerful boundaries

In today's podcast episode I am sharing with you what you can do as a coach to help avoid these mistakes so that your clients are able to hit their goals and create incredible results.

Listen here to get all the juice.

Ready to master your skills as a coach and make sure your clients are getting amazing results.

Join the next round of the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification where you will learn:

💎 how to uplevel your coaching skills so you never again feel wobbly or uncertain in how to direct your clients durings your coaching sessions.

💎 how to coach through any situation that your clients bring to your sessions so you never feel lost for words or question what tool to use with your clients.

💎 why there’s no such thing as a difficult client and what to do when your clients are resistant to your coaching.

💎 the fool proof questions to ask and tools to integrate into your coaching sessions to guarantee your clients always get results.

💎 my Super easy marketing and sales process that has clients reaching out to you who can’t wait to work with you. So you never have to worry about feeling salesy.

You can stop worrying if you are a good coach, what to say or do on a call, or where your next client is coming from and have complete control over your business and life.

Imagine waking up every morning knowing that you are going to make a difference in someone’s life today.  That because of you they are now living their best life. And that you are making a great living following your dharma

Mar 31, 202239:51
Meshing Hypnotherapy & Coaching with Clarissa Tu
Mar 23, 202235:08
The 5 C's You Must Have To Be a Coach
Mar 16, 202226:17
Behind the Scenes with Tiffany Mason

Behind the Scenes with Tiffany Mason

Do you ever wonder who puts together all of my podcasts?  I used to do it myself until I hired Tiffany Mason with VirtuallyYou! She acts as me (see she is virtually me) for all aspects of my podcast.  She grabs my audio from my podcast host, Anchor, and wa-la it is a podcast that is on all popular platforms as well as my YouTube Channel!!  When you see posts about my podcast she has created those as well.  She's great to pull out bite-sized pieces of my episodes and promote each one. I have total confidence in Tiffany and peace of mind she has this limb of my business covered!!  I cannot tell you what a treat this has been to add her to my team!

Tiffany is also a client of mine.  She is in my current round of coaching with other coaches.  While Tiffany is not a coach herself she has found a lot of value in the program and has been able to work through some mindset that would have kept her stuck!  She shared a few of the tools she has learned that will last her well beyond this program.  Her business is growing and she's putting practices in place now that will benefit her down the road. Listen to the full episode to learn exactly what she does and her results from the coaching program with yours truly!

If you are ready to get some of your time back from your podcast - schedule a call with Tiffany to see if she'd be a fit for you and your podcast!

To Connect with Tiffany at VirtuallyYou!

Online  / Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn

Tiffany's Podcast Memories with a Beat...check it out!!

Want a coaching business full of clients that you love where you are making an impact and making money?

Join the next round of the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification.

Click here to apply.

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Mar 09, 202251:08
Mar 02, 202217:08
Anything is Possible with Juliana Garcia
Feb 23, 202247:15
Listening Hard

Listening Hard

Are you listening hard?

Most people aren’t, and think they are.

Did you know that there are actually four parts to listening?

And when you learn this skill your coaching will improve dramatically and so will every and any relationship in your life.

This skill is essential for all coaches and I would say all human beings.

Listen in on today’s episode and I’m going to teach you what it requires to listen hard.  You will start to see your life dramatically improve by just adding this one tool to your life.

Want to integrate more tools like this into your coaching business? And truly be a masterful coach who knows how to help her clients get real lasting results.

Doors are open for the next cohort of Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification.

Here’s what you will learn:

💎 How to uplevel your coaching skills so you never again feel wobbly or uncertain in how to direct your clients during your coaching sessions.

💎 How to coach through any situation that your clients bring to your sessions so you never feel lost for words or question what tool to use with your clients.

💎 Why there’s no such thing as a difficult client and what to do when your clients are resistant to your coaching.

💎 The foolproof questions to ask and tools to integrate into your coaching sessions to guarantee your clients always get results.

💎 My Super easy marketing and sales process that has clients reaching out to you who can’t wait to work with you. So you never have to worry about feeling salesy.

You can stop worrying if you are a good coach, what to say or do on a call, or where your next client is coming from and have complete control over your business and life.💫

Imagine waking up every morning knowing that you are going to make a difference in someone’s life today.  That because of you they are now living their best life. And that you are making a great living following your dharma.🙏

Join before 3/1 and get $500 off and access to the first three modules right away. Plus a bonus 1:1 strategy session with me.

Apply here.

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Or on my website

Feb 16, 202216:01
Identity Shifts After Loss
Feb 09, 202224:01
Indulgent Emotions
Feb 02, 202220:25
It's All Magic

It's All Magic

Do you believe in magic?

What about magic in your business?

Most people say that magic is for children, that it’s not real.

But, magical things happen in your business when you open yourself up to the unseen.

I know it can be hard to believe in something you can’t see, I used to be a skeptic too, but then I decided what the heck - it couldn't hurt to give it a try.

What I can tell you is, the more I embrace the magic of what the universe has to offer the more my business thrives.  This is incredible because that means more people are raising their consciousness and together we can change the world.

In today’s episode, I have my friend and peer Sam Garcia. She owns her own marketing agency and mixes strategy with the spiritual.  Today we are talking all about making your business a magical experience.

Listen in to get all the magic.

Sam Garcia is the founder & lead marketing strategist of Dirty Alchemy Digital Marketing. With the help of her team, she designs & runs multiple-6-figure online program launches for magical 7-figure businesses that are changing the world. “Tech Magician” for the likes of Carolyn Elliott & Simone Seol, this triple Virgo is on a mission to push her clients deeper into their role as creatrix, thought leader & visionary CEO.

Sam runs the 6-month Alchemical Business Intensive for established online businesses to scale beyond 6 figures and hosts the Business As A Magical Practice podcast. Look out for her collaboration with Existential Kink author Carolyn Elliott for the RIGHT-HAND WOMAN certification program to train the next-level support for visionary leaders across the internet.

You can connect with Sam on IG @

Connect with me on Instagram

Or on my website

Jan 26, 202236:26
The Goal Isn't Happiness
Jan 19, 202217:35
It's Time to Stop Trading Hours for Dollars
Jan 12, 202247:16
Big Hairy Ass Goals
Jan 05, 202231:12
Would You Be a Good Coach?
Dec 29, 202128:26
Being Resilient with Christinna Kitchaiya
Dec 22, 202140:19
Processing Emotions
Dec 15, 202121:27