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The Bleeding Edge Podcast

The Bleeding Edge Podcast

By Ralph Behnke

The stories behind the people, the projects and the technologies that are changing the way we live and work. Every week we interview an innovator at the bleeding edge and discuss their ideas and what it will take for them to become adopted and scale into mainstream.
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2. Find the 3% of your network that make the difference

The Bleeding Edge PodcastMar 27, 2020

Creating the new language of collaboration with values
Sep 01, 202048:30
Retail Revolution or bust!
Aug 14, 202001:02:55
Earth connection practice... creating the future with a little help from the past

Earth connection practice... creating the future with a little help from the past

We walk in the footsteps of a thousand generations…what sort of world are we leaving for the next generations?  This is the question that Jamie and Sara, founders of Wyapa Wuurrk, set out to answer and in the process created a movement based on the philosophy of earth connection practice.  It is all based on ancient Indigenous wisdom that focuses on taking care of the Earth as the starting point for creating Earth Mind Body Spirit well-being.    Living in harmony with their environment is what sustained Australian Aboriginal people to be one of the world’s oldest, continuous living culture – for over 100,000 years!  Jamie and Sara are clear that this practice can sustain us for another 100, 000 years if we just open ourselves to this lifestyle shift.

Jamie is a custodian of wisdom passed down from Aboriginal Elders and in his own journey he realised that every human being once lived on this earth in harmony with the environment.  Many cultures lost this way of life long ago. Aboriginal culture survived longer than most and this gives us the opportunity to recreate this earth connection practice.  I have personally sought out nature for most of my life, finding my happiest moments deep in a forest or a long way up a mountain.  This conversation with Jamie and Sara helped me make sense of this intense feeling I have to surround myself with nature and how to truly embrace this every day. Wyapa, means "connected country" and through a combination of Earth mindfulness, narrative meditation, a series of physical movements and taking action to look after the planet, Wayapa® provides a sense of belonging to the Earth while creating holistic well-being.

Perhaps the most striking aspect of the Wyapa experience is that you can do the mind, body and spirit work but if you don't connect to the earth then you will likely be living with a feeling that something is missing.  Our route to the future is through our past and I personally can't wait get around a campfire with Jamie and Sara.  I hope you enjoy this episode exploring what it means to be deeply connected to the planet and how this might just be the catalyst to bring all of our wellbeing practice to bear as we look to go beyond survival and actually thrive with the planet.

Connect with Wyapa here

Aug 11, 202001:08:10
Building the future one teenager at a time.
Jul 28, 202038:55
The lost 38% of communication, change your voice change your life.

The lost 38% of communication, change your voice change your life.

In this episode we speak to Emma Buratti, defender of beautiful sound and voice coach extraordinaire.   Emma unveils that 38% of communication is in your voice, and most people are under investing in training their voice to truly unlock their charisma and communication potential.  

Are you spreading your e's and a's?  Apparently I do and I had no idea it was something I could control.  Emma sets out the 6 steps she uses to coach clients and offers a unique insight into the power of building a voice note by note.  What is the secret? Stop everything that impedes the voice of you mind by stripping back your dialect, cleaning your voice up to create an upright sound column instead of swallowing your own voice or pushing it through your nose.  Sound travels in the vowels, a, e, i, o, u.....  so flip the consonants and focus on your vowels as everything else is impeding your ability to communicate effectively.

Training your voice correctly is all about repetition, but you need have someone to help you interpret what good sound sounds.  Like any muscle you need to practice and warm up but you need to do it right to become a true athlete of the voice.  While it takes 6 to 12 months to really make an impact, Emma shares stories of helping podcasters and CEO's with tips and techniques that can shift your capability in just 2 hours. 

Emma spent 10 years of building her voice note by note to finally achieve an E flat.   She is carrying on the tradition of her mentor, Alma Caesari who is now 96 years old and she is sharing this skill with the world through her programme "the voice of your mind".

If you produce more air than sound and find your voice in strange places then you will now doubt find Emma's voice a delight to listen to and as intoxicating as I did.

Connect with Emma on LinkedIn here

For the The Voice of your mind website click here

Jul 21, 202001:03:59
Be a dad, be a husband be a family hero.
Jul 17, 202043:39
The trinity of breath, mobility and strength training for wellbeing
Jul 13, 202001:09:49
Eradicate 10% of sick is how with Dr Barry Harpur

Eradicate 10% of sick is how with Dr Barry Harpur

In this episode...Eradicating Back Pain with preventative care...saying no to cut and swallow pain management techniques and remove 85% of all back pain related sick days...circa 10% of the total sick days!

Dr. Barry Harpur is an Osteopath and a researcher with University of Portsmouth where he is leading a defining study that will set out the global standard for assessing back pain and developing pro-active maintenance programmes.

Why does this matter?  In the UK 12.5% of all sick days are due to back pain.  The UK spends £12.5bn a year treating back pain and the US spends $100bn on treating back pain with over 500 000 spinal fusions every year.  "So what" you say....I know I did until you hear Barry telling you that 85% of all backspin is not specific.  There is no diagnosis other than back pain.  What are they treating them for he asks?  They are treating them for pain and operating on them when we know the source of it is somewhere else.  Once you have gone under the knife you have had it!  So as with so much about human health it is lifestyle related.

Sedentary lifestyle, smoking, overweight, stress are all contributors.  Yet, we have control over it and this is where Barry brings some real hope.

Our bodies are built for entirely different movement regimes than we enforce today.  Barry sets out that our forward orientated view of the world needs to be supported by training on 3 plains of movement and in the episode he shares some of his finding into the backpain phenomena and his work on injury prediction.

I quote Barry:  We have an epidemic of backpain and and once you push the button on surgery it is game over.  We need to work on a preventative care programme to really make a difference.  Here are 2 examples:

If you cannot laterally sidebend evenly left and right have a 60% chance of developing non specific back pain

People with no curve in their back or a very large curve, hyper-lourdosis, have 15% more likelihood to develop non specific back pain.

But we can influence these areaeas and reduce the back pain.

Barry is building an app that will be able to support a very quick clinical test based on the most valid and reliable tests which he will teach people while creating a standardised test that can be used by all healthcare  practitioners worldwide.  How they asses back pain will be standard but how they treat it will be their own treatment protocols.

The industry is run by financial gain and pain is designed and built in the mind yet with this new protocol there is a better model for healthcare to test.  How this standard for backpain develops will be fascinating.  Imagine reducing the 12.5% of sick days that are attributed to it by 85%!!!

There are 6 key exercise that Barry teaches for people to help themselves. " We build the body from the ground up.  If the foundation is off, the feet or the ankles , it will manifest up the spine and throughout the body" . Train people in full range of motion so that when they unexpectedly move in that way that they do not injure themselves. 

Barry has a fundamental understanding of the problem of backpain at such a profound level that you have to think that anything we are getting this wrong .....remember 500 000 spinal fusions in the US alone!  and that we have such a simple solution for.... must surely be able to break free from the bleeding edge and make it into our daily routine.

Dr. Barry Harpur practices out of the Kinesis Clinic in Portsmouth and runs a Digital Academy called

Connect with Barry Harpur on linked in here

Go to here

The Bleeding Edge Podcast here

Jul 02, 202045:45
This Japanese entrepreneur's secret to success?....Laziness

This Japanese entrepreneur's secret to success?....Laziness

I talk to Yuki Inose, a serial entrepreneur with several businesses in Tokyo, Japan.  We discuss th evirtues of being lazy and building your business around these leanest of business practices.  Yuki practices modesty to the extreme but he does give us some insights into how he has created a successful chain of gyms, facial salons, a fashion label and a Tokyo members bar.  Yuki drives clients between his businesses.  Most interesting is how they move between a members bar and a gym that he runs in Tokyo.  In his latest venture he is building an online community. In Japan they are called Online Salons and it is big business with users paying $10 per month with memberships of up to 60 000 people.  That is a pretty good membership model for a virtual group.  In Yuki's version of this community  He teaches people how to be healthy, how to get fit and he is gaining traction in building this new following by engaging the community to understand what they need and build new products for them.

Japan has gone through a lot with the Tsunami, Fukushima, C-19 and as a result it has lost the Olympics.  A challenge given the $5 trillion investment and a distinct lack of innovation that is causing it to lose ground to China.  Having said that, modern Japanese culture is on the move and traditional command and control values are shifting .  The strength of the older generation is perhaps lost on the younger generations but they love to travel and they love to be free which is very outward looking compared to the Japanese of the past.

Yuki also cant stop talking about how cheap Japan is at the moment and I am keen to put it to the test.  I hope I will be able to report that he is right!

I hope you enjoy this episode and if you hear any noises in the background that is just the fire crackling! 

Jun 30, 202034:03
The training industry goes 100% virtual delivery

The training industry goes 100% virtual delivery

Your first instinct might be to think that corporate training going virtual is not the most riveting subject to be listening to but that was until Corrina Towers started talking about it. Corrina leads training engagements for First Friday and specialises in building high performing sales teams in retail, life sciences and property development.  Her clients have included business such as Tesco, Polo Ralph Lauren and she has recently developed a virtual training capability for several clients that were in the midst of implementing new systems when lockdown happened.

Any significant change in an organisation has to pass through a training stage before new systems and ways of working can be implemented.  Systems Training in particular is typically a complex blend of new technology, features, process and sometimes even new roles.  Training out this complex combination has typically relied heavily on face to face training sessions but not any more.

The model has been re-invented to move to a full virtual delivery and a deluge of new virtual delivery skills, optimised content and technologies are required to make it work.

Corrina shares her observations about what has changed and we discuss in some detail:

What are the componenets of a virtual traning model

What is different about the way that we deliver

What technology do we need

What skills do people need

When does virtual training work

When does it not work

What does the future hold for traiing… if we are going t go virtual with everything and we will ceratainly see that this a

Corporate training has shifted to a new model.  Face to face and lecture style training has it's place but the virtual movement is proving a point that it can be done with being physically present.  But it is not straightforward and there are many more ways to fail if you don't put in the right foundations, content, capabilities and technology.

What has stayed the same is that training is best done in groups.  Small teams that can learn and develop together.  Group size is key and we talk about the interesting features available on platforms such as Teams and Zoom.    The bigger the group the more people can hide in the shadows.  How you Involve them, engage them and make connections is still key but done with completely new skills.  

We even discuss Zoom fatigue...Zoomed out and Teamed Off.  All of this and more on the Bleeding Edge of Virtual Training Delivery.

Connect with Corrina on LinkedIn here

Visit First Friday here

Jun 11, 202052:28
Social Housing transforms the customer experience

Social Housing transforms the customer experience

5 million properties are rented through council or or housing associations every year and the recent evolution of the industry has sparked major shift in a customer experience.  Jordan Wheat has been at the forefront of this shift and he works with a diverse group of Housing Associations and and Property Developers to implement the Microsoft D365 CRM solution.   Jordan leads business development within this industry vertical for Crimson Technology in the UK and having worked with a variety of the most advanced players in the market and he has a unique point of view on the changes in customer expectations and the opportunities for Housing Associations in particular.  The perfect storm of changing consumer expectations, the need for efficiency, the promise of digital technology and the need to drive sales means HA's and developers are invested in change as they look to digits sales, marketing and customer service.

In this episode I talk to Jordan about the latest license free chat bot offer from Microsoft and the 5k, 5 day implementation that they are currently offering.  We also discuss what is driving the shift in customer expectations, the technology needs and the sheer complexity of the business model driving change in Housing Associations

The scale of change is massive and it is not just in social housing but also in the property developers.  All the big developers have invested heavily in gaining a single view of customer, digitising the journey and gaining access to data and insight during the marketing, seles, contracting, tenancy, ownership, repairs and maintenance and in the case of Housing Associations this could also cover a host of social services such as managing social care facilities.

Shortly nearly all new builds will be managing the customer sales process on a CRM and a customer portal and most likely with a chatbot starting the process!  That is what it looks like on the bleeding edge of property.

Contact Jordan Wheat here

See Crimson here

Jun 06, 202052:17
Indie Fashion Boutiques Pivot - Innovating Towards the Customer

Indie Fashion Boutiques Pivot - Innovating Towards the Customer

In today's episode we talk to Jo Mulcahy who is the founder of the Boutique Owners Network and a Director of Kings Road Fashions Boutiques.  The boutiques are part of a family business that has been serving market town communities in the UK with boutique fashion for over 30 years.  The business was built around retail stores with no online presence.  With lockdown the stores stopped trading overnight.  Armed with an email list of local customers Jo and the team set about reaching out to people to let them know that they were open in a virtual setting.  This was followed buy videos modelling the clothes and providing rich descriptions of the fabric, the feel and drape of the cloth.  Online consultations and fitting followed as well as a YouTube channel, online ordering, Facebook groups and lots of activity on Instagram.  Customers say they love the personal attention.  

This back to basic and 1:1 customer engagement is something quite unique to boutiques.  The process of buying clothes in this environment is typically a considered process.  When the boutique team understand the customer intimately from a shape, fit and colour scheme point of view they can easily out-perform even the most sophisticated AI product selector that Amazon can muster.  Somehow I can't see technology rivalling this level of personal care in choosing something that you know makes you feel great and look great and you have a relationship that can span a fashion lifetime.  Jo is pioneering a digital revolution in how she and the team build a meaningful engaging relationship with the customers around her.  The direct exposure to the brand through the videos and consultations is increasing the face time that clients have and this is the key to building trust for any brand.  Jo also leads a lot of the customer interactions herself and she can make very quick decisions to respond to what they need.  

When Kings Road Fashions Boutiques do open again,  customers will be able to reserve a time to visit , secure that they will have parking and will be able to shop in a safe and personalised environment.  

Enabled by digital, a new model is emerging and the owners of these boutique businesses are hyper innovating the retail model. Customers like it and there is a chance that some of this will become a permanent part of how they do business.  Jo has taken some significant steps to connect with a local customer base and the technology opens up the opportunity for international trade.  I am interested to see how this might evolve.

The opportunity for the small independent fashion is enormous as they can pivot and evolve in new ways.  Jo explains that the leader and team can work together to very quickly make changes.  In just a few weeks,  Jo has activated her email list, enabled bookable appointments, free delivery within 10 km’s, launched Personal Online Consultations and played a role in connecting her community providing the very experience that we invented fashion for in the first place and that is to make people feel great by looking great.

At a time when retailers are imploding all around us, this is an inspiring story at the bleeding edge .....intersecting customer relationships, fashion, the retail experience and digital.  Jo helps a network of Boutique Fashion owners and they carefully share strategies that work.  We look forward to seeing how far they go with this new level of customer engagement.

Contact Jo on LinkedIn here

Find the Kings Road Fashions Website here

Subscribe to this podcast here

May 25, 202033:40
Breathing life back into the Fashion industry

Breathing life back into the Fashion industry

May 17, 202022:35
A silver bullet to higher performance in human learning and development

A silver bullet to higher performance in human learning and development

In this episode we speak to Dr. Steve Cayzer about Team Based Learning, a highlight effective framework for teaching large groups using peer based learning techniques.  Dr. Cayzer is  a senior lecturer at the University of Bath teaching students across a range of MSc programmes covering innovation, project management, product development and sustainability.  He is a board member of the Team Based Learning Collaborative and runs a community of practice in the University of Bath and beyond.  Dr. Cayzer has a PhD in computational neuroscience from Cambridge and a degree in physiology. 

Team Based Learning (TBL) has been around since the late 1970's and a body of work has built up around the effective application in higher education.  Having experimented with TBL since 2017, Dr Cayzer has replicated some of the staggering results promised by this method in his own courses at Bath University.   This precise and prescriptive framework for learning and development is delivering on average of 20% higher test scores across the student body.  Not only are the individual performance scores better but teams are also able to solve complex problems that they would not be able to solve as individuals.  The process works as follows:

In TBL activities, individual students are initially provided with lecture content and prescribed reading etc. This will cover the basic concepts and principles. A ‘flipped classroom’ method applies where the responsibility of initially learning  of the content is placed outside of the classroom and is the accountability of the student. After the content is consumed students are assessed on their individual mastery of the content via an assessment. Following the individual testing, students retake the exact same test (closed book) in their pre-assigned teams, and submit a single best answer for their team. This time, the team immediately finds out if their team consensus submission was correct or not. Following this session, the teams are given a practically oriented problem and apply the knowledge gained so far in order to answer questions related to the case. One of the advantages of TBL, for faculty, is that it is a well-defined, structured process that, if followed, will give good academic results and can serve to minimize the variability of the content expert.  

Students have to follow the process and the team based activities means that many problems that individuals may have, are triaged by the group.  This means that clarification lectures that follow the group activities, can focus on the  2 or 3 key problems that are common across multiple teams on the course.   

As a whole, the body of available evidence suggests that TBL is an effective method of instruction that results in improved learning outcomes for students.  Dr Cayzer is driving the expansion of the the method and working collaboratively with industry and other universities to build awareness, understanding and adoption.  It might be a silver bullet but it is not without its challenges. It takes dedication to convert course content and    Dr. Cayzer gives us an inspiring look at the bleeding edge of higher education and what impact if might have on development in the corporate world as well.

Access TBLC resources here

Connect with Steve on Linkedin here

Get the TBL Book here

Access Steve on the Research Portal here his website here

Subscribe to this podcast here

May 09, 202054:04
The 360 Dollar Man...a social media mogul in the making

The 360 Dollar Man...a social media mogul in the making

In this episode we speak to Arn Terry about how to make a living off social media.  Arn is a career recruitment consultant for the IT Contract market.  When he found that his business disappeared overnight as a result of C-19 he put a plan in motion to build a sustainable income through social media.   After a few short weeks, Arn was pulling in $360 per day and he is well on his way to understanding how to leverage social media to create the lifestyle business he has been searching for.  He will forever be the 360 Dollar Man and he will show you how to replicate this small but sustainable success.

He is not one to rest on his laurels as his mantra is "Can I" which stands for constant and never ending achievement.  Arn is just getting started and he is offering free calls to help people set-up their own social media funnels.  We cover the following in our discussion:

Why you don’t need a website

Where to get content

How a blog can make you money

How to set-up a youtube channel that can make you money

How you can get paid from Amazon and Google using affiliate links and adsense

This stuff is so easy he is even showing his kids how to do it and run it on autopilot.  In the future Arn will be pointing his new found skills to IT Contract watch this space.

Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest but not TikTok for now. Book your free 45 minute how to set-up a blog that you can monetize.

Contact Arn on LinkedIn here

Go to Arn's blog here

Subscribe to this podcast here

May 08, 202046:04
Seeing in 4 - D... the bleeding edge of leadership in education

Seeing in 4 - D... the bleeding edge of leadership in education

Mat Silver is the head of the Shaftesbury High School, Director of MBA for the National College of Education.  He is working towards his PHD in Positive Psychology. Mat talks to us about his latest pater 4D - Leadership in education and coming up with a new model for students, teachers and parents.  

We are living in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, with the globalisation of the planet rapidly accelerated with the ever-evolving technology. With artificial intelligence already starting to eat into society, the economy, this situation can be used as a wakeup call for our education system and its necessity to catch up/keep pace with evolution and to take a planetary perspective. It can be argued that we cannot just prepare for the next wave of the same wicked problem, but also to understand and then prioritise addressing the swells beneath the surface impact we can tangibly see. If we do not, society and the planet will quickly eradicate the progress that has been made by humankind.

It is a necessity for our leaders in education to understand themselves, their connection with others and the actions that come as a result. Without those in positions of power being able to understand the need to develop in a broader capacity, change to a linear system that our young people access will be limited. Research from the DfE shows that 35% secondary heads are no longer in post after 5 years (Foster, 2018). In primary schools, 19 per cent of head teachers new to the post in 2013 left their roles within three years. Sustainable change in education requires consistent guidance, requiring sustainable leadership (Hill, Mellon, Laker, Goddard, 2016). Considering the ever-shortening time periods with which remain for us to act, another cycle of immature citizens and leaders will leave us on track to destruction. We require an integral stance and complex solutions.

Despite the turmoil caused by this pandemic, we are being provided with a once in a generation opportunity to review our curriculum, pedagogy and the place of technology in educational provision. A moment in the history of education. We must re-examine what no longer works for us, what is beneficial to maintain, and what areas can be developed to make an equitable and sustainable future. This means understanding systemic thinking, but to do this, it requires mastery of one’s self if we are to better integrate with others and address wicked problems as a collective.

It is only through a mature global collective of educational leaders that we have the expertise and energy to shift our patterns in humankind’s behaviours and responses. We cannot freeze, fight or take flight in a crisis. We must remain creative and solve these problems collectively during the school time that we have access to our young people. We have a key opportunity to build societies capacity to remain collaborative, despite differences, towards a shared purpose and an apolitical framework of leadership. But this requires individuals developed enough to manage and lead change.

In this need for educational leaders to be responsive at this critical point of change, I propose in this paper is the 4-D model of leadership developed by Watkins (2014) from Wilber’s (2001) ‘all quadrants all levels’ (AQAL) model. It provides a framework that looks to map any field of research on it and how the individuals in it function. This removes disqualifying the rights of one approach due to loyalty to another. This allows leadership and learning’s expertise to become integrated.

To enable this, the principle is that we no longer focus purely on the ‘It’ and ‘Its’ of education; such as the academic outcomes. Instead we look at rounded framework of human development, that gives equal weight to the development of the individual, the ‘I’ and their ability to connect with others, the ‘We’.

Contact Mat here

Subscribe here

May 07, 202034:02
A short history of the future of Retail Supply Chains
May 02, 202054:15
One platform to connect them all...Brands, Distributors and Retailers
May 01, 202023:48
650m to 0 in 1 month....the bleeding edge of Retail
Apr 24, 202030:16
Achieving a climate revolution with 100m solar lights

Achieving a climate revolution with 100m solar lights

Welcome to the Earth Day Special with Francesca Shirley.  Francesca joins us on the 50th celebration of Earth Day and talks to us about her latest solar project with Namene changing air quality for millions.  Eradicating kerosene lamps is her mission and the Namene light is the solution.

On the show she makes a big commitment to scaling the number of led lamps that she wants to distribute and we set a target to get 1440 units sold  and donated from this episode.  Check the show notes for details.

Francesca has a masters in  Optics and Photonics from Imperial College London and she is focussing her skills in plasmonic techniques to enhance scattering of light within thin-film GaAs solar cells.  This means she can maximise the performance of led lights and that is exactly what she is doing with Namene.

She was awarded the title of Photovoltaic Specialist by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for the momentum that continues from her research and the journey is only just getting started with a goal of distributing a 100m units and move the dial on air quality for people in 3rd world countries relying on kerosene lamps to provide lighting.

Francesca says....

At the Namene Solar Light Company, I am continuing my mission to help people harness the power of the Sun. We are working towards eradicating kerosene lamps with our multi-award winning SM100 Solar Light. Helping young people across the globe access the knowledge and solutions we all need to reverse the multiple crises we currently face through our new Schools Program: Solutions For Climate Revolution.

Francesca on LinkedIn here


Subscribe to the show here

Earth day links here

Links to support our 1440 pledge coming soon

Apr 22, 202032:24
10 years of transformation in 3 months but will it stick...

10 years of transformation in 3 months but will it stick...

We talk to Dr Alan Watkins about what happens next.  Alan is a polymath, top leadership development coach and author of 7  books including his latest one Change the workplace change the world...the HR (R)evolution.  

The world is accelerating and getting more and more complex with cycles running faster and faster.  Everything that can happen is happening and COVID-19 has accelerated 10 years.

Fear, regression, billigerence and aggression will be amplified.  Those that are in hiding will hunker down more.  Those people in change and transformation will use this as a catalyst and change more.  More chaos, more clarity.... the whole system has heated up.

Alan thinks we are waking up to the possibility that there is a new normal but the jury is out as to whether it will stick. If we cannot sustain a new normal then it will regress.  Our government systems, economic system, healthcare are all passed their sell by date and there is a great need for change.  To achieve that we have to change how we approach human development (I, We & It).  Alan sets out the fine balance of what happens next and a framework to approach the opportunity of developing the "I" and then the "We" in order to drive better quality IT solutions.

For business leaders Alan offers this.  The problem is 3 dimensional and the solution is 3 dimensional and it starts with developing you and then the quality of the human interactions in your team to get better quality solutions.

The gold for me in this episode is that if we stop "doing change" and start "being change" then we start to focus on the "I" and the "We" concepts that truly deliver better thinking and therefor better "It" solutions that can solve the complex problems we face.

Sign-up for Alan's webinar series here:

Sign up to more episodes of this podcast here.

Apr 19, 202027:53
90% of the time your car is parked...make it an active part of the grid

90% of the time your car is parked...make it an active part of the grid

Apr 17, 202044:41
100% Containment...the art of contact tracing and leadership in Iceland
Apr 10, 202038:56
20% higher performance...that is the power of communication

20% higher performance...that is the power of communication

In this episode Steve Coomber speaks to us about the power of communication and it's ability to move whole nations and indeed worlds.  Steve is a Media and Communications specialist who spent 12 years in the Cabinet Office working on national campaigns at the centre of government. delivering the communication agenda for many national projects.   He now works with clients to apply his skills and the art of communication to the global transformation agenda for business.  A powerful concept that came out of this episode for me, is that leaders find themselves in a position where they have been building something for a future that they used to know.  How we choose to respond now will define what happens next and Steve sets out how to deliver a message that engages stakeholders at the core of any organisation to enable them to respond in unprecedented ways to unprecedented times.  Learn about the blueprint of how to communicate by sharing the facts, aligning leadership to the party line, take out the emotion yet build in the humanity to run engaging campaigns that deliver a clear message and change behaviours.

Apr 10, 202014:55
3. 6% of complex needs kids are employed after leaving school. This teacher has flipped the model.
Apr 01, 202015:36
2. Find the 3% of your network that make the difference
Mar 27, 202025:53
 1. Introduction to the Bleeding Edge Podcast

1. Introduction to the Bleeding Edge Podcast

In this episode we explore what the bleeding edge is.  There are 2 short examples of AI Digital Employees and the Virtual Classroom Revolution.   We also here from our panel of experts and their take on what the Bleeding Edge is to them.  On this Episode Dr. Danish Mishra, a data scientist looking at high performance human networks in organisations, Matt Silver, head teacher and educational pioneer as well as Steve Coomber, ex press office no. 10 and an communications expert.

Mar 22, 202013:24
March 21, 2020

March 21, 2020

Mar 21, 202000:35