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You Ain't Crazy Podcast, A Narcissist Has Two Faces!

You Ain't Crazy Podcast, A Narcissist Has Two Faces!

By Rachel Real

Raising awareness about narcissistic abuse, from relationships to narcissism in the work place. I did my work and was able to successfully heal and never looked back. My mission and purpose is to help you to do the same! I want Narc victims to know, you're not alone. I know the narc wants to steal your mind and identity by consistently manipulating and gaslighting you. You will get the clarity, support and validation the narc will never give to you. Confirming, You Are Not Crazy! What you're experiencing, is very real!

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Tips On How To Build Your Self Esteem & Confidence, Episode 7

You Ain't Crazy Podcast, A Narcissist Has Two Faces! Oct 08, 2023

I Can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!Episode 10

I Can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!Episode 10

Phillopians. 4:13, Through Jesus Christ, all things are possible, if you believe. Faith without works is dead. What are you doing with your 24 hours?
Oct 15, 202325:30
How To Get Back At A Narcissist, Episode 9

How To Get Back At A Narcissist, Episode 9

Very often you might think getting back at a narcissist is doing tit for tat, be mean to them, argue back & etc. It's actually the opposite. They expect to get a rise from you. It is why they enjoy mistreating you. You know their game now. Don't fall for it.
Oct 11, 202312:15
#Narcissists Are Evil & Mean Spirited People, Episode 8

#Narcissists Are Evil & Mean Spirited People, Episode 8

When the mask slips, you will truly see the narcissist just for who they are. Don't be bamboozled by the facade. They don't want you to see them for who they really are. If so, they know most people wouldn't dare accept their abuse. They would run away so fast. Overall, they will show you exactly who they are. Stop ignoring the red flags. Simply put, narcissists are mean and evil spirited.
Oct 10, 202318:12
Tips On How To Build Your Self Esteem & Confidence, Episode 7

Tips On How To Build Your Self Esteem & Confidence, Episode 7

Here are some survival tips on how to build your self esteem and confidence. Stop thinking you can change someone else.. Changing your own bad habits is hard enough. Start putting the work in Daily! Focus on yourself and nobody else for 28 days. Practice makes perfect! Of course, take care of any minors! However, make sure your mind is clear so that you can do so! Be the person you want to see change in. You got this!
Oct 08, 202315:36
Things That Triggers A #Narcissistic Rage, Episode 6

Things That Triggers A #Narcissistic Rage, Episode 6

Narcs are very sensitive and easily offended without you even trying to offend them. They will blame you for everything without taking any accountability. They don't know how to regulate their emotions and lack empathy. So, don't feed into their drama. They are the ones with the problem You don't need their validation. Keep your head up high. Believe in yourself. You ain't crazy. What you're feeling is very real!
Oct 06, 202317:08
Your Relationship Is Toxic If You're Experiencing These Things. Episode 5

Your Relationship Is Toxic If You're Experiencing These Things. Episode 5

Check out some of the major toxic relationship characteristics. You might not even know that you're being emotionally abused and manipulated. Knowledge is power!
Oct 05, 202325:42
Your Success Irks The #Narcissist's Soul! Episode 4

Your Success Irks The #Narcissist's Soul! Episode 4

The #Narcissist hates the thought of you doing great They want you to do bad forever.. The thought of you winning, irks their soul! Take your power back and never give it away again!
Oct 04, 202321:39
Take Your Power Back From The #Narcissist. Episode 3 Season 3

Take Your Power Back From The #Narcissist. Episode 3 Season 3

Greater is in you than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4. Stop letting toxic, abusive people make you feel less than. You are more powerful than you can imagine. Change starts with you. If you don't like the way something is, what are you doing to change it?
Oct 03, 202325:17
You Are Not Who The Narcissist Thinks You Are! Episode 2

You Are Not Who The Narcissist Thinks You Are! Episode 2

It is important that you really know who you are. The narcissist wants you to believe they know you better than you know yourself Don't feed into their nonsense. You're really better than they could ever imagine. Once you start walking in your purpose, you will see you deserve better!
Jul 23, 202331:39


Practicing self love and forgiveness is key to your healing. Remember, God gave you push through and healing power to defeat the narcissist! It's up to you to believe it, receive it and walk in it!
Jul 22, 202316:23
Don't Let The #Narcissist Hoover You Today! Episode 53

Don't Let The #Narcissist Hoover You Today! Episode 53

Happy Mother's Day! Today might be a vulnerable day for some. Be strong, mindful and wise about the ways of a narcissist. Be careful to not allow yourself to get hoovered back in thir evil web. If you do, plan to be tortured and treated 10 times worse!
May 14, 202324:12
Enduring Pain While In A Relationship, Is Not A Strength! Pt. 1 & 2, Happy Mother's Day! Episode 52

Enduring Pain While In A Relationship, Is Not A Strength! Pt. 1 & 2, Happy Mother's Day! Episode 52

Happy Mother's Day! It's not a badge of honor to allow someone to mistreat you in a relationship or a marriage. However, it is a sign of strength and courage when you set boundaries and stick to them. Also, I want to correct my math in this episode, before y'all judge me. My mom transitioned 24 years ago. I accidentally said 34 years ago. Happy Mother's Day!😊
May 12, 202326:38
Women, Know Your Worth! Episode 51

Women, Know Your Worth! Episode 51

Stop dimming your light to enable someone else. If a man wants a parenting relationship instead of a partner, you might just be unequally yoked. Not compatible. Relationships should be a partnership. How can you have a winning team, if your partner is always fighting against you? That's a toxic mess. Women, know your worth. I am not saying men don't have issues with women. However, as a woman, I am speaking from her prospective. Love & Peace to all mankind!
May 07, 202339:06
Why The #Narcissist Love Picking Fights With You! Episode 50

Why The #Narcissist Love Picking Fights With You! Episode 50

Without conflict and some kind of drama going on, the narcissist gets bored. They yearn for supply to torture. That supply is you! It's their oxygen to breathe. Which is why they will always find something to argue about. Even if they have to make up a lie. Don't take it personal. Projecting, manipulating, and gaslighting is what they do or they wouldn't be a narcissist.
Apr 23, 202324:10
How To Know If You're Really With A #Narcissist! Episode 49

How To Know If You're Really With A #Narcissist! Episode 49

A Narcissist will show you signs. You just have to lift your head up out of the sand. Call a thing a thing. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck! Do your own research about the personality type, watch the pattern and make your own assessment.
Apr 21, 202332:40
Some Of The Things A #Narcissist Will Do In The Beginning. Episode 48

Some Of The Things A #Narcissist Will Do In The Beginning. Episode 48

A #narcissist will show their true colors eventually. Learn about the personality disorder and look out for the red flags in the beginning of the relationship. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. Don't make excuses for weird behavior. Move accordingly and protect your peace!
Apr 15, 202324:22
The #Narcissist Is Not Your God! Episode 47

The #Narcissist Is Not Your God! Episode 47

A Narcissist will intentionally try to control you. They want to be your puppet master. Don't fall for it. You came in this world alone. You're going to leave alone. Never put all of your trust in Noone, but God!
Apr 07, 202320:31
Protecting Yourself From A #Narcissist! Episode 46

Protecting Yourself From A #Narcissist! Episode 46

Narcissists are all around us. At some point in your life, you will have a personal encounter with one. You can't escape the possibilities. Raise your discernment and emotional intelligence by gaining as much knowledge as possible so that you're prepared when it happens.
Apr 02, 202322:04
The #Narcissist Doesn't Care That You're Gone! Episode 46

The #Narcissist Doesn't Care That You're Gone! Episode 46

Hopefully, you don't care about what the narcissist wants or don't want. Unfortunately, there are those who still ruminate about the narcissist. If you're someone who still desires to be with someone who blatantly treats you terribly, you might not want to listen to this episode. Unless, you're ready to take your power back and love yourself more than you love the narcissist.
Mar 30, 202324:09
Society Glorifies #Narcissists! Episode 45

Society Glorifies #Narcissists! Episode 45

Don't be surprised when others gaslight you to be believe that you're the problem when sharing your horrible experience from a narcissist. Or, they tell you, it's not as bad as your saying it is. Stand in your truth by setting boundaries and sticking to them. Show yourself some self love and keep it moving towards something better and to someone else who will respect and love you, just for who you are.
Mar 29, 202322:47
Let The#Narcissist Be Your Past and Not Your Future! Episode 44

Let The#Narcissist Be Your Past and Not Your Future! Episode 44

Stop living in the past and look towards what's ahead of you. You can't change what happened yesterday, last month or last year. Stop trying. It'll never happen. It is what it is. Learn from your error and do better moving forward. Seize the now moment.
Mar 28, 202333:32
Five Weaknesses A #Narcissist Has! Episode 43

Five Weaknesses A #Narcissist Has! Episode 43

Everyone has weaknesses. The difference between a narcissist's weaknesses and a person who isn't a narcissist is, the narcissist's weaknesses hurts the other person intentionally. That's what you have to think about when you're thinking about giving them a pass. Learn as much as you can about a narcissistic personality type to protect yourself, heart, mind, energy and your peace!
Mar 23, 202329:17
Things A Narcissist Will Do At The End Of The Relationship. Episode 42

Things A Narcissist Will Do At The End Of The Relationship. Episode 42

A Narcissist doesn't like rejection or abandonment. Despite the fact that they are the main reason for it happening in the relationship. They're going to work overtime to smear your image and hurt you in any way possible. The good news is, there is hope for you and a light at the end of the tunnel. However, you must play your cards right. Start off by shutting up! DO NOT let them know anything else about you. Kill them with kindness. Start playing Chess and not Checkers.
Mar 15, 202332:56
What Does A #Narcissist Do When They Realize You're A Strong One? Episode 41

What Does A #Narcissist Do When They Realize You're A Strong One? Episode 41

A Narcissist is up for the challenge at breaking you down. Or, they'll just move on to an easier prey. If you get away to save your life, consider yourself truly blessed and never look back!
Mar 11, 202328:57
Happy International Women's Day! Don't Let The Narcissist Steal Your Joy!

Happy International Women's Day! Don't Let The Narcissist Steal Your Joy!

I'm about 50 minutes late with this episode. Nevertheless, better late than never. I want to wish a Happy Women's Day to women all over the world! Happy Women's History Month as well! Don't let the narcissist steal your joy!
Mar 09, 202317:51
You Too Movement With A #Narcissist, Episode 39

You Too Movement With A #Narcissist, Episode 39

A narcissist will never accept accountability. They will always have an excuse for mistreating you. They will tell you that it's your fault. "You made me do it." Everything that's going wrong, is because of you. They want to brainwash you to believe their lies. Don't fall for it! You'll never win the battle until you take your power back and keep it. Move on to higher heights in your life and let them be. Learn to love some people from a far!
Feb 05, 202341:54
A #Narcissist Doesn't Care About Giving You Closure! Episode 38

A #Narcissist Doesn't Care About Giving You Closure! Episode 38

After a break-up, your average person will feel or show some kind of compassion towards the other person. Not a narcissist. They will act cold as ice, unless they still want or need some supply from you that the new supply isn't giving or can't give. Count your losses and keep it moving to save yourself from any additional heartache. If you go back, you're going to look weak and they're going to then treat you 10 times worse! I know it sounds harsh. However, it's the truth.
Jan 10, 202335:13
Nothing Will Ever Be Enough For A #Narcissist! Episode 37

Nothing Will Ever Be Enough For A #Narcissist! Episode 37

Plan to be tortured for eternity if you stick around. It will never be a win for you, until you take your power back. Set boundaries and stick to them. A narcissist doesn't want you if you're weak and don't want to keep you if you're strong, even though they chased you to lock you down. It doesn't matter. They only wanted you to start the abuse process. That is why you're experiencing the hurt now. Please start matching the energy they're giving you and move accordingly. Don't let them take you out of character. Move with class. Do it safely and tastefully.
Jan 04, 202327:19


Happy New Year! Wow, I can't believe 2022 is over. Welcome 2023! This episode consists of some New Year's Resolution ideas to start healing from Narc abuse and avoiding it at all cost when you can. Of course, always put safety first.
Jan 02, 202334:11
A #Narcissist's Affection Is Deceiving! Episode 35

A #Narcissist's Affection Is Deceiving! Episode 35

A Narcissist can show fake affection. It's not genuine. It's only for their own gain. Don't fall for it. Be respectful and learn to love from a distance, if you don't want to get hurt again. They can't help themselves. Unless they're in therapy multiple times per week for NPD, there's just no hope for them. Do you really want to live the rest of your life this way? That's the million dollar question.
Dec 26, 202238:56
You're Enough, Period! Episode 34

You're Enough, Period! Episode 34

If you think you need someone to make you whole, that's when you need to love on yourself more! Spoil yourself! Don't let the narcissist convince you to think or do otherwise. Don't allow them to overstep your boundaries and cause drama between you and your loved ones. That's their mission. Stop engaging and defending yourself. The narcissist knows exactly what they're doing to you. Step away and laser focus on your dreams and aspirations. If you can dream it, you can be it! You're enough, period!
Dec 20, 202224:40
Give Your #Kid(s) The Gifts Of Love, Peace, Respect, Affection & More! Episode 33

Give Your #Kid(s) The Gifts Of Love, Peace, Respect, Affection & More! Episode 33

Children learn what they live. It is the parent or guardian's responsibility to provide a safe and stabled emotional environment for them to grow up and develop in. Stop giving attention to people and situations you can't change. Stop the generational curse that has haunted so many people in today's society. Change starts today with you!
Dec 16, 202226:47
Being Nice Is Powerful When Dealing With A #Narcissist! Episode 32

Being Nice Is Powerful When Dealing With A #Narcissist! Episode 32

A Narcissist expects you to be emotional and angry when they're torturing you. If you can, get away from them all together. If you can't because of children, business or other extenuating circumstances, definitely go grey rock. Have very little engagement with them. Say little to nothing. Remember, they're waiting to edit your narrative to work in their favor, always! Keep your power by staying true to your character, morals and values.
Dec 13, 202234:41
How Are You Using Your 24 Hours? Episode 31

How Are You Using Your 24 Hours? Episode 31

Dealing with a #narcissist can be very draining if you allow yourself to engage. Give that time back to yourself. Do something constructive and productive. Do something that moves you forward and will enhance your life. Otherwise, you will find yourself wasting time with the hours God has granted to you.
Dec 09, 202225:28
Re-Idealizing From A #Narcissist Is Just As Fake As The First Time! Episode 30

Re-Idealizing From A #Narcissist Is Just As Fake As The First Time! Episode 30

A Narcissist can make you feel good temporarily or for a moment. At the end of the day, they are human beings. However, you must remember they have a personality disorder. So, there will always be a motive or an agenda behind their actions, good or bad, that's only in their favor. It has nothing to do with you. Don't let your guards down. Keep gaining knowledge to protect your mind, heart, soul and peace.
Dec 01, 202228:38
A #Narcissist Will Blindside You On A Regular Basis. Episode 30

A #Narcissist Will Blindside You On A Regular Basis. Episode 30

Keep your guards up by gaining as much knowledge as you can about NPD. Knowledge is power. It will help you set boundaries and keep them in place at all times. Narcissists are master manipulators who love to see you sweat, be confused and sad. They love to be the cause of your tears and then act as if they're clueless and don't know why you're hurting. Don't be fooled any longer by their games. Take your power back by never letting your guards down when dealing with a narcissist.
Nov 30, 202225:29
What A #Narcissist Look For In A Spouse Or Partner. Episode 29

What A #Narcissist Look For In A Spouse Or Partner. Episode 29

A Narcissist has no clue as to what he or she is looking for in a spouse or partner. Never believe them or try to live up to any of their expectations. It's 100% a waste of time! Put that time into people who genuinely love and respect you. Those who reciprocate what you give to them. You'll never get anything real from a narcissist. They will always have a manipulating agenda. Don't ever trust one! Period!
Nov 29, 202215:35
Holidays Coparenting Vibes, Tips For When You're Dealing With A #Narcissist. Episode 29

Holidays Coparenting Vibes, Tips For When You're Dealing With A #Narcissist. Episode 29

The #Narcissist is invested in trying to make your life miserable. Don't fall for it. This episode gives you some tips on how to resist the manipulation from the master manipulator aka Narcissist! Focus on you and your child or children. Light and darkness can't be around each other at the same time. It's like oil and water.. They don't mix. Don't feed the dark Vibes any energy. Keep positive vibes no matter what and you'll always win!
Nov 25, 202230:56
How To Love Again, After A Narcissistic Abusive Breakup! Episode 28

How To Love Again, After A Narcissistic Abusive Breakup! Episode 28

Make loving yourself a priority. Spoil yourself for 30 days. It will then turn into a good habit. When you learn to really love and respect yourself, it becomes very hard for others to violate you! Now you understand your value and worth. It's a beautiful thing! It helps you to set boundaries and not allow others to cross them. You will began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Start to really love yourself before inviting another person in to do it for you. Love starts with you!💚 Me, Myself & I!!😊
Nov 22, 202222:52
LET YOUR "NO's," MEAN,"NO!" PERIODT!! Episode 27

LET YOUR "NO's," MEAN,"NO!" PERIODT!! Episode 27

We're entering into the holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Qwanza, Hanukkah and many other holiday celebrations. It's a time when society makes you feel like being alone and loving yourself and enjoying self time is weird and wrong. Don't fall for it.. It's a beautiful thing, when you choose yourself and your peace, over chaos, drama and confusion. You might be tempted or persuaded to compromise on your, "No's." Don't give in. Trust your gut and stick to the boundaries that hopefully you have in place. You just might save your life! You will definitely protect your peace and sanity!
Nov 21, 202223:46
Watch Who You Call Your Friend, He/She Just Might Be Your #Narcissistic Enemy! Episode 26

Watch Who You Call Your Friend, He/She Just Might Be Your #Narcissistic Enemy! Episode 26

Try the spirit by the spirit! Read the energy a person gives. Not only to you, but to others as well. Raise your discernment. A narcissist doesn't discriminate. Whatever they do to someone else, it's just a matter of time before they're going to do the same to you, without any guilt or empathy. They are very empty evil souls.
Nov 20, 202241:09
A #Narcissist Will Seek Revenge After Being Discarded. Knowledge Up!! Episode 25

A #Narcissist Will Seek Revenge After Being Discarded. Knowledge Up!! Episode 25

Narcissists have very fragile egos. It doesn't take much to cause a narcissistic injury. They never take accountability. It's always the other person's fault. When you finally choose yourself over them, leave or discard them, they feel highly insulted and injured, regardless of all of the pain they inflicted upon you! Set boundaries and stick to them and Knowledge Up!!
Nov 17, 202224:20
When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them, The First Time! Episode 24

When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them, The First Time! Episode 24

You can count on a narcissist revealing their true colors. It's only matter of time before the mask will slip. The question is, will you believe the mask or believe the character behind it?
Nov 17, 202228:31
 #Narcissists Are Very Entitled People! Episode 23

#Narcissists Are Very Entitled People! Episode 23

A Narcissist feels like the world owes them something. That means you and everyone else. They take no accountability nor do they genuinely reciprocate what you do for them. Trust and believe, there's always a twist to their fake good deeds. They can't help themselves. Do yourself a favor and never get comfortable with them. Their good deed is just an investment to control your mind, body and soul. Unfortunately, it's never genuine.
Nov 15, 202231:23
Should You Stay Or Leave A #Narcissist? Episode 22

Should You Stay Or Leave A #Narcissist? Episode 22

If you have to ask yourself that question, I believe you already know the answer. Trust your gut. Watch what a person does and not just what they say. Their action will give you your answer.
Nov 14, 202226:05
Do You Have A Trauma Bond With A #Narcissist? Episode 21

Do You Have A Trauma Bond With A #Narcissist? Episode 21

It's time to have some self-awareness. Are you addicted to the pain and drama from your abuser. What's keeping you stuck in a situation that's hurting you and not moving you forward? What's causing you to keep making excuses for your abuser and giving unlimited passes? You might just have a trauma bond or Stockholm Syndrome.
Nov 11, 202224:23
#Narcissists Are Cowards! Episode 20

#Narcissists Are Cowards! Episode 20

Narcissists feel empty inside and they lack confidence, despite how they look and what they might have. They have loads of insecurities and project them onto their victims. Stop giving up your power by not engaging when they come for you. Go no contact if you can. If you can't, go gray rock. Give the simplest response. No matter what you say, they only hear themselves. You're just an object to them. Protect your peace and mental by planning your exit asap and leave them for good.
Nov 10, 202227:21
A #Narcissist Has A Personality Disorder, Periodt! Episode 19

A #Narcissist Has A Personality Disorder, Periodt! Episode 19

Very often society rewards and embraces narcissistic behavior. The narcissists appear to be very charming and persuasive to those they are not involved with on a regular basis. Anyone who stays around one long enough, will definitely see their true colors. However, if you're dealing with one, gain as much knowledge as you can about the disorder. Once you have a clear understanding, you'll be better equipped with knowing how to make your next move. You'll understand how to play chess and not checkers and how to use reverse psychology to regain your power and peace.
Nov 09, 202224:03
Stop Taking The Blame From A #Narcissist! Episode 18

Stop Taking The Blame From A #Narcissist! Episode 18

A Narcissist is one with a personality disorder. The likelihood of them changing, is the same likelihood of you winning the mega million, slim to never. Nobody is perfect. However, a narcissist will never take blame unless it makes them look good in front of other people. Otherwise, anything that goes wrong, will always be your fault. Take your power back and stop falling for their manipulative tactics. You got this!
Nov 07, 202230:02
Don't Let A #Narcissist Take You Out Of Character! Episode 17

Don't Let A #Narcissist Take You Out Of Character! Episode 17

Narcissists knows everything they're doing to you. It's intentional because they are unhappy, empty creatures who wants you to feel the same. They don't discriminate. No one is exempt from their abuse, if you allow them to abuse you. Your power is your knowledge. Your peace is you moving in silence with action. You're not alone. There's nothing you're going through that someone else has not made it through. Keep your head up high. You got this!
Oct 28, 202218:56