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Success Today

Success Today

By Ramon Williamson

Every morning, Tuesday through Friday, an observation, insight, story or vetted resource from creative entrepreneur Ramon Williamson to motivate and inspire – guaranteed useful.
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Success TodayDec 17, 2019

"Discipline Equals Freedom"

"Discipline Equals Freedom"

"The secret of success is constancy of purpose." – Benjamin Disraeli

Can you count on you?

It's Thursday, a focus day.

Yesterday, the best trainer in the world for anyone over 50 taught me his functional fitness routine.

He also showed me the essential gear required for effective home workouts.


I'll share the routine once I'm 90 days in (before and after); TEACH what you DO.

I'm preparing for a 28-week health and fitness challenge, June 1st.

The biggest thing I'm doing to get ready is leveling up my mindset.

"Discipline equals freedom."

That's a bad word to 99% of people, but discipline is simply sticking to the decision you've made about you.

Two questions:

(1) What do you want to DO?

(2) What kind of person must you BECOME?




When one of my twin sons came back from Marine Bootcamp a few years ago, I asked him the most important lesson?

"Your body can go further than your mind thinks," he said. "It's one of the things they instill early on."

Everyone ought to have an experience in life where they learn this –– preferably as early as possible.

You see, the terrible twos become a pattern for life in most people. 

They can't live above their emotions.

They're slaves in prisons of their own making. But not you.

When you know that know you can do more than you think you can, you don't wait for motivation, permission, or for things to be right.

You learn what you need to know and do things you don't want to do when you don't want to do them, and you earn the right to be free.

Then you keep going, no matter what.

Because it's who you are.

"Discipline equals freedom."

What do you want to accomplish?

Decide WHO you are.

Then do what it takes, daily.

In the end, we are what we repeatedly do.

Love and respect,


PS I learned "Disciple Equals Freedom" from this 20-year Navy Seal.

Consider what he has to say in this episode...

His book:


May 14, 202008:51
Next Week

Next Week

The holidays,

... can be stressful.

The pressure to please everyone,
make everything perfect, and having
to manage that one family member
who's just "off the chain."

3 thoughts to help:

Dec 20, 201902:12
The Young and the Desperate

The Young and the Desperate

This morning,

... I awoke to a "desperate plea"
from a young man named Patrick:

Here's how I responded:

Dec 19, 201906:20



... you've got a new opportunity.

It doesn't matter what happened

yesterday, last week or months ago.

Today forward.

The thing that happens is having a

framework to focus. Simple methods

without a bunch of rules work best.

The 1-3-5 Daily Plan

Dec 17, 201901:24
An Idea Worth Your Life

An Idea Worth Your Life

Last night,

... I had a conversation with a

trusted friend about my plans for

2020 and beyond.

He let me do most of the talking for

nearly an hour. Then he said to me:

"If the thing isn't worth a decade of

your life, don't do it."

His statement shifted the

conversation and my perspective.

Dec 16, 201901:19
Overnight Success

Overnight Success

Several years ago,

... I worked with a chef in the

Caribbean who made YouTube videos.

He would invite people to cook with

him in a Google Hangout, publish the

video on YouTube, and promote it.

He had a million followers on Google+.

I remembered his story when I got an

email from a client this morning.

She got twice as many podcast

downloads in October 2019 as she got

in the previous 2 years combined!!!

Amazing right?

Everyone hopes for "overnight success."

Dec 10, 201902:38
Your Better Mousetrap

Your Better Mousetrap


... I saw a faith-based, independent
film with my writing partner.

We wanted it to be great, it wasn't.

I looked at her afterward and knew
we were both thinking the same thing:

"We can write a better movie."


Dec 09, 201902:05
Hercule Poirot

Hercule Poirot

Do you know the name?

He's the fictional Belgian detective
created by writer Agatha Christie.

The character has been portrayed by
26 different actors since 1928, but
David Suchet IS Hercule Poirot.

Suchet played Poirot in 70 episodes.

I've watched them all, some twice.

I find many of the mysteries
difficult to follow. The stories are
filled with odd motives, weird clues,
and peculiar words...

but that doesn't matter.

I don't watch for the story, I watch
because I'm fascinated by Poirot.

Dec 06, 201903:19